Las Muertas_ Elias Mireles

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Las Muertas

is set to change the ordinary views on what beauty is. Muertas means dead in Spanish and that’s what we are doing. Killing what everyone typically thinks is beautiful and showing them a new type of beauty. We want little girls and boys everywhere to relate to the dolls, we want them to know they have a voice and know it is ok to look different. We want to give them a place in where they can let their imaginations run wild when they play with these dolls. Our slang is and will always be Beauty is Different, Fashion is Unique, Love is Special.

Name Impact: I want the name to catch people attention. I want people that don’t know how to speak Spanish, to ask themselves what that means. And for people that do know, wanting to know more of the product. Personality: I want the name to represent the death of the paper cut beauty we all know & to start looking at beauty under a different light. Customer: It will be doll collectors & little kids all around the world that want to escape from everyday life & enter a fantasy world. There will be special edition dolls that customers can look forward too. Brand Name Used: The name will be used on many items such as shirts, phone cases, backpacks, notebooks, bags, etc. Brand Names I Like: Bratz is one of the brands names I love. I love the name because to me they use the world brat as a good thing. At the time the only doll on the market was Barbie, who was just a cookie cuter doll, always looking the same. The Bratz broke that by being themselves which is different & not scared of what others think. They gave Barbie a run for her money as fans went for the big head dolls. Another I like is Monster High, Monster High is a group of doll that are modeled after their monster parents. I love this brand because again they’re not your cookie cuter doll. Brands Names I Don’t Like: Barbie would be the brand that we do not like.

1. Stationary 2. Store 3. Product 4. Application 5. Advertisement 6. Website 7. Style Guide


32492 Dia De Drive Van Nuys, CA 91406

Eli Perez 32492 Dia De Drive Van Nuys, CA 91406 (818) 894 - 2001




Heather is all about nature. She loves to travel the world and see new things. She is always bring cool souvenirs and loves to show them to her best friends.



Lila Viviana loves to dress up and be all girly. But don’t let that fool you, just because she is a girly girl doesn’t mean she won’t get dirty. Lila is the captain in her high school soccer team.

Prescott loves comic books and video games. She love to draw for hours and make her own comics. But she has to be careful because in a house with two younger brothers things can get out of control.



Raja is the edgy one of the girls. She isn’t scared to be bold. Sometimes people trend to not like that but her best friends love how spontaneous she can be.

Sharon is a bookworm. She love to read and just gather information in her brain. Maybe that’s why she loves a good debate, cause she knows most of the time she’ll win.



My name is... Heather

My name is... Lila Viviana

My name is... prescott

My name is... raja

My name is... Sharon





Heather Lila Viviana Prescott







Gill Sans Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

Jellyka Saint - Andrew’s Queen Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

May Queen

A B C D E F g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

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