Selling the Way Your Customer Buys

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Selling the Way Your Customer Buys Understand your prospects Unspoken Needs and Close every sale. Marvin G. Sadovsky & Jon Caswell “The only thing that remains constant is change�

Developing Deep Rapport HOS (Human Operating System) Patterns which drive our behaviour Synchronisation or matching = Deep rapport Patterns are strategies and concepts that drive our conscious feelings and actions. Rapport satisfies like no other human experience


Category Motivating Language

Question For you, what is important about selling?

Motivating Direction

What do you want from selling? What will having that really do for you?

Motivating Source

How do you know that you’ve done a good job?

Process Approach

Why did you choose to be a salesman?

Decision Strategy

How do you know that your supplier/accountant/lawyer is good at their job?

Convincer Strategy

How many times do they have to demonstrate this (that they are good at their job) before you are convinced?

Process Scope

Tell me about one of your favourite working experiences.

Process Relationships

What is the relationship between what you are doing this year on your job and what you did last year on your job?


HOS profile allows you to tap into the buying program of everyone on your customers. You will be able to give them information in the individual and unique ways in which they most readily accept. HOS Profile is context specific Formula of the question should not be changed. The information you derive from the question only applies within the context in which the question is asked. You control the context according to how you frame the question.


Words that Motivate Your Customer We all use words which we have attached personal and unique meanings. These words, phrases represent our values in a given context and result of experiences. Words connected to emotional experience which results in MOTIVATION. Without motivation, nothing happens: no rapport, no sale, no money!

Motivating Language Words reflect what we feel is important When specific words are used, we respond with increased attention because we connect significance to them. In selling situation, these power words represent customer’s criteria for purchase. When the criteria are met, almost certainly a sale is made. When we hear these POWER WORDS, we naturally feel interested and listen. If you want someone to feel drawn to what you have to offer, match their criteria words to your ideas. Although subtle its impact is almost irresistible. You create rapport when you use another person’s words or phrases.

FOR YOU WHAT IS IMPORTANT ABOUT…? How motivating language affects the Sales Cycle? Motivating Language represents a prospect’s criteria for purchase. Prospects will feel you understand their needs when you respond using their own words.


Build a positive atmosphere of trust and put them in the mood to hear what you have to say. The power words give you valuable information on how to align yourself/product. Too many criteria words may mean prospect cant be satisfied? Too few criteria words may mean the prospect hasn’t clearly defined their needs. Find out what the customer means specifically.

Alternate Question WHAT DO YOU REALLY WANT IN AN ‌?


Enthusiasm Can Kill the Sale Motivating Direction People who appreciate enthusiasm are Goal orientated: Set objectives and work TOWARD attaining it. Others see problems and instinctively work to get AWAY FROM them.

TOWARD PATTERN “Goals” is the behaviour, these people understand goals and are motivated by them. Goals motivate to a point where difficulties are ignored and negative consequences are discounted. They want to gain; attain and achieve

AWAY PATTERN “Problems” and “Avoidance” is the behaviour. These people are motivated to avoid the problems they recognise. Difficulty articulating objectives and feel confused with goals to accomplish. Rather than seeing the benefit of the goal, they see the problems which arise working toward them.

IN-BETWEENS Motivating Direction is a continuum, which can combine Toward and Away patterns to different degrees. There are those which exhibit both patterns equally.


A. WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM‌? B. WHAT WILL HAVING ‌(Answer to A) REALLY DO FOR YOU? 2 Part Question: A. Look out for criteria words B. Insert criteria words into the question

How Motivating Direction Affects the Sales Cycle A mismatch in Motivating Direction can create a lot of problems for salespeople. A goal motivated salesman will get nowhere with a client who only sees what can go wrong getting to the goal and vice versa. Matching your clients motivating direction is a very important step in building rapport. When you match their picture of the world, they sense that you innately understand. They will trust you.


Who really tells your Customer to say Yes? Motivating Source This part measures whether a person values input from others or makes decisions independently. This asks the question are they motivated by circumstances outside themselves or within? The motivating source seeks to present a language pattern which aligns with the way a customer’s brain seeks their source of motivation. Some people won’t ever do what you tell them to do, and others won’t do anything unless you tell them to. The trick is knowing how to tell one from the other.

The External Pattern A person with the External Pattern relies on the evaluations and judgements of other people to know whether he has done a good job. Externals depend on criteria and judgements outside themselves. They readily conform to other people’s belief and measure themselves by the criteria of others, particularly from their supervisors, customers and friends. In a sales situation, they depend on what others decide. What motivates them to make a decision comes from what other people say.

The Internal Pattern Persons with the Internal Pattern do not accept direction from other people. In forming their opinions, they will take outside input and evaluate it against their personal value systems. They evaluate their own performance by their own standards.


Criteria set by another is irrelevant to them, only their own opinion really matters.

In-Betweens As again as a continuum the Internal and External patterns represent two poles. However one pattern will predominate in a given context. Your clients will use speech patterns that demonstrate Internal or External. This feature of the HOS program determines the influencing language that will be most effective. Internals – you will need to acknowledge that it is a decision they have to make on their own and do your best NOT to insert your opinion. Externals – you can freely give input because they will feel lost without it.

HOW DO YOU KNOW…that you’ve done a good job? How the Motivating Source Affects the Sales Cycle A person’s motivating source dictates the kind of close you will use. For example testimonials would work well for Externals while a personal evaluation would be a better source for Internals. Some people mix Internal and External language patterns, if they mix patterns, mix your language appropriately to mirror them.


Not Being Creative Can Make You Money The Process Approach This section of the HOS profile describe your operating method: Do you look for procedures to follow OR Do you seek out new opportunities

The Options Pattern These people see the opportunity in every situation and want to expand their possibilities. They evaluate everything in terms of their criteria, whether it offers the opportunity to satisfy those criteria. The options person creates process as a solution, hates routine and often stretches the limits. They read instructions as a last resort only because it is another option to try.

The Procedures Pattern On the other end of the spectrum a procedure person feels obliged to follow the rules, to do things in an orderly procedure. They feel comfortable when there is a system in place, they prefer step by step instructions. Routine is their comfort and without a procedure they are stressed and lost.


How the Process Approach Affects the Sales Cycle This will impact how you structure your presentation and how you close the sale.


With an options prospect you can talk about the many ways your product will expand their possibilities. You will certainly stress flexibility and use their criteria words With a procedures prospect, your presentation will be well organised and methodical. It always helps to outline the whole presentation and as you walk through step by step the procedures person will feel more comfortable. Procedures people tend to have a distrust of Options people, while Options people think Procedures people are dull and inflexible.


Talking Your Way Out of Sales Decision Strategy Every person has a decision strategy, favouring one sensory channel over the other two. Know a person’s decision strategy is a potent piece of data in creating relationships. It allows us to give others information in the way they are predisposed to receiving it. Patterns Visual, Auditory and Feelings Visual Primarily learn and convinced by seeing things done. They prefer to take in information by observing; pictures, graphs and visual data. About 70% of people will be visually orientated Auditory Receive information through listening and hearing data. About 25% of people will be auditory. Feelings These people are hands on and must do a task to learn it. They value the experience of doing it over seeing or hearing instructions. About 5% of people Mixes There are people who are a mix of these patterns, however typically one sensory system is preferred over another.

How Do You Know That‌Is Good? How the Process Approach Affects the Sales Cycle Many communication problems arise because of mismatched Decision Strategies.


As a salesperson your job is to convince people that your product is the best one available. Matching their decision strategy is the first step in that process. When you can deliver your information to your customer on their most active sensory channel, you will begin to sell the way they buy. Visual “I see what you mean” “Let me show you” “Do you see how it works” Audio “I hear what you are saying” “Let’s talk Friday” “Let me tell you about” Feelings “Once we talk you will know how we do things” “We would love to work with you” “It is done just the way you would do it”


Is it Really What You Say That Convinces Your Customer? Every person becomes convinced in a different way. Each of us has a strategy by which we make decisions within a given context. The Convincer strategy is the means by which we decide because it lets us know if our criteria are met. Knowing how your prospects are convinced will save you untold anxiety. Four patterns:

Automatic Characterised by “someone who jumps right in” High level of trust Need no proof and are automatically convinced.

Consistent Exactly opposite of Automatic Low level of trust, evaluates consistently Consistents typically hold no preconceived notions and require regular reconvincing.

Number of Examples These people need to see, hear or do something a certain number of times to be convinced.

Time Period These people require a time interval before they decide. These people must have their specified time period or they will not be convinced.

How many times do they have to demonstrate this … before you are convinced?


In the case of Consistents, be prepared to prove yourself and your product every time you go in. Be consistent in everything you do with them: Be on time, follow through on what you say. The key to selling to Automatics is creating rapport and building trust. If you match all their HOS components and they need your product, they will buy from you.


When to talk too much? We all take in information in different ways, some people like it in small bite sized pieces, while others prefer big chunks. When you know your clients process scope its easy to give your sales presentation in just the chunk size the client likes.

General The general person concentrates on the big picture and works best when he or she can delegate the details. They tend to looks at the world with a wide angle lens. They are most comfortable at the concept stage and struggle to follow step by step procedures. Details are easily overlooked when giving directions and forgotten when received.

Specific If the general person uses a wide angle lens, these people look through a microscope. This person defines tasks in terms of sequences. If this person doesn’t develop a detailed plan for a task they will be lost. A great many people are not fully one or another; they require varying levels of detail. It is important to match that level in the presentation. This part of the HOS system determines the style of language that will establish rapport, whether it is spare or full of details. In a selling situation, listen to your customers responses to your questions.



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