1 minute read

Thumbs Up for Katwise

Those who are familiar with sweatercoat maven Katwise, know that she hitchhikes her way around the globe, spreading whimsy and color wherever her thumb takes her. In her own words:

“I've been wandering the world for years, always finding new ways to thrive on my art. I have hitchhiked through close to 100 countries, and been a staple on the festival scene since the 1990s. For the past few years my sweaters have become sort of a "thing" on etsy, which has all been kind of bewildering and random to me! I hope you enjoy taking a peek at my colorful life! Thanks so much! :-) “


I wrote to her in hopes of grabbing an interview, to which she cheerfully agreed. I zipped off the questions below in an email, and then noticed she was off on adventure and had a work deadline. So instead of hounding her, I decided to leave the answers to your divining, by visiting her Etsy shop, Facebook page and fascinating website. Here are those questions:

• Never have I seen traveling on your scale. It boggles the mind in the pleasantest of ways. When did it all start? And what percentage of the time are you on the move? • How has being a homeowner changed your lifestyle? • Were you always a sweater lover? How did your relationship with your woven wonders develop? • I'd love to hear about your very first sale. What the item was, where you sold it, who purchased it, how it made you feel, and what you did with the moolah! • What's your family like? What do they make of your madcap lifestyle? • Aside from fantastical sweaters, what sorts of art projects are you fiddling with these days? • Your Facebook page makes mention of your raising champion dust bunnies. I'm most interested in what goes into their training and where they've competed • Have you read Hitchhiker's Guide and do you agree with its advice on traveling through the galaxy? • Any advice of your own for those toying with the idea of thumbing their way through life's adventures as you have? • Last, what are you looking forward to next?

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