1 minute read

Internet Service Comparison Factors

Shopping for Connection

by Amy Barnes

Lately, people seem to be complaining a lot about the cost of their internet service and asking on social media for everyone’s input on what company is the cheapest.

There are several factors that are important to include on the checklist when comparing service companies. 1.When comparing prices, be sure to compare speeds and data limits. Just like you would include in your price comparison the actual pounds of hamburger for the price in the grocery store, you need to include speeds and data limits when comparing internet plans. 2. Include the delivery system of the internet service. Is it fiber optic cable? Regular cable? The difference between the two can be dramatic and not all companies are offering or able to offer the higher-grade fiber-optic cable.

For more comparison tips to add to your internet service checklist, see the rest of the column in the October 2021 issue of Joy of Medina County Magazine.

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