2016 Junior Giants Commissioners Game Plan

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coMMISSIONERS game plan

GIANTS COMMUNITY FUND OVERVIEW The Giants Community Fund, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, collaborates with the Giants organization by using baseball as a forum to encourage youth and their families to live healthy, productive lives. The Fund supports Junior Giants leagues throughout Northern California, Nevada and Oregon and provides assistance to targeted community initiatives in the areas of Education, Health and Violence Prevention. Since its inception in 1991, the Fund has donated over $24 million to community efforts. The Fund is managed by a 30-member Board of Directors and is sustained by contributions from individuals, businesses and foundations through a number of special partnerships and fundraisers.

JUNIOR GIANTS OVERVIEW Junior Giants is a free, noncompetitive and coed baseball program for youth, ages 5-18. Working together with local agencies, families and volunteers, Junior Giants reaches into communities and offers youth a chance to learn the basics of baseball during the summer while also discovering the importance of essential life skills. Entering its 23rd year, Junior Giants annually serves over 25,000 participants in 91 leagues. Junior Giants is more than just baseball and offers several distinct programs to further enrich a player’s experience. Players learn the Junior Giants Four Bases of Character Development: Confidence, Integrity, Leadership and Teamwork, as well as the importance of Health, Education and Bullying Prevention.





4 5 6 7



LEAGUE RESPONSIBILITIES • Requirements • Facilities • Recruitment & Public Relations

10 12 12 13 14 15


Coach Job Description Team Parent Job Description Ambassador Job Description Junior Giants Committee


28 Week 2: Health 30 Week 3: Confidence 32 Week 4: Education 34 Week 5: Teamwork 36 Week 6: Leadership 38 Week 7: Strike Out Bullying 40 Week 8: Integrity 42 AWARDS • Junior Giants Willie Mac Award • Harmon & Sue Burns Scholoarship





coMMISSIONERS game plan

JUNIOR GIANTS TIMELINE & IMPORTANT DATES JANUARY • Fill out League Agreement & order fliers and posters • Submit preliminary season schedule dates • January 9 – Send in a Certificate of League Insurance to the Community Fund

FEBRUARY • February 19th – Commissioners Camp at AT&T Park

MARCH • Receive fliers and posters and start recruitment and registration • Set up online registration system (Earliest leagues can go live is March 4)

APRIL • April 19 – Coaches Drive at AT&T Park • April 23 – Commissioners Night (meeting and on field recognition) at AT&T Park

MAY • Receive equipment, uniforms, handbooks and program materials • Complete online background check on all coaches and volunteers through Sports Illustrated Play and your agency’s background check system – May 21 – Junior Giants Glove Drive at AT&T Park (Regional Clinic in Modesto also on 5/21.) – May 22 – Sacramento Coaches Clinic • Meet with Junior Giants Ambassador

JUNE • Have Coaches attend Coaches Clinics – June 4 – AT&T Park Coaches Clinic (TBD) – June 5 – Chico Coaches Clinic – June 11 – San Jose Coaches Clinic, Fresno – Coaches Clinic – June 13-18 – League play begins • Organize a mandatory pre-season Coach & Team Parent Meeting • Organize a mandatory First Pitch Meeting for all participants, parents and coaches • Organize a Preseason Fundamentals of Baseball Clinic • Week of June 13 – Opening Day for all leagues • Encourage Coaches and Team Parents to use the WOW Pack to promote the Education, Health, Bullying Prevention and Character Development programs

JULY • July 1 – Submit league schedule and rosters (including players, Coaches, and Team Parents) to the Community Fund through Sports Illustrated Play. • July 11 – Willie Mac Award nomination due • July 16 – Round the Bases Reading Scorecards due • July 17 – Harmon & Sue Burns Scholarship application due • July 26 – Junior Giants Night at AT&T Park (Other Junior Giants Nights will continue through the rest of the season – dates are TBD.) • July 27 – Junior Giants Day at AT&T Park • July 30 – Strike Out Bullying Contest due to coaches • Coach and Parent online surveys

AUGUST • Week of August 1 – Two-day Junior Giants Festival (Dates are TBD.) • August 1-6 – League play ends • August 5 - Strike Out Bullying Contest due to GCF • August 7 – San Jose Junior Giants Day • August 12 – Ambassador Recognition Day • August 13 – Fresno Junior Giants Day • August 14 – Education Day • August 21 – Coaches Recognition Day

SEPTEMBER • September 18th – Strike Out Violence Day at AT&T Park • Complete League Evaluation • Submit End-of-Season Equipment Inventory to Giants Community Fund

NOVEMBER • Junior Giants Willie Mac Luncheon at AT&T Park

DECEMBER • Commissioners individually meet with the Community Fund staff at AT&T Park for an End of the Season League Meeting. During meeting order equipment, t-shirts, hats, and incentives. Meetings last through January.




EVENTS All dates are on page 4.

Education Day

Commissioners Camp

Harmon and Sue Burns Scholars are invited to AT&T Park annually to enjoy lunch and learn about the path to college through educational presentations from a college counselor and a Giants player or alum. Incoming scholars and graduating seniors are honored on the field in a homeplate ceremony. Afterwards, scholars and their families enjoy a Giants game.

The Commissioners Camp at AT&T Park is a mandatory “Spring Training” for Junior Giants Commissioners, Assistant Commissioners, and other league representatives. This is an all-day planning meeting and a chance to connect with other Junior Giants league organizers.

Commissioners Night The Commissioners Night at AT&T Park is an essential time to celebrate Junior Giants Commissioners and kick off the Junior Giants season. Following an informational meeting, Commissioners participate in a homeplate ceremony and enjoy the Giants game.

Glove Drive Each year, over 15,000 Junior Giants participants come to the program without a glove of their own. In order to alleviate this need, the Community Fund hosts a Glove Drive at AT&T Park. Fans are asked to donate a new or gently used glove, or $10, and receive a pin in exchange. The gloves are then picked up by Coaches at the Coaches Clinic at AT&T Park.

Coaches Clinics These clinics serve as a training day for Coaches and take place before the season starts. Coaches go through a skills & drills portion with All Pro Baseball Group and hear about constructive coaching techniques from Positive Coaching Alliance. There is a clinic at AT&T Park and several regional clinics.

Junior Giants Festival The Junior Giants Festival gives teams who read to the Home Run Reading Level in the Round the Bases Reading Program the opportunity to play on the field at AT&T Park and go through stations relating to the Junior Giants programs: Education, Health, and Bullying Prevention. Please note that T-ball teams who reach the Home Run Reading Level will be awarded a backpack instead of an invitation to the Festival.



coMMISSIONERS game plan

Junior Giants Day/Nights These games are an opportunity for Junior Giants to attend a Giants game with their parent/guardian. At the end of the season, parents will have the opportunity to complete an online survey in exchange for Giants tickets (tickets are limited and will be distributed on a first come, first served basis). Each league will have a designated game as determined by the Giants Community Fund. Willie Mac Award winners who are players will be recognized in a homeplate ceremony on Junior Giants Day.

Coach & Team Parent Recognition Day As a thank you, each Coach/Team Parent and one guest are invited to a Giants game at the end of the Junior Giants season. Tickets are earned by completing a brief online survey about their experience over the summer (tickets are limited and will be distributed on a first come, first serve basis). All Willie Mac Award Winners who are Coaches/Team Parents are recognized at a homeplate ceremony.

Strike Out Violence Day The Junior Giants who submitted the top Strike Out Bullying Art Contest entries in their age division among all the leagues are honored in a homeplate ceremony before the Giants game on Strike Out Violence Day.

Junior Giants Willie Mac Luncheon Held at AT&T Park, the Junior Giants Willie Mac Luncheon honors the players and coaches named Willie Mac Award winners by their leagues. Winners receive a personalized, engraved wooden bat and have the opportunity to meet Giants celebrities.

GIANTS COMMUNITY FUND RESPONSIBILITIES The Community Fund provides each organization the following necessities to facilitate a Junior Giants league:


Pitching machines, batteries and battery chargers Baseballs Bats Batting helmets Catcher’s gear

• • • • •

Team equipment bags Bases Baseball tees First aid kits Baseball gloves

GLOVE DISTRIBUTION Every year, more than 15,000 players come to Junior Giants without their own glove. It is the Giants Community Fund’s goal that every Junior Giant will have their own glove to keep by the end of the season. Coaches are provided with team gloves at the beginning of the season for players to use at practices and games. Once children who do not own a glove have been identified, the coach can distribute gloves to them during Week 3. We recommend waiting until partway through the season so that children are committed to the program, but can still take their gloves home to practice during the latter half of the season. We also recommend handing out gloves discreetly so players are not singled out.

ALSO PROVIDED: ­ ­­ ­­­ ­­­ ­­­ ­­­

• Uniforms – Shirt and hat for participants, coaches and team parents • Player & Parent Handbooks • Program Incentives: – Junior Giants Baseball Cards – Junior Giants Base Bands – Round the Bases Reading Prizes: bookmark, folder, pencil/pencil case, notebook – Healthy Habits Poster, water bottle – Strike Out Bullying Pledge: Strike Out Bullying sweatband – Strike Out Bullying Contest drawstring backpack • Coach & Team Parent Game Plans • Coaches training • Weekly newsletters for helpers (Coaches Corner) and players (Junior Giants Lineup) • Recruitment fliers and posters for distribution to schools • PR Assistance • Banners with weekly themes to hang at game sites • $5,000 scholarships to 10 qualified eighth grade applicants each season (program wide) • Ticket opportunities to Giants games

OTHER COMMUNITY FUND RESPONSIBILITIES: • Develop Junior Giants program materials • Plan Junior Giants events • Designated Junior Giants staff to be the liaison to each league ­ – Facilitate all equipment, materials and ticket orders ­ – Ensure leagues are meeting expectations and implementing the Junior Giants program consistently ­ – Oversee Ambassadors assigned to assist leagues locally




COMMISSIONER RESPONSIBILITIES Within each league, one mutually agreed-upon person is appointed Commissioner. The Junior Giants Commissioner is responsible for the complete organization of the league in their community. Organizing a league includes, but is not limited to, the following: • Acting as the liaison to the Giants Community Fund. • Submitting all necessary documents by designated deadlines. • Communicating regularly with Community Fund staff on the league’s activities. • Attending the Commissioners Camp at AT&T Park. If the Commissioner is not able to attend the Commissioners Camp, the Commissioner will send another key representative for the league. • Locally overseeing the league’s Ambassador and assigning him/her appropriate responsibilities. • Securing baseball fields for practices and games. • Recruiting players, coaches and team parents. • Registering all players, coaches and team parents through Sports Illustrated Play and ensuring they complete the online waiver. • Verifying all coaches and team parents have passed the background check through Sports Illustrated Play prior to volunteering. • Administering ID badges to all volunteers who have completed their background checks, and ensure that badges are worn at all times when participating in Junior Giants. • Coordinating all coaches to attend a preseason Coaches Clinic. • Holding a mandatory preseason Coach & Team Parent Meeting before the season begins to cover Junior Giants philosophies. • Holding a mandatory preseason First Pitch Meeting to orient players and families with Junior Giants league philosophy and programs. • Addressing all staffing issues. • Creating practice and game schedules. • Distributing all equipment, uniforms and program materials. • Coordinating and encouraging participation in the Character Development, Education, Health and Bullying Prevention programs. • Distributing Junior Giants Day/Night tickets. • Hanging the banner with the Word of the Week each game day. • Collecting and taking inventory of all equipment. • Evaluating the season through an online end-of-season survey and meeting with the Community Fund staff in-person at AT&T Park between December and January.

CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION As a Commissioner you will come into contact with many kids this season. We all have a role to play in protecting kids from abuse. Three steps to keeping kids safe are: • Learn the warning signs of child abuse and of potential offenders. • Reduce the opportunity for abuse – Eliminate situations involving one child and one adult. • Report suspected abuse pursuant to your local guidelines. Although it may feel difficult, frightening, or uncomfortable to make a report, doing so could save a child’s life, prevent further abuse, or allow families to access services they need. For more specific information on the above, visit sfcapc.org or childhelp-usa.com.



coMMISSIONERS game plan

league RESPONSIBILITIES EACH LEAGUE MUST MEET THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS TO SUSTAIN A LEAGUE: • Not charge a fee for participants to play (this includes charging any type of organization membership fee). • Have a minimum 150 participants. • Run the Junior Giants program according to the basic rules of the noncompetitive league, as outlined in this Game Plan. • Refrain from discriminating unlawfully on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin or gender. • Provide equal opportunities for both females and males to play and coach. • Ensure that all players are at least 5 years old by July 1 of that season. • Ensure that over 50% of participants are above the T-ball age. • All teams should have an individual of each gender over the age of 21 present at all times. At no time should any adult, over 18 years of age, be alone with any member of the team, except for their own child, without another adult of the opposite gender present. • Send in a Certificate of Insurance that covers the current Junior Giants season, which lists as a certificate holder your organization, the Giants Community Fund, and the San Francisco Giants. Coverage must, at a minimum, include commercial general liability in the amount of $2,000,000 each occurrence, $4,000,000 general aggregate and $4,000,000 products/completed operations aggregate. • Attend Commissioners Camp with your Assistant Commissioner or additional league organizer. If you are not able to attend Commissioners Camp, please send someone to represent you. • Require participants, their parent(s) or guardian(s) and each coach and team parent to register through Sports Illustrated Play and sign the Coach/Player Waiver prior to any participation in Junior Giants. • Take all precautions to protect the safety of all participants in the league. Require all Coaches and other volunteers (18 and older) who have contact with players to complete a background check through Sports Illustrated Play before the start of the season. If any Coach or volunteer does not clear a background check, he/she will not be permitted to coach or volunteer. • Print and distribute ID badges provided by the Giants Community Fund when volunteers have passed the Sports Illustrated Play background checks. • Send all coaches to a preseason Junior Giants Coaches Clinic. • Hold the following mandatory preseason meetings:

– Coach & Team Parent Meeting to educate volunteers on all components of the Junior Giants program as well as to go over important dates, rules and responsibilities.

– First Pitch Meeting for players, parents and volunteers prior to explain the Junior Giants philosophy and to promote programs in Character Development, Education, Health and Bullying Prevention. • Submit the following documents via Sports Illustrated Play prior to the start of the season:

– Team Rosters (including players, coaches and team parents)

– Game Schedule • Start and end the season on the determined dates noted on page 4 • Run the Junior Giants season for at least 8 weeks in duration (including practices). • Ensure that each team has at least one practice and one game per week (exceptions may be made for weather and holidays). • Follow the Junior Giants 8-week Season Schedule provided by the Community Fund, which focuses on the Four Bases of Character Development and the programs in Education, Health and Bullying Prevention. • Implement the Education, Health and Bullying Prevention programs, as well as uphold the Junior Giants Four Bases of Character Development: Confidence, Integrity, Leadership and Teamwork. • Utilize the Junior Giants Baseball Card program to track participants’ attendance and progress each week. Based on participation, a bobblehead will be awarded to players. • Track players’ progress in the Education, Health, Bullying Prevention, and Character Development programs in Sports Illustrated Play.




• Prior to any publication, distribution or display of the Junior Giants logo, the league must provide a written proposal identifying such usage to the Giants Community Fund for its prior written approval. • The league should not be part of, or operate in association with, an independent, competitive, fee-based youth baseball organization.

FACILITIES: • Seek and secure sites for registration, a preseason Coach & Team Parent Meeting, First Pitch Meeting, Fundamentals of Baseball Clinic practices and games. • Provide a central meeting place (such as a table, snack bar, etc.) on game days where volunteers can answer questions and coaches can pick up their team’s Word of the Week pack.

RECRUITMENT & PUBLIC RELATIONS: • Distribute customized fliers and posters provided by the Giants Community Fund to local schools, community centers and neighborhood parks in underserved areas. • List Junior Giants in the Parks & Recreation Activity Guide for leagues that are operated by cities. • Contact Allison+Partners at sfgiants@allisonpr.com for PR assistance

REGISTRATION: • Begin registration at least one to two months before the First Pitch Meeting. • Registrations must be taken via Sports Illustrated Play (no paper registrations will be accepted). Parents and volunteers are required to be the one to register themselves and their families in Sports Illustrated Play and agree to the terms because the waivers are completed during Sports Illustrated Play registration. • In-person registration can be held over a period of several days, or on a given day (i.e. Tuesdays), for a number of weeks. • Computers with Internet access should be made available for families to use and volunteers or staff members should be present to answer questions. • Do not cap registrations or turn players away. If leagues have a wait list they should do their best to give children on the wait list an opportunity to play during the season by:

– Implementing a “3 Strikes and You’re Out” policy for participants who do not attend three events (meetings, practices, or games) without giving prior notice. • Dropping players to make room for wait-listed players or to clean-up rosters. • Create a “Dropped Players” team in Sports Illustrated Play, rather than unregistering players from the system. • Upon registering, provide parents the date of the mandatory First Pitch Meeting.



coMMISSIONERS game plan


All players, coaches and volunteers will sign up to participate through Sports Illustrated Play, an online registration system. Leagues are required to do background checks on all volunteers, create and manage rosters, upload game schedules, and track participants’ progress in program elements online. Leagues are strongly encouraged to utilize Sports Illustrated Play’s communication features, including email, texting, and TeamWall. Registration for all players and volunteers will be hosted at jrgiants.org and advertised on the Junior Giants recruitment fliers and posters.


Knowing that many of the Junior Giants families have limited internet access, it is advised that leagues offer several in-person registration dates. These could be held at a local library or computer lab. Make sure to have volunteers on hand to assist families in walking through the online process. Commissioners and designated league officials will be given administrative access to the league’s Sports Illustrated Play account. This will allow you to view all registration information, pull reports, verify that all volunteers have cleared their background check, email or text families with league information and more.


All Commissioners will participate in a webinar and be provided with the following Sports Illustrated Play help guides: How To Video • Updating account information • Coach/team parent badges • Registration help guide • TeamWall guide for coaches/team parents • Giving TeamWall access • Uploading photos


Each league has its own dedicated registration site that will be linked from the main URL.

Commissioners will have the ability to:

• Have full access to all the information being collected through Sports Illustrated Play registrations at any time. • Add custom questions to league registration if needed. – Please bear in mind that we are asking families basic demographic information that you will have access to and use if needed. – Please do not delete any of the Community Fund’s pre-formatted registration questions. • Upload you’re the host agency’s waiver to use in conjunction with the Giants Community Fund’s waivers. • Print ID badges for all volunteers who have registered and passed their background checks. • Ask parents and guardians to volunteer based on preferences listed in registration.





Ensure all players, coaches and team parents register through Sports Illustrated Play. Ensure all coaches and team parents complete their background checks via Sports Illustrated Play. Submit all league rosters and schedules. Ensure each team uses Sports Illustrated Play to track their program participation all season long (listed below).


• Coaches and Team Parents will track the following throughout the season: Junior Giants Baseball Cards First Pitch Meeting Attendance Strike Out Bullying Pledge Health Lineup Tracking Sheet Strike Out Bullying Contest Brandon Crawford Bobblehead Award Round the Bases Reading Program


• Sports Illustrated Play offers 24/7 online support, extensive phone support hours and email support. • Contact: support@SportsIllustratedPlay.com or call toll free: 866-975-8600



coMMISSIONERS game plan

junior giants university • After registration, all parents, coaches and team parents will receive a post-purchase notice that contains a link to the league’s Junior Giants University site. • There are two different courses on Junior Giants University – Junior Giants 101 for Parents & Players and Junior Giants 101 for Coaches & Team Parents. • The training module should be taken right after registration, but is available anytime. They need to reference the email they received after registration that also contains information on the league’s First Pitch meeting. To view a full video of the trainings without the questions, please visit to gojrgiants.org. • During the training, parents, coaches and team parents will hear from Giants voices about the Word of the Week and each program. After each section, a short quiz will be taken. • After completion of the course, each parent, coach, team parent will be emailed a certificate of completion. As Commissioner, you can decide if you would like to see those from your families and volunteers.

• • •

How to Run an Effective Fundamentals of Baseball Clinic Each league should hold a Fundamentals of Baseball Clinic before teams begin practices or games. Players should be split up by age group and veteran coaches should lead players through different stations focusing on fundamental baseball skills (batting, infield, outfield, base running, throwing, catching, etc.). New coaches should learn different drills to implement at their practices and new players should learn basic baseball skills in an unintimidating setting. Organize a weekday evening or weekend day before practices and games start for players and coaches to attend. Coaches will learn different drills to implement at practices. New Players will learn basic baseball skills in an unintimidating setting. Split up players by age groups and have veteran and experienced coaches lead players through different stations focusing on the fundamental baseball skills (batting, infield, outfield, base running, throwing, catching, etc.) Invite local high school and college baseball players and coaches to help run the clinic.




HOW TO RUN EFFECTIVE PRESEASON COACH & TEAM PARENT MEETING It is recommended that you host a combined Coach and Team Parent Meeting. Before the meetings, familiarize yourself with the Coach & Team Parent Meeting PowerPoint on the USB drive provided by the Giants Community Fund.

Below is a checklist of topics that should be covered during these meetings: • Remind Coaches and Team Parents that background checks are mandatory through Sports Illustrated Play and your agency. Remind them that all volunteers are required to wear their photo ID badge, which shows that they have passed the background check, at all Junior Giants practices, games and events. • Check to make sure all Coaches and Team Parents have completed their Sports Illustrated Play background check before the meeting and have a computer on site for those that haven’t done it yet. Print and hand out badges for those Coaches and Team Parents that passed both background checks. • Distribute the Coach/Team Parent Game Plan and Player/Parent Handbook • Review Coach/Team Parent Game Plan • Walk through the PowerPoint on the USB drive provided by Giants Community Fund • Show Junior Giants DVD

Review the following: • • • • •

Junior Giants Philosophy Coaches Clinic Information and Other Important Dates Rules and Basic Guidelines League Schedule Invite all Coaches to the Fundamentals of Baseball pre-season clinic hosted by your league. Ask veteran Coaches to lead stations at the clinic and new Coaches to assist. • Programs: Character Development – Junior Giants Baseball Cards and Base Bands


Education – Round the Bases Reading Program & Harmon and Sue Burns Scholars


Health – Healthy Habits Poster with tracking sheet, Romo’s Routine DVD


Bullying Prevention – Strike Out Bullying Contest & Pledge


Four Bases of Character Development: - Confidence - Integrity - Leadership - Teamwork ­



coMMISSIONERS game plan

HOW TO RUN AN EFFECTIVE FIRST PITCH MEETING Everything you need to know to run your First Pitch Meeting is on the USB drive provided by the Giants Community Fund! Before the meeting, familiarize yourself with the First Pitch Meeting PowerPoint and outline.

BELOW IS A CHECKLIST TO PLAN YOUR FIRST PITCH MEETING: • Make this meeting mandatory to ensure all participants and parents/guardians are present and start the season on the same page.

– Have the date available to inform parents during signups.

– Send email reminders leading up to the meeting.

• Hold the meeting indoors in order to provide a controlled environment. • Invite community “experts” in Health, Education and Bullying Prevention to give short presentations. • Have a check-in list so attendance can later be tracked on Sports Illustrated Play. • Use the PowerPoint presentation on the USB drive provided by the Giants Community Fund as a guide to walk through the meeting. • Show the Player & Parent DVD to players and parents. • Distribute Player & Parent Handbooks. • Review the Team Parent Job Description and Parent Pledge, emphasizing that all parents/guardians are expected to volunteer and participate in their child’s season. • Recruit team parents to assist in the Character Development, Health, Education and Bullying Prevention programs. • Define Junior Giants as a well-rounded program that includes Character Development, Health, Education and Bullying Prevention. Walk parents/guardians through the Handbook and discuss in depth the Junior Giants programs.




COACH JOB DESCRIPTION You are the most important person in our organization! You determine the kind of experience our players will have this season. We are committed to the principles of positive coaching. We expect our coaches to prepare their players to perform to their maximum potential and most importantly, we want you to be a role model and teach life lessons. As a Junior Giants coach, please take the following pledge for the upcoming season:

I PLEDGE TO: o Register through Sports Illustrated Play and complete the

background check as directed by my league.

o Commit to my role as a coach for the entire 8 week

Junior Giants season.

o Be present at all practices and games during the season.

- If I am unable to attend, I will communicate that in advance and have an assistant coach take my place.

o Be on time for all of my team’s practices and games. o Communicate with my team and parents when changes have

been made to the practice or game schedule.

o Teach the game of baseball as well as the Four Bases

of Character Development – Confidence, Integrity, Leadership and Teamwork.

o Encourage participation in the Health, Education and Bullying Prevention programs.


Attend a preseason Coaches Clinic and Coaches Meeting.

Review the Junior Giants University Training at gojrgiants.org.

Pass a background check through Sports Illustrated Play.

Make sure each participant receives a Player & Parent Handbook.

Keep track of all the equipment that is assigned to your team.

Recruit at least one team parent to assist you with the following: – Maintaining player roster, attendance records and tracking program participation through Sports Illustrated Play. – Promoting the Character Development, Health, Education and Bullying Prevention programs by following the 8 Words of the Week.

Keep the atmosphere of Junior Giants noncompetitive and allow each participant equal opportunities in games and practices.

Model good behavior toward both youth and adults.

Create an organized atmosphere that’s conducive to fun and learning.

Encourage participants to move outside their comfort zone on the field through positive reinforcement.

Follow the Coach & Team Parent Game Plan to teach the Word of the Week and implement the respective programs and incentives.



coMMISSIONERS game plan

TEAM PARENT JOB DESCRIPTION The team parent works with the coach to help coordinate the programs that extend beyond baseball. Team parents focus on instilling the Four Bases of Character Development as well as the programs in Health, Education and Bullying Prevention.

DUTIES: • Help your team follow the Junior Giants Schedule and reinforce each Word of the Week by reviewing the Coach & Team Parent Game Plan. • Assist with the pre- and postgame discussions (Please refer to each weekly tab for detailed directions). • Review the Junior Giants University Training at gojrgiants.org. • Attend a Coach/Team Parent Meeting. • Maintain player rosters. • Track team’s progress weekly on the TeamWALL App.

PARENT INVOLVEMENT Junior Giants asks all parents/guardians to volunteer in some way in order to provide time and resources to create a quality experience for the players. Each team needs one coach, one assistant coach and one team parent. All parents/guardians registering their child for Junior Giants will be asked how they can help with the league this year. The following roles appear in Sports Illustrated Play when registering a player: • Coach • Assistant Coach • Team Parent

JUNIOR GIANTS PARENT PLEDGE: I PLEDGE TO… o Practice the Junior Giants Four Bases of Character Development (Confidence, Integrity, Leadership and

Teamwork) with my child at home and on the field.

o o o o o o

Support the Junior Giants programs in Health, Education and Bullying Prevention. Offer assistance to my child’s coach and team parent when needed. Get my child to practices and games on time. Use positive encouragement so my child can have fun, learn and play their best. Refrain from yelling out instructions to my child. Refrain from making negative comments about umpires or coaches.


COACHES, UMPIRES & TEAM PARENTS: • Because Junior Giants is noncompetitive, umpires are not necessary. • Each team should have at least one adult Coach and one Team Parent. • Coaches should all be given a Coaches Handbook, Parent/Player Handbook and Coach/Team Parent Game Plan.




JUNIOR GIANTS AMBASSADOR JOB DESCRIPTION Junior Giants Ambassadors serve as liaisons between the Giants Community Fund’s office in San Francisco and individual Junior Giants leagues. Ambassadors work directly with their respective Commissioner to ensure a high quality program is being delivered to the community and will be trained as research assistants to collect data from parents and participants. Ambassadors will also be asked to assist with various special events at the league level as well as special events at AT&T Park and some regional events. Junior Giants staff in our San Francisco office will manage and oversee Ambassadors in their assigned regions. Ambassadors are required to report on a weekly basis to each respective supervisor.

QUALIFICATIONS: • College student obtaining a degree in recreation, sport management, child development or related majors preferred • Strong communication skills, both written and verbal. Strong interpersonal skills required • Ability to interact with diverse populations and age groups • Strong organizational and leadership abilities • Transportation to league sites in targeted region • Bilingual (Spanish) preferred • Available Mid-May/early June to mid-August with a flexible schedule to work selected weekdays, but primarily weeknights and weekend days. Minimum 12 hours per week.


Recruit at least one team parent to assist you with the following: – Maintaining player roster, attendance records and tracking program participation through Sports Illustrated Play. – Promoting the Character Development, Health, Education and Bullying Prevention programs by following the 8 Words of the Week. • Keep the atmosphere of Junior Giants noncompetitive and allow each participant equal opportunities in games and practices. • Assisting with Sports Illustrated Play – Ensuring that participants and volunteers are registered and all volunteers have completed background checks – Training volunteers in tracking program outcomes through Sports Illustrated Play. – Ensuring that each team’s progress is being tracked all season long • Distributing ID badges to volunteers who have completed their background check • Organizing and distributing equipment to teams and individual players (making sure every player has a glove) • Assisting the Commissioner with the planning and leading the Coach & Team Parent Meeting and First Pitch Meeting at the beginning of the season • Sending weekly messages and league information to players and volunteers • Observing practices and games and providing helpful feedback to coaches and the Commissioner • Distributing the Word of the Week packs and ensuring that coaches and team parents are reviewing the discussion questions and distributing incentives correctly • Representing the league at a central meeting location (prize table, snack shack, etc.) to answer questions and distribute incentives to players •

Assisting with ticket distribution at the end of the season

Data collection at the end of the season (parent surveys and participant interviews)



coMMISSIONERS game plan

JUNIOR GIANTS COMMITTEE Every league is encouraged to implement a Junior Giants Committee comprised of your best coaches, team parents, volunteers, and community leaders. Please use the positions listed below as a starting point and feel free to add other positions as needed.


Connect with local organizations to recruit volunteers for coach and team parent positions. Ensure all new volunteers are registered on Sports Illustrated Play. Connect new volunteers with the Coach Coordinator for next steps. Speak at Coaches/Team Parent and First Pitch Meetings about the importance of volunteers as support to the Junior Giants program.

COACH COORDINATOr • Ensure all coaches receive training prior to the start of the Junior Giants season which includes: – Attendance at the preseason Coaches Meeting – Distribution of the Coach & Team Parent Game Plan – Attendance at the Coaches Clinic at AT&T Park or a regional Coaches Clinic • In collaboration with the league Commissioner, implement a pre-season Fundamentals of Baseball Clinic for all teams. • Ensure all coaches are following the Coach & Team Parent Game Plan for the Word of the Week, programs and incentives. • Ensure all coaches communicate with their teams on a weekly basis both on the field and via Sports Illustrated Play.

TEAM PARENT COORDINATOR • Ensure teams and coaches follow the Junior Giants schedule and reinforce each Word of the Week as described in the Coach & Team Parent Game Plan. • Remind team parents to assist their coaches and teams with the following items each week: – Tracking of player attendance and program participation through Sports Illustrated Play – Distribution of the Junior Giants Baseball Cards and incentives • Train team parents to track program participation in Sports Illustrated Play.

EDUCATION REPRESENTATIVE • Serve as primary contact person at the league level in collaboration with league Commissioner for questions/concerns regarding Junior Giants Education Program. • Invite community “experts” in education and literacy to the preseason First Pitch Meeting and practices/games throughout the season. • Oversee the Round the Bases Reading Program and encourage all players to read during the season to earn Giants prizes along the way. – Recruit team parents to assist with reading prize distribution. • Encourage players who are entering 8th grade to apply for the Harmon & Sue Burns Scholarship. Assist with the application process: – Distribute application to eligible players. – Set up a workshop to offer assistance with completing the application and confirm with players that they have submitted their application to the Giants Community Fund. • Assist Commissioner with RSVPs for the Junior Giants Festival by ensuring that weekly tracking of each players’ and teams’ reading progress is recorded in Sports Illustrated Play.




JUNIOR GIANTS COMMITTEE HEALTH REPRESENTATIVE • Serve as primary contact person at the league level in collaboration with league Commissioner for questions/concerns regarding Junior Giants Health Program. • Invite community “experts” in Health to speak at the pre-season First Pitch Meeting and at practices/ games throughout the season. • Enforce Soda-Free Summer and your league’s “no junk food” policy. • Remind coaches and team parents to: – Reward players who successfully tracked their nutrition and physical activity for a week with a Junior Giants water bottle.

BULLYING PREVENTION REPRESENTATIVE • Serve as primary contact person at the league level in collaboration with league • Commissioner for questions/concerns regarding Junior Giants Strike Out Bullying Program. • Invite community “experts” in Bullying Prevention to speak at the preseason First Pitch Meeting and visit practices/games throughout the season. • Review and implement the Junior Giants Strike Out Bullying Pledge with players at the First Pitch Meeting • Invite a police officer to address your league and remind players of the oath they took throughout the season. • Encourage players to submit entries for the Strike Out Bullying Contest • Plan a Strike Out Bullying Art Night where families can come to work on their entries together. • Remind coaches and team parents to: – Reward those who signed the Strike Out Bullying Pledge with a sweatband – Reward those who submitted a Strike Out Bullying Contest entry with a drawstring backpack • Assist league Commissioner with application and event preparation for the Strike Out Bullying Speaker Series.



– – – – –

Age Group Coordinator (for larger leagues) Sports Illustrated Play Coordinator Equipment Coordinator Field Coordinator Incentive Tent/Prize Table Coordinator


coMMISSIONERS game plan

Junior giants CODE OF ETHICS The actions performed by Junior Giants Commissioners, coaches, volunteers and parents will affect thousands of players; therefore, it is imperative that those connected with the league always engage in conduct that is representative of the mission and standards of Junior Giants. • At all times, promote that Junior Giants is more than just baseball. • All players should know and coaches should teach the Four Bases of Character Development: CONFIDENCE, INTEGRITY, LEADERSHIP AND TEAMWORK • Under no conditions should anyone “curse out” a player, parent, coach or umpire on or off the field. Explain rather than complain. • Under no conditions swear, commit, or imply a vulgar act or motion. • Do not “ride” or belittle the opposition. We are building character and togetherness. • Please refrain from smoking or using chewing tobacco at all practices and during games, and instruct parents and observers to do the same. • Do not drink any alcoholic beverages or be under the influence of drugs or alcohol at any time in the presence of players or in any context involving the league. Instruct parents and observers to do the same. • Do not use words of instruction to a player or team which are disrespectful, malicious or defamatory, such as “go in with high spikes,” “take them out,” “throw at his head,” etc. • Never allow a player who has been injured to participate until you are certain that the player has fully recovered. • All teams should play every player in as much of every game as possible. • Do everything possible to ensure that participating in Junior Giants is a rewarding experience for the players. • Encourage your players to be good scholars and equally good citizens. • Make certain your team, including coaches, shakes hands with the opposing team after each game. • Never make a statement that constitutes a racial slur or that is demeaning to any person. Encourage respect and acceptance for all people. • Do not hesitate to remind others of the Junior Giants Code of Ethics and do not be offended when you are reminded.




Junior giants CODE OF ETHICS


umpires Because Junior Giants is noncompetitive, official umpires are not necessary for games and we encourage coaches to serve in that role.

LEAGUE OBLIGATIONS TO THE CODE • Make certain that coaches, players and all persons affiliated with your league are fully aware of and comply with the Junior Giants Code of Ethics. • Publicize the Junior Giants Code of Ethics as a Giants Community Fund commitment and review periodically the Junior Giants league’s progress toward its full implementation. • Demonstrate leadership by working actively with the Junior Giants league volunteers and teams to resolve problems and challenges facing the league. • Communicate to the community the need for them to become involved and make them aware of the Junior Giants league’s efforts. • A Junior Giants league recognizes its obligation and responsibilities to each team. To this end, the league and others in a position to influence the thinking of individuals should work to achieve adherence to the Code of Ethics.



coMMISSIONERS game plan

Junior giants LEAGUE RULES general rules: 1. Junior Giants offers the following age groups: 5-6 year olds, 7-9 year olds, 10-13 year olds, and 14-18 year olds. Players should be within their age group as of July 1. All players must be at least 5 years old by July 1. 2. Team names will be given on a first-come, first-served basis. Team uniforms and colors will be chose by the league Commissioner. 3. After every game, teams will line up and shake hands. 4. Any fighting or unruly conduct will result in either the player’s ejection or, if necessary, a team’s disqualification. 5. All players will bat in one continuous batting order; this includes those not playing in the field. 6. Teams will not be allowed to bat through the batting order more than once in any given inning. 7. Substitutions can only be made in between innings, unless a player has been injured. 8. All batters and runners will wear a batting helmet at all times. If a batter is caught without a helmet, a team warning will be given. Any infraction after that, the runner or batter will be out. The on-deck batter must also wear a helmet.

Rules for T-Ball (5-6 Year Old Age Group): 1. Bases will be 50 feet apart. 2. All games are five innings or 90 minutes, whichever comes first. 3. Batters must hit the ball fair. There will be no balls, strikes, or bunting. 4. The T-ball division will field 12 players at a time. Four outfielders and extra infielders are to be station between first and second base position, and between shortstop and second base. 5. All players must participate in the field in each game. Each player must play two consecutive innings with no more than three innings in any one position. 6. The fielding pitcher must wear a batting helmet and be within 3 feet of the pitching mound. 7. Once the fielding pitcher receives the ball from his/her teammates, near the pitching mound, the ball is dead and play will stop.




Junior giants LEAGUE RULES


Rules for 7-9 Year Old Age Group: 1. This age group will field 10 players, with the extra player to play in the outfield. 2. Bases will be 60 feet apart. 3. All games are seven innings or 90 minutes, whichever comes first. 4. There are only five pitches per batter. Note: A pitch is defined as a ball that a child has a legitimate chance of hitting. 5. After the 5th pitch, if the batter has not put the ball in play, the batter is out. 6. Any bad pitch made by the pitching machine may be disallowed. 7. Any batted ball that hits the pitching machine or generator will be ruled a single. 8. Returning the ball to the fielding pitcher will end the play. 9. A foul tip that goes 6 feet over the catcher’s head and is caught by the catcher is to be called an out, unless it is the 3rd strike, where no height limit is needed. 10. Infield fly rule is to be enforced at all time. 11. If a runner leaves too early, a team warning will be issued and the runner will be sent back. 12. If a runner leaves early and the batter gets a hit, the runner is out. The next time any runner who was previously warned leaves early, he/she will be automatically out. 13. Any slides performed in an effort to take out the fielder or any attempt to interfere with the fielder (putting hands up or running into the fielder) will result in an out.

Rules for 10-13 Year Old Age Group: 1. This age group will field 9 players. 2. Bases will be 60 feet apart. 3. All games are seven innings or 90 minutes, whichever comes first. 4. The pitching machine will be placed 50 feet from home plate. Note: The speed of the pitch will be adjusted so as to allow each child the best possible chance of putting the ball in play. 5. Three strikes is an out in this age division. 6. After the 3rd strike or 5th pitch, if the catcher drops the ball, the batter will still be out and the catcher does not have to throw to first base. However, any base runners may still attempt to steal. 7. Stealing is permitted only after the catcher makes contact with the ball. 8. There will be no stealing on a “no pitch” call. Any action that occurs on a “no pitch” will not count.

Rules for 14-18 Year Old Age Group: Current Official High School Baseball Rules will be used for this age group. The National Federation of State High School Associations Rule Books should be followed by coaches (http://www.nfhs.org/activities-sports/baseball/).



coMMISSIONERS game plan




• Round the Bases Reading Program • Harmon and Sue Burns Scholars

• Four Bases of Character Development • Junior Giants Base Bands



• Strike Out Bullying Pledge • Strike Out Bullying Contest

• Healthy Habits Poster • Romo’s Routine on DVD

JUNIOR GIANTS LEAGUE SCHEDULE To ensure every Junior Giant is successfully learning the Four Bases of Character Development and participating in the HEALTH, EDUCATION AND STRIKE OUT BULLYING PROGRAMS, all leagues should adhere to the following League Schedule and corresponding Word of the Week.




















Here’s what each week will look like! WORD OF THE WEEK (WOW) PACKS Each week, coaches/team parents will receive a Word of the Week pack—a weekly guide to everything they need know that week. You will pick up your WOW Pack each week through a central meeting place as determined by your league.

WOW PACKS INCLUDE: 1. Word of the Week checklist 2. Relevant incentives for the week 3. Weekly Junior Giants Baseball Card

At Bat This Week

What’s in store for this week’s Word of the Week!

Word of the Week Talk

Begin a team discussion by reading the quote of the week and asking players the questions listed.

Items to Track on TeamWALL

Don’t forget to track your team’s participation online each week!

End of Practice

Reward players with the incentives they’ve earned for the week.

On Deck for Next Week

A look ahead to what is in store for next week!



coMMISSIONERS game plan



Madison Bumgarner Pitcher | 40

AT BAT THIS WEEK: o Obtain your first WORD OF THE WEEK PACK with the incentives and discussion guide for this week. o Welcome players and teach them about the Junior Giants philosophy and noncompetitive spirit. o Have all participants and coaches sit in a circle and introduce themselves by sharing their first

name and favorite summertime activity.

o Junior Giants is more than just baseball! Have players take turns reading through the Player &

Parent Handbook to learn about the various programs. By simply doing this, all players have now reached the First Base in the Round the Bases Reading Program! Pass out bookmarks to all players and show the other incentives that can be earned throughout the season.

WORD OF THE WEEK TALK: o Read the quote of the week aloud: “I learned so much through the game of baseball. I am excited for all of you to also learn while having fun and playing Junior Giants this summer.” – Madison Bumgarner, Giants Pitcher

o Begin a team discussion by asking players the following questions: 1. What does a good teammate do? 2. Who have you seen be a good teammate? 3. What are your goals for this season?




END OF PRACTICe: o INTRODUCE THE JUNIOR GIANTS BASEBALL CARDS o The Junior Giants Baseball Cards are designed to give coaches a

tool to discuss the Word of the Week. Coaches should take time before or after practices/games to engage players in a conversation about the Word of the Week and pass out that week’s card.

o Players will earn 1 card each week.

Players that earn all 8 cards will receive the Reward Card and a bobblehead at the end of the season.

o For Week 1, pass out the Starter Card and have your Word of

the Week talk. Mark off which players earned their cards on your tracking sheet, located in this Game Plan, and on the teamwall app.

You will do this each week!

ITEMS TO TRACK IN THE TEAMWALL APP THIS WEEK First Pitch Meeting Attendance Strike Out Bullying Pledge Starter Card


Reading Incentives Earned

Preview Health Week by: o Showing and reviewing the Healthy Habits Poster and sticker sheet from the Player & Parent Handbook. o Encouraging players to track their nutrition and physical activity for a week using the tracking sheet

at the bottom of their Healthy Habits Poster. Players should use the stickers to track their daily eating habits and exercise.

o Reminding your team that if they bring their tracking sheet to next week’s practice they will

earn a water bottle.



coMMISSIONERS game plan


brandon crawford infielder | 35




AT BAT THIS WEEK: o Collect your HEALTH Word of the Week pack. o Introduce the Health program by reviewing the following

items with players:

• Healthy Habits Poster

• Romo’s Routine on DVD o Introduce Health Week by reading the quote of the week.

WORD OF THE WEEK TALK: o Read the quote of the week aloud: “To be a great athlete, I make sure to eat healthy foods, drink lots of water and get enough sleep every night. Healthy foods give me more energy and strength.” – Brandon Crawford, Giants Infielder o Begin a health conversation with players by discussing

the following: 1. Name as many fruits and vegetables as you can. Name other healthy snacks and drinks. 2. What do athletes do to get ready for their games and practices? (reference Healthy Habits Poster) 3. How can you exercise at school or at home?


o Pass out Health Baseball Card to all players.

o Reward players who successfully completed their Healthy Habits Poster with the water bottle. o Encourage players to watch and follow Romo’s Routine so they have ideas of exercises to

try this summer.



Health Lineup Tracking Sheet Reading Prizes Earned

Preview CONFIDENCE Week by: o Reminding players to continue reading so they can earn all the Round the Bases Reading incentives! 29


coMMISSIONERS game plan

WEEK 3 WORD OF THE WEEK: confidence

brandon belt infielder | 9




AT BAT THIS WEEK: o Collect your CONFIDENCE Word of the Week pack. o Introduce Confidence Week by doing the Word of the Week talk.

WORD OF THE WEEK TALK: o Read the quote of the week aloud: “Having confidence is believing that you and your team can accomplish what you set your mind to.” – Brandon Belt, Giants Infielder o Begin a conversation about confidence by asking the

players the following questions: 1. Do you know what the word “confidence” means? 2. How could you feel more confident about yourself?


o Pass out Confidence Baseball Card to all players.

o Pass out the Confidence Base Band and encourage your players

to wear it throughout the week.

ITEMS TO TRACK IN THE TEAMWALL APP THIS WEEK Confidence Card Reading Prizes Earned

ON DECK NEXT WEEK: Preview EDUCATION Week by: o Challenging players to reach the next base in the Round the Bases Reading Program. o Reminding players that if they reach the Home Run level as a team they will be invited to the

Junior Giants Festival at AT&T Park (or for T-ball players, that they receive a backpack)!



coMMISSIONERS game plan

WEEK 4 WORD OF THE WEEK: education

santiago casilla pitcher | 46




AT BAT THIS WEEK: o Collect your EDUCATION Word of the Week pack. o Introduce Education Week by reviewing the Round the Bases Reading Program.

WORD OF THE WEEK TALK: o Read the quote of the week aloud: “No matter what career you want to have in life, education is important. My education has helped me on and off the baseball field.” – Santiago Casilla, Giants Pitcher o Begin a conversation about education by asking the

players the following questions: 1. What are your favorite books/stories? Favorite authors? 2. Where would you like to go to college? What would you like to learn in college? 3. What do you want to be when you grow up?

Encourage players to read all summer long and earn prizes along the way! Have players track the books they read on their Reading Scorecard. As a bonus, encourage players to read to younger family members or friends to include them in the fun!


FIRST BASE | Read the Player & Parent Handbook to receive a Giants bookmark.

SECOND BASE | Read for 240 minutes to receive a Giants folder.

THIRD BASE | Read for 480 minutes to receive a Giants pencil and pencil case.

HOME RUN! | Read for 720 minutes to receive a Giants notebook.

reading scorecards DUE ON JULY 17!

If your ENTIRE TEAM reaches the Home Run level, you are eligible to attend the


(Please note that T-ball teams will receive a backpack instead of an invitation to the Festival.)


o Pass out Education Baseball Card to all players. o Have players show their Reading Scorecards and pass out incentives accordingly. o Continue to encourage reading by showing players the other incentives they can earn. ITEMS TO TRACK IN THE TEAMWALL APP THIS WEEK Education Card Reading Prizes Earned



coMMISSIONERS game plan






AT BAT THIS WEEK: o Collect your TEAMWORK Word of the Week pack. o Introduce Teamwork Week by doing the Word of the Week.

WORD OF THE WEEK TALK: o Read the quote of the week aloud: “All of your teammates will contribute different strengths to the team. World Champion teams always give their best, support each other and work together.” – Joe Panik, Giants Infielder o Begin a discussion on teamwork by asking the players the following questions: 1. Are you on a team? How do you know? 2. What are other team sports? 3. How can you use teamwork at home or school?


o Pass out Teamwork Baseball Card to all players.

o Pass out the Teamwork Base Band and encourage

your players to wear it throughout the week.




coMMISSIONERS game plan

WEEK 6 WORD OF THE WEEK: leadership

Matt Duffy infielder | 5




AT BAT THIS WEEK: o Collect your LEADERSHIP Word of the Week pack. o Have players demonstrate Leadership by leading warm-ups and cheering each other on during

games and practices.

o Introduce Leadership Week by doing the Word of the Week talk.

WORD OF THE WEEK TALK: o Read the quote of the week aloud: “When you are a leader you inspire and motivate your teammates to work towards the same goal.” – Matt Duffy, Giants Infielder o Begin a conversation on leadership by discussing the

following with players: 1. Do you know a good leader? Why is he/she a good leader? 2. How can you be a leader at school? At home? On the baseball field? 3. Explain to your players that every player on the team can be a leader and can lead by example.


o Pass out Leadership Baseball Card to all players.

o Pass out the Leadership Base Band and encourage your

players to wear it throughout the week.

ITEMS TO TRACK IN THE TEAMWALL APP THIS WEEK Leadership Card Reading Prizes Earned

ON DECK NEXT WEEK: Preview Strike Out Bullying Week by: o Encouraging players to wear their Strike Out Bullying sweatbands to remind them of the pledge they

took at the beginning of the season.

o Reminding players to turn in their Strike Out Bullying Contest entry next week, if they have not

already done so.



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sergio romo pitcher | 54




AT BAT THIS WEEK: o Collect your STRIKE OUT BULLYING Word Of The Week pack. o Introduce Strike Out Bullying Week by reviewing the

Strike Out Bullying Pledge. I am a Junior Giant. I Pledge to Strike Out Bullying by... • Respecting my teammates, coaches, family and friends • Giving up put-downs • Standing up for what is right • Treating others the way I would like to be treated • Praising people and helping others • Showing my friends that a bully-free life is more fun

o Have all players sign the Strike Out Bullying Pledge (if they did not

do so already at the First Pitch Meeting) and distribute the Strike Out Bullying sweatbands to help players remember the pledge.

WORD OF THE WEEK TALK: o Read the quote of the week aloud: “Junior Giants treat others how they want to be treated and do not bully. Be a positive and encouraging player to your teammates, coaches, friends and family” – Sergio Romo, Giants Pitcher o Begin a discussion on bullying prevention by asking your players the following questions: 1. What does a good friend do? 2. What is a bully? 3. What can you do if you see someone being bullied? 4. How can we help someone who doesn’t have a friend?


o Provide materials for players to participate in the Strike Out Bullying Contest (located in the Player &

Parent Handbook). Encourage players to submit a piece of artwork, song, video, or poem that emphasizes the following theme: “WE DON’T BULLY, WE ARE JUNIOR GIANTS.” Players who submit an entry receive a drawstring backpack.

o Pass out the Strike Out Bullying Card to all players. ITEMS TO TRACK IN THE TEAMWALL APP THIS WEEK Strike Out Bullying Card


Strike Out Bullying Contest Entry Reading Incentives Earned

Preview INTEGRITY Week AND THE LAST WEEK OF JUNIOR GIANTS by: o Asking your players to think about their favorite memory with their team this season to share in a discussion. 39


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Buster Posey catcher | 28




AT BAT THIS WEEK: o Collect your INTEGRITY Word of the Week pack. o Introduce Integrity Week by doing the Word of the Week.

WORD OF THE WEEK TALK: o Read the quote of the week aloud: “Integrity means always being responsible, honest and dependable in your actions both on and off of the field.” – Buster Posey, Giants Catcher o Begin a discussion on integrity by asking the players

the following questions: 1. What does integrity mean? 2. Players who have integrity always do what is right in any situation, even when no one is watching. Have you ever done the right thing when no one is watching?

o Review the past 8 weeks with your players, incorporating the

theme of integrity when possible: 1. What was your favorite part of this season? 2. What ways did we show integrity this season? 3. Did you try any new fruits, vegetables, or exercises that you hadn’t tried before? 4. What will you do next time you see someone being bullied?

END OF PRACTICe: o Pass out Integrity and Season Review Baseball Card to all players.

o Pass out the Integrity Base Band and encourage your

o Pass out the bobblehead to your players who earned all their Junior Giants Baseball cards (unless

players to wear it throughout the week. your league has another designated time to pass these out, such as an end-of season celebration).

o Thank the players and coaches and tell them that you hope to see them next season! ITEMS TO TRACK IN THE TEAMWALL APP THIS WEEK Integrity Card Season Review Card Bobblehead Award Reading Incentives Earned



coMMISSIONERS game plan


Named in honor of San Francisco Giants Hall of Famer Willie McCovey, this award is the Junior Giants version of the annual award given to a Giants player by his teammates each year. The Junior Giants Willie Mac Award will go to one outstanding Junior Giants player and coach/team parent that best represents their league, as chosen by their Commissioner. A Junior Giants Willie Mac recipient exemplifies CONFIDENCE, INTEGRITY, LEADERSHIP AND TEAMWORK, on and off the field. Junior Giants Willie Mac Award winners are recognized during a home plate ceremony at AT&T Park on either Junior Giants Day or Coach/Team Parents Recognition Day. All award winners, and a guest, are invited to a special luncheon after the season’s end where they receive their award.





Each year, the Giants Community Fund inducts 10 new Junior Giants into the Harmon & Sue Burns Scholarship Program. ALL JUNIOR GIANTS ENTERING 8TH GRADE ARE INVITED TO APPLY FOR A $5,000 SCHOLARSHIP. The Harmon & Sue Burns Scholars are honored at a home plate ceremony at AT&T Park on Education Day. PLAYERS DO NOT NEED TO BE STRAIGHT A STUDENTS TO APPLY. Scholars are selected on the basis of leadership, character, academic potential and Junior Giants involvement. From 8th grade through high school, Harmon & Sue Burns Scholars are required to: • Maintain involvement with Junior Giants as a coach/mentor or participate in another community volunteer program with a minimum of 30 hours of service each year • Maintain satisfactory high school attendance • Maintain an annual minimum grade point average of 2.0 on a four-point scale


How to assist with applications for the Harmon & Sue Burns Scholarship Program: • Identify players in your league that are entering the 8th grade. • Application instructions will be emailed to Commissioners and to incoming 8th graders through Sports Illustrated Play. Forward online application to incoming 8th graders. • Offer help or resources for Junior Giants that might need assistance completing their application, especially if applicants do not have Internet access at home.

Special thanks to the Burns Family Foundation who generously underwrites the cost of the Harmon and Sue Burns Scholarship Program each year and to Franklin Templeton Investments for their donation to support the Road the College Workshop and Education Day.



coMMISSIONERS game plan







3rd BASE




Matt Duffy INFIELDER Buster Posey CATCHER





GIANTS COMMUNITY FUND AT&T Park 24 Willie Mays Plaza San Francisco, CA 94107

GIANTS COMMUNITY FUND HOTLINE: 1.877.JR.GIANT (574-4862) Fax: 415.947.2644 Email: jrgiants@sfgiants.com Website: gojrgiants.org

GIANTS COMMUNITY FUND STAFF: Sue Petersen, Executive Director Paul Giuliacci, Deputy Director Carolyn Della Maggiore, Development Director Blaine Mauldin, Senior Coordinator, Development and Health Nicole Z. Catchatoorian, Junior Giants Manager Cassandra Hofman, Junior Giants and Special Projects Manager Bailey West, Junior Giants Coordinator Jen Day, Junior Giants Coordinator Carly Nelson, Junior Giants Intern



coMMISSIONERS game plan


Klamath Falls

Mt. Shasta Hoopa Eureka



Red Bluff Rancho Tehama Los Molinos

JUNIOR GIANTS LEAGUES WE’D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! To provide feedback about the program, please contact:


Covelo Willits Mendocino Coast




Yolo County Sacramento West Sacramento

San Rafael

Rohnert Park

N. Richmond/San Pablo San Francisco

Email: jrgiants@sfgiants.com

Plumas Lake


Santa Rosa

Phone: 1.877.JR.GIANT



Giants Community Fund 24 Willie Mays Plaza San Francisco, CA 94107

Rancho Cordova

Carson City South Lake Tahoe

Vacaville Suisun City

Vallejo Concord Antioch Richmond Oakland Pittsburg

Lodi Stockton Daly City Tracy Modesto South San Francisco Keyes Newark San Bruno Atwater Milpitas Patterson San Mateo Merced Morgan Hill Redwood City Los Banos Gilroy East Palo Alto Hollister Santa Clara Watsonville Sunnyvale Salinas San Jose Santa Cruz Marina Fresno Castroville Livermore Hayward

91 Leagues 25,000 Girls and Boys 2,800 Coaches 2,000 Team Parents

Sanger Orange Cove Reedley Parlier Porterville

Paso Robles

San Luis Obispo Lamont Arvin

All photos courtesy of the San Francisco Giants.


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