Jackson Rogers Architecture Porfolio

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Architecture Portfolio 2022-2024

Jackson Rogers

4th Year Architecture Student


South Dakota State University

Bachelor of Fine Arts 2021-Current

Bishop O’Gorman Catholic High School

Sioux Falls, SD 2017-2021


Koch Hazard Architects

Sioux Falls, SD - Architecture Intern Summer 2024

Bluestone Landscape Design

Harrisburg, SD - Intern Summer 2023

Bluestone Landscape Design

Harrisburg, SD - General Laborer Summer 2022


Co-Founder SDSU Architecture Mentorship Program

AIAS SDSU Vice President 2024-Current

AIAS National Member 2022-Current

Jacked Rabbit Lifting Club 2022-Current


Email | Jackson.Rogers@jacks.sdstate.edu

Phone | 605.929.0633

John Adams High School

Arch 454: Research Studio | Sean Ervin

Students were tasked with taking the existing Western Mall 7 building, located on 41st in Sioux Falls, SD, and renovating it into a high school. From the beginning of the project a heavy emphasis was placed on understanding different spatial relationships and creating an inclusive environment for those who inhabit the building. Students also began to learn how to estimate a budget and how it can affect the outcome of their design.

The project was worked on by the following: Jackson Rogers

John Adams

When I first began creating bubble diagrams, I knew the scale of the building would be extremely difficult to organize all at one time. I began a process that grouped larger areas together in the beginning stages to understand how different spaces relate to eachother. Furthering that process, the next step I took was to break down those larger areas into their respective rooms. However, when I reached the third diagram, I encountered an issue with circulation, there was no clear central pathway or designated flow throughout the building. This realization prompted me to rethink my approach. I revised my diagrams, this time prioritizing circulation by mapping out pathways first and arranging the program around them. This adjustment, as shown in the fourth diagram, became the foundation for developing my final diagram.








Gross SQFT - 315,000

Existing Footprint - 90%

One of the key design approaches that I wanted to include in my design was the separation of public and private spaces to maximize the safety of the building. At the front of the commons area there are two curved desks that create a functional place for students to use, but they also serve as director of foot traffic. In addition, I placed all public based rooms in the north side of the building and all private spaces on the south side of the building to reinforce the idea of public versus private spaces.

Metamorpha Terminus

Arch 354: Research Studio | Dr. Seddighi

Metamorpha Terminus is a futuristic Transit Hub design located adjacent to South Eastern Ave and 26th Street in Sioux Falls, SD. The goal of this studio was to research the concept of liminality, which is the essence of spaces existing between spaces. In the beginning stages we were assigned to discover and understand the concept of liminality. Through the creations of collages and prototypes, we were then assigned to create a transit hub relfecting the concept of liminality.

The project was worked on by the following: Jackson Rogers, Matthew Woldt, Ryle Koistinen

One of our tasks when defining liminality was to create collages that visually represent its meaning. For this particular collage, I aimed to create the sensation of stepping through a gateway, with each archway leading to a distinct place and time. Also showing how places and time merge together to form an in-between. The collage captures the sense of transition and transformation which is the essence of liminality.

The final building collage is representing the chaos and unknowingness that often transpires at a transit hub. With that, I utilized AI to help form the skyline and enviroment to evoke an unusual or peculiar setting. I also added a train being sent off to a unknown desitination and a figure walking up stairs to an unknown entrance to support that feeling of going into the unknown.

Following the collages we produced, we started to prototype our building. We began using the program, Grasshopper, to create a twisting helix form. This prototype would be connected, twisted and morphed to set the foundation of our building.

The process of producing the physical model was extensive and time consumig. The model was 3D printed due to its extremely unique curves and shape.

Omni Worship Center

Arch 255: Building Studio | Nesrine Mansour, Dr. Seddighi, Dr. Danesh

Omni Worship Center is a project that is based on the 2023 ASCA Steel Competition. Schools were tasked with creating a meditation/prayer space placed on their campus. Our main goal with this design was to create a journey between the sacred and profane. As well as a place for guests to communicate and learn about new religions and cultures.

The project was worked on by the following: Jackson Rogers, Anna Hamling, Reece Petersen, and Fernando Lara-Lopez.

Materials List <500 miles

Pacific Seel and Recycling | Rapid City, South Dakota

- I-Beam: W10 x33 Steel Column

- Rectanglar Steel Column: HSS 4x2x3/8

- Rectanglar Steel Column: HSS 10x2x3/8

- Rectanglar Steel Column: HSS 6x2x3/8

- Rectanglar Steel Column: HSS 8x2x3/8

Knoll Steel Inc | Spring Grove, Illinois

- Round Columns: HSS 14x0.25

- Round Columns: HSS 1/2x0.237

- Round Columns: HSS 6.625x0.375

- Round Columns: HSS 10x0.625

- Round Columns: HSS 6 1/8x0.375

- Round Columns: HSS 4 1/2x0.237

- Round Columns: HSS 1.66x0.140

- Round Columns: HSS 14x0.625

Wausau Window and Wall Systems | Wausau, Wisconsin

-HP-Wall High Performance Curtain Wall System

- w/ 10’ frame

- Triple pane glass

-HP- Wall High Performance Curtain Wall System

-w/ 6’ frame

-Double pane glass

SpecPro Inc | Omaha, Nebraska

-Light Basic Translucent Panel System -1’ Thick High Performance Panel - Long Lasting AAMA 2604 Coating

Renewal by Andersen | Fargo, North Dakota

-Smart Sun Windows

-High UV Protection -Low Solar Heat Gain Coefficient

Gage Brothers | Sioux Falls, South Dakota

-Concrete Floor

-Retaining Walls

Forest Product Distributors | Rapid City, South Dakota

-Birch Wood for Interior Accent

-Spruce Wood for Exterior

Brookings Public Library

Arch 355: Building Studio | Sean Ervin and Dr. Nesrine Mansour

Brookings Public Library is a concept developed for the city of Brookings, South Dakota. Students were assigned to work with the city of Brookings and the owner of the Brookings Public Library to create a new building. Our goal for the new library was to incorporate biophilia. Biophilia is the instinctual connection between humans and nature. The library features two spacious floors centered around a large atrium, providing a comfortable space for relaxation and reading.

The project was worked on by the following: Jackson Rogers, Tylan Bear, Leanoard Stewart, Uri Goedert, Kaitlyn Goettl, Emma Greenfield, Connor Anderson, Leo Scholten

Pictured above is the first way we decided to incorporate biophilia. These planter boxes would line the upper exterior deck and give individuals the opportunity to nurture their own plant. Not only does it give guests of the library hands on experience, but it gives the faceade of the building a unique design.

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