Joy of Medina County Magazine September 2020

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Tony Stabile does not flinch when it comes to challenges, even if it means all of his organs would shift and he would face possible paralysis. PG. 4 A locally owned, independent publication dedicated to higher standards of journalism


Joy of Medina County Magazine | September 2020


Where Quality and Reputation Are Everything by Amy Barnes It is said that the way a business shows its strength is by its ability to grow and adapt to changes, if so, this is one very strong publication! We have sadly said good-bye to Crystal Pirri, our vegan recipe columnist. She was presented with a business opportunity too good to pass up and it, unfortunately, left her with no time to continue writing a column. We are currently looking for someone who would like to take up the apron and share his or her knowledge of all things vegan. Paul McHam, our “Mold Warrior” columnist has had to take a leave of absence due to health issues caused by many years of fighting against mold to keep families safe. He started his career long before safety gear was developed for handling mold remediation, and it has taken a toll on him. We are hoping for his eventual return to the magazine’s pages. In the meantime, our thoughts and hearts are with him as he works on recovery and better health. Much happier news is the exciting addition of Kariem Farrakhan II to the staff as the columnist for the new column, “In the Studio.” Kariem is a talented artist who lives in Wadsworth and loves to share his knowledge and enthusiasm for creating art. He began his journey as an artist several years ago by getting in trouble in school for constantly doodling in class and lost many a sketchbook to less-than-pleased teachers at the Firestone Community Learning Center in Akron. If any of them are reading this, he is still waiting for his sketchbooks to be returned! To learn more about Kariem and any other magazine staff member, their profiles can be found by clicking on their names at ***

The final bit of news affects our readers and advertisers. We are launching a campaign this month to share something that has been done behind the scenes since the day the magazine was launched. You will find somewhere within this month’s pages a full-page ad where it is explained that not all companies are invited to advertise in the magazine. Yes, I said invited. Because not just any company can advertise in Joy. Companies that advertise in Joy of Medina County Magazine must meet the strict criteria of providing great products, services and customer experiences. Each company’s feedback, comments and ratings are examined and taken into consideration. There are three reasons for this. One, so Joy’s readers know they can contact any company within our pages and expect excellence. If they want to find a highquality company, all they have to do is open the cover of Joy of Medina County Magazine. Two, so Joy’s advertisers can rest easy knowing that their ads are in a publication with a reputation for having high-quality companies and content. Three, I built Joy of Medina County Magazine on a very strict code of honor, integrity and honesty. Every day I proudly put my name, hat and reputation in front of the magazine and its contents, from the columns and stories to the advertisers. It is the only way I will publish a magazine and the only way I will do business. All companies are always welcome to contact me for inclusion in the magazine and to start the selection process. Companies that meet the magazine’s standards will be warmly invited to enjoy all of the perks and prestige of being one of the well-cared-for advertisers of Joy of Medina County Magazine, where quality and reputation are everything.

PUBLISHER Blake House Publishing, LLC EDITOR Amy Barnes ART DIRECTOR Danny Feller PHOTOGRAPHERS FlashBang Photography Ed Bacho Photography CARTOONIST Jerry King CONTRIBUTORS Bob Arnold Kelly Bailey Hunter Barnard Kariem Farrakhan Michelle Riley Robert Soroky Austin Steger Kent Von Der Vellen THE READING NOOK AUTHOR Amy Barnes MASCOT Rico Houdini ADVERTISING SALES AND OFFICE 330-461-0589 E-MAIL WEBSITE Learn more about the staff at Behind The Scenes, Open positions are listed on the website at Open Positions.

JOY of MEDINA COUNTY MAGAZINE is published monthly by Blake House Publishing, LLC, 1114 N. Court, #144, Medina, Ohio 44256. It is distributed as an e-edition and in a print edition. Both editions can be found at Copyright 2020 by Blake House Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction or use of editorial or pictorial content without written permission from the publisher is strictly prohibited. Any unsolicited materials, manuscripts, artwork, cartoons, or photos will not be returned.

Joy of Medina County Magazine | September 2020





TRASH INTO GARDEN TREASURE by Michelle Riley Tired of throwing away food? Turn it into compost for plants to use to make more food.



SIX-BEAN CHILI by Amy Barnes The variety of beans makes this chili as appealing to the eye as it is to the palate.




CLOTHES THAT MAKE THE RIDE by Robert Soroky Wearing the right clothes can improve the comfort, safety and efficiency of a ride.

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SIXTY-SECOND HEALTH HACKS by Kelly Bailey In as few as 5 minutes a day, these 1-minute steps can lead to better health.

STANDING TALL by Amy Barnes With his family’s love and support behind him, teen Tony Stabile took the bold step to undergo a complex VCR surgery and change his life.





by Amy Barnes

OH, SNAP! photos by Amy Barnes and FlashBang Photography












Tips and factors to consider when picking the justright laptop for schoolwork.


VIRTUAL EXPRESSION by Bob Arnold Finding ways to show emotions despite masks and mute buttons. On the front and back covers: photos by Amy Barnes Tony Stabile is looking forward to returning to numerous beloved activities.

by Hunter Barnard

by Jerry King





THE IN BOX Do you know what to do next when you have an idea for a new business?

ROLL ’EM! A boy, a polar bear, a mad teacher, and a suspected plot: What could go wrong?

BUSINESS by Amy Barnes

by Kent Von Der Vellen


It is a strange world when even the bushes are wearing masks.


PET FOOD PANTRY GROWS When families are in need, there is H.E.L.P. for their pets.

When the family’s pregnant ewe died, it was a terrible loss for the farm, but there was a miracle in the making on that hot summer day.



Read the clue, then gather and unscramble the magnifying glass letters to solve the puzzle.

TONY TALL Search for the words that are a part of Tony Stabile’s story.

by Kariem Farrakhan II

Learning to create art does not start with masterpieces, it starts with desire.

Is your event cancelled? Use the time to donate blood and save a life! Check our calendar for blood drives and events that are still being held.


Joy of Medina County Magazine | September 2020

photos and story by Amy Barnes


erhaps it is not a question everyone has before going into surgery, but then the Stabile family members share a quirky sense of humor. As 15-year-old Tony Stabile was researching his upcoming spinal surgery and the changes it was going to make to him, he had a pressing question. “What if they clone me?” His mother, Gina, not missing a beat and ready to play along, responded with, “How will I know it is you?“ They settled on a signal Tony would use to indicate he was the real Tony. When asked if he was Tony, he would roll his eyes sideways. Weeks after the surgery, as Tony’s family sits back to let him tell his story, it is easily evident, even in their silence, the deep love and respect they have for each other and how, even now, they are still watchful over him. Although, as Tony tells his story, Gina cannot resist interjecting a few times with an offer to show the long scar on Tony’s back. “It’s kind of cool,” she says, with energetic enthusiasm, adding that it is a beautiful scar. She is all about education and is a sixth-grade English teacher at North Royalton City Schools. Tony’s father, Chris, works in marketing for CBSaffiliate WOIO Channel 19 in Cleveland. One of triplets, Tony was the largest at birth, weighing in at 4 pounds. Before his birth, however, doctors noticed that

there were abnormalities with his spine. They presented his parents with the option of a selective reduction, which would have decreased the number of fetuses to two. It was not an option that was even considered by the Stabiles. “Never having him was never an option,” Gina fiercely says. She said that, in later years, when Tony was diagnosed with congenital kyphosis (a forward spinal curvature that causes a hump) and scoliosis (a sideways spinal curvature), she asked doctors, somewhat humorously, if his siblings had squished him in utero and caused the defects. Doctors assured her that was not how the conditions developed. The “bump” in Tony’s back, as he calls it, never bothered him, but he was self-conscious about how others might perceive it. He wore loose shirts so the fabric would not irritate his skin and had learned to stand and move in ways to minimize its appearance.

Joy of Medina County Magazine | September 2020

“It’s never physically bothered me,” Tony said. He said that he was not bullied because of his appearance. “No one ever really mentioned it,” Tony said, adding, “I got good at hiding it.” As he got older, though, the skin over the hump was starting to stretch and be uncomfortable and the hump was growing. Tony also learned from doctors that he was facing complications in the future as he continued to grow and age. His parents did not find doctors to be of much help when Tony was younger, despite frequent evaluations of his condition. One doctor suggested Tony have his spine fused, another doctor suggested fattening Tony up to hide his hump. Neither of those options seemed to be good ones to Tony’s parents. Then, Dr. Michael Glotzbecker joined University Hospitals Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital last September as the division chief of pediatric orthopedics after 10 years at Boston Children’s Hospital. He had an option for Tony that the family had not heard of previously. He suggested what sounded to the family like a rather radical surgery, one that would involve metal


rods, screws, a cage, and bone removal. The expected end result would be a straight spine for Tony, no more curvature, no more hump. “How did we go 15 years and this guy fell from the sky?” exclaimed Tony’s father, Chris. Dr. Christopher Furey, who would be partnering with Glotzbecker in the surgery, said that when Tony was younger, it was too soon for the surgery suggested by Glotzbecker. He said it was important for Tony to grow some before the surgery was done. Furey is a professor of orthopedic surgery, chief of orthopedic spine surgery, and the Henry H. Bohlman MD endowed chair in orthopedics at University Hospitals. As Tony had grown, the pressure on his spinal cord had increased significantly and he was having difficulty standing upright. “I think this was the correct time (for the surgery),” said Furey. “His mental outlook was superb. This kid was just an ideal candidate.” The surgery was a pre-emptive move, said Chris. He said that if Tony had waited until becoming an adult to have the surgery, he would have faced a much more difficult and longer recovery time. Now old enough to fully understand his condition, Tony, with his parents’ full support, began

The Stabile family, from left: Giovanni (Gio), Mia, Chris, Gina, and Tony

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researching his options and the repercussions of each. He learned that a spinal fusion would still leave the growing hump in his back, which was not something he wanted. He was not willing to settle for less than a completely repaired spine. When he heard of the vertebral column resection surgery suggested by Glotzbecker, he was very interested. He spent two hours on the phone talking with Glotzbecker last November, while the surgeon patiently answered his questions and addressed his concerns. Glotzbecker said he tries to be available to the families and, when a patient is old enough, the patient directly, because he knows that under the stress of an appointment, it is easy to forget questions then and remember them later. Tony’s biggest fear about the surgery was becoming paralyzed. He was very active before, and he was determined to be just as active after the surgery. He heavily researched the risks of the surgery, what could be expected, even going so far as to continue to e-mail and text Glotzbecker with questions and concerns long after their initial phone call. By the time he was headed into surgery, Tony said he was comfortable with his decision to proceed.

Gio Stabile works on watering the family’s garden.

He said he knew by then that there was a 60percent rate of complications from the surgery, but he also knew that most of those complications were things doctors knew how to remedy. “He did so much research, he could have done the surgery,” his mother, Gina, said, with an affectionate laugh. Tony said there was no question in his mind that the long-term benefits outweighed the risks he was facing. “I had a good feeling about it,” Tony said. When evaluated prior to surgery, Tony said doctors were amazed at how much he could do with four of his vertebrae already naturally fused together. He played baseball; rode mountain bikes; snowboarded; played trumpet in the Medina High School’s jazz band, the marching band, and in the pit band for the school’s show choir, Encore; and participated in Science Olympiad, debate team and Key Club. His siblings are equally as active. His brother, Gio, matches Tony in every activity except for the pit band and his sister, Mia, who has competed in dance (she loves tap); plays the flute in the marching band, is on student council; and is a member of Hope Squad, which is a peer support group where members act as liaisons between students in crisis and school counselors. Two weeks before the surgery, Tony told his friends that he had decided to proceed with the operation and what he would be facing. Originally scheduled for April 2020, the surgery was delayed because the COVID-19 pandemic shutdown caused blood shortages and the surgery, deemed nonessential, was postponed until June 17, 2020. While the surgery was delayed by the pandemic, there was an upside. “The COVID shutdown made it more reasonable to do now because he didn’t have to miss school,” said Furey. Registered nurse and ortho service leader for Rainbow’s pediatric surgery department, Errin Taylor, remembers getting the rare chance to meet Tony and his family before the surgery. She said usually she sees a patient only after they have been brought into the operating room. Taylor also visited Tony the day after the surgery.

Joy of Medina County Magazine | September 2020

One of three nurses in the operating room for Tony’s surgery, Taylor was impressed with how very positive and upbeat Tony was on the day of his operation. The surgery took place at University Hospitals Rainbow Hospital. It involved using two titanium rods, 10- to 12-inches long each; 16 screws; and an expandable mesh cage to remove the curvature from the base of Tony’s spinal cord and the hump from his upper back and to begin the rebuilding of his spine, his father, Chris, explains. “The rods were just the scaffolding,” Chris said. Glotzbecker explains that first the screws were put in place above and below where bone would be removed. The rods were then attached to the screws to stabilize the spine. Once the spine was stabilized, the next step was removing two ribs and bone 360 degrees around the spinal cord. The rods were then bent to straighten the spine, and a cage was placed in the gap where the vertebrae were removed. The cage was filled with bone pieces, with more bone packed around the cage. Called a vertebral column resection, the idea behind the procedure is that the pieces of bone will grow within and around the cage, eventually encasing it in new bone and bridging the gap in Tony’s spine where it once was curved. As long as there is no irritation, the rods and cage will remain a part of Tony’s spine, Glotzbecker said. He added that he does not expect Tony to have any irritation. Glotzbecker said the surgery was expected to take eight to 12 hours. Tony was taken in for surgery at 8 a.m., and he did not come out until 7:45 p.m.


Both surgeons and the three nurses stayed in the operating room during the entire intense surgical procedure. Nurse Taylor said there were nurses assisting who had come in on their day off and all of them took little to no breaks because they were so invested in the success of Tony’s surgery. According to Glotzbecker, “clearly, this was unique and the first pediatric VCR at Rainbow, and likely Tony Stabile, a few weeks after his the most complex successful surgery pediatric VCR done in Northeast Ohio.” Taylor said she has been a part of more than 2,000 surgeries and Tony’s surgery was “one of the most insane, awesome, intense surgeries” she has ever been a part of. The surgery was so intense, Taylor said, that “many times it made my butt pucker.” During the surgery, the nurses in the operating room texted Tony’s parents updates on how the surgery was progressing and on how Tony was doing. “I was never so proud to be a part of something,” Taylor said. “I hope everyone gets a true idea of what continued on Page 8


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they (the surgeons) did in there.” Glotzbecker said updates texted to the parents from the operating room are important. He understands that surgery feels like 2 seconds for the patient and 24 hours for the parents and how hard it is for the waiting parents when their child is in surgery. One of the precautions taken during surgery was measuring electrical signals from Tony’s brain to his extremities to guard against paralysis. Glotzbecker said paralysis is a possible complication because surgeons are disconnecting the spine on Mia Stabile holds Lucy, a new addition to the family, while Harley, whom the family has had for each end of a 10 years, grins below. curvature in order to correct it, the whole time working very delicately around the spinal column. At one point during the surgery, Tony’s right leg lost signal. It was able to be re-established, but even after surgery Tony’s leg had some weakness, although it is steadily improving. After all of those hours in surgery, Tony’s parents were finally able to see him. “His parents were strong, they were pillars,” said Furey. Gina, not one to forget a joke, asked Tony if it were really him or his clone.

Tony, still groggy from surgery, rolled his eyes sideways. It was a reassurance to all that not only was Tony going to be fine, but his sense of humor was doing well, too. Taylor continues to get updates from Glotzbecker on Tony’s progress. “To this day, I’m blown away by this kid and how he’s done,” Taylor said. Glotzbecker said that making the decision to have the surgery is not easy. “It is a challenging decision, but Tony has been fantastic from start to finish. In making his decision, he approached it in a mature way, made an informed decision based on the risks and benefits in a way that many teens cannot. “He kept a positive attitude and that has led to his rapid recovery. His demeanor and attitude allowed him to make a decision he was comfortable with and allowed him to face the challenging postoperative recovery with ease. He has incredible resilience and maturity.” Tony would not be able to come home until June 24, seven days after the surgery. Due to the pandemic, the only visitors he was allowed while in the hospital were his parents. His siblings, other family members and friends had to be satisfied with virtual visits with him. His brother, Gio, kept Tony’s friends updated on his progress. The first two days after surgery, Tony was in the intensive care unit. He said that for the first three days following the surgery, he does not remember much and that he was “out of it.” While he may not remember the first few days after surgery, Furey remembers visiting the patient he has so much respect for. Furey walked into Tony’s room the day after surgery, and Tony, still weak and somewhat groggy, had an important message for Furey: “Thank you.” “The most striking thing was the extreme fortitude he was able to show,” said Furey. “He was extremely mature, way, way beyond his years. This kid is really the real deal.” Four days after surgery, Tony was able to venture out of his hospital bed. During Tony’s stay in the hospital, Gio felt lost

Joy of Medina County Magazine | September 2020

with his brother gone. They had not been separated for more than the occasional one-night sleepover since birth. Gio knew his brother was safe, but he felt very keenly that there was a piece of his life missing. “I’m not sad anymore because I know he’s OK, but I just feel empty,” Gio told his mother. During the surgery and long hours at the hospital, Gina’s mother, Josephine Aslan, who lives close by, was able to help and provided emotional support. “I was more worried than anyone,” Aslan said, adding she prayed throughout the entire surgery. Chris said that his mother-in-law was an invaluable help. ‘We couldn’t have done it without her,” he said. One of the things Tony’s body has been adjusting to is that the surgery, when it straightened his spine, caused his internal organs to shift and re-adjust in their positioning within him. He said it has felt a little strange as his organs adjusted to their new positions. Tony had another adjustment to make. Following the surgery, he was suddenly 2 ½-inches taller than he was before surgery. He went into surgery at 5-feet, 2 ½-inches tall and came out 5-feet, 5-inches tall. From the sparkle in his eye, it is easy to see he does not mind being taller and enjoyed the exclamations of his friends as they also adjusted to his new height. He obviously is unused to having any restrictions on his activities, and it is clear he fights frustration at having to ask family members for help with things that used to be simple, like getting his bike out of the garage. Obviously not one to hold back, Tony continues to add his familiar and beloved activities back into his schedule, trying to be patient as he eases back into his old life with his new spine. “I’m getting back into playing my trumpet now,“ he said. Tony said that since his surgery, he tries to slouch but the rods along his spine do not allow for that. He said the only restriction he still has is not being allowed to run but has been cleared for walking and doing everyday things. It is all about building up his endurance now, said Tony. He said it has helped that he was physically fit prior to the surgery so his upper body muscles can help


support his back until his back muscles gain strength. For anyone considering having VCR surgery, Tony advises doing research prior to surgery and to be careful to use only reputable internet sites to get information. He also said talking about his condition and the upcoming surgery was very helpful and much Proud parents Gina and Chris Stabile more comfortable than avoiding the subject. “It did make me feel better,” Tony said, adding he wanted and needed to talk about what he was facing. His first doctor’s visit after the surgery? “It was the first time I didn’t have to worry a whole lot,” he said, grinning, because he now did not have to fear doctors telling him that his hump had grown again or the curvature had increased. Tony will have two years of follow-up visits, but he is no longer afraid of what they will bring. After all of the questions and all of the hours to improve Tony’s spine, Glotzbecker quipped to Gina, “I own him or he owns me!” Tony is looking forward to no longer feeling limited and to owning his future. The whole family has shown that when a member is down, how well they can work as a team and support and cheer each other onward, but they probably already knew that.


Joy of Medina County Magazine | September 2020


Dead Sheep Don’t Breathe by Amy Barnes


ees droned nearby in the hot Oklahoma sun. As the water from the hose caused bits of grass to swirl in the stock water tank, my eyes drifted toward the dark silhouette of our dead sheep lying in the dark shadows of the barn. It had been a great disappointment to the family when the sheep died because she had been close to birthing her lamb. On a farm as small as ours, the death of a pregnant ewe was a huge loss. Sweat dripped into my eyes as I watched the side of the dead sheep rise ever so slightly and fall. I stared. Again, the sheep’s side rose and fell, so slowly and so slightly it was almost unnoticeable. I wiped my eyes and stared hard even as my feet started walking, then running toward the sheep. Dead sheep don’t breathe, my mind kept saying. I knew the adults had declared her dead a few days before. Only the intense heat and hardness of the soil had kept us from burying her. Yet, it became more and more apparent the closer I got that she was moving. I stood over her and stared, and watched a dead sheep breathing. I knew logically that this could not be happening. I thought it was a trick of the heat. I turned and, forgetting the 100-plus-degree heat, I ran, ran faster than I had ever run in my 15 years of life. When I made it into the un-air-conditioned farmhouse, I could not draw breath enough to say more than, “breathing...sheep...dead sheep...breathing.” My aunt looked at me. She just looked at me. Then she ordered me to calm down before giving a full account of myself. When finally I had managed to get my story out, she looked at me thoughtfully, not moving. She

photo by Sam Carter

never thought one should move more than necessary when it was hot. Slowly rising to her feet, she made her way to the paddock with me impatiently bounding by her side. Inside my head I was screaming...a dead sheep is breathing! By the time we got to the sheep’s side, I thought I was going to explode with anxiety and overheating. Sue looked at the sheep. She walked around the sheep. She stared at the sheep. Then she ordered me to stay by the sheep. She returned with a syringe of fluid that she plunged into the sheep. The sheep came out of her coma enough to bleat weakly. Within a few hours, she had given birth to twin lambs. As she lay dying, we managed to get a little of the colostrum from her udder into the little frail lambs, and we thanked her for her gift to us. I promised her I would take good care of her babies for her. I don’t know if she heard me though, she was gone from us so quickly. She had never even stood up the whole time. Just laid on her side and birthed the lambs. I kept my promise to the momma sheep. I raised the two lambs by bottle, I was even continued on Page 12

Joy of Medina County Magazine | September 2020


Here’s our contest winner! Congratula�ons to…

Cheryl Bogucki of Medina

who submi�ed the winning �tle: “My Final La�e,” for the book within The Reading Nook short story “One Week With Kyle Hodge,” which published in Joy of Medina County Magazine, April 2020 through July 2020.

Cheryl won more than $300 in prizes for her winning �tle! The contest entries were submi�ed, uniden�fied, to the author of “One Week With Kyle Hodge” to choose the winning �tle.

photo provided

A special THANK YOU to the companies that donated prizes for our contest! Keep reading for more great stories and future contests! Visit our website,, for free subscrip�ons and to see current and past issues of Joy of Medina County Magazine!

Prizes donated by: Baskets Galore

1434 Town Center Boulevard, Unit C50, Brunswick 330-220-0088 $25 Baskets Galore gift card

Infinity Counseling, LLC

1839 Pearl Road, Suite 101, Brunswick 330-220-9679 $50 Barnes and Noble gift card $25 Regal Movie gift card $25 Scene 75 gift card

Joy of Medina County Magazine 330-461-0589 $25 Scene 75 gift card $25 Target gift card

MDG Flooring

3812 Pearl Road, Suite C, Medina 330-725-5252 $25 Sully’s gift card

Scene 75 Entertainment Center

3688 Center Road, Brunswick 234-803-1100 Open Friday and Saturday, 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Sunday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. $25 Scene 75 gift card

Susan Russell, Personal Trainer 330-840-9385 $80 Health Assessments and Personal Training Sessions


Joy of Medina County Magazine | September 2020

continued from Page 10

allowed to bring them into the house for the first few weeks so they would be safe from predators. They lived in a giant cardboard box until they learned to jump out, then they were moved outside. The two rascals had come to think of me as their mom so wherever I went, the lambs were sure to follow. It became a family joke that it was easy to tell where I was because of the clomping of eight little hooves scrambling and thumping behind me. Somehow my dreams of showing one of the lambs, the one I’d so imaginatively named Lucky, at the local fair never became a reality. Even after the lambs were old enough and we moved them outside, they followed me and bleated for me, eventually deciding the funniest thing to do was to ram the backs of my knees, sending me flying. Eventually the two were sold. It was a part of the reality of farm life, there is little room for pets. I knew it had to be done, but still I cried endlessly when Lucky left. It was a favor to me that the lambs, now sheep, were sold. Usually

extra sheep ended up on the dinner table, but no one had the heart to make me eat my beloved lambs. After he was sold, Lucky got so physically aggressive with his new owners that his future ended up including the dinner table. He always had been the most bullheaded of the two. The ending of this story has never been satisfactory to me, but it is farm life. Well-known for being hard and unforgiving, it also has its moments of breathtaking miracles and beauty.

Have you written a fiction or nonfiction story (short or chapter) that you would like to share with Joy’s readers? Go to for details on how to submit it.

Joy of Medina County Magazine | September 2020



Joy of Medina County Magazine | September 2020

It looks like a ghost town in Wadsworth Library’s children section. Play areas are closed and covered to avoid spread of COVID-19. photo by Amy Barnes

An electronic counter in the lobby of Wadsworth Library makes it easy to tell if the library is at pandemic-compliant capacity or if additional patrons are allowed to enter. photo by Amy Barnes Bethany and 22-month-old Weston Hills enjoy sharing books at the Wadsworth Library. photo by Amy Barnes

Joy of Medina County Magazine | September 2020


Using hand sanitizer to limit the possible spread of COVID-19 upon their arrival at the Wadsworth Library are 7-yearold Clayton, 3-yearold Josie in the polka-dot mask, and 6-year-old Lorelie, accompanied by their mother, Amy Kundmueller from Sharon. photo by Amy Barnes

A bush at South Broadway and Lafayette Road in Medina is keeping road construction workers safe while they work on the brick-road section of Broadway. photo by Amy Barnes

Combine a homebound, bored and highly creative photographer with her family and you never know what will happen next. She just might create wild masks and make them pose! Sporting their new masks are, from left, 11year-old Mason Cayton, Lisa Gaugler, 2-year-old Quinn Gaugler, and Josh Gaugler. photo by FlashBang Photography

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Medina County Juvenile Detention Center clinician Alexis Lee holds her puppy, Stella, while attending Medina’s Back the Blue event with her mother, Annmarie Lee. photo by Amy Barnes

Devin Blanco and Molly Heaton displayed the Thin Blue Line American flag, which is used to show support for law enforcement officers, at the Medina Back the Blue event. photo by Amy Barnes Attendees at the Back the Blue event on Medina Public Square. photo by Amy Barnes Police officers were in attendance at the Back the Blue event designed to show appreciation for local law enforcement officers on Medina Public Square on August 15. photo by Amy Barnes

Joy of Medina County Magazine | September 2020


Dream Job by Amy Barnes Well, it sounded like a great idea. That terrific, no-one-else-is-doing-this business idea that hit as you fell asleep last night, an idea that gets better the more you think about it. The first step is to research the market for what you want to sell. Are there social media posts looking for that product or service? Has personal experience shown a need for what you want to offer? Does that type of business already exist, is the market flooded already? If so, unless you have found a way to be extraordinarily, obviously different from the others, it already is time to change either your planned location or product. If planning a brick-and-mortar storefront, walk the area. Would existing businesses and yours be feeders for each other? Schedule a visit with your city’s economic development director. Ask what the latest study of the business area said was lacking, discuss what types of businesses city leaders are courting. A word of warning: It is a given that businesses being courted will be opening soon, pick something else. This should be a no-brainer, but from what I have seen, it is necessary to mention. If the study shows a need for widget stores, but the study is 5 years old and there are now several widget stores in the area, do not open a widget store. No one wants to see yet another widget store, and the demand for widgets will be so thinned out among the stores that few, if any, will get enough business to survive. Do not fear changing your plan, be flexible in your thinking. Part of being successful in business is based on how quickly a business can adapt. The current pandemic has shown that more clearly and painfully than any business class could. Your original product or service idea can lead to others, until you hit upon a winning, profitable idea, whereupon everyone you know will exclaim, “Why didn’t I think of that?” while giving themselves a resounding whack on the forehead. Once research is complete, you will be ready for the nuts and bolts of how to establish your business, and that will be covered in next month’s column. Interested in writing this column? Contact Amy Barnes at Be sure to include information about your business experience and a sample column of no more than 350 words.

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Joy of Medina County Magazine | September 2020



Back-to-School Laptop Lesson

Virtual Expression

by Austin Steger

by Bob Arnold

Back-to-school season is when many people are searching for the perfect laptop computer to meet their educational needs. Laptops are not only portable but also have important features a student needs, such as a webcam, a Bluetooth connection for headphones and file sharing, WiFi, speakers, and a microphone. Fortunately, laptops have become more affordable in recent years and even the most basic ones include necessary features and more. Larger screens are tempting, but consider the weight of the machine since it will be carried around. Laptops in the 13inch range usually have a good balance between screen size and portability. It is not advisable to go larger than a 15.6inch screen or smaller than an 11 inch. Having a touchscreen can significantly improve notetaking by increasing the speed for editing, copying and reformatting. It also allows the user to draw diagrams and images. However, touchscreens can be very expensive to replace, so it is important to not drop or spill liquid on the device. Other features to look for are HDMI outputs, USB and USB Type C ports, and networking ports. These features allow the user to connect in a dorm or classroom and transfer files more efficiently. The build quality of the machine also is important. It should be sturdy, but not too heavy. Many laptops offer a thin, durable design while remaining powerful. When it comes to performance, get a device with a solid state drive (SSD) of at least 250 GB with enough storage for documents, pictures and videos and a newer generation processor like a Core i5 CPU 6000 series or better. Avoid hard disk drives (HDD), which are far slower. You can compare CPUs on any CPU benchmark website. Finally, a minimum of 8 GB of RAM is recommended, but more than 16GB is likely unnecessary. Keep in mind that certain fields of study, such as engineering, require their own programs that may have additional system requirements. If that is the case, talk with a computer sales consultant to ensure the laptop will meet more specific needs. A back-to-school computer can be a big investment, but, with the right machine, it should last several years.

It was spontaneous, it was funny, and it was a good hearty laugh! But no one could hear me. I was in a virtual networking event several days ago and the person presenting about their business said something to get a rise out of us in the audience. I caught it right away and laughed out loud. Others laughed also, but none of us could be heard; we were muted. In a face-to-face event, a laugh like that can be heard across the room. It adds to our engagement with others. I have been told many times that I have a laugh that travels and causes smiles. All I know is it is genuine when I laugh. No one could hear it the other day. Some may have seen

Austin Steger is a local computer and mobile electronics technician and technical communicator. He can be contacted at or by calling 330-952-1225.

me laugh and, because they know me well, could hear my laugh in their heads. However, most participants on the screen were very rigid and did not even crack a smile. As we network, it is important to smile, laugh or twist our mouth to give input and to engage with others. It is an important part of relationship building. Most of these expressions get lost in the sea of faces on the screen and by wearing masks during this pandemic. However, here are a couple of suggestions to help compensate for these temporarily lost expressions. Use your head and eyes more expressively. I find myself shaking my head more noticeably to express laughter or agreement. Also, use your eyebrows a bit more expressively than in the past. You still have a voice, even though it may be muddled in the mask or muted in a virtual meeting, but you have to learn to be more clear and expressive with your voice if you want others to understand what you are saying. I have stood at a checkout counter and totally ignored the clerk because I heard only a mumble and did not realize she was talking to me. Today, watch how you express yourself with others. How can you put the above suggestions into practice? Bob Arnold is the founder of ONward Networking and the international best-selling author of “The Uncanny Power of the Networking Pencil,” which can be purchased at https:// More networking tips are available at “Bob’s Pencil Points” blog at or by contacting Arnold at

Joy of Medina County Magazine | September 2020

Celebrate! Joy of Medina County Magazine thanks and celebrates these great companies who believe in community and make it possible for readers to enjoy this magazine for free. Please thank the following companies for bringing Joy to you!

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1141 Lafayette Road, Medina Contact: Sam Pietrangelo Community Marketing Manager Phone: 330-722-3141 Website:


Landry Family Dentistry

5076 Park Avenue West, Seville Contact: Dr. Joseph G. Landry II Phone: 330-769-4470 Website:

Fireplaces, Hot Tubs, Grills

The Place

2377 Medina Road, Medina Contact: Andrea Reedy Phone: 330-239-4000 Website:

Want to join these great companies in sponsoring the best publication in Medina County? Contact Amy Barnes,, 330-461-0589.



Joy of Medina County Magazine | September 2020


Trash into Garden Treasure by Michelle Riley There is something to be said about a compost pile. It is not only rewarding and satisfying to one’s soul, it also is a conscientious way to give back to the Earth, which provides many resources, including minerals, food, water, natural purification, energy, and more, the list is long. How much of the country’s landfill space is taken by food and yard waste may be surprising. In 2017, 15.2 percent of solid waste was food and 13.1 percent was yard trimmings, according to a United States Environmental Protection Agency report that can be found at . Using natural processes to turn household food waste and yard waste into garden gold creates a free enriching soil additive, lessens your landfill footprint and feeds plants, helping them to create new food. Start composting by picking a space for the pile. The pile will need to be a minimum of 3 feet by 3 feet and a maximum of 5 feet by 5 feet. A compost pile that is too small may not heat well, which is important for the complete breaking down of the waste. Too large a pile and it may become soggy and hard to turn. Keep in mind the more sunlight the pile receives, the quicker it will compost. The first layer should be twigs and straw a few inches deep on the bare ground. Layer the compost material by photo by Annie Spratt interspersing moist materials such as vegetable scraps, tea bags, loose tea leaves, coffee, coffee filters, and more with dry materials such as leaves, straw, wood ashes (added in thin layers to avoid clumping and make sure there are no live coals hiding in the ashes), chopped corn stalks, twigs, chipped branches, and more. The ideal ratio is three to four parts dry to one part moist. With this in mind, make the dry layers deeper than the moist layers. If the compost develops a bad smell, add more dry materials. If it does not seem to be composting, add more moist materials. Turn the pile every two to four weeks to hasten the process. If you decide to not turn it at all? You are still composting! Editor’s note: Do not add dog or cat waste to a compost pile that will be used around food-producing plants. For information and guidelines for composting dog waste, refer to the United States Department of Agriculture study “Composting Dog Waste,” which can be found at Michelle Riley is a local horticulturist, landscape designer, and consultant. She is the founder of the gardening subscription service,;; and She also is the president of All About You Signature Landscape Design, Inc. Riley can be contacted at or by calling 234-678-8266.

“I have no idea what I’m going to do tomorrow,” Lawrence said. “How exciting!” said Teddy Roosevelt. …from the movie “Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb.”

Joy of Medina County Magazine | September 2020


Six-Bean Chili recipe by Amy Barnes • 1 pound extra-lean ground beef • 1 large onion, chopped • 2 green peppers, seeded and chopped • 4 tablespoons chili powder • 2 teaspoons fresh thyme, chopped (approximately 1 ½ teaspoons dried) • 2 teaspoons fresh rosemary leaves, chopped (approximately 1 ½ teaspoons dried) • 3 to 4 large, fresh sage leaves, chopped (approximately ¾ teaspoon dried powder) • 1 tablespoon deep purple basil, chopped (can substitute regular basil, 2 teaspoons dried) • • • • • • • • •

¼ cup white vinegar 15 ounce can black beans 15 ounce can dark red kidney beans 15 ounce can light red kidney beans 15 ounce can red beans 15 ounce can navy beans 15 ounce can pinto beans 28 ounce can diced tomatoes 28 ounce can tomato sauce

Brown meat with onion and green pepper. When meat is cooked and vegetables are tender, mix in chili powder, thyme, rosemary, sage, and basil. Remove from heat and add vinegar, mix thoroughly. Drain cans of beans, discard liquid. Dump beans into slow cooker. Add meat mixture, diced tomatoes and tomato sauce, combine. Put lid on slow cooker and cook on low for 6 hours. Serve with cornbread, find recipe here: Want to have your recipe featured in a future issue? Send it with your name, phone number (in case we have questions), the city you live in, and some information about you to: with “recipe” in the subject line. Recipes MUST be your original recipe or one you have highly modified and thus made it your own. By submitting a recipe, you are guaranteeing it is one you have developed or modified and used. This is open to anyone who would like to submit a recipe.




Joy of Medina County Magazine | September 2020



Clothes That Make the Ride

Sixty-Second Health Hacks

by Robert Soroky

by Kelly Bailey

One of the biggest joys of owning a bike, besides the riding, is decking it out with cool accessories. I have covered some of those fun add-ons in previous articles, but riders will want to accessorize themselves, as well. Wearing the right clothing can be as big a factor in the comfort, safety and efficiency of your ride as the bike itself. So, let us talk a little fashion. I am always amazed at the number of people who ask, “Do I really need to wear a helmet?” Well, legally, no, but if you care at all about your brain matter, then this is a question you should not even need to ask. I have seen casual riders fall on simple bike trails, so no place is immune to danger or accidents. Helmets are lightweight, easy to wear, padded, and full of vents to keep your dome cool and protected. Organized rides require riders to wear helmets, so you might as well get a head start. Now, “the kit,” which includes a jersey and shorts. Typical riding jerseys are slightly more form-fitting then regular shirts to cut down drag; have pockets along the back for necessities; and contain materials that wick away sweat, keeping the rider cool and dry. The spandex-style shorts also are designed to wick away sweat and are padded to provide comfort during long rides. Male and female shorts are padded differently because their sit-bones are designed differently. Gloves, much like shorts, are padded, protect hands in a crash, and help to keep hands from falling asleep due to pressure on the handlebars. Socks help keep feet cool in summer and warm in colder months. Finally, the shoes. Riders clip into their pedals to allow them to pull up on the pedals as well as push down, thereby doubling the power and efficiency of each pedal stroke. Riding shoes have an area underneath to attach cleats, which snap directly into specially designed pedals. It may sound a little scary, but after getting the hang of snapping in and out, you will never go back to traditional shoes and pedals again.

It is generally accepted knowledge that planning and cooking meals and exercising at least three times per week for 40 to 60 minutes are important for health. But these things also are time-consuming. It is not always easy to get started and stay consistent, but that does not mean all is lost. The small stuff also adds up. Use these five health hacks to improve yourself in five hot minutes. 1. Drink 16 to 20 ounces of water after waking (yes, before coffee). This rehydrates you and wakes up organs and the digestive system. Super charge this 60-second behavior by drinking filtered water with electrolytes. 2. Practice the 5-5-5 deep-breath sequence. Take a deep breath in for a count of five, hold for a count of five, release to a count of five. Repeat five times. Deep breathing relaxes the body and reduces its stress load. Super charge this 60second behavior by doing it right before meals to bring your body into a state of rest and high digestive function. 3. Stand up, once every hour is best. Sitting leads to stagnation. The simple act of standing causes lymph fluid to circulate. Super charge this 60-second behavior by doing a minute of jumping jacks or squats. 4. Pause in the middle of a meal. Put your fork down. Are you eating at warp speed? Are you enjoying the food? Are you still hungry? Taking 60 seconds to check in with yourself in the middle of a meal can prevent mindless overeating. Super charge this behavior by practicing the 5-5-5 deep breathing sequence. 5. Download a blue light filter on electronic devices. Blue light causes the brain to think it is high noon. With so many people using devices after dark, it is no wonder sleep problems are epidemic. The apps are free, and, after the initial 60-second download, they run automatically. Super charge this behavior by turning off all electronics 30 minutes before bed, and try reading a good old-fashioned book, instead.

Robert Soroky is a lifelong cyclist regularly participating in long distance charity rides and manager of the Century Cycles Medina location. Contact Soroky at to suggest column topics, for further information or to chat about bikes.

Kelly Bailey is a certified personal trainer and certified holistic nutrition coach. She owns and operates Kelly Bailey Wellness. Read her blog and contact her at


Joy of Medina County Magazine | September 2020

Joseph G. Landry II, DDS, MAGD, FICOI Master in the Academy of General Dentistry 5076 Park Avenue West, Seville, Ohio 44273 330-769-4470 In response to COVID-19, many professions have added additional best practice suggestions and mandates. In Dentistry, infection control and patient and team safety have always been a top priority and have continued through this pandemic. The next time you see your dentist, you may notice some changes right away and others may not be evident. At Landry Family Dentistry, our patients will continue to benefit from our above standard of care infectioncontrol practices beyond the basic ADA, OSDB, CDC, and government guidelines. Here is a snapshot of some of the ways we provide our patients with the Landry Family Dentistry Difference: � With the use of sterilization integrator strips in every cycle of the autoclave rather than just the standard once-per-week spore test strip, we will continue to ensure every single instrument is completely sterile and ready for patient use. � Aerosol-reducing methods above and beyond the standard by using chairside technology including Isolite and Dryshield, Purevac HVE suction systems, rubber dam isolation, and multi-access spiral suction and preprocedural microbial mouth rinse in addition to the standard of care with HVE suctions. � Air purification technology using two Reme Halo RGF Air Purification Systems utilizing UV and ionized Hydro-peroxides, Super oxide ions and Hydroxide ions to kills viruses and bacteria in the air and on surfaces throughout our clean state-of-the-art office. � Biofilm elimination NASA technology will continue to be used within our self-contained water bottle systems on every chair throughout our office. Crosstex DentaPure™ DP365B Independent Water Bottle Cartridges ensure safe water in all our dental handpieces and water syringes for our patients’ peace of mind. � Two-step process to review COVID-19 health questions and precautions, both upon confirmation of an appointment and upon patients calling from their car when they arrive for their scheduled visit. Our reception area is closed in order to maintain physical distancing between patients. A team member will unlock the door to greet them and reconfirm the health status questions, provide a mask if they did not bring their own, take their temperature, and have them use our hand-sanitizing station prior to entering past the sneeze-guard barrier at the front desk with our friendly business team. Patients will then be escorted into their individual treatment room that has been thoroughly prepared with CDC-approved COVID-19 methods and disinfectants. We understand that these additional precautions and technologies may be viewed by some patients and potentially other dental offices to be overprotective, but we believe our patients and team safety is of the upmost importance and appreciate your understanding and trust in us, now and in the future. Appreciatively, Dr. Landry and the Landry Family Dentistry Team



Joy of Medina County Magazine | September 2020


Pet Food Pantry Grows by Kent Von der Vellen

photo by Amy Barnes Editor’s note: Information is from the nonprofit’s most recent filings with the Ohio attorney general.

Helping Everyone's Loving Pets 1041 Oak Street Medina 44256 216-210-5378 Date of formation: 10/25/2016 Organization type: 501(c)(3) Description of Organization’s Purpose: We distribute pet food to low income families. Is the organization's registration status current? Yes Reporting Year: 2019 Reporting Start Date: 6/1/2018 Reporting End Date: 5/31/2019 Total Revenue: 0 Total Expenses: 0 Total Program Expenses: 0 Percent of Total Expenses: 0 Total Assets: 0

For many people, their pets are part of their family and are treated like their children. Tina and Pete Sergent know how difficult financial times can affect pets, which is why they founded Helping Everyone’s Loving Pets. People needing assistance with feeding their pets complete an intake questionnaire to determine eligibility and to help the Sergents learn about their pet needs. If someone qualifies for food banks, then their pets qualify for H.E.L.P. Pet owners can come once a month to pick up dog and cat food. Sometimes, H.E.L.P. has food for other pets such as rabbits, guinea pigs, birds, rats, and ferrets. Pet owners also may receive pet merchandise such as collars and leashes. The Sergents know from personal experience how important food assistance for pets can be. In 2007, Tina was on medical leave from her job due to back problems. With Tina on leave and Stephen’s work being inconsistent, they needed help with food for their pets and they found it at Pet Pantry of Medina. They received help for a few months, but then the organization shut down and referred them to People Care Pet Pantry of Ravenna. Since a 45-minute drive to obtain pet food was too far away, the Sergents created the People Care Pet Pantry of Medina under the Ravenna organization’s umbrella as a temporary fix while they established their own nonprofit. In October 2016, they received their 501c3 status as Helping Everyone’s Loving Pets. H.E.L.P. receives donations from the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, local stores and individuals. Jeff White, a longtime friend who has been with them since the beginning, offers his truck to pick up and deliver supplies as needed. In their first year, the Sergents provided pet food for 344 families. In their fourth year, they helped 1,489 families. Pete says people are incredibly grateful and want to know how much they owe. He says the cost is always the same: a thank you and a hug. H.E.L.P. prefers donations of supplies, which can be delivered to the Sergents’ home at 1041 Oak Street, Medina. To learn more about the organization, go to For a list of donations needed, go to Kent Von Der Vellen is a 20-year Medina resident. He has been a volunteer for various youth sports teams, is a member of the Medina Lions Club, and, with his wife, Kim, founded the Jakob F. Von Der Vellen Memorial Foundation. Contact Von Der Vellen by e-mailing or by calling 330-421-0863. Learn what other area nonprofits need by visiting Giving Hearts at

Joy of Medina County Magazine | September 2020



Enjoying Failure

by Jerry King

by Hunter Barnard For my movie review this month, I watched “Timmy Failure: Mistakes Were Made.” This was a new Disney+ movie, and I really liked it. The main character’s name is Timmy Failure, I thought that was pretty funny. He wears a cool red scarf and he is a detective. Timmy does some really funny and cool things with his pet polar bear named Total. They run a detective agency called Total Failure. The whole movie is about Timmy trying to catch these guys he thinks are bad but we do not know what they did, he just does not like them very much, I think. He and Total get to do all sorts of funny things together. Total does not listen very well, but that is OK because he is a bear. My favorite part of the movie is when Timmy gets to go on a field trip to a dam. While they are there, he thinks the bad guys are going to shut down all the power to the city so he tries to stop them, but his teacher is mad because he ran away. They chase each other until they end up locked outside, where they get to see all the water come out, and it looks so cool. It was funny to see Timmy’s teacher chasing him. While Timmy’s teacher was chasing him, he ended up getting hurt, so Timmy got in some trouble and he was sad for a little bit. That was my least favorite part of the movie because everyone was upset and some sad parts happened. But the movie was still really good, so I hope people still watch it. I really liked this movie because it was funny, it was not too long, and it was different. Timmy is kind of different and does not have a lot of friends but he is still really cool and funny and gets to do lots of fun things. I think everyone should see if they like it too! Hunter Barnard is an energetic 7-year-old who attends Berea City Schools and likes to share his opinion. He is assisted in writing his column by his mother, Jessica Rapenchuk.




Joy of Medina County Magazine | September 2020

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Joy of Medina County Magazine | September 2020

Joyful Word Search Tony Tall



Answer Key for Last Month’s Search

Giving Mercy



Joy of Medina County Magazine | September 2020


Starting With a Simple Art Project by Kariem Farrakhan II Art can be intimidating. But there are tools and techniques that can be used to start creating some very simple, but great-looking art projects, at home with very little experience. Allow me to introduce you to transfer paper.


Transfer paper is a thin piece of paper that is used to transfer a drawing directly onto another surface. One side is white, and the other side is coated with pigment and wax. It usually can be found at any arts and crafts store. Let me give you an example of how to use it. 1. In the first photo is an 11-by-14 canvas painted with a layer of sky blue, white and navy blue. However, any colors or color combination can be used. Ensure this layer is dry before moving on to the next step. 2. Print out whatever it is you would like to paint. It can be a stylized word like the example pictured or a different type


of image. For kids, this is great technique to use for coloring book pages of their favorite cartoon characters or superheroes. 3. Lay the transfer paper pigment side down facing the surface. Place the print on top of the transfer paper, so the transfer paper is sandwiched between the canvas and the print. Carefully trace the image with a sharp pencil or pen. 4. When the transfer paper is removed, there will be an outline of the picture that can now be painted. Have fun painting, everyone!


Kariem Farrakhan II is a Wadsworth artist who has experience creating art using a variety of media and enjoys sharing his knowledge, while continuing to learn. He is the art director for The Spirited Palette,, and maintains his own solo platform at The Indigo Kid, https:// He can be reached at or by calling 330-3293930.



Joy of Medina County Magazine | September 2020


September 2020 Nonprofit Calendar Tuesday, September 1 No Rhyme or Reason Day Wednesday, September 2 Bison Ten Yell Day American Red Cross Blood Drive, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Root Candles, 640 Liberty Street, Medina. Thursday, September 3 Skyscraper Day Friday, September 4 Newspaper Carrier Day American Red Cross Blood Drive, 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Medina Hospital, 1000 E. Washington Street, Medina. American Red Cross Blood Drive, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Medina Community Recreation Center, 855 Weymouth Road, Medina. Saturday, September 5 Be Late for Something Day Free Movie in the Park: “Trolls World Tour,” 8:15 p.m. to 10 p.m., Mill Stream Park, Maple Street, Valley City. Sponsored by Valley City Community Group and MTD Products. Practice social distancing and bring your own chairs, blankets and snacks. No concession services. Free. Sunday, September 6 Fight Procrastination Day You can wait until tomorrow to celebrate. Monday, September 7 Neither Rain nor Snow Day Tuesday, September 8 International Literacy Day A great way to celebrate would be by reading past issues of Joy of Medina County Magazine! American Red Cross Blood Drive, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., Our Saviour Lutheran Church, 1605 Center Road, Hinckley.

Alphabet Adventure: B is for Bug, 6:30 p.m. to 7 p.m., virtual with Wadsworth Library. Registered children will be able to pick up a bag of supplies at the library, 132 Broad Street, Wadsworth. Ages 2 to 6. Register at Wednesday, September 9 Teddy Bear Day American Red Cross Blood Drive, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Root Candles, 640 Liberty Street, Medina. Thursday, September 10 Swap Ideas Day Friday, September 11 Make Your Bed Day American Red Cross Blood Drive, 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., Medina United Methodist Church, 4747 Foote Road, Medina. Saturday, September 12 National Chocolate Milkshake Day American Red Cross Blood Drive, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., St. Mark Church, 1330 N. Carpenter Street, Brunswick. Sunday, September 13 Defy Superstition Day and Fortune Cookie Day Does anyone else see the irony? ORMACO Steve Farley: Music of the 60’s, 2 p.m. to 3 p.m., Wadsworth Library, 132 Broad Street, Wadsworth. Free. Reservations recommended, 330-722-2541 or If library is closed due to COVID-19, it will live stream at The concert is free, but donations are needed. Donations can be made by calling 330722-2541 or at Monday, September 14 Hug Your Hound Day American Red Cross Blood Drive, 1 p.m. to 7 p.m., Brunswick United Methodist Church, 1395 Pearl Road, Brunswick.


Joy of Medina County Magazine | September 2020 Tween Scene: Tweens in the Kitchen, 4 p.m. to 4:20 p.m., virtual with Wadsworth Library. Learn some easy recipes. Ages 9 to 14. View through library website or at Register at Friday, September 18 National Cheeseburger Day American Red Cross Blood Drive, 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., Holy Martyrs Church, 3100 S. Weymouth Road, Medina. Brunswick 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sundays, June 14 through October 4, 2020 Heritage Farm, 4613 Laurel Road, Brunswick Vendor registration information at Medina 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays, June 6 through October 17 Medina Public Square Main Street Medina 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays, May 23 through October 31 Medina VFW Post 5137 3916 Pearl Road, Medina Parking next door: 3950 Pearl Road, Medina

Seville 9 a.m. to noon Saturdays, May 23 through September 26 Gazebo at Maria Stanhope Park, 73 W. Main Street, Seville Vendor registration information at Wadsworth 9 a.m. to noon Saturdays, June 13 through September 26 Central Intermediate School, 151 Main Street, Wadsworth Vendor registration information at

Baby Car Seat Installations, 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., Medina County Health Department, 4800 Ledgewood Drive, Medina. By appointment only, call 330-723-9688. Tuesday, September 15 Make a Hat Day One of our publisher’s favorite holidays! Virtual Visit: Author Marie Benedict, 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Virtual event with historical fiction author Marie Benedict. Sign up to get event link at Wednesday, September 16 Collect Rocks Day American Red Cross Blood Drive, 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., Root Candles, 640 Liberty Street, Medina. American Red Cross Blood Drive, 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., Wadsworth YMCA, 623 School Drive, Wadsworth. Thursday, September 17 Constitution Day

Saturday, September 19 International Talk Like a Pirate Day American Red Cross Blood Drive, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Westfield Fire and Rescue, 8975 Leroy Road, Westfield Center. Sunday, September 20 Punch Day Monday, September 21 Miniature Golf Day American Red Cross Blood Drive, 1 p.m. to 7 p.m., Brunswick United Methodist Church, 1395 Pearl Road, Brunswick. American Red Cross Blood Drive, 1 p.m. to 7 p.m., Seville United Methodist Church, 74 W. Main Street, Seville. Tuesday, September 22 Elephant Appreciation Day American Red Cross Blood Drive, 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., Root Candles, 640 Liberty Street, Medina. Wednesday, September 23 Checkers Day American Red Cross Blood Drive, 2 p.m. to 8 p.m., St. Ambrose Church, 929 Pearl Road, Brunswick. Thursday, September 24 Punctuation Day Virtual Escape Room: Camping Fun, 4 p.m. to 5 p.m., virtual with Wadsworth Library. Register to receive link and instructions. No download or special software needed. See tutorial at Register at Friday, September 25 National Comic Book Day American Red Cross Blood Drive, 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., St. Mark Church, 1330 N. Carpenter Street, Brunswick.


Saturday, September 26

Joy of Medina County Magazine | September 2020 International Rabbit Day and National Hunting and Fishing Day Ummm, does it seem to anyone else like this is a bad combination?! 2020 Ride 4 Recovery, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Heartland Community Church, 3400 Weymouth Road, Medina. Benefits Hope Recovery Community. Staggered start, first bike leaves 9:30 a.m. Collect celebrate recovery chips. Last stop is Cornerstone Chapel, 3939 Granger Road, Medina. Swag bags, T-shirts, raffle baskets, meal vouchers, prizes. Tickets $25 per rider. Pre-registration by September 25 is required. More information and registration at American Red Cross Blood Drive, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Hinckley Old Fire Station, 1410 Ridge Road, Hinckley. Ninth Annual Super Gun Raffle, noon to 5 p.m., Fraternal Order of Eagles Medina Aerie #2224, 696 Lafayette Road, Medina. Benefits Medina Eagles Charities Fund. Gun raffle; basket raffle; 50/50 drawing; $1,000 cash prize. Food and beverage provided. Tickets available at the club and are $20 each or six for $100. For more information, call 330-723-7511. Sunday, September 27 Crush a Can Day Medina Cars and Coffee Cruise-In, 7 a.m. lineup begins, 8 a.m. to 11 a.m., Broadway Street, Medina Public Square. Antique, classic and collectible cars. Monday, September 28 Ask a Stupid Question Day Sensory Friendly Story Time, 6:30 p.m. to 7 p.m., virtual with Wadsworth Library. View through library website or at Register at Tuesday, September 29 World Heart Day American Red Cross Blood Drive, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Root Candles, 640 Liberty Street, Medina. American Red Cross Blood Drive, 1 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., The Chapel Wadsworth Campus, 1391 State Road, Wadsworth. Wednesday, September 30 National Chewing Gum Day

Submitting Calendar Events Listings in the calendar must be events, festivals or fairs hosted by or benefitting a nonprofit organization in Medina County. Send submissions to and put CALENDAR in the subject line. Information is not accepted by phone. The calendar also is available online at on the Events: Let’s Do It! tab at the top of the page or in the drop-down menu on mobile devices, where it is regularly updated.


A list of golf outings that benefit area non-profit organizations. To have your golf outing listed, send the information to at least two months in advance. There is no such thing as too early, but there is too late. Contact the hosting golf course for pricing, registration and sponsorships.

Address Guide: Bunker Hill Golf Course 3060 Pearl Road, Medina 330-722-4174 or 216-469-9241 Pine Valley Golf Club 469 Reimer Road, Wadsworth 330-335-3375

Sunday, September 13 SPCA Strutt Your Putts for Pets Golf Outing 8:30 a.m. registration, 9:30 a.m. shotgun start Benefits SPCA Pine Valley Golf Club

Saturday, September 5 2020 Wadsworth Area Chamber of Commerce 18-Hole Scramble Golf Outing 9 a.m. registration, 10 a.m. shotgun scramble start Benefits Wadsworth Chamber

Saturday, September 19 Medina Veterans Hall Golf Outing 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Bunker Hill Golf Course Saint Ambrose School Angels Golf and Give 2020 12:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.


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