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Last Argosy Collective

Graphic design research group

PhD Proposal Key points Exploration of Data Shadows in the generation of written and visual narrative. Constructed narrative and visual language generated through found archives and items. Establishing a community of creatives to collaborate on projects based around the archives and items. Narrative Data Shadows as a tool to develop idea generation in design projects. Creation of a visual & audio ethnographic resource. Exploration of the, ‘story of everyone’. Re imagining the past to give insights to the future.

Last Argosy Collective

Graphic design research group

As part of my PhD research into Graphic Data Shadows, I have established a group of professionals and students to explore the graphic narrative from selected found items and archives. The Last Argosy has a small core development group who meet fortnightly to plan projects and aim to develop a collaborative global network. As with all my personal work I try to engage students, with the aim of enriching the learning experience and ultimately giving them an advantage in the workplace.

Last Argosy Collective

Graphic design research group

Core team Emma Nicholson Level One Graphic Design student Role within the Argosy Designer & content developer

“ I was surprised and thrilled to be invited to join the group

despite the fact I had only just started the course. I was excited for the new experiences and tasks the projects would bring. Being a part of this group allows me to network with designers other than my peers on the course, this will benefit my working practice and I will be able to communicate and work with new people better. It has also helped me open my mind up to the endless possibilities of design and what I could really do with the things that interest and inspire me. And of course the work I do with the group will enhance my portfolio and help me to stick out among the crowd of newly post graduates when I finish the course.

Last Argosy Collective

Graphic design research group

Core team Rebecca Fisk Final year Graphic Design student Role within the Argosy Designer, brand & content developer

“ From my point of view, the Lost Argosy Collective is a

valuable opportunity. An opportunity to collaborate, network, learn from others and be creative. Working hand in hand with creative professionals from different backgrounds is something that doesn’t come along often and should be nurtured. The Last Argosy is my opportunity to work alongside people who are as passionate about their work as I am, and I believe it has the breadth and potential to be extremely successful. As a final year student in September, this will fuel my final major project, and will hopefully be a project I’m part of for a long time to come. ​

Last Argosy Collective

Graphic design research group

Core team Joe Turner Role within the Argosy Strategist Graduate from Huddersfield, now Senior Strategist Undercurrent, New York.

I was thinking about Streetgraphic the other day when I came across this from Wordsworth: “The education of circumstances is superior to that of tuition”. The circumstance realized by Streetgraphic, it turns out, were infinitely more valuable to me than the three years of so-called formalized higher education combined. The most valuable lessons in higher education don’t come from lecture halls or classrooms, but from authentic experiences driven by a students own initiative. The Last Argosy is a platform from which students can create opportunities to develop their own ideas. And nothing is more powerful than that.

Last Argosy Collective

Graphic design research group

Core team Margot Swift Role within the Argosy Graphic designer/content developer

“ Working in collaboration on the Last Argosy is proving to

be a rewarding and insightful experience. The re-examination of old materials, often with no context, allows individuals to create narratives that are influenced by their own understanding of the world. Assumptions that are made by an older generation are brought into sharp relief and as a social media content designer it is important always to consider the perspective of your potential market. One constant remains, however, and that is the delight in the authentic and fascination with items from the past. By sharing thoughts and processes through meetings and online wikis and blogs the dynamic is maintained and all collaborators have equal opportunity to be heard.


Last Argosy Collective

Graphic design research group

Core team Grant Lowe Role within the Argosy Writer, Actor & Facilitator

“The opportunity to develop and re-imagine narratives alongside creative professionals from other disciplines doesn’t come along everyday. So when I was asked to join the Last Argosy Collective, I jumped at chance. My aim is to work to breath life back into these beautiful documents. To unpack through performative techniques the stories that the artefacts elude too. Bringing the archives we are working with to life and giving them a voice and physicality that is both authentic and at the same time playful.

Last Argosy Collective

Graphic design research group

Core team Tirene Doepel Role within the Argosy Writer, Copy writer, Project manager & Bid writer.

“I’ve always been excited by the power of Storytelling, creating a narrative with a heartbeat and pulse to capture the imagination and share a moment, a message or a moral and to provoke a reaction based on the listeners own framework of experiences and moral compass. Being involved in The Last Argosy offers the opportunity to expand on the stories and memories of found objects and archives by creating an interactive open source platform from which the untold stories of a collective consciousness can emerge. The Story of Everyone is a unique glimpse into the narrative of everyday lives and the stories and experiences that have shaped them. I am thrilled to be part of it. “Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it.” -Hannah Arendt

Last Argosy Collective

Graphic design research group

Core team Karin Dubois Role within the Argosy Producer, script writer, editor & global perspectives

It’s an exciting project and it stimulated a lot of ideas and connections – I’m looking forward to participating

Last Argossy Last Argosy Collective Collective Graphic research groupgroup Graphicdesign design research Associates Dr Anne Conroy Benefits: Role within the Argosy Africa correspondant Develops partnerships with studentsofand industry Ministry of Finance, Government Malawi Opens up progression lines to MA and PhD Associates Javaira Farrukh Enhances possible work student placement opportunities Level1 Graphic design Role within the Argosy Generates Animator current teaching materials Develops confidence within the student body Associates We have vacancies Enhances the quality of final year projects Works at all Undergraduate Graduates levels from active management to undertaking individual projects Make my own PhD enjoyable

Last Argosy Collective

Graphic design research group

Staff benefits

Student benefits

Re engaging with practice

Added value

Collaboration & Networking

Learning new skills

Learning new skills

Transferable skills

Talking the talk

Group work

Satisfying experience

Real time decision making

University benefits Positive brand experience Local National International Recruitment

Greater conceptual rigor Personal work as well as University portfolio

Emma Nicholson Level One Graphic Design student. Developing graphic narrative through found items. De constructing graphic ephemera. Gaining knowledge of historical design & context. Developing the Argosy Brand. Developing Argosy web interface.


Last Argosy Collective

Graphic design research group

After Hours Commercial Studio. 100% employment record. Students placed before graduation. Group work. Student decision making and risk taking. Accelerated creative and technical skills. Highly developed communication skills. College promo designed by students.

Canalside media 20k University enterprise bid. 100% employment. Measurability of success. Students placed before graduation. Group work. Featured on BBC Working Lunch. Featured in Design Week. Added Value. University employed Canalside staff. Degree written around the model.

Experimental visual language e-zine. Student generated content. Roles and responsibilities. Group work. Student decision and risk taking. Measurement and brand values. Highly developed communication skills. SEO. Industry overview. Enhanced employment opportunities.

36.2419째 N, 116.8258째 W E.Rigg Design Guidelines

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Edward C Rigg: The Archives 1950-70 Photo Colour Slides: 1. 2. 3.

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Edward C Rigg: The Archives 1950-70 Photo Colour Slides: 1. 2. 3.

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Edward C Rigg: The Archives 1950-70 Photo Colour Slides: 1. 2. 3.

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Edward C Rigg: The Archives 1950-64 Photo Colour Slides 1: Files: 1- 70

Edward C Rigg: The Archives 1964-67 Photo Colour Slides: Files: 1- 70

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Edward C Rigg: The Archives 1950-64 Photo Colour Slides 1: Files: 1- 70

Edward C Rigg: The Archives 1964-67 Photo Colour Slides 2: Files: 71- 92

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Edward C Rigg: The Archives 1967-70

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Edward C Rigg: The Archives 1970 - 79 Photo Colour Slides: Files: 1- 70 Helevetica Neue Regular 24pt


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Edward C Rigg: The Archives 1950-70 Photo Colour Slides: 1. 2. 3.


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Edward C Rigg: The Archives 1950-70 Photo Colour Slides: 1. 2. 3.


Edward C Rigg: The Archives 1950-70 Photo Colour Slides: 1. 2. 3.


Icon Artwork:









West Germany



Icon Artwork:


Edward C Rigg: The Archives 1950-70 Photo Colour Slides: 1. 2. 3.


Icon Artwork:


Edward C Rigg: The Archives 1950-70 Photo Colour Slides: 1. 2. 3.


Icon Artwork:


Edward C Rigg: The Archives 1950-70 Photo Colour Slides: 1. 2. 3.


Image Artwork:

Compositions & crops:

Edward C Rigg: The Archives 1950-70 Photo Colour Slides: 1. 2. 3.


Image Artwork:

Compositions & crops:

Edward C Rigg: The Archives 1950-70 Photo Colour Slides: 1. 2. 3.


Image Artwork:

Compositions & crops:

Edward C Rigg: The Archives 1950-70 Photo Colour Slides: 1. 2. 3.


Image Artwork:

Compositions & crops:

Edward C Rigg: The Archives 1950-70 Photo Colour Slides: 1. 2. 3.


Image Artwork:

Compositions & colour:

Edward C Rigg: The Archives 1950-70 Photo Colour Slides: 1. 2. 3.


Image Artwork:

Compositions & colour:

Edward C Rigg: The Archives 1950-70 Photo Colour Slides: 1. 2. 3.


Image Artwork:

Compositions & colour:

Edward C Rigg: The Archives 1950-70 Photo Colour Slides: 1. 2. 3.


Image Artwork:

Compositions & colour:

Edward C Rigg: The Archives 1950-70 Photo Colour Slides: 1. 2. 3.


Image Artwork:

Compositions & colour:

Edward C Rigg: The Archives 1950-70 Photo Colour Slides: 1. 2. 3.


Image Artwork:

Compositions & colour:

Edward C Rigg: The Archives 1950-70 Photo Colour Slides: 1. 2. 3.


Image Artwork:

Compositions & colour:

Edward C Rigg: The Archives 1950-70 Photo Colour Slides: 1. 2. 3.


Last Argosy Collective

Graphic design research group

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