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Councillor Hartley in the Chair; Councillors Sir Albert Bore and Carl Rice.


Pat Whyte, District Support Officer Norman Bartlam, TNT News Steve Sanger, Service Manager, Turning Point Des Rogers, Operations Manager, WMSNT Kevin Mitchell, Assistant Director, Fleet & Waste Management Brendan Duffy, Operations Manager, Fleet & Waste Management Clive Skidmore, Ward Champion Kay Thomas, Area Democratic Services Officer


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! There were approximately 30 residents in attendance ! ! MINUTES !

The minutes of the meeting held on 20 January 2014 were agreed and signed as a correct record. __________________________________________________________________ CODE OF CONDUCT

! The following Code of Conduct was received and noted; !

(See Document No 1) __________________________________________________________________


! RECEIPT OF PETITIONS ! Spring Hill Library !

The Friends of Spring Hill Library identified a petition with approximately 2,500 signatures supporting literacy and learning in Ladywood and in particular keeping Spring Hill Library open. Signatures were continuing to be collected and the petition would be presented to City Council.

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Ladywood Ward Committee- 10 March 2014



The TNT News team showed a film from the young people’s reporting team based in the Ward. The recording of ‘Tonight in Ladywood’ showed news items and events from around the Ward since the last Committee meeting. Topics covered included:-


- Paradise Forum Redevelopment & interview with the architect - Wheelie Bins Roll Out Across Ladywood - Made in Ladywood Website & Swan Brand Collection - Interview with Councillor James McKay regarding improvements for cyclists - Weather Report – January 2014 the wettest in history __________________________________________________________________



Steve Sanger outlined the work undertaken through a pilot project in Ladywood by Turning Point aimed at older adults over 50, people with mental health needs, people with learning difficulties or disabilities or long term health conditions by helping to access services to improve health, wellbeing and connection to the local community. Clients were put in touch with a range of partners, volunteers and services and could be sign posted or accompanied to appointments etc where necessary. The service was provided through a team of Community Navigators and the Committee was advised that they could be contacted via 0121 464 6993 or email navigators@turning-point.co.uk.

! In response to questions the following points were made; ! -



With regard to alcohol dependency, work needed to be undertaken with the City Council, Health Service and associated partners to educate young people about the dangers of alcohol abuse and to educate about the use of alcohol at home as this was considered the starting point for many issues. Turning Point had organised a business development day for a group of people from Ladywood looking at establishing their own community enterprise. Turning Point did not provide services itself but put people in touch with the correct partners but did follow up.

An invitation was extended to Mr Sanger to attend the Ladywood Housing Liaison Board meetings.


The Chair thanked Mr Sanger for attending the meeting and suggested that other community organisations be invited to future meetings to provide brief presentations on their work. _________________________________________________________________


a) 10H Bus Service


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Des Rogers explained that West Midlands Special Needs Transport (WMSNT) was a registered charity providing community services in areas not supported by commercial bus companies. All of the income generated by WMSNT was used to subsidise the Ring and Ride service which was not only for the elderly but also transported children with special needs to school.


The 10H service following intervention by Councillor Hartley was to be extended around the markets, with a 30 minute service that also travelled around local estates. It was not currently self financing but was vital to the communities it served and if well used National Express might consider taking it over.

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b) Ring and Ride Service Councillor Hartley expressed a non-pecuniary interest as a volunteer member on the Ring and Ride Board. The grant to the Ring and Ride service had been cut by £2m by Council’s that were also having to reduce their budgets. Therefore in the current financial year the Service was concentrating on getting into a position where it could operate without public grants in lieu of anticipated further cuts to grants in 2015/16. The Service was an essential lifeline to its customers who would be unable to leave their homes without it. With the financial pressures in mind the service would no longer operate on Sunday to ensure that best value for money was being provided. Fares would be increased to £1. It was expected to carry 1.2m passengers and given current costs required to generate a further £4m. In response to a question the Committee was advised that free bus passes were not accepted on the Ring and Ride service which was a national scheme and did not extend to people with mobility problems.


There would also be changes to the booking system which would move to one day bookings to make bookings taken more secure and redundancies had been made although this had been less than anticipated as additional home to school contracts had been won.


In response to questions the Committee was advised that drivers were trained to NVQ level, including those on the 10H service to equip them to look after people with special needs. The Ring and Ride was a discretionary service provided only in the West Midlands and Greater Manchester areas. In other parts of the country individual towns provided similar services.


The Chair suggested that WMSNT needed to be contracting the service to specific churches to pick up parishioners on Sunday, especially given the high standard of the vehicles and trained drivers.


Councillor Rice referred to the District Convention and discussions around maintaining services. Good transport links were essential to ensuring that facilities were used and Birmingham required public transport to be defined as a public service.

! The 10H bus service timetable was made available to the meeting. ! ! !300

Ladywood Ward Committee- 10 March 2014



Kevin Mitchell explained that in 2012 the City Council had won a ÂŁ30m grant from Central Government to bring forward the wheelie bin service and maintain a weekly refuse collection service for the next 5 years. Most of the major cities in the UK already operated a wheelie bin system and it had been found to reduce the amounts of waste generated, increase recycling and improve the cleanliness of the streets. A consultation exercise had been undertaken last year and several thousand residents had participated. The vast majority of those who took part welcomed the introduction of wheelie bins but it was clear that residents did not believe that ‘one size would fit all’ and therefore bins would only be provided to properties that could accommodate them. Lessons had been learnt form the pilots in Harborne and Brandwood Wards but there had been a significant decrease in street litter and more recycling in those areas. 90% of residents in the pilot areas were satisfied or very satisfied with the bins.


Ladywood District would be the first District to receive wheelie bins and all houses across the area had been surveyed to determine suitability for the bins. The bins were displayed for the meeting and it was explained that larger families could request additional bins for recycling or a larger bin for refuse. Across the District 85% of properties had been determined as suitable to receive a bin and cards would be distributed to all households from 8 April to advise whether a bin would be delivered or not. If a property was not suitable the household would continue with the use of black sacks.


In Ladywood there were a number of different communities and therefore to raise awareness information would be circulated via community radio stations, mosques and other places of worship etc.


From 2 June delivery of the bins would commence but it would take 3 weeks to deliver all of the bins therefore collections from the bins would commence on 23 June. There would be collection details and instructions delivered with the bins and the lids would be taped shut to remind residents not to use them until the first collection was due. Collection days might have to alter to accommodate the bins but details would be left with the wheelie bins.


The Chair referred the signs on lampposts around the Ward advertising the day of collection and the Chair said these would need altering if collection days changed. Brendan Duffy undertook to arrange this.


In response to questions the meeting was advised that with regard to recycling, cardboard could be bundled and left at the side of the bin if it would not fit inside and would be collected but that refuse left at the side of the bin would not be collected. In relation to specific properties within Symphony Court Kevin Mitchell undertook to meet with residents to make suitable arrangements.

! Residents expressed concern/queried the following; ! !301

Ladywood Ward Committee- 10 March 2014 -

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The availability of smaller bins for smaller households Bins would not be emptied if overfull Responsibility for putting the wheelie bins back onto properties after collection Daisy Road area had large number of short term tenancies and while the service at the moment was excellent when bins were allocated there was concern that tenants would not know when to leave them out or they would not be able to be emptied due to the parked cars in the street Monitoring the service Green bins that had been ordered but not delivered

Kevin Mitchell responded as follows; -

Invitations to attend resident group meetings to discuss specific issues would be welcomed Smaller bins were not available but bins did not have to be put out for collection each week if not full Larger bins were available for larger families however if a bin was overflowing and recycling bins were not full then encouragement would need to be given to make more effort with recycling Refuse collectors would return bins to the point of collection. Any issues regarding difficulties with collections should be reported but properties would be assessed for their suitability and this would include refuse collectors being able to access bins and get them to the lorry. An education team would be in place for the first 8/10 weeks of the roll out of the service to deal with any issues that arose. He would take away the details of green bins that had been ordered but no delivered.

! The Chair invited officers to attend the next meeting to report on progress. ! _________________________________________________________________ ! REPORT BACK FROM LADYWOOD DISTRICT CONVENTION – WARD WORKSHOP

! The following report was submitted:! (See document Nos. 2) !

During the course of the debate/discussion that ensued the following points were noted:-




Mention should have been made to the Arts performances and a request was made for a copy of the poem that had been read by the poet. It had been suggested that recordings of the performances be put onto You Tube to showcase the talent of Ladywood people. The report was welcomed as evidence that action was being taken on the priorities that had been raised


Ladywood Ward Committee- 10 March 2014 The Chair said that the priorities identified would help to identify future Community Chest allocations including youth provision which would be the focus at a future meeting.


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That the report be noted and the actions set out be endorsed. LADYWOOD WARD COMMUNITY CHEST 2014/15

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The following report of the Head of Ladywood District was submitted; (See Document No 3) The Chair referred to the Children’s Easter Party on Saturday 12 April from 12 – 3pm at the Ladywood Health & Community Centre and that funding from the Capacity Building allocation would be used to fund the event.

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That the remaining Community Chest Fund allocation for 2013/14 as detailed in the report be noted.


That approval be given to £3,000 funding from the Wards Community Chest allocation for 2013/14 to the Children at Work Ladywood Project , as detailed in the report submitted.


That the Head of Ladywood District be authorised to progress the project in line with the City Council Financial Regulations. __________________________________________________________________



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a) The Future of Spring Hill Library

On behalf of The Friends of Spring Hill Library the Committee was advised that when plans to close the Library and dispose of the building in 2015 had come to light the Friends of group had formed as there was a need for learning in the area and residents did not want to lose the service or the building. Volunteers did not have the experience to run the service in its entirety. There was also concern that the Library of Birmingham was not fully functional. Whilst the financial difficulties facing the City Council were acknowledged consideration needed to be given to the community and to those who were unable to travel into the City Centre or did not have internet access at home. The Friends of Birmingham and Spring Hill Library were therefore campaigning against the proposed cuts and the retention and development of Spring Hill Library. Councillor Rice explained that Birmingham had its government funding cut by an unprecedented amount and disproportionately when compared to other areas of the Country. Birmingham relied on public services to a greater extent than more affluent areas and Councillors were campaigning to redress the balance. !303

Ladywood Ward Committee- 10 March 2014






With regard to Spring Hill Library, Councillor Rice clarified that it had never been the intention to close the Library in 2014 but had been considered as a proposal for 2015. When Councillors had met to consider how to manage the cuts it had been decided the fairest distribution of the budget was to maintain a flagship facility in each Ward and Soho Councillors had decided that although Spring Hill Library was valued The Summerfield Centre had more facilities on offer. He added that he had been meeting with the Deputy Leader regarding money owed through SLA agreements and the allocation held against the community facility at the NIA which was not used. Councillor Rice said that Spring Hill Library was an expensive facility to run and therefore more services needed to be delivered from the building but he undertook to meet with residents and was confident that a plan of action could be worked out to maintain Spring Hill Library. Residents voiced their concern over any possible closure of the Library and in particular the effect of the loss of the service on the local community and those with mobility problems. _________________________________________________________________


No suggestions were made __________________________________________________________________


The following list of outstanding minutes was received and noted. (See Document No 4) __________________________________________________________________


That the Chairman is hereby authorised to act until the next meeting of the Committee except that, in respect of the exercise of the Council’s non-Executive functions, the appropriate Chief Officers are hereby authorised to act in consultation with the Chairman and that the Director of Legal and Democratic Services is authorised to affix the Corporate Seal to any document necessary to give effect to a decision of the said officers acting in pursuance of the power hereby delegated to them; further that a report of all action taken under this authority be submitted to the next meeting and that such report shall explain why this authority was used. __________________________________________________________________ The meeting ended at 2010 hours.

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Ladywood Ward Committee- 10 March 2014

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……..……………………………. Chairman


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