j.rennDESIGN Julia Marie Renn
Graphic Design Portfolio
Created to honor the memory of a student killed in the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103, this week-long series challenged me to organize a large amount of information onto one clutter-fee poster.
As the in-house designer at the Onondaga Environmental Institute, I designed numerous publications for public distribution. This sample contains pages from our Case Studies Guide: Conceptual Alternatives for Onondaga Creek, published in May, 2008.
Case Studies Guide:
Conceptual Alternatives for Onondaga Creek May, 2008
Bronx River, NY Guadalupe River, CA South Platte River, CO At-A Glance: Cases Across the U.S.
Onondaga Environmental Institute
steelhead trout and Chinook salmon. Both migrate through the Guadalupe to reach breeding grounds. Listing the once numerous migratory steelhead trout as a threatened species drew the attention of several regional environmental groups, such as the Guadalupe-Coyote Resource Conservation District, the Natural Heritage Institute, and Trout Unlimited. Timing of the impact study coincided with the announcement of the Flood Control Project, and the groups mobilized. In May of 1996, the environmental organizations filed lawsuit against the Santa Clara Valley Water District, the City of San Jose, and the USACE. In order to avoid litigation, the USACE and the Santa Clara Valley Water District entered into negotiations with the environmental groups. All parties agreed to work toward an acceptable mitigation plan. Construction on the channelization project was halted, and eventually the groups decided to formally work together on a comprehensive design solution. The new project would devise a better solution to address the collective problems of flooding and habitat loss. The resultant partnership was named the Guadalupe River Flood Control Project Collaborative.
introduction CZ 4BNVFM ) 4BHF
in the Food Chain
Tiny anaerobic micro-organisms metabolize metallic mercury into methyl-mercury, the most toxic form of mercury, within the oxygen free sediments. Benthic invertebrates feed in the sediments and can uptake the mercury. Bottom feeding fish consume benthic invertebrates. When overlying surface waters are devoid of oxygen, methyl-mercury diffuses from the sediments to the water column where it assimilates into phytoplankton and algae. Zooplankton feed on phytoplankton and algae, which in turn are fed upon by fishes. Each successive step in the food chain concentrates the mercury at higher levels in living tissues, a phenomenon known as bioaccumulation.
Case Studies Guide
Guadalupe River Flood Cooperative
The Collaborative evaluated three design scenarios with concerns for flood control, park plan goals, and habitat requirements: 1. 2. 3.
The original USACE flood control design. A ‘cured’ USACE design which applied mitigation techniques to the original design to improve habitat A redesign with a different engineering approach involving large underground culverts (17 ft high by 25 ft wide) to detain and carry away flood waters.
This third design option had previously been considered by the USACE but was thought to be too expensive. Despite levying the greatest initial capital cost, especially since work already constructed would have to be removed and rebuilt, the third option had the best habitat restoration potential and lowest annual operating costs. By meeting migratory fish habitat requirements, and considering the economic impacts of the fishery,
Created by Matthews Neilsen Landscape Architects, this drawing presents an alternative to the harsh, urban landscape of the South Bronx. 4PVSDF 4VTUBJOBCMF 4PVUI #SPOY
These case studies highlight areas throughout the United States that have successfully addressed issues that currently confront Onondaga Creek. Below are brief project descriptions. All information was obtained from the respective web sites.
rahway river nine mile run
octoraro creek
South Bronx
Majora Carter came to advocate for Bronx River restoration from a background similar to that of Torres-Flemming. She too grew up close to the river without knowledge of its presence. She had been raised with the goal of excelling in school and escaping the urban blight. Instead, though, she returned to the Bronx after graduate school to work for the Point Community Development Center. While working, she was contacted by Jenny Hoffner about generating interest in river restoration within the African American community. She joined the Bronx River Working Group and, in 2001, became the founding director of a new not-for-profit, Sustainable South Bronx (SSBX). Founded to address issues of land-use, energy, transportation, water and waste policy, and education, the SSBX aims to contribute to environmental and economic rebirth in the South Bronx area. The SSBX obtained an initial grant of $1.25 million for open space, and today has developed the Bronx Greenway Project. They have garnered nearly $30 million for comprehensive development of green corridors coupled with river access throughout the South Bronx. Recently, SSBX has taken an innovative approach in applying for federal energy improvement grants in order to build green rooftops in the Bronx, thereby providing safe green space, and capturing or delaying the runoff into the Bronx River.
Case Studies Guide
ELIZABETH RIVER: Elizabeth River Project Portsmouth, VA Coalition Building, Watershed Action Plan
sligo creek elizabeth river
RAHWAY RIVER: Rahway River Association Rahway, NJ Urban Floodplain Restoration The Rahway River Association operates in a highly urbanized setting. Due to concentrated development and the destruction of wetlands and floodplains, the Rahway River frequently floods. The Association’s goals are to repair riparian wetlands and restore the floodplain. Accomplishing these goals would provide wildlife habitat, a filter for pollutants from storm water runoff, and a sponge to retain storm water and prevent flooding. Simultaneously, City of Rahway residents benefit from new open space. To accomplish these tasks, the Association sought extensive involvement of diverse stakeholders, a multi-disciplinary team, and experienced project scientists, so that every step from conception through implementation reflected public needs and the professional skills. http://www.rahwayriver.org/ 40
Case Studies Guide
The Elizabeth River Project is self-described as a “catalyst� for reviving the Elizabeth River, a tributary of the Chesapeake Bay. The mission is “to restore the Elizabeth River to the highest practical level of environmental quality through government, business and community partnerships.� After meeting with 45 diverse stakeholders, the Elizabeth River Project developed a full Watershed Action Plan to address river’s pollution. The plan was endorsed by 70 local leaders. High levels of sewage and pollution caused a ban on oyster harvesting in the early 1900’s. The Elizabeth River Project convened in 1991 to establish River Stars, a partnership that has grown to encompass 60 local businesses and industries. Through this program, pollution has been dramatically reduced, and wetlands and oyster beds are being restored. http://www.elizabethriver.org
An environmental non-profit funded by the EPA, the Onondaga Environmental Institute works toward the revitalization of Onondaga Creek in downtown Syracuse. I created this informative brochure to increase public awareness and inform potential donors.
Onondaga Creek
Design Charrette Conducted as part of the Onondaga Creek Conceptual Revitalization Plan Project
The Pl a
Public in Onond put is an im a p (OCRP ga Creek Co or tant par t of )P n comm roject. The ceptual Rev the italiza unity fo OCRP tio gauge P ru the pu ms and sta roject Team n Plan blic’s k used e h old goals • Ono and co er meeting ndaga s to n c erns. Creek Draw g Com o waters als and issu munity Foru hed re e ms: sident s from • Sta s. kehold er Org Gathe aniza r in institu put from o tion Meetin gs: rganiz tions, at a par tic ular in nd business ions, terest e s with The O in Ono no ndaga a public ndaga Cree Creek . k in revitali put with tec Working Gro hnical zation up com knowle option Their ‘D b ined s d points esign Charr devoted to s ge to develo ette’ v p of app p e c ifi is c licatio n of th ually depict topics. s the ese op tions.
Extend Bay
The Result
The large planning maps of the watershed were converted into digital representations. Symbols the Working Group’s notes and supplemental drawings were all reproduced on the digital versions.
Inner Harbor
▪ Public Access ▪ Habitat Enhancement ▪ Creek-w de M gratory Corridor Throughout Area
The resulting maps represent the community’s wishes and the technical knowledge of local experts and the Working Group. Digital production makes it possible to post the files online for public viewing allowing participants to see the results of their input. The maps form the foundation of the Onondaga Creek Conceptual Revitalization Plan.
Spencer St. 690 Franklin Square
▪ Trail & Hab tat Enhancement ▪ Channel Enhancement ▪ Natural & Cultural H storic Interpretation ▪ Maintain Continuous Riparian Canopy Cover
Erie B
Clinton Square Area
National Grid
▪ Stormwater Management Demonstration Projects ▪ Art Deco Pocket Park ▪ Trail/Pedestrian Enhancements ▪ Floodplain Crea ion
-No ga ages next o pond -Chemical set lement om t ea ment plant
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Parking! Local Garages
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Armory Square
▪ Project Collaboration (Near Wests de Ini iative) ▪ Trail Enhancement ▪ Floodplain Creation ▪ Living Machine ▪ Pub ic Access
Southside Area
north m p ot to s a e
CONCEPTUAL REVITALIZATION PLAN Th s map was deve oped by t e Ononda a C eek Wo ing G oup th ough a se i s o p b c o t ea h mee in s du ng 200 . 2003 Ae ia ph tog aphy ou esy o O ondaga County.
Potential Project Areas
O n o n d a g a
C r e e k
W a t e r s h e d
West Onondaga Street to Inner Harbor
Map Key: Land Use Op ions
Hyd olog ca Op ions
B olog cal Op ions
Continued on Map F-2 note project ideas were identif ed by the Onondaga Creek Working Group unless otherw se noted For more detailed information regarding the mean ngs of individual symbols refer to the symbols key located on page
poten ia pro ect a ea
St eam Channel
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dance & design
As an intern for the Pennsylvania Ballet, I had the unique opportunity to design a wide variety of promotional materials ranging from theater posters and banners to lottery cards, dog bandanas, and holiday ornaments.
Support the artistry you experience here in the theater. Participate in the LENFEST CHALLENGE! Here’s how it works:
If you’re a new donor, make a gift of $250 or more and your gift will be matched dollar for dollar. If you’re a current donor, increase your gift to at least $250 and the increased portion will be matched. will be recognized for plus
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PA B A L L E See Reve rs a 2 nd Ch e Side for ance to win!
Pre se nt ing
Sp on so r:
Aran xa Ochoa n Conc r o B ro co Pho o A xander z aev
dance & design
As an intern for the Pennsylvania Ballet, I had the unique opportunity to design a wide variety of promotional materials ranging from theater posters and banners to lottery cards, dog bandanas, and holiday ornaments.
Clockwise: Cast shirt for Pennsylvania Ballet’s 2008 performance of George Balanchine’s, “The Nutcracker.” Shirt design for the Onondaga Creek Conceptual Revitalization Plan Project Working Group. Membership shirt for Pennsylvania Ballet’s Kidz Corps, 2008-2009. Dog bandana designed to support Pennsylvania Ballet’s 2008 performance of George Balanchine’s, “The Nutcracker.”
Revived in 2006, the SU chapter of the nationally acclaimed Pershing Rifles drill team needed recruitment materials. This photo story gave me the opportunity to roll in the dirt while shooting the photography, writing the copy, and designing the layout.
Syracuse University’s branch of the Pershing Rifles melds a national legacy of precision drill performance with modern military survival drills to produce a unique organization for its ROTC and civillian members.
PREVIOUS PAGE: Syracuse Un ve sity’s Pe sh ng Rif e company, Foxtrot-8, practic s tactical maneuve s n freezing a n on Skytop.
TH S PAGE: P/R 1Sgt Jerem ah De bler stands at attent on in the A r Force ROTC office before a d ill pract ce.
Je emy De b er and Patrick Clark do pushups after making a m stake during a dr ll pract ce.
ABOVE: Capt Clark balances on TSgt Karl Joh son whi e demonstrating buddy- ss sted p shups during a PT s ss on.
RIGHT: “WHY DO WE HURT?” Feeling the pain during eglif s n the PT portion of the tact cs drill.
Members take a break rom d ill pract ce several weeks before the r competition to enjoy some good old-f shioned camaraderie.
new incarnation is resurrecting traditions that had been laid to rest near y ha f a century ago. The whole thing was Pat Clark s idea. He saw the sense of discipline and morale that P/R brought its members, and decided that such an organization was needed here on campus. After an entire semester spent laying the groundwork, the founding members of P/R were officially inducted into the national organization in Washington D.C. in late March.
espite the emphasis on discipline and honor, the organization also
endorses camaraderie and brotherhood. At drill practice, they take time from rehearsing their routine to dance to a song someone sings, or tell jokes to one another. During the grueling tactics sessions in freezing rain, they still manage to be playful. Despite the game-like nature of the battle drills, though, it is hard to forget that the skills that they practice on Skytop could some day save their lives. This semester was just the beginning for the SU’s P/R chapter. The members have many plans for next year. This year, though, they are proud to have come this far. PERSHING RIFLES: SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY F-8
P/R Capt Patr ck C ark demo strat s how to app y camoflage facepa nt to h de from enem es before a tact cal exerc se.
Membe s of the PR Precis on Dri l Team practice proper form wh le Ho den Fenner rece v s i st uction from Joe Wi ke s.
t s 1:00 on a rainy saturday afternoon. Most of the students at Syracuse University are sleeping off the effects of the night before. On Skytop, in freezing rain, six students are already wide awake. Crouched in a ditch in the woods, sophomore Patrick Clark slowly eases his head out of the weeds to survey the area for signs of the enemy. Several feet to his right, Jeremy Bower waits for the signal to move. It comes. Slowly, he eases himself onto his elbows, rising only a few inches out of the weeds. In one fluid motion, he leaps to his feet and flies across a clearing. As he dives into the cover of a nearby ditch, shots ring out behind him. “Bang, Bang. You’re dead!” Turning around to look, Bower realizes that he has run
P/R membe s gather around P/R Capt Patrick Clark to hear i structio s for the day’s act vit es. P/R Ens Jeremy Bower warms his han s.
directly through Clark s friend y fire. While this sounds more like a drill from basic training than a college Saturday morning, for the six members of Syracuse University s chapter of Pershing Rifles, it is completely routine. P/R Captain Patrick Clark, P/R First Sergeant Jeremiah Deibler, P/R Tech Sergeant Karl Johnson, P/R Tech Sergeant Nathan Siegel, P/R Ensign Jeremy Bower, and P/R Rifleman Erin Kramer spend almost all of their free time honing their military skills and reviving traditions that will be carried on by future members of the school s Pershing Rifles fraternity. Although this is the first time in almost 40 years that Syracuse University has had a chapter of P/R, the
organization itself has been around for quite awhile. Established in 1891 by then- Lieutenant John J. Pershing, the organization was meant to increase morale and team spirit among cadets at the University of Nebraska, where Pershing was a professor. Initially focused on precision rifle drill, the organization forced members to spend long hours practicing together to perfect their art. The resulting esprit de corps created a fraternity-like atmosphere for members of the disciplined mi itary organization.
oday, Syracuse University s chapter, Foxtrot-8, carries the spirit of the organization into the 21st century. Named after Syracuse s original P/R company, Foxtrot, this
“The purpose of the National Society of Pershing Rifles is to develop, to the highest degree possible, outstanding traits of leadership, military science, military bearing, and discipline within the framework of a military oriented, honorary fraternity.” - General of the Armies John J. Pershing
THIS PAGE: (TOP TO BOTOM) Captain Patrick Clark motions to h s partner du ing a mock charge in a c eek bed on Skytop. P/R membe s practice low crawling on the soccer f eld. P/R Tech Sergeant Jeremy Bower jumps into a ditch to avoid mock gunfi e from his companions.
FACING PAGE: (TOP TO BOTTOM) P/R 1Sgt Jeremiah Deibler practic s stand ng at attent on in his dr ss blues several days be ore a dr ll competition n Washington, D.C. P/R 1Sgt Jeremiah Deibler and P/R TSgt Nate Siegel pract ce a rif e toss in a aquetteba l court a few days before compet tion.
ad design
Submitted to the national organization Solutions for our Future, this advertisement is meant to draw parents’ attention to the decreased funding for higher education.
I want to put an end to unemployment but cuts in federal funding for Higher Education will leave me without grant money for college. So instead of finding the solution,
I’ll be applying for welfare. All children should have the chance to live up to their potential. As the Federal Government cuts funding for higher education, it becomes harder for Americans to afford a degree. In order to train professionals for the future, we need to make a college education more affordable.
Created as my final project for a course on Transnational Feminisms, this piece was entirely conceptualized by students. I was a contributing author and graphic designer.
Progressive M
All things being equal, they are not. As first world consumers, we have tremendous power. What we collectively choose to buy, or not to buy, can change the course of life and history on this planet. These words open the (Red) Manifesto at JoinRed.com. They acknowledge that we live in a consumer-driven society, and they advocate individual purchasing power as the new weapon of activism. Taken at face value, they seem insightful, inspirational, even visionary. In a world dominated by the rules of capitalism, why not bend them just a little for a good cause? A closer look, however, reveals that being INSPI(RED) to buy and EMPOW(RED) by your spending might not be enough.
Created in 2006 by U2 musician Bono, and DATA chairman Bobby Shriver, the Product (Red) campaign uses the sale products produced by “the world’s most iconic brands” to raise money and Being INSPI(RED) to buy awareness for the fight against and EMPOW(RED) by your HIV/AIDS in Africa. A portion of spending might not be each Product(Red) sale is donated to the Global Fund, an independent organization that was already working to get medication and help to those who need it1.
Since its auspicious launch, the campaign has received both incredible support and very vocal opposition. The campaign’s encouragement of mass-consumption, along with their corporate partners, pricy merchandise, and advertising have all been accused of potentially doing more harm than good in the fight to mobilize the apathetic elite. We’ve decided to examine these critiques and figure out if a consumer trend can really color the world with hope. By its very nature, the Product(Red) campaign encourages consumption. Catering to the capitalist need for transaction, it enables shoppers to get something for their donation -- and not just anything. The trendy pieces of clothing, technology, or plastic announce to all who see it that they are a consciencous consumer. As The Nation contributer Richard Kim put it, “Shopping is sharing, and the unprecedented accumulation of wealth squares entirely with ‘ending poverty’...”2.
Another observation that Medved makes is the irony of using “comehither sexuality and partial nudity” to advertise a campaign whose sole objective is ending a sexually-transmitted disease. The Gap ads in particular reflect his criticism. Photos that project a gritty sense of genuine intimacy portray celebrities without all the glam in a relaxed, comfortable setting. It almost appears that the photographer caught them during a very personal ritual of self reflection or expression. In reality, these shots are just as staged as any other fashion advertisement. This tactic of having celebrities bare their souls and bodies for the camera gives the campaign a unique and recognizable look that couples with its organic-looking merchandise to leave buyers feeling like they own a unique, genuine piece of this massproduced consumption culture.
(RED) MANIFESTO: This is the actual text that appears on the campaign’s website, JoinRed.com.
It is possible that, by giving consumers a pat on the back for buying stuff for a good cause, the Product(Red) campaign is feeding the heart of the problem that it was formed to combat. While the immediate issue is AIDS in Africa, there are larger social and political structures that have placed Africa in desperation and left the First World nations to come to their aide. As Kim points out, It is possible that the nobody seems to notice that Product(Red) campaign is the companies donating monfeeding the heart of the ey to the fight against AIDS are problem that it was formed integral parts of a first-world to combat. economy that has historically exploited African people and resources and still treats them as “others” rather than equals. The board of American Express, whose (Red) Credit Card promises to donate 1% of its holders spendings to the cause, is stacked with current and former CEO’s of major pharmacudical companies who deliberately limited the production of affordable generic AIDS drugs2. Other companies use socially and environmentally unsustainable means of product manufac-
turing and disposal that take as great a human toll as HIV/AIDS. In addition to the practices of the companies who make the merchandise, the (Red) products themselves have questionable value. While some vendors, such as Apple, have sold their (Red) products for the same price as their multi-colored counterparts, many companies have jacked up their prices, suggesting that (Red) products are not only socially conscious, they are an upgrade. Conservative talkshow host Michael Medved observed that a pair of Gap jeans regularly priced at around $50 are now sold as signature (Red) jeans and priced at $198. He reasoned that even though Gap is giving 50% of each sale to the Global Fund, they still pocket an extra $50. While his assessment leaves out the fact that most of the (Red) products are produced in better conditions than the rest of Gap’s clothing line, which may contribute to the higher cost, his accusation is reasonably founded. The fact is that this campaign is built to raise money and awareness while
So, ultimately, is the Product (Red) Campaign all its cracked up to be? As Richard Kim put it, “It’s not that I think Bono’s crusade has had a negative net impact on the fight against AIDS... But spare me the fantasy that shopping til you drop somehow affects radical change.”
“It’s not that I think Bono’s crusade has had a negative net impact on the fight against AIDS... But spare me So, while in the end things may turn the fantasy that shopping til out marginally better than they were you drop somehow affects before the campaign was estabradical change.”
still kicking the participating companies a hefty profit 3.
lished, benefit to first-world corporations greatly exceeds that of the Richard Kim The Nation people they proport to help. If you want to make a contribution, consider buying an American-made, non-sweatshop shirt and a Sharpie. Write your own INSPI(RED) message on it, and then send a donation directly to Global Fund.
Since its inception, the campaign has raised $25 million and an immeasurable amount of awareness, which always what this was all about. Shopping can’t end AIDS -- only adequate resources, education, and responsible behavior can do that -- but the campaign and its controversy might help some people to see the social conventions that have led to this situation and inspire them to help. If you want to make a contribution, consider buying an American-made, non-sweatshop shirt and a Sharpie. Write your own INSPI(RED) message on it, and then send a donation directly to Global Fund. ()
web design
Developed for a branch of the Partnership TMA that assists handicapped young adults as they transition into careers, this site boasts an accessible design and custom content management system www.montcotransitinfo,org
web design
Charming and accessible, this site reflects the atmosphere of the bakery that it represents. Located in Peddler’s Village, Town Crier Bakery wanted a highly custom look. This site features plenty of photos, coupons, free consultation forms, and google maps integration. www.towncrierbakery.com
web design
Designed to be professional yet approachable, this proposed home page design integrates a flash banner with a custom content management system. site still under construction
web design
Designed to take advantage of a custom content management system, 360 Fuel Card’s site features an interactive flash banner, RSS Feed, and customer login area. www.360fuelcard.com
web design
A sleek, modern furniture company in the midwest, Studio Nola needed a website that mirrored their design style. This proposed layout incorporates a versatile java script photo rotation of lifestyle and product images. The internal pages use a custom content management system. www.studionola.com
web design
A Doylestown-based insurance provider, First Risk Advisors needed professional, eye catching layouts for their business and student insurance websites. These proposed layouts offer out-of-the-box visual solutions. sites still under construction
web design
Simple and deliberate, these proposed International Landing Page and US Homepage layouts reflect the sleek, high tech business that they represent. They incorporate stunning imagery, functional navigation, and a custom content management system. sites still under construction
i’ve worked with: 360 Fuel Card
Eureka Crafts
Life Support International
Radnor Consulting
Advance Me PA
First Risk Advisors
Light A Candle for Literacy
Reneux Marketing
Aviation Research Group International
Giliberto Custom Tailoring
Ludmerer & Associates
S-Bond Technologies
The Barry Group
Go Happy Van
Millham Co.
Sedona East
Breezy Points Day Care
Hear My Story
Marketing Management Services
S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications
Carroll Consulting Group
Herrmann Masonry
Montco Transit Info
Central Bucks Administrators
Idea Foods
Mr. Light
Solutions for Our Future
Central Bucks Urology
Indian Valley Dental
Onondaga Environmental Institute
Studio Nola
Consignment Horizons
Interlogistics, LLC
Parental Peace of Mind
Syracuse University
Charge Grabber
IQnection Internet Services
Pediatric Therapy Center
The Tile Studio
Charles Jones Masonry
Kellar Williams Preferred Real Estate
Pennsylvania Ballet
Toner & Toner Attorneys at Law
Custom Tailors & Designers Association
Pennsylvania Immigration Resource Center
Total Animal
LEM Products, Inc.
The Perk
Town Crier Bakery
Le Med Spa
Pershing Rifles: Syracuse University Chapter
Vintage CafĂŠ
DanceWorks: Syracuse University Doylestown Oral Surgery
juliarenn j.renn design
jrenndesign@gmail.com 717.858.8231
717.858.8231 jrenndesign@gmail.com
2501 Maryland Road Apartment G2 Willow Grove, PA 19090