1 minute read
About Jay
Jay Robb has worked in public relations since 1993, with tour stops at a provincial non-profit (where he learned how to skin a black bear but left before he had to), a hospital, a steelmaker (“our product is steel, our strength is people”), a community college and one of the world’s top universities. He has spent most of his career helping senior leaders connect with employees.
Jay has also read and reviewed more than 600 business books for the Hamilton Spectator since 1999. Reviews run every second Saturday. He is forever grateful to the editor who shot down his initial idea of a column about public relations done badly by local organizations, which would’ve gone unread and been a career-limiting move.
Jay graduated from the University of Western Ontario (Harvard of the North) with a graduate degree in journalism and a less useful undergraduate degree in political science. Instead of going to class, Jay drew a daily cartoon strip for the student newspaper.
Jay calls Hamilton, Ontario home and lives with a very patient wife and two great kids who thankfully take after their mother in every way that matters most.
Rather than bake sourdough bread, adopt a rescue dog, train for a marathon or attempt a home reno, Leadership Miscommunication: The Seven Deadly Spins of Connecting with Employees was Jay’s 2020-21 pandemic project.
Email Jay at jayrobb@cogeco.ca. Jay’s book reviews are archived at www.jayrobb.me