All you need to know about buying kratom

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All You Need To Know About Buying Kratom Often in today's modern world we turn to our doctors and pharmacists for the answers to our stressed lives and out-of-control emotions. Discontentment and stress can break the body down and cause real sickness. But it isn't necessary to get a prescription and pump your veins full of synthetic chemicals in order to feel better. The tools to a happier and more productive life are found in nature. Kratom is a diverse plant that has been used in Asia for centuries. Kratom and kratom products are legal, safe, and provide a wide range of treatments for various ailments. Reduce your stress levels and increase your productivity without endangering your body with harmful chemicals and lethal intoxicants.

It increases your ability to enjoy life but is completely legal and safe. In low doses, this versatile plant works as a stimulant but without the increased danger to your circulatory system. Increasing the dose makes you feel calm and relaxed, again without putting your body through the shock that the flip flop between caffeine and sedatives can.

Those who struggle with chronic pain will find that kratom products can help them in two ways. The first is as a pain killer. An active lifestyle is seldom possible when suffering from chronic pain. Even the smallest things, such as taking a walk, standing for extended periods of time, or doing household chores, suddenly become laced with pain and discomfort. The relaxation caused by the kratom, coupled with its natural pain-fighting properties, can greatly improve quality of life. Those who have rheumatoid or psoriatic arthritis will find they are suddenly able to come out of the cloud of pain and live again.

When you are in chronic pain, it is extremely easy to become dependent on your pain medication. Kratom products can not only replace your pain medication but are often

used as a treatment for opiate addiction. Imagine starting a safe pain regime that will also help relieve the physical and emotional stress of addiction.

It is important to note that the effects of kratom products differ from person to person. Because of this, most websites that sell kratom often offer a diverse selection. Different strains can affect different aspects of treatment. Finding the right strain for your purposes is important. However, with the help of the right kratom products, you will find your quality of life improving and your stress levels decreasing rapidly. For someone new to discovering the benefits and varieties of kratom, the purchasing choices can be almost overwhelming... and the information is often confusing & conflicting.

Are 15X kratom extracts really 15 times more potent than "traditional" kratom powders & leaves? Is one seller's kratom stronger/better/safer then another sellers? How can I tell if I'm buying real kratom leaves?

It's my hope to offer some aid in helping you making good decisions (or at least help you to avoid the really bad decisions), when it comes to purchasing kratom "Incense".

Please understand the limitations of this article, which should be considered editorial, because a lot of the conclusions made herein are a result of my own search for "the truth", when it comes to buying this amazing leaf. The claims contained herein are sensible choices, but are more importantly my own personal choices, based on my wants, concerns and tastes - which may not necessarily correspond to yours. I encourage you, the reader, to continue your own research, and decide on what is right for you, based on your wants, concerns and choices. OK -Let's begin!


Upon first blush, it seems to make sense (and save dollars) to purchase 28 grams (that's one ounce) of "15X Full Spectrum Kratom" for $80*, Then an ounce of "Commercial Kratom" leaf or powder for $10*... after all, it's 15X stronger, and only 10X the cost - right?

Well, most likely, not. I've done quite a lot of first-hand and internet research on this, and in my opinion, along with the general consensus from many other users in piles of forums, is that a "good starter dose" of 15X extracts are usually around 2 or 3 grams. As it turns out, a "good starter dose" of a quality standard commercial leaf or leaf powder is around 7-10 grams, or 3 to 5 times the amount of 15X green malay. Well, 15X kratom is usually priced upwards of 10-to-15 times more expensive by weight (8 times the amount in my example*), so you'll likely pay more per dose for the 15X extract then for the equivalent dose of plain leaf or powder. Yes, you need to use more product, which may be unpleasant to you, but there are options that may fit your lifestyle, such as capsules.

Something else to think about... by definition, an extract must be removing (extracting) something, in order to "concentrate something else", and be an extract, right? Now, I really love fresh-squeezed orange juice for breakfast, it's really delicious, in taste and texture and aftertastes. "Frozen from concentrate" orange juice, is an orange juice extract... are they the same? I'm not saying that fresh-squeezed OJ is better or worse than "Concentrate", but it IS different, & I personally hate that tin-can taste you get from concentrate - but you need to choose what "flavor" is right for you - the same holds true when choosing your "flavor" of kratom.


If you've been researching, you've probably seen 35X, 50X... 120X... even 250X Kratom extracts. WOW, this must be some potent stuff! Truth be told, the "X" in that number is arbitrary, but, since the typical Mitragyna speciosa (kratom leaf) alkaloid content is right-around 5%, we'll use that number as the value of "1X Kratom". OK, this means that anyone claiming more than a 20X extract has performed a miracle they've extracted more than 100% (5% times 20 = 100%) of the alkaloids in those leaves!! Do you really want to "dose-up" on something sold as what must be a lie (or at least a careful deception)? Personally, I'm also dubious of anything labeled & branded as "Super" or "Ultra" or "ultimate"... you get the idea.


This product has sometimes been marketed as a 50X kratom, or Krypton Kratom, but it's a product that has been adulterated with another, very strong synthetic opioid - this stuff can be lethal! I personally feel it's best to stay-clear of anything that is being branded as "fortified"... stick with Mother Nature... Mother Nature is wise, Mother Nature knows best!

CONCLUSION: As you likely can tell, I'm personally not really a great fan of kratom extracts, it's my belief that kratom should be used responsibly in its natural, unadulterated form.

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