Report of: Date of Decision: SUBJECT:
Head of Ladywood District – Lesley Poulton 14 October 2014 CITY CENTRE NEIGHBOURHOOD FORUM
Key Decision: Yes / No If not in the Forward Plan: (please "X" box) Relevant Cabinet Member(s):
Relevant Forward Plan Ref: Chief Executive approved N/A O&S Chairman approved N/A Local Executive Member for Local Services, Councillor Ziaul Islam Chairman of Districts and Public Engagement, Councillor Waseem Zaffar Ladywood Ward
Relevant O&S Chairman: Wards affected: 1.
Purpose of report:
The purpose of this report is to receive the annual reports of the City Centre Neighbourhood Forum and to authorise the award of the annual grant of £900 for the forum administrative cost.
The City Council has supported the establishment of Neighbourhood Forums as a mechanism for ensuring local people can influence the way local decisions are made. The role of the Ward Committee is to consider whether a local Neighbourhood Forum should be recognised for partnership purposes and to approve, if appropriate, a small grant.
Decision(s) recommended:
That the Ward Committee recognises City Centre Neighbourhood Forum and note its annual report and accounts
That the Ward Committee request the Neighbourhood Forum to continue to provide representation to Ladywood Ward consultative group and other partnership bodies, as appropriate.
That the Ward Committee authorise the award of a grant of £900 to be paid to the City Centre Neighbourhood Forum to help with running costs from the 2013/14 financial year. The award of grant is subject to City Centre Neighbourhood Forum meeting the Council’s Condition of Grant Aid terms and conditions. This grant comes from the Neighbourhood Forum Mainstream Grants allocation and not Ward Committee allocations.
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That the Ward Committee requests that the Neighbourhood Forum provides advance notification of its next Annual General Meeting to the Neighbourhood Forums’ Link Officer so that assistance can be given in advertising the meeting to all residents
That The Ward Committee authorise the Neighbourhood Forum Link Officer to process the grant in accordance with Conditions of Grant Aid procedures and the City Council’s Financial Regulations, as appropriate.
Lead Contact Officer(s):
Pat Whyte Neighbourhood Forum Link Officer
Telephone No: E-mail address:
0121 303 5674 Pat_Whyte
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Consultation Consultation should include those that have an interest in the decisions recommended
Internal Ladywood Ward elected Members have been properly and meaningfully consulted on this report, together with relevant officers.
External City Centre Neighbourhood Forum held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 8 February 2014. Residents from the neighbourhood forum catchment area were invited and the minutes of the AGM are attached and show that 15 members of the public were in attendance.
Compliance Issues:
Are the recommended decisions consistent with the Council’s policies, plans and strategies? This report is in line with Birmingham’s Sustainable Community Strategy and the Council Business Plan and Budget 2012 plus.
Financial Implications (Will decisions be carried out within existing finances and Resources?) Yes. The grant that is payable to the City Centre Neighbourhood Forum is at the same level as in previous years, i.e. £900 based on number of households (4100) in the defined forum area and this amount will not come from any ward budget but from a central budget allocation.
Legal Implications Section 1 Localism Act 2011 gives the City Council a general power of competence where the function is not otherwise prohibited. Ward Committee has the delegated decision-making powers concerning Neighbourhood Forum funding within the Ward under the constitution
Public Sector Equality Duty (see separate guidance note) Elected Members require to have due regards to the Equality Act and to its public sector equality duty. Neighbourhood forums were established in order to engage with all sections of the local community, each neighbourhood forum is require to have an equal opportunities statement contain within their constitution.
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Relevant background/chronology of key events:
Since 1991, when Ward Committees were first established, the City Council has supported the establishment of Neighbourhood Forums as an important mechanism for ensuring that local people can influence the way in which decisions are made for their neighbourhoods. This approach was endorsed by the Local and Neighbourhood Advisory Team (April 2000).
The role of the Ward Committee is to consider whether the Neighbourhood Forum should be recognised for partnership bodies, and if appropriate confirms an annual grant.
The Council continue to provide developmental support to Birmingham Neighbourhood Forums and in September 2012 launched “The know-how guide for Neighbourhood Forums” which aims to bring together useful information and advice about running a successful Neighbourhood Forum. The guide covers topics such as developing a constitution, keeping in touch with members, running meetings and events, and leading projects and campaigns. The guide is complemented by the website - which provides additional resources for forums, such as template documents for policies and procedures, and information about how to claim a support grant from Birmingham City Council.
The process for Neighbourhood Forum to claim a grant has been refreshed in line with the Council’s Grant Funding Framework and Toolkit for third sector organisationsmandatory policies & process for awarding grants (April 2011). To qualify for a grant Neighbourhood Forums must complete the Neighbourhood Forum’s Grant application Form and submit along with requested supporting documents e.g. copy of forum constitution, forum’s independently examined accounts, most recent bank statement, approved AGM minutes –equal opportunities policy, safeguarding policy.
6. 6.1
Evaluation of alternative option(s): The establishment and continuing support of Neighbourhood Forums is consistent with the Council Plan priorities.
Reasons for Decision(s):
7.1 The operation of the Neighbourhood Forum has followed the existing protocol and it is necessary for the ward committee to consider whether it wishes to endorse continued membership bodies and to award a further grant to the City Centre Neighbourhood Forum.
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Signatures Date Cabinet Member or Executive Member for Local Services or Ward Committee Chairman
Chief Officer:
List of Background Documents used to compile this Report: The Establishment of Neighbourhood Forums April 2000 City Centre Neighbourhood Forum - AGM 2013 Minutes “ “ “ - Grant Expenditure Analysis to 30 September 2013 Neighbourhood Forum Grant Application Form
List of Appendices accompanying this Report (if any): 1. Appendix 1 - list of projects recommended for approval 2. City Centre Neighbourhood Forum - AGM 2013 Minutes 3. City Centre Neighbourhood Forum – Grant Expenditure Analysis to 30 September 2013 4. Neighbourhood Forum Grant Application Form Report Version
22 September 2014
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The public sector equality duty drives the need for equality assessments (Initial and Full). An initial assessment should, be prepared from the outset based upon available knowledge and information.
If there is no adverse impact then that fact should be stated within the Report at section 4.4 and the initial assessment document appended to the Report duly signed and dated. A summary of the statutory duty is annexed to this Protocol and should be referred to in the standard section (4.4) of executive reports for decision and then attached in an appendix; the term ‘adverse impact’ refers to any decision-making by the Council which can be judged as likely to be contrary in whole or in part to the equality duty.
A full assessment should be prepared where necessary and consultation should then take place.
Consultation should address any possible adverse impact upon service users, providers and those within the scope of the report; questions need to assist to identify adverse impact which might be contrary to the equality duty and engage all such persons in a dialogue which might identify ways in which any adverse impact might be avoided or, if avoidance is not possible, reduced.
Responses to the consultation should be analysed in order to identify: (a)
whether there is adverse impact upon persons within the protected categories
what is the nature of this adverse impact
whether the adverse impact can be avoided and at what cost – and if not –
what mitigating actions can be taken and at what cost
The impact assessment carried out at the outset will need to be amended to have due regard to the matters in (4) above.
Where there is adverse impact the final Report should contain: • • •
a summary of the adverse impact and any possible mitigating actions (in section 4.4 or an appendix if necessary) the full equality impact assessment (as an appendix) the equality duty – see page 9 (as an appendix).
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Equality Act 2010 The Executive must have due regard to the public sector equality duty when considering Council reports for decision. The public sector equality duty is as follows: 1
The Council must, in the exercise of its functions, have due regard to the need to: (a)
eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by the Equality Act;
advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it;
foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.
Having due regard to the need to advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it involves having due regard, in particular, to the need to: (a)
remove or minimise disadvantages suffered by persons who share a relevant protected characteristic that are connected to that characteristic;
take steps to meet the needs of persons who share a relevant protected characteristic that are different from the needs of persons who do not share it;
encourage persons who share a relevant protected characteristic to participate in public life or in any other activity in which participation by such persons is disproportionately low.
The steps involved in meeting the needs of disabled persons that are different from the needs of persons who are not disabled include, in particular, steps to take account of disabled persons' disabilities.
Having due regard to the need to foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it involves having due regard, in particular, to the need to: (a) (b)
tackle prejudice, and promote understanding.
The relevant protected characteristics are: (a) age (b) disability (c) gender reassignment (d) pregnancy and maternity (e) race (f) religion or belief (g) sex (h) sexual orientation
ET/Reports Database/Report Template & Check List (Public or Private (Oct 2012)
BIRMINGHAM CITY COUNCIL EXECUTIVE REPORTS CHECKLIST Report Title: Report version: Cabinet/District/Ward/Chief Officer Report: Report Author: To be completed in respect of all Cabinet, District and Ward Committee Reports. This also applies for Chief Officer Reports recording Decisions by them in consultation with Cabinet Members (£200k to £500k (Revenue) or up to £1M (Capital) where the Decision has not been delegated to District Committees). Democratic Services have been instructed to return any Report which does not have a fully completed Checklist attached. The purpose is for the author to indicate who has been consulted in the preparation of reports and when. CONSULTATION
Names and dates to be inserted
Has the report been discussed and cleared with: (a) Relevant Cabinet Member(s) OR (b) Relevant District/Ward Committee Chairman COMPLIANCE ISSUES (c) Has the report been cleared with relevant Strategic Director? (d) Has report been cleared with Directorate Finance Officer? (see back)
Cleared by:
(e) Has report been cleared with relevant Chief Solicitor or Head of Law? (see back)
Cleared by:
MEDIA CONSIDERATIONS (f) Has relevant Media officer been made aware of report and agreed draft press release/statement? Any significant comments for the attention of the Leader / Chief Executive?
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Adults & Communities
David Waller
Children Young People & Families
Jane Brown
Local Services
Sukvinder Kalsi
Development and Culture
Alison Jarrett
Corporate Council Wide
Jon Warlow, Steve Powell, Sarah Dunlavey
Adults & Communities
Charmaine Murray
Children Young People & Families
David Brown (Education) Jerome O’Ryan (Children Services)
Local Services
Feizal Hajat
Development and Culture
Stuart Evans
Corporate Resources
Wendy Taylor - (Other) Rob Barker - (Procurement) Helen Bonham / Roger Lloyd – (Property)
Regulatory Services
Lisa Morgan
ET/Reports Database/Report Template & Check List (Public or Private (Oct 2012)