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by Hunter Barnard

For my movie this month, I watched “Soul.” It is a really nice movie, and I liked it a lot.

There is a man who is the main character named Joe and his friend, 22.

The movie is all about actual souls. Joe decides he is not ready to be a soul yet and wants to get back to being himself. While he is trying to do that, he meets 22, a soul who has not found any reason yet to want to be a person and go to Earth.

Joe loves jazz music, and he says it is his whole purpose for living.

He is a really good piano player, and he wants to get back to being himself so he can play the piano with a really good band. But, before he can do that, he has to help 22 find its purpose.

Because it does not know what it will do once it is a person, 22 is kind of mean. I think 22 is actually pretty nice, it is just hard to tell.

Joe and 22 do all sorts of things to try to find their spark, their purpose, but nothing works. I thought that was a really cool part of the movie because it showed all sorts of things you could do and be good at.

My favorite part of the movie was watching all sorts of people get to do the things they really like to do. It was nice to see everyone happy.

I thought the movie was really good and I think everyone would like it, even little kids.

There is lots to learn, and kids will see all sorts of cool things they can do when they grow up!

Hunter Barnard is an energetic 7-year-old who attends Berea City Schools and likes to share his opinion. He is assisted in writing his column by his mother, Jessica Rapenchuk. MIRTH AND JOY by Jerry King


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