Social Dynamics Here's an awesome little move to use at parties, meetings and social events that makes you look like a true social Rockstar. If you are at a party or social event there will be multiple groups of people standing around chatting. Over the course the event you will migrate between different groups. As you see one of your previous groups in the physical proximity to your current group invite them to join together. Make a joke about this if appropriate: I have some more friends over here to introduce you all to, can arrange I get a merger & acquisition of our groups? At this point everyone will smile and then your group will open up to the new members. MAKE SURE you introduce everyone by name to everyone else. Example; This is Suzy & Jessy. Meet Steve, Jules and Brandon. This sets you up as the dominant leader of both groups. Actually being able to pull this off will increase your social proof by about a 10,000%. Obviously this is only going to work only if you remember everyone's names. If you've not 100% confident in your ability to remember names check out the AV Association Technique for remembering limitless names instantaneously. Limitless Mindset Podcast Also please check out the Limitless Mindset Podcast, an entertaining, educational and free internet radio show loaded with actionable information about how to acquire superhuman mental abilities and hack your reality.
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