4 minute read
The Love of a Mother by Genevieve
by Genevieve Poston
“But there's a story behind everything. How a picture got on a wall. How a scar got on your face. Sometimes the stories are simple, and sometimes they are hard and heartbreaking. But behind all your stories is always your mother's story, because hers is where yours begin.” ― Mitch Albom, For One More Day *She sits at her desk and sips her tea. “Now where to begin…?” She thinks carefully, setting down her cup. Her fingers poise over the computer keys and she collects her thoughts as images of “Little Guppy” fill her mind… A smile spreads over her face, and she begins to type.*
There are many different kinds of love out there… romantic love, friendship love, the unconditional love of pets and companions, love of family and relatives, and more. Love can come from anywhere and in any form. But there is nothing more cherished then a first love. And no, I am not talking about that boy or girl you hold hands with in the school yard or pass notes to in your classes. I am referring to the very first love we encounter, a mother’s love. It is, often – and I must include the word “often” because not everyone has the same cards in their hand to be played – the love of a mother, and of course, “often” father that bring us into this very world and give us breath of life.
I have learned a lot in the past three years of this thing called motherhood! Some lessons being harder learned then others. A few of the lighter ones? However many years you spent getting to sleep in and take delightful hot bubble baths, cherish them! You are likely going to spend those first few years rising early enough to get a shower with only time to scrub up, hoping you got out all the conditioner before that “pitter- patter” is heard thundering down the hallway, ready to break down that bathroom door for food like a zombie horde out for brains! Then, that yummy bagel you just spent five minutes preparing as your breakfast? You only think it is your s because your three year-old lets you think that. I have also observed that if something makes a lovely sound, it’s theirs. If it glitters or sparkles, theirs. If it looks, smells, and tastes even a little bit yummy? Oh you bet your sweet backside it’s theirs!! BUT! The moment that little bauble’s batter dies, the glitter no longer has glamour and that half-eaten bite in that tiny chomper loses its flavor? No, No then it’s yours!
To start, pregnancy isn’t always easy! I won’t get into the nitty gritty, because no one wants to read that muck, but let’s just say sometimes it’s flat out awful. Other times it is great to be able to sit and think about the little life that you are growing and will meet in 9 month’s time. Every mother and child is different. There is no set way to be a mother. It is all about what works for you and your child. Advice is always good to have, though! I know I couldn’t do this without asking for a couple of pointers along the way! I have also come to learn, though it is a constant lesson being taught, to try and remember to be patient and flexible. Be like a river of water and let it flow. There are things that you can control, but mostly it’s taking it one moment at a time! Things happen! Oh boy, do they happen…
And lastly, I have learned is probably the most important thing of all. I have learned to live. My daughter has taught me to just slow down. Yes, it is the hardest lesson to remember and adhere to. I still forget it a lot, and by a lot, I mean daily… So much is a “do now” mentality. But when you are three years old and discovering the world around you, you have nothing but time! “Little Guppy” has taught me that it is okay to just stop and smell flowers, giggle with the snowflakes, and dance in the puddles. She has taught me to enjoy the beauty of life; it is far too easy to forget if you are too busy otherwise. She has taught me to be more open-hearted. I have never met another person so quick to smile and say hello to everyone. Above all, she has taught me that it is ok to sometimes just put on that tiara and dance around the room, to just...if even for a moment...let it all go and have a little fun!
I know that there are many mothers in this world just like me. There are those that have had their time and now get to watch as their children are mothers too. There are those that have opened their hearts and homes to children that need them. And to those that are mothers to sweet angels looking down at you, you are just as much a mother too and never let anyone say otherwise. No matter what sort of mother you are, or may be some day, remember this: you are the first true love of your child’s life, and nothing can compare to you... *She sits back, takes up her tea and takes another sip. “Really hoping that ‘Snotface’ <3 takes a long nap today…” She chuckles to her sleepy self, as she saves and sends the text on its way.*