1 minute read
Ask the Afternoon Tea Expert 8 30, 42, 52, 65, 74, 86, 98, 108, 119, 122, 125
from Genevieve Poston
Q: What are key elements a person should look for and consider when choosing a regular tea room?

A: I love this question! Tearooms, more than any other kind of eatery I’ve encountered, represent the specific tastes and whimsies, the childhood hopes and adult dreams, of the owners. When one goes to a traditional family Italian restaurant, there’s a good chance they’ll see red & white checked table cloths and a menu listing pizza, lasagna, spaghetti and so on. As a diner, you don’t get much sense of the personality of the individual who owns the business.
But go to a tearoom and you will see the soul of the owner bared in every aspect of the decor and food presentation. You’ll get to really know the proprietor and what’s in his/her heart when you enter their establishment. It’s a very personal kind of business. So when choosing a tearoom to visit regularly, you won’t need to make a conscience decision as to where to frequent. You’ll naturally be drawn to those places that feed your soul as well as your palate.
My go-to place is not my favorite fancy place. Instead, it’s the place I feel most comfortable and content. It’s the place I’ve gone for solace every time I’ve faced tragedy. And for the record, for those in SoCal, it’s Pamela’s Tea Room & British Shop in Garden Grove.