4 minute read
A Warm Cup of Inspiration from Lisa Andrews Selph of Coffee & Quotes
A Warm Cup of Inspiration ☕☕ ☕
I have a favorite page on Facebook that I rarely take the time to visit. It’s full of all sorts of wonderful things, from pretty images to pretty words, and perhaps most important, coffee! And so when the ideas for this month’s theme and topics were settled on, I immediately asked page creator, Lisa Andrews Selph to share some of her warmth with us here. ~Joy, editress
Introduction: my name is Lisa and I live near Memphis, Tennessee in a small town in Mississippi. I am also the owner of a small but humble Facebook page that is my hobby called Coffee and Quotes.
As it says on my page I like to, "Share daily quotes that I find inspiring and thoughtful as the day breaks over the Delta! Hoping that others might enjoy them too! Open for all to join! My mission -- to encourage and inspire others with a thought for the day! Quotes... Since 2008 I have enjoyed posting quotes to my personal page and decided it was time to put it out there for others! Hope you enjoy them as much as I do! Share my page!"
After going through tough times and surviving as a single Mom (including moving back home from Florida after 20 years during mid-life) I discovered that a new day, a warm cup of coffee and a lovely quote could do wonders in starting a conversation with others and lifting my spirits as well. I also started sharing my quotes and realized that not only did it connect, it resonated with others. My love for literature and quotes was also fueled by going back to school for my bachelors later in life. I won't bore you here but suffice it to say I love women writers and enjoy analytical papers. Particularly, writings during the 1800's in a patriarchal society -- but we'll save that for another time. Going back in mid-life, I have to admit I was a little more excited over Brit Lit and Philosophy than some of my 19 year old counterparts. I especially want to encourage others that if you have college dreams, it is never too late and you can't start soon enough. Follow your dreams. Because of my love for education, for women especially, I support a group that does fundraisers for women's scholarships.
Getting back to the quotes, during my studies, the beautiful thing to me about studying great literature, writers or philosophy -- is that it can connect with us over time no matter how long ago it was written or how contemporary. You can appreciate Plato, Socrates, Twain, Thoreau just as much as a J.K. Rowling if they said something that connects with
you. I could list dozens of writers and philosophers but you get the idea. Also, quotes connect at many different levels and make you think. My favorites are the ones that uplift and encourage, of course. So in the morning over the years I found myself having a cup of coffee, contemplating a quote that made me think, "Wow, yes hundreds of years ago people were still contemplating and struggling with the same issues we do today" and I started trying to share that feeling. That is how my hobby turned into morning posts fueled by the likes of Messrs. Coffee and Starbucks.
Sharing a cup with people from all over the past several years has been a beautiful experience. Just to know that there are basic things that resonate with others no matter where they are -- like a great cup of coffee and an inspiring word. There are things that happen behind the scenes on my page that inspire me as well. Such as the women in a certain country who follow but don't comment because they are somewhat restricted by their culture. I noticed one university in particular. I think that if there are things I am posting that even these women are thinking about and finding worthwhile -- then they inspire me by following.

These are the little things that inspire me on my page along with the fun aspect of hosting it. There are even the Coffee houses that share it now which has been an unexpected but welcome by-product of my posts. But then, who doesn't love great coffee? I like to think the page crosses over and connects with a diverse audience. I haven't advertised and have grown strictly with the support of Coffee and Quotes' followers who share. They are just the best and keep me inspired. The goal is to one day sell logoed coffee cups and t-shirts. A girl can dream can't I?
My hope is that if just one quote uplifts another person who is having a hard day and it makes them smile, gives them courage or hope -- then it is worth it. When I receive messages from all over (Australia, Canada, U.K. or Portugal) saying how much they love the page or how a certain quote made their day -- then I know I'm doing something right. There are some things that are universal like great coffee, a warm cup of tea and quotes. I hope that I am sharing love, hope and encouragement over a cup the world over and that makes me smile! I am just trying to share the love one cup at a time...