Northern woodcraft 2014 catalog

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Woodcraft Products

in Our craftsmen only work with the finest woods, stains, and other finishing products. Strict attention to detail and the highest standards in workmanship guarantee lasting quality.


quality With loving care and a minimum of regular maintenance, your Northern Woodcraft table will weather a lifetime of family events for generations to come.




Care of Solid Wood Tables

• M aintain a humidity-controlled environment. Your home should be kept in the 40-50% humidity range to prevent warping and cracking.

• K eep table out of direct sunlight or fluorescent fixtures that contain ultraviolet rays. • P lace furniture away from direct heat sources such as furnace ducts, radiators and fireplaces. • S tore table leaves in or close to the table to maintain consistent environmental conditions. • Avoid placing sharp objects that could scratch the table directly on the table. • D o not store furniture in attics or basements where the environment is not consistent. ust table often and carefully with a soft cloth following the grain • D pattern to remove abrasive dust particles. eriodically clean the table with mild non-alkaline soap using a soft • P sponge or cloth. • Avoid polish that contains silicones. (Ask your retailer to recommend a polish.) All hardwood contains variations in color and grain. These natural characteristics give each piece of solid wood furniture its unique charm, and although the finishing process is identical, no two pieces are the same. Most hardwoods are open-grained causing solid wood furniture to expand and contract with changes in humidity and temperature even after the finish is applied. Care in controlling the furniture’s environment will help minimize the minor cracking and warping that is a natural part of the wood’s character. With proper care, your solid wood furniture will provide a lifetime of enjoyment and can be passed on to future generations.

warranty Within the first two years we will repair or replace a table if it is in a humidity level of 40-50% and wasn’t placed in front of a window or any kind of a heater or heat duct. If a table splits after two years there will be a minimum charge to fix it and to send it to a finish shop. Then it will need to be negotiated between the retail store and the finisher.




Item # Description Page No. pedestal Tables S-01 Barrel Bistro......................................................... 6 S-02 Bradbury Single Pedestal.................................... 7 S-05 Conference Pedestal........................................... 8 S-08 Dillon Bistro.......................................................... 9 S-07 Dover Single Pedestal....................................... 10 S-09 Roxbury Pedestal...............................................11 S-03 Single Pedestal.................................................. 12 S-04 Traditional.......................................................... 13 S-06 Tuscan Single Pedestal..................................... 14 D-12 Bradbury Double Pedestal................................. 15 D-10 Double Pedestal........................................... 16-17 D-14 Mission Double Pedestal................................... 18 D-16 Old World Mission Single & Double Pedestal.... 19 D-20 Tuscan Double Pedestal.................................... 20 Trestle and Legged Tables T-26 Armani............................................................... 22 T-30 Bellingham......................................................... 23 T-320 Bostonian........................................................... 24 T-330 Boulder Creek.................................................... 25 T-310 Bradbury Trestle........................................... 26-27 T-350 Buchanan...................................................... 27-28 T-32 Conner.......................................................... 30-31 T-331 Carolina Trestle............................................. 32-33 T-34 Country Shaker.................................................. 34 T-38 Crestline............................................................. 35 T-44 Douglas Trestle with 3� Legs............................. 36 T-43 Douglas Trestle with 4� Legs............................. 37 T-445 Grant Trestle................................................. 38-39 T-449 Harris............................................................ 40-41 T-45 Heritage Trestle................................................. 42 T-46 Herrington Trestle.............................................. 43 T-461 Kensington Trestle............................................. 44 T-48 Lavega............................................................... 45


Item # Description Page No. B-401 Belleville............................................................. 86 B-405 Douglas.............................................................. 86 B-410 French Farmhouse............................................ 87 B-413 Grant.................................................................. 87 B-415 Heritage............................................................. 88



Item # Description Page No. Shape Options....................................................................... 92 Edge Options......................................................................... 93

Item # Description Page No. T-49 Livingston Trestle............................................... 46 T-491 Lyndayle Trestle................................................. 47 T-50 Madison Trestle................................................. 48 T-54 Markley Mission................................................. 49 T-58 Modesto Trestle................................................. 50 T-56 Mondovi Trestle................................................. 51 T-62 Round Modesto................................................. 52 T-66 Trestle Mission................................................... 53 T-72 Westbrook Banquet...................................... 54-55 T-74 West Lake Trestle......................................... 56-57 L-114 Belleville Legged........................................... 58-59 L-110 Bellingham Legged............................................ 60 L-120 Carson............................................................... 61 L-121 Christy........................................................... 62-63 L-122 Douglas Legged................................................. 64 L-126 Escalon Legged................................................. 65 L-132 Fenmore Legged............................................ 6-67 L-150 French Farm House........................................... 68 L-154 Grant Legged..................................................... 69 L-156 Heritage Legged................................................ 70 L-157 Kensington Legged............................................ 71 L-158 Lavega............................................................... 72 L-160 Legged Mission.................................................. 73 L-166 Legged Modesto................................................ 74 L-172 Legged Tables................................................... 75 L-176 Madison............................................................. 76 L-190 Old Harbor Mission............................................ 77 L-199 Parkland Rectangle........................................... 78 L-196 Parkland Round................................................. 79 L-194 Rea Legged....................................................... 80 L-204 Shaker Mission - Arch Skirt................................ 81 L-206 Shaker Mission - Straight Skirt.......................... 81 L-120 West Lake Legged........................................ 82-83 L-208 Yorktown Legged............................................... 84

Item # Description Page No. B-417 Madison............................................................. 88 B-420 Modesto............................................................. 89 B-425 Shaker............................................................... 89 B-430 Trestle Mission................................................... 90 B-435 West Lake ......................................................... 90

Item # Description Page No. Butterfly Leaf......................................................................... 94

pedestal tables

At Northern Woodcraft Products, we pride ourselves in the selection of the woods we use, the quality of our workmanship, the seemingly endless design choices we offer, and the many options we make available to our dealers and patrons.


pedestal tables

Shown in Soft Maple with Espresso finish and standard round 36" diameter x 1" thick solid top, a standard 8" diameter x 36" high Pub Pedestal and a standard Mission Edge.

item no. S-01 Standard Shape: Round Edge: Mission Species: Oak Table Height: 36"

Options Shape: 4" Radius Corner Edge: Beveled Species: Cherry, Hickory, QSWO, Brown Maple Table Height: 42"

B 6

Shape Options Edge Options

4" Radius Corner Beveled

Bradbury Single Pedestal ITEM NO. S-02 Standard

Shown in Brown Maple and standard Round 48" diameter solid top, standard gear slides, solid wood pedestal and a 32" square base.

Shape: Round Edge: Mission Species: Oak Top: 1"

Options Shape: 4" Radius, Square Corner Edge: Beveled, Traditional Species: Cherry, QSWO, Brown Maple PUB HEIGHT IS NOT AVAILABLE


Shape Options

Edge Options Beveled

4" Radius Corner

Square Corner



Conference Table Shown in Oak with a 60" standard Round top, standard Roundover edge, and 13" Conference pedestal base with extended 16" feet for support.

ITEM NO. S-05 Standard Shape: Round Edge: Roundover Species: Oak

Options Shape: 4" Radius Corner Edge: Beveled, Traditional Species: Cherry, Brown Maple

13" Conference pedestal (Also available on 72")

C 8

Shape Options

Edge Options Beveled

4" Radius Corner


Dillon Bistro ITEM NO. S-08

Shown in optional Cherry, 42" optional Pub height Round with standard Mission edge.

Standard Shape: Round Edge: Mission Species: Oak Top: 1" Height: 36"

Options Shape: Square Corner Edge: Beveled Species: Brown Maple, Cherry Height: 42" Pub Height Availablee


Shape Options

Square Corner

Dillon Pedestal detail

Edge Options Beveled


Dover Single Pedestal

ITEM NO. S-07 Standard Shape: Square Corner Edge: Mission Species: Oak

Shown in Oak with a 48"x 48" standard Square top and 8" standard pedestal.

Gear Slides: ss: Up too 2 leaves a e Pedestal: 8" 8

Options ns Shape: 2" Clipped C p e Corner on Edge: Beveled, e d ½" Chamfer eled, h me Species: Cherry, hherry, r y, Brown B wn Maple M p

Edge Detail

D 10

Shape Options

Edge Options Beveled

2" Clipped Corner

½" Chamfer


Roxbury Pedestal ITEM NO. S-09

Shown in Brown Maple Coffee stain with a 48" standard Round top, standard Mission edge and 10" solid wood pedestal.

Standard ard Shape: Round ound u d Edge: Mission ssion s n Species: Oak a Gear Slides ess Top: 1" Pedestal: 10"

Options ns Shape: Square quare u r Corner Cor e Edge: Beveled, veled, e d Ogee Og e Species: Brown r w Maple, a l Cherry h r NOT AVAILABLE ILABLE LAB E IN N PU PUB HE HEIGHT G T

10" Pedestal Detail of table top


Shape Options

Edge Options Beveled

Square Corner



Single Pedestal Shown in Oak with 48"standard Round, Roundover edge, standard gear slides up to 3 leaves, solid wood pedestal and Princess Feet.

ITEM NO. S-03 Standard Shape: Round Edge: Roundover Species: Oak Feet: Princess Top: 1"

Options Shape: Semi-Oval, 4" Radius Corner, Round, Scallop Edge: ½" Roundover, Beveled, Mission, Traditional Species: Cherry, Brown Maple, Hickory, QSWO

Pedestal and Feet Options Fluted

Scallop option available on oval or round tables

S Shape Options



Claw Fluted


Fluted Pedestal

Edge Options

Mission Pedestal

½" Roundover Beveled Mission




4" Radius Corner



8" Pedestal

Traditional Table Shown in Oak with a 72" standard Round top, standard Roundover edge and an optional 30" Lazy Susan. The base is a traditional pedestal.

ITEM NO. S-04 Standard Shape: Round Edge: Roundover Species: Oak Top: 1"

Options Shape: 4" Radius Corner Edge: Beveled, Traditional Species: Cherry, QSWO, Brown Maple

Lazy Susan Comes in 3 sizes – 24", 30" and 36" rounds Traditional pedestal


Shape Options

Edge Options Beveled

4" Radius Corner



Tuscan Single Pedestal Shown in Oak with a 48" standard Round top, standard Roundover edge, and standard Tuscan feet.

ITEM NO. S-06 Standard Shape: Round Edge: Roundover Species: Oak Feet: Tuscan Gear Slides: Up to 3 leaves Top: 1" Pedestal: 8" and 10" available

Options Shape: Semi-Oval, 4" Radius Corner, Scallop Edge: Beveled, Mission Species: Cherry, Hickory, Brown Maple NOT AVAILABLE IN PUB HEIGHT



Shape Options


4" Radius Corner

Edge Options

Beveled Mission

Bradbury Double Pedestal ITEM NO. O.. D-12 D 12

Shown in Brown Maple with Rich Tobacco Stain in 42" diameter x 72 72" standard Oval top with a standard Mission edge.

Standard Shape: Oval Edge: Mission Species: Oak Top: 1" Gear Slides: Up to 4 leaves l a e Base: 54" long x 32" 2 wide wd

Options Shape: 4" Radiuss Corner, C r e Square Corner r e Edge: ½" Roundover, over, v , Beveled, Beveled e e ed, Traditional Species: Cherry, Hickory, H k ry ry, Brown B o n Maple M pe

Leaves & Storage Oval

4" Radius

See options page for leaf storage options.

42x60, 42x66, 42x72, 48x60, 48x66, 48x72 Store 4 leaves, 2 with & 2 w/out skirts

Shape Options

Edge Options

Pedestal Detail


½" Roundover 4" Radius Corner

Square Corner




Double Pedestal Shown in Oak with a 42" x 60" standard Oval top, standard Roundover edge, Bar spreader and standard Princess feet.


Standard Shape: Oval Edge: ½" Roundover Species: Oak Feet: Princess Gear Slides: Up to 4 leaves GEAR SLIDES NOT AVAILABLE ON EXTENSION TABLES

Options Shape: Semi-Oval, 4" Radius Corner, Scallop Edge: Beveled, ½" Thumbnail, Traditional, Ogee Species: Cherry, Brown Maple, Hickory

D 16

Leaves & Storage See options page for leaf storage options.

Feet Options

Spreader Options



Turned Spindle Spreader

Sheaf Spreader


Claw Fluted

Fluted Tulip Spindle Spreader

Fluted Bar Spreader

Scallop Option

Scallop option available on oval or round tables

Shape Options


4" Radius Corner

Edge Options ½" Roundover




½" Thumbnail


Mission Double Pedestal

ITEM NO. D-14 Standard

Shape: Square Corner Edge: Mission Species: Oak

Shown in 42"x 72" Oak with an optional 6" Clipped Corner top, optional Beveled edge and an optional Slat Spreader.

Gear Slides: Up to 4 leaves Pedestal: 8"

Options Shape: 6" Clipped Corner Edge: Beveled, ½" Chamfer Species: Cherry, Brown Maple Bar Spreader

Leaves & Storage See options page for leaf storage options.

M 18

Shape Options

Edge Options Beveled

Square Corner

6" Clipped Corner

½" Chamfer

Old World Mission Double & Single Pedestal ITEM NO. D-16

Shown in 42" x 66" Oak , standard Square Corner top with a standard Beveled edge with a Double Pedestal.

Standard Shape: Square Corner Edge: Beveled Species: Oak Top: 1" Gear Slides: Up to 4 leaves

Options Shape: 6" Clipped Corner Edge: Mission Species: Cherry, QSWO, Brown Maple

Single Pedestal ITEM NO. S-07

Leaves & Storage See options page for leaf storage options.


Shape Options

Edge Options Mission

6" Clipped Corner


Tuscan Double Pedestal


Shown in Oak with a 48" x 72" with a standard 4" Radius top, standard ½" Roundover edge, and a Tuscan bar spreader and Tuscan feet.

Standard Shape: 4" Radius Corner Edge: ½" Roundover oundover u d v Species: Oak ak Top: 1" Feet: Tuscann Gear Slides:: Up U to 4 leaves l a e

Options nss Shape: Semi-Oval, mi-Oval, - v , 4"" Radius R d s Corner, C r e Oval Ova Edge: Beveled, led, d Mission M s on Species: Cherry, herry, r y, Hickory, H k ry Brown B own Maple Map e

Leavess & Storag Storage orage rage See options page age g forr leaf e f storage t r g options.

T 20

Shape Options

Edge Options Beveled


4" Radius Corner



From pedestal to trestle to legged styles, there is a Northern Woodcraft Products model ready to be customized to match any decorating style. And, because tables are our specialty, you can be assured that each has been perfected in design, construction and utility.

trestle & Legged tables

23 21

Armani Trestle trestle & legged tables

item no. T-34

Shown in 48" x 72" Sap Cherry with standard Square Corner and two leaves

Standard Shape: Square Corner Edge: Mission Species: Oak Top: 1" Gear Slides Base is 42" between Trestle on 66" & 72" tables Armani detail of trestle with mullions


Shape: 1" Clipped Corner Edge: ½" Roundover

A Species: Cherry, QSWO, Brown Maple


Leaves & Storage Self-store available

42" wide stores 2 with & 2 w/out skirts 48" wide stores 4 without skirt

Shape Options

Edge Options ½" Roundover

1" Clipped Corner

Bellingham Trestle ITEM NO. T-30

Shown in 42" x 80" Quartersawn White Oak with standard Wing Corner with Curved Trestle.

Standard Shape: Wing Corner Edge: Mission Species: Oak Top: 1" Gear Slides: Up to 4 leaves BASE IS 30½" BETWEEN TRESTLE ON 60" TABLES


Leaves & Storage

Shape: Square Corner, 1" Clipped Corner

Self-store available

Edge: Beveled

42" wide stores 2 with & 2 w/out skirts

Species: Cherry, Maple, Hickory, QSWO, Brown Maple

48" wide stores 4 without skirts


Wing Corner detail

42"x60" and 48"x60" can only self-store leaves without skirts

Shape Options

Edge Options Beveled

Square Corner

1" Clipped Corner


Bostonian Trestle ITEM NO. T-320

Standard Shape: Rectangle Edge: Mission Species: Oak Top: 1" Gear Slides: Up to 4 leaves

Options Shape: 1" Clipped Corner Edge: Beveled, ½" Chamfer Species: Cherry, Rustic Cherry, Brown Maple, QSWO



Shape Options

Edge Options Beveled

1" Clipped Corner

½" Chamfer

Boulder Creek Trestle ITEM NO. T-330 Standard Shape: Curved Edge: Mission Species: Oak Top: 1"

Shown in Quartersawn White Oak standard Curved with Michael's Cherry stain and optional Beveled edge.

Gear Slides: Up to 4 leaves

Options Shape: Boat, Edge: Beveled, ½" Chamfer Species: Cherry, Hickory, QSWO Decorative Inlay (Upcharge) BASE IS 42" BETWEEN TRESTLE ON 66" and 72"TABLES

Recommended Artisan Boulder Creek Companion Chairs

Leaves & Storage Self-store available


42" wide stores 2 with & 2 w/out skirts 48" wide stores 4 without skirts on standard Curved top

Shape Options

Detail of Trestle with Inlay

Edge Options Beveled

Boat ½" Chamfer


Bradbury Trestle ITEM NO. T-310

S an Standard ndard Shape: S a e Square S u re Corner C r e Edge: E g Mission i i n Species: S e e Oak a Top:: 1"" To Gear G a Slides: S d s Up U to 3 leave leaves l a e Base: B se 50" 0 long o g x 32" 2 wide wd Pedestal: Solid Skirt: Beaded edge detail at bottom of skirt

Options Shape: 2" Clipped Corner Edge: Beveled, Traditional Species: Cherry, Brown Maple



Beaded edge skirt detail

Leg detail

Skirt detail

Shown in Brown Maple with Rich Tobacco Stain and optional Plank top.

Leaves & Storage Self-store available 42" & 48" wide can only self-store leaves without skirts

Shape Options

Edge Options Beveled

Tabletop detail of optional Plank top

2" Clipped Corner



Buchanan Trestle ITEM NO. T-350 Shown in Rustic Quartersawn White Oak with Golden Brown stain with optional Plank top.

Standard Shape: Rectangle Edge: Mission Species: Oak Top: 1" Gear Slides: Up to 4 leaves

Options Shape: 1" Clipped Corner Edge: Beveled, ½" Chamfer Species: Cherry, Rustic Cherry, Brown Maple, QSWO



Skirt edge detail

Shown with optional Plank top.

Shape Options

Edge Options Beveled

1" Clipped Corner

½" Chamfer


Conner Trestle Shown in Quartersawn White Oak , 72" Round solid standard top with an optional Lazy Susan.


Standard andard ndard Shape: aape: e Round R u d Edge: gge: Mission i i n Species: eecies: e Oak a Top: p:: 1"" Bottom ttom t m Shelf S e

Options ptions tions Edge: gge: Beveled, e e d ½" ½ Chamfe Chamfer hamfer me Species: eecies: e Cherry, h r , QSWO, Q WO Brown B ownn Map Maple M pe

Lazy Susan Comes in 3 sizes – 24", 30" and 36" Rounds



Shown Show Sh ownn in Q ow Quartersawn uartersawn rsawn White W Oak, 72" Round solid standard top.

Edge Options Beveled

Base Options

½" Chamfer

72" Round has a 46" x 46" Base detail 60" Round has a 37" x 37" Base detail


Carolina Trestle Shown in 42" x 72" Brown Maple

ITEM NO. T-331

S an Standard ndard ard d Shape: S a e Square S u re Corner C r e Edge: E g Hand-worn a dw r Species: S e e Oak a Top: 1" Gear Slides up to 4 leaves 42" Bar between Trestles

Options Shape: 1" Radius Corner Edge: Beveled, Mission

Hand-worn Edge detail

Species: Cherry, QSWO, Brown Maple



Recommended Companion Chairs – R.H. Yoder Carolina Chairs

Shown in Cherry with Malaguania Stain.

Leaves & Storage

Shape Options

Edge Options

Self-store available Beveled

42" wide stores 2 with & 2 w/out skirts 48" wide stores 4 w/out skirts

1" Radius Corner



Country Shaker Trestle ITEM NO. T-34

Shown in 42" x 72" Quartersawn White Oak with standard Mission edge.

Standard Shape: Square Corner Edge: Mission Species: Oak Top: 1" Gear Slides: Up to 4 leaves

Options Shape: Wing Edge: Beveled Species: Cherry, Maple, Hickory, QSWO, Brown Maple



Optional Wing Corner detail

Leaves & Storage Self-store available 42" wide stores 2 with & 2 w/out skirts 48" wide stores 4 w/out skirts 42"x60" and 48"x60" can only self-store leaves without skirts NOW AVAILABLE WITH (2) 18" OR 16" BUTTERFLY LEAVES

Shape Options

Edge Options Beveled


Crestline Trestle ITEM NO. T-38

Shown in Quartersawn White Oak optional 6" Clipped Corner and Beveled edge.

Standard Shape: Square Corner Edge: Mission Species: Oak Top: 1" Gear Slides: Up to 4 leaves Spreader Bar: 32" Spreader Bar for 60" Tables, 42" Spreader Bar for 66" and 72" Tables

Options Shape: 6" Clipped Corner Edge: Beveled Species: Cherry, Hickory, QSWO, Brown Maple

Leaves & Storage Self-store available 42"x60" and 48"x60" can only self-store leaves w/out skirts

Recommended Companion Chairs – R.H. Yoder Grant Chairs

42" wide stores 2 leaves with and 2 w/out skirts 48" wide stores 4 leaves w/out skirts 6" Clipped Corner – 42" wide stores 2 leaves with and 1 w/out skirt



Shape Options

Edge Options Beveled

6" Clipped Corner


Douglas Trestle 3" LEG - ITEM NO. T-43

Shown in 48" x 66" Quartersawn White Oak with standard Mission edge.

Standard andard ndard rd Shape: hape: a e Square S uare u re Corner C r e Edge: dge: g Mission i i n Species: pecies: e e Oak a Top: op:: 1"" Gear ear a Slides: Sd s Upp to t 4 leaves e v s Legs: egs: s 4" 4 Square Sq a legs g with w t trim t m

Options ptions tions Shape: Wing Edge: Beveled Species: Cherry, QSWO, Brown Maple

Leaves & Storage Self-store available 42" wide stores 2 with & 2 w/out skirts 48" wide stores 4 w/out skirts

D 36


Shape Options

Edge Options Beveled



Douglas Trestle 4" LEG - ITEM NO. T-44

Shown in standard Oak, standard Square Corner with standard Mission top.

Standard Shape: Square Corner Edge: Mission Species: Oak Top: 1" Gear Slides: Up to 4 leaves Spreader Bar: 32" Spreader Bar for 60" Tables, 42" Spreader Bar for 66" and 72" Tables

Options Shape: 2" Clipped Corner Edge: Beveled

D Species: Cherry, Hickory, QSWO, Brown Maple

Shape Options

Edge Options Beveled

2" Clipped Corner


Grant Trestle Shown in 42" x 66" Quartersawn White Oak with standard Square edge.

ITEM EM MN NO. O. T-445 T-445

Standard andard ndard Shape: hape: a e Square S u re Corner C r e Edge: dge: g Mission i i n Species: pecies: e e Oak a Top: p:: 1"" Gear Slides Base: 42" between trestle

Leaves & Storage Options

Self-store available

Shape: 1" Clipped Corner

42" wide stores 2 with & 2 w/out skirts

Edge: Beveled

48" wide stores 4 w/out skirts

Species: Cherry, QSWO, Brown Maple Inlays: Six ½" on each end (Upcharge)



Shape Options

Edge Options Beveled

1" Clipped Corner

Shown in Quartersawn with Michaels Stain.

3" w

3" w

Optional Inlay detail – (6) ½" inlays at each end 5" w


Harris Trestle Shown in 54" Brown Maple standard Round with standard Mission edge.

ITEM NO. T-449

Standard an andard ndarrd rd Shape: S a e Rou Round u d Edge: E g Miss Mission i sion i n Species: S e e Oak ak Top:: 1"" To Gear G a Slides: S d s Up U to 2 lea leaves lleave aves es Base: B se 42" 42 between b we n trestle e t

Options Shape: Square Corner Edge: Beveled Species: Cherry, QSWO, Brown Maple



Shape Options

Edge Options Beveled

Square Corner

Shown in Brown Maple with New Carrington Stain.

Recommended Companion Chairs – R.H. Yoder Harris Chairs


Heritage Trestle Shown in 42" x 72" Quartersawn White Oak standard Square top with standard Mission edge.


Standard Shape: Square Corner Edge: Mission Species: Oak Top: 1" Gear Slides: Up to 4 leaves Base: 381/4" between trestle Spreader Bar: 42" long

Options Shape: 1" Clipped Corner Edge: Beveled Species: Cherry, Hickory, QSWO, Brown Maple, Rustic Cherry

Leaves & Storage Self-store available 42" wide stores 2 with & 2 w/out skirts 48" wide stores 4 w/out skirts



Shape Options

Edge Options Beveled

1" Clipped Corner

Herrington Trestle Shown in 42" x 72" Brown Maple standard Square Corner with standard Mission edge.


Standard tandard an ndard Shape: S a e Square S u re Corner C r e Edge: E g Mission i i n Species: Oak Top: 1" Gear Slides: Up to 4 leaves Base: 42" between trestle


Leaves & Storage Self-store available

Shape: 1" Clipped Corner

42" wide tables store 2 with and 2 w/out skirts

Edge: Beveled

48" wide tables store 4 w/out skirts

Species: Cherry, Hickory, QSWO, Brown Maple



Recommended Companion Chairs – F&N Herrington Chairs

Shape Options

Edge Options Beveled

1" Clipped Corner


Kensington Trestle ITEM NO. T-461

Shown in 42" x 72" Oak standard Kensington top standard Mission edge.

S an Standard ndard Shape: S a e Kensington K n n t n Edge: E g Mission ission i n Species: S Spec pecies: e e Oak a Top:: 1"" To Gear G a Slides: S d s Up U to 4 leaves leaves a e Base: B se 42" 42 between b we n trestle e t Spreader S d Bar: B 41" 1 long l

Options Shape: Square Corner

Self-store available

Edge: Beveled

42" wide stores 2 with & 2 w/out skirts

Species: Cherry, QSWO, Brown Maple

K 44

Leaves & Storage

Kensington Corner detail

48" wide stores 4 w/out skirts

Recommended Companion Chairs – R.H. Yoder Kensington Chairs

Shape Options

Edge Options Beveled

Square Corner


Lavega Trestle ITEM NO. T-48

Shown in 42" x 72" Quartersawn White Oak with standard Square Corner and inlays.

Standard Shape: Square Corner Edge: 45° Chamfer Species: Oak Top: 1" Gear Slides Base: 42" between trestle on 66" and 72" tables Inlays in trestle

Options Edge: Beveled, Mission Species: Cherry, QSWO, Brown Maple


Recommended Companion Chairs – R.H. Yoder Lavega Chairs

Edge Options Beveled Mission

Inlay detail on Trestle comes standard Leg corners Beveled


Livingston Trestle Shown in 42" x 72" Quartersawn White Oak optional Square Corner with standard Mission edge.


Standard an ndard d Shape: S a e Wing Wn Edgg Mission Edge: E i i n

Recommended Companion Comp panio on Chairs Chairs – Livingston Chairs Chairs R.H. Yoderr Livingston

Species: S e es: Oak a Top:: 1"" To Gear Slides: G Slid S d Up U to t 4 leaves l Base: 42" between trestle on 66" and 72" tables

Options Shape: Square Corner. 1" Clipped Corner Edge: Beveled Species: Cherry, QSWO, Brown Maple

Leaves & Storage Self-store available 42" wide stores 2 with & 2 w/out skirts

L 48" wide stores 4 w/out skirts


Shape Options

Edge Options Beveled

Square Corner

1" Clipped Corner Wing Corner detail

Lyndayle Trestle ITEM NO. T-491

Shown in 42" x 72" Brown Maple.

S an Standard ndard Shape: S a e Square S u r Corner Cor e Edge: E g Mission i s n Species: Oak Top: 1" Gear Slides Base: 42" between trestle

Recommended Companion Chairs – Artisan Lyndayle Chairs

½" cut on trestle bar and skirt matches legs


Leaves & Storage

Shape: No option available

Self-store available

Edge: Beveled

42" wide stores 2 with & 2 w/out skirts

Species: Cherry, QSWO, Brown Maple


48" wide stores up to 4 w/out skirts

Edge Options Beveled


Madison Trestle ITEM NO. T-50

Shown in 42" x 72" with Boat shape top.

Standard ndard Shape: pe: e Boat B a Edge: e: Top o Beve Bevel B v l Species: cies: e Oak a Top: 1"" Gearr Slides: S d s Up U to 4 leaves l a e Base: e: 42" 2 between b we n trestle e t onn 66" 6 and a d 72" 7 " tables a e

Options Shape: Square Corner Edge: Mission Species: Cherry, Hickory, QSWO, Brown Maple

M 48

Leaves & Storage Self-store available 42" wide stores 2 w/out skirts 48" wide stores 4 w/out skirts

Shape Options

Edge Options Mission

Square Corner

Markley Mission ITEM NO. T-54

Shown in 42" x 72" Oak standard Square Corner top with standard Mission edge.

Standard Shape: Square Corner Edge: Mission Species: Oak Top: 1" Gear Slides: Up to 4 leaves Base: 42" between trestle on 66" and 72" tables


Leaves & Storage Self-store available

Shape: Wing

42" wide stores 2 with & 2 w/out skirts

Edge: Beveled

48" wide stores 4 w/out skirts

Species: Cherry, Hickory, QSWO, Brown Maple


Shape Options

Edge Options Beveled



Modesto Trestle ITEM NO. T-58

Shown in 42" x 72" Quartersawn White Oak standard Square Corner top with standard Mission edge.

Standard Shape: Square Corner Edge: Mission Species: Oak Top: 1" Gear Slides: Up to 4 leaves Base: 42" between trestle on 66" and 72" tables

Options Shape: Wing Edge: Beveled Species: Oak, Cherry, Hickory, QSWO, Brown Maple

Leaves & Storage Self-store available 42" wide stores 2 with & 2 w/out skirts 48" wide stores 4 w/out skirts

M 50

Shape Options

Edge Options Beveled


Mondovi Trestle ITEM NO. T-56

Shown in 42" x 72" Quartersawn White Oak standard Square Corner with standard ½" Roundover.

Standard an nd d ndard Shape: S a e Square S uare u re Corner C r e E g ½" Roundover Edge: o n o e Species: S e e Oak a Top: To : 1"" Gear G a Slides: S d s Up U to 4 leaves l a e Base: B se 42" 42 between b we n trestle e t onn 66" 6 and a d 72" 7 " tables a e

Options Top: 11/4" (Upcharge) Species: Brown Maple, Cherry, QSWO* * comes with White Oak legs


Trestle and Mullion detail

Leaves & Storage Self-store available 42" wide stores 2 with & 2 w/out skirts 48" wide stores 4 w/out skirts


Round Modesto ITEM NO. T-62 Shown in 54" Quartersawn White Oak and Michael's Cherry stain, standard Round top with standard Mission edge.

Standard Shape: Round Edge: Mission Species: Oak Top: 1" Gear Slides: Up to 2 leaves

Options Shape: Square Corner Edge: Beveled Species: Cherry, Hickory, QSWO, Brown Maple

R 52

Shape Options

Edge Options Beveled

Square Corner

Trestle Mission ITEM NO. T-58

Shown in 42" x 72" Quartersawn White Oak standard Square Corner top with standard Mission edge.

Standard Shape: Square Corner Edge: Mission Species: Oak Top: 1" Gear Slides: Up to 4 leaves Spreader Bar: 32" standard for 60" tables 42" standard for 66" and 72" tables

Options Shape: 2" Clipped Corner Edge: Beveled Species: Cherry, Hickory, QSWO, Brown Maple

Leaves & Storage Self-store available 42" x 60" can only self-store leaves w/out skirts


All other 42" wide stores 2 with & 2 w/out skirts 48" wide stores 4 w/out skirts

Shape Options

Edge Options Beveled

2" Clipped Corner


Westbrook Banquet Shown in 42" x 60" Oak standard Crown with standard Mission edge.


Standard tandard an ndard Shape: S a e Crown C own Edge: E g Mission i i n Species: S e e Oak a Top:: 1"" To Wood W o Slides i es Base: B se 42" 42 between bbetwee ween trestle trestl e tl e Leaves: e v s 18 18"" wide w e

Options Shape: S a e Oval O a Edge: Beveled Species: Cherry, QSWO, Brown Maple

Leaves & Storage Self-store not available

W 54

Shape Options

Edge Options Beveled


Shown with two leaves. No center leg is needed.

Shown with six 18" leaves and a center leg

Recommended Companion Chairs – Artisan Westbrook chairs Tabletop detail


West Lake Trestle ITEM NO. T-74

Shown in 42" x 72" Quartersawn White Oak with 4" radius corners and Mission edge. Also rope twist detail on skirts, trestle base and leaves.

Standard Shape: 4" Radius Corner Edge: Mission Species: Oak Top: 1" Gear Slides: Up to 4 leaves

Shape: Square Corner

Base: 42" between trestle on 66" and 72" tables 30½" between trestle on 60" tables

Edge: ½" Roundover, Beveled, Waterfall

Detail: Rope twist on trestle, all table skirting and leaves

W 56

Options Species: Cherry, Hickory, QSWO, Brown Maple

Recommended Companion Chairs – R.H. Yoder West Lake chairs

Shape Options

Edge Options ½" Roundover

4" Radius Corner

Beveled Water Fall

Double Butterfly Leaves available

Rope twist detail on trestle, all table skirting and leaves

Slat Trestle option vs. Panel Trestle

Leaves & Storage Self-store available 42" x 60" and 48" x 60" can only self-store leaves w/out skirts 42" wide stores 4 leaves, 2 with & 2 w/out skirts 48" wide stores 4 w/out skirts NOW AVAILABLE WITH (2) 18" OR 16" BUTTERFLY LEAVES


Belleville egged ITEM NO. L-114

Shown in 42" x 72" Oak with Sealy satin finish and 4½" leg.

Standard Shape: 2" Radius Corner Edge: Roundover Species: Oak Leg: 4 ½" Top: 1" Wood Slides

Options Shape: 4" Radius Corner Edge: Beveled, Traditional, Ogee Species: Cherry, Hickory, QSWO, Brown Maple



Leaves & Storage Self-store not recommended (upcharge) 42" wide stores 2 leaves, 1 with & 1 w/out skirts 48" wide stores 4 leaves, 2 with & 2 w/out skirts

Shape Options

Edge Options Beveled

4" Radius Corner

Traditional Ogee

Shown in Brown Maple with Harvest chairs by R. H. Yoder.

Detail of 4½" Standard leg

Detail of 4½" Leg options Reeded Fluted


Bellingham egged ITEM NO. L-110

Shown in 42" x 72" with Brown Maple legs and apron with a Quartersawn White Oak top.


Butterfly Leaves detail

Shape: Square Corner Edge: Mission Species: Oak Top: 1" Wood Slides

Options Shape: 1" Clipped Corner Edge: Beveled

Leaves & Storage

Species: Cherry, Maple, Hickory, QSWO, Brown Maple

Self-store not recommended (upcharge)

Legs: 36" or 42" high Pub legs available 5th leg added with 3rd leaf 6th leg added for 9 leaves (upcharge)

48" wide stores 4 leaves, 2 with & 2 w/out skirts



42" wide stores 2 leaves, 1 with & 1 w/out skirt ALL BUTTERFLY LEAVES ARE 18" OR 16" – NO EXCEPTIONS.

Butterfly Leaves are only available in the following table sizes: 42" x 60", 42" x 66", 42" x 72", 48" x 60", 48" x 66" and 48" x 72"

Shape Options

Edge Options Beveled

1" Clipped Corner

Carson egged ITEM NO. L-120 Standard Shape: Square Corner Edge: Mission Species: Oak Top: 1" Wood Slides

Brace is grooved into skirt for more strength on all legged tables.

Leg: e : Carson C rs n

Options Shape: S a e No N opt options n

Carson Legged tabletop detail

Edge: E g Noo ooptions o s Species: S e e Cherry, h r , QSWO, Q WO Brown B o n Ma Maple Mapl M pplee


Leaves & Storage Self-store not recommended (upcharge) 42" wide stores 2 leaves, 1 with & 1 w/out skirt 48" wide stores 4 leaves, 2 with & 2 w/out skirts


Christy egged Shown in 42" x 60" Oak standard Square with standard Mission edge.

ITEM NO. L-121

Standard tan ndarrd rd Shape: h p : Square S u e Corner Corne Corner r e Edge: d e Mission Ms i n Species: Oak Top: 1"

Leaves & Storage

Gear Slides

42" wide stores 2 leaves w/out skirts


48" wide stores 4 leaves w/out skirts

Edge: Beveled Species: Cherry, QSWO, Brown Maple









Leg Styles 1 Old Hoosier 3 Harvest 4 Square Shaker 5 Round Shaker 8 New Hoosier 9 Madison

Edge Options Beveled

Shown in Grey Elm with New Carrington stain and Bayfield chairs by R. H. Yoder.

Standard gear slides

Tabletop detail

Legs remain stationary when adding leaves


Douglas egged ITEM MN NO. O. L-122

Shown in 42" x 66" standard Curved top and standard walnut inlays on ends of table.

S an Standard ndard Shape: S a e Curved C r ed Edge: E g Mission i i n

Leaves L es & Storage

Species: Oak

Self-store not recommended (upcharge)

Top: 1" Wood Slides Legs: 2½" legs with tenons 5th leg added with 3rd leaf 6th leg added for 9 leaves (Upcharge) Inlays: Four ½" Walnut inlays on each end of table


D Shape: Square Corner Edge: Beveled

Species: Cherry, QSWO, Brown Maple


Walnut inlay detail

Shape Options

Tenon detail on leg

Edge Options Beveled

Square Corner

Recommended Companion Chairs – R.H. Yoder Douglas chairs

Escalon egged ITEM NO. L-126 Shown in 42" x 60" Oak standard Square with standard Mission edge.

Brace is grooved into skirt for more strength on all legged tables.

Escalon Leg detail

Standard Shape: Square Corner Edge: Mission Species: Oak Top: 1" Wood Slides

Leaves & Storage Self-store not recommended (upcharge)

Options Shape: 1" Clipped Corner

42" wide stores 2 leaves, 1 with & 1 w/out skirt

Edge: Beveled


48" wide stores 4 leaves, 2 with & 2 w/out skirts

Species: Cherry, Maple, Hickory, QSWO, Brown Maple

Shape Options

Edge Options Beveled

1" Clipped Corner


Fenmore egged ITEM NO. L-132 Standard Shape: Square Corner Edge: ½" Roundover

Shown in 42" x 72" Brown Maple.

Species: Oak Top:: 1"" To Wood W o Slides i e

Options Shape: S a e 1" Clipped C p e Corner Co e Edge: E g Beveled, Beveled e e d ½" ½ Thumbnail, Thumbnail h mb a Traditional, Ogee Species: Cherry, Hickory, QSWO, Brown Maple Legs: 5th leg added with 3rd leaf 6th leg added with 9 leaves (Upcharge)



Recommended Companion Chairs – R.H. Yoder Fenmore chairs

Leaves & Storage Self-store not recommended (upcharge) 42" wide stores 2 leaves, 1 with & 1 w/out skirt 48" wide stores 4 leaves, 2 with & 2 w/out skirts

Shown in Cherry wood with Windsor stain and Fenmore chairs by R.H. Yoder.

Fenmore Leg detail

Edge Options Shape Options

Beveled ½" Thumbnail

1" Clipped Corner




French FarmHouse ITEM NO. L-150

Shown in 48" x 66" Soft Maple with Distressed finish with standard 2" Radius Corners and a standard ½" Roundover edge.

Standard Shape: 2" Radius Corner Edge: ½" Roundover

Tabletop / leg detail

Species: Oak

Distressed finish detail

Top: 1" Leg: Farm House 5" Turned leg Wood Slides

Options Shape: 4" Radius Corner Edge: Beveled, ½" Thumbnail, Traditional, Ogee, Waterfall

Leaves & Storage

Species: Cherry, Hickory, QSWO, Brown Maple

Self-store not recommended (upcharge)

Legs: 36" or 42" high Pub legs available 5th leg added with 3rd leaf 6th leg added for 9 leaves (Upcharge)

48" wide stores 4 leaves, 2 with & 2 w/out skirts



42" wide stores 2 leaves, 1 with & 1 w/out skirt NOW AVAILABLE WITH (1) 18" OR 16" BUTTERFLY LEAF

Shape Options

4" Radius Corner

Edge Options Beveled


½" Thumbnail

Water Fall


Grant egged ITEM NO. L-154

Shown in 42" x 72" Rustic Cherry.

S an Standard ndard Shape: S a e Square S u re Corner C r e Edge: E g Mission i i n Species: Oak

Optional O ti l (6) ½" inlays i l detail d t il

Grantt Leg G L detail d t il

Top: 1" Wood Slides 5" at top of leg

Leg: 5" at top & 2-3/4" at bottom

Options Shape: 2" Clipped Corner Edge: Beveled, ½" Chamfer Species: Cherry, Hickory, QSWO, Brown Maple Legs: 6th leg added for 9 leaves & over (Upcharge)


Leaves & Storage Self-store not recommended (upcharge) 42" wide stores 2 leaves, 1 with & 1 w/out skirt 48" wide stores 4 leaves, 2 with & 2 w/out skirts

Inlays: (6) ½" inlays on each end (Upcharge)

Shape Options

Edge Options Beveled

2" Clipped Corner

½" Chamfer 2 3/4" at bottom of leg


Heritage egged ITEM NO. L-156 Shown in 42" x 72" two-tone Hickory standard Square top with standard Mission edge. Brace is grooved into skirt for more strength on all legged tables.

Standard Shape: Square Corner Edge: Mission Species: Oak Top: 1" Leg: Heritage Wood Slides


F Shape: 4" Radius Corner

Edge: ½" Roundover, Beveled

Species: Cherry, Maple, Hickory, QSWO, Brown Maple


Leaves & Storage Self-store not recommended (upcharge) 42" wide stores 2 leaves, 1 with & 1 w/out skirt 48" wide stores 4 leaves, 2 with & 2 w/out skirts NOW AVAILABLE WITH (2) 18" OR 16" BUTTERFLY LEAVES

Shape Options

Edge Options ½" Roundover

4" Radius Corner


Recommended with R.H. Yoder Heritage chairs


Kensington egged ITEM NO. L-157

Shown in 42" x 72" Brown Maple standard Kensington with standard Mission edge.

Kensington tabletop detail deetail

S an Standard ndard Shape: S a e Kensington K n n t n Edge: Mission Species: Oak Top: 1"

Recommended with R.H. Yoder Kensington chairs

Wood Slides

Options Shape: 1" Clipped Corner Edge: Beveled

K Species: Cherry, Hickory, QSWO, Brown Maple

Leaves & Storage Self-store not recommended (upcharge) 42" wide stores 2 leaves, 1 with & 1 w/out skirt 48" wide stores 4 leaves, 2 with & 2 w/out skirts

Shape Options

Edge Options Beveled

1" Clipped Corner


Lavega egged Shown in 42" x 42" Quartersawn White Oak. Self store is not available in 42" x 42".

ITEM N NO. O. L-158

Standard ard rd Shape: Square uare re Corner C r e Edge: ½" Chamfer hamfer a f Species: Oak ak Top: 1" Wood Slidess Arched Skirt:t: 4½" 4½ to 2½" 2½

Options Shape: No options Edge: Beveled, Mission


Lavega leg detail

Lavega leg detail (side view)

Species: Cherry, QSWO, Brown Maple


Leaves & Storage Self-store not recommended (upcharge) 42" wide stores 2 leaves, 1 with & 1 w/out skirt (42" x 60", 42" x 66", 42" x 72") 48" wide stores 4 leaves, 2 with & 2 w/out skirts (48" x 60, 48" x 66". 48" x 72")

Edge Options Beveled Mission


egged Mission Shown in 42" x 60" Cherry with standard Beveled edge, standard 1" Clipped Corner and Bevel Leg.

ITEM NO. L-160

Standard Shape: 1" Clipped Corner Edge: Beveled Species: Oak Top: 1" Wood Slides Leg: Beveled leg with Beveled edge

Options Shape: Square Corner Edge: Mission Species: Cherry, Maple, Hickory, Brown Maple, QSWO Legs: Square legs with Square top 5th leg added with 3rd leaf 6th leg added for 9 leaves (Upcharge)


Leaves & Storage Self-store not recommended (upcharge) 42" wide stores 2 leaves, 1 with & 1 w/out skirt 48" wide stores 4 leaves, 2 with & 2 w/out skirts

Shape Options

1" Clipped Corner top with Bevel edge and Bevel leg

Edge Options Mission

Square Corner


egged Modesto

Modesto Leg detail

ITEM NO. L-166 Shown in 48" x 66" Oak standard Square with standard Mission edge.

Standard Stan Stand andar darrd Shape: h p : Squa Square Square u e Edge: d e Mission M s ion Species: p c e Oak a Top: o : 1"" Wood W o Slides Sd s

Self-store not recommended (upcharge)

Options Options

42" wide stores 2 leaves, 1 with & 1 w/out skirt

Shape: h p : 1"" Clipped C p e Corner Co e

48" wide stores 4 leaves, 2 with & 2 w/out skirts

Edge: Beveled


Species: Cherry, Maple, Hickory, QSWO, Brown Maple


Legs: 36" or 42" high Pub legs available 5th leg added with 3rd leaf 6th leg added for 9 leaves (upcharge)


Leaves & Storage

Recommended with R.H. Yoder Modesto chairs

Shape Options

Edge Options Beveled

Square Corner


egged Tables Shown in 42" x 48" Cherry top, Roundover edge and Brown Maple painted Shaker legs.

ITEM NO. L-172

Standard Shape: 4: Radius Corners Edge: ½" Roundover Species: Oak Top: 1" Wood Slides Arch Skirt 4½" to 2½"

Options Shape: Semi-Oval, 2" Radius Corner Edge: Beveled, ½" Thumbnail, Traditional, Ogee Species: Cherry, Maple, Hickory, QSWO, Brown Maple Legs: 5th leg added with 3rd leaf 6th leg added for 9 leaves (upcharge)

Brace is grooved into skirt for more strength on all legged tables.







Leg Styles

Leaves & Storage

1 Old Hoosier 3 Harvest

Self-store not recommended (upcharge)

4 Square Shaker 5 Round Shaker

42" wide stores 2 leaves,1 with & 1 w/out skirt

6 Fluted 8 New Hoosier

48" wide stores 4 leaves,2 with & 2 w/out skirts



Shape Options

Edge Options Beveled ½" Thumbnail


2" Radius Corner

Traditional Ogee


Madison egged ITEM NO. L-176 Standard Shape: Boat Edge: Bottom Bevel Species: Oak Top: 1" Wood Slides

Shown in 42" x 66" Cherry standard Boat top and standard Bottom Bevel edge.

Options Shape: Square Corner Edge: Mission, Bevel Species: Cherry, Maple, Hickory, QSWO, Brown Maple

M Legs: 5th leg added with 3rd leaf 6th leg added for 9 leaves (Upcharge)


Leaves & Storage Self-store not recommended (upcharge) 42" wide stores 2 leaves 1 with & 1 w/out skirt 48" wide stores 4 leaves, 2 with & 2 w/out skirts

Shape Options

Edge Options Mission

Square Corner

Old Harbor Mission

ITEM NO. L-190

Shown in 42" x 72" Quartersawn White Oak standard Square, standard Mission edge and 3" square legs.

Standard Shape: Square Corner Edge: Mission with Corbels Species: Oak Top: 1" Wood Slides

Options Shape: 1" Clipped Corner Edge: Beveled

Leaves & Storage

Species: Cherry, Maple, Hickory, QSWO, Brown Maple

Self-store not recommended (upcharge)

Legs: 5th leg added with 3rd leaf 6th leg added for 9 leaves (Upcharge)

42" wide stores 2 leaves, 1 with & 1 w/out skirt 48" wide stores 4 leaves, 2 with & 2 w/out skirts


Shape Options

Corbels are standard on the outside of the leg. Please specify if no corbels are desired.

Edge Options Beveled

1" Clipped Corner


Parkland Rectangle ITEM NO. L-199 Standard Shape: Square Edge: Mission

Shown in 42" x 60" standard Square top, 30" high.

Species: S e e Oak a Top:: 1"" To Wood W o Slides i e 30" 0 height e h

Options Shape: S a e 1" Clipped C p e Corner Co e Edge: E g Beveled e e d Species: S e e Cherry, h r , Maple, M p , Hickory, k ry QSWO, SWO Brown B own Maple M p Legs: e s 5th 5 h leg e added a d d with w h 3rd 3 leaf a 6th 6 h leg added d d for f 9 leaves (Upcharge) U

P Height: 36" or 42" Pub height available


Leaves Leave es & S Storage torage Self-store S elf-store not not recommended (upcharge) recommend 42" wide stores 2 leaves, 1 with & 1 w/out skirt 48" wide stores 4 leaves, 2 with & 2 w/out skirts

Shape Options

Edge Options Beveled

1" Clipped Corner

Parkland Round ITEM NO. L-196

Shown in 48" standard Round with standard Mission edge and Parkland legs.

Standard Shape: Round Edge: Mission Species: Oak Top: 1" Wood Slides: Up to 2 leaves Legs: Parkland

Parkland Leg detail

Options Shape: Square Corner Edge: ½" Roundover, Beveled Species: Cherry, Hickory, QSWO, Brown Maple Legs: 36" or 42" Pub height available (Upcharge)


Shape Options

Edge Options ½" Roundover

Square Corner



Rea egged ITEM NO. L-194 Standard Shape: Square

Shown in 42" x 72" Hickory standard Square top, standard Mission edge and 3" legs.

Edge: Mission Species: Oak Top: 1" Wood Slides

Recommended with F&N Rio Grande chairs

Options Shape: 1" Clipped Corner S Sh Edge: Beveled Species: Cherry, Hickory, QSWO, Brown Maple

Self-store not recommended (upcharge)

Legs: 5th leg added with 3rd leaf 6th leg added for 9 leaves (Upcharge)

42" wide stores 2 leaves, 1 with & 1 w/out skirt 48" wide stores 4 leaves, 2 with & 2 w/out skirts

R 80

Leaves & Storage

Shape Options

Edge Options Beveled

1" Clipped Corner

Shaker Mission ITEM NO. L-204 Arch Skirt

Shown in 42" x 66" Cherry standard Square and standard Mission edge.

Standard Shape: Square Edge: Mission Species: Oak Top: 1" Wood Slides Arch Skirt: 4½" to 2½"

Options Shape: 1" Clipped Corner Edge: ½" Roundover, Beveled Species: Cherry, Hickory, QSWO, Brown Maple Legs: 5th leg added with 3rd leaf 6th leg added for 9 leaves (Upcharge)

ITEM NO. L-206 Straight Skirt

Leaves & Storage Self-store not recommended (upcharge) 42" wide stores 2 leaves, 1 with & 1 w/out skirt 48" wide stores 4 leaves, 2 with & 2 w/out skirts


2½" Straight Skirt detail

Shape Options

Edge Options ½" Roundover

1" Clipped Corner



West ake egged ITEM NO. L-210 Standard Shape: 4" Radius Corner Edge: Mission Species: Oak Top: 1"

Shown in 42" x 66" Oak with Michael's Cherry finish, standard 4" Radius Corner, standard Mission edge and 3" square leg with Roundover.

Wood Slides Rope Twist detail on all table skirting and leaves

Options Shape: 2" Radius Corner Edge: Beveled, Waterfall Species: Cherry, Hickory, QSWO, Brown Maple Legs: 5th leg added with 3rd leaf 6th leg added with 9 leaves (Upcharge)

W 82

Shape Options

Edge Options Beveled

2" Radius Corner

Water Fall

Rope Twist detail on West Lake leg

Leaves & Storage Self-store not recommended (upcharge) 42" wide stores 2 leaves, 1 with & 1 w/out skirt 48" wide stores 4 leaves, 2 with & 2 w/out skirts


Yorktown egged ITEM NO. L-208 Standard Shape: Square Edge: Mission

Shown in 48" x 66" Brown Maple with Michael's Cherry stain, standard Square Corner and standard Mission edge. The skirt and legs are black-rubbed through.

Species: Oak Top: 1" Wood Slides

Shape: 1" Clipped Corner Edge: Beveled (Upcharge)

Self-store not recommended (upcharge)

Species: Brown Maple, Cherry, QSWO

42" wide stores 2 leaves, 1 with & 1 w/out skirt

Legs: 5th leg added with 3rd leaf 6th leg added for 9 leaves (Upcharge)

48" wide stores 4 leaves, 2 with & 2 w/out skirts



Leaves & Storage

Shape Options

Edge Options Beveled

1" Clipped Corner




As a companion piece to one of our tables or a stand-alone addition to any room, a Northern Woodcraft Products bench is as versatile as it is stunning.




item no. B-401


item no. B-405

Douglas Bench Features Top: 1" thick x 13" wide Edge: Mission Height: 18"


Sizes: 13" x 36" solid top only 13" x 48", 13" x 60", 13" x 72" solid or up to 4 leaves

Leaf storage box stores up to 2 or 4 leaves

French FarmHouse ITEM TEM EM MN NO. O. B B-410 410 0

Grant ITEM NO. B-413

Bench Features

Leaf storage box stores up to 2 or 4 leaves

Top: 1" thick x 13" wide Edge: Mission Height: 18" Sizes: 13" x 36" solid top only 13" x 48", 13" x 60", 13" x 72" solid or up to 4 leaves


Heritage ITEM NO. B-415

Madison ITEM NO. B-417

Bench Features Top: 1" thick x 13" wide Edge: Mission Height: 18"


Sizes: 13" x 36" solid top only 13" x 48", 13" x 60", 13" x 72" solid or up to 4 leaves

Leaf storage box stores up to 2 or 4 leaves

Modesto ITEM NO. B-420 20

Shaker ITEM NO. B-425

Bench Features

Leaf storage box stores up to 2 or 4 leaves

Top: 1" thick x 13" wide Edge: Mission Height: 18" Sizes: 13" x 36" solid top only 13" x 48", 13" x 60", 13" x 72" solid or up to 4 leaves


Trestle Mission ITEM NO. B-430

West Lake ITEM EM N NO. O. B-435 Rope Twist detail on bench skirt

Bench Features Top: 1" thick x 13" wide Edge: Mission Height: 18"


Sizes: 13" x 36" solid top only 13" x 48", 13" x 60", 13" x 72" solid or up to 4 leaves

Leaf storage box stores up to 2 or 4 leaves


With choices of styles, wood species, sizes, shapes, and finishes, each customized Northern Wood Products table is a work of art to be proudly displayed in any home.

options & features


Shape Options Specie Options

OPtions & Features

Oak Cherry Maple Hickory Quartersawn White Oak Soft Maple



4" Radius Corner

Square Corner


6" Clipped Corner






1" Clipped Corner


2" Radius Corner

2" Clipped Corner

1" Radius Corner

Edge Options ½" Roundover



Bottom Bevel


Water Fall

½" Thumbnail

½" Chamfer


Self Storing Leaf Options Pedestal Tables With Oval Tops Self Store 42" x 54" up to 2 leaves 42" x 60" up to 3 leaves 42" x 60" 4 leaves 42" x 66" up to 3 leaves 42" x 66" 4 leaves 42" x 72" up to 3 leaves 42" x 72" 4 leaves 48" x 60" up to 3 leaves 48" x 60" 4 leaves 48" x 66" up to 3 leaves 48" x 66" 4 leaves 48" x 72" up to 4 leaves

Trestle Tables With Square Corners Up to 2" clip and up to 4" radius corners

With Without Skirt Skirt





































The placement of the slides and mounting plates according to the location of the table skirt determine the self store capability. NOTE: Square and round tables do not self store leaves.

Self Store 42" x 60" up to 4 leaves 42" x 66" up to 4 leaves 42" x 72" up to 4 leaves 48" x 60" up to 4 leaves 48" x 66" up to 4 leaves 48" x 72" up to 4 leaves

With Without Skirt Skirt



















Trestle Tables With Boat Shape Top Greater than 2" clip or greater than 4" radius corners

Self Store 42" x 60" up to 4 leaves 42" x 66" up to 4 leaves 42" x 72" up to 4 leaves 48" x 60" up to 4 leaves 48" x 66" up to 4 leaves 48" x 72" up to 4 leaves

With Without Skirt Skirt




















Butterfly Leaf Available on Legged and Trestle Tables

Butterfly leaves are only available in the following table sizes: 42" x 60", 42" x 66", 42" x 72", 48" x 60", 48" x 66", 48" x 72" ALL BUTTERFLY LEAVES ARE 16" OR 18" – NO EXCEPTIONS. Double Butterfly Leaves are available on Trestle tables. Single Butterfly Leaves are available on Legged tables.


Northern Woodcraft Products is located in the heartland of Indiana's time-preserved region of hand-crafted trades and a lifestyle slower in pace than that in larger metropolitan areas. Woodworkers here have passed on their traditional values, construction methods and ability to bring out the intrinsic beauty of native woods from generation to generation.

WOODCRAFT PRODUCTS The result of our dedication to design authenticity and heirloom quality craftsmanship is a table or bench that families treasure through many lifetimes.


Northern Woodcraft Products, LLC is located in the heartland of Indiana's timepreserved region of hand-crafted trades and a lifestyle slower in pace than that in larger metropolitan areas. Woodworks here have passed on their traditional values, construction methods and ability to bring out the intrinsic beauty of native woods from generation to generation.

Woodcraft Products The result of our dedication to design authenticity and heirloom quality craftsmanship is a table or bench that families treasure through many lifetimes.


It is our solemn respect for and understanding of nature that allows us to capture the natural strength and beauty of solid woods, experienced artisans skillfully bring out the grain characteristics of each table we make, so that each one is uniquely different.


Craftsmanship Because our major focus is only on tables, we offer a wide variety of styles. You can be sure there is one to fit your home’s personality, your family and every chapter of your life story.

Woodcraft Products


© 2014 Wana Cabinets & Furniture, LLC

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