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Editor sign-off
Thank you, dear reader, for journeying through another month with la Vie Sirene. So far it’s been substantially more rewarding than I ever imagined... And believe me, I imagined a lot! The private messages I’ve received telling of the inspirations readers have gleaned, the new interests they’ve found, the thrill of empowerment and exhilaration they’ve experienced from submitting an article for the very first time — all of this makes the Herculean task of putting this publication together worth it in spades.
As is our practice, we wrap up each issue with Just Ask Joy questions from readers. Here’s the current crop and their answers, such as they are:
“Why did you decide to create a magazine in the first place? What goals do you have for the magazine?”
From day one the motive and inspiration behind the magazine has been twofold: 1. To connect incredibly talented artisans with new fans/customers, 2. To offer those who have been hiding their light and are timid about sharing their words or work an opportunity to stretch their wings and go beyond their comfort zones.
“Is it very difficult to write the magazine and do you enjoy it?” (This one especially tickled me, as it came from an 11 year old.)
For me, YES, it is pretty darn difficult. I spend hours each day just reworking the publishing schedule to accommodate contributors. Coming with ideas for content is also a challenge, but not nearly as tough as the need to follow up with those who want to be included in any given issue. Playing the nag is not my strong suit, but it’s a role I’m currently having to take on. Looks like I’ve got a lot to learn, but yes, I enjoy it immensely :)
“I’ve thought of contributing to your magazine but I don’t have any experience. Can I still submit something?”
YES! By all means! We would love to include you... and make you look fabulous in the process. *wink*