I am a team-leader of visualizers. Besides, I develop sustainable concepts for the public space improvement. I can find and analyze the identity of territories and implemented it in architectural guidelines or projects. Our team took second place in the East River Development Concept competition in Yekaterinburg.
I developed landscaping concepts and invented a new graphic style of visualizations for the bureau.
I was a guest lecturer in graphics at my university, I taught individual compositional and stylistic features of architectural visualizations, taught students Photoshop.
Tutor Intern
did visualizations for the bureau.
Hi, my name is Zhenya, and in the photo on the left it’s me.
My biggest passion, in addition to changing hair color, is creating atmospheric visualisations, the second passion is generating ideas, exploring territories in search of their highlights, and my third passion, but not in importance, designing a comfortable anthropomorphic environment, thinking through scenarios of people’s lives in the space that I create.
My portfolio begins with a bachelor’s degree project, continuing with more mature and severe commercial projects as part of architectural bureaus. Still, the main narrative of dreaminess, creativity, and ingenuity, which is so much in the first diploma project, tried to stretch through all the portfolio and all my places of work.
Age 25 Phone +995 591704986 Location Georgia, Tbilisi Language English, Russian Mail jradugaa@gmail.com Telegram t.me/jradugaa
Location RUssia/Nizhny novgorod/ confluence of the Oka and Volga rivers
Creation of the educational platform inside the designed embankment to make visitors pay attention to the problem of the environmental pollution. This is a study of the positive impact on the environment that can be made by an ordinary person. My goals is to preserve the memory of the place and to connect the historical spirit with the present time by uncovering the curious history of the city to its citizens and tourists. There are 4 main historical territories which were formed by the events happened in each part of the embankment.
Historically, there was a city fair in this place. The main concept of this project is to preserve the memory of place, so here are renovated historical buildings which then became a commercial premises. People could buy products brought by local farmers or rent a place for a workshop to craft something and to sell it. The main characteristics of the Fair territory:
Previously, the ground level was lower, so I suggested to partly excavate the street that was in this place historically and to create a double-decked street.
a square on the lower level of the street an eco products fair
a fairground with the view on the church an urban construction
the rink workshops street cafes
in the modern context, the Port embankment territory is transformed into a Landscape and provides free access to water (a beach, a pantoon-path) and to nature (a natural park) which was destroyed during the construction of the historical cargo port at this place. Here are the main features: Communication Movement
The territory is occasionally flooded so I developed a system of hiking trails for visitors to have an opportunity to go everywhere and have free access to water.
a beach bar a bioswale
a flower field with the opportunity to pick flowers
the main pedestrian area an open-air coworking space
Due to the abandoned warehouse structures after the All-Russia Industrial and Art Exhibition, thus the main features of this node:
a bioswale a greenhouse
Warehouse structures are the core of the environmental agenda of this project. A lecture space with a large library and a greenhouse is designed to inform and teach people the principles of an eco-friendly lifestyle.
a sports area for climbing and crossFit
a media-library workshops
the view on the hill in the historical part of the city
a kids area made from the port equipment
The Stadium territory is named after the large Stadium constructed for the FIFA World Cup next to it. I analysed the needs of the residents of nearby areas and decided to design a sports cluster and a pededestrian area for quiet promenades. The main features of this territory are:
Most of the park’s eco-education consists of the system of rain water distillation gardens -- bioswales. They are located on each territory and show visitors how ecofriendly water purification process works.
a bioswale an existing shopping mall
a skatepark
the main pedestrian area
a basketball court and a fitness pavilion a treatment facilities
a bike path
Type competitive project (as a part of mla+ team)
Location RUssia/Ekaterinburg/ embankment of the iset river
MY PART Head of a team of visualizers, researcher the identity of territories, co-author of the main idea of the project
The embankment of the Iset river is urbanized very fast -- this is a threat to its untouched nature. But how can we open the river to the city and citizens and what is the Iset river lifestyle? The competition was targeted for beautifying the river in very thin project borders and we realize that current problems can’t be solved like this. There is needed the whole strategy for river valley development. So we decided that the base of this strategy will be the balance between nature values and residential construction.
One way for everyone natural shores
Identity of the districs
New city centers
The principal value of the territory is untouched nature. The main danger is the planned development of natural shores. Our statements: The river is a corridor of alternative mobility, where you can drive in the shade of trees. The path can be simple, the main thing is its presence and connectivity between the shores and the city center. The path runs along the upper part of the embankment, preserving the natural shore and fixing the building’s line. A system of bridges is organized for the track not be interrupted and becomes part of the daily routes of citizens.
One of the values of the territory is the river that permeates the city from top to bottom. The main problem is that the river is cut off from residents. Bicycle and pedestrian paths are not enough to interact with water. There should be an opportunity to come up and «touch the water» -- listen, look, touch, inhale. To do this, we offer several unique objects. The way the path to the water is arranged depends on the type of shore.
the way to the water unique objects sloping shore swampy shore
Birds and animals become rare species in urban places, but they are the main helpers for nature’s health, this is their normal connection. In this project, we decided to support biodiversity by working with vegetation and with riverbeds. The project solutions -- special vegetation which helps to find food for animals and birds, houses for animals and insects, maintaining the tortuosity of the riverbed, and respect for nature by the visitors.
Iset is the main vital axis of Yekaterinburg, a river that flows through the whole city, stringing together the districts of the city with its own history and image. I studied the history and visual identity of the vernacular areas adjacent to the design site. I highlighted the key events and vivid visual associations, on the basis of which collective images were compiled -- collages for each district and identified the characteristic colors and materials. These images become the basis for the design gideline of the elements of the improvement of the embankment
The basic material of the tracks and elements is neutral so that the design code is readable. These are immutable items. Individual materials and patterns are used in the elements of benches, trash cans and entrances. These are mutable items
Find the local identity of the districts
Define the material and pattern for each area
Select basic immutable embankment objects
Apply material and pattern in mutable objects
The main images and associations are mountainous terrain, the factory theme, the progenitor of Yekaterinburg. The material is aluminum panels for copper, the main pattern is factories, factory atmosphere, as a memory of the place.
The area used to be called Therapeutic, it is associated with recovery, rest, tranquility, a forest sanatorium. The main building of the district is wooden low — rise houses, with wooden masonry «herringbone».
The two lines of the district’s identity are modernism and transport themes. We use yellow painted metal, since the first trams there were yellow. in the pattern, the silhouette of a preserved building of the Art Nouveau era.
painted metal
One of the key buildings of the district is the Uktusa airport of the Constructivist era of 1930, which was demolished in 2021.
The most recognizable color in the botany area is the green panels of residential buildings of different shades.
aviation modernism
Type concept development (as a part of scape team)
Location RUssia/moscow/ yard space for comfort class housing
MY PART co-author of the main idea of the project, planning, vizualization
There were 2 territories for development and residential buildings which are located at the place which was the village in the past. The village was located on the bank of the Moscow river and there were beautiful meadow fields. The concept of Eco Yards (Meadow and Aquatic) is based on the history of the place.
Shaping of the Meadow yard Shaping of the Aquatic yard
chaotically located bubbles meadow plants
the river seems to flow into the courtyard
chaoticness is saved but in some bubbles appears functional zones
It is formed the main pedestrian paths and functional zones
it turns out a field garden with some playgrounds
it turns out an inward-facing courtyard structure inside which «streams» of pedestrian activity flow
masterplan of Aquatic Yard
Axonometric view on the «Among herbs» yard
The chaotic structure of the landings is permeated by the main pedestrian path. But inside the garden, you can always turn off the route and find a platform hidden behind the hills.
The main pedestrian road-the river is taken out of the yard, but narrow paths like streams separate from the general flow and flow into the green yard.
Axonometric view on the «Water imitation» yard
This project is about making the global architectural guideline for the whole Russian Far East. I needed to do some research to understand what is consist of the local identity of the Sakhalin island. based on the research I needed to design distinctive architectural objects and formulate principle solutions for future landplanning.
Architectural concrete
Metal with the effect of water ripples
Painted surfaces
Bleached wood
After detecting fundamental visual features of the Sakhalin island I formalized a new palette of materials and colors. Also, I understood what kind of lifestyle do have locals, and in this way, the idea of the unique object was born. For the local people living on an island surrounded by the sea is part of their identity. So I decided to express this kind of living in architectural typology - a little pontoon island which includes 2 main amusement of the people there - swimming and fishing.
defined new palette of colors and materialsthe use of wood of different colors refers us to the main riches of the Sakhalin region — red fish and caviar
reflective metal details as a metaphor for silver salmon scale
in support of the fishing culture «caught — cooked», the pontoon for fishermen is equipped with a grill area
built-in cages for caught fish and stands for fishing rods
a screenshot from «Miro» in the process of reserch
One more challenge was street furniture, it should not be an individual production, it has to be furniture in stock. In this way was do another research on the whole street furniture Russian market, collected at one place and typologies. Now it is the main source of equipment for the bureau.
The result was a booklet with guidelines for several regions of the Russian Far East. This design code should begin to be implemented in 2024.
The project of a tourist cluster in the village of Teriberka. It was necessary to feel the whole atmosphere of northern nature and plant architecture that was modeled out of context on a certain territory that has a relief and its own characteristic landscape (the whole environment is Photoshop). Achieve a reflective texture of the materials on the facade and construct an atmosphere of the harsh north.
The project of a residential complex in Nizhny Novgorod. It was necessary to make visualizations for advertising the bureau and for advertising the residential complex for the developer himself. There was time to work out the model, to work with the atmosphere and detail of scenes and textures.
Continuation of the previous project in Nizhny Novgorod. The task of these angles is to show the building spot in context and draw the viewer’s attention to the different heights.
The Kama Lights project in Perm.
It was necessary to show a clear vertical division with the help of light and shadow, to build a strict «architectural» composition and show the texture and color of the materials on the facades in accordance with the materials already selected at the factory.
The Kama Lights project in Perm.
It was necessary to show a clear vertical division with the help of light and shadow, to build a strict «architectural» composition and show the texture and color of the materials on the facades in accordance with the materials already selected at the factory.
Exterior visualization for projects in the Russian Far East. In a very short time, it was necessary to create visualizations without having a designed plan for playgrounds. It was necessary to design them, make models, render and post-process them in Photoshop.
Taking into account all the introductory ones, it was decided to focus on the atmosphere and first impression, and not on specific architectural solutions.
I needed to fit a project model in a panorama from Google maps, create a sense of realism of what is happening, and add an atmosphere of «life».
A competitive project of a residential complex in Moscow Tushino. Since this is a competitive project, it was necessary to show the main idea and make a spectacular presentation quickly, without a well-developed model. The composition of the building that rests on the front of three white towers and then - a fine grid of courtyard spaces with low buildings.