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Vows of Beauty & Love shared by Bonnie Ramsburg

Vows of Beauty & Love


The personally written wedding vows of Wayne and Michelle Burketh, wed August 19, 2001; shared by their friend, contributor Bonnie Ramsburg

HIS: My dearest, it is you that I love and whose hand I do now hold at this glorious moment and promise this day to marry. The love I felt for you since I first cast my eyes upon you will never grow cold. You are the Queen of my world, and the beacon that shows me the way. It is you whom I will rejoice to love forever and to protect. You have brought a light into my life that I will always cherish. I will savor your laughter and wipe away the tears and we two shall be as one. I am proud to stand beside you this day and forever. I pledge to be at your side when prosperity makes us secure, and to please you and to spend the rest of my days building a life with you. I love you because you are you and that will never change. I wish to hold you in my arms and in my heart; my every thought goes with you and I vow to ever love and adore you as we go through life as man and wife. No one could love you more eagerly, more completely or more passionately than I love you today. I am yours until our dust returns to the earth. HERS: Dear heart, you are here beside me and that is what makes me happy. I give you my hand gladly in willing love, eager to complete the vow and do not ever want to let go. I promise the love I hold for you my dear one will burn brighter every day. I love the smile that is always on your face and the strong sound of your voice, as I have loved you from our first embrace. I shall continue to love you through the years, I am here for you in whatever life brings and will be there beside you forever. I give you my heart to hold and to protect and I vow my love, my trust and my adoration. I do promise to love you and to always be your companion and friend. Your face is always before me; my day is not complete unless I hear the sound of your voice. My delight is to be with you as companion and soul mate, to laugh, to be silly or serious, and to enjoy you all of my life. Come and take me to your heart, to be your loving and delighted wife, forever and ever.

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