JPI Oceans seminar - 17 January 2019

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Increasing the impact of European investments in marine and maritime research What’s on the Horizon?

A JPI Oceans seminar 17 January 2019 Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts Rue Ducale 1, 1000 Brussels

Picture credit: Will Turner - Unsplash

The Joint Programming Initiative Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans (JPI Oceans) is a coordinating platform, open to all EU Member States and Associated Countries. Vision: Enabling Blue Growth and jobs whilst fostering the health and productivity of seas and oceans and addressing the pressures posed by climate change and human impacts. Mission: Providing a strategic policy platform for a long-term European approach to marine and maritime research and technology development. JPI Oceans adds to the value and impact of national research and innovation investments by implementing joint actions and aligning national priorities. These outcomes will help develop effective policies with robust and independent scientific evidence, helping underpin the ocean-based economy.

Increasing the impact of European investments in marine and maritime research What’s on the Horizon? - A JPI Oceans seminar The seminar will aim: • to inform and interact about ongoing JPI Oceans actions and projects and their policy impact • to galvanize synergies and collaboration with the European Commission and other international (scientific) organisations • to highlight the added value of JPI Oceans and its importance in the marine research policy landscape.


Draft Programme 12:00-13:30

Registration and lunch


Introduction - State of play of JPI Oceans • Arvid Hallén, Chair JPI Oceans Management Board • Jacky Wood, Acting Executive Director JPI Oceans secretariat


Session I: Impact of JPI Oceans – presentation of JPI Oceans actions Moderator: Jacky Wood, Acting Executive Director JPI Oceans secretariat • Ecological aspects of microplastics: 1. Final results and impact JPI Oceans microplastics projects Andy Booth, SINTEF, Coordinator PLASTOX project 2. MSFD Technical Group Marine Litter Position Paper on Micro-litter Georg Hanke, Joint Research Centre, European Commission • Ecological aspects of deep sea mining - MiningImpact project Matthias Haeckel, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Coordinator MiningImpact • Munitions in the Sea Emilio Campana, Management Board JPI Oceans - Head of the Engineering Department, National Research Council, Italy • MarTERA ERA-NET Cofund on marine and maritime technologies Filiz Aslan, Project Management Jülich, Germany - Coordinator MarTERA • ERA-NET Cofund on the blue bio-economy Kristin Thorud, Coordinator BlueBio Cofund - Research Council of Norway • Q&A


Coffee break


Session II: High level Roundtable: Evolving JPI Oceans beyond 2020 Moderator: Niall McDonough, Director – Policy, Innovation and Research Support Services, Marine Institute Ireland - Management Board JPI Oceans • Arvid Hallén, Chair, JPI Oceans Management Board • Joachim Harms Chair, Vice-Chair, JPI Oceans Management Board Project Management Jülich • Jan Mees, Chair, European Marine Board - Director of the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) • Sigi Gruber, Head, Marine Resources, Bioeconomy Directorate, DG R&I, European Commission • Jörg Niehoff, Head of Sector Joint Programming, DG R&I, European Commission


Concluding remarks • Arvid Hallén, Chair JPI Oceans Management Board


JPI Oceans Rue du TrĂ´ne 4 | 1000 Brussels | Belgium Tel. +32 (0)2 626 16 60 |

The CSA Oceans 2 project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 696324

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