Global awards 2012

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Front End Features


Award Winners’ Introduction


Africa & the Middle East Award Winners


Asia & Oceania Award Winners


The Americas Award Winners


Europe Award Winners


Index (Award Winners)

EDITORIAL/DESIGN: Edited by Ryan Daff Designed and arranged by Hardy Mason Ryan Daff: Journalist Hardy Mason: Designer Owen Sweeney: Journalist CORPORATE INTL 148-149, Great Charles Street, Birmingham, B3 3HT Tel: +44 (0) 121 236 0411 REPRINTS & PERMISSIONS All rights reserved. No part of Global Awards may be reproduced or transmitted in any manner or by any means without the prior permission of the publishers. DISCLAIMER Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the contents of the Global Awards. However, the publishers cannot accept responsibility for any errors and subsequent claims made by any third parties.

2012 GlobalAwards 03

RBC Wealth Management Alan Brint Head of Corporate & International Tel: +44 1-534-283456

Alan Brint, head of Corporate & International, discusses RBC Wealth Management’s family office service capabilities, as well as some key trends and developments. What are the current family office trends? What has been the impact of Asia?

crisis has made all clients wary of counterparty risk; meanwhile, the Madoff scandal has made investors more aware of the need for secure and independent custody of their assets.

Because of the nature of the business, it is difficult to determine

As part of Royal Bank of Canada, we are very well placed in

exactly how many family offices there are globally – estimates

this regard. Canadian financial institutions have been voted the

range from 5,000 to 15,000 – but what is clear is that they are

strongest in the world by the World Economic Forum for four years

becoming increasingly important and that they are seeing a rise in

in a row, and RBC remains extremely well capitalised and main-

the assets that they control.

tains a solid credit rating. As one of the world’s 20 largest banks,

Despite the strains on the global economy, the population of

RBC’s financial strength, sound risk management policies, strong

high net worth individuals (HNWI) has continued to increase in re-

balance sheet and diversified business mix have enabled it to

cent years, driven particularly by the emerging markets including

withstand many of the market shocks and pressures.

Asia and Latin America. The 2012 World Wealth Report, produced

Increased reporting is another element that has grown out of

by RBC Wealth Management and Capgemini, found that there are

the credit crisis, as clients wish to have greater transparency of

now more wealthy people in the Asia-Pacific than any other region,

the value of their investments and reconciliation of their assets

knocking North America off the top spot. Until now, family offices

against various managers. Family offices frequently desire a

have largely been a Western phenomenon, but there is increas-

consolidated view of their investments with multi-managers, which

ing interest in them in Asia as first generation entrepreneurs turn

is a service that, as small firms, they are often not able to provide

their attention to succession and family governance structures. A

themselves. This is a great way for custodians to provide an

Citigroup report last year backed this up, estimating that family

important value-add to their family office clients.

offices would triple in Asia within the next decade. As the World Wealth Report showed, ultra high net worth individuals did see their wealth decline in 2011, but that has not

Are family offices different to other financial services firms in their needs?

impacted the importance of family offices on the wealth management landscape. Indeed, one knock-on effect of the market turmoil

By their nature, family offices tend to be relatively small organisa-

has been an increasing trend for UHNWIs and single family offices

tions that are often looking for value-adds beyond the core ser-

to link up with multiple family offices to help shelter themselves

vices of secure safekeeping of securities. For many family offices,

and reap the benefits of lower operating costs.

it is preferable that their custody provider is a bank that is also able to provide ancillary services and products such as foreign

What do family offices require in a custody provider?

exchange, credit, funds and structured products.

When looking for a custody provider, family offices are above all

interested in concierge-type services – they tend to do much of

looking for safety, service and reporting – in that order. Safety

that themselves – but are more concerned in a custodian’s IT in-

comes down to the very basics of what a custodian does: provid-

frastructure and balance sheet. What we believe sets us apart at

ing safe- keeping and administration of securities. Recent history

RBC Wealth Management though, is that we are also able to offer

has pushed safety to the front of all investors’ minds. The credit

a boutique approach and excellence of service, with the strength

In general, our experience is that family offices are less

04 GlobalAwards 2012

Q&A: Custody services for Family Offices

and balance sheet of Royal Bank of Canada behind us.

and settlement, safekeeping, client service and reporting to HNW individuals, corporate and institutional investors, money managers

How important is credit to family offices when looking for a custody provider?

and broker/dealers. Our staff within RBC’s Corporate & Institutional business based in the Channel Islands deal with all aspects of relationship manage-

Credit is becoming increasingly important to family offices. These

ment, client service, operational support and compliance. Our

clients are very asset rich, but want to take advantage of the

extensive sub-custodian network provides key operational services

low interest rate environment and are often looking to use credit

such as international trade settlement, dividend payments, corpo-

services for generational planning. It is also the case that many

rate actions processing and client reporting. Custody and trade

are looking for liquidity: often their wealth is derived from private

processing capabilities covering unit trust and hedge fund type

businesses and so credit can help in this regard.

assets are also available, along with segregated client accounting.

How important is location?

proach, ensure that we’re well equipped to address client requests

This spectrum of services, combined with our team-based apin an increasingly complex market environment. Location is paramount. For those clients looking for an offshore provider, it is clearly important that the jurisdiction is tax neutral; however, beyond that, reputation of the financial centre is increasingly important, as is the need for an established trust sector and the proximity to capital markets. For this reason, the Channel Islands continue to be very well placed to service family offices and other financial institutions looking for excellence in custody. Tell me more about RBC Wealth Management and your Corporate and Institutional business.

RBC Wealth Management is one of the world’s top 10 largest wealth managers and provides a full range of services and tailored solutions to high net worth and institutional clients around the world. These services include trust and fiduciary services, investment management (both discretionary and advisory), tax consultancy services, private banking, credit and financing, employee and executive services as well as custody and fund administration. RBC Wealth Management has more than C$560 billion of assets under administration, more than C$322 billion of assets under management and approximately 4,300 financial consultants, advisers, private bankers and trust officers. Specifically, our Corporate & Institutional business provides

“When looking for a custody provider, family offices are above all looking for safety, service and reporting – in that order.” .

offshore global securities and alternative investments custody

2012 GlobalAwards 05

Allgemeines Treuunternehmen (ATU) Roger Frick Swiss certified Public Accountant / President, Liechtenstein Association of Professional Trustees / Member of the Board of Trustees and Executive Committee, ATU Tel: +423 237 34 34

Allgemeines Treuunternehmen (ATU) is one of Liechtenstein’s first and leading trust companies. For more than 80 years, the firm has provided clients with support related to regional and international trust and corporate services. Today, ATU develops tailored solutions, drawing upon its consultation expertise and wealth of experience. The firm’s advisory services focus on structuring, protection and investment of assets, as well as on inheritance and succession planning for natural and legal persons. While the firm’s headquarters are based in the Principality of Liechtenstein, it has subsidiaries and offices all around the world, providing a comprehensive network of international experts. Roger Frick is a Swiss certified public accountant, as well as president of the Liechtenstein Association of Professional Trustees and a member of the Board of Trustees and Executive Committee at ATU. Mr Frick notes that as an international trust company, ATU offers solutions that take into account myriad possibilities in terms of location and jurisdiction. “Our clients normally live outside of Liechtenstein,” he said. “Therefore, our advisers are obligated to consider diverse legal systems before we offer solutions. An example may be that a client wishes to buy a house in France, and seeks advice regarding his or her inheritance rights. “This may mean for the client that buying a house in his or her name does not provide the desired outcomes. The differences between a corporation and a French Société Civile Immobilière (SCI), which is a rather specialist type of French company (société) that is constituted for the ownership and management of property, must be discussed. These differences may include tax issues and reporting requirements. Therefore, it is very important to listen to the client’s ideas when assessing expectations and possible solutions.” Mr Frick added: “Also, we do have to educate clients. Who could expect a note that the by-laws – simply by drawing a distinction between fixed defined beneficial rights and an open class of beneficial rights – have an immediate effect on double tax treaties in certain countries? And that the forms completed by banks on the basis of by-laws trigger different tax consequences as well? However, this is indeed the case.” A comprehensive approach ATU’s company formation offering may include: asset structuring, financial planning and asset protection; family office services; estate planning and corporate succession; international tax advice and tax planning; legal advice; trusts, foundations and companies; handling international trade business; bank facility recommendation; investment funds and insurance business; bookkeeping and financial reporting; change of residency/domicile; as well as the Liechtenstein Disclosure Facility (LDF – a bespoke service to support the reviews carried out by the financial intermediaries in Liechtenstein to identify those who may have liability to UK tax). The firm is currently home to around 100 employees, and maintains its far-reaching network of cooperation in order to ensure it can retain a competitive edge. Mr Frick said: ”People who come to us have high expectations regarding professionalism and accountability, and they want to see those expectations fulfilled. We are reasonable enough to know that sometimes not all expectations can be met, and mitigation between different

06 GlobalAwards 2012

objects must be undertaken. We accompany the client during a long-lasting process, and are well-versed in problem solving pertaining to trust solutions.” Cross-border cooperation In recent years, the company formation environment in Liechtenstein has undergone a major shift where crossborder activity is concerned. Cooperation between different authorities has become increasingly regulated – and this can exact its effects on the country’s attractiveness for foreign investors in different ways. Mr Frick said: “Cross-border activity means that you have to consider the legal environment of your own domicile more and more, yet this was not the case five years ago. ATU is able to assist throughout this process. An informed decision can then be made regarding the right jurisdiction for the company formation.” Further still, the corporate tax regime in Liechtenstein underwent major changes as of the 1st of January 2011. For example, the country no longer draws a difference between onshore and offshore activity, bringing its tax laws in line with expectations associated with the European Union. Capital gains on shares and dividends are not taxed; meanwhile, interest margin is taxed if the interest is above 4%. Trading and service income is ordinarily taxed with 12.5%, although a branch approach might mitigate local tax effects. Companies holding foreign real estates are not taxed in Liechtenstein. The country will have two important double tax treaties as from 1.1.2013 onwards – one with Germany, and one with the UK. Meanwhile, trusts always pay a nominal duty of CHF 1’200.00, and are not submitted to a corporate tax. Mr Frick added: “The tax laws ensure that foundations become more beneficial for internationally domiciled families, as it becomes clearer how the foundations are treated, for example in Germany, the UK, and with respect of the future EU savings tax directive or a possible special tax treaty between Germany and Switzerland. “Also, the new AIFM regulations – the Alternative Investment Fund Manager Directive of the European Union – will need supporting double tax treaties in order to ensure that the


services can continue being offered to clients residing / being domiciled in the European Union. “So the advantages for foreign investors are increasing all the time – investors just need to be mindful of the changes that are happening. International company formation work always implies the consideration of foreign legal and tax environment. Controlled Foreign Company regulations must be considered. So must contrary inheritance laws, restrictions on the purchase of real estates, reporting requirements for trusts and foundations, as well as provisions on goods being purchased and sold.” Changes to regulation Regulations continue to change, faster than ever before. “Every few months, there is something new coming up, and this affects our corporate services work,” said Mr Frick. “Examples are: the bearer share regime to be amended, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) proposals in February 2012 and related changes to the EU money laundering directive, further tax treaties with various jurisdictions, as well the Peer Review Report of the OECD and subsequent accounting adjustments to our corporate and trust law.” In February 2012, Liechtenstein and the UK initiated a Double Taxation Agreement (DTA) in Vaduz, and also extended operation of the sole disclosure programme currently in place, the Liechtenstein Disclosure Facility (LDF), by a further year up to 2016. Mr Frick noted: “The prolongation of the LDF, combined with a comprehensive treaty signed in London in June, will enable us to become a better regulated and respected country within the EU, and a stronger partner with the UK. These measures also intend to lead the way for additional treaties within the European Economic Area (EEA). “However, these actions alone are, of course, not sufficient to guarantee success. We have to identify niches within this and other regulations, and work out where and why we are different – and this must be demonstrated to our prospective new clients. This is something that is very much an ongoing objective.” Clients from the EU face further regulation in the form of the implementation of level 2 of the AIFM directive, which must be integrated into the laws of all EEA members including Liechtenstein.

The road ahead Mr Frick added: “Liechtenstein is working on the implementation of these aforementioned directives and ordinances; yet, this is only one side of the coin. The flipside is to contact asset managers and hedge fund managers, and to market Liechtenstein as a fund jurisdiction to rival Luxembourg and Malta. There is a lot of work ahead of us in the coming months. “Meanwhile, the volume of ATU’s company formation work will likely be less significant in 2012 than was the case in 2011. What is happening in Liechtenstein is a migration away from the concept of mass business, to a tailor-made style of company formation work instead. Inherent in this new style will be an increased emphasis on consultation as well as due diligence when assessing options. Here, ATU is in a very strong position to fulfil its clients’ expectations.”

Liechtenstein’s corporate tax regime contains the following provisions: • Corporate income tax rate with a flat tax rate of 12.5 %; • No withholding tax; • No capital tax on equity; • A minimum corporate income tax of CHF 1’200. In the case of taxpayers conducting commercial business, but whose average balance sheet total over the last three years did not exceed CHF 500’000, this minimum tax is not levied; • Exemption of income tax on dividends, capital gains and liquidation proceeds on participations; • A regime of private asset structure is in place (confirmed by the European Free Trade Association Surveillance Authority), which is available for managing the private assets of individuals through a corporate structure; • Domiciliary and holding status – which exempts entities operating without business ties to the domestic market from payment of corporate income tax – is not in place (no ring-fencing); • Various other features are in place ensuring increased tax neutrality of business actions, such as replacement purchases, corporate restructurings, notional interest deduction, deduction for income from intellectual property rights, unlimited loss carry forward, group taxation, etc.

2012 GlobalAwards 07

«A reliable connection – even in times of continuous change» As one of Liechtenstein’s leading trust companies, we have been a reliable provider of international trust and corporate services since 1929.

Allgemeines Treuunternehmen · General Trust Company · Compagnie Fiduciaire Générale Aeulestrasse 5 · P.O. Box 83 · 9490 Vaduz · Principality of Liechtenstein T +423 237 34 34 · F +423 237 37 63 · ·

Allgemeines Treuunternehmen

Local expertise. Continental reach. With expertise in numerous African jurisdictions including South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Kenya, Zambia and Mauritius. Our directors have been listed as leading lawyers in their respective fields by Chambers Global 2010, PLC Which Lawyer? Yearbook 2010, IFLR: Guide to the World Leading Financial Firms, Who’s Who Legal 2010, and now Best Lawyers.

Competition Law Specialists | Litigation Attorneys | Regulatory Advice | Consumer Protection Advice

Switchboard: +27 (0) 11 666 7560 | Fax: +27 (0) 86 600 5529 | | Address: 135 Daisy Street, Sandton, Johannesburg | P O Box 41162, Craighall, 2024, South Africa

since 1929

Tax Planning via Labuan IBFC Labuan IBFC Inc. Mike Grover Tax Specialist Tel: +603 2773 8977

Labuan is a federal territory in East Malaysia. Located off the North West Coast of Borneo, it is best known as an international business and financial centre, offering international financial and business services via Labuan IBFC. Labuan IBFC has a number of elements that make it an attractive location for global tax planning. Its tax system provides certainty and is straightforward and easy to understand, often resulting in low compliance costs. Its attractiveness is complemented by its access to the extensive Malaysian tax treaty network of more than 70 agreements. The jurisdiction gives the freedom to establish the appropriate business structure from a wide choice of modern business entities. Further, Labuan’s business friendly laws, its institutions such as the Labuan International Financial Exchange and the wide choice of business entities provide a tax efficient ‘wrapper’ for business assets. That is, the ‘wrapper’ can change the profile of assets for tax purposes to leverage off any preferential tax treatment and optimise the tax outcomes. Under the Malaysian tax system, resident and non-resident investors are taxed on income accruing in or derived from Malaysia. This means that Labuan entities, as with other Malaysian entities, are subject to tax in Malaysia on Malaysian source income. However, a Labuan entity, insofar as it carries on a Labuan Business Activity; it is not charged under the Malaysian Income Tax Act but under the Labuan Business Activity Tax Act 1990. A Labuan Business Activity means a Labuan Trading Activity or Labuan Non-Trading Activity that is carried on in, from or through Labuan in a non-Malaysian currency or with a non-Malaysian resident that will include another Labuan Entity. With special approval, Labuan entities may transact with Malaysian residents in Malaysian currency and have it designated a Labuan Business Activity. Activities in the financial services sector for instance, such as banking, insurance and leasing, currently enjoy such approval. It is possible to have other activities similarly designated. A Non-Trading Activity is subject to 0% tax and refers to income derived from investment activities such as dividends, interest and rents. All other income from activities including banking, insurance, trading, management, licensing and shipping is treated as a Labuan Trading Activity subject to tax at 3% of the audited net profits. By electing annually a fixed amount of US6, 500 may be paid instead. “There is no remittances basis of tax, no capital gains tax, any wealth or inheritance taxes, or any indirect taxes or transfer taxes in the form of stamp duties,” explained Mike Grover, tax specialist, Labuan IBFC Inc Sdn Bhd. Mike Grover works as a tax specialist with the Labuan International Business and Financial Centre Inc Sdn Bhd to help investors better understand Labuan’s flexible tax framework and the opportunities presented by Malaysia’s extensive tax treaty network. He is a chartered accountant and a tax specialist having been a senior partner with Ernst & Young in a number of locations including Singapore, Australia, Malaysia, Brunei, Hong Kong and China. At various times during his career he has sat on the firm’s tax steering committee for the Asian region, headed up the Asian Business Group, the Expatriate Tax Practice in Australia and was the National Tax Director for Malaysia. During his professional career Mr Grover worked mainly with multinational corporations on tax efficient cross border structures but additionally advised family companies and high net worth individuals on a range of tax and asset protection related issues. Mr Grover continued: “Labuan entities are not required to withhold tax from payments

made to a non-resident. Labuan entities undertaking a Labuan Business Activity may elect irrevocably to be taxed under the Malaysian Income Tax Act; but the majority continues to take advantage of the tax certainty delivered by the Labuan tax system.” In recent years there has been a significant interest on the issue of tax evasion. Mr Grover shared his opinion on the strengthening of the tax legislation and the crackdown on tax havens. “It is evident that Governments, quite properly, are beginning to recognise tax evasion ‘loopholes’ and close them. Governments are doing this in conjunction with the exchange of taxpayer information and the sharing of knowledge on international tax structures. However, many Governments fear tax competition and this has resulted in the distinction between appropriate tax planning, which is legal, and tax evasion, which is illegal, becoming blurred. However, this is to understate the positive contribution tax competition makes to promote trade, jobs and economic growth. “Appropriate tax planning will generally start with a non-tax explanation for the arrangement to be put in place, ensure the arrangement has real substance and that the entities beneficially enjoy the income. Further, legislation will be used for its intended purpose and not to wrongfully obtain a tax advantage. If not, problems may arise.” Labuan IBFC’s profile benefits from being a part of Malaysia, which is one of the most developed economies in Asia. It is a significant trading nation with the resources and infrastructure to support international trade and investment. Labuan IBFC is well regarded by businesses as an important location to successfully advance opportunities in the Asia-Pacific and ASEAN. Malaysia’s commitment to the international standards of transparency underpins the internationally held view that the competitive Labuan IBFC tax system is offered based on normal commercial operations being conducted by Labuan entities. Indeed, the pragmatic view is taken in Asia that Labuan IBFC provides the ‘plumbing’ to facilitate trade and investment flows to benefit both developed and under-developed economies. In closing, Mr Grover expressed his feelings in regards to modernising the current system and the need for a creative shake-up. He concluded: “Designing a cross-border trade or investment structure is a demanding and complex task that requires time and creativity. The timely introduction of new and modern laws has enhanced the uniqueness and flexibility of Labuan IBFC to emerge as an important enabler for the most innovative of tax planning minds.” 2012 GlobalAwards 09


The 2012 Corporate INTL Global Awards commemorates the firms that have been extremely active over the past 12 months and that have shown excellence, not only in specific legal expertise, but in service to the global economy.

Global Focus 2012 2012 has been an interesting year so far for the financial and legal world. 2012 has brought challenges to the European Union, for instance, in the form of sovereign debt risks and the attempts made by governments to tackle them. In the last three years, Greece, Ireland and Portugal have received EU and IMF backed bailouts, which in partnership with strict state-encouraged austerity measures, are designed to help the member states get back

From April through to June of this year, Corporate INTL received more than 11,500 unique nomination forms from law firms, in-house counsel teams, business

directors and private individuals. This diverse mixture of submissions from both

domestic and international clients and peers ensured that we at Corporate INTL had a wide range of nominated lawyers and attorneys from a variety of jurisdictions that specialise in a multitude of fields.

A large-scale and in-depth research process then took place using the nomination forms, combined with other details that our internal research department has on file. In July, the shortlisted nominees were informed and additional information was requested of the special select few in order to fully recognise the skills of these firms and the high quality services that they provide to clients. This up to date information was combined with the comments and ratings from clients and peers, as well as the previously conducted in-house research from Corporate INTL’s judicial panel, to build a clear picture of each of the shortlisted nominees. The final data was passed on by the panel on July 25th and, over the course of two weeks, the final winners were selected. Our awards merit the leading firms in their chosen specialism, and recognise true professional experience and expertise throughout the world. Corporate INTL magazine is read by business leaders, investors and advisers globally; therefore, the awards that the magazine dispenses are significant accolades for those firms that are awarded and deemed to be winners in their chosen categories. Once the winners have been announced and each firm has received notice of their award win, this special publication is launched to announce the winners to a wider audience. Each of the regions featured – Europe, The Americas, Asia & Oceania, Africa and the Middle East – were designated a separate team of researchers, whose task it was to take a detailed look at the nominees and carefully select the honour accredited to the chosen winners. This year, the award-winning firms are listed by geographic region, broken down into country order and listed with specific award titles. There is also a helpful index at the back of this special Global Awards 2012 supplement, which organises firms in an easy-to-locate list, arranged alphabetically by firm name. Congratulations from Corporate INTL magazine to all of the 2012 award winners.

10 GlobalAwards 2012

on track. It is possible that the sovereign debt contagion could likely spread to Spain. In the UK, the economy grew by a higher-than-expected 1.0% from July to September, bringing to an end the longest double-dip recession since the 1950s. However, analysts warned the bounce-back has been largely driven by one-off factors, including the Olympics and the Diamond Jubilee bank holiday in the previous quarter. The prime minister David Cameron noted: “We still have a long way to go and there are still difficulties ahead, but I think these figures do show that we are on the right track, we have got the right approach. We can see that with unemployment falling, also with a quarter of the deficit paid down in the last two years. There is more to do but these figures are good progress.” Chancellor George Osborne added: “Weak data from the Eurozone [was] a reminder that we still face many economic challenges at home and abroad. By continuing to take the tough decisions needed to deal with our debts and equip our economy for the global race we’re in, this government is laying the foundations for lasting prosperity.” A close analysis of the latest GDP figures published by the UK’s Office for National Statistics reveals that although GDP for the whole of the economy has grown by 1% between quarter two and quarter three 2012, the economy did not grow at all over the year to quarter 2012. There is every reason to doubt that the latest quarterly change amounts to a significant trend event and may simply be a readjustment following a decline in GDP of 0.3% and 0.4% in the previous two quarters. The Eurozone crisis also took a heavy toll elsewhere, as low demand hit Japan’s export sector. Although the pace of growth dropped sharply from a revised 5.5% in the previous quarter, the economics minister, Motohisa Furukawa, struck an upbeat tone, saying in a statement that

the economy “continues in an uptrend, led by domestic

24 year-old age group is on average 23%, which is three to four times higher than

demand”. Consumer spending makes up more than half of

that of adults. But the rate is 41% if the discouraged are included: that is, those

Japan’s economic activity.

young inactive people in a position to work, but not looking for employment, and

Elsewhere, Australia escaped recession in 2010-2011,

so are not included in the official statistics. Over the last decade, Morocco and

helped by a strong government stimulus as well as

Algeria have achieved a rate of job creation higher than the rate of growth of the

robust trade linkages with Asia. The country’s economy is

active population, but the young have benefited least. In other countries in the

backed by diverse, natural resources that have in the past

region, economic growth has not been sufficient to create jobs at a rate matching

attracted high levels of foreign investment and include

population growth.

extensive reserves of coal, iron ore, copper, gold, natural

The US and Canada have particularly modern and sophisticated economic

gas, uranium, and renewable energy sources. Australia’s

systems. The US has the largest and most technologically developed economy in

economic growth rate slowed in the second quarter of

the world. Business firms in the US enjoy a greater degree of flexibility compared

2012 amid a drop in global demand for its resources and

to businesses in other regions in terms of innovation and expansion. While the

lacklustre domestic consumption. Growth was 3.7% in the

strategy for most companies in 2011 was about getting back to basics and

April to June period, from a year earlier. That is down from

weathering the storm of unemployment and recession, 2012 has not seen a large

4.3% annual growth in the same period last year. Com-

amount of economic success for North America.

pared with the previous quarter, the economy expanded

South America’s economy is heavily reliant on the export of goods. On an ex-

by 0.6%. There are fears that Australia’s growth may slow

change rate basis, Brazil, the seventh largest economy in the world and the sec-

further as demand for its resources slows.

ond largest in the Americas, leads the way in total amount of exports at $137.8

New Zealand’s strong investment in the first half of the year offset weaker consumer confidence and deteriorat-

billion, followed by Chile at $58.12 billion and Argentina with $46.46 billion. The rate of economic recovery in South America for the remainder of 2012 is

ing exports. Investment will remain the key growth driver

expected to be significant, particularly due to increasing trade with China and the

for the remainder of 2012, with household spending set

US. Other countries such as South Korea, Vietnam, Russia and India are also tar-

to improve from 2013. Declining export growth affected

geting the region as a viable investment and development proposition. Currently,

the second quarter GDP. Reduced western demand and

governments experiencing growth are keeping an eye on inflation so as not to

the negative knock-on effects to regional trading partner

scare off potential foreign investors.

economies have slowed exports. Merchandise export

Brazil continues to be a most attractive emerging market country for private

volumes fell 0.4% from the March quarter, led by declines

equity investors in the next 12 months, according to a survey by the Emerging

in dairy products, which dropped 4.9% compared to the

Markets Private Equity Association (EMPE). A recent white paper from Siguler

previous quarter. Moody’s believes that the country’s

Guff, Private Equity Opportunities in the BRICs and Beyond, notes that invest-

external outlook remains very weak.

ment opportunities in Brazil, Russia, India, and China are likely to dominate future

Meanwhile, the North African region has been host to some significant developments in recent years. Mas-

EMPE fundraising. The BRIC countries already rank in the top 12 global economies and are projected to be in the top six by 2018, the report said.

sive anti-government demonstrations and revolution-like protests dominated international headlines as some elements of the region’s populations voiced their feelings of no-confidence against their respective governments in countries such as Egypt and Tunisia. As the disruption from these events settles, North Africa faces a new challenge of finding jobs for the 9.8 million young people entering the labour market between now and 2020.

Contents (Award Winners) 13.

Africa & the Middle East Award Winners


Asia & Oceania Award Winners


The Americas Award Winners


Europe Award Winners


Index (Award Winners)

According to the OECD, growth in the last 10 years preceding the Arab Spring did not make it possible for North African countries to create enough jobs for the young. The regional unemployment rate among the 15 to

2012 GlobalAwards 11

Harness the power In a turbulent, fast changing world, there’s a rock-solid offshore location that is cost-effective, well regulated and accessible. And with the unique advantage of being in the European Union. This potent place is Gibraltar. As a leading law firm, Hassans has steered many clients to the benefits Gibraltar offers, whether they are global corporations or private individuals of means. They find us expert, innovative, commercially-minded and client-focused. Easy to deal with, too. There may be many miles of ocean between us but we’re only a mouseclick away. Visit our website at or email us at

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12 GlobalAwards 2012

Afr ica and t he Middle East Award W inners

Africa and the Middle East are both highly varied regions with countries at both extremes of the wealth spectrum. The North African region has been host to some significant developments in recent years. Massive anti-government demonstrations and revolution-like protests dominated international headlines as some elements of the region’s populations voiced their feelings of no-confidence against their respective governments in countries such as Egypt and Tunisia. As the disruption from these events settles, North Africa faces a new challenge of finding jobs for the 9.8 million young people entering the labour market between now and 2020. According to the OECD, growth in the last 10 years preceding the Arab Spring did not make it possible for North African countries to create enough jobs for the young. The regional unemployment rate among the 15 to 24 yearold age group is on average 23%, which is three to four times higher than that of adults. But the rate is 41% if the discouraged are included: that is, those young inactive people in a position to work, but not looking for employment, and so are not included in the official statistics. Over the last decade, Morocco and Algeria have achieved a rate of job creation higher than the rate of growth of the active population, but the young have benefited least. In other countries in the region, economic growth has not been sufficient to create jobs at a rate matching population growth. The arrival of young people on the labour market represents an opportunity but it could also be a factor of instability if their aspirations are not taken into account. “Taking into account present trends,” commented Mthuli Ncube, Chief Economist at the African Development Bank: “The education of young people in terms of numbers of years of school and college is progressing faster than population growth in North Africa. This represents a unique opportunity for the economic and social development of the region, on condition that advantage is taken of this talent, this reservoir of human capital in full growth, and it is directed towards the productive sectors of the economy.” The OECD believes that although the supply of graduates has increased rapidly, economies remain focused on sectors of activity that are incapable of providing jobs that correspond to their level of studies, such as clothing and textiles or the mechanical industry. Further, unless strategies are adopted for an inclusive growth which creates greater numbers of jobs for the well qualified, these countries run the risk of seeing their stability threatened by those who have been left behind or rejected, as was the case last year in several North African countries. The Middle East is best known for producing and exporting oil, which has a significant impact on the entire region, both through the wealth that it generates and through the movement of labour. However, many countries in the re-

gion, such as Bahrain, are seeking to produce income streams geared away from oil in an effort to diversify their economies. In particular, Bahrain and other states are looking to strengthen their financial industries. Besides oil, other industries that contribute to the Middle East’s economy include agriculture, cotton, livestock, textiles, metals and defence equipment. Despite the global financial crisis, countries like Qatar have prospered in the last several years. Qatar’s economy grew 5.0% from a year earlier in inflationadjusted terms during the second quarter of 2012, as strong expansion in non-energy sectors, including finance and construction, largely offset a slacker energy sector, according to government figures. Gross domestic product growth slowed from the first quarter, when it was 6.9% year-on-year. Secondquarter GDP climbed 2.5 % from the first quarter, the figures released by Qatar Statistics Authority showed. The OPEC producer’s economy is dominated by energy production, which accounts for roughly half of output. But that sector grew in real terms by only 0.8% from a year earlier in the second quarter, and shrank 0.1% from the first quarter, because of softer global oil prices. By contrast, the financial services sector grew 12.1% from a year earlier, transport and communications output rose 18.0%, and the construction sector increased 10.0%. Qatar has embarked on a major infrastructure building programme, partly in preparation to host the 2022 soccer World Cup. In June, Qatar’s state planning authority said it expected economic growth of 6.2% this year, slowing to 4.5% in 2013, the weakest rate in a decade. Both Africa and the Middle East are emerging from recession, with economic growth boosted by demand for exports, increased public spending, greater availability of cross-border credit, as well as improvements in commodity and oil prices and global trade. South Africa’s former economic policy was fiscally conservative, focusing on controlling inflation and attaining a budget surplus. The current government largely follows the same prudent policies – but must contend with the impact of the global crisis, and is facing growing pressure from special interest groups to use state-owned enterprises to deliver basic services to low-income areas, and to increase job growth.

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Africa & the Middle East Award Winners Contents



Business Tax Law Firm of the Year / Khoukhi At Qwedar Pllc



Dispute Resolution Law Firm of the Year / CABINET KEBIR (Law Office Of Yamina Kebir)



Corporate Affairs PR Firm of the Year / Action Bahrain



Corporate Law Firm of the Year / Zeenat Al Mansoori & Associates



Arbitration Law Firm of the Year / KOSHERI, RASHED & RIAD



Corporate Governance Law Firm of the Year / EILC Egyptian International Legal Consultancy



Franchise Law Firm of the Year / EILC Egyptian International Legal Consultancy



Oil & Gas Law Firm of the Year / Tahoun Law Office (TLO)



Competition Law Firm of the Year / Amit, Pollak, Matalon & Co.



Environmental Law Firm of the Year / Amit, Pollak, Matalon & Co.



IP Law Firm of the Year / Amit, Pollak, Matalon & Co.



Patents Law Firm of the Year / Ehrlich & Fenster



Project Finance Law Firm of the Year / Yehuda Raveh & Co.



Tax Law Firm of the Year / Aziz Torbey Law Firm

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Media Law Firm of the Year / Abou Farhat Law Offices



Commercial Law Firm of the Year / Balgobin Chambers



Company Formation Advisory Firm of the Year / Premier Financial Services Limited



Boutique Company Law Firm of the Year / Hawkes Legal



Boutique Oil & Gas Law Firm of the Year / Streamsowers & Kรถhn



Business Law Firm of the Year / Alliance Law Firm


Saudi Arabia

Contract Law Firm of the Year / Fahad Al Suwaiket and Bader Al Busaies Attorneys at Law


Saudi Arabia

International Tax Advisory Firm of the Year / KPMG Al Fozan & Al Sadhan


South Africa

Dispute Resolution Law Firm of the Year / Knowles Husain Lindsay Inc



Boutique Tax Law Firm of the Year / Azhari Law Consultancy



Management Consulting Accountancy Firm of the Year / Baker Tilly MKM



Shipping Law Firm of the Year / Fichte & Co Legal Consultancy



Corporate & Commercial Law Firm of the Year / Sheikh Mohammed Abdullah Sons



Oil & Gas Law Firm of the Year / Sheikh Mohammed Abdullah Sons

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Algeria - Business Tax Law Firm of the Year Khoukhi At Qwedar Pllc Karim Khoukhi Managing Partner Tel: +213 (0) 555 549 240

Khoukhi At Qwedar Pllc is a business oriented law firm. The practice has been built on the representation and protection of the firm’s client base, which includes primarily foreign investors. The firm offers a wide range of legal and tax services such as investment structuring, tax consulting, contract drafting, litigation supervision and compliance assistance. In Algiers, Khoukhi At Qwedar Pllc is recognised for its recent involvement in international M&A deals, heavy infrastructure projects as well as local restructuring transactions. The firm enjoys the reputation of serving its clients with outstanding capabilities, rigorous intellects and strong integrity. The firm’s main practice areas are: Corporate Taxation, Foreign Investments, Public Procurements, International Financing, Exchange Controls, Customs, Corporate Governance, Competition Law, Consumer Protection and Intellectual Property.

Karim Khoukhi is the founding partner of the firm. Karim Khoukhi has over fifteen years of professional experience, including ten years acquired within PriceWaterhouse Coopers (Landwell law firm) and Deloitte (Taj law firm). Khoukhi Karim is admitted to the New York Bar as an Attorney & Counselor at Law and to the Bar of Paris as Attorney at Law. Karim Khoukhi obtained an LL.M. in International Tax Law (Cardozo School of Law - New York), an MBA in International Business (CESCI Business School - Paris) and a Master in Business Law (University Panthéon-Assas - Paris). Karim Khoukhi also holds a certificate of training in Alternative Dispute Resolution (New York). Karim Khoukhi currently chairs the Algeria Chapter of the New York State Bar Association (International Section). Karim Khoukhi is also a member of the American Bar Association. Karim Khoukhi commented: “Our practice is based on dual knowledge of common law and civil law systems and reflects our multidisciplinary approach based on the combination of business, tax & legal backgrounds. Our corporate clients practice has emerged from a close cooperation with professionals such as CEO’s’ CFO’s, Country Managers and general management teams. We increasingly focus our practice on tax planning which is a key concern for many of our clients. The firm’s experience enables it to customise its methods to the culture, standards and needs of international entities. The firm ensures that its clients are provided with high-end and tailored solutions to their questions. Khoukhi At Qwedar Pllc is an independent law firm and may also provide professional services in cooperation with foreign law firms.” .

Algeria - Dispute Resolution Law Firm of the Year CABINET KEBIR Yamina Kebir Partner Tel: +213 (0) 21 74 92 19; +213 (0) 21 74 76 71

Yamina Kebir is the partner of a small firm called the Law Office Of Yamina Kebir, which was established in 1982 and specialises in business, corporate and commercial law. The activity of the firm includes major infrastructure projects, mergers and acquisitions and joint ventures; meanwhile, the firm has contributed to World Bank studies on Doing Business in Algeria and insolvency. The activities of Law Office Of Yamina Kebir include: * consultancy and litigation in all the fields of practice; * assisting and advising clients involved in major infrastructure projects: advice on bid preparation, negotiation and drafting of project legal documentation; * advising and assisting clients wishing to invest in Algeria either alone or in partnership with local corporations: carrying out due diligence, negotiating and drafting all agreements: shareholders’ agreements, business transfers, share purchase, joint venture agreements, intellectual property agreements; and * trade and distribution: advising and assisting clients doing business in Algeria, drafting distribution contracts. 16 GlobalAwards 2012

In litigation, the firm has handled corporate disputes, distribution disputes, construction disputes, property disputes, supply of goods, and employment disputes. It has handled numerous pharmaceutical disputes in which it represented leading foreign pharmaceutical laboratories in their disputes against state entities. In the field of intellectual property, the firm is mainly involved in trademark disputes, and counterfeiting. The firm maintains a strong employment practice covering all aspects of employment from hiring to terminating employment contacts. The clients of the firm are predominantly multinational corporations and small- and medium-sized foreign corporations, as well as airline companies. Relevant experience The Law Office of Yamina Kebir has recently acted on these matters, among others: * Advising and assisting a foreign consortium in connection with a major infrastructure project, namely the construction of the East-West motorway, from its very early stage: such assistance was provided for the preparation of the client’s bid, during the phase of negotiation with the government, for the drafting of the relevant contractual documentation; assistance is currently provided on a day-to-day basis for the performance of the procurement contract. * Acting as borrower’s counsel to Orascom Telecom Holding in connection with the financing of their investment in Algeria worth EUR 400 million. * Advising and assisting a leading food corporation in an acquisition in Algeria, carrying out the due diligence and assisting in the negotiations, as well as drafting the various agreements and the articles of association. * Advising and representing major pharmaceutical laboratories in litigation against public entities; assisting some in a settlement of their dispute.

Bahrain - Corporate Affairs PR Firm of the Year Action Bahrain Tony Christodoulou Founder & Managing Director Jeoff Barraclough Executive Director Tel: +973 17 234 553

Action Global Communications recently celebrated its 40th anniversary. Tony Christodoulou, the founder and managing director of Action Global Communications, parent company to Action Bahrain, looks back on 40 years of success in the public relations sector. “I look back to 1971 when I set up Action PR. At that time the world was a very different place; no Internet, no mobile phones and certainly no iPad! Times were challenging but exciting and my vision was to build a business that was to become the first full service public relations consultancy in the emerging markets. Now those same emerging markets are not only the focus of global attention but also drive the global economy,” said Mr Christodoulou. As the company grew, the Action team found that while they offered clients effective communications combined with strong local knowledge, they also had to help educate local media and other influencers to understand the

value of what Action was doing. “At first, especially in the Middle East, this was quite a struggle with the highly regulated, even censored, local media. Now digital communications and social media have cut through these obstacles taking everyone into a new world of openness and change,” Mr Christodoulou added. Set up in 2002, Action Bahrain has helped change the PR landscape in the island kingdom. With a culture of enthusiastic, dedicated and passionate professionalism, the Bahrain office has excelled at delivering the best possible results. “We have witnessed a marked shift in the way PR has evolved in Bahrain over the past year. Due to the current business environment, more and more companies are looking for true partnerships with their PR agency, to provide a level of support and collaboration that helps generate the best results,” said Jeoff Barraclough, executive director for Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait and Oman. “Action Bahrain and its staff remain committed to Bahrain, and this award underscores the professional, yet personal, way we do business in the Kingdom. Our clients have the utmost confidence in our ability to supply the best possible level of service, and they have the knowledge that Action will stand by them during times of risk and crisis,” said Mr Barraclough. There are still challenges to be conquered; some of a very different kind to that Action faced 40 years ago. The difference now is that the Action team of professionals in over 40 countries has never been more effective, more professional or more committed. Mr Christodoulou concluded: “I salute all the Action team whether you are working in the heat of the Middle East, the cosmopolitan cities of Eastern Europe or the heady political world of Brussels. Here’s to the next 40 years of Action!”

Bahrain - Corporate Law Firm of the Year Zeenat Al Mansoori & Associates Amel Al Aseeri Tel: +973 17532012

Zeenat Al Mansoori & Associates is a leading full-service law firm in the Kingdom of Bahrain established, 22 years ago, in 1989. The firm’s clients are widely diversified and include international companies, public and private companies, government bodies, banks and financial institutions, NGOs, and high net-worth individuals. Zeenat Al Mansoori & Associates has a demonstrable track record of obtaining favourable results for clients and providing value-added counsel on complex legal issues in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The firm is particularly strong in the banking, financial services, corporate, commercial and real estate sectors. The firm also has a strong litigation

team renowned for its excellent knowledge of the law and for being tough and assertive. Amel Al Aseeri, a Senior Associate of the firm, commented: “We base our practice on building long-term relationships with our clients who can count on us to provide them with reliable legal counsel, guidance and assistance on their day-to-day operations as well as the more challenging deals. Zeenat Al Mansoori & Associates is built on innovation and we strive to innovate not just in the advice we provide but in everything we do.” Ms. Al Aseeri obtained a bachelor of laws (LLB) from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle, UK and completed the Legal Practice Course at the College of Law, London, UK. She is the first Bahraini national selected to participate in the United Nations Public and Private International Law Fellowship Program, which is the United Nation Institute of Training and Research’s scholarship program. Since joining the firm in 2005, she has advised local and international clients and participated in the design and execution of their transactions. Ms. Al Aseeri specializes in negotiating and drafting a broad spectrum of commercial agreements including agency, distributorship, employment, joint venture, construction and development, leasehold, and sale and purchase agreements. She has also worked closely with highly renowned international law firms and continues to provide local advice and assistance whenever required.

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Egypt - Arbitration Law Firm of the Year Kosheri, Rashed & Riad Dr Tarek F. Riad Managing Partner Tel: +20 22 795 4795

Kosheri, Rashed & Riad (K, R & R) was established in 1977 by Prof Ahmed El Kosheri and Prof Samia Rashed. K, R & R is one of the leading law firms in Egypt in the field of corporate law, litigation and arbitration. The firm has numerous international clients such as Philip Morris, Caterpillar, Four Seasons, BP, TUI, Bank of America, Time Warner, Lockheed Martin, Moon Capital, Saudi Telecommunication Company, Flag Corporation and Philips. The firm provides a diverse portfolio of legal services including: general practice, international law, corporate law, agencies and licensing contracts, commercial and maritime matters, joint ventures, privatisation, insurance, foreign investments, securities transactions, mergers and acquisitions, local and international business contracts, trademark registration and litigation, banking, mining, gas and petroleum concessions, real estate, telecommunications and information technology, tax, construction, labour law, business litigation, arbitrations, and dispute settlements. K, R & R is very active in the field of arbitration and litigation and it is considered the top law firm in Egypt in this regard. The partners of K, R & R,

including Dr Kosheri and Dr Riad, have acted as chairmen of arbitral tribunals, arbitrators and counsel in numerous arbitrations in front of ICC, Cairo Regional Centre, the Abu Dhabi International Arbitration Centre and ICSID. Dr Riad is a member of the Executive Committee of DIAC and alternate member of the ICC Court of Arbitration. Dr Kosheri is member of the BOT the Cairo Regional Center; furthermore Dr Kosheri was the Vice President of the ICC Court of Arbitration from 2001 to 2009. Dr Tarek F. Riad, the managing partner of Kosheri, Rashed & Riad, was involved in drafting numerous Egyptian commercial laws such as the Companies Law, the Telecommunications Law, the Investment Law and the Special Economic Court Law in his capacity as a member of the Economic Committee. Dr Riad commented on the firm’s portfolio of clients: “Our firm has proudly represented numerous clients in the field of arbitration including the Egyptian Government, the Government of Kuwait, Transocean, Josef Meissner GmbH, Misr Insurance, Nicholson Manufacturing Company (Seattle), Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company, Telemedia Egypt, Engineering Consulting Office, Egyptian Media Production City, Morrison Knudsen International Inc, and Contrack International Inc.” In May 2011, Dr Riad was appointed as a member of the Consultative Council responsible for preparing drafts laws for the Egyptian Council of Ministries. Dr Riad was the special legal advisor to the speaker of the Egyptian Parliament from 1992 till 2000. Among Dr Riad’s responsibilities in this regard was a review of investment laws and related regulations. Kosheri, Rashed & Riad continues to represent numerous international and domestic companies and offers clients a full range of legal services on all matters affecting them, with a special emphasis on assisting its clients in undertaking commercial transactions in Egypt.

Egypt - Corporate Governance Law Firm of the Year / Egypt - Franchise Law Firm of the Year EILC Egyptian International Legal Consultancy Mr Badawi Hozaien Founding Partner Tel: +201002136276 Mr Galal-Eldin El-Hamamsy, L.L.M Founding Partner Tel: +201006681414

EILC was established in June of 2010. It is formed by a team of two Egyptian partners and over six fee earners, educated and trained both locally and internationally, with the ability to provide legal services in Arabic, English, French, and Dutch. Mr Badawi Hozaien, co- founding partner of EILC, explained the firm’s mission: “The firm is committed to being responsive to all our clients’ queries. Our job is to maintain the depth, quality and scale of resources necessary to meet our clients’ needs, in so doing we serve as an extension to their organisation. We have the confidence, culture and knowledge to think creatively so as to support our clients’ core business development.” Mr Hozaien is an expert in capital market and corporate governance matters. He drafted all agreements and documentation related to the op18 GlobalAwards 2012

eration of “I-Score”, the only Egyptian credit bureau, and Giro-Nil, which operates and manages intra-banking infrastructure such as funds transfer, bill payments and collection. Mr Hozaien structured and implemented the issuance of US$ 105 million treasury shares for UGDC. Mr Hozaien was the key lawyer in charge of a large number of groundbreakers including the establishment of Vodafone Egypt and was behind the first GDRs ever offered for Egyptian shares EZZ Steel as well as some of the most prominent IPOs in Egypt. Mr Hozaien was the key lawyer behind the privatisation of many major companies such as MIBank, Cairo Oil and Soap and Bisco Misr. He was also the key lawyer in charge of structuring and implementing the merger of Egypt’s largest investment banks, EFG-Hermes and CIIC. Co-founding partner, Galal-Eldin El-Hamamsy, LLM, has been providing legal advice to the Capital Market Development Project regarding the development of the current financial and capital market laws and regulations. He participated in the drafting of some of these laws and regulations such as securitisation. Mr El-Hamamsy drafted and negotiated many major multimillion syndicated loan agreements and provided legal consultancy to all departments and branches of the Commercial International Bank (CIB). He provided legal advice to CIB subsidiary companies working in various fields, such as insurance, brokerage and investment banking as well as solving all day to day legal matters. Mr El-Hamamsy concluded with the firm’s promise to clients: “Our goal is to provide our local and international clients with prompt and efficient legal assistance and advice. We seek to grow continuously and to maintain a uniform level of excellence. Ultimately, we intend to be regarded as one of the leading legal consultants in Egypt.”

Egypt - Oil & Gas Law Firm of the Year Tahoun Law Office (TLO) Nermine Tahoun Partner Tel: +201001789400

Tahoun Law Office is a member of the Egyptian Bar Association, the American Chamber of Commerce in Cairo, Egypt’s international economic forum, and the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Cairo. Meanwhile, the firm was selected by Primerus international to be Primerus’s sole and exclusive representative in Egypt, as a credible law firm complying with the highest standards of professionalism as exemplified by the six pillars of Primerus. Today, Tahoun Law Office is active in areas of legal services including: drafting several types of agreements; BOT, BOO, PPP and other concessions matters; enjoying extensive experience in legal tax matters; preparing tender documents; corporate matters including incorporation of companies; merger & acquisition and project finance transactions; and legal due diligence reports. Partner Nermine Tahoun noted: “We have extensive experience in concession contracts – i.e. oil & gas, power and utility projects – as we act as the legal

adviser for the Egyptian government in concessions contracts (i.e. PPP contracts). We represented the government in many transactions, concluded the first successful PPP transaction in the MENA region, and closed its financial package with signed direct agreement for government guarantee (New Cairo wastewater treatment plant). “Our firm believes in the essence of specialisation in legal services, so each of our firm members enjoy high experience in a specific field (i.e. corporate, M&A, concession and litigation).” The firm believes in quality assurance and to act as deal maker, therefore each of its members work with high diligence to provide high quality legal services to clients – in order to maintain and reach their business targets. The firm is acting as legal adviser for various international companies in Egypt working in the fields of oil & gas, power, aviation, software processing, tobacco, courier services and industrial areas. Such focus provides the firm with high experience in the business field. The firm therefore plays an important and unique role in acting as business lawyers for multinational companies working in Egypt. The firm has also had an active role in oil & gas concessions in recent years, as well as maintaining a successful role in reaching settlement and ADR resolutions between private companies and government. This strengthens its contribution in the legal services field in Egypt through providing added values services to multinational companies, especially in 2011. The firm successfully closed a number of transactions and reached winwin settlements for many deals in the last years. These include an industrial zone 6th October project, a courier companies contract with Egypt Post, TAQA power plant, Aloyon International Hospital acquisition, finance agreements between IPR and HSBC, agency agreement between J&J and BM Egypt, and settlement for concession contracts.

Israel - Competition Law Firm of the Year / Israel - Environmental Law Firm of the Year / Israel - IP Law Firm of the Year

Amit, Pollak, Matalon & Co. Eldad Koresh Managing Partner Tel: +972-3-5689000

APM & Co., based in Tel Aviv, is a top-tier Israeli law firm, specializing in all areas of Corporate and Commercial Law. The firm draws on its extensive knowledge and expertise accumulated over 56 years of practice to provide a complete package of quality legal services to both Israeli and international clients across all business sectors. APM & Co.’s main practice areas include: Corporate and M&A, Capital Markets, High-Tech, Venture Capital and Private Equity, Finance, Antitrust, Environmental Law, Commercial Law, Litigation, Dispute Resolution and Class Actions, Bankruptcy, Liquidation and Reorganization, Real Estate and Construction, Taxation, Employment and Labour, Intellectual Property, Infrastructure, Projects and Energy, Regulatory and Compliance. APM & Co. is consistently recognized in international and local leading directories of the legal profession, such as Chambers and Partners, EMEA Legal 500, IFLR100, Dun’s 100 and BDI Coface. In 2012 the firm was honored as “The Law Firm of the Year in Israel” by Corporate INTL in three different practice areas: Competition, Environmental Law and Intellectual Property. Competition Law APM & Co. represents high-profile clients in a full range of antitrust and competition matters, including in the context of mergers and acquisitions, restrictive trade practices and monopoly proclamation proceedings. Key clients include: IBM Israel, Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd. and the Israeli

Manufacturers Association. Representative matters include: Representation of major Israeli defence system companies in procedures to approve restrictive agreements; Structuring antitrust self compliance programs and advising on competition matters in M&A transactions; Representation of IBM Israel in the process for approval of a merger transaction with Toshiba; Representation of Meitav Investment House and DS Apex Holdings in the largest Israeli M&A transaction of 2012. Environmental Law APM & Co. has the leading environmental practice in Israel, representing Israel’s major industrial and energy enterprises on regulation, compliance and enforcement matters. Key clients include: Israel Chemicals Ltd. (ICL), Haifa Oil Refineries Ltd., Paz Oil Ltd. and the Israeli Manufacturers Association. Representative matters include: The conducting of ongoing environmental audits for ICL’s self compliance program and monitoring its international environmental policy; The representation of Haifa Oil Refineries in a petition against several government ministries to order completion of the natural gas pipeline to the Haifa bay area; The representation of Bromine Compounds and TetraBrom (subsidiaries of ICL) in a mass tort lawsuit. Intellectual Property APM & Co. advises clients on the development and commercialization of intellectual property rights, on licensing agreements and on trademark prosecution. The firm handles cases of enforcement of various types of intellectual property rights, including patents, trademarks, copyrights, designs and trade secrets. Key clients include: Applied Materials (NASDAQ: AMAT) and Novartis Pharma Services. Representative matters include: The representation of Ort Israel in a long-term international conflict with World Ort and in the submission of trademark applications worldwide; The representation of Kawalata Trading Ltd., a company which owns worldwide patents and other intellectual property rights relating to Bio molecular and Biochemical processes. 2012 GlobalAwards 19

Israel - Patents Law Firm of the Year Ehrlich & Fenster Dr Gal Ehrlich Founder / Managing Director Tel: +972 73-7919199

Ehrlich & Fenster is Israel’s leading Patent Attorneys Firm, offering premiere expertise in all matters concerning the protection and prosecution of intellectual property. The synergism between highly personalised service and unrivalled expertise in all technological fields has made Ehrlich & Fenster the most reputable IP firm in Israel. The firm and its team are renowned for excellence in both the local and international professional arena, being ranked first in Israel by Chambers & Partners, MIP, IAM and Corporate INTL’s Legal Awards and Global Awards. Extensive professional knowledge and experience, along with scientific insight, enables Ehrlich & Fenster to offer an optimal intellectual property strategy and assist in managing the intellectual property portfolio for clients in light of the client’s business strategy – be it in licensing, investment, financing and buyout exits and deals amounting to billions of dollars. Plotting Strategies The firm helps clients identify, determine, and broaden the protection scope of their core intellectual property. This is achieved by analysing and assessing the potential business opportunities that may emerge from the client’s innovative technologies and areas of invention. Ehrlich & Fenster’s strategic advantage is in its ability to identify the individual or multi-core technologies often hidden within a development. The firm pursues all the potential business directions available to a client including buying, in-and-out licensing, selling and international expansion. Rankings The publication Managing Intellectual Property recently published the 2011 MIP Handbook which ranks all the patent attorney firms worldwide. The editorial coverage included the following statements: Ehrlich & Fenster keeps its position as a leading patent prosecution firm. It is “very open-minded, has a strategic point of view of the cases and manages cases with transparency... it is also dedicated, ready to meet whatever deadline if requested and has great administration”, says a client. The firm has a market reputation of a high quality patent outfit, especially in chemistry, medicine and biotechnology. “I use more than 10 firms to handle my portfolio and cases, and Ehrlich is by far the best... when I have a complicated task, it is my first choice”, says a client. Gal Ehrlich “combines thorough understanding of a client’s business needs with the ability to expose the heart of an invention in its broader scope”, says a client, while Roy Melzer “is also very good and combines creativity and practicality in drafting and prosecuting”. The “individuals are superb and very professional, the office as a whole is very reliable and is a secure place to maintain all our files without any worry, they are organised, trusted and have good back-up”, says a third client. Among recent successes, the firm saved a client from IP litigation in Japan, struck major licensing deals for drug and agrotechnology companies, and advised clients on interventions, licence agreements and patent sales.

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Ehrlich & Fenster takes pride in this achievement and we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for putting your trust in us and to reaffirm our commitment to customer service and quality. This recent ranking adds to the positioning of Ehrlich & Fenster as the leading IP firm in Israel. Experience, Expertise and Know-How Dr Gal Ehrlich, the founder and manager of Ehrlich & Fenster, leads a large team of highly experienced patent attorneys and technical advisers, most of whom have Ph.Ds and are licensed to practise directly before the Israel and/or US Patent Offices as well as the UK, Europe and elsewhere. The firm’s staff of more than 100 also includes attorneys and paralegals. Dr Ehrlich has a Ph.D. from the Hebrew University in Genetic Engineering and an LL.B. from Tel Aviv University Law School. The firm is up-to-date and attuned to the latest innovative tactics and understands the complexities of a wide variety of inter-disciplinary issues ranging from international case law to the novel and diverse developments emerging in the technological arena. Customer Service & Quality Assurance The firm’s unique structure is organised around four distinct pyramids in Biotech (including Agrotech), Pharmacology, Physics (including Mechanics), and Electronics & Communications, ensuring that each file is handled at some stage by the firm’s most senior staff, including Dr Ehrlich himself, without compromising on the level of personal service. The quality of service is also enhanced by the firm’s unique custom-made computer programs, which include leading edge docketing, billing and accountancy systems as well as an innovative task management system which optimises efficiency. The firm has ISO9001:2008 and IQC. Broad Client Base Ehrlich & Fenster’s thousands of clients in Israel include all of the country’s universities and colleges as well as their technology transfer companies, leading high-tech, biotech and pharmaceutical firms, as well as start-ups, technological incubators and private individuals. The firm also acts for major international companies on matters relating to patents, trademarks and designs. Ehrlich & Fenster combines corporate and private practice experience to manage IP portfolios for the benefit of each client. All clients obtain a global perspective of IP management, while larger corporate clients maintain the insight required for communicating with individuals or their smaller clientele. Added Value Services Ehrlich & Fenster is experienced in handling last-minute filings. Each such filing provides a product of high standard. Projects are budgeted in a flexible manner thereby enabling applications to be filed, which may have potential commercial value in the future, but would not otherwise be cost-justified at normal hourly rates.

Israel - Project Finance Law Firm of the Year Yehuda Raveh & Co. Tel: +972 3 562 0303 Fax: +972 3 561 8558

Yehuda Raveh and Co. was established in the 1940s by the late Gideon Hausner, the Attorney General of the State of Israel and a Cabinet Minister in Israel’s Government. Today, the firm is among the leading law firms in Israel. It is led by Mr Yehuda Raveh and has a staff of 85 lawyers, associates, and administrative personnel. The firm is also involved in projects in Europe and has recently opened a branch in Bucharest, Romania. The firm has been repeatedly ranked among the leading law firms in Israel by various international publications, namely The European Legal 500, Dun & Bradstreet, Chambers Global, International Association of Business Leaders and IFLR1000. The firm provides legal services in a broad range of areas, including among others: major infrastructure projects, project finance and BOT projects, corporate and M&A, multi-national cross-border transactions, real estate, construction and development, bankruptcy and reorganisation, hotel and tourism, public tenders, administrative law and litigation and dispute resolution. The firm represents several of the largest real estate and construction projects in the country in major residential, commercial, high-tech and industrial

projects. The firm has well-known expertise in hotel development and management deals throughout Israel, and represents numerous hotel owners and developers and major national and international hotel companies. The firm is one of Israel’s leading firms in the area of infrastructure and project finance. The firm has unrivalled experience working across a wide range of infrastructure projects, including infrastructure projects in the areas of Transportation, Construction, Real Estate Development, Water Desalination, Power Plants and others. Moreover, the firm is heavily involved in the Cross Israel Highway Project, the largest Transportation Infrastructure Project in Israel, which was built and financed on a B.O.T. basis. The firm also represents the Concessionaire of the IDF Campus in the Negev, the largest infrastructure Project in Israel to date. The project is financed and will be built and operated on a P.F.I. basis. Yehuda Raveh and Co. successfully represented the Concessionaire throughout the unique and complex tender process and Financial Closing of this project. Yehuda Raveh and Co. is one of the leading corporate and M&A law firms in Israel. The firm has been involved in many significant and complex crossborder transactions, of all sizes and ownership structures. Meanwhile, the firm was recently involved in the acquisition of the control of Azorim, a public company valued at $500 million, which is one of the largest development companies in Israel. The firm also represents the Israel Infrastructure Fund (IIF), the first Israeli private equity fund specialising in infrastructure related projects and companies. The firm represented IIF in the acquisition of 75% of the shares in Netivey Hayovel Ltd., the Concessionaire of the PFI Road 431 Project; and in the acquisition of 27.5% of CityPass Ltd., the Concessionaire of the Jerusalem Light Rail Project.

Lebanon - Tax Law Firm of the Year Aziz Torbey Law Firm Ramy Torbey Managing Partner Tel: +961 1 486 446

The Aziz Torbey Law Firm is based in Lebanon. This region has always been considered to be the door to the Middle East, geographically and naturally, in business, as well as in education, media and tourism. The firm is able to adapt to the fast changing business environment in the region as well as the repeated regional political crisis and build privileged relationships with major businesses in Middle-Eastern countries, mainly the Gulf countries as well as the European countries such as France, Monaco, Luxembourg and Italy. The firm also assists Middle-Eastern clients wanting to expand their business to Europe and European clients looking to do business in the Middle-East by providing them with innovative legal solutions tailored to their specific needs in a timely manner. The firm’s clientele is spread over the Middle East, Europe (East and West) and the US. The Aziz Torbey Law Firm has an international presence through its associated office - Al Shamlany Law Firm in Saudi Arabia and the International Business Law Consortium (IBLC) that gathers reputable like-minded law firms in more than 60 countries with similar practice areas and services. The firm participates in many international legal conferences and gatherings of lawyers abroad and is listed on various prominent international online directories for law firms.

Aziz Torbey Law Firm’s attorneys ensure that clients, whether they are startups or global corporations, operate their business with utmost efficiency and profitability. They offer their significant experience working with the Ministry of Finance and often share with clients their wealth of knowledge on the innerworkings of the Ministry. They also develop and implement strategies that assist foreign residents to find the most tax-efficient way to operate under the relevant domestic laws and international treaties. The main goal of the Taxation team is to maximise each client’s profits by properly and most efficiently applying Lebanese tax laws in areas such as real estate, commercial business, inheritance, stamp duty and income as well as the Value Added Tax (VAT). In the modern legal world, a firm needs to respect and understand the importance of a client’s culture. Ramy Torbey, managing partner, explained this concept further: “We take pride in the multicultural, multilingual and multireligious team of lawyers in our offices that helps reflect the diverse religious, political and social background of Lebanon, and provides us with a competitive advantage by providing multi-faced legal services. We always make sure to build and develop strong bonds between our lawyers and staff and work collaboratively, transcending organisational, functional and geographic boundaries. We make sure that our people get the chance to develop themselves at work on a personal and professional level and preserve a healthy work-life balance.” In closing, Mr Torbey elaborated on the firm’s goals for the next twelve months: “We are working on delivering more professional services, standardising the management, going paperless by digitalising our information and know-how as well as putting in place a workflow system to reduce any number of errors and speed up the process of delivering our legal services in a professional manner. We will move to a bigger office next year and will be doubling our team within the next couple of years.”

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Lebanon - Media Law Firm of the Year

Abou Farhat Law Offices Walid Abou Farhat Partner Tel: +9611390019-01390029

Abou Farhat Law Offices

Abou Farhat Law Offices provides legal services related especially to media and telecom accounts. The law office specialises in copyright (enforcement, licensing and collective management) and regulatory legal work. The law office strives to keep the fees as competitive as possible and consistent with the highest professional standard, which are delivered in a skilled and timely service. Walid Abou Farhat is a partner at Abou Farhat Law Offices – Lebanon. He has been connected for the past 10 years with various copyright and telecommunication deals. He has been involved in GSM business in Africa on behalf of Hits Telecom and in Mobile TV deals with 3G3M, a Norwegian investment group. In 2003 he actively participated in the creation of the first music publishing company in Lebanon “OMP”. In 2007 he acted as senior legal adviser to O-Media of Egypt and actively participated in discussions pertaining to a joint venture with Warner Group. According to a World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) report which considers the total economic contribution of copyright-based industries to the Lebanese economy, the media and literature sector in Lebanon has the potential to maintain its commanding position in the region because the strength of the publishing industry lies in the diversity and high quality of products in three languages. The dominant companies in this sector rely on their export capacity with most of their revenue generated from the sale of books aimed at the general public. The country’s shipping industry is a major contributor to the Lebanese economy and is a powerful asset for a variety of industries including media and distribution. Mr Abou Farhat commented on some of the advantages and obstacles that face foreign investors looking to conduct entertainment business in the region: “I think that political instability is the main issue for an investor who is not really adapted to work under such circumstances. The legal infrastructure is well established since Lebanon is a member to all international treaties except TRIPS but also because the country has recently adopted WCT & WPPT.”

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Lebanon has a free-market economy and a strong laissez-faire commercial tradition. The government does not restrict foreign investment but this climate has been known to suffer from red tape, arbitrary licensing decisions, high taxes, tariffs, and fees. The country does, however, have strong copyright law. “55% to 60% of the creativity in the Arab World is in Lebanon when it comes to music, book publishing and printing. Of course, with the international finance crisis and the political instability in the Arab world, the entertainment industry has been affected. However, because of its turbulent past, the Lebanese community is immune towards instability and it adapts itself as much as possible,” commented Mr Abou Farhat. Mr Abou Farhat legally assisted Melody Group of Industries, Rotana Audiovisual & other key media players in the Middle East & North Africa. Currently he is retained by telecom Aggregators as ARPU+ (Egypt), Qanawat (United Arab Emirates), Digi Music (Lebanon) and Believe & Yala Music (France). He also acts on behalf of many authors’ right holders, artists and labels such as Alam El Pham (Egypt) Arabica Music & Music Is My Life (Lebanon) and EMI Music Arabia (UAE). He is proud to represent other important publishers whether in the music or literature fields. Mr Abou Farhat has been actively involved in workshops with the Copyright Unit at Arab League and WIPO and has conducted several presentations related to collective management and copyright enforcement. He is also actively involved with SACEM, PRS and ADAMI to establish efficient collective management in the Arabic world. Further practices of Abou Farhat Law Offices include negotiations between performers and sites, aggregator licensing deals, live events, digital artist management and sponsorship deals. The law offices have been involved in much litigation as the Lebanese judicial system is very active and the Lebanese copyright law is very efficient. Walid Abou Farhat personally represents all the Majors in MENA, and in addition represents regional broadcasters in Lebanon. Abou Farhat Law Offices works in partnership with Kilani law firm in Jordan and Ali Habib law firm in the United Arab Emirates.

Mauritius - Commercial Law Firm of the Year Balgobin Chambers Priscilla Balgobin-Bhoyrul Managing Partner Tel: +230 208 3363 / 254 6704

Balgobin Chambers represents private individuals and companies as well as state owned enterprises. The firm’s diverse client list includes commercial and investment banks, multinationals, funds, ship and cargo owners, insurance companies, local government, African regional organisations as well as private individuals. The firm’s practice areas include banking & finance, employment, family, insurance, litigation, M&A/corporate, real estate, insolvency and tax. Priscilla Balgobin-Bhoyrul, partner of the firm, commented: “Balgobin Chambers maintains a diverse practice where we represent clients in a broad range of complex and sensitive matters both locally and in cross border transactions. Providing our clients with the highest quality of legal work is at the core of our culture. Before we embark on any case, we ensure we have a precise understanding of our client’s needs as this enables us to help them realise their objectives.” Priscilla Balgobin-Bhoyrul read law at the London School of Economics and Political Science (UK) and followed the Bar Vocational Course at

the Inns of Court School of Law, London. She has been called both to the Bar of England and Wales and to the Mauritian Bar. She is a member of the Middle Temple, UK. Ms Balgobin-Bhoyrul regularly advises clients on the Mauritius Tax Treaty Network with other jurisdictions, on the setting up of investment funds domiciled in Mauritius, and often acts as Mauritian counsel in cross border transactions. She is regularly called upon to advise foreign clients on their subscription agreements and their compliance with Mauritian law. She also has a thriving banking law practice, litigating on behalf of commercial banks and international investment banks such as Nomura Bank and ING, and has also advised foreign entities wishing to set up banks in Mauritius. She is presently a board member of numerous private companies, some of which are listed companies on the Stock Exchange of Mauritius and on the Irish Stock Exchange. She is the National President for the World Jurist Association.

Ms Balgobin-Bhoyrul regularly advises clients on the Mauritius Tax Treaty Network with other jurisdictions, on the setting up of investment funds domiciled in Mauritius, and often acts as Mauritian counsel in cross border transactions.

Mauritius - Company Formation Advisory Firm of the Year Premier Financial Services Limited Mr Vimal D. Damry Managing Director Tel: +230 2456703

Premier Financial Services Limited is a licensed trust company providing company formation, trust, accounting, international taxation planning and fiduciary services to high net worth individuals and corporates including listed entities and investment funds. The promoters and directors have been in financial services for more than a decade and have managed companies and trusts holding assets of more than US$1 billion in aggregate. Premier is a member of the INAA Group (, a worldwide association of independent accounting firms consisting mainly of audit, tax and accounting firms. Premier is able to draw resources from experts in this network for the benefits of its clients. INAA’s influence is worldwide. The organisation is represented by over 50 firms in over 40 countries and the number is constantly increasing. It is the intention to provide an international client service which is second to none. In addition to Mauritius companies, trusts and foundations, the firm also offers companies in popular jurisdictions such as Seychelles, BVI, Singapore amongst others. Premier

also provides financial licence applications in Mauritius for Investment Dealers, Advisers, Fund, CIS Manager and others. Mr Vimal D. Damry, managing director, commented: “We clearly distinguish ourselves from competitors in the market through the tailor-made solutions which we offer. We are a one stop shop for all clients and assist them whatever the challenge or needs be. In this way, we grow with them.” The firm’s valued clients come from various business categories and from all regions of the globe. By business category classifications, the firm’s clients fall mainly as: High net worth individuals (HNWIs)/ultra high net worth individuals, tax and accounting firms, MNCs, private and public companies, listed companies, law firms, estate agents, securities houses, fund managers, investment advisers, brokers, banks, shipping, agricultural, and aviation companies amongst others. Premier has added several big companies to its client base in the last 12 months. These additions to the client list are based in the industries of aviation, agriculture and professional services. These companies are looking for quality work and this is what Premier provides. Premier is part of a network of accountants and tax advisers (INAA Group) and given its extensive network worldwide, the firm has a distinct advantage in international dealings. Premier has a real international reach in any continent. Mr Damry concluded: “Our overall aim for the next twelve months is to maintain a consistent growth. We plan to open a new trust company in another jurisdiction soon. We are moving into a brand new office in Mauritius from end of September 2012 for the benefit of our clients. In brief we have all the ingredients to move forward and the challenge does not stop here.” 2012 GlobalAwards 23

Nigeria - Boutique Company Law Firm of the Year Hawkes Legal Temitayo Ojeleke Partner

Hawkes Legal is a full corporate commercial practice active in shipping, oil and gas, taxation, international commercial transactions and, recently, capital market matters. The firm is also very active in commercial litigations. Its recent pioneering efforts with regards to some ongoing capital market litigations, seeking to protect investors’ funds whilst holding market operators accountable, have earned the firm this award. According to partner Temitayo Ojeleke, the firm is a rapidly growing practice, and currently maintains offices in Lagos, Port Harcourt, Abuja and London. Mr Ojeleke noted: “We are very innovative in our approach to resolving our clients’ issues. Our areas of expertise include shipping, oil and gas, international commercial transactions, taxation and capital market transactions.

“Meanwhile, our advantage over competitors can be summed up in our ability to provide to our clients personalised services and solutions. We are thorough and constantly deliver on schedule.” In recent times, Hawkes Legal’s professional advisers have had to take a closer look at the trading of company securities in Nigeria. They have found that the overlap between the Companies and Allied Matters Act and the Investment and Securities Act as a most interesting subject of review, particularly when the focus is on the options open to an investor to exit a ‘bad’ investment in a manner favourable to the investor’s financial interest. Some of the litigation that the firm is currently working on would enable the superior courts to make pronouncements, which would provide clarity. “Today, our typical clients are corporations and high net-worth individuals. We sometimes work for government,” Mr Ojeleke added. “With regards to government, some of our partners have been privileged to advise the government of Nigeria on some commercial transactions. Certainly our firm’s expertise gives us a distinct edge when working on an international playing field. “With regards to the field in which we have won this award, one of our biggest successes in the last 12 months has been our providing leadership by breaking new grounds seeking the protection of investors’ funds in transactions regulated by the Nigerian Securities and Exchange Commission. “As for the remainder of 2012, and looking ahead – we will continue to upgrade our skills in-house in order to provide even better services to our growing clientele. All of this is within the context of growing our practice.”

Nigeria - Boutique Oil & Gas Law Firm of the Year Streamsowers & Köhn Chiagozie Hilary-Nwokonko Managing Partner Tel: +234 1 271 2276, +234 1 461 1820, +234 1 271 3846

Streamsowers & Köhn is a full service law practice located in Nigeria, which engages in the provision of services with respect to oil and gas, project finance and privatisation, aviation law, general corporate and commercial law as well as dispute resolution. The firm assists major oil companies in drafting and negotiating production sharing contracts, joint operating agreements, bidding agreements and in processing applications for leases and licences. The firm has participated in the development of the regulatory framework for the energy and power sectors and is positioned to provide excellent advisory and dispute resolution services to clients in these sectors. “Our firm has acted in various commercial transactions, providing clients with legal advisory, consultancy support and dealing with issues of Nigerian foreign investment and corporate law. This includes general commercial law, oil and gas and intellectual property law, where I have personally acted as a solicitor and a negotiator,”

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commented Chiagozie Hilary-Nwokonko, Managing Partner. Chiagozie Hilary-Nwokonko has acted for several upstream petroleum companies, both local and international, in the acquisition and sale of interests in oil prospecting licences, oil mining leases, marginal fields, etc. He has played key roles in major projects in oil and gas, power and infrastructure and continues to act as counsel in those areas. Mr Hilary-Nwokonko described developments surrounding the fossil fuel market and the ways in which his firm can provide legal assistance: “The Nigerian oil and gas sector is evolving positively, and has made provisions for the required minimum participation of indigenous entities in the sector through the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Development Act, 2010. This requirement has prompted the reorganisation of the operations of many companies in the sector to accommodate the new rules. We provide advisory services to several market players on how to overcome any challenges arising from this law.” The firm also recently acted for Eland Oil and Gas in the acquisition of 45% participating interest in OML 40, from Shell, Total and Agip, in Nigeria. The firm also acted for Eland in relation to financing the acquisition and the subsequent listing of the company’s shares on the AIM. These successes have improved the firm’s credentials by placing it as a recognised specialist in the field. Chiagozie Hilary-Nwokonko has recently been appointed as a member of the Technical Committee of the Special Task Force for the review of the Petroleum Industry Bill. This role includes gathering technical expertise and making recommendations for the improvement of the regulatory framework governing the petroleum industry in Nigeria. The firm constantly tries to preserve its values while expanding its range of services and is presently positioning its Infrastructure and Privatisation Group to take advantage of the recent changes in the country’s power sector.

Nigeria - Business Law Firm of the Year Alliance Law Firm Uche Val Obi Managing Partner Tel: +234-1-9035352-5; 4604090-2; 2707471-2

Alliance Law Firm (Alliance) is a dynamic partnership emanating from an initial fusion of some Nigerian commercial practices. The vision of the partners is to build a world class law firm. The firm combines English legal tradition with American dynamism in providing efficient and value-added services to select clientele. Uche Val Obi, the Managing Partner, describes the firm’s modern offerings: “We present our clients with the broadest mix of cognate skills and depth of expertise in legal practice. We pay attention to clients’ instructions, thoroughly analyse them, reach the relevant laws, and harmonise the legal provisions with those of organisational goals and the local operating environment. This positions us to offer practical, cost-sensitive, integrated and result-orientated services. We provide solutions to our clients’ legal challenges at the convergence of law, business and policy. This is the hallmark of our practice.” Alliance Law Firm’s practice areas span capital markets, banking & finance, mergers & acquisition, oil & gas, power, infrastructure, construction, business formation & advisory, tax, labour, company secretarial and corporate governance. The firm is divided into practice groups and teams to ensure that clients receive legal services from dedicated experts. Alliance has a robust Enterprise & Transaction Team, which structures and advises on transactions.

The firm also has a vibrant Litigation and ADR Team which handles litigious aspects of the transactions, at different fora. Today, the firm’s capital market and financial services encompass debt and equity offering, corporate finance, project finance and banking. It has advised several banks and large companies on acquisition and divestment exercises, and on corporate restructuring. It has also represented borrowers, lenders, underwriters and issuing houses in diverse financial transactions. The firm has assisted several companies in raising finances through equity and fixed income products such as bond offerings, initial public offers, private placements and unit trust schemes. The firm’s Tax Practice Group provides sound tax advice with significant commercial implications. Its employment-related practice covers Nigerian labour law, employment contracts, unionising activities, collective bargaining, grievances and industrial disputes. Alliance offers efficient company secretarial services, board support and compliance advisory services. As a cutting edge legal service provider, the firm maintains an Energy Practice Group, which advises on acquisition and divestment of oil and gas acreages or concessions, exploration and production arrangements, financing and structuring. This Energy Practice Group also oversees power generation and distribution ventures. The firm is currently advising Nestoil Plc on OB3, the largest ongoing pipeline project in Nigeria by Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC). The firm is ranked among the best law firms in Nigeria. In 2008, it was awarded The Finest Capital Market Legal Consulting Firm in Nigeria of the Year at the West African Direct Marketing Awards. It has also been ranked among the top five integrity-driven legal firms in Nigeria by major business newspapers in Nigeria such as the Guardian and This Day. With Alliance Law Firm, clients are guaranteed peak performance and excellent service delivery.

Saudi Arabia - Contract Law Firm of the Year Specialized in: · · ·

Corporate and Business Law Investment Law Company Set-Up

Legal services we provide: · · · · · · · · · · · ·

Commercial Law Banking Law Maritime Law International Law WTO Consultations Intellectual Property Insurance Law Zakat & Tax Law Drafting Labour Regulations for Companies Drafting & Reviewing Contracts Arbitration Litigation

Our Objective: Our objective is not only to meet our clients’ needs, but to exceed their expectations

Fahad Al-Suwaiket & Bader Al-Busaies Attorneys at Law (International Experience Local Presence)

Headquarters: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, P.O. Box 4732, Al- Khobar 31952 Al-Salah Tower, 3rd Floor, Suite 308, Prince Faisal Bin Fahad St. Tel: (+ 966-3) 887 7512, Fax: (+ 966-3) 887 7638 E-mail: Website:

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Saudi Arabia - International Tax Advisory Firm of the Year KPMG Al Fozan & Al Sadhan Suleman Mulla Director – Tax & Zakat Services, Jeddah Tel: +966 2 658 1616

Kamran Sial Director – Tax & Zakat Services, Riyadh Tel: +966 1 874 8500

growing professional services firms in the country with international and nationally-based audit and tax clients and a dynamic advisory practice aligned to the strategic growth of the Kingdom. Our reputation is created by the way the people within our firm act with clients, colleagues and their communities. KPMG International firms are some of the world’s leading providers of audit, tax and advisory services. They now operate in 146 countries and have 140,000 people in all member firms around the world. We aim to respond to the complex business challenges facing our clients. Our practice is organised around our audit, tax and advisory practices. Audit - Public trust in the capital markets is largely grounded in its confidence in the independent audit of company finances. KPMG upholds the highest standards of audit integrity. We support our Audit team with substantial resources and appropriate technology.

Gaffer Biswas Director – Tax & Zakat Services, Al Khobar Tel: +966 3 887 7421

Tax - Our tax services are designed to reflect client needs. We can help with the tax implications of, for example, cross-border acquisitions or a global transfer pricing strategy. We work with clients to achieve effective tax compliance, manage tax risks and control-associated costs. KPMG in Saudi Arabia’s Tax practice approaches the market from an understanding of a client’s business, their needs and strategic requirements. We use our in-depth technical tax knowledge, and our broader understanding of how tax fits into the wider business picture, to help clients meet their compliance responsibilities and to act on planning opportunities.

Ebrahim Oboud Baeshen Partner – Audit, Tax and Zakat Services Tel: +966 2 658 1616

KPMG Al Fozan & Al Sadhan is KPMG’s member firm in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and is part of the Middle East and South Asia region. KPMG has operated in Saudi Arabia since 1992, having offices in Riyadh, Jeddah and Al Khobar. During the last four years KPMG in Saudi Arabia has been one of the fastest

Advisory - Our Advisory professionals help a range of organisations mitigate risk, improve performance and create value. We provide risk and financial advisory services that help clients tackle immediate issues and plan for the long term. Advisory works with our clients to tackle challenges in transactions and restructuring, performance and technology and risk and compliance. Our Advisory practice combines specialist skills to provide objective advice and execution to help preserve and improve value.

South Africa - Dispute Resolution Law Firm of the Year Knowles Husain Lindsay Ian Lindsay Director Tel: +27 (0)11 669 6000

KHL’s vision is to be the country’s top litigation and dispute resolution firm, with strong and lasting client relationships, combined with success, that ensures clients turn to the firm without hesitation to provide and deliver expert legal advice that will give clients a strategic advantage. Ian Lindsay, a director of Knowles Husain Lindsay, commented: “We’re a committed firm of innovative, thinking lawyers that looks to bring a combination of innovation and sound technical advice to all our work while maintaining total integrity. We strive to understand our clients’ businesses so we can execute strategies that best benefit their businesses today and into the future. To support our legal skills, we’ve implemented world-class business practices and IT systems, ensuring our thinking strategy is backed up by sound operational strategy.” Mr Lindsay is one of South Africa’s most experienced corporate litigation attorneys, with a specific interest and specialist expertise in insolvency and restructuring law. Mr Lindsay has in excess of 25 years’ experience. The firm’s legal standing was enhanced by founding partner, Mohamed Junaid Husain, who was previously appointed as President of the Commonwealth

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Lawyers Association (CLA). He was also the first South African to hold this position. The CLA, which is headquartered in London, represents lawyers’ associations in 53 countries, representing just over 25% of the world’s population. Its main focus is on upholding the rule of law within Commonwealth countries. KHL is a Level 4 BBBEE contributor. The firm is dedicated to developing appropriate professional skills within South Africa while contributing to the economic and social prosperity of the firm’s home country. Employing 80 staff, including partners, the firm is based in the prestigious Forum Building in the heart of Sandton and has a branch in Cape Town. Other regional requirements are addressed through long-standing relationships with correspondent firms in all major centres in Southern Africa. “We’re passionate about our country and its development. We understand that we have a responsibility to put our legal skills to use for the benefit of those in disadvantaged communities,” explained Mr Lindsay. “When you engage KHL as a firm, you get access to the best legal minds, actively working on your issue. We understand it’s not good enough to only deal with the top partners when you first interact with the firm and then be relegated to middle or even junior staff. At KHL, our most skilled and experienced minds will be involved – from the beginning through to resolution. And our bright, young minds will also be part of the team, ensuring fresh insight is combined with wisdom and experience. It’s a difference that has enabled us to develop and execute winning strategies time after time,” said Mr Lindsay. Globally, the firm forms part of Alfa International, the oldest global network of independent law firms, with 145 member firms. This gives the firm’s clients access to unsurpassed legal expertise across continents, across time zones and whenever they require. Of course, due to the firm’s deep client relationships, KHL ensures that it remains part of the team.

UAE - Boutique Tax Law Firm of the Year Azhari Law Consultancy Dr Ghassan Azhari CEO Tel: +971 (0)4 447 3557

Azhari Legal Consultancy is a multi-disciplined and a multinational law firm with lawyers and consultants specialised in commercial & corporate law, tax law and international law. The firm’s main philosophy is based on the energetic representation of its clients’ interests. The objective of every consultation is to achieve the best results for its clients. Finding personal and up-to-date solutions for the clients’ problems is of the utmost importance for the Azhari Law Consultancy. The firm’s areas of expertise include: dispute resolution and arbitration, property law, property disputes & escrow services, general corporate services, company formation in the UAE, formation of offshore companies, construction and engineering law, health care law, labour law, bankruptcy law, franchise law, international tax law company formation in Qatar and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Azhari Legal Consultancy is widely experienced in dispute resolutions. The firm has the experience and know-how to see the full scale of a conflict and the possible dispute resolution mechanism that can bring it to a successful close. The firm can also assist clients in resolving disputes prior to a trial through negotiations and meditation.

Dr Ghassan Azhari, CEO of Azhari Law Consultancy, commented: “Arbitration especially in the United Arab Emirates can be significantly more expensive than litigation before the UAE Courts. In contrast to litigation where you have the possibility to challenge the first instance judgement before the Court of Appeal and its judgement before the Court of Cassation, an arbitrational award is final and binding. Only in the process of recognition and enforcement of the arbitrational award, one has limited room to challenge the arbitrational award mainly based on procedural defects that took place during the arbitral proceedings. Therefore, the arbitration procedure has to be carried out in a highly professional manner. In litigation cases we collaborate with local advocates on a barristersolicitor-like basis.” Furthermore, the lawyers and consultants of the firm advise on the design of construction and engineering contracts as well as assisting clients in the enforcement of claims related to construction and engineering issues. The contracts are designed and structured in accordance to international approved standards such as FIDIC. Furthermore, distinctive features of local mandatory law are considered in the course of structuring a client’s contract in order to find a solution that fulfills their requirements and needs. The firm’s lawyers are skilled and experienced in judicial proceedings as well as in the enforcement of claims and in disputing claims. The firm continues to provide advice in the core areas of commercial and corporate law, ranging from agency law to distribution laws, banking law, property law, tax law, contracts law and labour law. The firm has experience in UAE, Syrian, German, Chinese and international corporate law. The Azhari Law Consultancy responds to clients’ needs at any given time because the firm is aware of the significance of a close and trusted working relationship with its clients.

UAE - Management Consulting and Accountancy Firm of the Year Baker Tilly MKM M. Krishnamurthi Chairman Tel: +971 2 6260480/00971506458698

Since its inception in 1973, Baker Tilly MKM has grown to be synonymous with audit, assurance and advisory services of the highest order. As a member firm of Baker Tilly International, which is the eighth largest audit firm in the world, Baker Tilly MKM strives to create a collaborative environment with its worldwide network of over 150 exceptional firms spread over 570 locations. The firm’s clients range in size from small closely held private companies, to large publicly owned companies including regional divisions of some of the largest companies in the world. M. Krishnamurthi, chairman of Baker Tilly MKM, explained how the firm distinguishes itself from the competition: “By embodying the highest professional ethics, our accomplished team of highly qualified professionals is always at hand to offer guidance and support. With continuous education programmes keeping us abreast of all

new developments in the world, you can be sure that you will receive the most advanced services from our domain experts at all times.” Baker Tilly International is head quartered in the United Kingdom. Baker Tilly International is a leading worldwide network of high quality, independent accountancy and business advisory firms, all of whom are committed to providing the best possible services to their clients. The strict quality standard across the member firms and collective pool of expert knowledge helps Baker Tilly MKM to offer value added services to the clients across the globe. All the firms within the network adhere to high standards and share skills and expertise to create best practices across the globe. Mr Krishnamurthi discussed the factors companies face during formation and why his firm’s expert advisory service is essential: “Capital and ownership structuring are the primary factors in addition to setting up a fool proof internal control mechanism in the initial stages of company formation. For the formation of LLC, the time frame varies from a week to a month depending on the business activities, which require approval from multiple authorities. In this region, most of the medium sized entities are in adoption of IFRS and they require expert advisory all the same. We have a team of professionals with IFRS expertise and experience in implementation and adaptation, ready to assist.” The firm recently expanded its advisory services in the field of Information system security consulting, which is the emerging field of its consultancy. In the near future, Baker Tilly MKM intends to explore new areas of business consultancy and expand its presence in the GCC.

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UAE - Shipping Law Firm of the Year Fichte & Co Legal Consultancy Jasamin Fichte Managing Partner Tel: +971502101003

Fichte & Co has been actively involved in the development of the maritime industry in the United Arab Emirates since its inception in 2005. Although the firm may be considered relatively young, all together the shipping team of Fichte & Co has nearly a century experience in advising ship owners and other players in the industry. The firm is amongst the founding members of the UAE Maritime Law Committee, a set-up planned to become a member of the CMI. The reputation of the firm has further grown since its inception and is now fully recognised not only in the Middle East but also worldwide, as witnessed by the long-time clients and vast coverage of the firm in the specialised newspapers and magazines. Fichte & Co has the largest shipping department within the region. At the start, the firm had the support of a few local ship owners. At this time, there was a gap in the market for a firm with an international outlook and local understanding. Fichte has achieved that and the awards and accolades only

reinforce that commitment. Today, Fichte & Co works closely with various government entities like ADMA, ADNOC, Oman Drydocks and Fujairah Port on various maritime related issues, assisting their members on cargo claims to collisions and providing the clubs with advice on local developments. Managing partner of the firm, Jasamin Fichte, discussed the firm’s reputation as a leading provider of shipping-related legal advice: “Our shipping team comprises mostly of dual qualified lawyers carefully selected for their extensive academic knowledge and international background which allows them to offer legal advice not only on UAE and English law but, directly or through their network, virtually on all jurisdictions. Fichte & Co started the shipping round table – a common platform for the decision makers of the shipping industry of the region to not just network but to discuss common issues and resolve them coherently. “Also the firm is actively involved with the port authorities advising on the requirements from a ship owner’s perspective and also assisting DMCA in developing a structured and well governing role within the emirate.” Notable work carried out by the firm in the past 12 months including but not limited to: * Assisting a multi-jurisdiction dispute on charterparty amounting to US$ 1 million. * Successfully assisting a MNC conglomerate towards sale and purchase of high value commodity in a trade dispute amounting to US$ 30 million. * Advising a GCC port in finalising contracts for construction and utilisation of SPM facilities. With continued success and growth on the horizon, the opening of the firm’s second office in Abu Dhabi is the answer to the increasing demand for the firm’s services and the expansion of the firm’s client base. This will also give Fichte & Co a more efficient presence in the territory and will also help the firm to provide a better service to government entities with whom it is constantly cooperating.

Yemen - Corporate & Commercial Law Firm of the Year / Yemen - Oil and Gas Law Firm of the Year

Sheikh Mohammed Abdullah Sons Khalid T. Abdullah Managing Partner Tel: +967 1428573/4

With more than 12 highly qualified advocates and with branches in Aden & Sana’a and operating from Hodeidah and Mukallah, Sheikh Mohammed Abdullah Sons is considered to be the largest law firm in Yemen. The firm has earned the respect of the international community and represents a number of embassies and companies. The firm’s offices have been the honorary legal advisers to the British Embassy for more than 25 years. Sheikh Mohammed Abdullah Sons has long standing relationships with leading law firms around the globe and, in particular, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. A contributing part of the firm’s international work comes from or is channeled through international law firms in London and in the firm’s Middle East offices. The firm currently represents the largest oil producing companies operating in Yemen and acts as the exclusive advisers of the first Liquid 28 GlobalAwards 2012

Natural Gas Project in the country. This is the largest industrial project in the history of Yemen. Furthermore, the firm is advising a number of mining companies and has proudly drafted the first “Exploitation Contract” for the first and only mine that recently opened in the country. Khalid T. Abdullah, managing partner of the firm, explained further: “Over the years, the firm has advised a number of oil companies, starting in the late ‘40s with the Anglo Iranian Oil Company and, subsequently, with B.P., Caltex, Mobil, Gesso, Shell, Agip, Elf, Canadian Oxy, Occidental and Total, to name but a few. Our advisory capacity with the oil companies dates back to when B.P., Caltex, Mobil and Esso carried out only bunkering and trading activities in Aden. Thereafter, we advised the B.P. Refinery in Little Aden, and Shell and B.P. in their aviation business.” The firm provides comprehensive advice to foreign and local companies in connection with establishing a business in Yemen whether through incorporating a company or a branch office, entering into an agency, distributorship or representative arrangement, or registration of the same. The firm further advises companies after they have been incorporated and set up on related matters such as employment, tax and other aspects of local laws that are applicable to the working of the company, partnerships, management agreements, licensing arrangements, company secretarial services and other related matters. The firm has successfully advised on the termination of agency relationships and has successfully defended cases of infringement of intellectual property for a number of Fortune 500 companies. The firm is capable of advising its foreign clients in every area of law in the Republic of Yemen. The firm provides practical advice and through its extensive experience it has the expertise to solve any problem or matter that may concern a company operating in Yemen.

Asia and Oceania Award W inners

Asia is the largest continent in the world, located entirely in the eastern hemisphere, east of Europe and northeast of Africa. Oceania includes Australia, New Zealand, and a host of island nations, stretching from Asia’s east coast to parts of the South Pacific in the western hemisphere. Australia escaped recession in 2010-2011, helped by a strong government stimulus as well as robust trade linkages with Asia. The country’s economy is backed by diverse, natural resources that have in the past attracted high levels of foreign investment and include extensive reserves of coal, iron ore, copper, gold, natural gas, uranium, and renewable energy sources. Australia’s economic growth rate slowed in the second quarter of 2012 amid a drop in global demand for its resources and lacklustre domestic consumption. Growth was 3.7% in the April to June period, from a year earlier. That is down from 4.3% annual growth in the same period last year. Compared with the previous quarter, the economy expanded by 0.6%. There are fears that Australia’s growth may slow further as demand for its resources slows. New Zealand’s strong investment in the first half of the year offset weaker consumer confidence and deteriorating exports. Investment will remain the key growth driver for the remainder of 2012, with household spending set to improve from 2013. Declining export growth affected the second quarter GDP. Reduced western demand and the negative knock-on effects to regional trading partner economies have slowed exports. Merchandise export volumes fell 0.4% from the March quarter, led by declines in dairy products, which dropped 4.9% compared to the previous quarter. Moody’s believes that the country’s external outlook remains very weak. Japan’s economy grew at a slower than expected annualised rate of 1.4% in the period from April to June, adding to worries over the global outlook, as consumer spending flagged following an earlier rebound from last year’s earthquake and tsunami. The Eurozone crisis also took a heavy toll as low demand hit Japan’s export sector. Although the pace of growth dropped sharply from a revised 5.5% in the previous quarter, the economics minister, Motohisa Furukawa, struck an upbeat tone, saying in a statement that the economy “continues in an uptrend, led by domestic demand”. Consumer spending makes up more than half of Japan’s economic activity. After the disaster last year, many Japanese consumers held back on spending and excursions, adding to damage from disruption to manufacturing after many automotive and electronics plants ground to a halt in north-eastern Japan. China’s manufacturing sector remains in a slump, renewing concerns that the world’s second-largest economy is in the midst of a sharp slowdown sparked by Europe’s debt crisis. China’s economy is still growing at a faster rate than the economies of the United States, Europe and Japan. However, there are worries that the pace is slowing due to the problems in Europe as well as sluggishness in the US. Both Europe and the US are key export markets for China. China’s central bank has already lowered interest rates twice this year in an attempt to accelerate growth. It was believed that India’s economy may grow by 6.5% at the end of the fourth quarter of 2012, according to report by Moody’s Analystics, the research arm of ratings firm Moody’s. However, Fitch Ratings has cut its 2012 growth forecasts for India to 6% from 6.5%. The regional giant faces a deteriorating global growth outlook with diminished willingness or capacity to respond with domestic policy loosening, compared with 2009. Ongoing concerns over government economic and investment

policy are a possible weight on business confidence. The authorities’ ability to respond with looser policy is constrained by India’s high inflation, fiscal deficit and public debt. Fitch projects India’s general government deficit at 8.5% of GDP in fiscal 2012, leaving little room for fiscal easing. Singapore’s economy unexpectedly contracted at the start of 2012, as manufacturing fell, adding to signs of a deepening slowdown in Asian expansion as Europe’s debt crisis curbs demand for the region’s goods. Gross domestic product fell 1.1 % in the three months through June from the previous quarter, when it climbed a revised 9.4%. The economy expanded 1.9 % from a year earlier. South Korea said its exports and imports both fell in September from a year earlier, although not as sharply as markets had expected, supporting expectations that the Bank of Korea will cut interest rates. Shipments from the world’s seventh-largest exporter fell 1.8 % in September from a year earlier to $45.66 billion, while imports declined 6.1 % to $42.51 billion, producing a $3.15 billion surplus, the Ministry of Knowledge Economy said. Taiwan’s closer economic links with mainland China in 2012 brought greater opportunities for the Taiwan economy, but now Taiwan poses new challenges; for example, FDI in China has resulted in Chinese import substitution away from Taiwan’s exports and a restriction of potential job creation in Taiwan. In 2012, the Indonesian government faced the ongoing challenge of improving the country’s infrastructure to remove impediments to growth, whilst addressing climate change concerns, particularly with regard to conserving Indonesia’s forests and peatlands. The OECD expects economic growth, led by robust domestic demand, to slow to 6% this year and next, from a 6.5% expansion last year. The Bank of Thailand has estimated an economic recovery in 2012 with a GDP increase of 4.8% for Thailand, driven by domestic request largely in the form of government spending and investment on flood reconstruction. Estimates for overall 2012 GDP have increased range significantly. The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) has estimated 3.8% and the World Bank 4%. The Thai government welcomes foreign investment; meanwhile, investors who are willing to meet certain requirements can apply for special investment privileges through the Board of Investment. US investors may qualify for additional privileges under the Treaty of Amity and Economic Relations.

2012 GlobalAwards 29

Asia & Oceania Award Winners Contents



Advertising Law Firm of the Year / ChoyBrown



Boutique Immigration Law Firm of the Year / Teleo Immigration



Bankruptcy Law Firm of the Year / Dib Lawyers



Capital Markets Law Firm of the Year / Price Sierakowski



Boutique Intellectual Property Law Firm of the Year / Actuate IP



Complex Litigation Advisory Firm of the Year / Fox Tucker Lawyers



Construction Law Firm of the Year / Herbert Geer



Corporate Tax Law Firm of the Year / Herbert Geer



Investment Management Law Firm of the Year / Herbert Geer



Superannuation Law Firm of the Year / Herbert Geer



Dispute Resolution Barrister of the Year / Mary Walker



Full Service Accountancy Firm of the Year / Kreston Dormers



IP Asset Management Firm of the Year / Watermark



Private Equity Firm of the Year / Pacific Equity Partners



Trademark Law Firm of the Year / Davies Collison Cave



Auditing Advisory Firm of the Year / Fontamillas, Donasco & Co., Ltd.



Cartel Regulation Advisory Firm of the Year / King & Wood Mallesons



Corporate Finance Accountancy Firm of the Year / Nexia TS (Nexia China)



Corporate Governance Law Firm of the Year / China Sunbow Law Firm



Foreign Investment Law Firm of the Year / Hengtai Law Offices



Prosecution Law Firm of the Year / Peksung Intellectual Property Ltd



Trademark Law Firm of the Year / Peksung Intellectual Property Ltd


Hong Kong

Business Litigation Firm of the Year / Woo, Kwan, Lee & Lo


Hong Kong & China Intellectual Property Law Firm of the Year / China Patent Agent (H.K.) Ltd.


Hong Kong

30 GlobalAwards 2012

International Patents Law Firm of the Year / China Patent Agent (H.K.) Ltd.


Hong Kong

Product Liability Law Firm of the Year / CBM INTERNATIONAL LAWYERS LLP



Administrative Law firm of the Year / M S Mishra Associates



Cross Border Law Firm of the Year / M S Mishra Associates



Aviation Law Firm of the Year / Rajinder Narain & Co/RNClegal



Boutique Company Law Firm of the Year / Mahendra Bhavsar & Co.



Emerging Corporate Law Firm of the Year / Mahendra Bhavsar & Co.



Boutique Litigation Firm of the Year / Karanjawala & Company



Corporate Tax Law Firm of the Year / Gagrats



High Level M&A Law Firm of the Year / Desai & Diwanji



Patents Law Firm of the Year / ZeusIP



Banking and Finance Law Firm of the Year / HUTABARAT HALIM & REKAN



Dispute Resolution Law Firm of the Year / Ignatius Andy Law Offices



Commercial Law Firm of the Year / Simbolon & Partners



Industrial Design Law Firm of the Year / S.S. Rana & Co



Financial PR Firm of the Year / Edelman Indonesia



International M&A Accountancy Firm of the Year / KPMG Siddharta Advisory



Management Consulting Accountancy Firm of the Year / KPMG Siddharta Advisory



Transfer Pricing Advisory Firm of the Year / KPMG Siddharta Advisory



Immigration Law Firm of the Year / ILS



Industrial Property Law Firm of the Year / Uchida & Samejima Law Firm



IT Law Firm of the Year / Uchida & Samejima Law Firm



Auditing Advisory Firm of the Year / Finaudit



Boutique Oil & Gas Law Firm of the Year / Astana Law Partners LLP



Maritime Law Firm of the Year / JOSEPH & PARTNERS


The Maldives

Commercial Law Firm of the Year / Suood Anwar & Co

2012 GlobalAwards 31

Asia & Oceania Award Winners Contents 60


Islamic Finance Law Firm of the Year / Mohsin Tayebaly & Co.


The Philippines

Aviation Law Firm of the Year / Siguion Reyna Montecillo & Ongsiako


The Philippines

Business Formation Law Firm of the Year / Siguion Reyna Montecillo & Ongsiako



Corporate Law Firm of the Year / RIAALaw



Construction Law Firm of the Year / Harry Elias Partnership LLP



Boutique Law Firm of the Year / Braddell Brothers LLP



Litigation Law Firm of the Year / Braddell Brothers LLP



Commercial Law Firm of the Year / Loo & Partners LLP


South Korea

Intellectual Property Law Firm of the Year / Yoon & Yang


South Korea

Trademark Law Firm of the Year / Hanol Law Offices



Energy Law Firm of the Year / LCS & Partners



Trust Law Firm of the Year / LCS & Partners



Dispute Resolution Law Firm of the Year / Formosa Transnational



M&A Law Firm of the Year / Formosa Transnational



TMT Law Firm of the Year / Shay & Partners



Tax Law Firm of the Year / Lee and Li, Attorneys-at-Law



Agency & Distribution Law Firm of the Year / Postacioglu



Alternative Dispute Resolution Firm of the Year / Akugur Law Firm



Boutique Real Estate Law Firm of the Year / Kolcuoglu Demirkan Attorneys at Law



Construction Law Firm of the Year / Devres Law Office



Dispute Resolution Law Firm of the Year / Karaca Associates



Electricity Regulation Law Firm of the Year / Boden Law



Energy Law Firm of the Year / Boden Law



Projects and Project Finance Law Firm of the Year / Boden Law






Patents Law Firm of the Year / Aliat Legal

32 GlobalAwards 2012

Australia - Advertising Law Firm of the Year ChoyBrown Jane Brown Principal Tel: +61 3 9602 1000

ChoyBrown (formerly Choy Lawyers) is a boutique law firm that specialises in trade marks, copyright, designs, advertising and marketing law. The firm handles anything related to the development, use, registration, management, litigation and sale of intellectual property both in Australia and internationally. Moreover, it provides specialised IP-related advice to advertising agencies, their end clients, graphic designers and foreign law firms. ChoyBrown not only stays current regarding advertising laws, standards and codes both in Australia and internationally, its practitioners also attend design and advertising industry events and seminars to ensure that its advice remains tailored and informed. Jane Brown, principal at the firm, noted: “We are a member of INTA (the International Trademark Association), and have a long-running relationship

with AGDA (The Australian Graphic Design Association).” Ms Brown also writes and co-writes articles on Australian trade mark decisions for the International Trademark Association bulletin and the firm’s blog. She added: “Our firm’s services relevant to the Advertising industry include providing legal opinion and clearance for print, radio, TV and online/digital advertisements, as well as for product packaging, company branding and trade promotions and competitions. This utilises our expertise in trade marks, copyright, industry codes and Australian Consumer Law. It also means that we provide targeted IP brand advice to the advertising industry.” Today, ChoyBrown accepts new clients by referral only. This enables the firm to focus on staying in touch with clients’ industries. Ms Brown said: “As technology advances, the way that companies and their brands interact with consumers is constantly evolving. For example, the Advertising Standards Bureau and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission recently held a company responsible for the public posts on its Facebook page. The page was considered to be an advertisement; therefore, all content was subject to the advertising code.” “2012 has already seen a new brand identity and structure for ChoyBrown – formerly Choy Lawyers – and in the coming months we will seek to further develop our commitment to client education and public awareness.” ChoyBrown’s services are targeted towards advertising agencies and graphic designers both large and small. The firm works with some of the largest advertising agencies in Melbourne, who have major local and international projects. As well as clients who are sole practitioners, or are freelance designers. Consequently, Ms Brown concluded “we are proud of the diversity of work that our range of clients brings to our firm.”

Australia - Boutique Immigration Law Firm of the Year Teleo Immigration Lawyers Dr Etienne de Villiers Hugo Director, Accredited Specialist in Immigration Law Tel: +61 2 8080 3840

Dr Etienne Hugo is a highly regarded Australian immigration lawyer. He is the founding partner and legal practitioner director of Teleo Immigration, a leading Sydney based law firm specialising in Australian immigration law since 2006. He practises as a solicitor in New South Wales and is also admitted as a solicitor of the High Court of Australia and as an advocate of the High Court of South Africa. He is a Law Society of New South Wales accredited specialist in immigration law (of whom there are only 31). Dr Hugo obtained both his BLC (1993) and LLB (1995) degrees with distinction from the University of Pretoria (South Africa) and was awarded a Doctor of Laws degree in 2000. He has been a recipient of various academic and research scholarships and awards and has successfully practised immigration law in Australia for the past 12 years. Teleo Immigration is an incorporated legal practice that specialises in

Australian immigration law. The firm has a highly skilled team of specialist lawyers and agents who have successfully represented hundreds of clients, including large corporate firms, small businesses and individuals over the past six years. The firm deals with all aspects of immigration law; from visa applications, corporate structures and sponsorships, to appeal work, judicial review, visa cancellations, detentions and deportation matters etc. Dr Hugo noted: “We have accumulated many years of specialised experience in immigration law. The firm has been honoured by being listed in the prestigious Australian ‘Best Lawyers’ publication in the Australian Financial Review for consecutive years, 2010 and 2011. A former partner was also appointed as a Member of the Migration and Refugee Review Tribunals in July 2011.” “We are a boutique firm, located at the ferry wharf in the bustling suburb of Parramatta, being the geographical heart of Sydney. We offer expert immigration advice to our clients. We have a broad international client base, representing clients from across the globe, from all walks of life and from a wide range of cultural backgrounds,” said Dr Hugo. Immigration law in Australia is highly regulated, politically influenced and presents various major changes to legislation every year. It is therefore essential to obtain an accurate understanding of the required end result for each client and then adopt a holistic approach, which may include the incorporation of appropriate legal structures and a multi phased plan, taking proactive steps, to reach the desired end goal. “Australian immigration law is complex and forever changing”, Dr Hugo explains. “By engaging specialist lawyers to represent you or your business in relation to a visa or sponsorship application, you can be confident that you are getting the most accurate advice from professionals who have a comprehensive understanding of the relevant laws, policies and practices.”

2012 GlobalAwards 33

Australia - Bankruptcy Law Firm of the Year

Dib Lawyers Gus Dib Managing Partner Tel: +61 (02) 8700 2800


Dib Lawyers is a professional law firm with experience in all areas of

law. Its specialties include commercial advisory, litigation, insolvency, conveyancing, family law and property law.

Expertise and experience The success of Dib Lawyers is attributed to its staff. Their passion and commitment has driven the firm to build up an impressive track record.

Dib Lawyers is a small to medium-sized firm, located in Bankstown,

As well as aiming to get the best possible results for every case,

Parramatta and Sydney. Our firm is proud of its diversity. Combined,

its team of specialists is dedicated to providing a high level of

our staff speaks the languages of English, Arabic, French, Macedo-

customer service for each client.

nian, Indonesian and Malay. Managing Partner Gus Dib noted: “These language capabilities have allowed Dib Lawyers to offer legal advice to a wide client base.

Moreover, the firm is large enough to offer the most innovative legal solutions on the market – yet small enough to maintain the highest possible level of personalised service.

Moreover, our firm is very close to many professionals with expertise in diverse fields, such as insolvency and bankruptcy.” The firm is available to all those who seek assistance in legal matters and, if Dib Lawyers is unable to assist on a matter, the firm will

Gus Dib, Managing Partner

QUALIFICATIONS: LLB (Bond) EXPERIENCE: Gus studied his law degree at Bond University in

direct the client to another appropriate legal representative. Similarly,

Queensland. In 1996, he was admitted in 1996 as a Legal Practitio-

within the area of bankruptcy law, Dib Lawyers receives the majority of

ner in the Supreme Court of New South Wales. In the same year, he

its clients from referring accountants, trustees, liquidators, administra-

was admitted as a solicitor and barrister of the Supreme Court of

tors, and so forth.

the ACT and the High Court of Australia.

Mr Dib added that the firm’s biggest successes of the past twelve

Since then, Gus has developed his expertise in several areas of

months included its expansion into Parramatta, as well as Sydney CBD

law. He has advised on a wide variety of corporate, contractual,

offices. Mr Dib also thanked his partners Mr Rodney Kent, Ms Ghania

and general commercial issues. His primary specialty is financial

Dib and Mr Tim Orlizki for their immense contributions towards this

services, and he has been a legal advisor for a number of corpo-


rate clients, financial institutions, and accountancy firms.

Looking to the coming twelve months, Mr Dib said: “Dib Lawyers

Gus has also been the trusted advisor for government authori-

is an ever-growing and ever-adapting firm. With three offices already

ties as well as international companies with operations in Australia.

open and running in the areas of Sydney, Parramatta and Bankstown,

He has extensive experience in providing advice for all types of

we will continue to grow so that we can assist more clients and repre-

property transactions.

sent those that are unable to represent themselves. “In addition, Dib Lawyers will become international in the near fu-

Prior to establishing Dib Lawyers, Gus was a Special Counsel for Norman Waterhouse Lawyers, a Senior Associate with Bruce &

ture, as we continue to develop our Malaysian base and open an office

Stewart, and a consultant to a variety of other legal practices.

in Kuala Lumpur during the coming year.”

SPECIALITIES: Corporate, commercial and financial services.

34 GlobalAwards 2012

Australia - Capital Markets Law Firm of the Year

Allied to your Interests

We have a strong, ongoing connection with clients that delves beyond top of mind thinking into insightful, proactive advice.



(61-8) 6211 5000 (61-8) 6211 5055

Australia - Boutique Intellectual Property Law Firm of the Year Actuate IP Colin Cheung Partner Tel: +61 3 9628 3100

Established in 2003, Actuate IP is a successful boutique intellectual property legal and attorney practice based in Melbourne, Australia. The Actuate team of established patent attorney, trade mark attorney and intellectual property lawyers, possess a broad range of experience from their work at specialist intellectual property and top-tier law firms. The firm has come together to provide high quality expertise and provides IP advisory services that are done differently. Partner of the firm, Colin Cheung, explained the firm’s philosophy: “Intellectual property, including patents, trade marks, designs, copyright and confidential information forms the building blocks of all successful businesses. IP is a complex area, but with the right strategies in place, it can be an important tool for business positioning, providing value and assisting your business to achieve a competitive advantage.” Colin Cheung advises on all aspects of the management, commercialisation and protection of intellectual property rights. He works closely with clients across all industries to gain an understanding of their needs and ensures the firm delivers a tailored IP strategy which is commercially relevant for clients.

Mr Cheung has practised extensively in the field of intellectual property law for more than 10 years. His areas of expertise include trade mark, domain name and patent strategy, commercialisation and litigation. IP litigation is a predominant part of Mr Cheung’s practice and he has represented a range of clients across of range of industries in Federal Court, such as trade mark, copyright and patent enforcement matters. He also has specific expertise in conducting trade mark opposition proceedings before IP Australia and UDRP and auDRP domain name recovery proceedings. Actuate IP provides an overall strategic approach to IP management and protection. It does this by taking the time to understand clients’ businesses. This understanding then ensures the firm implements an IP strategy that matches the clients’ commercial goals. The firm believes that this approach is important, as there is little value in implementing an IP strategy which does not ultimately benefit a client’s bottom line. Mr Cheung added: “We strive to provide you with clear and timely advice as well as regular updates at every stage of your matter. By understanding your business, we ensure our advice and recommendations are commercially relevant to you.” Mr Cheung has a passion for high growth online businesses and patent based technology businesses. He is involved in all aspects of their IP needs, including the setting up and then the implementing of their IP strategies both in Australia and internationally. Actuate IP provides cost estimates in advance of each stage of the process and sticks to those estimates to avoid any surprises. The firm knows how important it is for clients to manage their budgets. The majority of the services are based on fixed fees and Actuate IP has the flexibility to tailor a fee structure to suit a client’s needs.

Australia - Complex Litigation Advisory Firm of the Year Fox Tucker Lawyers Joseph DeRuvo Partner Tel: +61 8 8124 1872

Fox Tucker Lawyers was formed in September 2010 by the former partners of DLA Phillips Fox Adelaide and Rankine Tucker Lawyers. The firm is an 80-professional, full service, commercial legal practice headquartered in Adelaide, with offices in Melbourne and Shanghai. The firm has seven core practice groups that provide broad-based corporate and commercial legal advice across more than 50 service areas. The firm has local knowledge, provides quality service without big firm costs, and is less conflicted than larger legal groups. The full service law firm delivers results in a more streamlined way due to its limited overheads. Fox Tucker sets itself apart from the competition with its unrelenting commitment to client relationships; moreover, the firm makes it a priority to get to know clients’ businesses and to help its clients succeed. Managing partner Joseph DeRuvo noted: “We believe our organisation focuses on ensuring high quality service is provided to various industries and individuals. The Commercial Dispute 36 GlobalAwards 2012

Resolution team has a significant profile, a demonstrated capability in all facets of commercial disputes, and a proven track record of success in some of the highest profile cases in Australian jurisdictions. Whilst experienced litigators, our team is equally capable in mediation, arbitration and expert determinations.” Mr DeRuvo is team leader of the Commercial Dispute Resolution team. He has more than 25 years’ experience and has established a reputation as one of Australia’s premier lawyers in managing large and/or complex litigation. He has conducted many of the more difficult pieces of litigation in South Australia during recent times. If needed, he can draw on the specific expertise that exists in the other practice areas of the firm. A number of the firm’s partners hail from large national firms. Uniquely, Fox Tucker maintains strong relationships with its predecessor firms throughout Australia and across the globe. This means that, when required, Fox Tucker can provide geographic reach and depth of expertise in a way that does not increase its operating overheads. Many of the firm’s lawyers are recognised as being among the nation’s leading practitioners. Six of Fox Tucker’s lawyers have been recognised in Best Lawyers Australia since 2009. Managing Partner Joseph DeRuvo was recognised in the 2011 PLC Which Lawyer Guide, and was also a finalist in the 2011 Lawyers Weekly Managing Partner of the Year Awards. Fox Tucker Lawyers was also a finalist in the May 2012 Lawyers Weekly Awards in the Best Adelaide Law Firm Category, and a finalist in the ALB Australasian Law Awards 2012. Mr DeRuvo concluded by sharing the firm’s goals for the near future: “Our objective going forward is to expand our offices in both Melbourne and Shanghai, with particular focus on Shanghai. We have a number of clients from China moving into Australia for business, and our focus is to build and expand this client base.”

Australia - Construction, Corporate Tax, Investment Management and Superannuation Law Firm of the Year

Herbert Geer’s lawyers are a cut above the rest Their industry knowledge and technical strengths provide the breadth and depth to look at issues from a robust commercial perspective. Whether you are dealing with an individual or a team of our highly experienced lawyers, you will always be at the centre of our thinking. We get it right because we care. Congratulations to our construction, corporate tax, investment management and superannuation teams on their recognition in the 2012 Corporate INTL Magazine Global Awards. MELBOURNE



Level 20 / 385 Bourke Street Melbourne VIC 3000 T +61 3 9670 6123

Level 12 / 77 King Street Sydney NSW 2000 T +61 2 9239 4500

Level 26 / 240 Queen Street Brisbane QLD 4000 T +61 7 3853 8888

Australia - Dispute Resolution Barrister of the Year Mary Walker Mary Walker Barrister Tel: +61 2 8815 9250

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) has been developing rapidly in the commercial arena in Australia since the early 1990s. There has been broad-based advocacy for the increased use of mediation, arbitration and related processes to resolve disputes within and outside of the court system. New strategies in dispute resolution are necessary and the development of bespoke dispute resolution processes and systems for the resolution of disputes are becoming commonplace. Designed and tailored ADR services not only reduce the cost of dispute resolution but increase satisfaction with the processes and outcomes adopted by the participants. ADR has also become integrated into the practices and case management processes adopted by Australian courts and tribunals with a vast array of different ADR mechanisms providing more useful processes for parties in dispute. Emerging key issues in alternative dispute resolution in Australia include: the increase in mandatory referral by courts and tribunals to alternative dispute resolution processes and the ramifications of such referrals; the protection of confidentiality of the exchange of information which occurs during ADR processes; the ethical standards required of ADR practitioners; the immunity provided to practitioners; ensuring consistency of the quality of provision of ADR services provided; the extent that courts and tribunals engage in the

provision of ADR services and the provision of ADR services in the broader context of the public interest. Ms Walker has been at the forefront of ADR in Australia for the last 21 years principally through facilitating mediated settlements of disputes in the processes of litigation or arbitration. During this period, as a member of an independent Bar, Ms Walker has arbitrated, mediated, provided expert appraisal and ombudsman services in respect to thousands of disputes referred by solicitors, industry and government bodies and corporations. Ms Walker is currently Chair of the Law Council of Australia Expert Standing Committee on Alternative Dispute Resolution, a member of the Supreme Court of New South Wales ADR Committee, a member of the International Mediation Institute Standards Commission and International Mediation Institute Independent Standards Commission Quality Group among other bodies. Ms Walker has designed many dispute resolution systems including disputes arising from environmental disasters, a dispute resolution system for British Coal involving coal miners who had contracted dust related diseases from working in coal mines in the United Kingdom and recently designed and implemented a dispute resolution process for the Coal Mining Industry in NSW dealing with personal injury disputes. She has mediated more than 3000 matters since 1990 in all areas of the law including commercial, insurance, banking, industrial, employment, environmental, development, local government, building and construction, intellectual property, defamation, professional negligence, personal injuries, aged care, fair trading, small business, franchising, partnership, corporations law, trade practices, leasing, property, equity, family provisions, aboriginal and heritage and multi-party and community disputes. Ms Walker has taught in many mediation and ADR courses at a general and advanced level. She has been a Director of LEADR, The Australasian Disputes Centre and Counsel’s Chambers Limited and is currently a member of the New South Wales Bar Council. 2012 GlobalAwards 37

Australia - Full Service Accountancy Firm of the Year Kreston Dormers Tony Dormer Managing Director Tel: +61 2 9874 8038

Kreston Dormers is a multi-disciplinary professional service firm committed to delivering valuable taxation, financial, business and legal advisory services to public and private Australian companies and foreign owned companies wanting to set up operations in Australia. Kreston Dormers combines a deep, practical expertise in Australian taxation, business, financial and legal sectors with the support of one of the world’s largest accounting networks, Kreston International, to help clients seize opportunities that create and preserve wealth. When a client engages the services of Kreston Dormers they will be dealing with a professional practice proud of its local roots, but guided by shared values and empowered by access to significant domestic and overseas knowledge and technical resources. Kreston Dormers’ primary service areas include: tax and compliance, financial services and accountancy, business planning and dynamic growth strategies, funding strategies, mergers and acquisitions, legal services and business process outsourcing (BPO). The firm’s proprietary Kreston Dormers Cycle of Success integrates these services into a single, multi-disciplined model that embraces all aspects of a

client’s business and personal needs. It allows Kreston Dormers to deliver big four professional capabilities with small firm personalisation and a valuefor-money fee structure. The Cycle of Success identifies key areas that all businesses and their owners pass through along the “journey” to business success. All distinct in nature and by no means independent of each other, it is important to recognise that each of the steps is an important “cog in the wheel” and all of the components that make up each step are necessary to the overall success of a client’s business. “At Kreston Dormers we will work with you to enhance your performance and profitability. Our focus is on helping clients to create and preserve wealth, and cover the key bases of business success. Regardless of whether we are working with a public or private company, a family business, a start-up or individual, Kreston Dormers offer clients a consistent experience with hands-on partner involvement, staff continuity on all assignments, a creative, focused, flexible and realistic approach to problem solving and pricing and a well respected reputation in local and international markets,” explained Tony Dormer, Managing Director of Kreston Dormers. Mr Dormer is the founder and Managing Director of Kreston Dormers. His entrepreneurial style and ability to ‘think outside the square’, has enabled Kreston Dormers to provide clients with a level and style of service that is unique among business advisory and accountancy practices. He is a Chartered Accountant, a Chartered Tax Adviser with the Institute of Taxation and a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Prior to establishing the practice he had extensive experience at General Manager level with several leading organisations. This commercial experience is a major ingredient in the philosophy of the practice and the range of services provided by him and his staff. He has extensive experience with business mergers and acquisitions, corporate restructuring, taxation and business planning. He is also on the board of some of Kreston Dormers’ corporate clients and holds a board position with Kreston International as well as the NSW Business Chamber.

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00 GlobalAwards 2012

Australia - Private Equity Firm of the Year

Pacific Equity Partners David Grayce Managing Director Tel: +61 2 8238 2600

David Grayce has 12 years of private equity investing experience, working with Bain Capital in the USA and, more recently, as a Managing Director at Pacific Equity Partners (PEP) in Australia. Pacific Equity Partners is the largest domestic private equity firm operating in Australia and New Zealand. “PEP’s senior team of nine managing directors has been working together for between 15 and 30 years,” Mr Grayce noted. “The firm has been executing middle market leveraged buyouts and generating first quartile returns for investors over almost 15 years.” The PEP team has over 300 years’ of cumulative investing experience; with a strong heritage in results-orientated strategy consulting, accumulated by the team over many years running Bain & Co. businesses regionally. Investment focus “Our philosophy and investment focus is consistent with the consulting heritage,” Mr Grayce said. “We invest control equity in $250 million to $1 billion enterprise value Australian and New Zealand businesses with strong market positions, and where we see opportunities to substantially grow earnings through strategic re-orientation, capital investment and operating improvements.” “By way of example, Tegel Foods is a market leading New Zealand chicken business where earnings grew from roughly NZ$35 million to over NZ$80 million through a program of investment in facilities, product innovation, industry consolidation and the development of export markets, including Asia. The team achieved that despite large adverse movements in commodity input prices,” Mr Grayce added. Similarly, PEP transformed Link Group, a share registry and superannuation administration business, from being a small domestic player in Australia, to a global number two registry business – and in doing so grew earnings from less than A$20 million to over A$120 million, with a strong growth trajectory ahead. A new world economy Australia, as a ‘developed new world economy’, has had a comparatively advantaged operating environment for business and investment, and strong economic fundamentals continue to underpin these characteristics in the foreseeable future. “Despite the stable economic experience in Australia, global economic turbulence did cause some swings in the currency, household savings and stock market valuations and this has created stress in some areas as well as buying opportunities in others,” Mr Grayce noted. ”However, as we emerge from this period of readjustment we see a new pattern of consumer behaviours, modest prices on future corporate earnings and reluctant but engaged vendors in all major deal categories. Take-privates are possible where public investors have lost confidence in leadership and there is a performance step change available. Further, carve-outs are an attractive option for newly appointed CEOs and foreign owned businesses are amenable to offers in the current conditions.” Institutional support Mr Grayce added that PEP has recently observed an attractive deal environment for selective investment, supported by the major banks and other leverage providers. The firm works closely with local investment banks, accounting and law firms, as well as the lending community.

“The Australasian market is well served by professional providers and as the largest domestic private equity player by a factor of two, we receive strong support from these constituencies,” Mr Grayce said. “Our investment focus is exclusively on Australia and New Zealand and our whole team is based in Sydney.” “Since inception, we’ve completed almost 100 deals, 26 of which have been substantial platform leveraged buyouts. We have also executed roughly 20 offshore ‘bolt-ons’ to our platform investments – in Asia, the US and Europe – but we only make such investments where they are necessary for the strategic development of a particular portfolio company.” Recent successes The past year has been the most productive in PEP’s history. It saw the firm make control investments in four excellent platform businesses and, in doing so, the firm committed more than a billion dollars of new equity. The firm also exited three businesses, returning over A$500 million to Limited Partners. Mr Grayce said: “As well as securing control of the dominant credit checking business, Veda Advantage, through the purchase of our former partners’ 50% stake, PEP Funds acquired three exciting market leading businesses with high potential for our brand of value creation, through operating improvement and growth. “Peters Ice Cream, acquired from Nestlé, presents real opportunities in channel expansion and new product development around a market leadership position and a full suite of popular ice-cream products and famous brands. “Meanwhile, through a difficult public market takeover opposed by the board, but pro-actively supported by shareholders, we secured Spotless, an iconic Australian business dominant in outsourced provision of services including facilities management, catering and cleaning. The business had been underperforming relative to its extremely strong market positions. A month in, we’ve brought in a new purpose-specified management team and we’re vigorously reorientating the business, taking out redundant capability and reempowering line management.” The road ahead PEP has worked hard to secure these opportunities for investors, yet to some degree they are also a product of the favourable investment climate in Australia. The team is energised about new companies and opportunities, and Mr Grayce notes that the coming months look set to be busy. “In addition to getting growth programs on track in the newly acquired positions, we will turn our attention to a number of our preexisting portfolio companies – where we have substantially grown earnings – and prepare them for exit,” he said. New Fund “Although we’re still 18 months away from the end of the investment period on our fourth Fund, a A$4 billion vehicle, we are reaching a comfortable level of deployment and so will turn our attention to raising our next fund in the near term.”

2012 GlobalAwards 39

AusTrALiA – TrADemArk LAw Firm oF The YeAr

Australia’s largest dedicated trademark law practice. Our services include: - Trade marks - Trade secrets - Licensing - Domain names - Copyright - Litigation - Patents - Design protection

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17/09/12 9:50 AM

Cambodia - Auditing Advisory Firm of the Year Fontamillas, Donasco & Co., Ltd. Ronald A. Donasco Managing Partner Tel. +855 23 997 830 Sarah Fontamillas Partner Tel: +632 706 4836 (Philippines)

Fontamillas, Donasco & Co., Ltd. (FDC) is a private limited auditing company registered in Cambodia under the Ministry of Commerce in July 16, 2006 to practise public accountancy. FDC is headed by Mr Ronald A. Donasco who is the managing partner of the firm. Mr Donasco is also a CPA of Philippines, Cambodia and UK with more than 10 years’ experience in the practice of public accountancy and financial consultancy. Ms Sarah Fontamillas, partner of the firm and CPA for Philippines and Cambodia, has been in the practice of public accountancy for 30 years, having worked with two of the biggest firms in the Philippines namely, PwC - Manila and KPMG - Manila. The firm is licensed by the Kampuchea Institute of Certified Public Accountants and Auditors (KICPAA) and Ministry of Commerce to practise auditing and accounting services in Cambodia. The firm’s services include: audit services, accounting and bookkeeping services, design and installation of accounting system and the preparation of finance manuals and the design, as well as the managing, of training programs. 40 GlobalAwards 2012

The firm also conducts financial audit and financial review of development and non-government organisations (NGO) based in Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Afghanistan. Mr Donasco, managing partner of the firm, commented: “In every audit we perform, we prepare a comprehensive management letter that covers the basic areas of finance to assist our clients in improving their internal accounting controls. We discuss the recommendations and follow through the implementation and provide financial advisory services when necessary. We extend our service by conducting training on a computerised accounting system on key finance personnel to improve their work efficiency.” The firm has seen a number of successes in the past 12 months, backed up by its commitment to quality of service. For example, the firm became the member firm for Cambodia of The International Accounting Group (TIAG) in May 2011. TIAG is a worldwide alliance of independent accounting firms with membership of more than 100 firms in over 60 countries. Furthermore, in November 2011, the firm is one of the four audit firms in Cambodia that was selected and passed in the Quality Control Review conducted by KICPAA) and the World Bank. A donor from Canada has also recognised the firm’s work and has asked it to perform audits for other organisations that they are funding in Philippines, India and Nepal in April and July 2012. “ Ms Sarah Fontamillas, partner, concluded: “Training is one area in which the firm aims to expand. In 2008 it conducted financial management training for 26 NGOs the USAID is funding in Cambodia. Fontamillas, Donasco & Co. would like to conduct training not only for its audit clients but also for non-clients. The firm started the weekly in-house training in July 2012 to equip its staff on the recent developments in the accounting profession. The firm plans to expand its clientele to include private companies so that the firm will have a diverse mix of sectors in their client base.”

China - Cartel Regulation Advisory Firm of the Year

King & Wood Mallesons Susan Ning Senior Partner Tel: +86 10 5878 5010

King & Wood PRC Lawyers is a top tier, full-service firm in China. We are one of the largest and most established law firms in China. On March 1, 2012, King & Wood PRC Lawyers combined with the leading Australian law firm Mallesons Stephen Jaques, and launched a powerful new brand – King & Wood Mallesons. With more than 380 partners and 1800 lawyers, it is the largest international law firm network headquartered outside the US or UK, and the only combination of law firms that is able to offer PRC law, Australian law, HK law and English law under a common legal brand. King & Wood Mallesons is committed to shared values, client care and people development. King & Wood Mallesons’ Antitrust & Competition Group have been recognised as amongst the leading antitrust & competition advisory teams in China. The cross-sector competition law in China is known as the Anti-Monopoly

Law (AML). The AML came into force in 2008. Prior to the enactment of the AML, the Chinese government consulted with King & Wood on a regular basis on the drafting of the AML itself. After the enactment of the law, the Chinese government regularly consults with our group on the regulations and guidelines which assist in enforcing the AML. Through these consultations, our group has built and maintained a close working relationship with the legislative and antitrust authorities in China. This has enabled our group to be among the first to learn about changes and developments in relation to the AML (and its regulations and guidelines) and to use that knowledge to better service and assist our clients in their transactions. Our group’s work focuses on two key areas: antitrust merger control filings; and antitrust compliance and advisory work. * Securing Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) merger clearance. We have undertaken a significant volume of antitrust merger control filings on behalf of multinational companies. Our clients include: Pfizer, Novartis, Rio Tinto, General Electric, Heinz, Cisco and Mitsubishi Chemicals. * Compliance with the AML. We provide advice in order to ensure that our clients’ commercial transactions are structured consistently with the AML. We also conduct training sessions and seminars for senior management within multinational companies to assist in ensuring that their business practices and conduct are compliant with the AML. * Investigation & Litigation. We represent our clients in front of the administrative investigation by antitrust authorities, attend hearings and apply for settlement on behalf of the clients. We have also been involved in antitrust litigations, including the milestone Qihoo 360 Vs. QQ case.

2012 GlobalAwards 41

China - Corporate Finance Accountancy Firm of the Year Nexia TS (Nexia China) Henry Tan Asia Pacific Chairman, Nexia International / Managing Director, Nexia TS (Nexia China) Tel: +65 6534 5700

As one of the first Singapore CPA firms to have a presence in the Chinese

ments according to China company law.)

long-standing experience in helping SMEs ensure their growth in Asia. It is

the business scope provided for obtaining the business licence. Some

markets, Nexia TS (Nexia China) is distinguished from its peers thanks to its also a pioneer in listing Chinese companies on the Singapore Exchange.

* Companies are only allowed to perform business activities based on industries may need to apply for additional special permits. (Nexia TS liaises with the local authorities on behalf of its clients as a coordinator to

The firm’s proven track record pertaining to business set-up and compli-

clarify this – and to make sure the business scope/function can complete-

ance services combines with its personalised approach and understand-

ly suit the client’s needs.)

ing of clients’ interests. Further, Nexia TS can utilise the resources of other members firms under the corporate umbrella of Nexia China – greatly

Changes to regulation

increasing the breadth and depth of its services to international clients.

Frequent changes to PRC tax regulations and M&A laws will inevitably

Henry Tan, Asia Pacific chairman of Nexia International and managing

influence the influx of investments into the country. Foreign companies

director of Nexia TS (Nexia China), noted that Nexia TS’s client base is

can rely on Nexia TS’s experience and expertise to guide them through

comprised of medium to large private and public listed companies, as well

the complexities of complying with domestic regulations.

as family-owned businesses, from diverse industry sectors.

As an example of the ever-changing regulation, Mr Tan explained “The 2008 enactment of the new Enterprise Income Tax law has removed the

Common concerns

two-year tax exemption incentive for foreign-invested enterprises, which are

Mr Tan noted: “In our recent experience, common problems that clients

now subject to a flat rate of 25%, as applied to all domestic companies.

bring to us pertain to remittance of funds from China to an overseas location. “Such problems are usually related to withholding taxes not being paid,

“Further, the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Singapore Financial Reporting Standards (FRS) are being constantly revised and, as a professional firm, we therefore keep abreast of new accounting

or the company not having appropriate contracts in place to prove the

treatments, thus ensuring that our clients are adequately informed on a

purpose of the funds. We assist by investigating the problem, and helping

timely basis. These changes affect the ways in which we prescribe advice

to gather the correct documentation that will allow the transfer of the funds.”

and other value-added services. Likewise, recent changes to tighten

Meanwhile, Nexia TS assists Chinese companies seeking overseas list-

Singapore Listing Admission Rules and Code of Corporate Governance

ing opportunities. In these cases, the most immediate concerns are to get

impact our clients’ businesses, and result in more compliance types of

the companies’ accounting structures IFRS ready, and to highlight gaps in

services, such as Enterprise Risk Management Assessment.”

their internal control systems (in order to comply with public listing rules). For this, Nexia TS’s team performs pre-IPO due diligence to identify weak-

Global capabilities / Moving forward

nesses in the financial and reporting systems. The firm then recommends

Among the benefits provided by Nexia TS’s wider Nexia affiliation, Mr Tan

solutions. Often Chinese companies lack understanding of overseas market

cites: increased referrals of international companies to invest in China,

rules and regulations and we help them with a one stop service.

leading to more company set-up work and outsourced accounting/tax

When asked about some key factors that must be considered when form-

work; increased M&A-related work, such as due diligence and feasibility

ing a new company, Mr Tan said it is required that the new company ap-

studies; as well as conferences and seminars to exchange insights on

points a properly licensed and qualified accountant during the registration

accounting landscapes and general economic trends. An example of the

process. In addition, when paying up the registered capital, the payments

latter is a recent visit in April 2012 by delegates of the American Institute

must be verified by a local accounting firm.

of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) to Nexia China for a dialogue fo-

He elaborated: “The time-scale for completing a company formation process depends on the company type as follows: A WFOE trading company (three months); a WFOE manufacturing company (four months); a Representative Office (2 months).” He said that the timing of the company formation can be longer than the above estimate due to the following situation(s): * Foreign investors are not able to provide the correct documentation in

rum. This significant event received wide coverage by the media through television news, newspapers and the Internet. Meanwhile, Nexia TS’s own recent success stories include helping PRC SMEs to gain a foothold in foreign markets such as Singapore. “These SMEs include a heat exchange company, a textile company and a fertiliser company,” Mr Tan said. “We have also invested heavily into technology, recently acquiring a technology business in the IT forensic and security

a timely manner. (Nexia TS always translates all necessary documents into

arena. Moving forward, this will further improve our client service capabili-

English and assists clients to understand regulations, as well as guiding

ties – as we develop a significant portion of our services to encompass

them when providing the correct information and signing the proper docu-

Internet and cloud-based solutions.”

42 GlobalAwards 2012

China - Corporate Governance Law Firm of the Year mmercial laws with several well-known international law firms, and Chinese intellectual property laws with several top-tier Chinese IP firms, before founding the firm. Apart from these experiences, Mr Bill also once worked as the Bill H. Zhang, Esq. General Legal Counsel for a foreign listed company in its China headquarters. Managing Partner Thanks to his more than ten years’ law firm practise and in-house experience, Tel: +8621 5081 5229 Mr Bill is quite familiar with the Chinese legal practice and knows how to protect the client’s interests to the utmost. Mr Bill’s practice exposure extends from negotiating, reviewing and drafting various agreements, to involvement in major merger and acquisitions, foreign direct investment, joint venture transactions, dispute resolutions, anti-trust filing in cross-border mergers and acquisitions, as well as corporate governance/ restructuring, compliance and employment matters, etc. In addition, he is wellversed in the contentious and non-contentious aspects of intellectual property registration, prosecution and enforcement, license and transfer, as well as audit and due diligence. So Mr Bill has already accumulated substantial experience pertaining to Chinese commercial and intellectual property laws and, in China Sunbow Law Firm is a full-service law firm with strong professional teams this sense, he is the right choice for foreign investors to take care of their legal providing practical and expert legal services on various Chinese commercial business in China. and intellectual property laws to all domestic and international clients. The Mr Bill discussed the firm’s current mission and future ambitions: “We are client’s needs are always the number one priority for the firm and its attorneys. dedicated to becoming a market leader, as well as becoming one of the best The firm’s success and expansion depends on its clients’ success in China, law firms in China in the practices of Chinese commercial and intellectual therefore the firm handles its clients’ business in the same way as it does its property laws, through our continuous efforts. We provide high quality legal own business. China Sunbow Law Firm strives to understand its clients’ legal services to our clients in all sectors at very competitive prices, in the same needs and main concerns rapidly and correctly – in order to provide timely and quality standard of international law firms. We adhere to the values of our value-added legal services to its clients. founders: high-quality, innovation, international standards, reliability, solutionorientation, prompt service and vision – in order to achieve success for our Most of the firm’s legal team, including its supportive paralegals, are graduates clients, and to protect our clients’ economic interests in China to the utmost by with masters degrees in law from top Chinese law schools, such as Peking expanding our know-how, as well as improving the efficiency of our attorneys.” University Law School, or have received education from oversea law schools. China Sunbow Law Firm continues to establish closely associated working Before joining the firm, many of its attorneys had already practised Chinese relationships with well-known international law firms, and other professionals, laws in other top-tier Chinese or international law firms. around the world. To this end, foreign clients receive peerless, high quality The managing partner Bill H. Zhang (Mr Bill) has practised Chinese comlegal services pertaining to their M&A and investment activities in China.

China Sunbow Law Firm

China - Foreign Investment Law Firm of the Year Hengtai Law Offices Dr Jiafeng “Edward” Sun Managing Partner Tel: +86 21 62262625, ext. 1003 Direct line: +86 21 62076568 Rita Yu Associate Tel: +86 21 62262625, ext. 1031

For more than 13 years Hengtai Law Offices has been striving to deliver excellent industry products at a reasonable fee while making every effort to provide practical and comprehensive legal solutions for clients. The firm is known for its quick response, efficient law practice and its ability to serve the SME market with the aid of the firm’s membership in the Primerus international network. Hengtai Law Offices’ lawyers have rich experience in the field of foreign investment, including legal affairs related to the incorporation of Sino-foreign joint ventures, wholly foreign-owned enterprises, Chinese enterprises acquired by foreign investors, asset and investment restructuring, technology transfer and liquidation. With the use of effective and clear communication along with its in-depth understanding of clients’ business needs, the firm is equipped to serve all SMEs looking to conduct business in China. One of the firm’s specialties involves the utilisation of available tax incentives.

Dr Edward Sun, managing partner of Hengtai Law Offices, described the common obstacles associated with taxation that foreign investors may encounter when establishing new business in China: “Tax incentives offered by local governments are often a big consideration for clients choosing a location for their proposed investment projects. Many investors can feel confused when offered varying tax rates by different local governments. Our legal team can assist with queries regarding the paying of taxes at rates which are lower than the state has legally prescribed that may have been offered by local authorities. This situation can be seen more and more as China attempts to attract more foreign direct investment, especially in less developed areas.” According to Dr Sun, another disincentive that absent foreign investors frequently face involves the malpractice of a locally recruited manager: “A local Chinese general manager usually knows the Chinese market better than an outside executive, and therefore their appointment could be a good decision for the foreign invested SME to hire said manager. However, he or she may be paid significantly less than his or her foreign counterpart leading to cases of some foreign investors reporting their Chinese general managers taking bribes, stealing money and even transferring business opportunities to his/her own competing company.” Hengtai Law Offices tackles this issue by proactively designing a proper management structure and staying on retainer as responsible outside legal counsel after the foreign investors have become established in China. The firm maintains a good personal relationship with its clients as well as a good relationship with the government agencies in charge of foreign investment. In China, lawyers who specalise in foreign direct investment are no longer exclusively legal solution providers, but law interpreters. Firms such as Hengtai Law Offices continue to prosper by providing a risk and opportunity analysis service to ensure clients make the right decisions.

2012 GlobalAwards 43

China - Prosecution Law Firm of the Year Peksung Intellectual Property Ltd. Stephen Yang Partner, Patent Attorney Tel: +86-10-8231-1199

Peksung is a boutique intellectual property law firm that provides services for domestic and overseas clients in both prosecution and litigation related to patent, trademark, design, copyright, enforcement, anti-counterfeiting and custom protection. “Peksung focuses on providing a quality service, in addition to providing quality work to our clients. To us, quality service means care, responsiveness and personalisation. With the firm’s dedicated partners who were once in-house counsels, Peksung gained perspective from the client’s standpoint and understands the needs of our clients. In particular, instead of acting somewhat like a mail stop, Peksung distinguishes itself from other IP boutiques in China by providing the right legal advice at the right level,” commented Stephen Yang, partner and patent attorney at Peksung Intellectual Property Ltd. Mr Yang joined Peksung Intellectual Property Ltd. in 2005. His practice areas include patent search, infringement analysis, patent application drafting, prosecution, reexamination, invalidation and litigation in a wide variety of technical fields, particularly general machines, energy and high tech areas, design application prosecution,IP generation, IP strategy and portfolio management.

He is registered to practise before the Chinese Patent Office. Peksung’s partners have all been educated, trained or have worked overseas and hence have superior language skills than its peers and can better assist domestic clients with its knowledge of foreign IP practices while ensuring smooth communication with clients. This enables the firm to better serve international clients. Peksung boasts one of the strongest practice groups in chemical, biotech and pharmaceutical patents, among all Chinese firms. The firm represents many big names in these areas, domestic and international. Peksung attorneys once represented Pfizer on the “Viagra Patent” validity case, a highprofile case regarded by domestic and overseas IP communities. Peksung was also chosen by its prestigious client, Porsche, as the winner of the Prosecution Firm of the Year - 2011, among all the firms Porsche used globally. Peksung is also known for its stable team of professionals in regards to the competition of qualified IP attorneys among firms. This ensures a consistently high level of work and services is delivered to clients. The firm has a reputation in the Chinese IP community as a firm that makes absolutely no compromise on quality. In addition, Peksung conducts all translations of patent applications in house. Peksung does not use outside contract translators, which is part of its quality assurance program and distinguishes Peksung from most other firms, especially bigger firms. Peksung has a good in-house training program which helps to get younger attorneys up to speed to the firm’s quality standards. Peksung’s client list includes both domestic and overseas clients, ranging from individual inventors to multi-national companies across all technical sectors, many of which are leaders in their respective industries. The firm continues to be ranked as one of the leading IP boutique firms in China, by various sources and is consistently named as winner of many different awards in the IP profession.

China - Trademark Law Firm of the Year Peksung Intellectual Property Ltd. Xiang Gao Partner, Head of Trademark Department Tel: +86-10-82311199

Peksung Intellectual Property Ltd. is an intellectual property law firm designated by the State Intellectual Property Office of China (SIPO) and Chinese Trademark Office (CTMO) of State Administration for Industry and Commerce to provide comprehensive legal services in all aspects related to patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, licensing, technology transfer for domestic and overseas clients. Mr Xiang Gao, head of the Trademark Department, discussed the achievements as a result of the implementation of China’s trademark law in the past 30 years as well as the expected future changes: “Trademark Law of the People’s Republic of China was first promulgated in 1982 and entered into force in 1983. For the thirty years since the Trademark Law was first promulgated, its role in promoting economic development has been obvious.” Some of these achievements can be reflected as follows: A modern trademark legal system in China has been preliminarily completed to provide a strong legal support for the economic development; The social awareness to trademark has been greatly enhanced and the environment for implementation and protection of trademark has been constantly improved. By 44 GlobalAwards 2012

the end of the first half of 2012, China’s accumulative trademark applications reached 10.54 million, accumulative trademark registrations reached 7.17 million, and registrations in force reached 6.09 million, all the three figures ranking top in the world; The trademark registration efficiency has also made a remarkable improvement. For examples, nowadays the period for examination of trademark application has been limited to be around 10 months; The protection to trademark exclusive rights in either administrative or judicial route has been constantly strengthened. Mr Xiang Gao explained how current problems, especially about bad-faith application, or opposition and counterfeiting necessitate further changes. After the first amendment of the Trademark Law effective in 1993 and the second effective in 2001, on September 2, 2011, Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council of China posted the revised draft of the third amendment online for public comments. Some of the major changes Mr Xiang Gao referred to include: Multi-class application could be allowable; If the CTMO thinks the content of the application needs to be explained or amended, it can issue an Office Action to the applicant, and the applicant may make explanation or amendment within 30 days as of the date of receipt of the Office Action; According to current law, anybody can file trademark opposition. The Draft restricts the qualification of an opposer as the owner of prior right or the party of interest; The Draft also simplifies China’s trademark opposition procedures. If the CTMO approves the opposed trademark for registration, the opposer is no longer entitled to request an appeal or judicial review. Whereas, if the CTMO refuses to register the opposed party’s trademark, the opposed party is entitled to further appeal to the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board (TRAB), and if still dissatisfied with the TRAB’s decision, may further appeal to the courts. Peksung Intellectual Property Ltd. has a qualified staff of patent and trademark attorneys and highly trained administrative personnel. They have many years of extensive practical experience in handling numerous intellectual property cases of prosecution or litigation.

Hong Kong - Business Litigation Firm of the Year Woo, Kwan, Lee & Lo Kenneth Wong Partner Tel: +(852) 2586 9883

In 1962, Woo Po Shing and William Kwan Cheuk Yin founded ‘Woo & Kwan’. In April 1973, Charles Lee Yeh Kwong and Stephen Lo Chi Nang founded ‘Charles Lee & Stephen Lo’; then, in November 1973, the four named solicitors decided to pool their resources, connections and talents to form Woo, Kwan, Lee & Lo. The resultant firm’s policy of expanding with clients became and is its paramount policy. Its clients were attracted by this policy of ‘client’s interest first’, as well as the range and expertise of services offered. Woo, Kwan, Lee & Lo is today one of the largest law firms in Hong Kong, home to more than 300 members including 76 solicitors. Apart from offices in Hong Kong, the firm maintains two offices in Mainland China, in Beijing and Shenyang. It offers legal services in the areas of real estate business, commercial, litigation, trademarks and intellectual property. Profiled partners / Legal awareness Litigation Partner Kenneth Wong spoke about the Firm’s Litigation Department which currently has five partners and three consultants. “It is headed by our very experienced litigator and widely respected figure in Hong Kong, senior partner Cheung Wai Hing. Mr Cheung has practised in Hong Kong since 1976 as a litigator and has served on various governing boards and committees. He is also the legal adviser and trustee of various prominent local charities. “I commenced practise in 1992 specialising in litigation, and I am currently sitting on the Civil Litigation Committee of the Law Society of Hong Kong.” Woo, Kwan, Lee & Lo wishes to highlight its practice pertaining to public law judicial review, for which its main client base is comprised of bluechip companies in Hong Kong, including leading developers. “Recently we have found that our practice in this area is booming,” said Mr Wong. “This may be attributed to the increased awareness of people doing business in Hong Kong to voice out their needs where the traditional local businessmen used to be more passive and not challenge the policies or decisions made by Government. This may also have to do with the change of tide when laissez faire is no longer the dominant policy. “As a direct result of this greater awareness of legal rights, there is an ever increasing demand from the general public for better performance from the government – whether in the general citizen sector or commercial sector. Therefore, whenever there is any government decision affecting the businesses of our clients, then our clients will, accordingly, have no hesitation in bringing forth litigation by way of judicial review against the government. This also shows that people have faith in the fairness of our unique judicial system.” Mr Wong added that because litigation in Hong Kong is becoming more complex due to rising expectations of clients as well as judges, lawyers are expected to pursue every legal matter in greater detail than ever before.

Maintaining an edge According to Mr Wong, Woo, Kwan, Lee & Lo’s “edge” is its commercial real estate and business sector connection – because the firm’s history is such that it has served almost all major property developers in Hong Kong for decades. Mr Wong said: “As mentioned, in recent years judicial review has become a tool for such processes, and we assist our clients whenever there are disputes with the government. This requires extensive expertise on our part, which we are able to provide in diverse areas such as: public law, land law, planning law and environmental protection law.” The firm also assists major public authorities in Hong Kong, as well as REITs (real estate investment trusts) such as Link, the largest REIT in Hong Kong with a large property portfolio of commercial retail arcades in the region. “Our practice needs to meet the unique needs of our individual clients,” Mr Wong added. “For example, we have a team of lawyers specialising in commercial crime; while our litigator Mr Bucky Chan is experienced in handling fraud and corruption offences, his work scope covers quasi-criminal litigation involving breach of regulatory legislation governing securities, factories and industrial undertakings, buildings and employment. Another commercial litigator Mr Albert Bux has unique experience in advising and handling tax appeals.” Recent case work / Future plans For the past 12 months, Woo, Kwan, Lee & Lo has acted for an investment fund company of a bluechip group in Hong Kong which has invested a very substantial sum in acquiring shares in a corporate group of education businesses in the People’s Republic of China (PRC), and the subject of the dispute gave rise to an array of litigation in Hong Kong as well as Mainland China. Mr Wong noted: “This case involved issues such as: setting up wholly foreign-owned enterprises in the mainland, since PRC has special regulation for that; settlement of foreign capital in terms of foreign currency into local currency; and also the setting up of what is now quite a popular mechanism – a variable equity interest structure . in PRC. Moreover, the case involved the laws of three jurisdictions including United States, Hong Kong and PRC. This was a landmark case in terms of its scope and complexity.” Mr Wong concluded by noting that Woo, Kwan, Lee & Lo’s service offering is honed as a result of its long experience in the areas of land, building, planning and judicial review litigation. “We are continually and heavily engaged in real estate land use disputes as well as construction and public law disputes in Hong Kong,” he said. “Because of the influx of investment into China – and some directly into China through Hong Kong – I think that we will continue to develop our practice in these areas. “As such, for any business involved in commercial disputes regarding investment in Hong Kong or China, our firm is in the appropriate position to help them.”

2012 GlobalAwards 45

China - Intellectual Property Law Firm of the Year / Hong Kong - International Patents Law Firm of the Year

China Patent Agent (H.K.) Ltd. Yong LI Patent Attorney, Attorney at Law General Manager Tel: +852 2828 4688

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China Patent Agent (H.K.) Ltd. (CPA), one of the three pioneering intellectual property agencies in China, was incorporated in Hong Kong in March 1984, accompanying the launch of the Patent Law of the People’s Republic of China. Besides its Hong Kong-based main office, the firm also has offices in Beijing, Shenzhen, Shanghai, New York, Tokyo and Munich. CPA provides a full range of IP services to its clients in China and abroad, with expertise particularly in application prosecution, litigation, mediation, licensing, assignment and counselling in the areas of patents, trademarks, copyright, domain names, unfair competition and other IP-related fields in China. It also prosecutes applications for registration of patents, trademarks and designs in the Hong Kong SAR. CPA currently employs 510 staff members, including 190 patent attorneys, 40 trademark attorneys and 50 attorneys at law. All of its IP practitioners are graduates from eminent Chinese or overseas universities and holders of academic degrees in science, engineering, law or language;

meanwhile, most of them have reinforced their expertise through in-service training or overseas internship. They are thoroughly conversant with the IP practice of mainland China and the Hong Kong SAR, knowledgeable about IP-related laws and practice in the United States, Japan and Europe, and proficient in multiple languages. Over the years, CPA has established solid and long-standing co-operations with enterprises, research institutes, academic establishments and law firms in more than 50 countries and regions. The firm has prosecuted numerous patent and trademark applications and has represented its global clients in many high profile infringement lawsuits. It has also helped Chinese enterprises build up their IP portfolio management system, and has provided them with regular IP education and training, as well as legal counselling and assistance. CPA has won trust and credit from its clients at home and overseas with its quality services. For years it has been rated a top-tier patent and trademark prosecution firm in China in global surveys by Managing Intellectual Property (MIP). Further, the firm has been honoured as one of the best IP law firms in China by Asia Law, and was named one of the world’s top 250 in Intellectual Asset Management’s ranking of global leaders in patent practices. Several of CPA’s attorneys were listed among Asia’s leading lawyers and the world’s leading patent law practitioners. Ever since its establishment, CPA has strived to serve its clients with a high degree of professionalism and integrity, in adherence to its philosophy of full commitment to the protection of its clients’ IP rights. The trust and confidence from the firm’s clients has also been a strong impetus for the firm to exert its utmost to provide even better services. In the days to come, CPA looks forward to extending its quality services to its clients – so that their IP interests will be protected, and their prosperous presence in the vast market of China remains securely anchored.

Hong Kong - Product Liability Law Firm of the Year

Product LiabiLity Law, Firm oF the year in hong Kong corporate international 2012 global award winner

Services include:

CBM International Lawyers LLP is an international litigation practice focused on complex, cross-border civil and criminal legal matters around the globe.

• Product liability

With a leading reputation in product liability law, it also has a growing and complementary practice in international brand protection and anti-counterfeiting.

• Product recalls • Brand protection

Our international multi-lingual team has advised on a wide range of products and issues internationally, including motor vehicles, aircraft, firearms, power tools, professional negligence, real estate and construction projects, vicarious liability, pharmaceuticals, food products, Alien Tort Claims Act matters, class actions, RICO litigation, and large commercial disputes.

• Anti-counterfeiting • IP protection 

•  IP litigation • Information technology BEIJING T : +86 10 8453 7132

HONG KONG T : +852 2511 1970

MUNICH T : +49 89 321 99366

SAN FRANCISCO T : +1 415 989 5900

BÖBLINGEN T : +49 7031 439 9600

LOS ANGELES T : +1 213 833 4500

SACRAMENTO T : +1 916 446 5297

SINGAPORE T : +65 6337 6191

46 GlobalAwards 2012

STUTTGART T : +49 711 550 20 0

India - Administrative Law Firm of the Year / India - Cross Border Law Firm of the Year M S Mishra Associates Manu Shanker Mishra Managing Partner Tel: +91(0) 11 29223799; +91(0) 29223060

Corporate INTL speaks to Manu Shanker Mishra, Managing Partner, M S Mishra Associates, New Delhi-based full service law firm, about their recent projects and outlook. Manu Shanker Mishra noted: “As the price actualization is from a cluster of perceived (of generators) and conceived prices (of operators), a market conjecture about prices is made, the solution to which is by double coincidence. Preferences are built on operator algebra. “A market pulse by its definition breaks down the axioms of choice. The market forces are not only the rectangular matrices but also the diagonal matrices which resolve the complexities of the interaction of fundamental forces. The angular matrices are the first axiom of choice which is about the order of rotation. “Market Beta is the most widely used measure of risk and plays a major role in the capital asset pricing model of regression analysis with statistical leverage h as a measure of firm-specific risk and loop beta is a sensitivity test. The

loop alpha risks show the stress bearing capacity and the stability. From the criteria parameter rp we arrive at the co-relation coefficient of regression. “Establishing correspondence between decision making variables and stress variables, successive approximations at local optimal solution from a global sensitivity analysis requires removal of sub-optimal global solutions in the semi-global system as admissible strategy. We can make the expected yield curve, tax plan curve, risk free rate, and the rings from market lambda and delta hedge lie on the same plane as the momental ellipsoid lies on the plane with a point below. Introducing options price and volatility derivatives we have a punctured plane with open rings, whose second turn by investors attitude forms a cuboid. This is firm specific with heterogeneous expectations. The cuboid rolls towards the centre rotational plane of polarization. “Unknotting loop theta, we have the theta of regression as a parameter vector theta hat and a theta star operation can be performed. The first moment condition of statistics is the unconditional expectation of p must equal the steady state mean. The first order auto-co-relation is the unconditional mean and variance. And the first order approximation of f is the global underestimator. “Reconstruction of a firm gives a line joining the curves on the punctured plane of the cuboid as convex risk preferences exist. The cube of mean risks differ from the cuboid and difficulty arises with asymmetries of information and absence of market conservation rules. “Convex optimisation is done with hyperplanes and half space and operations preserve convexity by perspective as the image and the inverse image are convex. Optimal methods correspond to resourve vectors as eigenvalues are optimized with generalized inequalities defined by a cone and maximum value ellipsoid inscribed in a convex set. We are involved in development of admissible corporate strategies in a legal framework for a growing economy.” Author: Manu Shanker Mishra

India - Aviation Law Firm of the Year Rajinder Narain & Co/RNClegal Ravi Nath, Esq. Managing Partner Tel: +91 11 4122 5000

Rajinder Narain & Co was the first legal firm to be established in New Delhi soon after India gained its independence in 1947 along with the promulgation of the Constitution of India. The firm’s partners were elevated as Judges and then Chief Justices of the High Court. They later held offices as Presidents and Secretaries of the Bar Associations in India and overseas as well as the positions of council members of various legal bodies and associations. The firm specialises in international corporate and transactional work. The firm carries out work from its two offices located in Delhi and one in Mumbai and is widely known for its teams of experts. Additionally, the firm has associates / correspondent lawyers in all major cities in India and major financial capitals around the world. This enables the firm to provide a seamless service. The firm has been periodically awarded and recognised by national and international bodies for its excellent service.

Rajinder Narain & Co is an avocat de confiance of Switzerland in India and regularly acts for major corporations, overseas banks and financial institutions based in the European Union, United States of America, Australia and South East Asia. The firm is consulted regularly by government entities and embassies such as Israel and the European Union, to name but a few. The firm’s core practice areas are: aviation laws and aircraft finance, mergers, acquisitions, amalgamations and divestments, joint ventures and cross-border Investments in India, asset finance and cross-border leasing and securitisation, infrastructure projects, power, telecom, oil and natural gas, construction, commercial contracts, banking, insurance and financial services, intellectual property rights, taxation, litigation, arbitration and dispute resolution. Managing partner of the firm, Ravi Nath, has 24 years of experience in aviation related Laws including aircraft equipment and facility financing, regulatory & litigation. He was the Chair of the Aviation Committee of the International Bar Association and is the editor/author of various books and papers on aviation laws and he serves on the International Registry’s Advisory Board. He regularly advises major aircraft manufacturers, lessors, banks and financial institutions. Mr Nath’s practice includes government regulations, companies, cross-border financing and securitisation. During the last ten years he has advised on transaction in excess of US$14 billion. The Legal 500 has stated the following: “Ravi Nath’s esteemed reputation as an aviation expert puts clear blue water between Rajinder Narain & Co and its rival.” The Bar Association of India has conferred its highest honour on him. He was invited along with India’s finance minister, Mr P. Chidambaram and Mr Nariman, President of the Bar Association, to be a co-author on a book relating to legal aspects of conducting business in India. 2012 GlobalAwards 47

India - Boutique Company Law Firm of the Year / India - Emerging Corporate Law Firm of the Year

Mahendra Bhavsar & Co. Tel: +91-79-26577712; +91-79-26577713; +91-9727072269 (cell) Fax: +91-79-40069657

India has been on the forefront of developing economies for the last decade. Among all Indian states, Gujarat has been considered to be the most industrialised state in India. In a July 2011 report, “The Economist” noted that Gujarat’s infrastructure competes with Gangdong – the economic engine of China. Another study by the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry in India conducted in March 2012 showed that of all Indian states, Gujarat had attracted the highest number of investment proposals of any other Indian state in the past five years. Mahendra Bhavsar & Co. is a full service law firm based in Gujarat established since 1982 and caters to both national and international clients. The firm’s approach rests in following the traditions of integrity, commitment and transparency with an aim of delivering result-orientated solutions for its clients. The firm is a research-orientated firm focusing mainly on Civil & Commercial Law, Dispute Resolution, Property Law and Corporate Laws

and believes in providing innovative and pragmatic solutions keeping in mind the needs and intentions of its clients. The firm has advised some of the top global law firms including a top US-based law firm and several UK law firms. The firm has also been advising several multinationals and foreign government bodies such as the London Borough Council. Our team consists of motivated and results-orientated lawyers who advise up to the Supreme Court of India in contentious matters and provide with opinions, consultation, due diligence and strategic legal advice in non-contentious matters. Moreover, the firm is equipped with modern IT infrastructure, and maintains a dedicated research team to provide the most updated legal analysis to its clients. The firm is ideally suited to foreign entities and law firms seeking a clear and updated view of Indian law from a small and focused team. Awarded “Boutique Company Law Firm of the Year 2012” and “Emerging Corporate Law Firm of the Year 2012” in India by Corporate INTL. Selected by Global Law Experts ( as recommended firm for “Commercial Law India”. Areas of Practice • Real Estate and Infrastructure Law • Corporate Law and M&A • Banking and Finance • Arbitration and Litigation • Cross Border Corporate & Commercial • Trademarks, Copyrights & E-commerce • Domestic & International Contracts • Foreign Investment, JV & Collaborations • Shipping and Mining • Regulatory and Compliance Issues

India - Boutique Litigation Firm of the Year Karanjawala & Company Mr Raian Karanjawala Founding Partner Tel: +91 4358 8888

Karanjawala & Company was founded in 1983 by Raian and Manik Karanjawala and operates today out of two offices in New Delhi. The firm has six partners namely, Raian Karanjawala, Manik Karanjawala, Nandini Gore, Ruby Singh Ahuja, Sandeep Kapur and Meghna Mishra and a strength of 60 lawyers at present. Over the years it has come to dominate the litigation landscape and has serviced a wide variety of diverse clients from prime ministers to captains of industry to the biggest corporate houses and media companies. The firm is equally at ease handling the day to day cases of the ordinary litigant as it is handling the legal disputes of royal families. Historically, the firm’s practice began with a pre-dominate Supreme Court and High Court emphasis. It has today expanded in a manner which ensures that it has a presence in all the subordinate courts and tribunals

48 GlobalAwards 2012

in the National Capital Region (NCR). In fact, its services are often enlisted to handle litigation on a pan India basis. A computer search will indicate that the firm features in more than 400 reported judgements of the Supreme Court and has filed and dealt with approximately 17,000 matters. The approach of the firm is reflected in its working creed. The firm believes in sober and thought-through advice, effective and expeditious execution and competitive and cost effective pricing. Also, the client is always that of the firm and never of an individual and therefore the most optimum and client friendly utilisation of talent is assured. Founding partner, Mr Raian Karanjawala, was chosen as the author for the INDIA chapter of “The Dispute Resolution Review” 2009, 2010 and 2011. He was named in the list of the top 50 most influential people in India by India Today magazine. The firm has been conferred numerous awards, such as the prestigious “European CEO: Best Dispute Resolution Team, India, 2009 Award”, “India Business Law Journal’s prestigious Indian Law Firm Awards”, 2009, 2010 & 2011, and the “Legal Era Awards: The Best Litigation and Arbitration Law Firm Award of the year for 2011-2012 by Legal Era Magazine.” The Firm has been listed among the top-tier firms for dispute resolution in Asialaw Profiles 2011 & 2012. Karanjawala & Company also has the distinction of being listed in Asia Pacific Legal 500 as a top-tier firm in New Delhi for dispute resolution in 2006, 2007, 2010 & 2012 and in Chambers and Partners (Asia) as a Band 1 firm for both “Dispute Resolution: Litigation, New Delhi”, and “Dispute Resolution, National” 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 & 2012.

India - Corporate Tax Law Firm of the Year Gagrats Rustam Gagrat Partner Tel: +91 22 6752 9037-52 (Mumbai); +91 11 2332 2311 (New Delhi); +971 472 5164 (Dubai) Fax: +91 22 6752 9053 (Mumbai); +91 11 2371 3657 (New Delhi); +971 472 5049 (Dubai) /

Gagrats Established in 2005 • Number of partners and associates : 55+ • Principal office: Mumbai • Associate offices: New Delhi, Dubai Key practice areas: Arbitration, asset–based finance, aviation, banking & finance, capital markets, competition law, corporate, dispute resolution, infrastructure, projects & energy, insurance, intellectual property, investment funds, M&A, oil & gas, private equity, project finance, real estate, securities law, shipping, TMT and tax. Our services: Gagrats has a broad-based practice covering a wide range of legal disciplines. Most of the members of the firm have attended prestigious universities in England, the US and India and some are qualified as solicitors of the Supreme Court of England. The firm has represented clients on significant transactions, including cross border financings, large acquisitions and disposals in India and overseas, private equity deals, power projects and securities offerings. The Firm has also been the recipient of Awards including the 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 Indian Law Firm Awards, the 2011 Global Awards, the 2011 and 2012 Indian Corporate Tax Law Firm Award, the 2012 Law Firm of the year Award for Tax – India, the 2011 Asian Mena Counsel Awards, the 2012 Dealmaker Award, the 2012 M & A Award and been recognised as one of the Most Responsive Domestic Law Firms in India in 2011.Gagrats has also been ranked as a Leading Law Firm by Chambers & Partners, Chambers Asia Pacific, Asia Pacific Legal 500, Asia Law Profiles, The IFLR 1000 and Which Lawyer PLC. Contacts: Mr RJ Gagrat (Mumbai) Mr UA Rana (New Delhi) Mr HD Gardi (Dubai)

India - High Level M&A Law Firm of the Year

DESAI & DIWANJI - Flexible support for day-to-day business needs as well as for specific transactions. With specialised knowledge of the legal framework and business requirements of varied industry sectors, our lawyers work on the most challenging, complex and stimulating transactions in India.


High Level M&A Law Firm of the Year

Practice areas: Mergers and Acquisitions / Equity Capital Markets / Banking, Finance and Insurance / Project Finance / Energy, Natural Resources and Infrastructure / Aviation / Admiralty and Maritime / Technology, Media and Telecommunications / Life Sciences and Pharmaceuticals / Employment, Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation / Outsourcing / Real Estate and Construction / Litigation, Dispute Resolution and Insolvency Vishwang Desai Desai & Diwanji Lentin Chambers Dalal Street, Fort Mumbai - 400 001 Tel: +91 (22) 3984 1000 / 2265 1682 Fax: +91 (22) 2265 8245 Email: Web:

2012 GlobalAwards 49

India - Patents Law Firm of the Year

Indonesia - Banking and Finance Law Firm of the Year

00 GlobalAwards 2012

Indonesia - Dispute Resolution Law Firm of the Year

Comprehensive Analyses Ignatius Andy Law Offices is a boutique law firm which approach starts with a mindset that each case has its own uniqueness and complexity. We carry out a comprehensive examination of all relevant issues before advising client on the most suitable approach to maximize the protection of their interest. In all instances we take great pains to lay out all options as well as the risks and rewards inherent in any option before providing our recommendations. Global Exposure Ignatius Andy Law Offices straddles cultures comfortably. We are attuned to Indonesian, Asian and Western sensitivities and the dynamics at play at each cultural milieu, enabling us to perform optimally both in domestic and international settings. Major multinational corporations and respected local companies such as Kraft, British American Tobacco, Schlumberger, Air France KLM, Coca Cola, Newmont, Carrefour, Pfizer, Nestle, GlaxoSmithKline, Sumitomo and Mitsui have been relying on our services. Focus Our office is dedicated to remain disciplined. We understand our natural limit hence we focus our attention and resources only on specific legal aspects. We continuously develop and focus our experience and expertise in these legal aspects: • Business Competition Law • Arbitration & Court Proceedings • Corporate & Finance Matters • Debt Restructuring, Bankruptcy and Suspension of Payment Constant pursuit of knowledge We are committed to excellence, continuing seeking out and acquiring advanced knowledge in all of our practices areas. This commitment to knowledge enables us to keep intelligence as our strong suit and guarantee commitment to our clients. Our Contacts Equity Tower, 11 Floor Sudirman Central Business District Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53 Jakarta Selatan 12190 Indonesia T. +62 21 515 0350 F. +62 21 515 0351 Email:

2012 GlobalAwards 00

Indonesia - Commercial Law Firm of the Year Simbolon & Partners

Yudianta Medio Simbolon Managing Partner Tel: +62 21 83793027-28 Fax: +62 21 8379 3014

Simbolon & Partners is one of the youngest and fastest growing law firms in Indonesia. The firm provides comprehensive legal services for companies and Individuals. The firm’s vision is to be one of the largest law firms in Indonesia and is always enriching and updating its knowledge in order to serve its clients with proper legal advice. The firm’s mission is to provide aggressive, careful, diligent, high-quality services and representation to each client. Simbolon & Partners has a high profile team of professionals which renders comprehensive legal services to clients, both domestic and foreign, to best meet their interests. Simbolon & Partners always maintains a good cooperation with its correspondence firm in other countries to address its clients’ needs when they desire legal services outside of Indonesia. In light of this demand for international services, the firm is set to become a member of several international legal organisations. “Our clients choose us because we are skilled practitioners who understand their goals, interests and their businesses. We partner with them to achieve the best solutions,” commented Yudianta Medio Simbolon, partner of the firm. Before opening Simbolon & Partners, to complete his experiences and

expertise, Mr Simbolon joined the Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency (IBRA). In this agency, Mr Simbolon has faced various types of legal matters with respect to the bank recapitalisations and asset resolutions. With almost a decade of experience in the field of law, his expertise is now in general corporate and commercial law, bankruptcy, land & property law, insurance, banking and finance, environmental law, alternative dispute resolution and debt recovery, capital market law as well as litigation. Mr Simbolon is a member of the Indonesian Bar Association and holds a licence to practise in Indonesian courts. Simbolon & Partners provides comprehensive legal services to companies in the following areas: • Corporate & commercial, • Alternative dispute resolution & litigation, • Labour & immigration, • Intellectual property rights, • Debt recovery/collection, • Research on laws/regulations, • Company search/investigation. The firm has particular expertise in the area of corporate and commercial law. In this practice area the firm provides legal services in the form of consultation, contracts drafting, legal due diligence, legal opinion, negotiating in relation to establish a joint venture, mergers, takeovers, dissolution of a company, sale-purchase of company assets, corporate restructuring, public offering and others. Furthermore, Simbolon & Partners assists in establishing a limited liability company (PT), domestic capital investment and foreign capital investment (PT PMA), partnership, foundations, international non-government organisations and cooperatives. Finally the firm can help with corporate secretarial services and the arranging of all company documentation including deeds of incorporation, amendments to the company articles of association, and others.

India - Industrial Design Law Firm of the Year

Indonesia - Financial PR Firm of the Year

Edelman Indonesia Stephen Lock, Chief Executive Officer, Edelman Indonesia Partner Tel: +62 21 721 59000

About Edelman Indonesia Edelman Indonesia is Indonesia’s leading public relations firm offering specialist expertise in Financial Communications, Investor Relations, Digital Communications, Corporate PR, Public Affairs, Brand PR and specialist support in areas of Litigation PR, Political Counsel, Issues and Crisis Management, Research and Training. The firm, set up in 1993, is part of the Edelman worldwide network and is the largest PR firm in Indonesia with 170 full time employees. Consistently & frequently awarded for its work in Indonesia, it was named the 2012 ‘Stevie’ International Business Award winner for its client campaigns in IPO Communications, Consumer and as Communications team of the year, as well as receiving this accolade from Corporate INTL Magazine. About Edelman’s Financial Communications Team In financial communications and investor relations, Edelman provides skilled support in the areas of strategic communications counsel, media relations, digital communications and investor relations to listed companies or those going public in Indonesia. The team is drawn from various segments of the financial services industry including the Indonesian Stock Exchange, financial media houses and analyst communities and has an in-depth understanding of the Indonesian financial and business media environment which it brings to a range of financial institution clients in Indonesia. The financial industry is highly regulated in Indonesia and the team’s understanding of the financial environment allows it to develop strategies ranging from retail investor education; capital market outreach, including IPO communications; analyst relations and financial media relations for its clients. Currently our financial communications experience includes work for the largest life insurance company in Indonesia, Prudential; the nation’s central bank, Bank Indonesia; Indonesia’s largest domestic bank, Bank Mandiri and Visa International. We recently concluded pre and post IPO communications for the 4th largest IPO in 2011 for ABM Investama. Previous work has included financial communications around mergers and acquisition for Manulife/Zurich/Principal Insurance and the Standard Chartered/Bank BCA Acquisition. Indonesia’s financial services industry Indonesia is among the most optimistic of economies in Asia Pacific and its economic forecast has been revised upwards to 6.3% for the current year. The forecast for 2013 is equally promising with GDP growth expected to reach 6.5%. This robust growth indicates further room for growth and immense potential in key areas of the economy. Financial services is one such key growth area. As an example, less than one third of the country’s 240 million population has a banking

account and less than 3% buy insurance. These numbers are showing increases year on year. The country’s stock market has been a top performer in the region and based on the latest figures, the benchmark Jakarta Composite Index (JCI) has grown 44.66% so far this year making it Asia’s best performer. With thriving financial institutions like local and multinational banks, capital markets and financial services companies, companies are increasingly looking to strategic communications to tap their growing market. Financial institutions target a range of stakeholders in their efforts to build reputation in the country. These include and are not limited to capital markets, regulators, consumers, influencers and third party non-government organizations. Communicating in a noisy marketplace Since Indonesia became a full-fledged democracy in 1998, Indonesian media has grown to become without doubt the most-free in the region. It is also the most trusted institution ahead of business, government and NGOs (according to the 2012 Edelman Trust Barometer: the 4th year in which this 12-year old global survey has been undertaken in Indonesia) firmly cementing its role as the watchdog of the country. To further add to this, social media has boomed in Indonesia adding to the cacophony of voices. Indonesia is particularly Twitter hungry and a recent study reported its capital Jakarta’s residents as the world’s most active tweeters, posting 2% of the 10.6 billion tweets worldwide. Several influencers are active online ranging from media, ministers, political commentators and financial experts, making communications as challenging as any other emerging or even developed market. News is primarily sourced from traditional media with online media witnessing a big surge. In such an environment, communicating well needs planned preparation, strategic messaging and targeted market outreach. Edelman Indonesia’s financial services team is well-versed in navigating the needs of the target media and identifying and developing the stories that resonate with them. Our transmedia storytelling approach ensures that we tell a company’s story to its stakeholders via the channels they come across every day. These include traditional media, online media, social media and company’s own media assets such as its website. At Edelman our approach to communications is driven by our clients’ business goals and offers to measure output, impact and overall business outcome. We are also able to collaborate with teams across divisions, namely digital, crisis and issues management or litigation PR to provide one stop services for financial services firms in Indonesia.

2012 GlobalAwards 53

Indonesia - International M&A Accountancy Firm of the Year KPMG Siddharta Advisory David East Partner, Head of Transactions & Restructuring Tel: +62 21 574 0877

Transactions & Restructuring We offer ideas, experience, independence and commitment to position our clients to take advantage of opportunities in Indonesia, with an industry focused approach. Getting the right advisory support is critical to doing business in Indonesia. KPMG Indonesia has a well established Transactions & Restructuring practice that was involved in debt restructurings following the 1998 Asian economic crisis and since 2003, also as a KPMG international accredited Transaction Services practice that works with foreign and local investors on inbound and outbound deals across a broad range of industry sectors. We take a hands-on approach in helping clients identify new opportunities to make sustainable changes to strategy, operations and finances. Transaction Services Our Transaction Services team is a trusted adviser to international foreign investors and now many of Indonesia’s leading local corporations. KPMG’s Transaction Services practice helps clients plan and complete major business transactions across the entire transaction cycle, including aligning deals with Strategic business objectives.

Buying or selling a business or a major asset, undertaking a merger or initiating an IPO can all destroy value unless planned and conducted correctly. Difficulties and risks compound when deals involve diverse groups and business “carve-outs”, or cover multiple jurisdictions. KPMG’s Transaction Services can assist clients in finding the right opportunities. M&A deal origination or Market entry assistance can be challenging in Indonesia and advice on the right, structured approach taking into account local connections and intelligence, cultural and other issues is of the highest importance. Fundamental but critical areas that KPMG’s Transaction Services assist and advise on include: performing timely and robust acquisition and vendor due diligence, Market, Commercial and Integrity due diligence, understanding regulatory compliance, realising business synergies and extracting value from business integration as well as transaction related Forensic, Strategic & Commercial Intelligence (“SCI”) and Valuation services. Restructuring Services Our Restructuring professionals have extensive experience in steering stressed and distressed businesses towards a stronger position. Our Financial Restructuring services include: modelling the viability of a restructuring plan, the critical review of liquidation analyses and sustainable debt scenarios, acting as a “screen” for creditors to filter information provided by a company and determining its usefulness, assisting companies to provide the right and relevant information, assisting creditors in assessing a company’s financial position and critically analysing and interpreting such information. Restructuring Services’ professionals also coordinate negotiations between a debtor company and its creditors, monitoring of cash, working capital and financial performance. Other services include cash management and accepting formal liquidation appointments under the Company Law. Forensic Services and Corporate Finance Cross border managed Forensic services include: fraud investigations, FCPA/UK Bribery Act due diligence, corporate intelligence. Our Corporate Finance capabilities include feasibility studies and M&A deal origination now based on a regionally coordinated, locally run approach.

Indonesia - Management Consulting Advisory Firm of the Year KPMG Siddharta Advisory Iwan Atmawidjaja Partner, Head of Management Consulting Tel: +62 21 574 0877

To address this need, KPMG offers clients a portfolio of business transformation capabilities. Our Management Consulting professionals combine specialised skills in finance, technology, and operations to help our clients realise their key initiatives. We have a track record of success in helping clients through their critical business challenges, supported by the Firm’s deep industry knowledge and experience, the breadth of our Advisory services, access to Audit and Tax resources, and the global connectivity of our member firms.

Our services include: Business Effectiveness Business Effectiveness teams focus on fundamental business issues of business architecture, program management and transformation, post merger integration, strategic sourcing and procurement and supply chain and operations. The team also experienced at managing risk, increasing revenues and Management Consulting As the pace of global change continues to increase, KPMG provides the clarity controlling costs; which organisations in all industries should address in order to flourish. needed to balance opportunity and challenge. The business environment is Financial Management more complex than ever before, with economic uncertainties, cost pressures, Financial Management teams provide financial management services includregulatory evolution, rapid advancement in technology, expanding global markets, and more intense competition. These factors require organisations to ing finance transformation, controls optimisation, regulatory compliance, policies and procedures, shared services, inter-company assistance, chart of become more flexible and responsive, to ensure their future operations. accounts assistance and more. As a result, many of today’s largest organisations seek greater alignThe other essential services that are carried out by Financial Management ment between strategy, business processes and technology. This synergy team the effective decision support, efficient finance operations, finance stratis essential to addressing priorities such as creating the right cost structure, egy and transformation. improving business intelligence and insight, integrating business operations, IT Advisory Services and managing risk. An effective, well-managed IT system is one of the most valuable business Improving business performance and making effective use of information advantages an organisation can secure. The right technology, implemented technology go hand-in-hand, because sustainable performance improvement properly, appropriately managed and monitored, can lead to significant gains depends on accurate and timely information to drive performance-related in growth and efficiency. Additional services include: business Intelligence, IT decisions, simplify complexity, enable structural change and provide a solid enablement – ERP solutions, IT enablement – program and project manageorganisational foundation. All of which require strategic, effective deployment of ment and IT strategy and performance. IT investments. 54 GlobalAwards 2012

Indonesia - Transfer Pricing Advisory Firm of the Year KPMG Hadibroto Graham Garven Partner, Tax Head of Transfer Pricing, Global Transfer Pricing Services Tel: +62 (0)21 570 4888 +62 (0)21 5799 5157 (Direct)

The Directorate General of Taxes in Indonesia has made transfer pricing a major focus of tax revenue generation with the introduction of significant legislation and specific inclusion in declared audit strategy. KPMG Hadibroto has responded to this, building a local team and cooperating closely with regional and global resources to assist clients with: Planning - assisting with the setting of transfer prices and or transfer pricing policies. Compliance - assisting with the preparation of transfer pricing documentation, including functional, comparability and economic analyses Dispute resolution - assisting with transfer pricing issues arising in audits, strengthening positions in objections and appeals as well as assisting with mutual agreement and advance pricing agreement procedures Restructurings - providing the economic rationale for any changes in profit levels

We are proud to have received the 2010 Indonesia Transfer Pricing Firm of the Year award from International Tax Review Asia magazine (the final year this was issued) and now the same award from Corp Intl magazine for 2012. As multinationals search for more efficient ways to compete in the global market, cross-border transactions between related companies are increasing in number and complexity. KPMG Hadibroto is constantly striving to keep ahead of these developments through global, regional and local workshops and training, by gaining local experience and by sharing experiences gained beyond our shores. In the global economy, multinationals increasingly work beyond national borders as they conduct their daily business. Revenue authorities are well aware of the manner in which transfer prices may affect tax revenues and local legislation is being constantly strengthened, with stricter documentation requirements and penalties for non-compliance being regularly imposed. Transfer pricing is therefore a critical issue for all multinationals, and one that requires effective global tax planning. Through the training programs mentioned and through constant contact with the local authorities, KPMG Hadibroto is able to stay ahead of regulatory developments and through close cooperation with overseas colleagues we are able to assist taxpayers in effectively planning their global business transactions. KPMG Hadibroto’s local team is part of KPMG’s Global Transfer Pricing Services (“GTPS”) group; an integrated team of economists, tax practitioners, lawyers and financial analysts, dedicated to providing clients with effective transfer pricing planning, compliance and controversy resolution throughout the world. This leaves us ideally placed to understand the global nature of transfer pricing issues and to work with taxpayers in reaching solutions. At a local level, KPMG Hadibroto’s transfer pricing team is strengthened by close coordination with specialists in other tax areas, including Customs, VAT/Luxury Sales Tax and international tax issues. We are unique in that all senior members of the team have been trained in general Indonesian tax issues before specializing in transfer pricing, ensuring we are ideally placed to add value to clients and to identify opportunities for savings or risk mitigation.

2012 GlobalAwards 55

Japan - Immigration Law Firm of the Year

Best solution based on knowledge and experience as immigration specialists. Nearly 50,000 applications for immigration / Specialists’ advice in English and Japanese. Best immigration lawyers valued by international clients handling nearly 50,000 applications (one of the largest volumes processed by Japanese firms). We assist with immigration business for international companies. Extensive experience in the field of corporate immigration allows us to provide the best solution for the complicated visa applications necessary for international businesses. Specialist advice is provided in English and Japanese. We have also offered support closely working with overseas law firms. For secure consultation, a strict privacy policy is employed to protect personal data.

Mr Yoshio Shimoda, Managing Partner Sawa Building 4F 2-2-2 Nishi-Shinbashi Minato-ku Tokyo 105-0003, Japan Tel: +81.3.5521.1901

00 GlobalAwards 2012

Japan - Industrial Property Law Firm of the Year / Japan - IT Law Firm of the Year


Uchida & Samejima Law Firm is one of the largest IP/IT boutique law firms in Japan, home to attorneys who used to be with business in larger companies such as IBM, Toshiba and Mitsubishi. We can cover all the technological fields, from bio-science to electronics and IT – with particular strength within the field of IT, including setting up subsidiaries in Japan for IT services. Industrial Property - We have a particular strength in patents. Litigation, licensing and business alliance are our main domains. We propose a closer collaboration between your company and our law firm – We can help your company to expand their business in Japan, particularly in the field of technology, because USLF is: A group of attorneys with technological backgrounds varying from life science to electronics, including chemistry and mechanics; A group of attorneys doubly qualified as Benrishi (patent attorney) and Bengoshi (attorney at law); Highly qualified regarding patent infringement law suits. Deep experience in IT legal matters, such as internet/ soft ware business and system constructions.

Masahiro Samejima

Toranomon-Housou Bldg. 701, 1-20-3 Nishi-Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan 105-0003 +813-5511-6211 (tel) +813-5511-6213 (fax)

2012 GlobalAwards 00

Kazakhstan - Auditing Advisory Firm of the Year

Finaudit LLC has been engaged in audit activities since 1993. Our employees include auditors and specialists with practical experience as chief accountants for businesses in various sectors of economy. All our personnel constantly advance their professional level and include authors of articles on accounting and taxation in specialized finance, accounting, audit and law publications. Finaudit's audit staff are often invited to seminars and trainings in Almaty and other cities of Kazakshtan as trainers and consultants. Finaudit is a full member of professional audit organization Collegium of Auditors, and a member of international network of accounting firms Kreston International. Our services Finaudit's core business is financial audit. In providing audit services we follow International Standards on Auditing and laws pertaining to audit activity and financial reporting. Besides financial audit we offer services of conversion to International Accounting Standards, consult on issues related to taxation, accounting and audit and provide accounting support. Finaudit renders its services to around 100 organizations and businesses annually, including consultation on the preparation of financial and tax reports. email:

114 Auezov street, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 050057

Kazakhstan - Boutique Oil & Gas Law Firm of the Year Astana Law Partners, LLC Alex Verba Managing Partner Tel: +7 (7172) 79 15 12 Mobile: +7 701 501 98 14

Based in the capital of Kazakhstan, Astana Law Partners is a dynamic and international law practice serving clients throughout the country and around the globe. The diversity of our experience enables us to advise on broad variety of issues and projects. The common thread in everything we do is our ability to combine both commercial and legal perspectives. We know that in order to succeed in today’s competitive marketplace, we must provide the best legal expertise, proactive service and add value to each client’s business. We work close with our client’s business development and operational management and in order to grow and improve with our clients, our firm combines skill, dedication, creativity and innovation with the ability to understand the workings of our client’s business and to anticipate our client’s needs. Working with clients from across a wide variety of sectors, our firm has built up a formidable range of industry-specific experience with main focus in oil and gas, energy and mining. Below is a brief overview of the main sectors where we operate. • Oil and Gas, Mining, Renewable Energy and Environment Oil and Gas practice is one of our main areas of practice advising clients on variety energy matters, including exploration, production, development, transportation, oil field services and other aspects of oil, gas and other mineral resources industry. The practice combines well known international and local experts in oil and gas law who worked with many major international oil companies and were involved in practically all major oil offshore and onshore negotiation in Kazakhstan since mid-90s. Among other matters, we recently conducted due diligence for major acquisition of a group of local companies by major Chinese oil company, and advised on Acquisition in Kazakhstan to Korean and Middle Eastern oil companies. We also advise local and international oil and commodity trading companies on their exports from 58 GlobalAwards 2012

Kazakhstan. Due to our high level of expertise we entrusted to provide oil and gas and energy consultations to various NGOs and embassies in Astana and regularly involved in roundtables and other legislative activities. We participated in development of a number of power generation projects. Based on our early involvement in drafting of the renewable legislation in Kazakhstan we developed extensive practice with clients in renewable energy, including wind, hydro and solar. • M&A, Reorganizations, International business transactions Our corporate team works with buyers, sellers, and financial advisers in a broad range of transactions, including stock purchases, asset purchases, mergers, tender offers, share exchanges, restructurings, and the formation and termination of joint ventures, real estate investment, and complex cross-border investments. • Finance and banking With our oil and energy clients we work on various types of finance transactions, including secured financing, limited resource financing, bond offerings, initial public offerings in Kazakhstan and abroad, and we also list several local banks as clients. • Intellectual Property, Telecommunications and Technology Our work encompasses a broad range of industries, with particular strength in telecommunications, wireless communications, and new technologies. Our extensive experience in technology-related laws (intellectual property, patent and trademark prosecution) in Kazakhstan and internationally enable us to provide high quality advice to our numerous clients bringing major international brands and franchises to Kazakhstan and the CIS markets. • Tax, Transfer Pricing and Estate Planning The firm has substantial experience within the international tax arena, including advising clients with respect to both “in-bound” and “out-bound” transactions. Our attorneys have substantial experience with major multibillion tax audits and negotiations of tax regimes for complex oil and gas agreements in Kazakhstan, including production sharing agreements. Particular expertise has also been developed with respect to transfer pricing issues in Kazakhstan and elsewhere. Our expertise in wills execution in Kazakhstan and estate planning was heavily utilized by our network of high wealth individuals. • Civil Litigation and Dispute Resolution The firm’s litigation team represents clients in a variety of cases ranging from complex commercial transactions, real estate construction, environmental to employment disputes. Our attorneys represented clients before all levels of judicial forums in Kazakhstan including the Supreme Court as well as international arbitrations.

Malaysia - Maritime Law Firm of the Year Joseph & Partners Jeremy M Joseph Partner Mobile Number: +6012 3955 594

Joseph & Partners is a reputable Maritime and offshore energy services law firm in Malaysia. The firm also provides legal services on insurance, property and other commercial matters. The firm’s partners, associates and strategic alliance partners have, collectively, more than 25 years of vital industry experience. Over the years, the firm has carved considerable exposure in both contentious and non-contentious aspects of maritime and offshore energy law, advising on matters ranging from cargo claims, admiralty processes, marine casualties, arbitration, energy related contracts and transactions, insurance disputes and other matters. Jeremy M. Joseph is an advocate & solicitor of the High Court of Malaya and principal partner of Messrs Joseph & Partners. Mr Joseph started his professional life as a marine insurance broker before he embarked on a legal career as an associate at the Singapore office of Holman Fenwick & Willan for several years. In 2002, he set up Messrs Joseph & Partners in Kuala Lumpur. Mr Joseph commented:

“We have been in the market for over 10 years and we have acted for a cross spectrum of clients who represent a good mix of both international and local maritime players. We are market orientated and understand the needs of our clients. We try to surpass our clients’ expectations and emphasise on quality. In Malaysia, it might be challenging for foreign parties to find a suitable counsel to act for them on shipping matters but this is what makes us stand out even more because of our expertise and our excellent record.” The firm is regarded as one of the country’s foremost experts in maritime and offshore energy law. Joseph & Partners has acted for a number of clients including ship-owners and charterers, port operators and freight forwarders, hull and cargo insurers, P&I Clubs, shipyards, banks, ship and bunker supply companies, marine engineering companies, ship and chartering brokers, multinational oil companies, etc. The firm’s offshore energy sector clients require a full service and specialist legal advice; so, as and when required, Joseph & Partners brings to bear the considerable and highly skilled resources of its expert consultants in the areas of oil and gas, LNG, EPC, FPSOs, ship repair and ship conversion contracts, domestic and international cross border matters and multi-jurisdictional work. Mr Joseph added: “Malaysia must rise up to meet the expectations and earn the respect of the international maritime community if she intends to fully realise her potential to be a maritime nation. A vibrant shipping sector with opportunities for business and investment will serve to boost her credibility. For our part, we must ensure that the laws are updated and in line with international standards and expectations so that the legal infrastructure is ready and commercially viable for stakeholders.” The firm and its leading team of lawyers has been acknowledged by Legal 500 and Chambers Asia in 2009, 2010 and 2011, as a leading shipping firm in Malaysia.

The Maldives - Commercial Law Firm of the Year Suood Anwar & Co Mohamed Shahdy Anwar Partner Tel: +960 3344 911

Established in the year 1994, Suood, Anwar and Co. has, over the last decade, earned recognition for excellence and service. The firm’s lawyers are consistently ranked amongst the top tier of the Maldives and today, it has as its clientele, key government agencies, international financial institutions, several multinational corporations and some of the biggest corporations in Maldivian business. Mohamed Shahdy Anwar, partner, explained the firm’s code of practice: “Our principal order of business is determining how the law may best protect a client’s interests. We take pride in knowing that we are a knowledgecentric practice and that we are well-versed in the technical aspects of your business, cultural mores specific to business environment and the outcomes you desire. While our practice is based in the Maldives, we are global in our outlook and we do have the right mix of talent and international best practice to fashion customer-oriented legal solutions.” Mr Anwar has since been working in private legal practice advising various

corporations and entities on a wide variety of corporate and commercial issues ranging from advising investors on project financing for tourism and infrastructure projects, to advising major international banks and financial institutions on lending for projects in the Maldives and abroad and also in related litigation. Mr Anwar played a key role in drafting several key legislations including, the Business Profit Tax Act, the GST Act, the Corporate Tax Bill, the Income Tax Bill, the Partnership Bill, the Companies Act (Amendment) Bill and the Land Law (Amendment) Bill. Mr Anwar also has extensive drafting experience, in preparing structured finance and syndicated loan documentation, bidding and awards documentations. The firm places a particularly high premium on the quality of services that it affords to its clients, opening its doors to business all seven days of the week. The firm’s lawyers, from partners to associates, are always on the ready to answer every query a client may have. The firm’s commitment to its clientele is something which the firm is both proud of and takes very seriously. Mohamed Shahdy Anwar discussed the tax services that the firm can offer to corporate clients: “Our Partners have been heavily involved in the design and set up of the existing tax law regime in the Maldives, including but Business Profit Tax Act and the GST Act that are currently in force. Our knowledge and understanding of the tax laws are unrivalled and our lawyers can guide and advise clients on how the relatively new tax regime affects their business in the Maldives.” Following the Government’s recent drive to further open-up the economy and pave the way to attract foreign investments, the firm has been instrumental in setting up the current regulatory framework for foreign investment transactions and public private partnerships (PPPs) in the Maldives. Chambers & Partners UK continues to rank Suood & Anwar LLP as a top tier (Band A) business law firm in the Maldives. 2012 GlobalAwards 59

Pakistan - Islamic Finance Law Firm of the Year

The Philippines - Aviation Law Firm of the Year / The Philippines - Business Formation Law Firm of the Year

Siguion Reyna Montecillo & Ongsiako Edgardo G. Balois General Partner Tel: +632 810 0281 Rommel U. Mercado Partner Tel: +632 810 0281

Siguion Reyna Montecillo & Ongsiako (SRMO) has been in existence since 1901. For more than 100 years the firm has represented major Philippine and multinational companies in various fields, while especially excelling in aviation and business formation. The firm takes pride in its traditional values that have guided more than a century of law practice and earned it a reputation for consummate professionalism and excellence. The firm does not shy away from the “cutting edge,” applying the latest legal and out-of-the-box thinking to a client’s problem, while approaching it creatively, in a multi-disciplinary manner. The firm’s extensive experience allows it to address the concerns of clients in a most expeditious and competent manner, while harnessing the ability to provide relevant advice and proposing appropriate and time-tested solutions. Edgardo G. Balois, general partner, discussed the firm’s aviation practice: “In Aviation, we do work for the numerous international airlines and their insurers and reinsurers. Our practice includes defending clients from claims as grave as those arising from injury and death in an air carriage, as well as those 60 GlobalAwards 2012

arising from delay, damage to and loss of passenger baggage or cargo and passengers which are “bumped-off” from flights. We also represent clients before local aviation industry regulators such as the Civil Aeronautics Board and the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines. In the field of aviation, we recently successfully assisted Hong Kong Dragon Airlines, Ltd. in the launch of their daily flight from Clark, Pampanga, Philippines to Hong Kong v.v.” Rommel Mercado, partner, elaborated further on the business formation services that the firm can provide: “In business formation, our firm assists clients in structuring their investments in the Philippines by selecting the appropriate and most efficient mode of entry into the country. We provide legal advice to ease their continuing operations in the Philippines. In business formation, we continue to represent clients from various industries, including aviation, energy, mining and business outsourcing.” While foreign investors are generally allowed to conduct business in the Philippines, a principal challenge in setting up a business can be the foreign equity restriction on certain industries. According to SRMO, the more prominent examples of restriction involve foreigners being only able to own up to 40% of a corporation that owns land in the Philippines, or one that explores natural resources. Thus, in partly nationalised industries, it may prove challenging to form a joint venture with a local partner. SRMO provides detailed advice on this and on other complex issues pertaining to business entry strategy in the Philippines. The firm counts many Fortune 500 companies among its international clients, together with a majority of the Philippines’ Top 200 corporations. The firm’s clients are the leaders in their fields, and have interests in various industries, including aviation, banking and finance, manufacturing, telecommunications, media, and power and utility companies. The firm continues to render fast and efficient services to its clients, while constantly improving its own skills and quality of legal advice.

Pakistan - Corporate Law Firm of the Year

Singapore - Construction Law Firm of the Year

Singapore - Boutique Law Firm of the Year / Singapore - Litigation Law Firm of the Year


Amat Victoria Curam*

*Victory favours the Carefully Prepared.

A critical step in the careful preparation for any claim or defence is the selection of the right legal professionals to argue your case. Unlike many other law firms, we can say that our lawyers have advised and represented clients in disputes for almost 130 years. Founded in 1883, Braddell Brothers LLP is today, Singapore’s third-oldest law practice, specialising in high-end, complex civil litigation, criminal litigation and international arbitration. We represent local and international clients at all levels of the Singapore courts, often appearing opposite advocates from Singapore’s largest litigation practices, including Senior Counsel. We also represent clients in domestic and international arbitrations in Singapore, Indonesia and various other countries. Our key areas of practice include commercial and contract claims; banking and financial services litigation; corporate insolvency and restructuring; cross-border enforcement; shareholders’ and joint venture disputes; employment disputes; complex matrimonial and family asset litigation; medical negligence and criminal law. For more information, please visit

1883 00 GlobalAwards 2012

Singapore - Commercial Law Firm of the Year Loo & Partners Loo Choon Chiaw Managing Partner Tel: +65 6534 3288 Chia Foon Yeow Partner Tel: +65 6322 2220 Gerald Cheong Senior Corporate Finance Manager Tel: +65 6322 2221

The Firm: Loo & Partners LLP was founded in 1985 by Mr Loo Choon Chiaw, as a niche practice handling mainly banking, corporate, securities and commercial work. Within these broad categories, the firm provides the entire spectrum of legal advice and services. Whilst the firm does not maintain any office outside Singapore, it has, over the years, developed good relationships with leading law firms located in the major financial and trading centres. The support of a comprehensive network of correspondent law firms throughout the ASEAN countries, Hong Kong, China (PRC) and Taiwan puts the firm in a strategic and unique position to serve its clients in their regional needs.

WE ARE OUR CLIENTS’ PARTNER OUR MEMBERS ARE OUR ASSETS Accolades received: • “Loo & Partners LLP is recognised as a one-stop provider of legal services across the region, with particular strength in Taiwan, China and Hong Kong. Loo Choon Chiaw, who wins plaudits for his ‘in depth understanding of complicated technical and commercial issues’, acted for SGX-listed Chinese confectioner Hsu Fu Chi in its SGD2.1billion acquisition by Nestlé” • “Loo & Partners LLP is particularly highly rated by clients for advice on venture capital, joint ventures and corporate governance issues” • “The “vastly experienced” Loo Choon Chiaw and his “commercial and sensible” team at Loo & Partners LLP assisted with acquisitions of coal mines in Inner Mongolia, Russia and Indonesia” • “Loo & Partners LLP is highly recommended for capital markets, IPOs and corporate restructuring work…The firm has a ‘high level of understanding of financial matters and stock exchange bye-laws and regulations”

Achievements: The firm’s recent interesting transactions include acting for Hsu Fu Chi International Limited (“HFC”), a leading manufacturer and distributor of confectionary products in China, formerly listed on the SGX-ST, in the

acquisition by Nestle S.A of 60% stake in HFC by way of a scheme of arrangement for an aggregate consideration of approximately SGD2.1 billion; Zhongmin Baihui Retail Group Ltd, Far East Group Limited and JK Tech Holdings Limited in their respective IPO exercises; Mega International Commercial Bank Co., Ltd., Mizuho Corporation Bank Ltd. and Chinatrust Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. in their respective USD133.98 million, USD45.5 million and USD84.56 million vessels acquisition financing granted to U-Ming Group; Mega International Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. in its USD50 million short-term credit facilities granted to Mercuria Energy Trading Pte Ltd (“Mercuria”) and Chinatrust Commercial Bank in connection with the full range of banking support. Recent private equity funds that the firm has been working on include a Korean-linked technology fund which invests in emerging technological businesses in Asia, in particular, in the PRC and Korea; a PRC-linked fund which seeks investment opportunities in the health care space in ASEAN Region; a Taiwanese-linked growth fund which focuses on investment opportunities in the bio-technology and pharmaceutical sectors in Asia; and two Russian-linked private equity funds which seek acquisition opportunities of interest in the energy and natural resources sectors in South East Asia. Its energy and natural resource practice group has been kept busy executing various projects, namely the acquisition of interests in coal mines in Indonesia, Inner Mongolia and Russia, and the acquisition of a shipyard with port facilities in the Sovgavan special economic zone in Russia. The firm has also been retained by the Inter Rao Ues Group, the leading energy conglomerate in Russia, on the acquisition of listed platforms in the region to spearhead their proposed business operations in the Asia Pacific region. On the contentious side, the firm has represented Taiwanese government in its successful claim against two individuals for the recovery of approximately US$30 million both in the High Court and the Court of Appeal, which was meant to be paid to the government of Papua New Guinea (PNG) in connection with Taiwan’s provision of technical assistance services to PNG. The firm also acted for Cortina Holdings Limited, a luxurious watch retailer listed on the SGX-ST in its successful claim against an ex-employee for criminal break of trust, for the recovery of over SGD13 million. The firm also undertakes postIPO compliance and corporate governance and compliance work, and advises on venture capital and private equity funds.

2012 GlobalAwards 63

South Korea - Intellectual Property Law Firm of the Year Yoon & Yang Ted Kwon Korean IP Attorney Tel: +82-2-6003-7000

Since its establishment in February 2003 through the merger of two leading firms in Korea, Yoon & Partners and Roh & Yang, Yoon & Yang LLC has achieved unprecedented growth as a result of the successful combination of the specialised practices of the two firms. In March 2006, the firm merged with Kim Shin & Yu, a pioneer and leading law firm in Korea for decades in international transactions and a wide scope of practice areas. Yoon & Yang LLC aims to provide the highest quality legal services but will not stop at this goal. The firm has the vision to grow into a world-class law firm based in Korea by taking the initiative in observing the ethical principles of lawyers and valuing democratic relationships. The firm continuously strives to grow and develop together with our clients. The firm’s clients have included: Intel, Qualcomm, Siemens, Merck, SK Group, LG Group, Gianni Versace, Salvatore Ferragamo, Dow Corning, Yedang Company, CJ Entertainment, KBS, MBC, SBS and others. Ted Kwon, IP attorney with Yoon & Yang, offered the following insight: “Yoon & Yang LLC practises law with the mindset of viewing our services from the perspective of clients based on the staunch belief that it is only possible to provide the highest quality legal services when the requisite care and attention is paid to clients and the trust of clients has been earned. The firm believes that the trust of clients can be earned only through the provision of consistent, top quality legal services. What matters most in practical matters in the field of intellectual property law is law firms’ capability of recruiting experts specialised in various industries and training them to enable them to concentrate their efforts and show their abilities in real litigation and counselling cases.” The law firm runs the Hwawoo Education & Training Center where law school students and novice attorneys receive training, which is unprecedented in other law firms. The law firm has a separate group of 29 patent attorneys knowledgeable about practical matters in the field of intellectual property law and keeps a smooth and closely cooperative relationship with the group. Compared to other law firms, Yoon & Yang has a democratic system to make it easier for each member to display his or her opinions and ability. The firm has developed a strong record in the field of interna-

64 GlobalAwards 2012

tional dispute resolution pertaining to intellectual properties. It is regarded as one of the most prestigious law firms in IP matters in both domestic and cross-border litigations and prosecutions. The firm’s Media Team frequently collaborates with the IP team in handling IP matters pertaining to media, telecommunication and other emerging industries in digital era, which undoubtedly puts the firm at the top of media related IP matters, as accredited by the firm’s representation of all major nationwide broadcasting systems on broadcasting right disputes. Yoon & Yang was selected as one of Korea’s top 10 law firms in the field of intellectual property by the Asia Law (in 2007). The firm has provided a number of services for international clients involved in a number of transactions. Notable examples include: • Represented OTO Melara ICC arbitration for infringement of trade secrets. • Represented SK Innovation in lawsuits filed by LG Chem to seek injunction to enjoin patent infringement and claim damages. • Represented Salvatore Ferragamo Italia S.p.A. in claiming damages for trademark infringement against Keumkang. • Represented KBS, MBC and SBS – the nationwide linear broadcasting clients – to enjoin retransmission by cable system operators including CJ Hellovision. • Represented HTC Innovation Ltd. in patent infringement and damages claims. • Represented WeSC AB (publ) in a trademark invalidation trial. • Represented Hyedong Bridge Corporation in a patent invalidation trial against Hyedong patent. Mr Kwon concluded: “Complex legal issues cutting across multiple practice areas arise all the time in this global age. This requires a cross disciplinary approach that leverages expertise from a broad spectrum of specialised areas to provide the best solutions to clients. We have a ‘One-Stop Total Service’ system in place to bring together expertise of all of our professionals. We seek to provide our clients with prompt and efficient access to expertise of all of our professionals to deliver top flight services. Our system covers all of our practice areas, for all clients to leverage appropriate expertise tailored to client needs – to deliver the best value.”

South Korea - Trademark Law Firm of the Year

Hanol Law Offices Mona A. Lee Head of the International Trademark Practice Group Tel: +82 2 6004 2500

Located near the Coex Center with convenient access to major downtown districts of Seoul, Hanol Law Offices offers clients comprehensive legal services in a number of areas, including trademark law. Hanol Law Offices was founded 15 years ago with the goal of providing clients with “large firm” quality services with “small firm” attention to clients. Today, the firm is recognised by numerous domestic and foreign clientele as having unsurpassable expertise and experience in a broad spectrum of legal matters including finance, intellectual property (IP), litigation and arbitration, corporate and securities law, and transactions. “We distinguish ourselves by paying close attention to details, analysing problems several levels deeper than the norm, understanding our clients’ business, and communicating our advice clearly, concisely, and precisely so as to respect the valuable time of our clients,” explained Mona Lee, partner. “We want to leave our clients satisfied, or better yet, impressed, such that they cannot help but to continue to use us. As many of our trademark clients are foreign, efficient and insightful communication is highly appreciated by them. Moreover, since our firm includes professionals who have obtained legal education abroad, we make it a priority to incorporate our understanding of how our clients’ legal minds work when performing services for them. We always try to keep in mind the ‘big picture’ and the client’s ultimate goal, so as to avoid giving academic rather than practical advice.” Mona A. Lee is a Delaware licensed attorney and a partner of Hanol Law Offices, where she is Head of the International Trademark Practice Group. She has substantial experience in creating and managing prosecution, licensing, and

enforcement strategies for a wide range of clients whose IP portfolios include patents, trademarks, and industrial designs. Among other things, she has rendered advice on patent and trademark infringement matters, combatting counterfeiting activities, organising and implementing patent and trademark licensing programs, as well as advising on a broad range of prosecution issues and best practices in protecting clients’ IP rights. Her practice also includes corporate and commercial matters for a wide variety of clients. Ms Lee has been identified by Chambers Asia 2009, 2010 and 2011, and Chambers Global 2011 and 2012, as a leading lawyer in the field of intellectual property. She has also been recognised in Asialaw Leading Lawyers 2005 (a Euromoney Institutional Investor Company publication) as one of Asia’s leading business lawyers in recognition of her work in the area of intellectual property. In addition, Ms Lee is an active member of INTA. She is currently Chair of the Roundtables Subcommittee of the INTA Programs Committee and Chair of the Asia Roundtables Project Team. She serves on both the 2012 and 2013 INTA Annual Meeting Project Teams. In that regard, she moderated a session on the topic of brand extensions at INTA’s 2012 Annual Meeting in Washington, DC and will moderate a session on event “ambush” marketing at INTA’s 2013 Annual Meeting in Dallas. Ms Lee has previously served as Co-Chair of the INTA Bulletin Features – Policy & Practice Subcommittee of the INTA Bulletin Committee and as a member of the INTA International Amicus Committee, the Non-Traditional Marks Committee, and the 2009 INTA Annual Meeting Project Team where she was responsible for developing and moderating the East and Southeast Asia session for that Meeting. She was a speaker for the BRIC Countries session at INTA’s 2010 Trademark Administrators Conference. While Ms Lee has written numerous articles for the INTA Bulletin, her most recent published work was for INTA’s online Country Guides, for which she was the South Korea contributor. Before moving to Korea, Ms Lee was with the Wilmington, Delaware firm of Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell where she practised in the areas of corporation and intellectual property law. She has chaired the International Law Section and the Multicultural Judges and Lawyers Section of the Delaware State Bar Association and is a former Law Clerk to The Honorable Louis C. Bechtle, Chief Judge Emeritus, United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Ms Lee is a graduate of Temple University School of Law (JD, cum laude, Law Review), Westminster Theological Seminary (MA, Theology, first honours), and the University of Pennsylvania (BA, International Relations).

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Taiwan - Energy Law Firm of the Year / Trust Law Firm of the Year LCS & Partners Pijan Wu Energy Law Grace Ku Trust Law Tel: +886-2-2729-8000

LCS & Partners (“LCS”) is an elite corporate law firm based in Taipei. Since the firm was founded in 1998, it has grown rapidly to include approximately 50 legal professionals and gained a reputation as one of the top corporate law firms in Taiwan that regularly handles major and complex cases for top-tier domestic and international clients. As a testament of LCS’ success, LCS has consistently been ranked among the top M&A firms by Bloomberg and others since 2000. LCS distinguishes itself from other traditional Taiwan law firms in its ability to handle complex international legal matters. Most of LCS’ members have received LL.M., J.D. and/or S.J.D. degrees from law schools in the United States. LCS is a member of the World Services Group. The World Services Group is a global membership association of law firms and other professionals. The network has more than 130 member firms in more than 115 countries and throughout the United States. Dr Pijan Wu, partner in charge of the Firm’s Energy Law practice, commented on the firm’s prolific and award winning energy law practice: “Our Energy Practice Group consists of a legal research team and a counsel team. We conduct legal and policy research on cutting edge energy and environmental issues around the world. Our counsel regularly advises Taiwan’s Bureau of Energy on specific disputes and evaluates draft energy legislations. Dealing with an emerging area of laws and policies, the energy law practice in Taiwan is very dynamic. In light of Taiwan’s heavy reliance on foreign fossil fuels, increasing domestic energy consumption, and commitment to reduce carbon emission, LCS & Partners foresees significant growth over time in this practice area.” As a trusted outside legal counsel of Taiwan’s Bureau of Energy, LCS & Partners advises not only on legality but also on the soundness of energy policies. The most difficult issues typically involve adapting prior practices to new policy goals. The firm provides solutions that are legally accurate and insightful. The solutions take into account the balance of interests, and aim to create win-win outcome for all parties involved. LCS & Partners regularly provides legal advice on cross-border energy issues. Cross-border issues can arise both in public and private energy sectors. Since Taiwan is a member of the World Trade Organization and a signatory to the Government Procurement Act, government project must be carefully designed in order to not run afoul of Taiwan’s trade law obligations. Energy is also a heavily regulated

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sector due to its role in national security. Grace Ku, partner in charge of the Firm’s Trust Practice, commented further: “Depending on the size and nature of the investment, some cross-border investments in the energy sector must first be filed for clearance at the authorities. Further limitations apply to acquisition of electricity utility assets in Taiwan by foreign companies. The Investment Committee under the Ministry of Economic and Foreign Affairs maintains a list of businesses that are restricted or prohibited to foreign investment.” LCS & Partners is also recognised as one of the top firms that practises trust law in Taiwan. In regards to the number of deals conducted, the firm has been ranked as number one almost every year. The team is well connected with the industry players in Taiwan and is heavily relied upon by clients for trust deals and litigations. The types of services the firm provides include designing trust structures, drafting and reviewing trust instruments and issuing the required legal opinions. The firm’s attorneys are experts in monetary trust, creditors’ rights trust, security trust and real estate trust litigations. Dr Wu explained the full extent of the firm’s trust activities: “We also author a series of professional articles/books on trust law, and frequently speak on the topic at the invitation of many institutions including Taipei Bar Association and commercial banks. One of our most representative practices is the practice of real estate trust. Our attorneys have drafted and reviewed real estate development project trust indentures, financing contracts, joint venture construction contracts and development investment contracts for prominent Taiwanese and foreign banks.” The firm’s trust department has also negotiated settlements on real estate development project disputes, including those arising when the trustee becomes the initial builder pursuant to the trust agreement with the principal. By designing trust instruments, the firm can assist its clients in financing real estate development projects as well as leveraging the benefits of urban renewal; and researched and analysed trust dispute cases for the R.O.C. Trust Association, and represented the Association before the authorities. The firm has also drafted self-disciplinary rules and trust indenture sample agreements for the Association.

Taiwan - Dispute Resolution Law Firm of the Year / M&A Law Firm of the Year

THE FIRM Established in 1974, Formosa Transnational has assembled a team of competent and experienced attorneys and experts who deliver world–class dispute resolution and transactional services to assist clients, in dealing with global market competition and a knowledge-based economy. In the spirit of specialization, teamwork and professionalism, Formosa Transnational stands at the forefront of industry development, assisting entrepreneurs, organizations, multinational conglomerates, and leading enterprises in handling multi-jurisdictional and cross-border matters. DISPUTE RESOLUTION Formosa Transnational has been for many years highly respected in the field of dispute resolution, including mediation, civil litigation, arbitration, criminal defense and administrative remedies. With diversified educational backgrounds, most notably in the US, UK, and Japan, and with attorneys admitted to the bars of the USA, China, and Taiwan, Formosa Transnational attorneys are particularly well-versed and work closely with international law firms to assist in handling multi-jurisdictional and crossborder matters. WELLINGTON L. KOO ( GEORGIA CHANG ( YA-FEN LIN ( SHUAI-SHENG HUANG ( JUI-HUA FAN ( PENG-KWANG CHEN (

MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS With international insight, Formosa Transnational provides quality consulting services with a strong client focus in a multi-disciplinary practice. Formosa Transnational’s extensive experience encompasses all aspects of mergers and acquisitions in local as well as cross-border transactions covering a wide range of industries. CHUN-YIH CHENG ( SAMRONG HWANG ( DELPHINE CHEN ( HWAI-LI HSU ( • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Litigation & Dispute Resolution Construction & Real Estate Merger & Acquisitions Capital Markets Corporate & Investment Banking & Finance Insurance & Shipping Restructuring and Insolvency Competition, Anti-trust & Anti-dumping Intellectual Property Telecommunications and Internet Biotech and Life Science Energy and Natural Resources Environmental Law & Green Regulations

Taiwan - TMT Law Firm of the Year Shay & Partners Arthur Shay Managing Partner Tel: +886-2-8773-3600

As Taiwan’s premier legal service provider in telecom and media, Shay & Partners are retained by various government agencies in order to provide legal advice and support with the drafting of key government legislation. “Recognising our vast experience in telecom and media, both local and multinational organisations rely on Shay & Partners for sound counsel and assistance with strategic planning, corporate structuring, financing, licensing and regulatory compliance issues,” commented Mr Arthur Shay, leader of the TMT practice of Shay & Partners. He continued: “We assist clients with their ongoing business operations including dealing with consumer and corporate complaints. We also support clients with their legislative lobbying efforts.” Mr Shay has been recognised as a leading lawyer in the Asia Pacific region by his peers and international legal publications. He is a frequent speaker in the regional forums of communications law, intellectual property rights and privacy in relation to IT application. Mr Shay is also the author of a series of books titled “Communications Law and Technology”. He regularly contributes articles in relation to the changing of telecommunications regulation. These are often distributed worldwide in magazines. Mr Shay and the professionals at Shay & Partners have considerable experience representing cable TV operators on a broad range of issues. The firm has been instrumental in the liberalisation of Taiwan’s media industry. In 2002, the firm brought together various international cable TV operators, in order to form an industry association, the “Cable Broadband Institute in Taiwan”. The firm has worked closely with this association in order to successfully lobby the Government Information Office. Shay & Partners has also lobbied the executive and legislative branches of the government, known as the Executive Yuan and the Legislative Yuan, for amendments to the Cable Broadcasting Law. This was done in order to create a more competitive environment for the cable industry in Taiwan. Mr Shay elaborated on the firm’s participation in Taiwan’s upcoming telecommunication developments: “Taiwan has announced firmly that it will be releasing 4G LTE licenses by June 2014 in order to further meet the strong consumer needs of mobile broadband access to the internet and keep pace with its rival economies in the Asia Pacific region. Such inspiring good news definitely spotlights the active role of Shay & Partners’ lawyers and the legal advice they can offer future

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clients regarding telecommunications equipment supply, mobile content provision, strategic investment, and system operation.” TMT lawyers of the firm have been invited as experts to give comments and testimonies in the process of communications laws reform. They have diligently assisted clients in a variety of business negotiation, contract drafting, market entry strategy advice and even the management of human resources in compliance with local requirements. In addition to providing their clients with a full range of legal services for the manufacture, purchase, license and distribution of goods and services, the lawyers and consultants of Shay & Partners are also called upon to assist clients in the litigation and protection of their intellectual property rights. As one of the pioneers in developing a legal practice focused in the area of electronic commerce, Shay & Partners currently advises a large number of Taiwan’s services providers across software, hardware, and telecom platforms on cloud computing and privacy protection issues. In recent years the firm has been involved in a large number of high profile cases regarding telecommunications. The firm had provided ongoing legal counsel to Taiwan’s telecom authority, the Directorate General of Telecommunications (DGT), while translating telecom legislation into English. Shay and Partners have also assisted the Science and Technology Advisor Group (STAG) of the Executive Yuan with regulatory work concerning the future of broadband infrastructure in Taiwan. Expert legal advice has been provided by the firm to both foreign and domestic telecom operators in the area of spectrum utilisation for 3G mobile telephone networks. Furthermore, the firm has advised a major telecom player in the investment in Type I telecommunication enterprises in Taiwan and provided consulting services to a major telecom operator on the laws, policies and market conditions in Taiwan, Japan, China and Western Europe. Shay & Partners remain a clear and leading law firm in the fields of telecommunications, media, and technology. The firm continues to receive success in its professional practice and has been met with unanimous applause. The TMT team at Shay & Partners comprises of 12 experienced professionals specialising in communications and media regulations, privacy law and litigation. The firm also has technology consultants who have the sufficient industry background to support clients in their respective strategy implementation and plan deployment.

Taiwan - Tax Law Firm of the Year

Lee and Li Attorneys-At-Law Josephine Peng Senior Counselor Tel: +886-2-27153300 ext. 2706 Frank Lin Partner Tel: +886-2-27153300 ext. 2121

Lee and Li is the largest full-service law firm in Taiwan. The firm strives to provide sophisticated and comprehensive tax and legal services to each client. Among its 28 different practice groups, the firm’s Tax Practice Group provides a full range of tax services and has been assisting clients in resolving tax disputes and tax issues on all different aspects. The Tax Practice Group consists of 20 to 30 tax specialists, who are attorneys and CPAs licensed in both Taiwan and overseas. These tax specialists are familiar not only with tax laws and regulations but have an in-depth understanding imperative to identify and resolve various tax issues arising from, among others, administrative law, civil law, criminal law, accounting and public finance. These specialists are also experienced in handling tax matters in connection with international investments, mergers and acquisitions, technology licensing, investment tax credit and administrative remedies. Lee and Li is a full-service law firm that comprehends the need to diversify

and specialise in order to maintain market share. In response to the rapid developments in trade and technology and to satisfy the needs of its clients, the firm has expanded its practice areas and has kept professional operations and specialisations at the core of the firm’s business strategies. Josephine Peng, senior counselor with Lee and Li, explained the firm’s longstanding connection with Taiwan’s economic growth and success: “Over the decades, we have built one of the largest intellectual property right practices in Taiwan, and have been involved in the phenomenal growth of foreign direct investment since 1970s. We were a pioneer in developing banking and capital market practice in the 1980s, and played a pivotal role in the formation of technology law practice in the 1990s. We are also active in public construction, government procurement and merger and acquisition. We stay relevant by staying current on the latest developments in every industry and apply our legal skills to help clients achieve their business goals.” The resourcefulness and performance of Lee and Li have long been recognised and relied on by the firm’s clients. The total number of Lee and Li’s regular clients has exceeded 10,000, including both transnational conglomerates and clients from the People’s Republic of China. Frank Lin, partner, laid out the specifics of the firm’s proud reputation: “Some have been with us for more than 20 or even 30 years, and over 1,000 regular clients have maintained their relationships with Lee and Li for more than 10 years. The bond between our clients and us can be mostly ascribed to our strong work ethic and an abiding sense of responsibility. Because of our seamless teamwork, functional specialisation and various quality-control mechanisms (for example, the legal opinion review mechanism).” Lee and Li remains highly sought after by clients and is consistently recognised as the preeminent law firm in Taiwan.

2012 GlobalAwards 69

Turkey - Agency & Distribution Law Firm of the Year Postacioglu Aylin Surkultay Senior Partner Tel: +90 (212) 232 2202

Postacioglu Law Office was founded in 1907 by Ibrahim Etem Postacioglu in Izmir. The firm is now headed by his grandson and has developed into an international operation with offices in Izmir, Istanbul Paris and Rome. The firm collaborates with many law firms abroad for matters of foreign nature as well financial auditing companies on financial issues in order to offer clients a complete service. The firm represents significant national and international corporations, covering many different sectors of industry. Postacioglu Law Office renders services to clients related to the settlement of disputes through courts or through arbitrators outside courts. Postacioglu Law Office has intensive litigation and arbitration experience in every aspect of civil law, law of property, maritime law, private international law, international commercial law and law of contracts. The firm’s litigation department works with clients in order to resolve disputes in a timely and effective manner through prompt assistance and sound legal advice. The firm has the capacity to handle complex and urgent litigation thanks to its experience in a wide variety of claims and disputes. The office’s ex-

pertise in this area is strengthened by Etem Postacioglu’s inclusion on the Turkish Arbitrators List formulated by the ICC Turkish National Committee for the International Arbitration Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). The firm operates under the motto: “Think as a businessman and an attorney at the same time, while working as both for the benefit of clients.” This approach underlies Postacioglu’s philosophy, which values reconciliation above all. The overall objective is to reach a solution that satisfies all parties. The firm utilises a selection of the right direction facilitates achieving this objective quickly and sensibly. The firm is committed to loyal service, believing journeys, whether long or short, should not be left unfinished. Senior partner of the firm, Aylin Surkultay, commented on the firm’s ability to expand internationally as the demand for its legal services increases overseas: “Globalisation is a defining principle of today’s world. Diverse cultures have drawn closer together. National borders have become irrelevant to business. In particular, the European Union and the growing number of multinational giants established new rules for international business. Postacioglu, inspired by its long tradition of innovation, was ready to meet this challenge.” Postacioglu, acknowledging that each new period brings along its own rules, anticipates all developments and educates itself from the experiences, education and common culture of the past. Postacioglu is also conscious about the necessity to properly evaluate the changing conditions of the global legal services market and to have an innovative understanding so as to remain in existence in the future.

Turkey - Alternative Dispute Resolution Firm of the Year Akugur Law Firm Mehmet Akugur Partner Tel: +902122864828

Akugur Law Firm, founded in 2006 by Mehmet Akuğur, renders best quality legal and consultancy services through its professional team, its commitment to perfection in client services, its extending business potential as well as its expertise in the various disciplines of law. For the purpose of the reinforcement of the quality of its services, the firm makes efficient use of its high ranked expertise, particularly concerning restructuring projects, M&A transactions and real estate law. Meanwhile, it receives consultancy support from highly distinguished professionals, renowned for their superior academic degrees in areas of law including commercial law, law of obligations and civil law. Partner Mehmet Akugur noted that today the firm provides legal and consultancy services to major international, domestic and multinational companies on a wide range of legal issues having impact on their operations. Moreover, the firm has taken a prestigious place in the legal market, thanks to its coordinated and integrated approach, which creates essential added value for its clients. Mr Akugur said: “Akugur Law Firm brings constructive and innovative solutions in order to exceed the expectations of its clients. The client’s best interest is very valuable for every country, but especially valuable in some

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countries in which the judgements are not speedy, such as Turkey. Due to official statistics, the average timeline for the completion of a dispute before the Civil Code is 434 days in Turkey. Therefore, we are increasingly focused on mediation or alternative dispute solutions, rather than the filing lawsuits before court or arbitration.” According to Mr Akugur, Akugur Law Firm’s main strength is its ability to work diligently and flexibly with an aim to meet client expectations at all times. The firm is home to partners with financial and tax backgrounds; meanwhile, its partners are qualified to evaluate disputes from a business perspective. He said: “Our principle is: ‘Money that is not in our client’s pocket shall not be deemed as money’. Therefore, our approach is to solve disputes within a short space of time – arriving at an amicable settlement. “In order to succeed in this area, and to differentiate our firm from our competitors, we are focusing and enhancing our negotiation tactics and skills all the time.” According to Turkish Lawyer Code, if a lawyer signs an amicable settlement protocol, this protocol shall be deemed as final court decision. Therefore, Akugur Law Firm opts to sign this kind of protocol when its partners can find an amicable settlement between the parties. Under the rules of this Code, any party cannot file against other party relating same subject of the settlement any more. “So this dispute shall be finalised exactly and nevermore shall be brought to agenda of anyone,” Mr Akugur added. He concluded by noting: “A typical client for our firm is a private company in mid-large size having the intention for growth, foreign companies interested in entering the Turkish market, or Turkish companies intending to make partnerships with other local or foreign companies. “We have conducted legal due diligence related to several M&A deals within the last five years – the total transaction value of which is worth EUR 7 billion. In the last twelve months alone, we have completed EUR 1,2 billion.”

Turkey - Boutique Real Estate Law Firm of the Year Kolcuoğlu Demirkan Attorneys at Law Serhan Koçakli Partner / General Corporate & Real Estate Tel: +90 212 3559900

Kolcuoğlu Demirkan (the firm) is a full service İstanbul-based law firm offering a wide range of legal services to domestic and international companies, institutions and individuals in various sectors. With a team of 22 lawyers, the firm advises and represents clients in connection with all Turkish law matters including mergers and acquisitions, capital markets, banking and finance, securities, general corporate law, litigation and arbitration, real estate, energy and insurance law. The firm has been and continues to be involved in all aspects, stages and levels of real estate law, including the drafting of laws and international agreements; real estate acquisitions; zoning plan amendments; zoning plan disputes; and real estate transactions related disputes. The firm has considerable experience in concluding almost all types of real estate transactions before land registries and other relevant public authorities, including tenders held by municipalities. Partner of the firm, Serhan Koçakli, elaborated on the firm’s appeal to international clientele:

“It is often very hard for a foreign client to structure a deal without having knowledge about the regulations. Thanks to the firm’s extensive experience in working with foreign clients and expertise in real estate transactions combined, the firm feels confident in an international playing field.” Mr Koçakli has a particular focus on the real estate sector and advises on all types of real estate transactions. He has a substantive degree of experience in commercial property transactions with a specific focus on zoning, construction and structuring matters. He acts on behalf of property developers, investment funds, construction companies, landlords, tenants and other parties involved in property development. Some of the firm’s biggest success stories in recent months include: • The firm drafted the host government for the longest transit pipeline in Turkey’s history (i.e. the Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline Project), with special provisions regarding the land rights to be granted in this multi-billion dollar project. • Another successful transaction within the past 12 months was the sale of a 60 million USD worth private hospital deal through a share deal. • The firm assisted a South Korean automotive spare parts company to acquire a 37,000 sqm of land in an organised industrial zone. • The firm is currently assisting a US-based solar energy generation facility development on a land of 10,000 hectares. • The firm is currently representing two clients in lawsuits against the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality. Within the past two years, the firm has managed to grow by more than 200%. The team will be working harder than ever to continue this progress not only in terms of the number of associates, but also in terms of quality of the work with reasonable legal fees. The firm is currently considering opening up a new office in Izmir, which is one of the largest cities in Turkey, to be closer to its clients in the Aegean region.

Turkey - Construction Law Firm of the Year Devres Law Office Emine Başci Devres Partner Tel: +90 212 291 59 33 – 34

Emine Basci Devres, admitted to the bar in 1988, renders her legal practice and services at her own office Devres Law Office in Istanbul. As the firm’s senior lawyer since 2001, Ms Devres works with a network of affiliates based all over Turkey, active primarily in project finance and infrastructure law, but also as the author of several articles on intellectual property rights. As a litigation lawyer, she represents clients at arbitration tribunals and the courts of Turkey. The main areas of expertise of Devres Law Office cover: international project finance including energy, infrastructure, tourism; direct and indirect foreign investments; corporate and company law; construction law; privatisation; telecommunication; as well as litigation and arbitration. Ms Devres noted: “With respect to construction law, Devres Law Office has been involved in a variety of large international construction projects. Since the Turkish construction sector has seen rapid growth during the past ten years, legal consultation to construction projects has been one of the core

areas of practice among Devres’ rendered services. “Moreover, Devres Law Office works to provide maximum satisfaction to its clients. With full respect to the conflict of interest principle, it takes part in multinational projects and supports its clients in Turkey and abroad.” The firm provides support to its clients on all legal aspects of a construction project, from the initial drafting of the contracts, including EPC contracts, to post-construction deals and dispute resolution. Devres Law Office also provides services for preparation of bidding documents. The firm is also exclusively specialised in public sector contracting, offering its clients a comprehensive perspective when providing assistance on matters pertaining to government contracts and procurement policy. Devres Law Office is able to evaluate and suggest a number of traditional and alternative remedies to the needs of clients doing business directly or indirectly with the government on construction projects. “Our firm has a large and diverse client base; meanwhile, we have drafted and negotiated many contracts on behalf of private owners, public entities, design professionals, general contractors, subcontractors and construction managers,” Ms Devres added. “Our extensive experience in connection with multinational construction projects allows Devres Law Office to protect its clients’ interests in a timely and cost effective manner. By providing up-front and effective counselling at the contract phase, we help clients to avoid future disputes.” Devres Law Office was recently involved in a successful closing of an EPC Contract as the representative of the employer, with respect to the construction of a thermal power plant in the south-east of Turkey. The firm was also involved in the closing of an EPC Contract as the representative of the contractor, with respect to construction of an airport in Russia. Last but not least, the firm was recently awarded ‘Turkish Corporate Tax Advisory Firm of the Year 2012’ by Acquisition International Magazine.

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Turkey - Dispute Resolution Law Firm of the Year Karaca & Associates Zafer Karaca, LL.M Founding Partner Tel: +902123472031

Karaca & Associates Attorneys at Law is a full service international law firm with offices in Istanbul and London. The firm has been involved in numerous business matters in national and multinational areas for the last 14 years. Karaca & Associates provide legal services in dispute resolution and consulting and has a dynamic group of experienced lawyers knowledgeable in all aspects of Turkish Law and international business transactions, as well as investment opportunities. The firm’s niche practice areas include mergers and acquisitions, corporate and company law, corporate finance, shipping law, dispute resolution in tax and administrative law matters, public sector involved projects (PPP) and real estate development projects, banking law, contract law, property law and commercial litigation. Karaca & Associates also provides strategic advice for project development and investment opportunities. The firm also advises clients on and handles cases involving corporate and white collar crime and fraud matters.

The firm’s clientele varies from individual investors to multinational corporations. As a full service law firm, its vast coverage of legal fields is advantageous for clients. In tax law and corporate commercial matters, the firm combines multidisciplinary approaches with the assistance of non-law background consultants who are on the firm’s books. Karaca & Associates decided to establish an office in London in 2010, under its subsidiary company Servist International Consulting Ltd. (Servist Turkey). Servist Turkey has been working mainly for corporate and business development matters in Istanbul, Turkey for eight years. Zafer Karaca, partner, made clear the firm’s decision to establish this subsidiary: “We have observed that UK companies and law firms need expert consultants in certain areas. If they look for such a firm in Turkey they are too expensive or it takes a long time to establish a relationship. Therefore, Servist UK is determined to provide legal and strategic consulting with regard to Turkish law and business matters in the UK, at the doorstep of British companies. Before the British companies go firm shopping, we will furnish them with relevant basics of the jurisdiction and the market.” Mr Karaca continued: “Working with Karaca & Associates saves the clients’ time and money as the big law firms are usually lost in their confusing work flow and charging structures. The firm also arranges all relevant non-legal disciplines and sources to work in harmony. Let’s say financial consultants, marketing and human resources experts.” For the remainder of 2012, the firm is aiming to develop its presence in the UK with regard to corporate finance, M & A and company law issues. Foreign investment and international business transactions between the UK and Turkey have been increasing and the firm expects more business will follow in the next five years. The firm remains comitted to pave the way for British investors assisting them in a most updated and comprehensive way. It is for this reason that the office in London was opened in April 2010.

Turkey - Electricity Regulation Law Firm of the Year / Turkey - Energy Law Firm of the Year / Turkey - Projects and Project Finance Law Firm of the Year

Boden Law Office

financial institutions (including investment banks and funds), mining companies and equipment suppliers. Energy corporations constitute a large portion of Değer Boden Boden Law’s clientele: the firm has advised public and private utility companies Partner and power generators (renewable, natural gas and coal powered generators and Tel: +(90) (212) 251 1500 developers), traders, brokerage and exchange firms. Key Practice Areas Boden Law provides advice and representation particularly with respect to cross-border transactions (relating to Turkish and non-Turkish targets), project development and finance transactions, mergers & acquisitions, joint ventures, alliances, dispute resolution with special emphasis on arbitration, restructurings and creditor rights. Energy, natural resources and infrastructure are the core industries that the firm is focused on. The firm differentiates itself with its industry specific expertise in these sectors. With the understanding of the complex dependencies between and within these sectors, the firm offers a unique service. The firm’s expertise in Boden Law was established as a boutique law firm based in Istanbul with the these sectors embraces all stages of the projects from development (including objective of delivering the highest level of service to its clients. The firm offers sophisticated, effective, attentive corporate and commercial legal advice. The practice mine design, extraction of mines), construction, operation, financing, commodity trade (including commodity trade finance), regulation, acquisition to disposition. specializes in key sectors and disciplines of the Turkish and international law. The firm is highly regarded with respect to energy sale contracts and has unparalleled experience in Turkish commodity trade and EFET agreements (advised The firm tailors its services to its clients’ needs and requirements. Members of EFET in adapting its master electricity and gas trade agreements into Turkish the firm understand that sound judgments can only be made if they are based law). This firm is also experienced in technology transfer agreements. on thorough research and a deep understanding of the clients’ objectives and Boden Law acknowledges that privatization, project finance, merger and the law. In order to offer the highest level of service, professionals at Boden Law acquisition, joint venture transactions and dispute resolution/arbitration projects take time and make effort to get deeply involved with the client’s business while in the energy, infrastructure and mining & metals sectors require specific industry trying to understand key factors and legislative developments that affect their and regulatory knowledge. The firm’s track record in these areas and understandperformance. Practitioners at the firm adhere to the highest standards of legal excellence. They execute their work responsively, with a result-oriented approach, ing of each of these sectors’ mechanics, allow the Boden Law to add value to its clients’ projects. The firm is also capable of providing unique regulatory advice and professionalism. and risk analysis in these sectors. Members of the firm have published numerous Lawyers at Boden Law are proficient in English, French and German. articles and lectured in many conferences regarding different aspects of the firm’s Key Clients Clients of the firm include Turkish and international energy companies, banks and core industries. 72 GlobalAwards 2012

Turkey - Patents Law Firm of the Year DERIS ATTORNEYS AT LAW PARTNERSHIP DERIS PATENTS & TRADEMARKS AGENCY A.S. Partners of the Law Firm: Aydin DERIS N.Serra CORAL Kerim E. YARDIMCI Okan CAN Banu BARBUR Tel: + 90-212-292 60 00

Based in Istanbul, Turkey, Deris has 100 years of history pertaining to the establishment of IP rights, as well as the protection and enforcement of such rights. The firm’s activities in both fields date back to 1912, when Mr Celal Dervis, attorney at law, first founded the law office. Today, Deris consists of two legal entities, namely Deris Patents &Trademarks Agency A.Ş. which counsels, files, prosecutes, registers and manages IP rights worldwide, and Deris Attorneys-At-Law Partnership, which provides legal counsel, assistance in contentious and non-contentious matters, and representation before civil and commercial courts. These two entities operate together and feed each other, in order to address clients’ needs and requirements in the most confidential, effective and cost efficient way. Moreover, the firm maintains an alliance with SEDIN S.A. in Geneva/ Switzerland through a formalised and contractual cooperation agreement. The association has resulted in a working relationship for more than 30 years, for the securing, maintaining and defending of IP rights along with a view to enhance their mutual international service capabilities and technical know-how, while also sharing philosophies, professional compe-

tences and abilities. The Deris team consists of 18 attorneys at law, as well as 24 registered trademark and patent attorneys. With the administrative and support staff the firm has a total of more than 70 collaborators. Focus on IP: Deris provides a wide spectrum of services for securing, maintaining, defending and enforcing IP rights, designed to meet clients’ budgetary requirements. Deris considers IP rights to be assets, and has structured its own organisation to provide services with a proactive approach, and to offer clients a complete range of legal services. Services Provided by Deris Patents & Trademarks Agency A.S.: Deris Patents and Trademark Agency A.S. provides services such as drafting, preparing, filing and prosecuting the application of industrial property rights in Turkey. Through its separate departments for Patents, Trademarks and Industrial Design, Deris Patents and Trademark Agency A.S. follows administrative procedure management for securing registrations in other countries. Where appropriate, the firm works in tandem with its international network of correspondents, as well as directly with international authorities such as the WIPO. Services Provided by Deris Attorneys at Law Partnership: The firm’s non-contentious services include: performing due diligence, audits and appraisals of intellectual property rights and portfolios; developing and implementing strategies and programs for IP protection and enforcement in all jurisdictions; and representation and conducting negotiations for settlement agreements whether out of court or in ongoing actions. The firm’s contentious services include, but are not limited to: preparing, instituting, prosecuting court actions for: enforcement, defensive and regulatory purposes before civil, criminal, administrative, appellate courts; civil evidentiary actions for determining through court appointed expert(s) facts and evidences on matters such as infringement, similarity, confusion, damage, compensation and notoriety; civil actions for declaration of non-infringement; as well as serving cease and desist letters for the prevention of infringing acts against IP rights.

Vietnam - Patents Law Firm of the Year

The Americas Award Winners

The US and Canada have similarly modern and sophisticated economic systems. The US has the largest and most technologically developed economy in the world. Business firms in the US enjoy a greater degree of flexibility compared to businesses in other regions in terms of innovation and expansion. While the strategy for most companies in 2011 was about getting back to basics and weathering the storm of unemployment and recession, 2012 has not seen a large amount of economic success for North America.

America has had success in diversifying its exports and diversifying its trading partners. South America’s economy is heavily reliant on the export of goods. On an exchange rate basis, Brazil, the seventh largest economy in the world and the second largest in the Americas, leads the way in total amount of exports at $137.8 billion, followed by Chile at $58.12 billion and Argentina with $46.46 billion. Brazil continues to be a most attractive emerging market country for private equity investors in the next 12 months, according to a survey by the Emerging Markets Private Equity Association (EMPE). A recent white paper from Siguler Guff, Private Equity Opportunities in the BRICs and Beyond, notes that investment

In 2011, the democrats and the republicans fought for the definitive say on a Senate proposal to raise the US debt ceiling. The offices of Standard and Poor’s were working overtime to finalise a report which would soon strip the United States of its prized AAA credit rating. According to S&P, the rating downgrade reflected the belief that the soon to be finalised plan to stabilise the country’s medium and short term debt problems was likely to fall short. Credit rating agency Fitch then reaffirmed the US’s triple-A sovereign rating stating that: “The key pillars of the US’s exceptional creditworthiness remain intact.” The country – and its currency, which modern economies have set their very existence to for the past 70 years – has now revealed a very large weakness in its armour. The United States House of Congress and House of Representatives is now gearing up to cut its deficit and make hard decisions regarding budget cuts and public spending reform, keeping in mind the Republican Party has already voiced a refusal to entertain any suggestions of new taxes. Since 2008, the US’s debt has increased by US$6 Trillion. Canada is equipped with a high tech industrial economy, and resembles the US in its market orientated economic system, production pattern and high living standards. Canada’s economy, which has outperformed that of the US since the beginning of the financial crisis, is showing signs of slowing down. The housing market boom, which helped drive the country’s recovery from recession, is starting to stall. However, the housing market is being replaced by other drivers such as business investment in machinery and equipment, and Canada is expected to lead the G7 nations in economic growth for another year at least. This can be attributed to several factors, including the country’s sound banking system, its abundance of resources and its lower levels of government debt. The Caribbean has not escaped the global financial crisis, but the region withstood the difficulties more successfully than in past downturns. This is due to better macroeconomic management, more efficient structural policies and a vigorous business sector. The majority of the Caribbean’s import-export business is with the United States and most of the region’s tourists are US citizens. This means that the US economy has a great deal of influence on the Caribbean, particularly as tourism is the primary industry of the region. Central America is the central geographic region of the Americas. Historically, Central American trade has been very dependent on two products: coffee and bananas. Most of these exports went to the United States, which created a strong trade link between the United States and Central America. In recent decades, Central

74 GlobalAwards 2012

opportunities in Brazil, Russia, India, and China are likely to dominate future EMPE fundraising. The BRIC countries already rank in the top 12 global economies and are projected to be in the top six by 2018, the report said. The reasons for Brazil’s success in this field can be attributed to low setup costs in comparison to competitor countries, commitment to fiscal stability, responsible state policies that encourage investment and a large domestic demand for products and services. An important factor adding to the positive situation in Brazil and other emerging economies has been the currency appreciation against the Euro and the US Dollar. The rate of economic recovery in South America for the remainder of 2012 is expected to be significant, particularly due to increasing trade with China and the US. Other countries such as South Korea, Vietnam, Russia and India are also targeting the region as a viable investment and development proposition. Currently, governments experiencing growth are keeping an eye on inflation so as not to scare off potential foreign investors. Renewable energy sectors in particular are giving South America new opportunities for foreign investors seeking to boost their respective nation’s energy resources. Other factors have influenced the regions recovery, including the rebound of commodity prices and the fiscal stimulus measures supporting domestic demand. Public-private partnership initiatives are also moving at a more rapid pace in South America than in the US, where investments can meet the growing demands of infrastructure development. Takeovers in Latin America are off to the best start in at least a decade, bucking a global slump, as economic recoveries in Brazil and Mexico spur consolidation in the telecommunications, food and commodities industries.



China Services Advisory Firm of the Year / Deloitte



China Services Advisory Firm of the Year / Deloitte



Caribbean Registrar of the Year / Anguilla, Financial Services Department



Forensic Accounting Firm of the Year / KPMG Forensic Services


The Bahamas

Brand Design Advisory Firm of the Year / Karma Design


The Bahamas

Corporate Finance Accountancy Firm of the Year / BDO Advisory Services LTD


The Bahamas

Pension Administration Company of the Year / CFAL (Colina Financial Advisors Ltd)


The Bahamas

Cross Border Law Firm of the Year / Parris Whittaker


The Bahamas

Insolvency Lawyer of the Year / DELANEY PARTNERS


The Bahamas

Trust Company of the Year / Winterbotham Trust Company Limited



Corporate Management Services Adviser of the Year / RBC Wealth Management, Barbados



Bankruptcy Law Firm of the Year / Ramos, Zuanon e Manassero Advogados



Boutique Intellectual Property Specialist Firm of the Year / Bhering Advogados



Corporate Governance Law Firm of the Year / Lubbad Advogados



Human Capital Advisory Firm of the Year / Ernst & Young



Business Formation Law Firm of the Year / Pedro Miguel and Associated Attorneys

2012 GlobalAwards 75

The Americas Award Winners Contents



E-Commerce Law Firm of the Year / Pedro Miguel and Associated Attorneys



Family Law Firm of the Year / Pedro Miguel and Associated Attorneys



Gaming Law Firm of the Year / Pedro Miguel and Associated Attorneys



Sports Law Firm of the Year / Pedro Miguel and Associated Attorneys



Industrial Design Law Firm of the Year / VICENTE NOGUEIRA ADVOGADOS



Maritime Law Firm of the Year / Siano & Martins Advogados Associados



Restructuring Law Firm of the Year / Costa, Waisberg e Tavares Paes Sociedade de Advogados



Social Security Law Firm of the Year / Vieira, Rezende, Barbosa e Guerreiro Advogados



Tax Advisory Firm of the Year in Brazil / Deloitte Tax, Brazil



Boutique Intellectual Property Law Firm of the Year / Sim & McBurney



Commercial Insurance Advisory Firm of the Year / Davis Martindale Advisory Services Inc.



Public Procurement Law Firm of the Year / Procurement Law Office



Environment Law Firm of the Year / CorreaGubbins



Insurance Law Firm of the Year / Acu単a & Cia Abogados

76 GlobalAwards 2012



Oil & Gas Law Firm of the Year / Godoy & Hoyos


Costa Rica

Anti-Trust Law Firm of the Year / Consultores en Derecho Público S.A.


Costa Rica

Environment Law Firm of the Year / Consultores en Derecho Público S.A.


Costa Rica

Infrastructure Law Firm of the Year / Consultores en Derecho Público S.A.


Costa Rica

Public Utilities Law Firm of the Year / Consultores en Derecho Público S.A.



Corporate Law Firm of the Year / Almeida Guzmán & Asociados






Administrative Law Firm of the Year / Brito Anderson



Bankruptcy Law Firm of the Year / Rivera Gaxiola y Asociados, S.C.



Boutique Dispute Resolution Advisory Firm of the Year / Portilla, Ruy-Díaz & Aguilar, S.C



Boutique Tax Law Firm of the Year / BéndiksenLaw



Boutique Trademark Law Firm of the Year / Avahlegal, S.C.



Contract Law Firm of the Year / QUINTANA AROUESTY, S.C.



Domestic Antitrust Law Firm of the Year / Rodriguez Rivero y Cossío Locken Abogados

2012 GlobalAwards 77

The Americas Award Winners Contents



Mid-Market Corporate Law Firm of the Year / VAHG



Intellectual Property Law Firm of the Year / Bufete Soni



IP Litigation Firm of the Year / C&L Attorneys, SC



Technology Law Firm of the Year / Becerril, Coca & Becerril, S.C.



Patents Law Firm of the Year / Casseli Law Firm



Intellectual Property Law Firm of the Year / Bolet & Terrero



Private Equity Data Room Provider of the Year / V-Rooms


US - Arizona

Commercial Litigation Advisory Firm of the Year in Arizona / Walker & Peskind


US - Florida

Forensic Accounting Firm of the Year in Florida / Lopez Levi & Associates, P.A.


US - Florida

Immigration Law Firm of the Year in Florida / Cordero & Associates


US - Illinois

Pharmaceutical Law Firm of the Year in Illinois / Leydig, Voit & Mayer, Ltd.


US - Illinois

Trademark Law Firm of the Year in Illinois / Dineff Trademark Law Limited


US - Kentucky

Oil & Gas Law Firm of the Year in Kentucky / Kinkead & Stilz, PLLC


US - Louisiana

Arbitration Law Firm of the Year in Louisiana / Frilot L.L.C.

78 GlobalAwards 2012


US - Massachusetts Cross Border Law Firm of the Year in Massachusetts / Perini-Hegarty & Associates, P.C.


US - New York

Boutique Media Law Firm of the Year in New York / Marc Jacobson, P.C.


US - New York /

US - Cross Border Law Firm of the Year in New York / Maalouf Ashford & Talbot, LLP

(and Hong Kong)


US - New York

(and Hong Kong)


US - New York

Insurance Law Firm of the Year in New York / Littleton Joyce


US - New York

Patents Law Firm of the Year in New York / Ladas & Parry LLP


US - North Dakota Energy Law Firm of the Year in North Dakota / Crowley Fleck


US - Oregon


US - Pennsylvania Criminal Law Firm of the Year in Pennsylvania / Law Office Of NiaLena Caravasos, LLC


US - Pennsylvania White Collar Law Firm of the Year in Pennsylvania / Law Office Of NiaLena Caravasos, LLC


US - Washington, DC Islamic Finance Law Firm of the Year in Washington, DC / Patton Boggs LLP


US - Washington, DC Administrative Law Firm of the Year in Washington, DC / O’Riordan Bethel Law Firm, LLP


US - Washington, DC Government Contracts Law Firm of the Year in Washington, DC / O’Riordan Bethel Law Firm, LLP

Hong Kong - Oil & Gas Law Firm of the Year / Maalouf Ashford & Talbot, LLP

Entertainment Law Firm of the Year in Oregon / Cable Huston

2012 GlobalAwards 79

Brazil - China Services Advisory Firm of the Year / Canada - China Services Advisory Firm of the Year


4:21 PM

Page 1

Anguilla - Caribbean Registrar of the Year

Commercial Registry Anguilla British West Indies � Beautiful � Accessible � Competitive � Well Relegated

More Accessible:

Registrar Mr. T. Lanston Connor

More Efficient:

ACORN online Corporate Registry Electronic Filing 24 hours / 7 days per week / 365 days per year

More Competitive: Free continuance into the jurisdiction and one low fee for incorporation and annual returns regardless of share capital. Anguilla Commercial Online Registration Network “The future is online” For more information please visit or contact: Commercial Registry - PO Box 60 - The Secretariat The Valley - Anguilla BWI. Tel.: 1 (264) 497-3881/5478 - Fax: 1 (264) 497-8053 - email:

2012 GlobalAwards 81

0812 - Design by T&T Publishing, LLC (Anguilla BWI)


Argentina – Forensic Accounting Firm of the Year KPMG Forensic Services Ana López Espinar Partner Forensic Services - Risk Consulting Tel: +54 11 4891 5910

Diego Bleger Partner Forensic Services - Risk Consulting Tel: +54 11 4891 5910

In 1987, KPMG set up in Argentina, making a strong commitment to provide services efficiently and productively. KPMG Forensic Services is comprised of multidisciplinary professionals who assist clients in achieving the highest levels of business integrity through the prevention, detection and investigation of fraud and misconduct and by avoiding and resolving disputes. The team has 15 years of accumulated international and local experience in a highly professional multidisciplinary team, providing a wide range of preventive, detective and responsive services, applying KPMG global methodologies with international quality standards. The partners have been appointed as the Competence Center of Forensic Services in South America and have a high-tech forensic lab to support its investigative and expert witness work. Ana López Espinar, partner of KPMG and risk consultant with the Forensic Services team, explained further: “Not only do KPMG’s professionals help clients discover the facts underlying concerns about fraud and misconduct, but they also assist our clients in assessing and mitigating the vulnerabilities to such activities. We also deliver a broad range of services to help prevent and resolve commercial disputes including the assessment of damages; the resolutions of accounting, audit, and finance-related issues and expert witness services.” Ana López Espinar, CPA, holds a Bachelors in Business Administration, and a Bachelors in Information Systems, MBA. She has 11 years of experience in Forensic Services along with local and international experience. She has been KPMG´s partner since 2010. Using a wide-range of sophisticated technology tools, KPMG’s Forensic Services team helps organisations address the risks and costs involved with evidence and discovery management as well as the acquisition, management and analysis of large data sets. The group’s professionals work alongside clients to handle information from its creation to its preservation, collection, analysis and presentation in discovery. KPMG also apply computer forensic and data analysis techniques to assist with detecting fraud and misconduct. Diego Bleger, partner of KPMG and risk consultant with the Forensic Services team, discussed how the economic crisis has affected the demand for the group’s services: “Economic crisis always produces additional incentives for creative accounting (manipulation of financial statements). Besides, budget reductions in internal control structures of affiliate companies during crisis times give more opportunities for committing fraud. Also, turbulent context gives fraudsters additional explanations to justify why they do these irregular actions. While economic crises can generate

82 GlobalAwards 2012

additional pressure to commit fraud, changes in regulations, systems and processes always generate new opportunities in internal controls at companies for fraud instances to happen.” He continued: ”New technologies are opening a new range of fraud risks. We have the latest technology in our Forensic Lab at KPMG Argentina and we continually keep up with the pace in regards to new developments in forensic techniques and resources, as this is the key to investigate this type of frauds.” Diego Bleger, CPA, MBA, has 10 years of experience in Forensic Services. Mr Bleger has both local and international experience and has been KPMG´s partner since 2011. Both Diego and Ana worked as team leaders in a number of complex fraud and misconduct investigations for clients of various industries, related to earnings management concerns, FCPA, asset manipulation and asset misappropriation, contract disputes, expert witness assistance and business operational matters. In the past twelve months the firm has seen a rise in the demand for forensic services that have contributed to a rise in market share. These include: • Tax irregularities (related to the purchase of fictitious tax credits) are generating significant projects (investigations, corporate intelligence procedures and proactive data analysis and computer forensics). • Preventive work (Fraud Risk Assessments, creation of Anti-Fraud Units, elaboration of Investigative Protocols) have shown an increased demand as market becomes more aware of fraud risks and the benefits of preventive forensic work. • Also, e-discovery services are becoming more demanded as support in litigation cases. In Argentina, recently issued local regulations have been introduced, which are intended to increase market maturity on Fraud Risk Management and corporate governance awareness. KPMG welcomes these measures but believes there is still a long way to go for many companies in their efforts to incorporate these issues in their daily agendas. Ana López Espinar concluded with an update on the firm’s continuing commitment to client satisfaction: “We are continually developing new customised service offerings to better assist our clients and to help them defend themselves from new fraud risks. We are also training our teams and incorporating new methodologies and technologies to support them.”

The Bahamas - Brand Design Advisory Firm of the Year Karma Design Brian Goudie Co Founder & Account Director Tel: +242 322 5332 Nicky Saddleton Co Founder & Creative Director Tel: +242 322 5332

Founded in 2007 by long time friends Nicky Saddleton and Brian Goudie, Karma Design is a boutique firm that is deeply rooted in delivering full branding solutions to Bahamian businesses. Named after Brian’s daughter and the idea of connecting forces of cause and effect, Karma has given life to the firm’s culture and guiding principles of consistently giving every design challenge 100% time and energy. Creativity, passion and fun are the driving forces behind this long time partnership that began long before Karma Design was conceptualised and brought to life. As early as 1998 Nicky and Brian began dreaming of their own agency, and spent quite a few years building brands as client and freelance designer. Today Karma Design has an incredibly talented team of designers, a solid reputation for delivering exceptional brands and a winning combination within its leading partners. As an award winning branding firm Karma Design believes that a company’s brand should be the guiding force behind all key business decisions.

Search, Think, Create is the philosophy and design approach implemented through every creative project. Research is key to understanding a client’s challenge, building in time to contemplate the problem from every angle and to use inspiration for optimum creativity. The Karma Design branding team distinguish themselves by going above and beyond design principles to delve deeply into the inner workings of a company’s authentic culture, philosophies and business practices. The more authenticity breathed into a brand’s positioning, the easier it is to create synergy between customer delivery and the image portrayed through the brand. Clients vary in size and industry, from financial services, insurance, real estate, education to hospitality, retail, telecommunications and healthcare. Karma Design has been involved in several key projects that have a great impact on nation building, from branding the first University of The Bahamas to rebranding the entire financial services industry. With over 16 years of brand building experience in The Bahamas, Karma Design has earned a solid reputation as well as several design awards. Most recently 2 Silver Quills from the IABC for a leading insurance company annual report and a calendar designed to highlight local charitable causes. Karma Design is also building an internal culture that fosters professional growth, encourages a fun and creative environment and offers a philanthropic approach to local charities. The future is bright for Karma Design, a focus on building a network of trusted business partners to expand on services, especially in areas of full web solutions and social networking. Their mission is to brand all of the great companies in The Bahamas, as well as attract international clients, work with the most forward thinking clients and ultimately play a major role in designating The Bahamas as one of the great design cities/destinations of the world. Karma Design is aiming to use branding as a platform to help showcase The Bahamas in its finest light possible and help the people and its visitors appreciate all that it has to offer.

The Bahamas - Corporate Finance Accountancy Firm of the Year BDO Advisory Services LTD Myles Culmer Director of Advisory Services Tel: +1-242-325-6591

BDO Bahamas, particularly, the advisory division BDO Advisory Services Ltd, is well known for the corporate recovery and finance services that they provide. The group has participated in numerous high profile and complex, cross border asset recovery exercises and receiverships, where it preserves wealth worldwide. Since its inception BDO has built a cumulative wealth of experience of more than 50 years in the field while servicing a variety of industry sectors. “It is believed by BDO, that the growth rate in advisory services, namely: global outsourcing, corporate finance, transactions & restructuring; forensics & risk management advisory, will surpass that of traditional accounting services, audit and tax in the coming years,” commented Myles Culmer, Director of Advisory Services. Mr Culmer has a number of years’ experience in investment management, trading and commercial banking. Prior to joining BDO in 2001, he was employed with a leading mutual fund, and he has experience working in the

hedge fund industry and experience in the commercial banking sector. While at BDO, Mr Culmer has participated in a number of asset recoveries, corporate restructurings and receiverships, most notably The Grand Bahama Port Authority & Port Group Limited, a quasi-governmental organisation, as the Joint Receiver & Manager. The role saw Mr Culmer as the joint chairman with control and preservation of the goodwill of all of the assets of the companies and with overall control of the entity that is charged with the management of Freeport Grand Bahama, a city of 70,000 people and the second largest city in The Bahamas. Mr Culmer commented on BDO’s competitive nature: “We are competitive with our service that we provide to clients. We respond to client queries ASAP. We know and understand our clients and then exceed their expectations. We are a relatively flat organisation, so we provide quick feedback to our clients. We also try to simplify raw technical data in our valuation or corporate finance report deliverables so that it is presented in a more user friendly format. Too often in this industry, professionals present a report that is far too technical for the end user.” BDO’s typical clients include owner operated entities to multinationals from USD 1 million in revenue to USD 1 billion in assets and government and financial service bodies. As a member of a global network with offices in 135 countries, the firm can offer these clients expertise from around the world. BDO was recently hired as corporate finance advisors for a start up medical facility. This sector expands BDO’s expertise beyond the group’s core specialty of financial services. In the near future, BDO plans to expand more aggressively into mergers and acquisitions. As a subset of corporate finance, BDO believes this area is ripe for growth as companies seek to consolidate and acquire or sell off existing enterprises and divisions. 2012 GlobalAwards 83

The Bahamas - Pension Administration Company of the Year CFAL (Colina Financial Advisors Ltd) Anthony R. Ferguson CFA, CMT, MCSI, CI Arb President Tel: +1 242 502 7000

CFAL is a leading independent investment and advisory firm based in Nassau, The Bahamas, with a long and proven record of financial stability and integrity in all economic climates. Founded in 1997, the company is the investment arm of AF holdings Ltd., a consortium of leading financial services companies with insurance, banking, healthcare and media companies and real estate holdings. Presently, CFAL is entrusted with the management and administration of more than $1 billion in assets and advises individual and institutional clients both internationally and in The Bahamas on a range of services, including pension management, wealth management, brokerage and investment management accounts. Subsidiary, CFAL Securities, provides domestic and international brokerage, market making, and other corporate advisory services. CFAL President Anthony R Ferguson commented on the value of a private pension and selecting the right pension provider: “In today’s increasingly competitive workplace, companies need to offer the best benefits in order to keep the most qualified employees on their team. Deciding on the best retirement plan can make a difference in attracting and retaining the team that gives you an edge. Our experienced team at CFAL works one-on-one with employers and administrators to identify their employees’ needs and design a

tailored pension plan. CFAL provides extensive pension consultation for both groups and individuals. Our pension consultants serve our individual clients and institutional management teams and assist in the development of tailored investment policies.” CFAL services a broad base of clients ranging from quasi-government corporations, publicly traded companies and High Net Worth Individuals to private companies, civic groups and individual retirement plans for entrepreneurs. The firm embraces cutting edge technology to service pension plans and investments. The versatility of CFAL’s software and ability for online access by members result in substantially easing the burden of pension administration required by our clients and give an increased value to professional services. We also place a high premium on experience and professional development. Our senior professionals among them hold the CFA, CPA, MCSI, CFP, CIArb and CAIA designations, and our associates are committed to pursuing industry certification at international standards. CFAL has investment options available to both BSD and USD invested pension plans, including a Bond Fund, Money Market, Balance Strategy as well as an Equity Fund. We can also offer a Guaranteed Investment Contract (GIC) through Colina Insurance Limited, our insurance affiliate rated A (Excellent) by A.M. Best Company. We also have two USD in-house funds, a bond fund and a global equity fund and are about to launch two international funds – the CFAL Global Multi Asset Fund and the CFAL MBS Fund. Additionally, we can offer other investment strategies via strategic alliances we have with major broker-dealers and investment managers. As one of the leaders in the pension provision business, we have been strong advocates for pension legislation in The Bahamas and have long operated at international best standards. The new legislation is expected within the next 36 months.

The Bahamas - Pension Administration Company of the Year

00 GlobalAwards 2012


sparkasse Bank Malta plc is authorised to conduct Banking business and to conduct Investment Services business by the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA).

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The Bahamas - Cross Border Law Firm of the Year

The Bahamas - Insolvency Lawyer of the Year DELANEY PARTNERS John K F Delaney QC Senior Partner Tel: +242-702-4500

John K F Delaney has enjoyed an extensive commercial law practice and is highly regarded as a leading adviser to the financial services sector of The Bahamas. Well experienced in complex liquidations of mutual funds, banks, trust companies and trading entities, Mr Delaney has been counsel to liquidators, creditors, shareholders and boards of directors in corporate liquidations, as well as instructing counsel on behalf of creditors in cross-border insolvencies. His strong command of this area of practice made him well suited to spearhead the recent modernization of the laws of The Bahamas on corporate insolvencies. Earlier this year Mr Delaney completed a period as Attorney-General of The Bahamas during which he led important law reforms that included a new corporate liquidation regime for that international financial jurisdiction. The new regime came after Mr Delaney, as Attorney-General, directed the Law Reform & Revision Commission to carry out a review of the former law, comparison with modern insolvency codes of Commonwealth jurisdictions, and consideration of issues arising in the liquidation of companies before Bahamian courts 86 GlobalAwards 2012

that called for legislative clarification. In an interview Mr Delaney explained: “Law reform in this branch of the law was long overdue. Given my expertise in this area, I was pleased to develop legislative policy and expedite efforts by setting out areas of deficiency, directing the Law Commission to legislative solutions where they existed in other jurisdictions and, with the assistance of other leading Bahamian counsel, developing new and progressive features.” Mr Delaney added: “I wanted to maximize quality input to ensure the very best outcome. I consulted with the Chief Justice and convened working sessions with insolvency practitioners and leading liquidation counsel at the Bar. I also had several discussions with a colleague Attorney-General of a comparable financial centre jurisdiction whose liquidation laws were especially useful as a comparison.” As part of an extensive commercial law reform and revision effort led by Mr Delaney as Attorney-General, he secured Cabinet approval for the corporate insolvency law reform. He then took it to Parliament where it was passed unanimously by both the upper and lower chambers, giving The Bahamas a state-of-the-art corporate insolvency regime which came into force on 30 April 2012. A former Vice President of The Bahamas Bar, past Director of The Bahamas Financial Services Board, during year 2000, Mr Delaney was a private sector legal adviser to The Bahamas government for the restructuring of the laws relating to the financial services sector in response to initiatives of the OECD, FATF and FSF. Having resumed private practice as Head of Chambers at DELANEY PARTNERS, a commercial group of lawyers based in Nassau, Mr Delaney stated: “My experience and exposure has made me a valued member of teams advising on complex commercial matters and cross-border projects with a Bahamas law component.”

The Bahamas - Trust Company of the Year

2012 GlobalAwards 87

RBC Wealth Management, Barbados Jerome Dwight Managing Director, Head of Corporate & Institutional, Caribbean & Latin America Tel: +1 246-467-4346

The rise and rise of RBC Wealth Management

our broad network of locations in the Channel Islands, Guernsey,

RBC Wealth Management is one of the world’s top 10 largest wealth managers by AUM

Jersey, Hong Kong, Barbados, the Bahamas, the Cayman

in Canada, the United States, Latin America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia with


according to Scorpio Partnership. It serves high-net-worth and ultra high net worth clients a full suite of banking, investment, trust and other wealth management solutions.

This award, Corporate INTL’s Corporate Management Services Adviser of the Year Barbados, is the latest jewel in the crown of a firm that has been recognised by several industry bodies for excellence in its field in the Caribbean and beyond. In particular, this award recognises the achievements of RBC Wealth Management’s Corporate & Institutional business in Barbados over the past year. While RBC has had a significant retail banking presence in Barbados for more than 100 years, RBC Wealth Management has provided offshore banking and wealth management services to resident and international clients on the Island for more than 25 years. RBC Wealth Management’s team of dedicated and international professionals based in Barbados serves a diverse clientele and oversees in excess of $4 billion assets under management. The firm specialises in providing valuable local knowledge and access to a

Islands, London and Canada, as well as jurisdictions across the

A targeted approach Historically, the business has had a deep connection with

Canada, partly founded in the roots of the bank but also largely

due to the continued strength of the Canadian economy and its very attractive double taxation treaty with Barbados. However, as Latin American businesses are seeing significant global

expansion, RBC Wealth Management is increasingly looking to position its offering to meet the demands of sophisticated Latin

American businesses and high-net worth individuals. In fact, Mr

Dwight was hired with a specific mandate to promote Barbados’

strategic position as a hub to growing Latin economies including Brazil and Mexico.

complete range of wealth management services through its global network of offices. Under his leadership, the Corporate & Institutional business

Delivering market-leading corporate services in a key jurisdiction

is set to grow further. “My appointment was a clear sign of the

RBC Wealth Management’s Corporate & Institutional (C&I) team provides a wide range of

firm’s intentions to tap these growth markets as part of a broader

tutions including international business corporations, captive insurance and life companies,

ment solutions more widely available to private clients and

banking, investment management, global custody and fund administration services to insti-

commitment to making its suite of integrated wealth manage-

family offices, fund managers and sponsors.

institutional clients in both developed and emerging markets.”

Commenting on RBC Wealth Management’s success in Barbados, Jerome Dwight, Man-

of using Barbados as a stable jurisdiction including its expansive

aging Director and Head of the C&I business in the Caribbean, said: “Because Barbados

network of double taxation treaties which allow for the efficient

is such a key jurisdiction for conducting international business, our ability to integrate

allocation of capital on a global basis. They also see significant

discretionary investment management, global custody and company management

benefits of using RBC as a world leading institution with a track

services under a single umbrella has enabled us to serve a global client base. These

record of stability.

clients primarily look to benefit from the extensive double taxation treaty network which

Individuals and corporates in Latin America see the benefits

“Countries such as Brazil and Mexico are using Barbados as

Barbados has in place with countries such as Canada, UK, Mexico, Spain and China, to

a domicile to support their international business expansions for

name a few.”

entering into foreign investments, managing risks associated

“As one of the most established financial services firms on the Island, the strength

with global operations and conducting global treasury activi-

of the RBC brand does help us distinguish ourselves in Barbados and the Caribbean,”

ties to mitigate inflation and currency risks. We also work with

continued Mr Dwight. “The breadth of our offering positions us as a truly global wealth

private business owners by helping to align their corporate and

management business and allows us to support international business structures utilising

commercial objectives with their own wealth planning strategies.

88 GlobalAwards 2012

Barbados - Corporate Management Services Adviser of the Year

RBC Wealth Management is unique in that we can service

Mr Dwight recently spoke at a series of panel sessions hosted by BIBA, where he

not just corporate needs, but also the wealth and estate

discussed the budding relationship between Latin America and Barbados.

planning needs of the high net worth families that own these businesses. “For these clients, we provide solutions allowing them

Building on successes to date RBC Wealth Management in Barbados is on track for a record year of growth,

to succeed in areas of captive insurance, international

with the business achieving growth in assets and revenues across all its major

cash management and discretionary investments whilst


simultaneously tapping into our world leading trust and

Deanna Bidwell, Head of Wealth Management, Caribbean, commented: “Ulti-

estate planning capabilities for business owners and their

mately our differentiation lies in the talented people that service our corporate and


institutional client base across our global network, and we’re continually looking to expand our team of professionals across fiduciary services, corporate services,

The outlook for Barbados as a financial centre

custody, investments and captive insurance services, among other areas. Our

According to Mr Dwight, a key reason for Barbados’ suc-

multilingual skills and proven track records in addressing the needs of South and

focus on Latin America as a target market requires talented individuals with

cess is its growing reputation for transparency and compli-

Central American companies and high network families.

a flight to mature and stable domiciles which have proven

families being attracted to the custody, fund administration and corporate services

ance. In the international landscape, there continues to be to be resilient and stable jurisdictions.

“Increasingly, we are seeing a growing trend for Latin American private client provided by our Corporate and Institutional business in the Caribbean. I’m absolutely thrilled with the progress we’ve made to date, and look forward to building

As one of the larger firms on the Island, RBC places a

on this success in Barbados over the next 25 years.”

strong emphasis on maintaining strong relationships with industry bodies that influence the operating environment. Mr Dwight, who is currently Chair of the CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) Society of Toronto Fixed Income Committee, is actively involved with professional societies including the Institute of Chartered Accountants

RBC Wealth Management - Corporate & Institutional (C&I)

(Canada, Caribbean), the CFA Society (Canada, USA and Barbados) as well as professional associations in Mexico

Operating from Cayman, the Bahamas, Barbados, Guernsey, Jersey and London,

and Brazil. He has also contributed to CFA Magazine,

our services include: discretionary investment management and investment advi-

IFC Review and the Society of Trust & Estate Practitioner

sory; global custody, trusts, company formation services and fund administration;

(STEP) Journal.

banking and credit facilities; treasury and cash management; company manage-

“We’re actively involved with STEP, and work very closely with the Barbados International Business Associa-

ment services; and corporate share plan and pension administration.

tion (BIBA) and Invest Barbados on initiatives that promote Barbados as a financial centre. We cannot rest on our laurels for long, and must continue investigating avenues that will ensure the region develops and remains competitive.”

2012 GlobalAwards 89

Brazil - Bankruptcy Law Firm of the Year

Bankruptcy Law Firm of the Year in Brazil Ramos, Zuanon e Manassero Advogados is a law firm with relevant experience in the structuring and negotiation of high complexity finance and corporate transactions, including advice in cross border loans, M&A, capital markets and foreign investment related deals. RZM is also recognized for its experience in commercial litigation, credit recovery and alternative dispute resolutions. The firm offers legal advice to legal entities and individuals in connection with foreign investments, joint ventures, project finance, M&A, corporate disputes, development of investment structures, corporate reorganizations, financial products, commercial transactions, access to Brazilian capital markets, general tax advice, and credit recovery. RZM represents a number of the leading Brazilian and international financial institutions, investment funds and companies in transactions across all sectors of the economy, being well recognized for its work in the agribusiness, infrastructure and real estate sectors.

Ramos, Zuanon e Manassero Advogados Key contacts:

Below you find the main points of contact for the respective practice areas: Banking & Capital Markets: Christian Ramos / José Eduardo Manassero Restructuring & Insolvency: Fábio Pascual Zuanon / Bruno Gutierres Project Finance & Infrastructure: José Eduardo Manassero Corporate & M&A: Christian Ramos / José Eduardo Manassero Tax: Eduardo Salgado Felipe Real Estate: José Eduardo Manassero

Tel. +55 11 2599-9000 Rua São Tome, 86 - 11º Floor São Paulo - SP Brazil

90 GlobalAwards 2012

Christian Ramos Fábio Pascual Zuanon José Eduardo Manassero Bruno Gutierres Eduardo Salgado Felipe Lilian Toscani

Brazil - Boutique Intellectual Property Specialist Firm of the Year Bhering Advogados Pedro Bhering Partner Tel: +55 (21) 2221 3757

With decades of expertise with national and foreign partners, Bhering Advogados is capable of providing specialised legal advice in all areas of intellectual property. The firm has a united team that ensures accurate and prompt assistance. Considering the identification and management of intellectual assets as ways to achieve strategic goals, a consistent connection between legal knowledge and the understanding of the sciences and technological advances becomes necessary. The firm’s professionals are experienced in various areas of knowledge, thus being capable of understanding the client’s business and providing assistance in managing their intellectual property assets. Bhering Advogados was founded in 1978 in Rio de Janeiro operating in the field of legal protection and registration of Intellectual assets. The team is formed by lawyers, engineers, trademark and patent agents, a translation department and administrative support staff. Besides the firm’s headquarter offices located in Rio de Janeiro, Behring Advogados also has branch offices in São Paulo and Curitiba, offering its clients a prompt and personalised assistance. Pedro Bhering, partner, commented: “Intellectual property assets are gaining increasing importance in the whole business scenario. In addition to enhancing the sale of products and services, said assets are a source of financial gain by means of licensing and assignment of rights. In order to work on complex cases in modern times, our team goes beyond the traditional concept of intellectual property to render services in crucial law areas such as information technology, advertising, entertainment, and rights of publicity (image rights).” The firm’s main practice areas are: patents and industrial designs, trade secrets, trademarks, geographical indications, copyright and neighbouring rights, licensing and transfer of technology, enforcement against unfair competition and counterfeiting, information technology and entertainment and advertising.

• Advice on the negotiation of intellectual property; • Strategic counsel on the protection and enforcement of IP assets; • Conduction of orientation and awareness lectures on intellectual property; • Suggestions of procedures for the internal management of intellectual assets. Legal management of intellectual assets: • Preliminary counsel regarding the registrability and protection of IP; • Preparation and filing patent applications, and applications for the registration of industrial designs, trademarks and softwares, before the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (PTO); • Management and monitoring trademark, industrial design and patent cases, with accurate information on newly issued decisions and conflicting applications by third parties; • Diligent and opportune actions on litigation in the administrative sphere; • Registration of artistic, literary and scientific works; • Coordination of the protection and enforcement of IP in different countries; • Advice on registration of products before the competent Brazilian authorities; • Filing and monitoring of cases involving the recordal or assignment of acts and contracts of technology transfer, franchising or licensing of Industrial Property rights.

The firm’s IP practice includes the following activities:

Enforcement of IP rights: • Dynamic hindering of piracy and unfair competition with assistance on investigations; • Elaboration and monitoring of cease and desist warnings (judicial and non-judicial); • Handling various types of lawsuits involving intellectual property in both civil and criminal spheres.

Consultancy in intellectual property and related matters: • Legal audit of intellectual assets; • Rendering of legal opinions and agreements;

The firm is recommended by representatives in Brazil from banks and consulates of Europe and the US, also by the American, Swiss, French and German chambers of commerce.

2012 GlobalAwards 91

Brazil - Corporate Governance Law Firm of the Year Lubbad Advogados José Mahmoud Barros Lubbad Managing Partner Tel: +55 85 3033.3950

The Lubbad Law Office is a top quality, full service law firm that provides individual care and advice to individuals and small and large businesses alike. Principle practice areas include: business and corporate transactions, business law, foreigner rights and visa, food and beverage liquor law, entertainment law, family law, wills and trusts, real estate, litigation, environmental and appeals. The firm is a multistate practice with ongoing litigation and representation in the whole of Brazil. The firm is technology friendly and utilises state of the art scanning, document retrieval and communications protocols for maximum efficiency and client access. The firm possesses a family of clients built by word-of-mouth. Lubbad Advogados aims its focus on managing business competitiveness, with a close eye on legal matters, book keeping, economic and financial services and redefining new directions. The firm is always looking for ways to ensure the safe development of the company, while delivering profits to the shareholders and management. José Mahmoud Barros Lubbad commented: “Lubbad is dedicated to practising law the right way. This dedication allows us to excel in both business practice and litigation. In business, we execute strategic transactions, restructure business units, resolve complex

disputes, provide sound tax counsel, protect intellectual assets, undertake financing transactions and implement corporate governance measures. We also take great pride in our skills as trial lawyers. With thousands of trials to our credit, we’ve built a reputation for excellence in the courtroom that is unmatched in the Southwest.” Lubbad Law Office, since its founding in 1999, has practised law with a clear goal of effectively and efficiently finding solutions for its clients while simultaneously complying with the highest standards of professionalism, integrity and character. By upholding its founders’ vision, the firm meets its clients’ needs both domestically and abroad with its developed, extensive practice areas. The firm proudly serves as a trusted adviser to a variety of companies including start up, middle market and international corporations. The firm’s wide-ranging areas of expertise, office locations and size allow Lubbad to efficiently handle all of the needs of mid-sized companies, particularly those based in Brazil. Additionally, the clients’ attorneys possess specialised knowledge and are distinguished in many areas of practice enabling the firm to assist the largest companies in the world and represent specialty businesses in many niche markets and industries. José Mahmoud Barros Lubbad, managing partner, concluded with a discussion about client respect and loyalty: “Our clients trust that our legal advice is comprehensive, sophisticated and cutting-edge. We approach every case or transaction with the unique knowledge and insight that can only be acquired from close interaction with clients. Partnerships like these allow us to know our clients well so we not only assist them in solving legal problems, but we also help them identify and take advantage of business opportunities. We understand, even anticipate, their needs and are flexible enough to provide a team that matches those needs, from one or two advisers to a multi-disciplinary team.”

Brazil - Human Capital Advisory Firm of the Year

Global Mobility: Ernst & Young supports Mobilidade global: ajudamos expatriates in more than 140 countries.

expatriados em 140 países.

Please contact Tatiana da Ponte, Human Capital Fale T: +11com 2573Tatiana 5258 da Ponte Sócia-líder de Human Capital ( 11 2573 5258


Brazil - Business Formation Law Firm of the Year / Brazil - E-Commerce Law Firm of the Year / Brazil - Family Law Firm of the Year / Brazil - Gaming Law Firm of the Year / Brazil - Sports Law Firm of the Year

Pedro Miguel and Associated Attorneys’ professional team is well prepared to provide quality and effectiveness in facing challenges in varied legal fields, with more than 20 years’ experience. Working under the concept of a “Boutique Office”, we are structured and organized in Brazil and Spain. We are aimed specifically at giving legal advice to companies carrying out, or intending to carry out, their activities in Brazil.

5 Awards Brazil - Business Formation Law Firm of the Year Brazil - E-Commerce Law Firm of the Year Brazil - Family Law Firm of the Year Brazil - Gaming Law Firm of the Year Brazil - Sports Law Firm of the Year

Heitor Miguel - Owner Locations: Headquarter - Rua 23 de Maio, 166, Vila Tereza, São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo, Brazil - Zip Code 09606-000. Tel/Fax.: +55 11 4177 1331 / +55 11 4177 4664. Branch - Edifício ETower, 35º andar, Rua Funchal, 418, Vila Olímpia, São Paulo, Brazil - Zip Code 04551-060. Tel/Fax.: +55 11 3521 7315; and the city of Toledo in Spain. Tel: +55 11 4177-1331 Fax: +55 11 4177-4664 Web: e-mail:

Brazil - Industrial Design Law Firm of the Year Vicente Nogueira Advogados Carlos Vicente da S. Nogueira Partner l São Paulo Tel: +55 11 3105 0326

Vicente Nogueira Advogados provides fully integrated assistance on IP rights with extensive experience on trademarks, industrial designs and patents prosecution. VNA brings counseling on all aspects of intellectual property, including clearance opinions, maintenance and portfolio management, licensing, enforcement measures and litigation. Apart from offering a comprehensive range of IP services, the firm also advises clients on food, cosmetic and drug related law, helping companies to seek proper understanding of the Brazilian practice and the nuances of the local market. Within the judicial jurisdiction, in the civil or criminal spheres, the office also provides all assistance pursuant to conflicts and disputes involving violation of industrial property rights and cases related to unfair trade competition. The firm’s broad practice encompasses the following: comprehensive searches, filing and prosecution, maintenance and portfolio management, trade dress, handling enforcement measures, license agreements, domain name disputes, copyright counseling and registration, unfair competition as well as food and drug law and litigation.

Carlos Vicente da S. Nogueira, partner, elaborated on the firm’s code of service: “We are committed to provide our clients with effective and direct communication while rendering practical assistance and precise and clear opinions. Our firm has consolidated a solid image of knowing and understanding our client’s business, always working to build a relationship based on trust and respect to their needs.” Carlos Vicente da S. Nogueira is a registered Brazilian attorney and industrial property agent. He was admitted to the Brazilian Bar - Section of Rio de Janeiro in 1985 and to the Section of São Paulo in 1994. He has been involved with the IP field for more than 25 years and his practice includes all aspects of intellectual property counseling with an emphasis on trade mark prosecution, portfolio management, licensing, trade dress and related law. He is also involved with patent and industrial designs prosecution, product labeling and advertising, litigation and unfair competition. He has served as a member of the Board of Directors of the Brazilian Intellectual Property Association - ABPI from 2004-2007 and as a CoAdvisory Counsel at the Brazilian Industrial Property Agents Association - ABAPI from 2008-2009. VNA’s activities include legal assistance within judicial and administrative jurisdictions. In the administrative jurisdiction, the office provides assistance regarding protection of industrial property rights before the Brazilian Trademark and Patent Office - BPTO, such as register of trademarks, industrial designs and software, patents of invention and utility model, register of contracts concerning license of use of trademarks and other distinctive symbols, exploitation of patents, transference of technology and technical assistance, partnership agreements regarding research and development and, most recently, franchise contracts and related matters.

Brazil - Maritime Law Firm of the Year Siano & Martins Advogados Associados Luiz Roberto Leven Siano Lawyer Tel: +5521 3550-4070

Working under the concept of “boutique office”, with personalised service and proximity to major partners with customers, Siano & Martins Advogados Associados law firm offers specialised and current dynamics in Maritime Law, Luiz Roberto Leven Siano’s main area of expertise. Through careful selection of clients and causes to be sponsored, the firm works with full involvement of their staff in several matters relating to maritime law, and particularly specialised in major accidents including collision, fire, explosion and oil pollution of ship terminals and ports. Headquartered in Rio de Janeiro and with a branch in Paranaguá, the office is able to act on all Brazilian port cities (including, but not limited to the Rio Grande, Porto Alegre, Itajai, Sao Francisco do Sul, São Sebastião, Santos, Itaguaí , Angra dos Reis, Fortaleza, Suape, Manaus and Sao Luiz). Moreover, the firm benefits from the commercial and nautical knowledge of its founder, former official boating lawyer and master in International Law and Economic Integration, Luiz Roberto Leven Siano, and his partner Fabiana Simões Martins, also a lawyer and master in International Law and Economic Integration, both from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). 94 GlobalAwards 2012

MARITIME LAW The office covers a wide range of issues of interest to the sector of international shipping, including major accidents, with or without oil spill, charter-parties (review and disputes), Bill of Lading, freight, limitation of liability, P&I, damage and loss, charterers and agents of liability, general average, salvage, and all aspects involving pollution caused by ships, ports and terminals, including prevention, response, mitigation and dispute resolution. The office also serves on the Maritime Court in situations involving sinking, stranding, collision, open water, explosion, fire, varação, Arribada, dumping, damage or defect in the ship in its facilities, bad or improper rigging of the vessel for service deficiency of the crew, diversion and danger. SPORTS LAW Since 1999, the office has sponsored the interests of professional athletes, entrepreneurs, officials and referees, especially relating to football, nationally and internationally. Specifically, the firm provides consulting services for sport negotiation and drafting of contracts, as well as civil litigation and labour. To better serve them, Leven Siano attended postgraduate studies in Sports Law at UniverCidade, and the following year, was invited by the then President of the Football Federation of the State of Rio de Janeiro - FFERJ to be teacher of the course for the Sports disciplines of Private Law I and II. In a few years, Leven Siano became a national reference in the area. He has since worked with internationally renowened athletes, has acted as auditor of FFERJ elections, has spoken to his industry peers in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, and has prepared a booklet on the Rights of the Fan.

Brazil - Restructuring Law Firm of the Year

Costa, Waisberg e Tavares Paes Sociedade de Advogados Mr Ivo Waisberg Partner Tel: +55 11 3372 1164

in connection with bankruptcy law, debt restructuring and other commercial law and corporate matters. Nowadays, he works within the areas of banking law, insolvency, debt restructuring, corporate law, mergers and acquisitions, and contracts. Mr Waisberg’s firm, Costa, Waisberg e Tavares Paes Sociedade de Advogados, alongside with his partners Vamilson José Costa and Antonio Tavares Paes and associated with the tax boutique Martins, Chamon e Franco Advogados e Consultores, is a Brazil-

Mr Ivo Waisberg’s qualifications include his Bachelor of Laws (LLB)

from the Catholic University of São Paulo – PUC/SP School of Law;

LL.M in Trade Regulation at New York School of Law; Master Degree

ian law firm with its head office in São Paulo as well as offices in Rio de Janeiro and Brasília. In the insolvency and bankruptcy field, the firm’s main clients are banks, private equity funds,

at PUC-SP in Commercial Law; PhD at PUC-SP in International Eco-

agroindustrial companies (Usinas) and retail companies.

in Banking Law and at Fundação Getúlio Vargas School of Law (GV

to be in a position to serve all of its clients’ need, while paying

nomic Relations Law. He is also professor of the specialisation course Law, Sao Paulo, Brazil); professor of the specialisation course in Debt Restructuring at Fundação Getúlio Vargas School of Law (GV Law,

Sao Paulo, Brazil); and professor of Financial Market Regulation LLM at INSPER/SP.

Mr Waisberg noted: “The firm is mid-sized on purpose, in order special attention to the quality of services rendered. Accordingly, the firm maintains strict control over its growth process as a strategy to increase the focus and efficiency of its professionals, ensuring the participation of its partners in all stages of the process. Due to the level of partner involvement, there is a proactive

Moreover, Mr Waisberg is the author of various books and articles

limitation on the number of assignments taken on by the firm.”

Brazil - Social Security Law Firm of the Year Vieira, Rezende, Barbosa e Guerreiro Advogados Luiz Paulo Pieruccetti Marques Partner Tel: +55 11 3704-3995

Vieira, Rezende, Barbosa e Guerreiro Advogados participates in some of Brazil’s most important business deals, advising large companies and national and international investment funds, as well as institutional investors such as pension funds, in the structuring of investments, and in mergers, incorporations and acquisitions. It also assists financial institutions, private investors and government agencies in financing and in developing projects involving natural resources and infrastructure, and has helped its clients, such as financial institutions and private companies, with the most diverse real estate businesses and banking transactions such as structured loans, guaranty and security agreements, securitisations and trade finance. In the petroleum, natural gas and biofuels sector, it offers a highly specialised team, with capability to supply the demand for services from the wide variety of players involved in this activity. Moreover, the firm represents companies

implementing programs to comply with antitrust laws and individual creditors and bank syndicates in debt restructuring transactions in the area of judicial and extrajudicial recovery. Vieira, Rezende, Barbosa e Guerreiro Advogados is very experienced in the tax and pension areas, providing its clients with consulting services and representation in administrative and judicial disputes. The firm is also very strong in foreign investment tariffs, foreign trade and negotiation of tax incentives, working closely with its clients to optimise the tax efficiency of their operations, new projects and restructuring. It also works in the areas of prelitigation, mediation and arbitration strategies and consulting on best labour practices. The attorneys in the environmental practice are experienced in handling a wide range of issues, from carbon credit markets, environmental licensing, administrative and judicial litigation, to environmental issues in business transactions. Our social security department involves preventive aspects as well as those related to daily management such as determining contributions and planning that takes into account tax policies and procedures related to social security law, whether administrative or legal litigation. VRBG’s labour area has experience advising domestic and foreign clients in large scale projects, including several investments, M&A and private equity transactions in Brazil, and efforts to retain executives through the development and implementation of variable compensation programs. We also litigate in high profile cases defending companies against former quotaholders/shareholders. We see numerous employer-employee relationship cases, slavery cases, as well as cases pertaining to foreign workers who are accused of operating without a proper visa. We are very experienced in the area of collective disputes involving large companies and unions. The head of this department worked as a graduate professor in Labor Law at the Universidade Estácio de Sá, Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais State.

2012 GlobalAwards 95

Brazil - Tax Advisory Firm of the Year

Deloitte Tax, Brazil Cristina Arantes A. Berry Tax Lead Partner Tel: +55 11 5186 1013

Deloitte is a leading provider of tax consulting services in Brazil and counts to a recognized team of specialists, some of whom are considered the best in the country. These include: • Business Taxes – a comprehensive list including corporate income taxes, tax compliance, tax planning, consultancy, reorganizations, as well as R&D and government incentives consultancy and compliance; •GES – assistance on structuring and compliance with individual tax laws and labor regulations regarding global mobility workforce; • Indirect taxes – Deloitte assists organizations in indirect taxes, in a comprehensive manner, including tax aspects relating to viability of opportunities in the area of taxation and specialization in labor and social security; • Cross-border taxes:

96 GlobalAwards 2012

o Transfer pricing – the firm provides its clients with complete assistance in this area, including transfer pricing adjustment calculations, analysis of the transfer pricing impact on import/export transactions, assistance in the course of tax audits, and consultancy in general in this field of expertise. o International Tax – Deloitte assists organizations on structuring its business objectives and operations focusing on the effective management of local and foreign taxes. Cristina Berry, tax leader in Brazil, noted that the firm invests heavily in technology and training. She commented: “Due to the dynamic and sophisticated Brazilian tax environment, we are investing in the development of electronics tools, which aggregates our tax specialization knowledge combined with industry expertise.”

Canada - Boutique Intellectual Property Law Firm of the Year Sim & McBurney Lola A. Bartoszewicz, Ph.D. Partner Tel: +1 416-849-8420

For over 40 years, SIM IP Practice has been a top rated Canadian patent and trade-mark firm helping companies protect their innovations worldwide. SIM IP Practice coordinates worldwide prosecution through long-standing global associate relationships. The firm provides services in patent agency, trade-mark agency, litigation, arbitration, technology licensing and packaging & labelling. The firm’s patent professionals understand the science and the innovations that the firm protects and have the necessary expertise with PhDs in the fields of chemistry, biochemistry, immunology and microbiology as well as professionally qualified electrical and chemical engineers, all with direct work experience in academic research and industry. The patent professionals not only understand the complexities of intellectual property laws in Canada but are also registered agents for the United States. The group knows how essential it is to keep up with changes to IP laws around the world. The firm’s clients range from some of the world’s largest international businesses, including major technology companies, media organisations, consumer product companies, mining enterprises and telecommunications carriers, to healthcare organisations, universities and teaching hospitals and technology start-ups. Partner of the firm, Lola A. Bartoszewicz, Ph.D., explained some of the key issues involved with conducting IP practice:

“One of our big legal issues is that of ensuring that we initially draft and file applications that will fulfil the patent laws around the world, most notably Canada, the US, Europe, Japan and China. Complex biotechnology decisions that have emerged recently in the US, Europe and Canada make us draft more carefully. It is a challenge to obtain broader patent protection due to the biotechnology case law that has emerged and the new practices of the various Patent Offices. While we of course focus on Canada, we don’t have our blinders on. Our clients’ markets are international and the fact that we understand IP practices around the world and work with key foreign attorneys where required, is an advantage of our firm.” Dr Bartoszewicz works in the field of biotechnology, with a special focus on patent drafting, filing, prosecution and enforcement strategies around the world for the firm’s clients. As well as remaining cost effective and client focused, SIM IP Practice has recently done a complete overhaul of its IT department to facilitate the clients’ need for rapid and efficient electronic service in a secure manner. In accordance with this movement, the firm is aiming to go paperless. The firm continues to ensure it keeps moving forward with technology to enhance the work process for the client. With electronic efficiency there also comes new innovative fee structures and billing practices that help the clients manage their ever increasing needs to keep an eye on costs and to help forecast budgets to ensure the clients can support both their present and future technologies. Dr Bartoszewicz concluded: “When working with inventors, we are clear and direct and speak their language. This makes it easier and more comfortable to work with us. Many of us in the firm travel to visit our clients all over the globe. This is very important and advantageous. Nothing beats meeting with clients face to face no matter where they are located. We get to know them over the years. We build true trusting relationships over time.”

Canada - Commercial Insurance Advisory Firm of the Year Davis Martindale Advisory Services Inc Gary Phelps CMA CFE Partner Tel: +1 519.673.3141 x1229 Jessy Hawley CGA Partner Tel: +1 519.673.3141 x1218

Davis Martindale Advisory Services is growing team of 10 and a leader providing expert loss accounting services to insurers and lawyers in Ontario. Gary Phelps is a Certified Management Accountant and Certified Fraud Examiner with over 20 years of experience quantifying losses while Jessy Hawley is a Certified General Accountant with over 11 years of experience. One of our areas of expertise is quantifying commercial insurance claims resulting from losses including fires, floods, thefts, employee frauds etc. Over the past year we have prepared business interruption and other commercial loss calculations for insurance companies and insurance co-operatives, both large and small throughout Ontario. We have also advised on insurance claims that have occurred in other Canadian provinces. Our claims experience

ranges from working with the small sole proprietor to the multi-million dollar manufacturer. Recently, we consulted on losses resulting from a tornado that devastated the downtown core of Goderich, a major fire shutting down streets in downtown Toronto, a train derailment, an employee theft and fraud claim in Niagara, a total loss fire at an Ontario food manufacturing plant, major thefts of inventory in Hamilton and Windsor and many more. In addition to providing expert loss quantification advice to our clients, we educate them. We regularly present training seminars directly to insurance companies, insurance co-operatives and insurance brokerages. We have been sought out to teach adjusters and brokers through the Ontario Insurance Institute, the Insurance Brokers Association of Ontario and local broker’s associations. Our experience quantifying commercial losses helps us to educate brokers and underwriters how to sell and place the appropriate insurance coverage to protect their clients and adjusters how to mitigate losses by appropriately managing commercial claims. Davis Martindale Advisory Services is part of Davis Martindale LLP, a fullservice professional services firm with clients from all backgrounds including many insurance brokerage clients. The firm is an independent member firm of DFK Canada & DFK International which provides professional contacts and expertise worldwide. Our firm’s advisory services are not limited to commercial insurance claims and include personal injury losses, commercial litigation, valuations and expert accounting reports and testimony. Our team’s wide range of professional experience and the diversity of our accounting services provide Davis Martindale with a distinct competitive advantage when consulting on commercial losses. We are able to quickly understand the insured’s business, assess the financial impact of the loss and efficiently assist the insurer and their client to make timely decisions to mitigate the loss and reopen the business. In the near future, we await the completion in November 2012 of a 9,000 square foot addition to our building in London, Ontario as we continue to expand our clientele, meeting the growing demand for our accounting, taxation and advisory services in the Southern Ontario marketplace and beyond. 2012 GlobalAwards 97

Canada - Procurement Law Firm of the Year Procurement Law Office Paul Emanuelli General Counsel and Managing Director Tel: +1 416-700-8530

The Procurement Law Office specializes in public procurement law, providing legal services through all stages of the procurement process, including project support, legal advice and opinions, litigation services, institutional reviews, and template and protocol development. The firm has a strong record of success with prominent, high-stakes projects and has updated the procurement practices of major public institutions across all sectors of government and all regions of Canada. The firm’s founder, general counsel and managing director Paul Emanuelli, is a well-known author and speaker who delivers procurement training across Canada and internationally. He is a regular columnist for the Daily Commercial News and Purchasing b2b magazine, and has contributed to numerous other periodicals including The Lawyers Weekly, Municipal Lawyer, Progressive Purchasing Online and The Law Times. He is the author of one of Canada’s leading textbooks in the area, Government Procurement (Lexis-Nexis, 3rd ed. 2012).

Before launching the Procurement Law Office, Mr Emanuelli served ten years as Crown Counsel with the Province of Ontario, at Management Board Secretariat and then at Crown Law Office Civil, where he focused on procurement and information technology transactions and chaired the government’s Procurement Lawyers Group. During that time he also served two terms as the Chair of the Ontario Bar Association’s Public Sector Lawyers Section and four terms on the executive of the Toronto Computer Lawyers Group. His portfolio focuses on major procurement projects, developing innovative procurement formats, negotiating commercial transactions and advising institutions on the strategic legal aspects of their purchasing operations. The Procurement Law Office has provided transactional support services to public institutions at all levels of government for acquisitions ranging from major construction, outsourcing and information technology initiatives to goods, services and commodities from a broad range of sectors and manufacturers. Recent major projects have included a tender call for the construction of a new police station, the award of a nine-figure multiyear outsourcing arrangement to run the Niagara Boat Tour, an eight-figure information technology contract to build a cloud computing research and development infrastructure hub in southern Ontario, a nine-figure multiplevendor province-wide telecommunications RFP using a best-and-final-offer negotiation process, an eight-figure police and fire emergency communications systems acquisition, a nine-figure municipal waste-removal outsourcing arrangement, and an information management system acquisition in support of a multi-billion dollar university fundraising campaign. The firm also emphasizes institutional due diligence and has provided risk assessments and good governance implementation services to a broad range of public institutions including universities, municipalities, and provincial and federal agencies and Crown corporations.

Chile - Environment Law Firm of the Year CorreaGubbins. Martín Gubbins Partner Tel: +56-2-5910100

In only seven years, CorreaGubbins has become well known by its clients for being a creative and supportive organisation. Each of the firm’s broadbased practice areas are handled with a multi-specialist approach enabling the firm to provide cost-effective and responsive advice on an ample scope of environmental, natural resources and complex mining matters. The firm’s specific practice provides planning and compliance functions as well as representation before state agencies. This includes legal advice in set-up operations and exploitation for mining projects, litigation liability, health and safety matters, insurance, project development and crisis management. Ongoing services also include environmental management, reporting, auditing, privilege selecting and instructions and consulting terms of reference. As Mr Gubbins tells:

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“We are recognized by the qualities of our open-minded and flexible corporate culture, which enable us to build long term relations with clients from different backgrounds and nationalities. As an example of such commitment, we are proud to mention the fact that the firm obtained the awards granted by Euromoney Women in Business Law Award 2012 for our extremely high figures in gender equality.” Martín Gubbins is Head of the Environment, Natural Resources and Mining Law unit. He also assists energy and natural resources clients including mining, forestry, industrial and developmental companies on general corporate and commercial matters. He has had an active participation in the review of environmental regulations including the noise emission limit’s decree (DS 146), the industrial water residues emission limit’s decree (DS 90), as well as the Prevention and Decontamination Plan for the Metropolitan Region (PPDA-RM). He is also listed as a leading individual in the environment sections of Chambers Latin America and the Legal 500, 2012-2013; and of the Which Lawyer? Guide of Practical Law Company since 2005. The firm’s client list is made up of Chilean and foreign corporations that operate locally in diverse areas of the economy. Most of them are major exporters and leaders in their respective fields, so CorreaGubbins has a foreign desk capable of dealing with international law firms in various jurisdictions. Some members of the firm’s staff have post-graduate degrees in Europe and the US, and are fluent in English, French and German. The firm’s mining law practice has grown steadily since its beginning, two years ago. It now plans to further strengthen the team by hiring an additional senior associate by the beginning of 2013 at the latest.

Chile - Insurance Law Firm of the Year Acuña & Cia Abogados Alejandro Acuña Murray Senior Partner Tel: +562 206 4237

Acuña & Cia is a boutique law firm specialised in providing customised, topquality legal advice in insurance and reinsurance matters. The firm has been advising local and international clients since 1982 and has established itself as the leader in this field in Chile. The main strength of this boutique firm is its vast experience in insurance-related cases, as well as its strong client orientation and reliability. Some of the most recent matters in which the firm has been involved include: (i) undertaking the defence of several local insurers in relation to a US$ 100 million dispute with one of the main Chilean power companies; (ii) representing insurers in a US$ 50 million arbitration regarding a fire loss following 2010 earthquake which involves the largest Chilean distributor for the retail market; (iii) advising adjusters in ongoing adjustments of five separate losses with an exposure over US$ 200 million, affecting power plants in Central and Southern Chile; (iv) representing one of the largest local insurers in a US$ 82.5 mil-

lion recovery action filed against foreign mining equipment manufacturers; (v) representing the local subsidiary of an American insurance group in a lawsuit regarding a substantial D&O loss; (vi) assisting local insurers during years 2010 through 2012 in settling catastrophic losses sustained by commercial and industrial assureds as a result of the massive 2010 earthquake that hit Chile; (vii) drafting legal reports in Spanish or English as required by local insurers and international reinsurers. Senior partner, Alejandro Acuña Murray, is recognised as the leading Chilean lawyer in this area and partner Nicolas Canales as an important member in the insurance market. The firm has also a vast experience in advising clients in the areas of investment, commercial law, banking, project finance and procurement. Mr Acuña Murray has been recently ranked as the top Chilean attorney on insurance by Chambers & Partners Latin America 2012, describing him as “a highly regarded litigator, widely respected in the field”. Mr Acuña Murray has taken part in the main losses occurred in Chile in the last 25 years, during the adjustment and settlement stages as well as on the latter judicial proceedings or arbitrations. Mr Acuña Murray has acted in representation of insurers and reinsurers in arbitrations, before ordinary courts and in mediation proceedings within Chile and abroad. He has also successfully represented local insurers in recovery actions and has taken part in national and international mediation processes. Acuña & Cia is associated with Kennedys Law LLP, an international law firm based in the City of London. This association enables Acuña & Cia to provide clients with a service that meets top international standards and a network of contacts around the world that is crucial in resolving issues that arise from major losses involving international reinsurance. Therefore, the firm can provide its clients with a timely, reliable and first class legal advice in Latin-America, North America, Europe, Asia and Oceania.

Colombia - Oil & Gas Law Firm of the Year

Costa Rica - Anti-Trust Law Firm of the Year / Costa Rica - Environment Law Firm of the Year / Costa Rica - Infrastructure Law Firm of the Year / Costa Rica - Public Utilities Law Firm of the Year

Consultores en Derecho Público S.A. Aldo Milano Managing Partner Tel: +506 2280-6282 María Lourdes Echandi Gurdián Managing Partner Tel: +506 2280-6282

Consultores en Derecho Público S.A. is a boutique law firm specialised in public law, led by its two managing partners, Aldo Milano and María Lourdes Echandi Gurdián. Ten years after its foundation, the firm now operates internationally, while managing to form a network of law firms with the same specialty in Central America and Dominican Republic, under the name IUSPUBLIK. The firm’s goal is to ensure its clients receive all services with the similar criteria of specialisation and professional rigour. Within the continuous activities of the firm, the practice in environment law has been growing under the responsibility of its managing partner, Aldo Milano. Within the last year, one of the most representative responsibilities of this has been the legal advice given to develop the Ostional Wild Life Shelter Plan. The firm has also attended lawsuits before the Administrative Environment Tribunal. These cases related to incidents involving the paralysis and the limited commercial activity of the firm’s clients. The firm has been able to litigate these decisions in court. Another service provided by the firm, is the guidance given to companies with large and complex projects, in order to help them obtain the environmental licences required by law. Recently, associate lawyer of the firm, María Marta Allen Chaves, has been accredited as an environmental consultant by the competent state entity; this will extend the scope of the services in this practice. The firm is now able to manage and supervise all the responsibilities specified in the environmental licence. In the field of anti-trust law, under the leadership of its managing partner María Lourdes Echandi Gurdián, former member of the antitrust agency of Costa Rica Comisión para Promover la Competencia (“COPROCOM”), the firm has participated in the professional counselling and the direction of constitutional procedures. For example, a constitutional claim was submitted to free the price of the rice market, also a claim to ensure the opening of the electric energy market in accordance with the Treaty of the Electric Market in Central America. In regards to the firm’s practice in the area of public utilities law, the firm wishes to highlight that within the last year, it assumed the counselling of the company Costa Pacífico Limitada, a subsidiary of SBA Communications Corporation. This company is devoted to providing the necessary infrastructure to the concessionaires of the telecommunications service. This work is vital to consolidate the opening of the telecommunications market in the country. The firm has submitted the necessary legal actions against the

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municipalities that have decided not to grant construction permits needed to install the necessary telecommunication infrastructure. The results of these actions are positive. On the other hand, due to the experience of the firm’s managing partner María Lourdes Echandi Gurdián, as member of the Board of Directors of the state agency that regulates public utilities, Autoridad Reguladora de los Servicios Públicos (“ARESEP”), over the past two years, the firm is ready to further extend its services in this field. In addition to infrastructure law, the firm is more and more involved in important projects. Under the direction of the firm’s managing partner Aldo Milano, the firm provides continuous counselling to the Costa Rican Government in the management of the contract of the International Airport Juan Santamaría. These services are commissioned by the Corporación Centroamericana de Servicios de Navegación Aérea (“COCESNA”). This is one of the largest contracts of public infrastructure of the country. In liaison with the international firm Engevix Engenharia S/A, one of the most prestigious engineering firms in Brazil, Consultores en Derecho Público S.A. counselled the Costa Rican government in the viability studies of the project Electric Metropolitan Train (“TREM”). At this moment, the Brazilian company is participating in the development of an important hydroelectric project with the legal assistance of the firm. CDP has provided legal support during the past months to the International Consortium, NJS Consultants Co. and Sogreah Consultants, of Japanese and French capital, respectively. These consultants are hired by the Instituto Costarricense de Acueductos y Alcantarillados (“AyA”), to prepare the final design of the sanitary sewer system of the Metropolitan Area of San José and to supervise the construction phase. The legal support includes participating in the consulting team that defines the terms of the design of such an important public work. Consultores en Derecho Público S.A. continuously counsels construction companies that provide services, such as public works to many government agencies. In this activity, the firm has the special participation of associate lawyer Julio Fonseca, as the person in charge of the account of Grupo Orosi Siglo XXI. This client has become one of the biggest suppliers of these services in the market. The firm is continuing its mission to remain an integrated practice, run by consultants that are specialised in public law. Consultores en Derecho Público S.A. remains intent on providing high quality services while satisfying the needs of its clients.

Ecuador - Corporate Law Firm of the Year Almeida Guzman &Asociados Diego Almeida-Guzman Senior and Technical Partner Tel: +593 2 298 1578 / 1579

In addition, Almeida Guzman & Asociados provides advice related to auditing of businesses’ conformity to legal labour and tax requirements, including, but not limited to:

Almeida Guzman &Asociados is a law firm established in 1981, specialising in legal corporate counselling and assessment.

* Drafting and conceptual review of contracts and instruments from which legal contingencies, liabilities, effects and exposure may result; * Counselling on Income Tax, Value Added Tax (VAT), and other taxes levied on businesses and productive activities; * Preparation and review of tax return documents; * Advice on developing management strategies aimed at optimising tax costs; * Assistance on tax inspections and controls carried out by the Superintendence of Companies, Superintendence of Banks, and Superintendence of Telecommunication, as well as by other government agencies; * Professional sponsoring of tax claims at the administrative stage, and in lawsuits before the tax district courts.

The firm offers services in the following fields: corporate, commercial and mercantile law; tax law; mergers and acquisitions; finance, bank and securities law; energy legislation – oil, electricity and alternative energy; legislation on telecommunication and e-commerce; economic integration and foreign investment legislation; international trade, labour and immigration law; intellectual property law; legislation on consumer rights; anti-trust and competitiveness; environmental law; real estate, property, construction and public works legislation; customs legislation; free-trade zones and cross-border manufacturing; legislation on government contracts; legislation on tourism; mining law; as well as arbitration and mediation. The firm also retains professionals in the administrative, economic and accounting fields. The firm’s experience is comprised of consultation on legal, tax and economic undertakings, as well as project finance, mergers, split-offs, take-overs, acquisitions, and general business restructuring. The client base of the firm includes companies engaged in industry, commerce, tourism, real estate, agriculture, construction, oil, energy, telecommunication, services, banking, finance and securities.

The academic background and professional experience of Almeida Guzman & Asociados lend a global perspective to its services. The firm considers the client a productive entity that seeks input for decision-making within legal and tax frames related to efficient and accurate economic criteria. The firm’s engagement starts with the analysis of the cases and issues brought to assessment. The practice develops and proposes alternatives and solutions in accordance with the applicable legislation, under pragmatic and viable considerations. Senior and technical partner Diego Almeida-Guzman has experience in legalcorporate counselling, as well as in corporate mergers, acquisitions, split-offs, takeovers, privatisation projects, business restructuring, assessment on stock markets, trust, fiduciary funds, tax, foreign investment and transfer of technology legislation. He is experienced in various types of legal undertakings related to professional practice fields. These include counselling regarding project finance, construction projects, international banking, and finance operations. Moreover, Mr Almeida-Guzman is regarded as a legal expert in the field of international arbitration.

Ecuador - Law Firm of the Year Izurieta Mora Bowen Estudio Jurídico Ricardo Izurieta Mora Bowen Partner Tel: + 593-2 2263 500

The Izurieta Mora Bowen Estudio Jurídico is incorporated as a limited liability company under the laws of the Republic of Ecuador. Its seat is in the city of Quito with offices in all major cities in Ecuador and one hundred and nine countries worldwide. Its foundation dates from 1941 when its inspiring and first president Dr Ricardo Izurieta Castle, now deceased, established this firm during his long career spanning more than six decades. The firm’s practice areas include: mediation and arbitration (domestic and international), banking and insurance, commercial law, family law, contracts, probate and estates, tenders and pricing, concessions and privatisations, foreign and domestic investment, corporate law, companies, electronic commerce, labour law, energy legislation, hydrocarbons, immigration, purchase of property, telecommunications, laws of agricultural development and land tenure, intellectual property, trademarks, patents, inventions, international affairs, tax laws and taxes, trusts and estates, constitutional protections and unconstitutionalities, trials litigation – administrative, collections and criminal matters.

Partner of the firm, Ricardo Izurieta Mora Bowen, commented: “Our mission is to serve the national and international community with honesty and professional efficiency. The firm’s professionals have studied law in Ecuadorian universities and specialised institutes abroad in the US and Europe. Izurieta Mora Bowen Estudio Jurídico’s recognition and reputation in society is the law firm’s greatest strength.” Mr Izurieta Mora Bowen graduated from the Central University of Ecuador as the best student in his class. He is specialised in banking, agricultural development of the country and with a capacity for effective administrative approaches to the authorities of the central, provincial and township. He is an expert in public procurement. He was elected Chairman of the National Development Bank and is a permanent member of the Bank Board of the Ecuador Amazon. For over two decades he has been a professor of probate and contracts at the Faculty of Law at the Central University, along with other subjects that reflect his specialties in legal office. He was an associate judge of the Supreme Court of Ecuador for over a decade. He was appointed President of the National Association of Ecuador and later President of the American Bar Association in Washington DC, as well as arbitrator of the Arbitration Center of the Chamber of Construction of Quito. Throughout its lifespan, the internationally recognised law firm Izurieta Mora Bowen has been chosen as Terralex founding partner of one of the most important and numerous law firm chains worldwide. This has allowed it to assist clients who need legal help anywhere in the world from its offices in Ecuador. The firm is also capable of serving foreign clients’ legal needs in any city in the country. 2012 GlobalAwards 101

Mexico - Administrative Law Firm of the Year Brito Anderson Rafael M. Brito Anderson Director / Partner Tel: +52 (55) 5950 1590

Brito Anderson is a Mexican boutique law firm integrated by lawyers with more than 25 years of experience, with one goal: to provide legal services of excellence. Brito Anderson is a law firm highly specialized in Administrative Law, Competition/Antitrust Law, Litigation and Legal Reforms, areas in which its lawyers are nationally and internationally recognized. Brito Anderson handles few legal cases at the same time only; ie, the most complex ones of its clients. Most of Brito Anderson´s clients are among the top-three companies in their respective fields (telephony, satellite communications, radio, television, seaports, airports, railroads, energy, financial, health, real estate and diverse consumer goods, among others). Brito Anderson has handled an important number of the most relevant cases in Competition/Antitrust Law since the Mexican Federal Competition

Commission was created. Regarding Administrative Law, Brito Anderson benefits from the previous experience of some of its partners as former key lawyers and former legal consultants of the Mexican Government, including the Presidency office, the Ministry of Communications and Transports, the Ministry of Energy, the Economy Ministry, the Agriculture Ministry, the Energy Regulatory Commission, the Economic Deregulation Unit, the Federal Commission of Regulatory Improvement, the National Water Commission and the State Governments of Mexico and Baja California Sur. Regarding litigation, Brito Anderson is specialized in Constitutional litigation (Amparo), Administrative and Fiscal Litigation, Competition/ Antitrust Litigation, as well as Civil and Commercial Litigation, and has handled multimillionaire cases. Brito Anderson has participated in the draft of reforms to the Constitution, the Civil, Commerce and Procedure Codes, the Foreign Investment Law, the Federal Law of Metrology and Normalization, the Federal Law of Administrative Proceeding, the Law of Acquisitions, Leases and Services of the Public Sector and the Law of Public Works and Services, the draft of the Administrative Code of the State of Mexico and the draft of Regulations of the Airports Law, Civil Aviation Law, Railway Services Law, Navigation Law, Federal Economic Competition Law, Foreign Investment Law and Federal Law of Metrology and Normalization, among others. Moreover, Brito Anderson´s experience in Legal Reforms has certainly benefited the firm in a significant way and has led it to develop high skills to interpret the reach and aim of the different laws and regulations – to determine the scope of application and to identify the best arguments to support the cases handled by the firm.

Mexico - Bankruptcy Law Firm of the Year Rivera Gaxiola y Asociados, S.C. Alonso Rivera Gaxiola Founding and Senior Partner Tel: +52 55 1084 1230.

Rivera Gaxiola y Asociados, S.C is a law firm specialised mainly in litigation, specifically: bankruptcies, financial restructurings, shareholder controversies, commercial, civil and administrative litigation. The firm distinguishes itself as an aggressive firm on the court’s floor, with strict coordination between paralegals at court and associates at the office to enhance a greater control of client cases. The firm’s areas of expertise include: civil, commercial and administrative litigation, international and domestic arbitration, bankruptcies, financial restructurings, shareholders controversies and disputes, telecommunications, aviation law, bonds and bails, insurances, and energy. Alonso Rivera Gaxiola, founding and senior partner of Rivera Gaxiola y Asociados, S.C., noted: “The law firm was founded on December 2, 2002; meanwhile, its headquarters are located in Mexico City, with an office in Nuevo León, Monterrey. The firm has practised all over the country, through our own staff or through strategic alliances and associations with local top firms. Today, Rivera Gaxiola y Asociados is one of the most important and well-known firms in Mexico.” Mr Rivera is an attorney who gained his law degree at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, and has extensive experience in civil, commercial, corporate and administrative litigation throughout the country, pertaining 102 GlobalAwards 2012

to national and international arbitration, bankruptcies and financial matters. Mexico’s insolvency law, known as the ‘ley de concursos mercantiles’, was enacted in 2000, replacing a bankruptcy system that was perceived as being favourable to debtors at the expense of creditors, known as the Bankruptcy and Suspension of Payments Act, 1943. Mr Rivera explained further: “The Bankruptcy and Suspension of Payments Act, 1943, was designed for the economic and social conditions of the times. As such, in the year 2000, a new Commercial Bankruptcy Act came to light, reorganising judges and specialists such as inspectors, mediators and receivers. The changes were made to give the procedures more transparency, and to avoid spending too much time before resolution. Specialists are designated by the Federal Institute of Commercial Bankruptcy Specialists, an auxiliary body of the Federal Judicature Council. These specialists will help the judge find an immediate and real solution to the financial problems of the company, leaving the judge the primary function of ruling.” According to Mr Rivera, the modern insolvency law that Concurso Mercantil (Commercial Bankruptcy), governed by the Commercial Bankruptcy Act (Ley de Concursos Mercantiles ‘LCM’), consists of two successive phases: conciliation and bankruptcy. The purpose of the former is stated as being: “the conservation of the company of the merchant by means of the agreement signed with its Acknowledged Creditors”. Meanwhile, the purpose of the latter is: “the sale of the company of the merchant, of its production units and of the assets that form it for payment to the Acknowledged Creditors”. Rivera Gaxiola y Asociados, S.C is lauded among industry insiders for its high quality client-lawyer relationships. Further still, the firm continues to provide bespoke services to clients – providing procedures and strategies that cater to their unique requirements at all times.

Mexico - Boutique Dispute Resolution Advisory Firm of the Year Portilla, Ruy-Díaz & Aguilar, S.C Carlos Portilla Partner Tel: +52 (55) 559 66047 Fax: +52 (55) 524 51953

Portilla, Ruy-Díaz & Aguilar (PRA) is the result of the union of a group of experienced lawyers who were motivated to create a firm of specialists in several areas of the law. The partners are aware that the current market requires more personalised, practical, effective and fairly-priced comprehensive services. The lawyers combined their talent, skills and enthusiasm to establish this firm, so as to offer and provide comprehensive services in the corporate, real estate, contracts, foreign investment, mergers and acquisitions, commercial and civil litigation, consumer protection, arbitration, risk-preventive consulting, criminal, labour (both individual and collective), tax litigation and consulting, foreign trade, immigration, transportation, bankruptcy and relief proceedings areas. PRA’s primary values are, among others, to build a close and lasting relationship with each client, in order to provide comprehensive legal services, with perseverance and commitment to teamwork, so as to accomplish the best and most effective, fairly priced and competitive results in accordance with clients’ needs. The firm’s goal is to find adequate solutions for each and

every one of its clients’ needs, striving to avoid any conflicts or risks in their daily operations or, as the case may be, to satisfactorily resolve, prevent and protect clients’ interests. The firm’s litigation practice area provides specialised services in civil and commercial litigation, consumer protection matters, advertisement disputes, application of Mexican Official Standards (Spanish acronym, NOMs), civil liability, bankruptcy law, as well as domestic and international arbitration. The firm’s civil and commercial litigation and arbitration practice area provides legal services to domestic and multinational companies engaged in sundry business activities, for the implementation and development of strategies aiming at the optimisation of human and material resources, without disregard for the preventive advice related to risks. The firm’s team of trial lawyers is comprised of attorneys specialised in all types of litigation, with over 30 years of experience representing clients in complex disputes heard before all instances of State and Federal Courts. Also, the firm’s concern is to give the client advice on risk and dispute prevention. The firm is prepared to protect the rights and interest of its clients, in a responsible and timely fashion, should there be a need for litigation. The firm’s members have been recognised as reliable experts in dealing with litigation and arbitration proceedings by specialised associations, such as Latin Lawyer Counsel, Chambers and Partners, and World’s Leading Lawyers for Business, among others. Its lawyers are members of domestic and international organisations specialised in litigation and arbitration, such as Counselex, Spanish Arbitration Club (Club de Arbitraje Español), International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC); Mediation and Arbitration Commission (Comisión de Mediación y Arbitraje) of the Mexican Chamber of Commerce (Cámara Nacional de Comercio, CANACO).

Mexico - Boutique Tax Law Firm of the Year BéndiksenLaw Jaime González Béndiksen Partner Tel: +52 55 3687-7285

BéndiksenLaw is a multidisciplinary law firm formed by a prestigious group of experienced professionals working together for nearly 20 years. Excellence in client service is the firm’s main focus. It strives to deliver to its clients highcalibre services, aimed at finding solutions rather than raising issues, to address their needs. Services include: banking, intellectual property, environmental, labour, civil and commercial litigation, mergers & acquisitions, corporate-general, public attestors, energy and mining, real estate, foreign trade, tax (all areas), government relations, and wealth management. BéndiksenLaw can deal with a wide range of corporate and commercial law services. Even when a client wishes to first set up a business, the firm can act straight away and assist with the selection of an appropriate corporate structure. Jaime González Béndiksen, partner, explained further: “One of the choices that an investor must make is the form of company through which it will do business in Mexico. There are several forms of commercial companies in Mexico, including: the general partnership, the limited partnership, the limited liability company, the stock corporation and the stock limited partnership.” Jaime González Béndiksen has been repeatedly listed in the Guide to the World’s Leading Tax Advisers published by Euromoney Publications of

London. He has been ranked regularly as a leading adviser on Mexican tax matters in the annual poll of 1000 corporate tax directors conducted by International Tax Review. He has also been named as one of the top tax lawyers in Latin America by Latin Lawyer. He is an adviser to Mexican and multinational corporations and to individuals. He has extensive experience in international tax planning, mergers and acquisitions, permanent establishments, cross-border transactions, transfer pricing, taxation of nonresident entities and individuals, corporate taxation, and business flat tax and VAT. Mr Béndiksen writes widely on domestic and international tax topics. Among many otherpublications, highlights include: • Co-authored the section on Mexico in CCH’s “International Transfer Pricing Laws”. • Directed and co-authored CCH’s “Mexican Tax Guide”. • Is the editor of “Practical Mexican Tax Strategies” published bi-monthly by World Tax Executives, Inc./Thomson Reuters. • Is the correspondent in Mexico for Tax Notes International. • Co-authored the Mexico country profile for the Global Tax Guide, published by BNA International. The firm operates with a code of conduct that allows it to take pride in the reputation of its lawyers for competency and integrity. The firm maintains the highest standards of ethical conduct, refraining from all conduct which is illegal or morally reprehensible. Mr Béndiksen concluded: “We will not engage in bribery, corrupt payments conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation, or engage in any other illegal conduct that may be prejudicial to our clients, to the administration of justice or to society. We will not engage in or condone sexual harassment or discrimination of any kind.” 2012 GlobalAwards 103

Mexico - Boutique Trademark Law Firm of the Year Avahlegal, S.C. Agustín Velázquez G.L. Managing Partner Tel: +52 (55) 5570 7547

Avahlegal is an award-winning Mexican law firm specialising in intellectual property and antitrust, with particular expertise in prosecution, administrative advise, commercial and constitutional litigation, IP enforcement, anticounterfeiting, border measures, health, food and advertising law as well as the handling of complex matters for the sports and entertainment sector as well as the corporate and arbitration/mediation law. It has offices in both Mexico City and Guadalajara and has adapted to streamline services without compromising any quality. Avahlegal’s practical, cost-effective approach links commercial decisions with effective legal solutions. The firm is also committed to channeling part of its human and material resources into its pro-bono program. Avahlegal, S.C. is synonymous with integration and growth. Since its incorporation in December, 2009, the firm has grown its staff from 15 to 55 in approximately 34 months. With a strength based on teamwork, client’s trust and the entrepreneurial vision of its lawyers, the firm strives to target and retain talent from the legal market. Agustin Velázquez, managing partner, explained Avahlegal’s core principles and the ways in which the firm distinguishes itself from the competition:

“We are team players. Avahlegal promotes teamwork among its staff in order to form a solid structure and act as one person. Our firm is an open forum for exchanging points of view, aiming to offer the best solution for our clients. Our professionals also work together with the clients, as their opinions are the key to providing legal services that suit their needs perfectly. We are a source of knowledge. Avahlegal has a team of partners who have over 25 years’ experience in the area of legal services. This expertise, recognised by our customers, is transmitted day after day to our younger lawyers in order to maintain a legacy of professionalism and excellence.” Mr Velázquez has focused his practice in the areas of intellectual property litigation, in addition to corporate, mediation and arbitration. He has wide experience in handling Mexican Constitutional and Administrative litigation, including Amparo proceedings, as well as advising on IP, franchise & licensing and antitrust matters. Agustin is an active member of the Mexican Bar Association. He has also served as Vice-President of the Mexican Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AMPPI) from 2003 up to 2007. He is also a member of international associations such as: The International Trademark Association (INTA), the American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) and the Mexican Chapter of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). In addition, he has been a member of the Board of the Mexican Chapter of the ICC as well as the Vice-President of IP Commission since at least 2004. For the future, Avahlegal’s main objective is to grow its clients’ base platform, while expanding its relations with current clients by including new law services.

Mexico - Contract Law Firm of the Year

Winner of Corporate INTL Global Awards 2012:

“‘Contract Law Firm of the Year in Mexico’”

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Mexico - Domestic Antitrust Law Firm of the Year Rodriguez Rivero y Cossío Locken Abogados Luis Manuel Rodríguez Rivero Partner Tel: +52 55 59 98 48 05 ext. 127

Rodriguez Rivero y Cossío Locken Abogados is regarded as a top level firm dealing with the provision of antitrust legal advice in Mexico. Practice areas of the firm include: economic competition and antitrust laws, notification of concentrations, mergers and acquisitions, corporate restructures, investigation proceedings before the Mexican competition authorities, constitutional law, amparo proceeding and administrative law. Partner of the firm Rodríguez Rivero holds a bachelor degree in law, postgraduate experience in tax Law, antitrust law and entities law. He has been a coordinator and sub-coordinator of several commissions of the Mexican Bar Association. Luis Manuel Rodríguez Rivero is a member of the Mexican Bar Association, Pro-Bono Association of the Mexican Bar Association and an honorary member of International Who’s Who of Professionals, Historical Society. Mr Rodríguez Rivero has been a co-author of antitrust law, economics and politics studies. He has written several articles on constitutional law, amparo, administrative law and antitrust law. Luis Manuel Rodríguez Rivero of Rodriguez Rivero Abogados is acknowl-

edged by commentators as having a presence in the market. He is a respected litigator and has been known to act on behalf of clients from the drinks industry. In 2011, a decree was published in the Official Journal of the Federation that amended, supplemented, and repealed various provisions of the Federal Competition Law (Ley Federal de Competencia Económica), the Federal Penal Code (Código Penal Federal) and the Federal Tax Code (Código Fiscal de la Federación) (collectively, the “Decree”) in the area of antitrust regulation. The most significant aspects of the reforms included the creation of an ordinary administrative trial before the district courts and specialised tribunals in the area of competition law and antitrust. The aggrieved party will have the option to bring such an action before or after the administrative appeal. It has established a 180-day period for the promulgation of such trial procedures and the creation of the special antitrust Tribunals. The decree also grants the authority the power to conduct investigations. Specifically, the decree grants Cofeco (Comision Federal de Competencia) the authority to (i) carry out on-site investigations without a court order, and (ii) to order the suspension of any activity that may constitute a monopolistic practice or a prohibited market concentration for a maximum period of one year, including the authority to set the amount of the bond required to avoid or lift such suspension. The amounts of the fines imposed have increased across the board. In most cases specific percentages of the violating parties’ revenues have been set as the parameters for assessing them (between 8 and 10% of the violators’ revenue).

Mexico - Mid-Market Corporate Law Firm of the Year

VÁZQUEZ ALDANA, HERNÁNDEZ GÓMEZ / ASOCIADOS (VAHG) A LEADING MID-MARKET CORPORATE LAW FIRM IN MEXICO VAHG advises in areas of M&A, Contract Law, Banking and Securities Law, Real Estate Law as well as corporate transactions in general, including Notary Public and Commercial Notary Public services. VAHG operates in Mexico City and Guadalajara, Mexico, consolidating more than 50 years of legal practice. “In VAHG we value each of our members. We develop long term relationships with our clients as a result of our quality and personal treatment. We believe that prestige is the result of the consistency of a professional

practice enriched with ethical values.” - Fernando Hernández CORPORATE OFFICES NOTARY AND BROKERS: Juan Ruiz Alarcón 320, Col. Arcos Sur. Guadalajara, Jal. C.P.44110. México. MEXICO CITY OFFICES: Av. Presidente Masarik 111 1er.piso. Col. Chapultepec Morales. D.F. C.P.11560 México. REST OF THE WORLD: We serve clients worldwide through CONSULEGIS, the EEIG network of more than 1,600 lawyers around the world. 2012 GlobalAwards 105

Mexico - Intellectual Property Law Firm of the Year

Mexico - IP Litigation Firm of the Year C&L Attorneys, SC Mr Jorge Leon Partner & Head of the Copyright and IP Litigation Department Tel: +(52) (55) 5659 5078 / 5659 4020

Clients have defined C&L Attorneys as a boutique firm highly credentialed and thoroughly experienced in the practice of intellectual property. This endorsement summarises the firm’s aim of providing strategies to protect intangible assets by carefully considering each product, service, niche market and client. “We believe our clients require more than a plain trademark and patent filing service, they deserve advice that fits their business strategy. This is why we remain committed to providing excellence in every case entrusted to us, always caring for the personal and responsive attention each and every single client deserves. These three small details set us apart from other firms,” explained Mr Jorge Leon, partner of the firm and head of the firm’s Copyright and IP Litigation Department. Mr Jorge Leon has been involved in intellectual property since 1996. He has practised in several areas including copyrights, trademarks, domain names, IP litigation and anti-counterfeiting. His professional memberships 106 GlobalAwards 2012

include: International Trademark Association (INTA) (Member of the Enforcement Committee- Discovery Procedures Subcommittee), American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA), American Bar Association (ABA), Mexican Bar, and Licensing Executives Society (LES). C&L Attorneys’ Litigation Department offers expertise and commitment to clients and in the event of a conflict it has the skills and resources to always aggressively defend its clients’ position. The firm’s areas of expertise include: trademarks, patents, designs, utility models, copyrights, IP litigation, enforcement, domain names and licensing and franchising. In particular the firm’s IP litigation services cover the litigation of infringement, nullity, non-use and cancellation proceedings of distinctive signs, trademarks, trade names & slogans, domain names, copyright registrations, and reserva of rights. Furthermore C&L Attorneys also litigates: invalidation & infringement of patents, designs & utility models, license enforcement, unfair competence, arbitration proceedings, non judicial negotiation, appeals before federal courts, and writ of amparo (extraordinary writ). Mr Leon explained the full reach of the firm’s legal services: “Our experience in handling intellectual property matters extends beyond Mexico as we also handle IP portfolios on behalf of our clients in Central and South America. Even there, we pride ourselves in providing tailor made solutions for every particular case. We render services to individuals as well as to national and international corporations in the industries of pharmaceuticals, entertainment, beverages, clothing and accessories among others.” For their high quality services, expertise and recent cases of success, which include a victory in a domain name dispute on behalf of Canon Inc. and an infringement action against a third party for the unauthorised use of the TEVA mark on behalf of Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, the firm has also been named as the 2012 Intellectual Property Law Firm of the Year in Mexico by Lawyer Monthly Legal Awards.

Mexico - Technology Law Firm of the Year Becerril, Coca & Becerril, S.C. Fernando Becerril CEO Tel: +52 55 5263-8730 Rosa E. Nuria Becerril Partner Tel: +52 55 5263-8730

Becerril, Coca & Becerril, S.C. is keen to protect the ideas of its clients while contributing to the development of their businesses. That is why clients can choose the firm as their strategic partner in areas such as intellectual property, technology transfer, and corporate law in Mexico. Clients all around the world trust in the firm’s service and professionalism to register and protect their patents and trademarks in Mexico and abroad, as well as for licensing agreements, corporate affairs and more. Rosa E. Nuria Becerril, partner, commented: “In recent years information technologies have achieved such a great importance as a strategic mainstay of a great number of companies that today, protecting any new technological development within the computing and virtual communication sectors represents great benefits to the owner. It is also necessary to properly protect those inventions that allow obtaining a competitive advantage in this competed sector. To protect these technological developments provides legal certainty and security to their owners.” The services the firm can perform in the area of IT law comprise the protec-

tion of digital contents and the registration and protection of domain names. Under the protection of digital contents, the firm offers the necessary counselling to ensure an adequate protection of the content of any development made in the field of information technology. Among the works that are subject to protection are: software applications, computer implemented inventions, websites, databases, graphic design, modelling and digital art, among others. With the registration and protection of domain names, Becerril, Coca & Becerril, S.C. can assist clients to register any kind of Top-Level Domain (TLD), either generic or geographic, to establish their brand online, both in Mexico and abroad. The firm performs this process before ICANN or each country’s NIC, according to clients’ requirements, and it takes care of preserving it in force taking care of the correspondent renovations. In addition, the firm’s legal team is ready to assist clients in any dispute related to domain names, ensuring its adequate enforcement. With more than 40 years of experience and commitment to providing clients with the best of its service, Becerril, Coca &Becerril, S.C. has developed a wide scale of services related to the fields of intellectual property, technology transfer and everything in between. These services include, among others, the filing, prosecution, registration, and maintenance of intellectual property rights related to patents, industrial designs, utility models, trademarks, copyrights, reservas, slogans, and commercial names in Mexico and other countries. The firm has the collaboration of prestigious associates worldwide who help make this possible. Rosa E. Nuria Becerril concluded: “Our human capital allows us to provide our clients with integral and multidisciplinary counselling on every matter related to Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer, from technological areas such as electronics, information technologies, chemistry, biotechnology and electromechanics, to the legal sphere, covering contentious issues as well as the wide array of corporate needs of our clients.”

Paraguay - Patents Law Firm of the Year

Winner of the Corporate INTL 2012 Global Award:

Paraguay - Patents Law Firm of the Year Casseli Law Firm is specialised in all areas of IP, including trademarks (registrations and renewals), patents, industrial model designs and all other matters that can be considered within this particular area. However, we do not limit ourselves to IP matters only, as we have expert lawyers in Labour and Corporate Law, as well as Tax Law, who provide their services to our many local and international clients.

Caroline Casseli CEO - GENERAL MANAGER Tel: +595 21 455 053

We deliver the same services as a large firm but with more competitive costs and the same strategy: efficiency, excellence and promptness.

2012 GlobalAwards 00

Venezuela - Intellectual Property Law Firm of the Year Bolet & Terrero Manuel Polanco Managing Partner Tel:+58 212- 283 94.44 Jose R. Fermin Legal Counsel Tel:+58 212- 283 94.44

Bolet & Terrero is one of the oldest law firms in Venezuela, dedicated since 1915, to intellectual property activities. From its foundation, the firm has been handling the registration and processing of its clients’ patents, trademarks, copyright and domains names in Venezuela, including counselling, prosecution, portfolio management, licensing, arbitration, litigation, unfair competition and anti-counterfeiting. Over the years, the firm has been known for its efficiency and loyalty to its clients. “For these reasons, Bolet & Terrero has been constantly recognised in international rankings as the main intellectual property firm in Venezuela,” explained Manuel Polanco, managing director. He continued: “The advantage of Bolet & Terrero against newer firms operating in Venezuela is its specialisation in IP and the range of services related to this area. We have gone from being an agency for registration of trademarks and patents to an integrated firm capable of advising on complex cases associated with this area. We are the firm of choice for the big pharmaceutical companies and we retain a large number of them as customers in the area of patents and health issues.”

Mr Polanco has been a member of Bolet & Terrero since 1995 and became managing partner in 1999. Since then, the firm has successfully addressed through the incorporation of new technologies and the creation of a team of lawyers, paralegals and high-level technicians, the registration and processing of its clients’ patents, trademarks, copyright and domains names in Venezuela, including counselling, prosecution, portfolio management, licensing, arbitration, litigation, unfair competition and anti-counterfeiting. Bolet & Terrero has rendered its services to companies in the field of pharmaceutical, chemicals, foods and beverages, household items, apparel, cosmetics, financial services, electronics, entertainment and software as well as mechanical and manufactured equipment. In 2012 Bolet & Terrero advised large companies in the area of luxury goods, in the fight against piracy and initiated several complaints before the DA for trademark infringement and won several decisions favourable to their clients. Jose Ramon Fermin has been the senior legal counsel of Bolet & Terrero since 2006. Under the direction of Manuel Polanco and the help of an excellent team of lawyers with extensive experience in the area of intellectual property, Mr Fermin provides advice to clients on the best way to protect their trademarks by drafting legal opinions when appropriate and complying with the requirements regarding the processing and follow-up until granting, obtaining the registration certificate, surveillance as well as the defence of clients’ rights. Mr Fermin concluded with a look back on the year so far: “Our great success in 2012 was the expansion of our services and the incorporation of specialists to address these new areas. This has allowed us to venture into both anti- counterfeiting and criminal areas with satisfactory results for several clients in the fields of automotive, cleaning, food, pharmaceutical, among others. Also, Bolet & Terrero has grown steadily both in the incorporation of leading lawyers, paralegals and high-level technicians and in the wide range of services related to intellectual property.”

US - Private Equity Data Room Provider of the Year

Corporate INTL Global Award 2012 Winner Private Equity Data Room Provider of the Year Contact: +1 404-692-6101 Email: Skype: dan.bradbary

Use V-Rooms™ on these projects and more: · Corporate Development M&A · Board of Director Communications · Document Collaboration/ Repository · Real Estate Management · Turnaround Management

US - Commercial Litigation Advisory Firm of the Year in Arizona Walker & Peskind Richard K. Walker Chairman Tel: +1 480 483 6336

Walker & Peskind puts experience, expertise, and efficiency together to form a new model of the premier law firm. The firm’s attorneys bring decades of experience, knowledge, and extraordinary innovation to the matters they handle on behalf of their clients. Richard Walker, Chairman and co-founder of the firm, is among the attorneys in the Southwestern United States most highly rated by their peers, and he sets the standard for the firm’s attorneys with regard to commitment to client service, exceptional quality of work, the highest integrity, and creative approaches to finding solutions for client problems. As a result, Walker & Peskind attorneys have come to the firm with excellent credentials, have been practising law with a high degree of success for between 10 and 38 years, have well-honed expertise in their fields, and share Mr. Walker’s philosophy that exceptional legal services can and should be provided to clients more cost effectively than what is typically encountered with most of the highly reputable law firms. The practice areas in which the firm’s current attorneys have acquired experience and expertise include: complex civil litigation, class actions, business fraud and racketeering, corporate & commercial law, commercial transactions, executive employment agreements, business planning & exit strategies, labour

& employment law, collective bargaining and labour arbitration, international business transactions and commerce. In summing up Walker & Peskind’s approach to client relationships, Mr. Walker has said: “There are many law firms that claim to approach their relationships with their clients as if they were business partners. At Walker & Peskind, when we say we consider our firm to be in partnership with our clients, however, these are not just words. We are committed to doing whatever we can to help our clients be more successful. We recognise that our clients’ success not only benefits them, but also us. We consider it very important that we know our clients’ business well enough to be in a position to recognise opportunities that can help them reach or exceed their business objectives. We remain constantly on the alert for such opportunities, even when they are not related to the range of services we have been retained to provide, and are only too pleased when we can help our clients take advantage of them.” Mr. Walker has advised and represented corporate clients including numerous Fortune 500 corporations on a national basis for more than 35 years. As a partner in some of the most prominent national firms in the U.S., he has earned a sterling reputation for adept handling of complex litigation, including cases with highly complex technological issues and class action suits and for his penetrating analyses and innovative strategies. Mr. Walker has also successfully represented employers in the full range of labour and employment law matters and is well-known for defending employers against claims brought under whistleblower protection laws. In Arizona, he is one of only a small handful of lawyers with significant experience and expertise in handling claims under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (“RICO”) Act. In the international arena, Mr. Walker has substantial experience with issues relating to the enforcement of judgments issued by foreign courts in the United States, and he has assisted clients with transactions involving interests in Asia, the European Union, and South America. Walker & Peskind strives to give clients better value while continuing to provide legal services that are in every way equal to or better than those provided by the large, national law firms.

US - Forensic Accounting Firm of the Year in Florida Lopez Levi Raimundo Lopez-Lima Levi, CPA, CFF, CVA Managing Partner Tel: +1 305 774 2945 Fax: +1 305 774 1504

As the global economy becomes more sophisticated and global transparency standards come to effect, clients worldwide seek the trusted advice of Lopez Levi. Lopez Levi is considered one of the leading boutique international tax and consulting firms, servicing high net worth private clients, businesses and governments predominantly from Latin America, the Caribbean, Europe, Africa and Middle East. Our team of multi-lingual professionals is committed to providing our clients with personalized, concierge oriented services and expert advice. Lopez Levi is recognized as a leading accounting firm for resolving complex financial situations. Lopez Levi clients are often referred by major international financial institutions and law firms whom understand the importance of personalized service and experienced guidance. Clients select Lopez Levi to resolve many difficult issues, including issues regarding, tax

evasion and compliance, international tax planning, multijurisdictional operations and investments, estate tax planning and asset protection. Lopez Levi professional serves as an expert witness in U.S. and international courts in civil and criminal matters. Lopez Levi foundation is its investment in human capital. Our environment embraces knowledge and inspires creativity to achieve innovative solutions to complex matters. We deliver value and creative advice to our clients, achieve excellence in our professional and practice with integrity. We measure success through our clients’ satisfaction with our services and by our contribution to solving the problem. Lopez Levi is a member of Geneva Group International is one of the world’s leading global organizations of professional and independent law, accounting and consulting firms. Our extensive knowledge of domestic and foreign business practices reinforces our clients’ trust in our capabilities as a preeminent Global Forensic Accounting Firm. Lopez Levi’s focus on forensic accounting, business valuation and tax controversy, is valued as a global resource for clients. As such we are increasingly assisting Americans that are living abroad with the Overseas Voluntary Disclosure Program. Our assistance helps clients with the complex tax regime of the US and avoids many potential issues that can occur in the future. Lopez Levi understands the commitment needed to help our clients achieve their desired results. Our Firm’s expertise, responsiveness and personalized service are factors contributing to winning the Corporate INTL’s 2012 Global Award for “Forensic Accounting Firm of the Year in Florida”. We are proud to be recognized for this honor and will continue to dedicate ourselves to providing top forensic accounting services to clients throughout the world. 2012 GlobalAwards 109

US - Immigration Law Firm of the Year in Florida Cordero & Associates Luis Cordero Partner Tel: +1 305 777 2677

Luis Cordero has practised immigration law exclusively for well over 20 years. In 2006, after many years as a partner in a multinational firm, he established his own firm, Cordero & Associates, offering services in the area of immigration, nationality and consular law. Cordero & Associates serves corporate and individual clients throughout the US, Latin America and Europe from its Miami headquarters as well as offices in New York, Washington DC, Bogotá, Buenos Aires and Caracas. It also offers a full suite of complementary advisory services including assistance with corporate legal matters, familiarisation with all aspects of US labour law, tax planning, and real estate negotiations. Mr Cordero noted: “Our firm differs from others in that it is tightly focused on our core competencies. Rather than a small or large firm, it is a boutique. The firm draws experience from large practices, as a number of its employees and



the principal are former large-firm employees or partners. While Cordero & Associates has only six to eight lawyers, it is not just a small firm. “We take on very complex matters that are usually reserved for larger firms. This includes representing some of the larger corporations in the world. The firm is sought out not because it is a small firm, but because it is so entrenched in the field that it has the reputation for the highest level of service and work product. We often handle matters that large-firm departments refer to us.” When asked about some prevalent issues pertaining to immigration law practise in Florida at present, Mr Cordero added that this area of the law is highly subjective, and discretion plays a very important role in decision making. Cordero & Associates has a remarkably strong reputation, not only in the community but with the immigration courts, immigration offices and the departments of state. This reputation is extremely important to those government officials as they determine whether a matter is worthy of a favourable decision. “The firm becomes the face of the client, and undoubtedly we can provide the best face forward,” said Mr Cordero. Meanwhile, Cordero & Associates’ clientele is today extremely varied and, as a full service immigration firm, its partners represent large, medium and small corporations, wealthy investors, entertainers, as well as persons dealing with immigration-related problems as a result of possible criminal issues, political problems, etc. Mr Cordero concluded: “We are also well positioned internationally, both through our offices and with our relationships. Our practice is, by its very nature, international. It is impossible to be at the top of this field and not be well versed in the intricacies of international negotiations. You must understand political, economic and cultural issues well in order to excel. However, few of the competitors have this level of expertise. We do.”

2:46:46 PM

US - Pharmaceutical Law Firm of the Year in Illinois

00 GlobalAwards 2012

US - Trademark Law Firm of the Year in Illinois Dineff Trademark Law Limited Justin R. Young Attorney-At-Law, New York and Paraguay Tel: +1 (312) 338-1000

DTL is an internationally well-known firm in the industry, providing quality intellectual property services professionally, efficiently and cost effectively. Located in Chicago, Illinois, DTL is a boutique firm specialising in intellectual property with an emphasis on trademark law. Experienced attorneys, paralegals and support staff assist many national and multinational trademark owners in domestic and international trademark matters as well as domain names and Internet issues, copyright, licensing and enforcement of intellectual property rights. DTL provides support services to experienced trademark attorneys, substantive advice to paralegals and functions as the in-house trademark department for companies. A unique combination of skilled multi-cultural professionals, fluent in multiple languages, is ideally suited to provide the most efficient solutions to its clients when dealing with their intellectual property needs. DTL benefits from all the advantages of a sizeable intellectual property practice while maintaining a personalised attention to clients. Cost effectiveness is a key concern of the firm. As the staff is fairly compensated by salary based on efficiency, no one is required to have billable hours. In this way, employee incentives are not at odds with the client’s goals. Even substantive matters are billed on a transaction fee basis. The firm welcomes relationship audits to review billing practices, assignment of work within the firm’s staff, quality of work product and responsiveness. Estimates are provided before performing any task and billing reports are available at any time during the fiscal year upon request. Justin R. Young, attorney-at-law, explained further: “DTL engages in a flexible, responsive and cost-effective legal practice to the benefit of its clients. DTL offers to review the budgets of clients to assist in cost control and the majority of the services rendered are subject to transactional billing. A simple, detailed service tariff allows clients to easily determine and track the cost of any intellectual property matter. When additional legal services are necessary, those hourly fees are set out in the tariff and are competitive in the industry.” Justin Young has been with DTL since January 2000. He is licensed to practice law in Paraguay, as well as being admitted to the bar in the state of New York. He is also admitted before the US District Court for the Northern District of Illinois. Mr Young’s practice focuses on intellectual property prosecution in the area of trademarks and related matters, such as, licensing, e-commerce, domain names and unfair competition. His primary work consists of assisting foreign clients in all trademark proceedings before the United States Patent and Trademark Office, including trademark clearance, prosecution, maintenance, as well as oppositions and cancellations. Mr Young’s work also includes providing counselling and opinions to

aid domestic clients in effectively procuring, protecting and enforcing their intellectual property abroad. Mr Young’s extensive experience in intellectual property law practice in South America has enabled him to provide the firm’s clients with an insight that only is achieved by first-hand knowledge and exposure in the area. Without question, his practical experience has proven to be an invaluable asset to the firm. Mr Young is an active member of the Inter-American Association of Intellectual Property (ASIPI), where he has lectured and participated in presenting programs related to the practice of intellectual property law. He is currently serving as one of the Directors in its Executive Committee and will take office as Secretary of the Association in December of 2012. Mr Young is also a member of the International Trademark Association (INTA). As the successor to the first trademark firm to design and market a trademark management system, DTL is a leader in the field of office computerisation. The integrated trademark management system currently in use in the office accomplishes many administrative tasks and reduces costly manual work. This helps the firm to better serve its diverse client base. DTL represents national and foreign clients from a wide variety of industries, such as: • Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages • Automotive • Fashion, clothing & footwear • Edibles and perishables • Financial • Inflammable & explosive • Magazines & publishing • Pharmaceutical • Real estate • Software & IT • Sports equipment & apparel • Travel and transportation The restructuring of the legal industry has seen the return to the use of smaller boutique firms such as DTL by both national and multinational corporations. DTL delivers quality trademark services efficiently and cost effectively. Client satisfaction and continuous improvement are always foremost in consideration. The goal of the firm is to provide continuity through a long-term relationship so that everyone at the firm knows the clients’ business. DTL is not only a team of good attorneys, but one of good business people.

2012 GlobalAwards 111

US - Oil & Gas Law Firm of the Year in Kentucky









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US - Arbitration Law Firm of the Year in Louisiana

Frilot L.L.C. is a full-service law firm based in New Orleans, Louisiana. The firm offers representation in litigation and transactional matters on a local, regional, and national basis before all courts and administrative agencies. Our practice area depth allows us to pull together the appropriate team of lawyers from multiple practice groups to provide the most efficient and effective representation to clients. The firm has earned victories for clients involving a wide range of matters encompassed by the following practice areas: Admiralty & Maritime Alternative Dispute Resolution


Commercial Litigation Construction Energy & Environmental Labor & Employment Mass Tort & Class Actions Medical Malpractice & Healthcare Products Liability Transactional

00 GlobalAwards 2012

A.J. Krouse, Partner 1100 Poydras Street, Suite 3700 New Orleans, Louisiana 70163 Phone: +1 (504) 599-8000 Fax: +1 (504) 599-8100

US - Cross Border Law Firm of the Year in Massachusetts

Perini-Hegarty & Associates, P.C. Stephanie Perini-Hegarty, Esq. President & Managing Attorney Tel: +1 617 217 2832

Perini-Hegarty & Associates is a law firm that represents diverse clients

in many industries, who turn to the firm for a wide range of legal services and resources. The firm’s clients include entrepreneurs, start-ups and emerging growth companies, privately held and family businesses, as well as Fortune 500 companies.

Ms Perini-Hegarty noted: “The firm prides itself on its attentiveness to the needs of clients, who look to Perini-Hegarty & Associates for skilful handling of complex and sometimes unprecedented situations. They also seek the kind of valuable perspective and insight that only results from our years of business and legal experience. With a balanced mix of business

Moreover, Perini-Hegarty & Associates is uniquely qualified to address

sense and legal reasoning, Perini-Hegarty & Associates is a

the issues and needs of its corporate clients with highly skilled drafting

flexible, cost-effective alternative to larger firms.”

and negotiation experience that preserves their legal interests, while

Meanwhile, in order to stay in touch with changes in the

promoting the clients’ business objectives. The firm has more than 16

industries of the firm’s clients, Ms Perini-Hegarty is a member

years’ business and management experience in the financial services

of organisations such as the CEO Club of Boston College, the

industry with routine and highly complex agreements, and also offers

Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce, the Massachusetts

extensive knowledge of the various corporate issues and needs related

Export Center and the National Association of Stock Plan

to conducting business on a multinational scale.


Stephanie Perini-Hegarty, founding partner, explained how the firm distinguishes itself from the competition: “Due to our combined business and legal expertise, we have

In addition to these industry groups and associations, Ms Perini-Hegarty is actively engaged in the American Bar Association’s International Law Section, and is a steering Com-

developed a strong track record of helping our clients to achieve their

mittee Member of the International Commercial Transactions

objectives and goals, making us their first choice for legal support. The

Committee as well as being a member and regional liaison for

firm provides a variety of business and legal support in areas including:

the International Women’s Network committee, the International

financial services, such as prime broker, benefits administration and

Dispute Resolution Committee and the International Financial

market data & technology licensing; import/export, distributor, agent

Services Committee. She is an active member of the London,

and licensing agreements; intellectual property, including copyright &

England-based International Bar Association.

trademark protection and licensing; privacy, including policy develop-

As an experienced international law group, Perini-Hegarty

ment and EU Safe Harbor Certifications; as well as real estate, including

& Associates is knowledgeable about the key provisions that

residential and commercial sales and leasing; and more.”

need to be included in legal agreements such as arbitration,

Prior to founding Perini-Hegarty & Associates, Ms Perini-Hegarty

governing law, intellectual property or CISG where appropri-

worked for Fidelity Investments for more than 10 years. She began by

ate – in order to reduce clients’ overall risk, help to meet their

managing negotiations, contracts and relationships with market data

objectives and protect their businesses. The firm’s clients are

and technology partners for Fidelity. Due to her effective negotiation

savvy and sophisticated businesses ranging from start-up

and drafting style, she managed highly complex cross-company mar-

companies and emerging businesses, to large multi-national

ket data and licensing agreements for Fidelity. Eventually, she became

corporations. Its professionals’ expertise gives Perini-Hegarty

Vice President of Contracts for a fidelity start-up, Fidelity Stock Plan

& Associates a distinct advantage when working on an interna-

Services, where she was responsible for overseeing all contractual le-

tional playing field thanks to their collective depth of experi-

gal and business matters for the company’s domestic and international

ence and knowledge of international legal considerations,

service offerings.

which can be applied to clients’ situations as well as utilising

Perini-Hegarty & Associates is a strong partner to its corporate clients doing business in either the import or export of goods and services. The firm supports clients by providing guidance related to: methods of

the international legal relationships that the firm has built up over the years. Ms Perini-Hegarty concluded: “The firm has helped clients

distribution of goods and services; non-disclosure agreements to protect

develop and negotiate agreements for use with parties located

business discussions; drafting & negotiating of agreements (i.e., agency,

in United States, Europe, the Middle East and Asia, and we

distribution, joint venture, licensing, shipping, etc); as well as updates and

continue to support our clients in negotiating deals that, in ag-

guidance on current import & export regulatory compliance issues.

gregate, are valued in the hundreds of millions of dollars.”

2012 GlobalAwards 113

US - Boutique Media Law Firm of the Year in New York

Marc Jacobson, P.C.

property issues faced by entertainment businesses in the digital age. This includes matters relating to the creation, development and exploitation of Marc Jacobson intellectual property rights in internet-based content as well as film, television, Owner video, music and theatrical properties. In addition he advises companies on Tel: +1 212 245 8955 business and financing strategies in connection with such properties. As a result of Mr Jacobson’s business and legal background, he is an adviser to a diverse group of individuals and companies in connection with production, licensing, financing, recording, distributing, publishing, joint ventures, and personal service and related contracts. He handles the purchase and sale of music publishing catalogs and the financing, production, and distribution of filmed entertainment. What sets Mr Jacobson apart from the competition is his dedication and commitment to represent clients and his devotion to the industry. A great Selected by Chambers USA every year since 2005 and by Super Lawyers example of this is his testimony before Congress on behalf of internet service since 2008 as one of the top Entertainment Lawyers in NYC, Marc Jacobson providers with respect to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, as well as further built his unique practice by focusing on his two passions: music and film. He testimony before the World Intellectual Property Organization regarding the represented the estates of George & Ira Gershwin, Elvis Presley and Duke Berne Convention. Ellington and important songwriters such as Jimmy Webb, Shakira and Annie On the financial side of the business, Mr Jacobson has coordinated loans Roboff. He handled films like “Conviction” with Hilary Swank & Sam Rockwell, and tax planning strategies for major songwriters resulting in multi-million dollar represented Oscar Nominee Rip Torn and is now executive producer of the payment to clients, and potential tax deferral for up to twenty years. He also delate Dennis Hopper’s final film. veloped a business model for, and introduced many prominent music industry executives to serve on the board of directors of a leading Internet-based music He also held senior executive positions at several major internet companies. company offering ad-supported music. Mr Jacobson is the Founding Chairman of the NYS Bar Association Section on Notable and significant victories on behalf of his clients include the repreEntertainment Arts & Sports Law. He was also an Adjunct Professor of Entertain- sentation of a film maker in proving that certain music could be used free of ment Law at Fordham University Law School, CUNY Law School and The New charge in a major studio released picture, due to public domain status of these School. He is licensed in New York, California (inactive) and Florida (inactive). foreign works, as well as terminating a client’s music publishing joint venture, Mr Jacobson has significant experience in the entertainment and Internet where a client received 100% of its compositions back, plus a significant cash industries. He currently advises many clients on the business and intellectual payment.

114 GlobalAwards 2012

US - Cross Border Law Firm of the Year in New York / Hong Kong - Oil & Gas Law Firm of the Year

Maalouf Ashford & Talbot, LLP John J. Maalouf Senior Partner Tel: +1 212.789.8717

Maalouf Ashford & Talbot, LLP is among the world’s leading interna-

tion with their exceedingly complex and sophisticated international

tional law firms, with offices in New York City, London, Hong Kong,

business transactions.

different countries and jurisdictions worldwide.

matters involving China business law and is co-author of the book

Shanghai, Riyadh and Boston, representing clients in more than 140

In addition, Mr Maalouf is an internationally recognised expert on “Inside the Minds: Best Practices for Mergers & Acquisitions in Chi-

John J. Maalouf, senior partner of the firm, has been ranked as one

na”, published by Thomson West, the world’s most respected name

of the Top 10 International Trade & Finance Lawyers in the United

in legal publishing. Maalouf Ashford & Talbot was among the first US

States for the past seven consecutive years by the US Lawyer Rank-

law firms in China, and the firm’s legal agreements and documents

ings (2006 – 2012 Editions) due to his commitment to excellence and

have become the industry standard used by other law firms today.

outstanding client service. Our lawyers are internationally recognised as leading experts in the

John J. Maalouf is also a recognised expert in the field of international initial public offerings (IPOs) and is a leader in taking compa-

ergy Law, Private Equity Law, Project Finance Law, Asset Finance Law,

nies public on numerous international stock exchanges, including the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, Hong Kong Stock Exchange .and

Banking Law, Capital Markets Law, Corporate Law, Cross Border Law,

London Stock Exchange.

areas of International Finance Law, Mergers & Acquisitions Law, En-

Shipping & Maritime Law, Antitrust Law, Sharia Law and Tax Law. The firm’s unwavering commitment to superior client service has led

In today’s heavily regulated and competitive world, corporations are facing greater scrutiny and confronting more arduous challenges

to Maalouf Ashford & Talbot being named “Law Firm of the Year” on

than ever before. At Maalouf Ashford & Talbot, we pride ourselves

36 different occasions and categories. We are deeply appreciative of

on creating new and innovative ways to assist our clients in meeting

these recognitions and, more importantly, the confidence of our clients

those challenges, rather than explaining to them why “it can’t be

which they reflect.

done”. With a practice that offers unparalleled representation across

Maalouf Ashford & Talbot remains at the forefront of the legal

a comprehensive range of legal areas, we have the ability to antici-

profession in structuring complex international business transac-

pate obstacles, seize opportunities and get the deal done, and the

tions, representing clients in numerous high profile matters involving

experience and know-how to prevent it from being undone.

international mergers and acquisitions, public offerings, private equity,

Maalouf Ashford’s reputation for excellence and breadth of

project finance, oil & gas transactions, coal, iron ore and mining deals,

expertise has made it the law firm of choice for many of the world’s

and cross-border transactions worldwide. Our firm represents some of

leading corporations as they address the diverse legal and business

the world’s most respected companies and governments in connec-

challenges that they face.

2012 GlobalAwards 115

US - Insurance Law Firm of the Year in New York ence with business enterprise. Sarah J. Edwards, partner and UK trained barrister, elaborated on the firm’s successes of 2012: “In a major pre-suit win, Littleton Joyce’s insurance specialRobert L. Joyce Partner ists finalised a negotiated US$15 million insurance contribution recovery that was Tel: +1 (914) 417-3412 reached with three separate parties, for defence and indemnity payments made in connection with four multi-plaintiff actions seeking damages for bodily injuries sustained as a result of exposure to contaminants in the workplace. Although Sarah J. Edwards the existence and scope of the coverage obligation was hotly disputed, Littleton Partner Tel: +1 (212) 404-5711 Joyce was able to achieve this result without even filing a complaint.” Littleton Joyce’s lawyers’ extensive experience with complex insurance programs, often involving multiple insurers extending back many decades with varying levels of attachment and risk retention by the insured, has enabled the insurance practice group to efficiently evaluate insurance schemes and reach agreements for their clients expeditiously and without resort to costly litigation. This litigation is typically in connection with asbestos, environmental and mass tort liabilities. These skills have been put to use most recently in relation to the pervasive popcorn lung litigation, where defendant In a year marked by large-scale insurance cases ranging from environmental policyholders’ complex corporate histories have created added challenges when negotiating coverage schemes. to financial disasters, Littleton Joyce’s insurance practice group has stood In cases where parties remain recalcitrant, Littleton Joyce has demonstrated out for the significant victories that they have scored for their domestic and time and again that it has the skills to litigate effectively and will do so when its cliinternational clients, both inside and outside the courtroom. ents’ interests call for it. Robert L. Joyce , partner, said: “Littleton Joyce has filed Drawing on a depth and breadth of knowledge about many different kinds of declaratory judgement actions in state and federal courts throughout the US that coverage and the workings of the insurance industry at large, the insurance have repeatedly secured insurance rights and recoveries for their clients, most recently in the D&O, toxic tort, construction and labour law settings. Here, the practice group provides representation and advice on all key coverage Insurance Group often supports the firm’s active Product Liability and Construcissues. Littleton Joyce has assisted the captive for a UK pharmaceutical company to secure significant coverage assets in connection with US block- tion practice in enforcing clients’ risk-transfer agreements.” Littleton Joyce’s litigators are battling it out in another complex coverage disbuster drug litigation, where certain layers of the coverage are governed by New York law. The firm has also counselled Asian clients with respect to pute involving a confluence of wrap-up and general liability policies, which date back to the mid ‘40s. Littleton Joyce is pursuing two ‘holdout’ carriers for tens of D&O coverage concerns stemming from multi-million shareholder actions, millions of dollars in defence and indemnity costs incurred, and which continue investigations by the US Attorney and claims of misappropriation of trade to be incurred, in connection with nationwide liabilities. secrets, insider-trading, misrepresentation and fraud, and tortious interfer-

Littleton Joyce

US - Patents Law Firm of the Year in New York Ladas & Parry LLP Janet I. Cord Partner Tel: +1 212-708-1935

in September 2011, the patent department has taken a lead in educating and counselling companies, universities and law firms around the world on the changes that are required under this act and how this act should shape policies relating to acquisition and maintenance of intellectual property rights,” commented Janet Cord, partner of Ladas & Parry LLP. Ladas & Parry LLP has a team of highly skilled US attorneys, foreign attorneys, patent agents and professional representatives throughout its offices. The firm’s practice is broad-ranging, from all aspects of patent, trademark and copyright law and litigation, to advice on entertainment law, domain names, security interests in intellectual property, licensing, franchising and related aspects of

Ladas & Parry LLP, an international law firm with offices in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, London, and Munich, has achieved the title

of Patents Law Firm of the Year – New York 2012 from the readers

of Acquisition International. Mrs Janet I. Cord, Esq, along with John

Richards, and Clifford Mass, is a partner in the New York office. The patent group focuses on obtaining whether by patents (utility, design, and

plants); licenses or other agreements; or litigation and other contested

proceedings; protection for intellectual property rights, both domestically and abroad.

“The firm is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year and continues to build on its experience in protecting its clients’ intellectual property rights in the 21st century. With the adoption of the America Invents Act

116 GlobalAwards 2012

commercial law and other legal areas dealing with technology. The firm’s comprehensive knowledge of global intellectual property law, its moderate size that facilitates personalised service and close attorney-client relationships, as well as its dedication to client service has kept the firm in the forefront of its profession for 100 years. As part of Ladas & Parry LLP’s extensive involvement in the international intellectual property community, the firm is also proud to sponsor the Ladas Memorial Award, in memory of the outstanding contributions to international intellectual property law made by the firm’s late partner the distinguished practitioner and author, Dr Stephen P. Ladas. The Award is presented each year by the Brand Names Education Foundation to the paper judged best on the subject of trademark law or a matter that directly relates to or affects trademarks.

US - Energy Law Firm of the Year in North Dakota

Serving the Oil and Gas Industry in North Dakota, Montana, and Wyoming

Bismarck 400 East Broadway, Suite 600 Bismarck, ND 58501 +1 (701) 223-6585

Billings 490 North 31st Street, Suite 500 Billings, MT 59101 +1 (406) 252-3441

Casper 152 North Durbin Street, Suite 220 Casper, WY 82601 +1 (307) 265-2279

Williston 111 East Broadway Williston, ND 58801 +1 (701) 572-2200

Bozeman 45 Discovery Drive Bozeman, MT 59718 +1 (406) 556-1430

Sheridan 101 West Brundage Street Sheridan, WY 82801 +1 (307) 673-3000

US - Entertainment Law Firm of the Year in Oregon Cable Huston G. Kevin Kiely Partner Tel: +1 (503) 224-3092

Cable Huston’s Sports and Entertainment practice group represents professional sports franchises, amateur sports organizations, and entertainment figures in all aspects of their business. Cable Huston is a Portland, Oregon-based law firm specializing in Commercial Litigation, Environmental Law, Energy and Business Transactions. A significant portion of the firm’s Commercial Litigation work is in the Sports and Entertainment field, where it acts as outside counsel for the Portland Trail Blazers, high profile athletes and entertainers, and entertainment venue owners, including Portland Arena Management LLC (the Rose Garden Arena). The group – headed by G. Kevin Kiely – includes Jon Monson, Casey Nokes, Carla Scott and Gretchen Barnes. Over the last several years, Cable Huston’s Sports and Entertainment practice group has enjoyed significant victories on behalf of a number of

high profile clients. Cable Huston has litigated disputes arising out of professional athlete contracts, endorsement agreements, insurance policies, and television and radio broadcast contracts for a variety of clients. When asked what sets Cable Huston’s Sports and Entertainment group apart from other Pacific Northwest firms, Mr Kiely answered: “We have been through and litigated issues arising out of virtually every type of transaction that a team, entertainer or venue faces. Our Sports and Entertainment practice group has acted as primary outside litigation counsel for the Blazers for nearly a decade, including through the Oregon Arena Corporation bankruptcy adversary proceedings in 2004 that resulted in the Rose Garden being reacquired by the Blazer’s owner, Paul Allen, and in significant upgrades and improvements to the arena itself.” But in talking to Mr Kiely, it is obvious he is not one to rest on his laurels. “I am proud of what we are doing here. Over the past several years we have invested in becoming the go-to entertainment law firm in Oregon, both through the quality of our work and the development of our team (including recruiting top notch litigators from some of the best law firms in the country). We are pleased to be getting recognized for that investment, but we are focused on the upcoming year and are poised to amplify our impact on the Oregon sports and entertainment landscape.” Both the long term and more recent success enjoyed by Mr Kiely and his team were evident in the survey results collected by Corporate INTL, as Cable Huston’s name consistently stood out in the research process. Corporate INTL is pleased to award Cable Huston ‘Entertainment Law Firm of the Year in Oregon’.

2012 GlobalAwards 117

US - Criminal Law Firm of the Year in Pennsylvania / US - White Collar Law Firm of the Year in Pennsylvania

Law Office Of NiaLena Caravasos, LLC NiaLena Caravasos, Esq. Federal Criminal Defence Advocate Tel: +1 215 925 5200

For The Best Federal Criminal Defence … Follow “The Road Not Taken”, Robert Frost NiaLena Caravasos has earned the reputation nationally and internationally as one of the top federal criminal defence lawyers in Philadelphia. She is known for not being afraid to separate her controversial client list which has included CEOs, high-ranking government officials, medical doctors, lawyers, alleged mobsters and drug traffickers, Arab Americans, and many other fellow citizens while fighting strategically, creatively and relentlessly both in and out of court. In the words of her federal clients, Ms Caravasos is: “the person who gave me a new life…fighting the prosecution like a rabid pitbull,” and “is not your typical attorney…she will go well beyond her professional mandate and help you as a person…she will defend your rights and protect you when the prosecution attempts to exploit your weaknesses.” Ms Caravasos is humbled and honoured not only by the praise from clients, but also by the recognition from colleagues. Ms Caravasos has

been repeatedly honoured by peers as a “Pennsylvania Super Lawyer” and was recently selected as the only female criminal defence attorney in Pennsylvania invited to join the “Top 100 Trial Lawyers”, where membership is obtained by special invitation from The National Trial Lawyers only to those who exemplify superior qualifications of leadership, reputation, influence, stature and profile as trial lawyers. Ms Caravasos was the youngest and only female attorney to defend a reputed mafia figure in the nearly five-month federal trial of United States v. Merlino and, following her client’s acquittal of RICO and attempted murder charges, her closing argument was selected among nationwide submissions and spotlighted by the Center for Criminal Justice Advocacy. Ms Caravasos was also the only female member of the defence representing Senator Vincent Fumo, long regarded as the most powerful politician in Pennsylvania, in his five-month high-profile federal political corruption trial, where she was the co-author of an emergency motion that made headlines in The New York Times and ABC News. Ms Caravasos is often lead counsel in sophisticated multi-defendant cases and has substantial experience in extremely complicated highprofile federal criminal cases involving extensive electronic surveillance and wiretaps. Described by Washington, DC lawyer, Mark Schamel, as “a woman at the top of her game,” Ms Caravasos is known for thinking outside the box, for not taking no for an answer, and for taking “the road less travelled by” (Robert Frost). She is also known for her intensely personal and innovative approach, expressed best by one of her clients as follows: “She sees me as a person and not a criminal … undoubtedly one of her strongest weapons in the courtroom.”

US - Islamic Finance Law Firm of the Year in Washington, DC Patton Boggs LLP John H. Vogel Partner Tel: +1 202 457 6460

Patton Boggs LLP is an international law firm, based in Washington, DC, with a diverse range of practice areas focused on business, foreign sovereign representation, corporate finance, public-private and infrastructure financings, public policy, litigation, administrative and regulatory law, intellectual property and bankruptcy and liquidation laws. The strength of our legal practice is grounded in the exceptional capabilities of our more than 600 lawyers and other professionals who concentrate in nearly 40 legal practice areas at offices throughout the United States and in the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Patton Boggs is at the forefront of international law firms working in the complex field of Shariah-compliant finance and investment. Attorneys in the firm’s international finance and business practices, including attorneys in the firm’s Washington, DC and Middle Eastern offices, work closely to develop strate-

118 GlobalAwards 2012

gies to assist our clients with financings and other transactions that comply with Islamic law. Our experience includes dealing with all major Islamic finance structures, including the issuance of sukuk and the structuring of ijara, istisna’a, musharaka, mudaraba and murabaha transactions. Our Islamic finance attorneys have served as counsel to a number of Shariahcompliant investment funds and capital providers for businesses controlled by such funds on a broad range of real estate, infrastructure and other financings. On the regulatory side, our attorneys have advised in government-to-government negotiations intended to expand the range of Islamic banking products and services and improve governance and transparency in Islamic financing, as well as simplification of Shariah-compliant accounting, reporting and approval requirements. Patton Boggs has been honored as a finalist for the “Best Islamic Finance Law Firm” at the Islamic Business and Finance Awards in Dubai – one of very few non-Middle East-based institutions to qualify as a finalist in any category for these awards, which celebrate corporate and individual excellence in the global Islamic finance industry. Patton Boggs is a leader in Islamic finance, supporting internal development projects and overseas investments for our clients throughout the MENA region. Our clients, serviced from our Washington and MENA offices, include sovereign wealth funds, as well as US and international financial institutions and commercial enterprises wishing to take advantage of various Islamic finance structures in today’s competitive world. Our attorneys have published numerous articles regarding Islamic finance and have participated in panels throughout the world addressing issues of Islamic finance to audiences in the Middle East, Europe and the United States.

US - Administrative Law Firm of the Year in Washington, DC / US - Government Contracts Law Firm of the Year in Washington, DC

O’Riordan Bethel Law Firm, LLP Carol L. O’Riordan Managing Partner Tel: +1-202-822-1720

Carol L. O’Riordan, founder and managing partner of O’Riordan Bethel, has extensive experience in administrative law, commercial construction, and government contract related matters, having represented clients nationwide on government procurement issues from bid protests through claims preparation, pricing, negotiations, and litigation. She is also a recognised authority and frequent lecturer on federal and state certification programs. Ms O’Riordan has structured protocols for corporate Foreign Corrupt Practices Act compliance; led successful negotiations of the prime contract and related subcontract and supply agreements for construction by her client of a $650 million highway in Central Asia; and served as outside general counsel to a federal contractor during its launch of international operations in Iraq and the Middle East. Ms O’Riordan says one of her strengths is her ability to “work with corporate entities and business people as they move into new areas of business.” Part of O’Riordan Bethel’s competitive advantage, Ms O’Riordan says, is that it brings to each client the best professionals in the market. It has built a strong core staff of seasoned legal professionals and it supplements their skills with those of other professionals such as consultants and engineers. Ms O’Riordan says: “Clients look to us for guidance in navigating the com-

plexities of the government contracting system, and we have always been guided by what our clients need. Often that has made us innovators.” Among the firm’s recent successes is the landmark case of Mori Associates Inc. v. United States. In September 2011, the US Court of Federal Claims prohibited the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases from cancelling a help desk services solicitation that Mori Associates, a small business, had repeatedly challenged after multiple awards to its rival, ATC. The judge also preliminarily enjoined the NIDDK from proceeding with another solicitation issued after this cancellation that sought to take nine help desk positions from the nixed request for quotation and offer them to larger contractors. Mori protested each award before the US Government Accountability Office on the grounds that the NIDDK had failed to give it an adequate reason for denying its offer; that ATC had misrepresented its qualifications; and that the agency had unethically steered the contract towards ATC. The GAO dismissed each protest after the government agreed to take corrective action, but Mori argued in each subsequent protest that the steps taken to remedy these deficiencies were insufficient, leading it, eventually, to file at the US Court of Federal Claims in May 2010. Mori amended its complaint and requested further injunctive relief after the NIDDK cancelled the disputed solicitation in November 2010, arguing that the agency’s excuse that it could save money by having government employees perform 11 out of 33 positions called for in the original solicitation was “so grossly erroneous as to necessarily imply bad faith”. In granting Mori’s request for a permanent injunction against the cancellation of the solicitation, it was ruled that the agency’s November cancellation of its request for quotation for help desk support lacked a rational basis and thus violated federal contracting law. O’Riordan Bethel led the four protests and was second chair in the case before the US Court of Federal Claims.

US - Administrative Law Firm of the Year in Washington, DC / US - Government Contracts Law Firm of the Year in Washington, DC We are an award-winning, nationally-recognized consulting and legal services firm based in Washington, DC. We provide the sophisticated approach of a large firm along with the personal service and client commitment of a small firm.

Every business occasionally needs someone who can smooth away the rough edges and guide it to stability. We have the experience to see you through.

Our practice areas include: • Government Contracts • Financial regulation • White-collar criminal defense • Certification (including 8(a) and DBE)

• Securities enforcement • Business litigation • Construction

Our clients range from Fortune 500 companies to small businesses that want to become big businesses. We represent corporations, financial institutions, nonprofits, and individuals. We are certified as a woman-owned and African-American-owned business. We work for economic inclusion. We help women and minorities find a seat at the table.

“One of the very best law firms we have used to represent us in Federal procurement.” - Sam Malhotra CEO, Subsystem Technologies, Inc. The O’Riordan Bethel Law Firm, LLP 1314 19th Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 Tel: +1 (202) 822-1720 Fax: +1 (202) 822-1721

Europe Award Winners

The European Union comprises

Analytics and the Bloomberg market consensus

27 nations with a total

dragged on GDP, while fixed investment, exports

population of around 500

economy will possibly go into a mild recession in

million, and accounts for around 30% of the value of global GDP.

had forecast. Private consumption and imports and government spending contributed. The French the later part of 2012 because of uncertainty about the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis, tight credit, fiscal tightening and high unemployment both at home and in France’s key trading partners in the region. The UK remains a key playing power and financial centre, and is the third largest economy in Europe after Germany and France. However, in 2012 a shock 0.2pc contraction in UK growth pushed Britain into its first double dip recession since the

2012 has brought challenges to the European Union in the form of sover-

1970s. The UK’s economy has contracted for three

eign debt risks and the attempts made by governments to tackle them. In

quarters in a row, although recently there have

the last three years, Greece, Ireland and Portugal have received EU and

been signs that suggest the country is returning to

IMF backed bailouts, which in partnership with strict state-encouraged

economic growth.

austerity measures, are designed to help the member states get back on track. It is possible that the sovereign debt contagion could likely spread to Spain. This road has been long and difficult and has caused turmoil in markets, lack of consumer confidence and a drop in the Euro currency value. According to the OECD report, “A Market Perspective on the European Sovereign Debt and Banking Crisis”, Europe has been beset by two interrelated crises: (i) a banking crisis, stemming from losses in capital market securities (including US subprime and other structured products), as well as home-grown, boom-bust problems in the property markets of some EU countries; and (ii) a sovereign debt crisis exacerbated by recession, transfers to help banks, and in some cases very poor fiscal management over a number of years that was inconsistent with the principles laid down in the Stability and Growth Pact and the Maastricht Treaty. The report highlights how both Greece and Ireland have faced very significant adverse movements in their yield spreads relative to Euro-area benchmark bonds, and to a lesser extent this is also the case for Portugal and Spain. The report finds that market-implied sovereign restructuring probabilities calculated by financial firms do in fact discriminate quite clearly between countries on a relative basis, and the market has even begun to ponder whether the crisis could spread further, and whether the Euro system in its current form is sustainable. While the German economy remains the backbone of the Eurozone, the French economy struggled in 2011. In 2012, the French economy neither grew nor contracted on a quarter-ago basis in the three months to June at the start of this year. The outcome was better than both Moody’s

120 GlobalAwards 2012



Full Service Law Firm of the Year / Drakopoulos Law



Full Service Law Firm of the Year / Drakopoulos Law



Energy Law Firm of the Year / Drakopoulos Law



Anti-Corruption Law Firm of the Year / Saxinger, Chalupsky & Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH

(SCWP Schindhelm Austria)



Capital Markets Law Firm of the Year / Brandl & Talos Rechtsanwälte GmbH



Commercial Arbitration Advisory Firm of the Year / OBLIN MELICHAR



Corporate Law Firm of the Year / Hauser Partners Rechtsanwälte GmbH



Criminal Law Firm of the Year / PHHV Rechtsanwälte



International Business Crime Law Firm of the Year / PHHV Rechtsanwälte



Full Service Law Firm of the Year / Drakopoulos Law



Full Service Law Firm of the Year / Drakopoulos Law



Energy Law Firm of the Year / Drakopoulos Law



Anti-Corruption Law Firm of the Year / Saxinger, Chalupsky & Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH

(SCWP Schindhelm Austria)



Capital Markets Law Firm of the Year / Brandl & Talos Rechtsanwälte GmbH



Commercial Arbitration Advisory Firm of the Year / OBLIN MELICHAR



Corporate Law Firm of the Year / Hauser Partners Rechtsanwälte GmbH



Criminal Law Firm of the Year / PHHV Rechtsanwälte



International Business Crime Law Firm of the Year / PHHV Rechtsanwälte



Real Estate Law Firm of the Year / PHHV Rechtsanwälte



Dispute Resolution Law Firm of the Year / BLS Rechtsanwälte Attorneys at Law



Eastern European M&A Law Firm of the Year / WILDMOSER/KOCH & PARTNER



International M&A Advisory Firm of the Year / IMAP M&A Treuhand GmbH

2012 GlobalAwards 121

Europe Award Winners Contents



Litigation Firm of the Year / Kunz Schima Wallentin Rechtsanwälte OG



Restructuring Law Firm of the Year / GRAF & PITKOWITZ



International Banking & Finance Law Firm of the Year / GRAF & PITKOWITZ



Corporate Law Firm of the Year / EKVITA LLC



Personal Tax Advisory Firm of the Year / EVEREST LAW OFFICES



Business Crime Law Firm of the Year / Afschrift



Corporate Tax Firm of the Year / Afschrift



Administrative Law Firm of the Year / Georgiev, Todorov & Co.



Auditing Advisory Firm of the Year / Baker Tilly Klitou



Commercial Due Diligence Advisory Firm of the Year / Baker Tilly Klitou



Auditing Advisory Firm of the Year / Baker Tilly Klitou



Forensic Accounting Firm of the Year / Baker Tilly Klitou



Transfer Pricing Advisory Firm of the Year / Baker Tilly Klitou



PPP Law Firm of the Year / CMS Cameron McKenna LLP



Aviation Law Firm of the Year / Chr. P. Mitsides & Co LLC



Business Formation Law Firm of the Year / COSTAS TSIRIDES & CO L.L.C.



Business Law Firm of the Year / PAPACHARALAMBOUS & ANGELIDES L.L.C.



Foreclosure Law Firm of the Year / PAPACHARALAMBOUS & ANGELIDES L.L.C.



Cross Border Law Firm of the Year / Pamboridis LLC



Fiduciary Servicer Provider of the Year / BYBLOSERVE MANAGEMENT LTD



International Tax Planning Law Firm of the Year / Christos Patsalides L.L.C.



Law Firm of the Year / L. Papaphilippou & Co



Wealth Management Advisory Firm of the Year / Deloitte Investment Services


Czech Republic

Cross Border Law Firm of the Year / ZILVAROVÁ CTIBOR HLADKÝ v.o.s.

122 GlobalAwards 2012


Czech Republic

International Banking & Finance Law Firm of the Year / Randa Havel Legal


Czech Republic

IT Law Firm of the Year / ROWAN LEGAL



AIM Advisory Law Firm of the Year / Kerman & Co LLP



Energy Law Firm of the Year / Kerman & Co LLP



Boutique Intellectual Property Law Firm of the Year / Awapatent A/S



Arbitration Law Firm of the Year / Mackrell Turner Garrett



Dispute Resolution Law Firm of the Year / Enyo Law LLP



Boutique Law Firm of the Year / Bargate Murray



Cross Border Asset Based Lender of the Year / Bank of America Business Capital, Bank of America Merrill Lynch



Health & Safety Law Firm of the Year / Squire Sanders (UK) LLP



Immigration Law Firm of the Year / Dearson Winyard International Limited



International Litigation Firm of the Year / RUSSELL-COOKE SOLICITORS



Regulatory Adviser of the Year in England / Gerard Forlin QC



White Collar Crime Law Firm of the Year / Edward Hayes LLP Solicitors



Corporate Finance Advisory Firm of the Year / ProMan Oy



International Arbitration Firm of the Year / Attorneys at law Ratiolex Ltd



Maritime Law Firm of the Year / Bardy Rahikkala Law Office



Community Law Firm of the Year / Fourgoux and Partners



International Business Law Firm of the Year / Castaldi Mourre & Partners



International White Collar Crime Firm of the Year / METZNER ASSOCIES



International Criminal Law Firm of the Year / METZNER ASSOCIES



Business Crime Firm of the Year / METZNER ASSOCIES



Boutique Criminal Law Firm of the Year / Pech de Laclause, Bathmanabane & AssociĂŠs


(France-based multiple award winner)

China - Commercial Due Diligence Advisory Firm of the Year / Advention

2012 GlobalAwards 123

Europe Award Winners Contents 157

(France-based multiple award winner)

France - Corporate Recovery Specialist of the Year / Advention


(France-based multiple award winner)

Germany - Commercial Due Diligence Advisory Firm of the Year / Advention


(France-based multiple award winner)

Hong Kong - Management Consulting Firm of the Year / Advention


(France-based multiple award winner)

UAE - Commercial Due Diligence Advisory Firm of the Year / Advention


(France-based multiple award winner)

UK - Commercial Due Diligence Advisory Firm of the Year / Advention


(France-based multiple award winner)

US - Commercial Due Diligence Advisory Firm in New York / Advention



IP Law Firm of the Year / Novagraaf Technologies & Novagraaf France



Advertising Law Firm of the Year / Hambach & Hambach Law Firm



Boutique Intellectual Property Law Firm of the Year / LexDellmeier



Corporate IP Law Firm of the Year / MAIKOWSKI & NINNEMANN



Boutique IT Law Firm of the Year / PRW Rechtsanwälte



Full Service Law Firm of the Year / Mütze Korsch Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH



Insurance Law Firm of the Year / Friedrich Graf von Westphalen



International Business Law Firm of the Year / CBM INTERNATIONAL LAWYERS LLP



IP Litigation Firm of the Year / df-mp



Patents Law Firm of the Year / df-mp



Mid-Market M&A Law Firm of the Year / Raupach & Wollert-Elmendorff



International Full Service Law Firm of the Year / Rödl & Partner



International Tax Advisory Law Firm of the Year / Perez / Rodriguez & the Gibro Group



Banking & Finance Advisory Law Firm of the Year / Perez / Rodriguez & the Gibro Group



Corporate Finance Accountancy Firm of the Year / KPMG Advisors A.E.



Family Law Firm of the Year / H. Constandinidou – K. Stavropoulos – I.N. Stavropoulou and Associates



International Tax Advisory Firm of the Year / Deloitte Greece



IP Litigation Firm of the Year / Dr Helen Papaconstantinou, John Filias & Associates



Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Firm of the Year / Szecskay Attorneys at Law

124 GlobalAwards 2012



Trusts & Estates Law Firm of the Year / A. S. Papadimitriou & Partners Law Firm



M&A Law Firm of the Year / BPV Jadi



Relocation Expert Firm of the Year / ARC Relocation


(Ireland-based multiple award winner)

The Americas - Fund Administration Specialist of the Year / Custom House Global Fund Services Limited


(Ireland-based multiple award winner)

Europe - Fund Administration Specialist of the Year / Custom House Global Fund Services Limited


(Ireland-based multiple award winner)

Malta - Fund Administration Specialist of the Year / Custom House Global Fund Services Limited


(Ireland-based multiple award winner)

The Netherlands - Fund Administration Specialist of the Year / Custom House Global Fund Services Limited


SE Asia - Fund Administration Specialist of the Year / Custom House Global Fund Services Limited

(Ireland-based multiple award winner)



Sports Law Firm of the Year / SWEENEY McGANN



Cross Border Law Firm of the Year / Castaldi Mourre & Partners



International Commercial Litigation Advisory Firm of the Year / Studio Legale Sutti



M&A Accountancy Firm of the Year / BDO Italy



Administrative Law Firm of the Year / DSM Di Stefano Moyse Avocats Ă la Cour



Copyright Law Firm of the Year / OFFICE FREYLINGER SA



Mid-Market Patents Law Firm of the Year / OFFICE FREYLINGER SA



Patents Law of the Year / OFFICE FREYLINGER SA



Trademark Law Firm of the Year / OFFICE FREYLINGER SA



Corporate Tax Accountancy Firm of the Year / KPMG



Full Service Law Firm of the Year / Ober & Beerens



Investment Funds Law Firm of the Year / LEXFIELD



Mid-Market Labour & Employment Law Firm of the Year / ADAM & BLESER



Intellectual Property Law Firm of the Year / GVTH Advocates



Litigation Firm of the Year / Etude Mullot Avocat

2012 GlobalAwards 125

Europe Award Winners Contents


The Netherlands

Tax Planning Advisory Firm of the Year / Neve Tax Consultants



Financial Services Advisory Firm of the Year / PwC Advokatfirma AS



Insolvency Law Firm of the Year / Beiten Burkhardt P. Daszkowski Sp.k.



Business Law Firm of the Year / Derra, Meyer & Partners, Warsaw



Company Law Firm of the Year / Derra, Meyer & Partners, Warsaw



Economic Criminal Law Firm of the Year / RGW Rocławski Graczyk i Wspólnicy



Life Sciences Law Firm of the Year / Czyzewscy Law Firm



International Tax Advisory Firm of the Year / Ernst & Young



Transfer Pricing Advisory Firm of the Year / Ernst & Young



Intellectual Property Law Firm of the Year / Polservice



Domestic IP Law Firm of the Year / Simões, Garcia, Corte-Real & Associados



Energy Law Firm of the Year / AAA Advogados



Environment Law Firm of the Year / JPAB – José Pedro Aguiar-Branco & Associados, R.L.



Intellectual Property Law Firm of the Year / pbbr



Projects Law Firm of the Year / Esquível Advogados



White Collar Crime Law Firm of the Year / Serban & Associates



Accountancy Advisory Firm of the Year / RSM Top-Audit ACG



Commercial Law Firm of the Year / Laseta Partners LLC



Company Law Firm of the Year / Ligerion Group



Mediation Advisory Firm of the Year / Ligerion Group



Full Service Law Firm of the Year / Hamala Kluch Víglaský s.r.o.



Boutique Banking Law Firm of the Year / DGE Attorneys at law



Corporate Tax Accountancy Firm of the Year / Ernst & Young, Sweden



Tax Law Firm of the Year / Poledna Boss Kurer AG



Asset Based Lender of the Year / Leumi ABL Limited



Transfer Pricing Advisory Firm of the Year / Ernst & Young, Sweden


UK & Ireland

Accountancy Association of the Year / DFK UK & Ireland

126 GlobalAwards 2012

Albania - Full Service Law Firm of the Year / Greece - Full Service Law Firm of the Year / Greece - Energy Law Firm of the Year

Austria - Anti-Corruption Law Firm of the Year Saxinger, Chalupsky & Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH Christina Hummer Partner Tel: +43 1 9050100 Fax: +43 1 9050100 100

Saxinger, Chalupsky & Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH (SCWP Schindhelm Austria) is one of Austria’s leading CEE-operating law firms. The firm’s roots date back to 1946. On the basis of this long-standing tradition, its focus is to provide comprehensive legal advice in all relevant fields of domestic and international business law through specialised teams of lawyers.

SCWP Schindhelm Austria does not only comprise of legal experts. The firm’s professionals are also experts at identifying clients’ (legal) needs, and at explaining and summarising any legal problems and the respective tailored solutions. In such way the firm can proudly guarantee its clients the best possible legal advice. Anticorruption law has rapidly gained in importance over the last few years in Austria. A separate unit of prosecutors was founded and several significant investigations are ongoing. In addition, a leniency program was introduced which supported uncovering infringements. Alliance and international work

SCWP Schindhelm is a member of the SCWP Schindhelm Services SE, an alliance of European business law firms with offices in Central and Eastern Europe and Asia Pacific. With more than 150 lawyers in 18 commercial centres in 11 countries, the alliance members accompany national With around 80 lawyers at the commercial centres of Vienna, Linz, Wels and international companies in all areas of business law. The offices and Graz and offices in Bratislava, Brussels, Pilsen, Prague and Budaof the alliance are located in: Bratislava, Wroclaw, Brussels, Budapest, pest, SCWP Schindhelm provides national and international clients with Bucharest, Burgas, Graz, Hanover, Istanbul, Linz, Osnabrück, Pilsen, support in all areas of business law. Prague, Shanghai, Sofia, Warsaw, Wels, Vienna. The firm’s mission is to deliver creative and pragmatic legal solutions. Due to the firm’s long and successful multi-office operation and the The challenge and source of inspiration that faces SCWP Schindhelm intensive and experienced cooperation with the teams of other alliance Austria lies in offering clients both prompt and flexible legal services of the offices in numerous major transactions, PPP-projects and daily legal supvery highest standard. The firm works hard to provide understandable and port, SCWP Schindhelm Austria has rich experience with cross-functional easy solutions tailored to the client’s technical and/or commercial needs. and cross-border cooperation in various jurisdictions, in particular in the Through a global network the firm can combine local expertise and know- CEE/SEE and the East Asian region. how with its thorough expertise in the supervision and coordination of legal Further information about SCWP Schindhelm can be found at work in many different jurisdictions. 2012 GlobalAwards 127

Austria - Capital Markets Law Firm of the Year


understanding what matters.

Capital Markets Law Firm of the Year in Austria.

Specialising in capital markets and corporate law, we understand what matters: sustainable growth. We have specialised in encouraging and safeguarding growth: dedicated – efficient – responsible.

straight forward


Austria - Commercial Arbitration Advisory Firm of the Year


Commercial Arbitration Advisory Firm of the Year in Austria Corporate INTL Global Awards 2012

DR. KLAUS OBLIN, LL.M. RECHTSANWALT – ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Josefstädter Straße 11, A - 1080 Wien T : +43 1 505 37 05 F: +43 1 505 37 05-10 .

Austria - Corporate Law Firm of the Year Hauser Partners Rechtsanwälte GmbH Tel: +43 1 512 29 00 14 Fax: +43 1 512 29 00 30

THE FIRM Hauser Partners was established in 1987 and quickly became a leader in its chosen fields of specialisation. The firm presently has offices in Vienna and in Vaduz, Liechtenstein. Hauser Partners is an independent, owner-managed law firm with a clear focus on an international practice. Hauser Partners focuses on international transactions. Almost all of its activities have some cross-border aspect. The firm assists foreign clients with their activities in Austria in various aspects of corporate and commercial law. Even more important are international projects, where Hauser Partners advises clients in transactions in many countries, in particular in Central and Eastern Europe. Hauser Partners is a boutique for highly specialised services where experience and an understanding of the business needs of the client provide the firm with a cutting edge for the benefit of the client. Dr Wulf Gordian Hauser is also admitted in the state of New York, in Washington DC, Liechtenstein and as Euro-Lawyer in Slovakia. He is a member of the Austrian Takeover Commission. M&A & Corporate Hauser Partners has managed a number of significant national and international transactions and is one of the leading Austrian firms in the area of M&A. Recent transactions include: • Advising the Mondi Group in the acquisition of two corrugated packaging plants from Duropack (Ansbach, Germany and Bupak, Czech Republic). • Advising a joint venture partner and drafting the joint venture agreements for

a major hydroelectric pump reservoir station in Austria. • Advising an overseas investor in the acquisition of a substantial package of shares in an Austrian listed company. • Representing the Austrian party in the setting up of a major production Joint Venture in Erbil, Iraq. International Commercial Arbitration Wulf Gordian Hauser has served as sole arbitrator, chairman of the arbitral tribunal, party appointed arbitrator or counsel for a party in numerous arbitrations before the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce, the International Arbitral Centre of the Federal Economic Chamber, Vienna, in ad hoc arbitrations under the UNCITRAL-rules, under the arbitration rules of the Austrian Code of Civil Procedure and in other ad hoc arbitrations. Recent cases include: • Chairman in an arbitration under German Law concerning a dispute arising out of the termination of a distribution agreement for mechanical and hydraulic marine equipment; • Chairman in an arbitration under German Law concerning a dispute arising out of a supply agreement for medical devices; • Chairman in an ICC-arbitration under Polish Law concerning a dispute regarding claims of Tax Assets arising out of a Share Purchase Agreement; Banking & Finance Hauser Partners regularly acts as local counsel for international banking consortiums in high-level financing transactions involving various kinds of deal structures. Hauser Partners has profound experience and expertise in advising international financing institutions as well as international banking lawyers in cross-border transactions on general banking law matters, corporate finance as well as securitisations, and the issuing of related legal opinions. 2012 GlobalAwards 129

Austria - Criminal Law Firm of the Year / Austria - International Business Crime Law Firm of the Year / Austria - Real Estate Law Firm of the Year

PHHV Rechtsanwälte Stefan Prochaska Partner, International Business Crime Law Tel: +43 676 897 008 800 Dieter Heine Partner, International Business Crime Law Tel: +43 676 897 008 801 Mathias Preuschl Partner, Criminal Law Tel: +43 676 897 008 808 Christian Marth Partner, Real Estate Law Tel: +43 676 897 008 809

PHHV is one of the top Austrian commercial law firms and offers its clients a wide ranged service covering all aspects of economic life and asset structuring for individuals and businesses. The firm has an 80-strong team which supports and advises clients with profound know-how. PHHV is a member of the Alliance of International Business Lawyers (Alliuris) and holds multiple international awards as the leading Austrian law firm. PHHV’s business portfolio includes a total of nine products, each of which can be subdivided into several fields of expertise. With its extensive knowledge and experience as business lawyers as well as its network as criminal defence attorneys, the firm counsels its clients in their capacity as decision-makers, too. PHHV also provides expert advice as Certified Fraud Examiners. The firm’s real estate team advises national as well as international clients on all aspects of real estate law with a focus on transactions. This year, the firm is being recognised for its work in the areas of criminal law, international business crime law and real estate law. Criminal law In recent years, the Austrian Parliament has passed various laws and regulations aimed to fight white collar crime. The Criminal Law Modification Act 2009 (“Strafrechtsänderungsgesetz 2009”) has introduced the first-ever crown witness regulation. A specialised prosecutor’s unit for white collar crime and corruption was established with a police force as well as civilian experts at its disposition. “As the changes are very recent, their effects cannot be evaluated, yet,” said Mathias Preuschl, partner at PHHV. PHHV is involved in numerous high profile white collar criminal cases. Stefan Prochaska, partner at PHHV, has become Austria’s top-expert on crown witness law by representing Gernot Schieszler, the key witness in the very first crown witness case (“Kronzeugenprozess”) in Austrian legal history. Mr Schieszler’s testimony has revealed bribery, embezzlement and corruption within the Austrian Telekom. It has caused substantial political turmoil and has drawn a lot of media-attention. The case resulted in the Austrian Parliament establishing a sub-committee on the matter. Other cases with PHHV’s involvement include the representation of various Austrian managers in other high profile white collar crime cases such as the “Libro” case or the “Hypo Alpe Adria” case. International business crime law In the area of international business crime law, PHHV is most active in advising clients in cases connected to the collapse of banking institutions,

130 GlobalAwards 2012

investment fraud and IPOs. The firm’s legal advice also covers legal risk management. PHHV-partner Dieter Heine commented: “We see an immense need to optimise fraud control measures. Thus, PHHV has implemented a special “Task Force Compliance” to assess the legal situation, provide benchmark analysis and support clients by introducing or amending their compliance regulations. Furthermore, we have issued a respective guidebook.” Real estate One of the central Austrian laws in real estate practice is the Tenancy Act (Mietrechtsgesetz), which governs issues like pricing/rent control, termination of contracts as well as the maintenance and repair of existing objects. Its provisions strongly protect the lessee’s interest. The Condominium Act regulates how apartments become tradable. The Laws on the Acquisition of Land by Foreigners (Ausländergrundverkehrsgesetze) – issued by the legislator of each of the nine Austrian federal states – regulates the conditions under which citizens of non-EU-countries may purchase land. “Current discussions concern the Tenancy Act with regards to the lessor’s obligation to keep the premises in good condition. They could soon result in an overall reform of the respective laws,” explained Christian Marth, partner at PHHV. PHHV Rechtsanwälte’s real estate team advises national and . international clients on all aspects of real estate law. One focus lies on advising real estate investors, developers and real estate funds in the course of the acquisition, developing and financing of real estate property. PHHV also represents clients in high-level real estate arbitration proceedings. Furthermore, it offers legal project management including tenancy disputes or actions of eviction. PHHV’s focus lies on the national market but it also advises Austrian clients during cross border transactions or international clients who wish to enter the Austrian real estate market. Currently the firm is, for example, representing the Republic of Austria, represented by the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in the course of the intended sale of the premises of the former General Consulate in Rio de Janeiro. PHHV sets itself apart with its wide range of services. Also, the firm’s clients are directly advised by the respective partner. The firm offers attractive fee models, from lump sums to performance-orientated fees, which are tailored towards the clients’ needs.

Austria - Dispute Resolution Law Firm of the Year BLS Rechtsanwälte Attorneys at Law Dr Wolfgang Schubert Partner Tel: +43 (1) 512 14 27 25 Dr Thomas Boller Partner Tel: +43 (1) 512 14 27 12

BLS Attorneys at Law has more than 35 years of experience in all areas of Commercial Law, Corporate Law, Dispute Resolution, Litigation and Tort. The firm’s practical application of its philosophy to provide a sustained and personal client support has been awarded several times in the past years by many renowned trade journals, such as Corporate INTL, Legal 500, Global Law Experts, etc. Dr Wolfgang Schubert, partner, said that BLS is distinguished from its competitors because of its unique approach. He noted: “The preparation and winding up of both the procedural matter accompanying the legal proceedings, and the documentation and evidence on hand, is of particular importance to BLS since the success highly depends on these factors. “To us, litigation does not only mean the committed representation of interests during the proceedings before court. In fact, it includes a variety of preparation and ancillary services, which we bestow great care on. This provides for a lasting overview of the situation, and ultimately ends up saving time and costs.” In addition, the law firm’s function as legal representatives includes arbitral

proceedings, in particular within the framework of international trade disputes. Mr Schubert added: “The times when the technical and economical aspects of a legal case could be solely left to the clients are over. An efficient legal representation requires the economical and technical facts of the case to be fully understood by us also.” For clients seeking advice in a commercial dispute, Mr Schubert notes that when preparing to enter such a dispute, economic goals must be set with the client by achieving an overall perspective in conjunction with the legal assessment. In doing so, the costs to the client throughout the proceedings for support by staff members or the business leadership must also be considered. Dr Thomas Boller, partner, added that since 1999, BLS has been the sole Austrian member of AVRIO ADVOCATI EUROPEAN LAW FIRMS ASSOCIATION. AVRIO members are chosen if they meet the highest quality standards. Mr Boller said: “Thanks to this membership, we have a practically worldwide network of internationally established lawyers, tax consultants and notaries at our disposal, making it possible to process cross-border cases quickly and successfully. Our law firm also collaborates with lawyers and clients from countries where AVRIO is not present – for example, law firms in the US, Serbia and Bulgaria, among others.” BLS’ legal proceedings for the past twelve months, which have prompted awards by both trade journals, include an immediate recall for a renowned food manufacturer in 13 European countries and a subsequent winding-up of the consequent loss, as well as the representation of a leading engineering, manufacturing and distribution company within the framework of arbitral proceedings against its contracting partner. Further, BLS was recently involved in legal cases concerning recalls of motor vehicles, i.e. in the US, recourse proceedings in Beijing, as well as providing advice pertaining to injector damages of locomotives in the US, India and South America. BLS Attorneys is known for its involvement in Austria’s best known cases, including the devastating fire in Kaprun, the Bawag-case and the Constantia Bank/Immofinanz-case.

Austria - Eastern European M&A Law Firm of the Year

Austria - International M&A Advisory Firm of the Year

IMAP, the proven experts in middle market transactions, helps you connect anywhere from Tokyo to Toronto, New Delhi to New York, Berlin to Bogota, and everywhere in between. IMAP ( represents the global middle market; the bedrock of all our world‘s economies. Argentina Austria Belgium Brazil Canada Chile China Costa Rica

Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Egypt Finland France Germany Hungary

IMAP M&A Treuhand GmbH Donau Business Center, Handelskai 388 1020 Vienna, Austria 00 GlobalAwards 2012

International M&A Advisory Firm of the Year in Austria

India Ireland Italy Japan Mexico Netherlands Poland Portugal

Spain Russia Sweden Switzerland Turkey UK USA

Austria - Litigation Firm of the Year Kunz Schima Wallentin Rechtsanwälte OG Dr Georg Schima, M.B.L.-HSG, LL.M. Partner Tel: +43 - (0)1 - 31374 - 0

Dr Georg Schima concluded with some of the firm’s more recent high profile cases: “During the last three years our team was able to handle more than 3,700 legal proceedings annually. We won the ‘Aliud’-mastercase where investors claimed in vain that they ordered shares and got certificates. We were also involved in other diverse court proceedings such as the case between a big Austrian retail business and its former CEO concerning his revocation. The successful outcomes of these cases strengthened our market position.” The litigation department of KSW is the leading team within Austria and handles a very large amount of investor cases. The firm is among the leading firms or is the leading law firm in connection with disputes between companies and their former directors. During the last year the firm enlarged its litigation team and also implemented and ameliorated a document storing system to better serve the needs of clients.

“Our litigation team is mentioned in major directories and rankings due to the strong expertise of its lawyers and their commitment concerning their clients’ needs,” said Dr Georg Schima, partner at KSW. “Furthermore, many of our lawyers are specialised in other fields of law such as: labour and employment law, intellectual property, reorganisation law, unfair competition law, economic crime law, bankruptcy law, and are regarded as highly recommended experts too,” he continued. The diversity of KSW’s lawyers as well as their availability makes it possible to assist clients quickly and provide around-the-clock practical solutions and legal opinions. The professionals at the firm offer their services both in front of the court and in the firm’s offices. KSW also works constantly with a number of select external legal and financial consultants on relevant special matters. The members of the firm’s unique advisory board are highly respected university professors and add even more depth to the quality of the firm’s legal advice. A highlight among the firm’s cases load was a conflict between a big Austrian retail business and its former CEO which also held a share in the business. The firm was able to win the revocation proceeding in all instances. This was a big step for the company towards the “breakthrough” in this dispute consisting of several court proceedings and an arbitration procedure. Dr Georg Schima concluded on some of the firm’s more recent highprofile cases: “During the last three years our team was able to handle more than 3,700 legal proceedings annually .We won the ‘Aliud’-mastercase where investors claimed in vain that they ordered shares and got certificates. We were also involved in other diverse court proceedings such as the case between the big Austrian retail business and its former CEO concerning his revocation. The successful outcomes of these cases strengthened our market position.”

Austria - Restructuring Law Firm of the Year / International Banking & Finance Law Firm of the Year Graf & Pitkowitz Rechtsanwälte GmbH Alexander Isola Attorney-At-Law Otto Wächter Attorney-At-Law Tel: +43 1 401 17 - 0

Graf & Pitkowitz is an internationally focused Austrian law firm. The firm was founded in Vienna in 1994 and expanded to Graz in 2002. The firm is a full service business law firm and advises its clients in all aspects of Austrian and European business law. The firm negotiates and structures business transactions and successfully represents clients before Austrian and international institutions. Alexander Isola, attorney-at-law with Graf & Pitkowitz, attributed the firm’s success to its independence: “Because we are not part of a formal network, we have the ability to select the best local partners for our clients’ international transactions without being limited to only firms within a given network. Our team consists of about 30 highly motivated specialists with outstanding national and international credentials. A number of our attorneys are admitted in other jurisdictions and most have benefited from experience at foreign law firms or international companies.” Alexander Isola is one of Austria´s top lawyers in the area of insolvency and

restructuring law. He and his team of the insolvency and restructuring practice group specialise in insolvency proceedings, criminal bankruptcy law, restructuring law, D&O liability issues and audits, securing of loans, avoidance, capital preservation and equity replacement. Alexander Isola´s practice group is known for quick and often unconventional solutions, particularly with regard to publicly commented issues. Graf & Pitkowitz is one of the leading law firms in Austria. Recent highprofile cases include representing a major international corporation in Austria’s largest arbitration to date, and representing the successful bidder in public tender proceedings to award one of the world’s first free lane countrywide functioning electronic toll systems for heavy vehicles in Austria. From its beginning, Graf & Pitkowitz has assisted Austrian and international companies in projects abroad, particularly in the CEE region. Based on a best friends philosophy, Graf & Pitkowitz regularly co-operates with various leading domestic and international law firms and is respected as a dependable and discreet partner. Otto Wächter, attorney-at-law, explained further: “We meet complex challenges by providing clear answers. In our daily work, we live by the motto: a simple answer is often the best solution. Because we believe that there is no clear answer without clear communication, we work closely with our clients to create individualised business orientated solutions.” Otto Wächter is an expert in the areas of banking and stock exchange law, financing, insolvency and restructuring proceedings. He is involved in numerous significant financing and infrastructure projects. He concluded: “To promote this attitude, we have organised our firm into practice groups headed by one partner who acts as the communication hub and decision maker. Although that partner takes full responsibility for handling the respective client matter, the practice groups work closely together so that all clients can benefit from the firm’s full knowledge and experience.” 2012 GlobalAwards 133

Azerbaijan - Corporate Law Firm of the Year “They do the work quickly and professionally…. The work is of very high quality.” -Chambers, 2012

Corporate Law Firm of the Year in Azerbaijan: Recognised by both Global Law Experts and Corporate INTL (Global Awards 2012) The largest oil project, the largest construction project and the largest telecommunications project in Azerbaijan have chosen us on various legal and tax matters.

44 C.Cabbarli Str, Caspian Plaza-1, Third Floor, AZ 1065, Baku, Azerbaijan Tel: +994 12 497 33 09; +994 12 497 33 95. Fax: +994 12 497 33 09 Email: Web:

Because for us, quality is not the goal … It is part of our daily work!

Belgium - Personal Tax Advisory Firm of the Year EVEREST LAW OFFICES Stephane Bertouille Managing Partner Tel: +32 (0)2/640.44.00

ABOUT EVEREST EVEREST is a young law firm, founded in 2009, offering a full range of legal services to small and medium size companies on international, national and local level. EVEREST comprises 18 partners and 32 associates, in 3 offices (Brussels, Ghent and Bruges – soon Liège) and renders legal services in Tax, M&A and Corporate / Commercial law. EVEREST’s Key success factors: EVEREST: the best combination: (inter)national and academic. Most of our partners have built up their career within both national and international law firms, and 4 of them teach i.e. tax law at university.

134 GlobalAwards 2012

A direct solution-minded approach. Passionate people with a focus deliver excellent service Our partners are easily reachable (their GSM numbers are mentioned on their business card) and always directly involved in the cases. Every lawyer of the firm, whether freshman or confirmed, has an opportunity to meet clients and has full access to the entire file. THE TAX DEPARTMENT Our Tax department has a strong specialisation and practice in the area of tax guidance, both in advising (including for expatriates and salary splits) and dispute resolution. It also has extensive experience in appeal against assessments tax procedures before the ruling commission (i.e. creating certainty in tax planning to the benefit of clients). Best proof that Belgium is attractive for wealthy foreign individuals is that the richest European individual has been reported (September 2012) to have transferred his fiscal domicile in Belgium. We also provide tax advice in the framework of acquisitions of companies and large assets. STEPHANE BERTOUILLE Stephane Bertouille has obtained a law degree and a degree in economics, from university of Louvain, as well as an LLM from New York University. He has published several articles evidencing Belgium is an attractive destination for foreigners. He speaks French, Dutch and English fluently. He is managing partner of EVEREST LAW OFFICES since 2009.

Belgium - Business Crime Law Firm of the Year Afschrift

Mr Thierry Afschrift, managing partner, explained the value of the firm’s opinion and reputation: “The firm’s opinion is sometimes presented in the news at the journalists’ request. Afschrift is often in the newspapers, on the radio or on television, sometimes commenting on cases, bills or laws that have already been voted, in matters we are specialised in. I have been asked several times to give my opinion in the Commission des Finances du Sénat or the Chambre des Représentants de Belgique. We regularly take part in conferences. Our speech in lectures or conferences, in Belgium, Spain or Switzerland, or even other countries, allows us to express our opinions about legislative changes or the evolution of the juridical doctrine.” Thierry Afschrift is also founder and Chairman of the Masters on Tax Management course, from the Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management of the Free University of Brussels (U.L.B.) and deputy judge at the Court of Appeal in Brussels. Afschrift is specialised in all matters of business crime law and criminal tax law and has set itself the task of defending the taxpayer in any circumstances, both by detailed advices and by defending his interests within legal procedures. Afschrift’s services are highly personalised, in order to achieve a better client-attorney relation and preserve the confidentiality in every possible way. The firm’s clientele includes individuals, industrial and commercial companies, Luxembourgian, Swiss and Belgian banks, as well as companies established out of Belgium. Due to the partners’ expertise with European tax law, as well as their specific knowledge of Swiss, Belgian, Luxembourgian, Spanish and Israeli tax law, Afschrift’s lawyers are in position to help companies achieve the best optimisation of their tax situation, as well as to help individuals optimise the planning of their estate – in the most strictly confidential manner possible.

Thierry AFSCHRIFT Partner Tel: +32 2 646 46 36

Afschrift, listed three times in, is a multi-award winning boutique law firm established in Brussels, Antwerp, Geneva, Luxembourg, Madrid and Tel Aviv. Afschrift’s lawyers engage in all matters of national and international business law and, more specifically, tax and international law, cross-border mergers and acquisitions, international tax planning and optimisation, estate planning, consultancy on taxation related to financial instruments, as well as litigation on tax, criminal tax and white collar crime cases. Most the firm’s lawyer teach at the university, which enables them, by combining up to date theoretical knowledge to practise, to provide highly efficient counselling services. With over 30 years’ experience in domestic and international tax law, managing and founding partner Thierry Afschrift leads the firm’s practice and advises a very important number of major Belgian and foreign companies and banks. He is admitted to the Brussels, Antwerp and Madrid Bars, while being a member of Luxembourg and Geneva bars. Not only does the firm defend people, it also defends ideas and asserts its opinion in the media, through lectures, conferences and even interviews in the newspapers, on the radio, or on television.

Belgium - Corporate Tax Law Firm of the Year Afschrift Thierry AFSCHRIFT Partner Tel: +32 2 646 46 36

Afschrift, listed three times in, is a multi-award winning boutique law firm established in Brussels, Antwerp, Geneva, Luxembourg, Madrid and Tel Aviv. Afschrift’s lawyers engage in all matters of national and international business law and, more specifically, tax and international law, cross-border mergers and acquisitions, international tax planning and optimisation, estate planning, consultancy on taxation related to financial instruments, as well as litigation on tax, criminal tax and white collar crime cases. The firm has thus participated in the major tax trials of the past 20 years and acts as a counsel for several Belgian, Swiss and Luxembourgian banks and financial institutions, as well as for wealthy individuals. The major specificity of the firm is its niche character. Therefore, Afschrift’s lawyers exclusively handle tax and tax/white collar crime-related cases because, given the speed of changes in tax law, tax practise has become a tax specialist’s sole activity. According to the firm, tax law, in the widest sense of the term, is at the centre of Afschrift’s competence. The firm defends both companies and

private individuals in consultations and lawsuits. Afschrift is specialised in every field of the tax system: direct and indirect taxation, companies’ and private individuals’ taxation, national and international tax law. Afschrift’s lawyers advise any taxpayer, natural person or firm, in order to best organise their personal, real property or occupational patrimony in the due respect of the law and their personal situation. The firm’s specialists endeavour to help the taxpayer through an examination while offering a synthesis of the stakes involved by the taxpayer’s personal situation, so that they will be able to make the choices which are essential. In each case, a precise examination of the taxpayer’s personal circumstances is carried out, in order to find the optimum solution – which will be respectful of their expectations and appropriate to their demands. Afschrift’s lawyers continue to defend, in any case, the taxpayers’ interest in the strict respect of the law. These principles are applied not only in opinions given prior actions planned by the clients as well as in the related contracts, but also in the lawsuits involving tax administration at the administrative or the judicial stage.

The firm’s specialists endeavour to help the taxpayer through an examination while offering a synthesis of the stakes involved by the taxpayer’s personal situation. 2012 GlobalAwards 135

Bulgaria - Administrative Law Firm of the Year Georgiev, Todorov & Co. Ivan Todorov Managing Partner Tel: +359 2 937 65 38

Georgiev, Todorov & Co. offers a complete range of services relating to litigation and administrative law procedures, to both governmental structures and private customers. The firm’s expertise is particularly focused on administrative law. Georgiev, Todorov & Co.’s main core competence is dispute resolution and the firm remains particularly strong in international arbitration, an area in which the firm has not lost an arbitration procedure. “Usually, administrative law would be deemed to comprise any procedure where one of the parties is a governmental institution exercising public authority – licensing, concessions and other authorisations, competition, public procurement, consumer protection, any other form of governmental regulation, etc.,” explained Ivan Todorov, managing partner of the firm. He continued: “We have lawyers who are distinguished academics with a practical orientated approach. Our administrative department is the leading consultant of the Bulgarian government in relation to comparative legal analysis and the implementation of legislation in the area of administrative law.” Mr Todorov has over 20 years of experience in the legal profession, partic-

ularly in the area of administrative law. He is a professor of said subject and he has specialised in political organisation and the selection of administration at University of South Carolina, US. He was also a member of the commission drafting the Administrative Procedural Code, as well as national expert on the UN program for administrative modernisation of Central and Eastern Europe during several subsequent stages of the program. He also has a number of publications on administrative law and other legal topics. “Our law firm has always been active in law-making process,” stated Mr Todorov. He added: “Some of the partners were members of consultancy bodies with the parliament, responsible for ensuring the compliance of the newly adopted legislation with the Constitution and the EU law.” The firm’s typical clients are major players on the corporate market, operating with both national and international public authorities, such as the European Parliament, EBRD etc. The firm consults for international institutions and multinational companies on issues related not only to Bulgarian law, but also to EU law. The firm’s lawyers have significant work experience and expertise in the field of EU Company and EU competition law. Many of them have obtained legal degrees from leading universities in Europe and in the US. The firm has had some outstanding achievements during the last 12 months. One significant accomplishment that is note worthy is that the firm won the public procurement procedure regarding the development of e-government. This project is of crucial importance for the enactment of the relevant acts which will govern the providing of e-services by administration to citizens and entities. Georgiev, Todorov & Co. constantly develops its organisation and contributes to the qualification of its lawyers in order to always ensure the best quality of legal services to clients.

Cyprus - Auditing Advisory Firm of the Year

Bulgaria - PPP Law Firm of the Year

CMS Cameron McKenna LLP Kostadin Sirleshtov Head of Energy, Projects and Construction, Partner Tel: +359 2 921 9942

CMS Cameron McKenna in Sofia operates through its local

branch. The team comprises of 39 attorneys with expertise in all areas of business and finance law, including corporate, finance

and banking, real estate and energy, projects, construction and

litigation. The team can offer clients everything their businesses needs, in order to grow steadily and effectively. The practice is

divided into eight different sector groups, each aiming at giving clients industry-specific and competent advice.

foreign companies, supported by banks, are taking advantage of the local investment incentives and building numerous projects. Meanwhile, regulations are being brought up to European standards and legislation changes constantly. Thus, every developer or investor needs a team of counsels who can stay up-to-date with those dynamic changes and who can keep their eyes open for business opportunities and threats. 2012 brought us the first ever PPP Law in Bulgaria and we are ready to start its implementation from 2013 onwards.”

In addition to Bulgarian attorneys, the firm has professionals

Mr Sirleshtov has completed various post-graduate studies in

trained in a variety of jurisdictions, including Canada, France,

PPP, oil & gas, concessions, and international law in Italy, USA,

the UK and the US. Though it deals with transactions and matters of all sizes, CMS Cameron McKenna remains, without a

UK and Austria. He has published various articles in the leading . specialised press. His particular area of expertise is in energy

doubt, the only law firm in Bulgaria that can handle the most

and utility law, having worked as Chief of Minister’s cabinet with

complicated and multijurisdictional deals. The firm has experi-

the Ministry of Energy and Energy Resources in the period 2002-

ence in working on extremely complex matters in all sectors and

2004. As a part of the team at the Ministry of Energy and Energy


Resources Mr Sirleshtov was a member of the working group,

Kostadin Sirleshtov is a partner at CMS Cameron McKenna in Sofia. He heads the Energy, Projects and Construction (EPC) practice of the office since he joined the practice in 2006. Before joining the firm he used to be a co-managing partner of a local firm and a partner in a first tier Bulgarian practice.

which prepared the current energy legislation of Bulgaria, including the Energy Act 2003 and the Energy Efficiency Act 2004. Mr Sirleshtov concluded: “Our lawyers have been involved at the cutting edge of developments in the sector and work closely with sponsors,

Mr Sirleshtov commented on the firm’s role in modern Bulgaria:

lenders and the public sector. We support complex, multi-billion

“In the growing, post-transitional economy that Bulgaria is

pound PPP/PFI projects, which means that you benefit from our

today, businesses have many incentives to develop their proj-

experience of delivering solutions to many of the complex issues

ects, but they also sometimes encounter rocks that still haven’t

involved in projects. In 2012 our team lead the biggest renew-

been smoothed out on the road. It is a very dynamic market: a

able and oil & gas deals in Bulgaria ever and we are really proud

number of energy and infrastructure projects are on the way;

of these achievements.”

2012 GlobalAwards 137

Cyprus - Aviation Law Firm of the Year

Chr. P. Mitsides & Co LLC Christos Mitsides Senior Partner, Chairman Tel: +357 22 458787

One of the oldest Law Firms in Cyprus, Chr. P. Mitsides & Co was established in 1923 The firm is a registered LLC and is licensed by the Cyprus Bar Association which is the regulatory body governing the licensing and operation of legal practitioners in Cyprus. The firm has a long standing tradition in the legal world of Cyprus, offering advice and services and has made and continues to make, a significant contribution in the creating legal precedents in the field of corporate and commercial law in Cyprus. The firm has also a long standing tradition in international business and is advising several foreign and multinational firms doing business in Cyprus as well as Cypriot firms with activities abroad assisting them in the most important jurisdictions. The firm is recognised for its legal work with aviation law. Mr Mitsides, chairman and senior partner of the firm, clarified further: “We are the leading firm in Cyprus on issues of Aviation Law and Carriage by Air with more than 30 years’ experience in the field. In addition to advising major European and other international airlines, the firm is advising the Board of Airline Representatives in Cyprus (BARIC), an organisation which represents, promotes and protects the common interest of airlines operating to and from Cyprus.” The firm’s other legal specialities include: Litigation: The firm has extensive experience and expertise in guiding clients through disputes in the courts, through arbitration and using ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution). The lawyers are experienced in all aspects of dispute resolution, including the handling of complex, multijurisdictional cases, reflecting the international nature of our clients. The firm’s cutting-edge practice uses the latest technology to support large scale disputes resulting in tangible cost savings for clients. The firm can provide assistance in just one country or across a number of different jurisdictions. Real Estate: Chr. P. Mitsides & Co’s real estate team has the resources, experience and expertise to deal with all aspects of commercial real

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estate transactions. The firm has a strong and pure real estate expertise and experience in many high profile transactions both domestically and internationally. The engineering and construction world is experiencing a significant change. European integration and the vast potential of Asia are providing exciting opportunities. The firm’s key strength is its experience in and knowledge of all fields of building and engineering. This experience extends to industries such as, road, airports, power plants, civil engineering, processes and infrastructure and manufacturing. The practice deals with all aspects of legal work relating to the purchase and sale of land both in Cyprus and in other jurisdictions. Tax Law: The firm’s tax team offers clear and reliable tax advice of a consistently high quality to large corporate and financial clients who have complex tax affairs. The firm delivers innovative and workable solutions to businesses, by simplifying complex tax legislation. M & A and Similar Services: The firm assists clients with matters concerning corporate restructuring, joint ventures and minority invest. ments, cross-border mergers and private equity Transactions. Critical Contracts The firm has a broad experience in drafting and concluding contracts across a variety of industries and can offer assistance with solutions for crucial and complex contracts whether at the stage of drafting or by analysing existing contracts with a view to determining the contractual position of the parties and help solve potential conflicts. Company Formation and Maintenance Cyprus is a well-established financial centre in the Eastern Mediterranean. The firm will assist client with the incorporation and management of international business companies. The firm’s skills in the areas mentioned above allow it to offer unique complete solutions for corporate clients and individuals seeking to establish international corporate structures operating under a favourable tax regime.

Cyprus - Business Formation Law Firm of the Year

COSTAS TSIRIDES & CO L.L.C. Alexandros Tsirides Director Tel: +35725820810 Irina Loutchina Partner Tel: +35725820810

Costas Tsirides & Co was established in 1970 by its founder, Costas Tsirides, and since then has developed into one of the most reputable and respected law firms in Cyprus. Its head office is in Limassol, the commercial centre of the island, opposite the law courts. The firm’s latest achievements include that it has expanded during the last 15 years, establishing strong departments dealing exclusively with corporate formation and administration. The department now consists of 10 persons, lawyers, paralegals, accountants, clients managers and marketing specialists. Among the firm’s corporate clients are major industrial and financial groups with investments in Russia, the Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries. Director Alexandros Tsirides noted: “Our lawyers, each a specialist in his/her own field, offer clients a large variety of services covering all aspects of law – with three of them focusing on corporate formation, administration, corporate and commercial law.” A comprehensive service range Meanwhile, the firm provides services in areas including: Corporate & Commercial, Property & Conveyancing, Trust & Probate, Banking & Finance, Civil Litigation, Construction Law, Arbitration, Intellectual Property, Administrative Law, Competition Law, Family Law, Employment Law, Criminal Litigation, as well as Maritime Law. “The firm also specialises in takeovers, mergers and acquisitions and has acted as legal consultant in transactions where Cyprus Law is involved,” said partner Irina Loutchina. According to Ms Loutchina, other areas in which the firm specialises are shareholder’s agreements, partnership agreements, partnership formation and dissolution, agency and distributorship agreements, joint ventures and listing of companies on regulated markets with all related services. The firm offers a full range of services in the corporate sector including company formation (Cyprus and overseas companies), administration and management of such companies, as well as opening bank accounts with local and major European banks. Mr Tsirides added: “We are a medium-sized firm with highly professional personnel. Our team is working long hours offering high efficiency and quality of services in corporate and commercial law. “Accordingly, Costas Tsirides & Co litigation department is very strong. Its litigators are experienced lawyers working for more than 15 years with both local and foreign clients; meanwhile the firm has been involved in litigations representing huge Russian and Ukrainian Industrial and Financial Group of Companies.” Avoiding risk As regards some of the key legal issues inherent in providing a comprehensive business formation advisory service, Mr Tsirides noted the following:


“When creating a company, the balance of the interests of shareholders might be violated. In order to avoid such risk we prepare for our clients shareholders’ agreements, articles of associations, and corporate governance codes. A division of the share capital for different classes of shares might be proposed – to provide each shareholder with rights and benefits equal to their contribution. We help a client to see the big picture perspective of the process. This illustrates how the shareholding structure will work, as well as highlighting the benefits that it will bring. “In order to avoid abuse of successors’/inheritors’ rights, as one of the solutions we offer creation of a Cyprus International Trust.” The firm also conducts business evaluations and proper due diligence investigations/KYC procedures against a customer counterparty, also helping clients to choose enforceable security measures. In the case of a breach of contract, a client may suffer from a long, complicated and expensive litigation. In order to avoid that, the firm advises clients to include an arbitration clause in agreements. An unrivalled client base Today, the firm’s main clients are large industrial and financial organisations from Russia and other CIS countries (and Europe), including major local banks, insurance companies, and companies from the tourist business. Ms Loutchina noted: “Our combination of practice excellence and profound understanding of legislation and businesses of . and revarious countries, together with our experience, contacts sources, provide a distinct competitive advantage to our clients. “Our company is owned and operated by experienced and sophisticated professional attorneys, who work on the full spectrum of issues in (multi)-billion euro/dollar transactions, bringing to these transactions practical knowledge, acumen and insight. “Working as a corporate services provider as well as an independent adviser, offering legal expertise in various transactions, we have compiled an impressive track record. We build and efficiently structure businesses, as well as balancing the interests of key partners. We do all this within the shortest time possible, and with an unyielding commitment to confidentiality, integrity and responsiveness. Our powerful administrative resources allow us to pay maximum attention to the detail, and devote a substantial amount of time to the needs of our clients. We are a client, not profit, orientated company.”

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Cyprus - Business Law Firm of the Year / Foreclosure Law Firm of the Year

Papacharalambous & Angelides L.L.C

Winner: Cyprus - Business Law Firm of the Year / Foreclosure Law Firm of the Year - Corporate INTL Global Awards 2012 Papacharalambous & Angelides L.L.C, 12 Themistocles Dervis Street, 1st floor, 1066 Nicosia, Cyprus. / P.O. Box 24901, 1305 Nicosia, Cyprus. Contact: Eleni Papacharalambous / / /

Cyprus - Cross Border Law Firm of the Year

We mean business With four offices, two in Cyprus (Nicosia and Limassol), one in Athens and a most recent one in London, we aspire to meet all the legal needs of our clients, corporations and individuals, not only in Cyprus and Greece, but also in the region of South East Europe and the Near and Middle East. We aim to offer full legal support to our clients and to offer our international clientele a local insight to the markets of the jurisdictions where we operate offices. Our team of Advocates and Legal Advisors are trained to work in an efficient and speedy manner providing full legal support to the demanding client operating in a competitive corporate environment. We value our people as our most significant asset and we invest in their continuous education and training aiming to add substantive value to the business of our clients. The members of our team are well qualified and trained to work on the highest level of professionals and are well accustomed to both the common law and the continental law systems. Pamboridis LLC is a limited liability company incorporated under the laws of the Republic of Cyprus under Registration No. 237200 and is regulated by the Cyprus Bar Association.


Cyprus - Fiduciary Servicer Provider of the Year Bybloserve Management Ltd Christos Christodoulou Chartered Accountant (ACA) Tel: +357 – 24812192 Iosif Frangos Advocate - Legal Consultant Tel: +357 – 24812192

Bybloserve Management Ltd falls under the umbrella of Frangos & Associates LLC, a medium-sized and uprising law firm founded in 1999 and licensed by the Cyprus Bar Association. The firm’s offices are situated in Larnaca, minutes away from the new international airport, at its own freehold premises. As an affiliate of Frangos & Associates, Bybloserve provides specialised corporate management, trust and fiduciary services, bookkeeping, accountancy, audit and tax advisory services to high net worth corporations and individuals around the globe. Bybloserve’s team is comprised of highly skilled and experienced professionals, lawyers, members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (ICAEW) and of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants in the UK (ACCA), tax advisers, and administrators and staff with expertise in the field of corporate management. Iosif Frangos, managing director, noted: “I can now feel proud of leading a team of young, yet ambitious professionals closely bonded with the firm and excited to see it progress. A team which has managed to elevate the

firm high up the ranks in a comparatively short period of time. Hard work, a client based service, a constantly personal relationship with the clients, high speed response, flexible and competitive pricing, but most of all honesty and trust, allow us to quote ‘professional excellence’.” Bybloserve registers, manages, administers and advises on tax and legal matters and affairs in all major and/or offshore jurisdictions for companies or entities, such as Private, Public, Partnerships, ECs, Investment, Holding, Insurance companies and Investment Funds. Advisory services include the selection, establishment and maintenance of corporate or trust structures; restructuring of international and/or offshore jurisdictions; implementation of trading, investment and other structures; cubic / physical presence operations; contractual matters, billing and other day-to-day affairs; as well as on domestic and overseas property ownership and on the utilisation of double tax treaties. Banking, management and administration, accounting, audit and tax implications, such as VAT, corporate and personal taxation and international tax planning, form additional components of the firm’s daily work. According to Mr Frangos, Cyprus attracts investors from around the globe who aim to develop their companies and run their international commercial and financial operations through Cyprus. These investors are involved in sectors such as high technology, research and development, tourism, commerce and real estate. Mr Frangos added that the role of Cyprus in the international business world has changed dramatically in recent years, and the country is now considered to be one of the most favoured jurisdictions in Europe from which to conduct business. He said: “Cyprus has recently joined an elite group of countries with enormous quantities of gas and petrol resources. This fact, in combination with the numerous advantages Cyprus has to offer, will secure the island’s finances on one hand, and drive the country among the big players in Eurozone on the other. Business will soon blossom – and Cyprus will be on the global business track.”

Cyprus - International Tax Planning Law Firm of the Year Christos Patsalides L.L.C. Christos Patsalides Managing Partner Tel: +357 22677677

Since 1996, the law firm of Christos Patsalides L.L.C. has been established in the legal world of Cyprus. Offering a wide range of legal services, the firm is overseen by managing partner, Mr Christos Patsalides. The values at Christos Patsalides L.L.C. are professionalism, consistency, integrity and efficiency while the company’s main objective is to provide only top quality services. The firm offers a wide range of services covering all aspects of law. Christos Patsalides managing partner of the firm, commented: “Our priority is our response to the specific characteristics and needs of each client with confidence and directness. Our aim is to provide the best possible service and solution to all legal issues that may arise in relation to each client’s needs.” Mr Patsalides has served as the Vice-President of the Licensing Authority for two years and a few months ago he was elected as the President of the Board of Directors of Sigma TV, one of the biggest in broadcasting TV Channels in

Cyprus. His main areas of practice are: corporate law, commercial law, media law, shipping law, tax and international tax planning law, contract law, banking and the regulation of investment firms. He also runs the firm’s affiliated company, Christos Patsalides Corporate Management Ltd. The quality of the firm’s services is based on its special and trusted expertise within the firm’s various departments. This, together with the formation of efficient management structures and the finalisation of all cases and claims of the firm’s clients, has sealed the dynamic course of the firm in Cyprus. Strategically situated at the crossroads of Europe, the Middle East, North Africa and Asia, Cyprus is becoming an even more important regional business centre as well as an international communications and transport hub. With its modern infrastructure, sound legal system, tax incentives, low crime rate and well educated labour force, the country is a favourable regional operations platform for European companies. A benefit that one can enjoy by having a Cypriot company incorporated is the Cypriot corporate tax of 10%, the lowest corporate tax in Europe. Mr Patsalides elaborated further: “A very important part of the firm’s services relates to the advisory support concerning various tax matters, tax planning restructuring, consultation for investment funds, dividend distributions, tax differences, capital gains tax, stamp duties, value added tax and many more. Our corporate services, nonetheless, include the formation and incorporation of companies, the establishment and management of trusts and related services such as the establishment, management and representation of Cypriot and offshore companies, the provision of trustee services for shareholders and directors and the provision of secretaries and the registered office of the company.” Christos Patsalides L.L.C. acts for a particularly large customer portfolio with high expectations. The firm implements and makes use of its excellent organisation, professionalism, full secretarial support and sophisticated computer systems to achieve the best possible outcomes for its clients.

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Cyprus - Law Firm of the Year

L. Papaphilippou & Co Mr Leandros Papaphilippou Managing Partner Tel: +357 22 67 41 41


L. Papaphilippou & Co was founded in 1963 by Loukis Papaphilippou. After three mergers, and on the basis of the firm’s home grown partner tradition, the firm has grown to one of the leading international firms in Cyprus. The firm is proud to be the Cyprus member of the State Capital Group. The Group was organised in 1989 by 50 independent law firms in the United States with practices in their respective State capitals. Member firms of the State Capital Group practise independently and not in a relationship for the joint practice of law. Membership is by invitation only and is limited to one representative per State capital. LP and Co offers legal services to businesses, individuals, public organisations and governments. The firm has a strong litigation team, handling all forms of commercial dispute resolution and has considerable experience in arbitrations. A number of professional contacts in North America, Europe, Middle East and the Far East are at the firm’s disposal and the firm is committed to providing a range of legal services to clients who are active in international business. The firm is proud of the fact that during the firm’s long history it has been retained and instructed by a number of valuable and prestigious private clients as well as public and government organisations. It endeavours to maintain a long-standing relationship with all clients through constructive cooperation. The firm has wide professional contacts in Europe, Middle East, North America, South America, Asia, Hong Kong, China and Japan and is committed to providing a unique range of legal services to its clients in the various sectors of the international business community in a multijurisdictional and multi-discipline concept and package. The firm comprises lawyers and advocates of both common law and continental law background is totally committed in a continuous education and training program monitored closely by the firm’s Partners Training Committee, with an aim to achieve excellence in the service that the firm provides. In the last twelve months the firm has dealt with clients based abroad and has had the opportunity to interact with professional teams of different vocational backgrounds, for example: lawyers, accountants and actuaries, all of which are based in different jurisdictions and represent

a common reference point of analysis of the tasks undertaken. The firm has liaised with regulatory officials both domestic and foreign in respect to pending litigation as well as administrative matters. The main strength of the firm’s specialists is multifaceted experience over a wide range of disciplines such as language skills, accounting and office administration and organisation. The firm works on many cross border transactions. L. Papaphilippou & Co assists its clients, both locally and foreign, with cross border mergers, acquisitions of companies, international liquidations, international, civil and criminal litigation and offering services on a cross border scale or through the establishment of a brand. In essence our firm assists both local and foreign clients in advising them step by step on how to implement the above transactions according to the applicable local laws. Leandros Papaphilippou was born in 1966 and is a graduate of Leicester University (LLB). He is a member of the Nicosia and Cyprus Bar Associations since 1990 and is currently serving as a member of the Permanent Advisory LCommittee P A N D C O O F F E R Sfor L E GInternational A L S E R V I C E S T O B UBusiness S I N E S S E S , I N DCompanies I V I D U A L S , P U B L I C and O R G A NTaxation I Z AT I O N S A N DCyprus G O V E R N M EBar N T S . Association. T H E F I R M H A S A S T R O N G L I T I G AT I O N T E A M , H A N D L I N G A L S O A L L F O R M S of the O F C O M M E R C I A L D I S P U T E R E S O L U T I O N A N D H A S C O N S I D E R A B L E E X P E R I E N C E I N A R B I T R AT I O N S . He is also a member of the Commonwealth Lawyers Association, A N U M B E R of O F the P R O F EInternational S S I O N A L C O N TA C T SBar I N N OAssociation R T H A M E R I C A , E U (Active R O P E , M I D Dmember L E E A S T A N D of THE a member FA R E A S T A R E AT T H E F I R M ’ S D I S P O S A L A N D W E A R E C O M M I T T E D T O P R O V I D I N G A R A N G E O F the Human Rights and a just Rule of Law Committee), a founding L E G A L S E R V I C E S T O O U R C L I E N T S W H O A R E A C T I V E I N I N T E R N AT I O N A L B U S I N E S S . member of the International Propeller Club of the United States, International Port of Limassol. L . P A P A P H I L I P P O U & C O , 1 , C O S TA K I S P A N T E L I D E S S T R E E T, 3 R D F L O O R , 1 0 1 0 N I C O S I A , C Y P R U S He is theP Hcurrent on O N E : ( + 3 5 7 ) 2contributor 2 67 41 41 FA X : ( + 3of 5 7 ) 2the 2 6 7 3International 3 88 E - M A I L : I N F O @ P A Law P A P H I L I P POffice OU.EU P. O . B O X 2 2 3 1 3 , 1 5 2 0 N I C O S I A , C Y P R U S Cyprus Corporate Finance / M&A matters. Published articles include the Cyprus section of the Practical Law Company’s Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions Handbook for 2007/2008. Leandros is a Member of the Board of Directors of the Cyprus Investment Promotion Agency (CIPA) and a Member of the Disciplinary Board of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Cyprus (ICPAC). Since 1963 L. Papaphilippou & Co has grown to be one of the leading law firms in Cyprus whether this is assessed by size, number, clientele or quality of service offered.


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Cyprus - Wealth Management Advisory Firm of the Year Deloitte Investment Services Charles Charalambous Managing Director Tel: +357 22 360 300

Deloitte Investment Services Limited (“DIS”) provides independent advisory services to ultra-high net worth and high net worth individuals, wealthy families and mid-market institutions. The organisation’s services are focused on investment advisory services, investment manager search and selection and ongoing investment manager performance monitoring, regular reporting and face-to-face meetings, keeping the clients truly informed of the progress of their portfolio. Moreover, Deloitte Investment Services Ltd serves both as a unique, full-service multifamily office and as advisors to newly formed and mature family offices. Deloitte’s key strength is its independence, which enables it to offer fee-based investment advice to clients. Deloitte works with clients on an ongoing basis assisting them in achieving their long-term goals. In developing financial plans, Deloitte reviews existing investments, clients’ short-term and long-term goals, attitude to risk and their individual circumstances. In short, Deloitte offers a unique service. “We have the resources and capabilities to deal with all aspects of your financial affairs under one roof and provide practical and imaginative total wealth management solutions combining sound investment advice, with efficient tax structures and long-term succession planning,” explained Charles

Charalambous, Managing Director of Deloitte Investments, Cyprus. He continued: “With strong connections with our Deloitte colleagues throughout the world, our team possesses a breadth of international experience and technical expertise that few others can lay claim to. We understand the complexities of tax, investment, pension and estate planning, even on an international scale.” Deloitte’s professional resources are matched by a mindset that strives for excellence. It is proud of its ability to think innovatively and to develop tailor made solutions that work, not just technically, but commercially too. Deloitte don’t sell ‘standard designs’, preferring to understand each of its clients’ objectives. Deloitte believes this delivers truly independent advice that helps clients meet the challenges of a constantly evolving financial environment whilst realising their goals. Deloitte is one of the largest and fastest-growing professional services organisations in Cyprus, providing audit, tax, consulting and financial advisory services through more than 500 people from offices in all major cities. In addition to its core service offerings, Deloitte has developed a highly specialised and efficient team to support international business clients who operate from or through Cyprus. As part of the Deloitte global network with nearly 200.000 people in over 150 countries, the organisation has the advantage of a global sharing of knowledge with a local adaptation and personal approach, built on the solid foundations of more than 50 years’ successful operation on the island. Deloitte’s multidisciplinary, collaborative approach to client service, combined with an ability to look at business and financial issues from every angle, is what sets it apart. Mr Charalambous concluded: “Our primary goal is to be the standard of professional excellence constantly offering superior service to our customers and implementing responsible business practices. Also, our goal is to achieve greater operational effectiveness and efficiency based on accurate information on issues and events related to the financial sector and market. Finally, our aim is to keep and attract the highest level of clients by providing high quality services in order to remain their first choice.”

Cyprus - Wealth Management Advisory Firm of the Year

Czech Republic - Cross Border Law Firm of the Year ZILVAROVÁ CTIBOR HLADKÝ v.o.s. Jiri Ctibor, LL.M., Ph.D. Advokát / Attorney-at-Law Tel: +420 225 020 500

The ZILVAROVÁ CTIBOR HLADKÝ law firm is among the renowned law offices specialising in legal services for businesses in all areas of law relating to the conduct of business in the Czech Republic. Since 2010, the ZILVAROVÁ CTIBOR HLADKÝ law firm has also served as an insolvency administrator. Legal services are provided in the Czech, Slovak, English and German languages. Thanks to excellent working relationships with a number of foreign law firms and the firm’s membership in the Middle European Law Network, including an association with independent law firms, the firm offers complete legal services not only to Czech and Slovak clients, but multinational corporations as well. ZILVAROVÁ CTIBOR HLADKÝ is an independent law firm, with exceptional emphasis on a corporate culture based on ethics and good relationships. The firm is convinced that following the top level of service standards helps maintain and contribute to the business success of clients. Priorities: A high professional level of all lawyers, work based on continuing education and teamwork, the most effective execution of legal services, particularly precise and quick recommendations focused on solving particular

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problems, the speed of top level legal advice and service while sustaining quality, understanding the economic aspects of clients’ activities and their specific needs, mutual trust, personal approach, regular contact with clients regarding the status of their issues, recognising connections, the continual provision of above-average service, always satisfying clients with work, clearly established conditions of remuneration for legal consulting, and always delivering a clear breakdown of services provided. The firm believe it is not enough to know the legal regulation, but also necessary to set them within appropriate contexts and business evaluation. Consultancy Areas Leasing, franchising, insolvency, real estate law, including construction and environmental law, mergers and acquisitions, general commercial and civil law, including debt management and collection, labour law, intellectual property and IT law, energy law, competition law, consumer protection law, private data protection law, EU law, litigation, arbitration and mediation proceedings. Pro Bono Companies in all fields should help those in need as a natural part of their activities. For this reason, ZILVAROVÁ CTIBOR HLADKÝ law firm is a major supporter of the civic association Bunny on the Horse (Zajicek na koni), which provides services to families and facilities caring for children and youth with various disabilities. Memberships and Partnerships The Czech Franchise Institute, The Association of Independent Law Offices, Middle European Law Network, The Czech-Swiss Chamber of Commerce, The German-Czech Chamber of Commerce and Industries.

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Czech Republic - International Banking & Finance Law Firm of the Year



ŘANDA HAVEL LEGAL Law Firm Truhlářská 13–15, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic T: +420 222 537 500, E:

ŘANDA HAVEL LEGAL has been recommended by the international law publications LEGAL500 and IFLR1000 and has been repeatedly and continuously awarded as a law firm of the year in the area of energy law by the international magazine CorporateINTL.

Czech Republic - IT Law Firm of the Year ROWAN LEGAL JUDr. Josef Donat, LLM Partner Tel: +420 224 216 212

Rowan Legal is an international law firm which has been operating for more than 20 years. Currently, the firm is home to more than 40 lawyers located in four offices in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. These are located at Bratislava, Brno, Prague and Ostrava. Rowan Legal provides legal consultancy services to both public and private entities; meanwhile, the firm specialises in the areas of ICT law; dispute resolution, including international commercial and investment arbitration; public procurement; investment projects; transactional law; and corporate law. Partner of the firm, Josef Donát, is a leading specialist in the areas of ICT law and public procurement. His legal interests are also invested in intellectual property and he additionally focuses on the issues of copyright and domain protection. Mr Donát explained the origins of the firm’s ICT practice: “From the very beginning, Rowan Legal has specialised in various legal aspects of the ICT sector, such as the implementation of information systems, software law, e-commerce, electronic communications, and outsourcing or cloud computing. With more than 20 lawyers engaged in ICT law, Rowan LEGAL has one of the largest ICT-focused practices in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Many members of the team give regular presentations at professional conferences, and frequently publish articles and books on the legal aspects

of ICT.” As regards the protection of intellectual property in information technologies, Rowan Legal provides legal support to software houses, suppliers of information systems and their customers, with the aim of protecting their intellectual property rights in compliance with business agreements and their specific needs. Services provided in this area include: negotiating contractual conditions with the support of experienced legal IT specialists and negotiators; defining legal aspects of software licences, sub-licences and other licence arrangements; helping clients with IP rights protection; and dealing with disputes in the form of mediation – also representing clients in arbitration and court proceedings. The firm is also experienced in preparing IPRs protection preventative measures. In the telecommunications sector, Rowan Legal assists its clients with respect to their business projects or deals in the areas of digital TV broadcastings (DVB-T), interconnection of telecommunications networks, compliance activities, regulation of frequency spectrums and other aspects of the provision of services and the operation of electronic communications networks. The ICT expertise of Rowan Legal also lies in the area of ICT outsourcing. Moreover, the firm’s legal team has assisted in many ICT outsourcing projects. Legal support in this area comprises representation of ICT suppliers, as well as private businesses and public authorities outsourcing their activities to third parties. Rowan Legal usually provides complex support with respect to outsourcing transactions, including due diligence, transfer of employment relations, securing the protection of data (in particular personal data), and the transfer of rights from licences. Support is also provided pertaining to exit strategies – for the eventual termination of the outsourcing relationship. Last but not least, with the recent expansion of cloud computing, Rowan Legal has participated in developing standard terms and conditions for cloud computing services on behalf of major IT companies in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

England - AIM Advisory Law Firm of the Year / Energy Law Firm of the Year Kerman & Co LLP Keith Dempster Partner Tel: +44 (0)20 7539 7081

Kerman & Co LLP is predominantly a corporate finance and commercial practice advising public and private companies and entrepreneurs. The firm’s lawyers deliver a high quality of client focused services which are partner led. Kerman & Co’s ability to successfully project manage its multi-jurisdictional deals is further enhanced by a number of partners and staff being multi-lingual. Kerman & Co’s experience with international transactions and cross-border issues has created strong working alliances around the world. It has been another successful year for Kerman & Co LLP advising AIM and PLUS Markets listed companies. Partner of the firm, Keith Dempster, commented on the firm’s successes in the AIM market over the past year: “Despite the market downturn, the AIM teams have advised clients with international interests in jurisdictions such as the USA, Russian Federation, Australia, Philippines, Peru and Colombia and many African countries. Activity has remained strong in the mining and natural resources sector where the firm

has acted on admissions, placings, acquisitions and other equity and debt raising transactions including the increased use of debt instruments.” The UK continues to offer an attractive option for growth companies to reach their potential investors. AIM is the most successful growth market in the world. Since its launch in 1995, over 3,000 companies from across the globe have chosen to join AIM in order to raise the capital they need for expansion. Although there was concern that PLUS (the most junior London based stock exchange), would cease to operate, its recent acquisition by ICAP means the UK continues to have a junior growth market, offering companies their first step onto a public exchange. Kerman & Co’s energy team acts for listed and private clients in international and domestic energy matters. The team’s lawyers have a broad range of arbitration, litigation and transactional experience, which includes exploration and production of oil and gas and other fossil fuels such as anthracite coal and uranium. “The level of activity in the sector may be limited by medium term forecasts. These suggest sluggish economic growth, particularly in China and the USA which together account for a third of the global oil market and will restrict annual oil demand growth until 2014. This may result in crude oil prices remaining flat with a consequential impact on investor appetite for companies pursuing oil and gas exploration and production,” explained Mr Dempster. The energy team also advises clients who are developing alternative energy and cleantech including solar, wind and water power. The potential for this sector is demonstrated by California, America’s strongest solar market, whose renewable energy represents 20% of the State’s electricity mix and it is progressing towards a goal of 33 % renewable sources by 2020. Kerman & Co’s lawyers continue to approach transactions comercially, looking for practical and workable solutions to problems and challenges in a timely manner. 2012 GlobalAwards 145

Denmark - Boutique Intellectual Property Law Firm of the Year

Awapatent – your intellectual property partner in Europe Awapatent is one of Europe’s leading consulting companies in IP. We use our legal and technical expertise to help our clients turn their ideas and innovations into business opportunities. Our 160 patent attorneys and attorneys at law are well versed in dealing with IP matters globally, and as Europeans we have a special focus on Europe and European IP Law. Awapatent was founded in 1897 and has today 300 employees at 13 offices in Denmark, Sweden and Germany. In 2011 we reported sales of USD 76 million.

00 GlobalAwards 2012

England - Arbitration Law Firm of the Year Mackrell Turner Garrett Nigel Rowley Managing Partner and Head of Litigation and Dispute Resolution Tel: +44 (0) 207 7240 0521

Mackrell Turner Garrett is a leading full-service law firm with offices in London and Surrey. The practice provides a full service in litigation, arbitration and dispute resolution, and many other areas including commercial, corporate, employment, property and private client matters, including family and wills, trust and probate. As a founder member of Mackrell International, a grouping of 4200 lawyers worldwide, much of the firm’s work has an international dimension. Comprised of 40+ attorneys, Mackrell Turner Garrett acts for a considerable number of high-net worth individuals and corporations in matters both onshore and offshore. Through Mackrell International the firm is very experienced in dealing with cross-border disputes and offshore matters. It is able to provide immediate international legal advice for clients and access to any jurisdiction worldwide. Having immediate access to 4200 lawyers is a huge advantage for a firm – particularly when those international firms have a strong client base. Mackrell Turner Garrett stands out from its competitors by offering a partner-led service from people who are hugely experienced in their field. Nigel Rowley, managing partner and head of Litigation and Dispute Resolution in Mackrell Turner Garrett’s London office, has more than 20

years’ experience in complex litigation matters, international arbitration and various forms of dispute resolution. A brief look at his recent experience of acting in the last few years includes: Acting in a major international arbitration involving a central European republic; Acting for a US hedge fund against a UK bank in a claim for in excess of $10m claiming misrepresentation; Acting for a UK-based software company in a claim for £15m against a UK infringer claiming commercial infringement; Acting for a SA company in a £12m claim against a Canadian conglomerate – share dispute; Acting for a Middle Eastern Royal in defending a £20m+ claim made by a UK bank – alleged bank guarantee default. Nigel also has considerable experience in defending SFO and SOCA actions, FSA prosecutions, and HMRC Appeals. His recent experience in this area includes: Acting in the defence of a major SFO investigation involving alleged boiler room fraud; Acting in the defence of a SOCA freezing injunction action involving substantial sums owned by an offshore individual frozen in a UK bank account. The firm delivers its arbitration services to many sectors including property, finance and hedge funds, financial services, information management, IT security, property consultants, hotel and leisure manufacturing, green technology, motor, catering and food, publishing, design consultants and entertainment. Mackrell Turner Garrett stands out from its local and global competitors in being small enough to provide a personal service, but large enough to maintain expertise in many fields. Clients know they are getting the best value-for-money legal expertise in many areas of law, particularly in dispute resolution and in international arbitration, where the team has won a number of awards for its services. The firm is also the appointed “Legal Doctor” to the membership of the London Chamber of Commerce.

England - Dispute Resolution Law Firm of the Year

Dispute Resolution Law Firm of the Year in England Enyo Law specialises in complex litigation and arbitration. It’s the only thing we do. Enyo Law is a natural choice for clients involved in big ticket international disputes that would present conflicts for the major law firms that have substantial transactional practices. We are well suited to act for corporations and high net worth individuals in complex commercial disputes, often with multi-jurisdictional dimensions. Our areas of strength include banking and financial institutions litigation, hedge fund litigation, international arbitration, fraud and regulatory investigations, asset tracing and injunctions, insurance and reinsurance, general commercial litigation, restructuring and insolvency, and energy, projects and engineering disputes.

Litigation. No Conflicts.

Enyo Law LLP, 25 Southampton Buildings, London WC2A 1AL. Tel: +44 (0)20 3008 6313, Fax: +44 (0)20 3008 6314.

England - Boutique Law Firm of the Year

00 GlobalAwards 2012

England - Cross Border Asset Based Lender of the Year

Bank of America Business Capital, Bank of America Merrill Lynch Jeremy Harrison Regional Group Head Tel: +44 20 7996 4546

Bank of America Business Capital is a specialised business unit of Bank

Also, revolvers help provide greater flexibility and liquidity for the

of America Merrill Lynch. It offers senior secured lending to help com-

entity taking out the loan.

longer term debt needs.

significantly since the onset of the economic crisis. According to

panies achieve immediate working capital goals, as well as a solution to

It is believed that ABL’s popularity in Europe has been growing Mr. Harrison, ABL hasn’t quite hit its full potential. High debt levels

A long time leader in asset based lending (ABL), Bank of America

are making refinancing difficult for UK companies. In terms of

Business Capital has supported the international financing needs of its

syndication, Bank of America Business Capital Europe is strongly

North American client base for more than 15 years, as well as targeting

advocating growth in the UK and in Europe this year. Mr. Harrison

companies in the UK who can benefit from comprehensive financing

elaborated further:

solutions through its London office. In the US, it consistently heads the

“We have seen an uptick in new enquiries from traditional ABL

marketplace leading more than 40% of all asset-based deals. Bank of

borrowers and peripheral borrowers whose markets have not

America Business Capital provides innovative financing solutions to

remained open. With today’s market challenges, it is our opinion

businesses for growth capital, restructuring existing debt and funding

that ABL should actually be growing more quickly. Unfortunately,

acquisitions and dividend recaps. The team originates transactions on

European Debt Advisory professionals often don’t suggest ABL as

both sides of the Atlantic. In the US, Alister Bazaz, International Credit

an alternative due to what I believe is a knowledge gap. As a re-

Executive, and in Europe, Jeremy Harrison, Regional Group Head, eval-

sult, we’re focusing on educating advisers and corporations alike

uate companies’ international financing needs and provide integrated

on the advantages of this type of financing. Although ABL activity

solutions as part of global credit facilities.

has been slow over the last 24 months, we’re cautiously optimistic

The group’s capabilities include asset-based revolving and term loan structures, pan-European capabilities, local structuring and underwriting

and expect to participate with five or six syndicated deals this year compared to one in 2011.”

with the flexibility to consider intangible collateral such as brands, intel-

For Bank of America Business Capital, the last twelve months

lectual property and trademarks with funding against primarily account

have been extremely productive. Deal volume has grown for the

receivable and inventory.

group’s UK division and global facility originations out of North

Jeremy Harrison, Regional Group Head of Bank of America Business Capital Europe, discussed the group’s position on asset based lending in the UK: “In the UK, providers are slower to embrace a lending model for assets other than AR. We bring a different perspective. Inventory

America have reached record levels reflecting how corporations are seeking growth internationally. Mr. Bazaz added: “Year to date we have been a lead arranger on over US$5 billion of global ABL financings. We completed a landmark ABL

sometimes shares commodity characteristics, making it nearly as attrac-

transaction earlier this year for a leader in the oilfield supply

tive an option as AR. Additionally, because of the strength of inventory

sector that spanned eight countries for US$1.2 billion. Recently,

lending and our experience with this type of collateral, we take a more

we have served as a joint lead arranger for a syndicated deal in

positive view than other providers. We will sometimes also consider

the equipment hire sector that covered North America, Europe

lending against plant, machinery and property.”

and Asia. Additionally, we provided a small bilateral facility for a

According to Bank of America Business Capital, asset based lending (ABL) is accepted much more as a product in the middle market and, despite all the market uncertainty, it has continued to be available. There are some advantages to take on board when considering ABL

Netherlands-based distributor to provide local Euro funding.” A pioneer of asset-based lending in Europe, Bank of America Business Capital has structured and closed complex and innovative financing for mergers and acquisitions, including several

as a finance option. For instance, companies with more marginal cash

public-to-private transactions, and a number of well-known

flows and high levels of asset coverage can achieve higher leverage

corporate restructurings and turnarounds. Through its UK team,

than with cash flow loans. ABL works well in combination with second

European companies continue to gain access to the strength and

lien, mezzanine and high-yield financing structures and are more flex-

proven expertise of one of the leading corporate lenders in the

ible in combination with other forms of capital than cash flow structures.

United States.

2012 GlobalAwards 149

England - Health & Safety Law Firm of the Year

Congratulations to the 2012 Corporate intl global award winners Squire Sanders is proud to be named Health & Safety Law, Firm of the Year in England by Corporate INTL and joins in congratulating all of this year’s Global Award winners. Squire Sanders lawyers have the skills and in-depth industry knowledge regarding health and safety matters to counsel corporate clients in the UK, across Europe and around the world.

Rob Elvin +44 161 830 5257 37 Offices in 18 Countries

England - Immigration Law Firm of the Year Dearson Winyard International Limited Julian Dearson Director Tel: +44(0) 207 232 5540 Mike Winyard Director Tel: +44(0) 207 232 5522

Dearson Winyard International (DWi) is a specialist company offering comprehensive advice and guidance to corporate clients intending to employ overseas nationals in the UK. DWi also provides expertise and support in developing bespoke internal documentation and systems, enabling our clients to improve efficiency in immigration processes and increase overall control and compliance. DWi is the choice of many of the world’s largest multi-national companies, providing them with the resources to secure the best available staff, regardless of geography. Immigration into the UK now falls into two broad areas, employment and business related migration and family or personal migration. The Points-Based System manages business and sponsored migration and is aimed at improving the transparency of the UK immigration system. The system is broken down into five tiers covering highly skilled and post study workers; company sponsored migrants; students and temporary workers. Under the Points-Based System the majority of applications involve a dual process, with elements undertaken in 150 GlobalAwards 2012

both the UK and in the applicant’s country of ordinary residence. For individuals already in the UK, some switching between the various tiers is possible; however, initial applications are usually made from outside of the UK. Family and personal migration commonly includes applications for spouses of UK residents, aged dependent relatives of UK residents and those with ancestral ties to the UK. Applications of this type almost exclusively need to be made in the applicant’s country of residence, overseas. Whilst some categories have residence-based qualifying criteria to secure permanent residency, others may confer this status immediately. DWi was the first immigration consultancy to secure registration with the British Standards Council and is dedicated to the principles set out within its Quality Statement and the controls contained in the International Standard of Quality, ISO 9001:2008. DWi is registered with the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC) and complies with all of its regulatory requirements. As a UK Border Agency (UKBA) Assessed Advisor, DWi is able to undertake Compliance Audits to provide sponsors and prospective sponsors with an assessment of their HR systems to ensure procedures are sufficiently robust to meet official sponsorship duties laid down by the UKBA. DWi represents a large number of blue chip companies across a broad spectrum of industries. With a team of highly experienced and qualified OISC registered Advisors, we have the knowledge necessary to navigate our clients through what can be an uncertain and ever-changing system with the minimum amount of disruption to their business. With specialist advisors covering all tiers within the Points-Based System, in addition to wider residency and citizenship applications, our team can guide clients through whichever route is most appropriate to their needs. Our competitive billing structure is fixed, agreed in advance, success driven and transparent – providing our clients with a results-focused and cost effective solution. In addition, DWi provides free advice and assessments, allowing companies to explore potential scenarios and applications, without the normal costly legal fees.

England - International Litigation Firm of the Year




COMMERCIAL TEAM COMMERCIAL LITIGATION spECIALIsTs All Aspects of coMMeRcIAl lAw IncludIng: n alternative dispute resolution n civil fraud & asset tracing n commercial contractual disputes n commercial corporate disputes

n construction disputes n disciplinary proceedings n insolvency - contentious n insolvency - non contentious

n it disputes n ip disputes n professional negligence n real estate disputes

England - Regulatory Adviser of the Year

Gerard Forlin QC Barrister Tel: +44 (0) 20 7242 4986 Silk/QC: 2010 Education: LLM (London), M.Phil Cambridge, Diploma in Air and Space Law (UCL)

Gerard Forlin QC was educated at Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge, and the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). He was called to the Bar by Lincoln’s Inn and appointed Queen’s Counsel in 2010 in both Civil and Criminal Law. He has consulted, lectured and practised in over 35 countries and has been involved in over 300 fatality cases, including many catastrophic rail, chemical and aviation matters. He has also acted in over 150 jury inquests. He has represented many airlines, manufacturers and numerous airports, including Heathrow and Gatwick. He has lectured on over 500 occasions and published over 90 articles. He is General Editor of ‘Corporate Liability: work related deaths and criminal prosecutions’ (3rd edition) Bloomsbury 2012. He has been recommended in five separate areas of the leading guides to the profession, including crime, health and safety, environmental, product liability and public inquiries and inquests. He also practises in Singapore and Australia and, as one of two QCs, has recently been appointed to the worldwide Arbitration and Mediation Panel for the Royal Aeronautical Society. Gerard’s areas of expertise, in which he also acts globally, include the following: Regulatory, specialising in health and safety and corporate and gross negligence manslaughter, disaster litigation, aviation, railways, shipping safety, diving, oil and gas, environmental crime, construction, professional discipline, public inquiries, fraud, regulatory offences, product liability, healthcare, commercial fishing (EU), consumer crime, licensing, corruption and bribery, waste offences, human rights and inquests.

2012 GlobalAwards 151

England - White Collar Crime Law Firm of the Year Edward Hayes LLP Solicitors Christopher Hayes Managing Partner Tel: +44 (0)207 353 0011

Edward Hayes LLP Solicitors has a remarkable success rate and has succeeded in reaching a favourable outcome in virtually all of its cases. This is not a coincidence, but a reflection of the skill and effort the firm devotes to each matter. This prominent practice specialises in complex litigation, business crime and high profile legal cases. The firm is based in Central London, Manchester and the South of England with associate offices overseas providing strong international links. The firm was founded in 1961. Since then, it has developed into one of the largest specialist complex litigation practices in the country. Edward Hayes LLP Solicitors’ reputation is based on the vigorous representation of clients and commitment to thorough case preparation. Edward Hayes LLP Solicitors has a number of leading individuals, internationally recognised in the main directories such as Chambers and

Partners and the Legal 500. The firm is consistently rated as the number one firm in the South East by the Legal 500, as well as being ranked as a top tier firm by Chambers and Partners. This year, the firm has won Corporate INTL’s Global Award 2012 for White Collar Crime Law Firm of the Year in England, having previously won Business Crime Law Firm of the Year in 2011. Edward Hayes LLP Solicitors will continue to strengthen its existing areas of expertise through commitment to excellence. Christopher Hayes, managing partner, commented on the range of cases that the firm currently faces: “The economic downturn has undoubtedly increased the need for specialist firms such as ours in fraud disputes / white collar crime, particularly in cases involving international issues such as LIBOR; meanwhile, our firm has worldwide associates through the International Bar Association (IBA) and the European Criminal Bar Association (ECBA).” Recent high profile cases involve defending: top level bankers in the international LIBOR investigation, members of the European Parliament, professional footballers, successful pop stars, directors and company officers, lawyers, medics, military officers and international businesses. Cases including: LIBOR fraud, company regulatory breaches, cartel investigations, carbon credit fraud, pharmaceutical regulations, VAT carousel investigations, international film and media fraud, corporation tax fraud, construction industry fraud and major health and safety investigations. In an emergency, clients can count on Edward Hayes LLP, who have been representing and defending the rights of individuals and businesses for the last 50 years.

Finland - Corporate Finance Advisory Firm of the Year ProMan Oy Lars Wikholm Managing Director, Partner Tel: +358 (0)9 6120 2610

ProMan Oy, founded in 1988, is a Finnish partner owned company focusing on implementing M&A transactions. ProMan is also one of the oldest and one of the leading M&A advisors focusing on mid-market transactions in Finland. In 2011 the company made the second most transactions of all the M&A advisors in Finland. ProMan’s core competence is in the management and implementation of the M&A transaction process in Finnish and international sell and buy mandates of companies. With the negotiation and implementation experience of over 120 transactions the firm can assure the best results for its clients. The firm’s client base consists of owners of companies, entrepreneurs, owner families and mid sized stock exchange companies. ProMan serves both Finnish and international companies. In every fourth of ProMan’s trans-

152 GlobalAwards 2012

actions there has been a foreign buyer or seller. The head office of ProMan is in Helsinki with regional offices in Salo. In addition to the firm’s seven full time M&A specialists, the firm also has three experienced advisory board members and 500 IMAP partners and their resources and experience to fall back upon. Managing director and partner of the firm, Lars Wikholm, established ProMan in 1988. Mr Wikholm holds a masters degree in the science of engineering and has worked as an interim manager and board member in more than 30 companies. Mr Wikholm commented on the trends he has observed within the M&A industry: “Nowadays, even in mid market transactions there are more and more cross border deals. That is why ProMan has been a member of IMAP since 2002, with over 45 partner companies in more than 30 countries. The partnership in IMAP enables us to find potential foreign buyers to Finnish companies and to offer foreign companies for sale by our partners to Finnish companies. As evidence of the successful Nordic IMAP cooperation that we have, together with our Nordic IMAP colleagues, we made the most transactions of all the Nordic M&A advisors in five consecutive years from 2007 to 2011.” ProMan Oy continues to offer independent advisory services in implementing M&A transactions. Being independent from the finance providers guarantees an objective advisory service and the membership in the efficient IMAP network enables finding globally foreign buyers and sellers for its customers.

Finland - International Arbitration Firm of the Year Attorneys at law Ratiolex Ltd Timo Ylikantola Partner Tel: +358 9 6227 5650 Asianajotoimisto Oy - Attorneys at law Ltd.


Ratiolex is one of the leading dispute resolution law firms in Finland. Ratiolex offers a full range of dispute resolution services for all businesses and industries covering inter alia all aspects of domestic and international arbitration, both ad hoc and institutional. Ratiolex focuses on high-end domestic and international dispute resolution services. “Our strategy has been to offer convenient, rapid, sound and secure as well as cost-effective dispute resolution services to our clients. The firm’s annual growth and our genuine interest towards our profession, a dose of healthy ambition and a constant urge to better ourselves can be observed in the success and satisfaction of our many Finnish and foreign clients in the complex dispute resolution cases both in Finland and abroad,” explained Timo Ylikantola, partner at Ratiolex. He continued: “Our experience from arbitrations under the Rules of the Arbitration Institute of the Finland Chamber of Commerce is extensive, but we also have experience in arbitrating disputes under Arbitration Rules of the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce and the ICC Arbitration Rules and ad hoc arbitration under the Finnish Arbitration Act as well as enforcement procedures of the arbitral awards. During the last few years we have had a large caseload of disputes and we have represented clients

in commercial disputes in several industries and fields of business, such as automotive, distribution and foreign trade, franchising, IT, infrastructure and construction, media and entertainment, M&A, real estate, sale of goods as well as transportation, logistics and freight forwarding.” Mr Ylikantola was awarded the price of Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2011 in Helsinki, Finland and has frequently published articles on international arbitration topics and acted as an arbitrator in the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot. Ratiolex successfully represented one of the world’s leading record and music industry companies as a respondent in a contract dispute, where all its client’s rebuttal claims were accepted; as well as a favorable outcome for a Finnish claimant in service agreement reimbursement dispute wherein its client’s opponent party was a listed German public company. Furthermore Ratiolex has also obtained a series of favorable arbitral awards. One of which pertains to international ad hoc arbitration under the Finnish Arbitration Act. The dispute concerned a director’s agreement termination which was conducted in English wherein its client’s opponent party was a Dutch corporation and in the arbitration proceedings regarding an infringement of the commercial and trade secrets which was conducted under the Rules of the Arbitration Institute of the Finland Chamber of Commerce. Ratiolex’s clientele has consisted mainly of domestic SMEs, growing and internationalising companies and international corporations. This year, in addition to the above mentioned cases, Ratiolex has served a number of high profile clients such as Finland’s leading building services consulting company, one of the leading international freight forwarding and logistics companies and one of the leading international chemical industry companies. In July 2012 Ratiolex was ranked the most successful law office in Finland based on analysis of financial statements.

Finland - Maritime Law Firm of the Year Bardy Rahikkala Law Office Johan Bardy Partner Tel: +358 9 278 4300

Bardy Rahikkala lawyers has broad experience in commercial legal practice and working in-house, which helps provide a practical and cost-effective legal service. The firm is committed to getting things done. The firm operates an M&A practice in cooperation with frontline financial experts. Bardy Rahikkala regularly assists companies and individuals in business related issues in courts and authorities. Bardy Rahikkala’s lawyers are members in the International Bar Association and are admitted to practise in all courts and authorities. Finland has a highly industrialised, largely free-market economy with per capita output similar to Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Sweden. Trade is important with exports accounting for over one third of GDP in recent years. Finland is also strongly competitive in manufacturing, focusing mainly on the wood, metals, engineering, telecommunications and electronics industries.

The country excels in high-tech exports such as mobile phones. Except for timber and several minerals, Finland depends on imports of raw materials, energy, and some components for manufactured goods. Because of the climate, agricultural development is limited to maintaining self-sufficiency in basic products. A recovery of exports, domestic trade, and household consumption stimulated economic growth in Finland in 2010/11. The recession left a deep mark on general government finances and the debt ratio, turning previously strong budget surpluses into deficits. Despite good growth prospects, it is expected that the general government finances will remain in deficit during the next few years. Like other recovering economies around the world Finland must embrace the challenge of implementing a post-recession exit strategy in which measures supporting growth will be combined with general government adjustment measures. Finland must also address a rapidly ageing population and decreasing productivity that threatens competitiveness, fiscal sustainability and economic growth. The main features of the Finnish strategy to counter the effects of population ageing have been extensive and long-lasting prefunding of future pension expenditures, actions to postpone retirement and to increase the productivity and efficiency of ageing related services, which in the Finnish case are primarily provided by the local governments. According to the European Commission for Economic and Financial Affairs, additional measures are still needed to achieve further increases in the length of working lives and to enhance productivity of public services. Finland is a small yet highly productive, capitalist economy and member of the European Union currency block. Like the other member states of the Eurozone, the country is linked to the current debt crisis by way of association and will be monitoring the developing situation as a concerned stakeholder. 2012 GlobalAwards 153

France - Community Law Firm of the Year Fourgoux and Partners Jean-Louis Fourgoux Partner Tel: +33 1 55 65 16 65

The firm Fourgoux and Partners was established in 1947, and since 1973 has been a Société Civile Professionnelle, comprising of experienced lawyers who regularly practise litigation. Originally the partners specialised in economic law and business law. The development of a community law practice has led the firm’s partners to join the Brussels Bar and open an office to better meet the needs of customers in the accompanying proceedings, before the European Commission. The partners and associates are members of the Bar of Paris and are trained to build legal strategies but also assist the legal departments of large companies in the field of commercial law. The firm is now recognised for its expertise in competition law and distribution law. It has always sought to improve its customer service expertise through conferences, publications and interventions in universities of law. Jean-Louis Fourgoux, partner, explained the firm’s level of commitment: “Fourgoux and Partners sought to perfect its expertise thanks to the organi-

sation and participation to conferences, publications in specialised newspapers and interventions in law universities. Our teams provide a personalised service for customers in order to better understand their needs and to help and advise them with the development of projects and also litigation with other operators. Thanks to an organised structure on the individual and team level, Fourgoux and Partners provides the reactivity of customer service with total availability.” Mr Fourgoux is an attorney of the Paris and Brussels Bar. He holds a Master of Business Law and Economic Law. He is known as an economic law specialist and community law expert. He has spoken regularly on distribution law and competition law. He is a general rapporteur of the AFEC (French Association for the Study of Competition) and the LIDC (International League of Competition Law), as well as being a member of the executive committee of the Association of Lawyers Practicing Law Competition (APDC). Mr Fourgoux is a lecturer at the Faculty of Montpellier (Master 2) and Sciences Po. He has co-authored the Practical Guide to Litigation and Competition and a booklet on how Juris-binder business practices can restrict competition. He is also a former president of the International Network of lawyers GESICA. Concerning distribution law, the law firm Fourgoux and Partners has a significant experience in distribution agreements, sudden breach of commercial relationships and franchisee law, in France and Europe. The office is very active on car, perfumes, trucks, distribution agreements. Indeed, the law firm Fourgoux and Partners has a recognised competence in distribution law, advertising and media law and, in particular, in competition law. Fourgoux & Associates continues to excel in the areas of law distribution at the hands of Jean-Louis Fourgoux. The team now expands its expertise in competition law, franchising and community law.

France - International Business Law Firm of the Year Castaldi Mourre & Partners Enrico Castaldi Senior Partner Alexis Mourre Senior Partner Gaspare Dori Co Head of M&A Tel: +33 (0) 1 40 73 16 40

Castaldi Mourre & Partners has long standing experience in assisting foreign investors in France. The Paris office of Castaldi Mourre & Partners operates an arbitration and international litigation practice as well as a corporate, commercial and M&A based practice. The firm assists its clients in the choice of the appropriate corporate structure (subsidiaries, branch offices, representative offices), and enables the communication with the relevant administrations, territorial

154 GlobalAwards 2012

authorities and development agencies in order to facilitate the investments. The firm also provides assistance in the negotiation and drafting of corporate bylaws, contractual agreements as well as shareholders agreements, lease contracts and all other transactions related to the investment. Enrico Castaldi founded Castaldi Mourre & Partners with Alexis Mourre in 1996. He is a member of the French and Italian Bars and The London Law Society. He has a well-established practice in France and Italy in the field of international investments, industrial and commercial partnership agreements, mergers, acquisitions and reorganisation of companies. He is a member of several boards of directors and shareholders’ committees. Alexis Mourre specialises in international arbitration and international litigation. He has served as counsel to party, co-arbitrator, sole arbitrator or expert in more than 150 international arbitral procedures, both ad hoc and before the most prominent arbitral institutions. He is vice president of the ICC International Court of Arbitration, vice chair of the IBA arbitration committee, a member Counsel of the International Business Law Institute of the International Chamber of Commerce. French and Italian lawyer, Gaspare Dori is a partner of the firm and he co-heads the firm’s M&A practice. He also practises corporate and commercial law. During the last 15 years, he has been providing legal advice to a wide range of clients, mostly large firms. Between June 1999 and February 2008, Gaspare headed the French-Italian Group of Clifford Chance in Paris. Each member of the firm has strong connections to the international business community and thoroughly understands the politics involved with working in this broad sector. Castaldi Mourre & Partners remains committed to providing the highest quality of legal services to its clients.

France - International White Collar Crime Firm of the Year / International Criminal Law Firm of the Year / Business Crime Firm of the Year

METZNER ASSOCIES Olivier METZNER Founding Partner Partners: Olivier METZNER, Emmanuel MARSIGNY, Nicolas HUC-MOREL, Aurélien HAMELLE, Antonin LEVY +33 1 53 59 47 00

Metzner Associés law firm was founded in 1975 by Olivier Metzner. From its origins, the firm has been acting in the field of criminal de-

fence. Owing to this experience before all the French criminal Courts

part of our recently developing advisory work where clients seek to obtain guidance as to what they can and cannot do where a given country is subjected to a UN and/or EU imposed sanc-

(first instance Courts, Courts of Appeal) and before numerous foreign

tions’ regime (Iran, Sudan, Tunisia, Libya…).

collar crime in the late 1980s.

member countries of the European Union, under the specific

Courts, the firm was among the first to specialise in the field of white

The firm regularly handles extradition cases, either among regime of the European arrest warrant, or to countries outside

Ever since, Metzner Associés has been involved in most high profile

the European Union. We have experience with the Interpol review

white collar crime cases in France.


The firm’s expertise is wide ranging and covers all fields of business criminal law such as stock market criminal law, criminal liability of corporate officers and directors and of legal entities, environment

We have several cases with the European Court of Human Rights. Finally, the firm remains significantly involved in libel and

hazards, plane accidents, shipwrecks, domestic or foreign corruption

slander cases for clients from the media industry, or for private

and money laundering.

clients whose reputation is to be protected.

Metzner Associés’ activities also cover general criminal law, libel

Moreover, the firm is involved in the assistance of different

and slander suits, fraud and professional malpractice suits before

French groups established in France and worldwide in order to

regulatory bodies.

help them strengthening their system of compliance. In that re-

We should also stress that we have developed an important

spect, the firm frequently conducts audits in this particular area,

expertise in the field of auditing companies in the context of internal

for French groups specialised in the armament industry and in

investigations where suspicions of corruption or money laundering

the energy and rail sectors.

arise. We are namely advising several major industrial and engineer-

The firm also frequently assists investment funds in various

ing companies that are listed in France, either in the context of judicial

criminal procedures, opened in France at the tax administration’s

investigations or for the purpose of identifying risks before they may

initiative, contesting the regularity of tax returns in France

turn into actual judicial investigations. We have recently participated in

Last but not least, in the light of our thorough expertise regard-

a conference for the attention of French general counsels on the latest

ing proceedings undertaken by the French financial watchdog,

developments relating to internal investigations, along a specialised

the AMF, our firm is also involved in one of the French largest

forensic firm.

ever insider trading cases against individual and corporate de-

Export controls (embargoes, international sanctions’ regimes) is also

fendants. Such cases involve complex procedural issues.

2012 GlobalAwards 155

France - Boutique Criminal Law Firm of the Year Pech de Laclause, Bathmanabane & Associés Emmanuel Gouesse Partner Tel: +01 44 94 98 98 Philippe Pech de la Clause Partner Tel: +01 44 94 98 98

Pech de Laclause Bathmanabane & Associés was founded in 2005 after splitting off from Salans, where Philippe Pech de Laclause had been a partner since 1992. Historically strong in litigation and especially white collar and criminal liability, the firm has developed a solid expertise in torts, insurance law, corporate and general commercial law, and labour and employment law. The firm is routinely ranked as one of the best in the field of white collar crime in various publications and rankings in France (e.g. “Décideurs Juridiques”). The firm’s criminal law practice overlaps an in-depth knowledge of insurance issues, in addition to a thorough understanding of the requirements of internal and external communications, notably the defence of image and reputational issues for individuals and businesses, directors, officers as well as public authorities. The firm also handles all criminal aspects of health law, employment law and environmental law, advising multinational companies, small and medium

156 GlobalAwards 2012

enterprises, associations and public entities, both in criminal risk management and defence of investigations and prosecutions. The 20+ attorneys firm includes a team dedicated to criminal matters comprised of two partners, Philippe Pech de Laclause and Emmanuel Gouesse, as well as three associates and paralegals. Philippe Pech de Laclause, founding partner, explained: “We seek to serve our clients with our experience, know-how, reactivity and ability to anticipate client needs. We help our clients to identify the issues when a criminal issue is raised, and to prepare and implement prevention plans to guarantee an optimal positioning to face the risk of any potential liability.” In matters involving criminal employment law, it has the support of partner Pascal Bathmanabane, head of the employment practice group, and of partner Jean-Marc Février, the head of the Administrative Law and Environment practice group, and tenured professor at the University of Perpignan, for public law and environmental law cases. Nicolas Blanchenay assists the criminal defence team with respect to corporate-related cases. Finally, the firm is strongly involved in matters related to psychosocial risks, notably moral harassment. The firm’s labour practice is experienced in setting up and following-up prevention plans. Philippe Pech de Laclause continues: “We advise our clients and recommend adjustments to their audit process, internal investigations and procedures, when appropriate, to take into account the legal framework of individual rights (the presumption of innocence, the right to privacy, medical confidentiality, personal data protection, etc…)”. The firm has acquired a strong experience in compliance audits and compliance data-rooms within the framework of mergers and acquisitions, as well as conducting administrative reviews for its clients, particularly those in the manufacturing and medical industries. Moreover, the firm has developed a stellar reputation for its high standards and quality legal work, its focus on client needs, as well as its ability to mobilise transversal teams from its practice groups to optimise the results for its clients.

(France-based multiple award winner) China - Commercial Due Diligence Advisory Firm of the Year / France - Corporate Recovery Specialist of the Year / Germany - Commercial Due Diligence Advisory Firm of the Year / Hong Kong - Management Consulting Firm of the Year / UAE - Commercial Due Diligence Advisory Firm of the Year / UK - Commercial Due Diligence Advisory Firm of the Year / US - Commercial Due Diligence Advisory Firm in New York

Advention Business Partners Alban Neveux Group Managing Director Tel: +33 (0)1 53 43 88 58

Advention was founded eleven years ago by a group of senior partners

with successful experiences in first-tier strategy consulting firms, investment banks and leading industrial companies. All of them have had significant exposure to entrepreneurial ventures.

on a global basis. We offer the best value proposition in our field and we share the savings with our clients.” Mr Neveux elaborated further: “We believe that hard and reliable data combined with imagination and vision are critical drivers to set powerful strategic

Advention Business Partners was launched by individuals whose vision

directions and efficiently foster change within organisations. All

was to put forward a new value proposition in the consulting field. Entre-

of our recommendations are therefore systematically backed-up

preneurship is a founding and key element of the Group’s culture. The

by rigorous analysis and we believe that information asymmetry

Group expects every professional to act not only as traditional consul-

is a key driver of competitive advantage.”

tants but as true business advisors contributing to our clients’ performances and satisfaction as well as to the Group’s collective growth and profitability. Advention is independent and positions itself as the mid-sized strategic advisory firm providing differentiated high-value added services with a global reach through its fully-owned offices in Dubai, London, Munich, New York, Paris and Shanghai. Advention provides strategic advisory services to corporations and private equity firms. Corporations include large S&P500-like groups as well as medium-sized privately-owned companies. Private equity clients include large international funds as well as funds specialized in midcaps and small-caps. Advention has now performed about six hundred strategic reviews for more than one hundred different private equity funds worldwide as well as for large global corporations. Advention Business Partners assists senior executives in solving strategic issues and seizing business opportunities. The Group delivers measurable business performance through highly-customised, factbased and innovative solutions. Advention’s global network relies upon high-quality individuals with a strong entrepreneurial mind-set. Alban Neveux, Group Managing Director of Advention Business Partners, commented:

Advention is independent and positions itself as the midsized strategic advisory firm.

providing differentiated highvalue added services with a global reach through its fully-owned offices in Dubai, London, Munich, New York, Paris and Shanghai.

“All our highly-skilled international professionals are trained to generate tangible results and share the same ‘make things happen’ mentality

2012 GlobalAwards 157

France - IP Law Firm of the Year

Novagraaf Technologies & Novagraaf France Eric Enderlin, Managing Director and Chairman for patents in France Novagraaf Group Management Team for Patents

Olivier Boland, Managing Director and Chairman for trademarks, designs and models in France Novagraaf Group Management Team for Trademarks

Tel: +33 (0)1 49 64 60 00 For Patents: For Trademarks:

In this dynamic, ever-changing world and partly due to the growth of the Internet, intellectual property plays an increasingly important role in the public’s daily lives. Companies are faced with new opportunities and challenges. Technological developments give rise to ever-changing products, and new regulations demand compliance and transparency. Combined with the global reach of modern communication technology, this offers endless opportunities for capitalising on intellectual property. In this context, the Novagraaf Group is recognised as one of the leading European patent and trademark consultancy firms, composed of highly-qualified experts able to advise clients on intellectual property rights protection and management strategies. The firm is convinced that intellectual property changes from an optional accessory into a full management tool that, today, is essential and decisive. The success and survival of companies largely depends on their ability to simultaneously create new products and services and to protect them, in particular with patents, trademarks, and industrial designs and models. “Your brands, logos, symbols, names, are remarkable strengthening assets, yet too often they are left unprotected. Trademarks help generate consumer trust and loyalty if used effectively. Unless you have a registered trademark, you are encouraging your competitors to use your brand identity. Novagraaf Group can help you manage your trademarks, from strategy, registration and renewals to trademarks watching,” emphasises Olivier Boland, Managing Director and Chairman for trademarks, designs and models in France. With more than 125 years’ experience and expertise, and thanks to the merger of more than 20 offices in Europe, Novagraaf stands today as a solid and stable IP consulting group. Its young and creative European team of professionals reflects the firm’s will to be at the edge of innovation and excellence. Eric Enderlin, Managing Director and Chairman for patents of Novagraaf’s French branch and specialist in the areas of life sciences, pharmaceuticals and chemistry, forewarns: “Without IP protection of the innovation, an investment made to innovate is an investment offered to the competition. It is not possible today to invest in research without taking all of the precautions necessary to protect the patentable results of this research. “Intellectual property rights enable a return on research and development investments, by securing exclusive rights to selected markets and by ensuring a strategic competitive edge, in an increasingly competitive and globalised environment. As you probably know, and to give you an example, counterfeit drugs are a real threat to all pharmaceutical and biotech companies. Some countries account more than 70% of fake drugs in the supply chain. In a way, intellectual property is a source of savings for the company: the mapping of intellectual property rights makes it possible to identify the competition, evaluate the risks and help define a company’s strategy. It provides new means for making choices

158 GlobalAwards 2012

about future developments and securing investments.” Within a few years, Novagraaf has become one of the top five IP firms in Europe. Today, the Novagraaf Group works in synergy from its offices in France, Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, with more than 400 IP experts, among whom 120 are jurists and engineers. NOVAGRAAF France (Trademarks) and NOVAGRAAF Technologies (Patents) gather 170 people: • 80 experts in trademarks, designs and models and contracts, among which 19 are CEIPI graduate jurists. Some of them have a master degree in the field of industrial property. Most of them are trademark and design attorneys and European attorneys before the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM). • 90 experts for patents, among which there are 30 patent attorneys competent in all relevant technical fields such as chemistry, pharmaceuticals, biotechnologies, cosmetics, NTIC, electronics, physics, software and the mechanical arts. Most of them are French patent attorneys and registered European patent attorneys before the European Patent Office (EPO). The firm provides legal advice with high added value focused on all technical and legal IP issues. Its expertise encompasses: • Technical fields: biotechnologies, pharmaceuticals, chemistry, software, biomaterials, biomechanicals, electronics, physics, . trademarks, brands, domain names, designs, copyright; • IP strategy, risk management, due diligence; • Litigations, opposition procedures, infringements; • Negotiations, agreements, licensing. Key figures: • 400 professionals in Europe; • 13 offices (Belgium, France, Netherlands, Switzerland and the UK); • File more than 500 EP applications per year; • Manage more than 70,000 patent cases and 200,000 trademarks. Both Eric Enderlin and Olivier Boland conclude: “Today, wellmanaged companies are companies that manage their intellectual property rights well. The commitment of both Novagraaf Technologies and Novagraaf France is to offer advice and services tailored to these companies’ needs.”

Germany - Advertising Law Firm of the Year Hambach & Hambach law firm Dr Wulf Hambach Partner and German Lawyer Tel: +49 89 389975-50

Hambach & Hambach is a law firm in Munich specialising in commercial law, with a focus on German and international law in the TIME sectors: telecommunications, IT, media & entertainment. One focus: cross-border advertising law. The firm assists their clients (e.g. leading online service companies that offer cross-border services to German users) with marketing strategies and develops legal marketing campaigns in highly complex regulatory environments (e.g. in the field of cross-border internet gaming). Hambach & Hambach offers custom-tailored consultancy services for major German and pan-European projects as well as large-scale court proceedings. This is the firm’s everyday business at Hambach & Hambach. For instance, it obtained the ground-breaking “Carmen Media decision” before the European Court of Justice on 8 September 2010 (C-46/08) which brought an end to the strict prohibition of online games of chance in Germany. Dr Wulf Hambach was one of the representatives for Carmen Media Group Ltd. in these proceedings. The continuous development of the firm’s strong national and global network, which in particular positions itself at the interface between the legislator and the economic players, is indispensable for the firm and for its clients. Hambach & Hambach works in well-established cooperation with various partners, for instance with the Dutch law firm VMW Taxand, the Italian law firm Sinisi Ceschini Mancini & Partners and the Spanish law firm Asensi Abogados.

Among the clients at Hambach & Hambach are: • leading German and foreign providers from the area of sports, media & entertainment • domestic and foreign software companies • auditors of online services • companies from the financial services sector, such as investment firms, private equity and venture capital companies as well as epayment providers (online banks) • some of the largest online gaming providers worldwide • EU institutions Every day, the firm successfully rises to the challenge of its client’s visions: Hambach & Hambach has received several awards from CHAMBERS GLOBAL and was elected “Gaming Law Firm of the Year in Germany” by Corporate INTL in 2010. Hambach & Hambach ensures with its international structure and direction a corporate all-embracing legal service in the German and

International TIME-branch/telecommunication-IT-media & entertainment law. The firm stays on top of all developments related to TIME. In a recent report, namely: “WOGLR: Confused: the state of online gambling in Germany,” Dr Wulf Hambach commented on the pros and cons of the Draft Advertising Directive Advertisement. He said: “The Draft Advertising Directive Advertisement is a key tool to channel customers to the regulated market. However, the first draft of a directive on advertising for the gambling industry contains restrictions that stakeholders call ‘censorship’. The directive refers to all parties involved in advertising. This is a fundamental change to the existing ‘rule of separation’ in German advertising law. The most controversial issue is that the draft requires regulatory approval for each advertising campaign. The authority will assess each advertising campaign and issue permission on a case-by-case basis. The criteria for each permission will be i) content, ii) distribution channel, iii) presentation of warnings and safety instructions, iv) addiction potential and v) does the campaign channel players to the regulated market. Recently there were indications that the draft could be revised and requirements for advertising.” Dr Hambach regularly writes for national and international legal publications. He is co-author of the “Internet Gambling Report” and his work has appeared in a variety of publications, including the “World Online Gambling Law Report”, “Gambling Exclusive”, “Betting BUSINESS”, “Casino Lawyer”, “Coin Slots”, “Interactive Gaming News” the legal paper, “Sport & Recht”, (Sport and Law) as well as the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”. He also writes for the ISA-CASINOS press agency. .

“Wulf Hambach of Hambach & Hambach is omnipresent across Europe as well as being influential in the development of German law, in both lobbying and legal terms. Sources commend him for being ‘extremely qualified, reliable and practised.’” - CHAMBERS GLOBAL 2012

2012 GlobalAwards 159

Germany - Boutique Intellectual Property Law Firm of the Year

Your creative IP law firm for the prosecution, litigation & enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Germany and the European Union

Nymphenburger Str. 23 · 80335 Munich, Germany ·

Boutique Intellectual Property Law Firm of the Year in Germany





LD-Anz-Seminar-187x130-Award2012-GB.indd 1

Domain Names 07.09.12 15:24

Germany - Corporate IP Law Firm of the Year


Maikowski & Ninnemann is a patent attorney firm having offices in Berlin, Munich and Leipzig.

Maikowski & Ninnemann offers to its clients a strong exDr Christoph Schröder Dr Felix Gross Dr Gunnar Baumgärtel Detlef Ninnemann Dr Fabian Sokolowski Dr Wolfram H. Müller Tel: +49 (0) 30 881 81 81

perience and expertise in the field of intellectual property protection, for protecting technical inventions, trademarks and designs as well as for enforcing and utilising intellectual property rights. Founded in 1977, the firm’s size has steadily increased. Currently, 14 patent attorneys and European patent attorneys work at Maikowski & Ninnemann covering diverse fields of technology ranging from physics, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and information technology to chemistry, biochemistry and biotechnology. Clients of Maikowski & Ninnemann are regional mid-size firms as well as global companies and small start-ups. Taking personal care of the client’s interests lies in the centre of Maikowski & Ninnemann’s strategic thinking and working. Whether your company is large or small, you will find a personal counsel at Maikowski & Ninnemann. It is a strong belief within Maikowski & Ninnemann that a trusting relationship between client and attorney is fundamental to achieve the best solutions for successfully protecting and enforcing intellectual property.

160 GlobalAwards 2012

Germany - Boutique IT Law Firm of the Year

PRW Rechtsanwälte Wilfried Reiners Partner Tel: +49 - (0) 89 - 21 09 77-0

The law firm PRW Rechtsanwälte has specialised in selected fields of Ger-

man and international business law, with a focus on the following sectors: IT (compliance / media / outsourcing), advertising, technology and finance, as well as IP.

development and distribution, IT consulting, IT services and IT business consulting services. However, as the firm understands it, this field also includes technologies in the area of consumer electronics, data processing and communication engineering, new developments in storage and transmission of information, new forms of

The founding partners of the firm have been successfully working in

mass communication and, of course, all technologies relating to the

the law market since 1990. Through a network of both German and

World Wide Web or Internet.

international cooperation partners, which relies on solid personal and

The firm believes that such new technological developments

business relationships, the firm is able to offer legal advice tailored to

offer companies the possibility to present themselves on a global

the individual needs of clients.

scale and almost real-time basis. Simultaneously, however, such

Born 1957 in Heinsberg, Wilfried Reiners studied law and business in

technologies may pose new legal problems as well as old ones in a

Munich and San Diego. He was admitted to the bar of lawyers 1989. He has

new context. The parties entering into contracts on the implementa-

had several years of activity with an international management consultancy

tion of new technologies are not always fully aware of possible legal

as well as further activity with the Bavarian government and the Federal

risks involved. Here, in both the firm’s daily scientific and consulting

Minister of the Interior, where he served as a consultant for Internet-media

work, PRW Rechtsanwälte aims to defend its clients’ interests at the

politics. After lecturing on the law of contracts as well as national and inter-

earliest stage possible.

national commercial and competition law since 1998, he moved on to be a

The notion of data logistics includes all processes required to

lecturer at the European Private College, Munich Business School, on the

organise the data flows within a company. Decisive competitive

topic of international economics, in the areas of netlaw and e-commerce.

advantages, cost reduction as well as more flexible and transparent processes may be achieved by coordinating and optimising data

In the field of IT law, the firm offers the following services:

flows within and between administration, procurement, produc-

• IT contract design

tion and distribution. Exploiting such a progressive integration of

• Developer agreements

different data carriers into a single data transport network, thereby

• Web audits

taking all arising legal risks into account, is a problem the firm

• Online general terms and conditions

can help to solve. Together with the client, the firm would be very

• Design of project contracts

pleased to take advantage of the possibilities offered by the latest

• Support for and lead in project negotiations

technologies, to the benefit of a client’s company or the companies

• Content agreements

of clients’ customers.

• Partner agreements • Support agreements • Licensing agreements • Representation in court

Marketing / Distribution / CRM

The firm is capable of launching new products onto the market . and assisting clients with upselling / cross-selling actions. The firm has

• Service Level agreements

the necessary expertise to plan the introduction of a new CRM sys-

• Safety concepts

tem and is more than ready to provide data protection requirements

• Auditing of the data protection agency

to an account. Clients can rely on the team at PRW Rechtsanwälte

• Company guidelines for the use of email, Internet at work

as a contact for all marketing and promotion activities.

PRW has decided to concentrate its activities on the business sectors of


IT, media, marketing, and financial services. In each of these sectors, the

This field covers the legal bases of technological projects, includ-

firm can offer clients a business-specific range of legal products. The firm

ing construction projects, which govern the relationship between

encourages clients to rely on the firm’s expert knowledge in these areas.

the customer and all other parties involved. Mistakes occurring in planning, development planning and their implementation and in

IT / Media

the advice of customers may lead to financial losses or physical

Information technology refers to all technologies dealing with the collection,

injuries. Appropriate contract design and timely negotiations make

processing and distribution/dissemination of information (telecommunica-

a client’s deal more secure and can help them avoid disputes or

tion). The firm’s clients are operating, among others, in the fields of software

litigation between the parties.

2012 GlobalAwards 161

Germany - Full Service Law Firm of the Year Mütze Korsch Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH Dipl-Kfm Dr Maximilian Koch Rechtsanwalt, Partner Tel: +49 (0) 211 882929

Mütze Korsch Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH (MKRG) was established in 2004. Since then, the firm has successfully expanded its partnership internally as well as via lateral hirings. At present, MKRG has 20 lawyers of whom 15 are partners. MKRG is a completely independent full-service law firm. Its main areas of legal practice are: corporate law and finance; insolvency advice and restructuring; labour law; real estate and construction law; public services; and IP/IT. MKRG renders legal and economic advice not only to domestic but in particular also to international clients and attends to mandates throughout the Federal Republic of Germany. The German M&A business has been hit markedly by the global credit crisis. Dr Maximilian Koch, partner at MKRG, explained that firms in Germany were struggling to cope with the global economic crisis in 2009 and were

mostly tied up with cutting costs. In addition, it was extremely difficult to obtain credit to leverage M&A transactions. “The firms which did their homework, performed the necessary cost cutting exercises and managed to keep or even to gain a good competitive foothold are now positioned to pursue a growth strategy via mergers,” commented Dr Koch. “Right now the business environment in Germany seems to be good. In fact the jobless rate has reached the bottom, which adds to the attractiveness of external growth by horizontal mergers.” In Dr Koch’s opinion, the situation for private equity deals has improved as well. Whereas the 2011 M&A Reports by the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), Mannheim, stated that the average M&A activity was stabilising, yet hovering in Germany after a lean time in the years before, the new ZEW M&A Report, which has been published in April 2012 indicates that there is, indeed, potential for an upturn in M&A transactions in Germany now. “M&A deals in Germany were declining even in 2010, while the M&A activity was stabilising abroad already. A former ZEW report stated that this was due to the fact that in 2010 German firms were still focused on internal restructuring tasks rather than external growth,” said Dr Koch. “Now the financing conditions even for M&A deals have improved markedly, and external growth via mergers becomes more and more an interesting option.” “However, it is obvious that from an international perspective the macroeconomic dangers, in particular the ones associated with the Euro crisis, become more and more oppressive and can pose a real threat to the world economy as a whole,” said Dr Koch. He concluded: “A worldwide economic downswing would also stall the M&A activity in Germany, in particular (leveraged) mergers.”

Germany - Insurance Law Firm of the Year Friedrich Graf von Westphalen Dr Tobias Lenz Attorney at law Tel: +49 221 20807-38

The FGvW law firm is a corporate law firm that consults and maintains excellent relationships with major international corporations as well as numerous mid-sized companies. The law firm has offices in Freiburg and Cologne, where Dr Lenz is in charge of the team for insurance law. He is supported by his partner Carsten Laschet and five additional associates: Mike Weitzel, Antje Clausmeyer, Alexander Hammer, Paul Lambertz and Julia Fedke, who also specialise in various fields of the law and therefore offer and guarantee a particularly extensive legal consulting scope, which ranges from out-of-court settlements to complex transactions, damage monitoring and litigation. Tobias Lenz, attorney at law, commented: “Our law firm is dedicated, looks for solutions, and works quickly. That is the standard for our clients that we want to hold ourselves to, now and in the future. An understanding of business is required from all our team members, for a consultation from entrepreneur to entrepreneur. In order to expand and continuously improve client services, our team is currently set for expansion.” Dr Tobias Lenz is an attorney and partner in the renowned corporate law

162 GlobalAwards 2012

firm Friedrich Graf von Westphalen & Partner, and has almost 20 years of professional experience as legal counsel. In addition to being an expert for product liability law, he is also known for his expertise in insurance law, a subject which he studied for his doctorate. Since the beginning of his professional career, Dr Lenz has been actively engaged in the academic field and has published his own books, written articles for books and professional journals, and given presentations. He is a professor for international business law and the head of the Liability and Insurance Law Institute at the Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln gGmbH. Dr Lenz is not only considered an experienced expert for product liability law, but especially for D&O insurance and litigation pertaining to insurance law. As a result, his clients are not only major industrial insurance companies, but also re-insurers, which he provides with comprehensive legal services both within and outside the courtroom. His client list includes Chartis Europe, Allianz and Zurich. Thanks to his long and varied experience as well as his excellent knowhow of the subject matter, Dr Lenz is equally known and appreciated by his clients and opponents alike, as extremely competent and professional. He is particularly valued for his business perspective, which always keeps an eye on a reasonable cost-benefit ratio and practical results. Eloquence, charisma, and the ability to fully represent his clients’ interests are some of his main strengths. Another major benefit for the FGvW law firm is its international locations, with offices in Brussels, Alicante, and Shanghai as well as some new co-operations with law firms in Istanbul and Sao Paulo. This makes clear that the representation of his clients’ interests also goes beyond German borders, especially when it comes to product liability and insurance law, which makes the team headed up by Dr Lenz a serious competitor even for large law firms.

Germany - International Business Law Firm of the Year

PRODUCT LIABILITY LAW, FIRM OF THE YEAR IN GERMANY Corporate International 2012 Global Award Winner

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SINGAPORE T : +65 6337 6191

STUTTGART T : +49 711 550 20 0

Germany - IP Litigation Firm of the Year / Germany - Patents Law Firm of the Year

df-mp Patents · Trademarks · Designs Tel: +49 89 2102960 Fax: +49 89 21029633

df-mp - Global Expertise for Your Innovations and Trademarks df-mp is one of the top firms in intellectual property law with an international outlook and a broad scope of specialized expertise. Globally-oriented companies in such practice areas as biotechnology, chemistry, physics, medical devices, mechanical and electrical engineering and pharmaceuticals trust the competent advice offered by our highly-rated team. Our patent lawyers have considerable experience in obtaining and defending our clients’ key patents in proceedings before the European Patent Office and the German patent office, as well as challenging the patents of third parties in such proceedings. Notable success has been achieved by the firm in nullity actions before the German courts. Another recognized speciality of the firm is client counselling on all other aspects of intellectual property such as freedom-tooperate and patent validity opinions.

2012 GlobalAwards 163

Germany - Mid-Market M&A Law Firm of the Year Raupach & Wollert-Elmendorff Georg Lehmann Partner Tel: +49 (0)211 8772 2273

Raupach & Wollert-Elmendorff offers comprehensive specialist advice in national and international business law. Ranking among the largest

German law firms with about 100 attorneys in seven offices throughout Germany, Raupach is the German affiliated law firm of Deloitte, one of the leading international audit, advisory and consulting firms which is represented in more than 150 countries worldwide.

understanding of mid-market companies’ businesses. “Knowing your client, and knowing your client’s business is key for advising effectively, successfully and in a cost efficient manner while achieving a trustful, sustained and most pertinent client relationship,” said Mr Lehmann. The enormous spread of the Deloitte legal network enables Raupach to advise its clients in virtually all areas worldwide, thereby

Raupach has been awarded Mid-Market M&A Law Firm of the Year in

combining legal M&A advice with the tax, FAS and consulting

Germany three years in a row since 2010.

services of Deloitte. “The undoubtedly high quality level of our legal services, the outstanding reach of our global legal network, and

The firm’s legal services in the area of M&A comprise:

the multidisciplinary approach with our partner Deloitte, makes

Statement of intent (heads of terms, letter of intent) and non-disclosure

Raupach a first choice for mid-market clients in the environment of

agreements, organisation and conduct of legal due diligence/vendor

growing internationalisation of markets and businesses” commented

due diligence, structuring of transactions (asset deal, share deal) and

Harald Stang, head of the firm’s corporate law practice.

establishment of acquisition vehicles, acquisition finance, legal advi-

Raupach and the entire Deloitte global legal network, has spent a

sory services and organisation in bidding processes in the submission

considerable amount of time in 2012 for the improvement and optimi-

or assessment of offers, legal documentation – SPA drafting and draft-

sation of its legal advisory delivery model. In the area of M&A, with a

ing of asset purchase agreements, shareholder resolutions, transac-

specific focus on mid-market clients, this includes the development

tion related legal documentation, filings and related matters. Further

of, to the maximum extent possible, consistent transaction processes,

services include: representation in contractual negotiations, antitrust

products and deliverables all over the legal network which can be

clearance including inquiries, applications and negotiations on the

easily combined with those of other Deloitte functions, in particular

national (Federal Cartel Office) and EU-levels, coordination of global

Tax and FAS. “Working globally in an efficient manner with consistent

cartel law applications, post-closing services including restructurings,

quality and improved client experience will help us to even better

PMI, management buy-outs and buy-ins, exit consultancy and structur-

serve our clients,” added Mr Lehmann, who is also head of the Delo-

ing, etc.

itte Legal M&A Project Management Working Group.

M&A transactions don’t stop with the closing of a deal. There is

“It has been a challenge to go through this process of achieving

always need for post-closing advice, such as post-closing group

the highest level of quality and consistency for M&A services in so

re-organisation, post merger integration (PMI), or the establishment/

many countries, but now we are ready to reap the fruits of

re-organisation of corporate governance structures. “This may also

our labour,” he said. For the benefit of its clients, Raupach’s and

include entity reduction programs, where Raupach is one of the key

its legal network’s legal advisory delivery model also includes PMO

players in the field of cross-border merger pursuant to the EC Merger

(Project Management Office) capabilities and IT-tools like contract

Directive which allows for the cross-border merger and absorption of


companies within a legal system of universal succession. We note an

For the considerable future, the firm plans to harness its continu-

increasing demand for this type of corporate re-organisation, not only

ing growth while making an ongoing improvement to quality and its

as a matter of post-closing restructuring in M&A transactions, inbound

delivery model. The firm will extend its business alignment with non-

and outbound,” commented Mr Lehmann, one of the partners working

legal Deloitte service offerings which will give clients even stronger

in the firm’s corporate/M&A practice.

benefits such as one-stop shopping and global monitoring and

Raupach’s clients comprise mid-market enterprises as well as listed companies, national and multinational corporations, strategic and financial investors, banks and financial service providers, as well as public bodies. Given the size, core competencies and global reach

support of their national and international activities. Concluding with the acknowledgment of the firm’s success, Matthias Mielke, Hamburg based partner of Raupach, commented: “You won’t be awarded Mid-Market M&A Law Firm of the Year in

of the firm’s legal network, Raupach is ideally suited for international

Germany three years in a row if you don’t deserve it. Talent, high-

mid-market clients. Besides its multidisciplinary service offerings, Rau-

est quality, global reach and multidisciplinary approach are some

pach avails of legal specialists in the international Service Lines of the

of Raupach’s major assets which make us feel that this renowned

Deloitte global legal network (corporate/M&A, employment law, bank-

award truly reflects the prominence and market perception of Rau-

ing & finance, commercial, IP/IT, real estate) with a proven in depth

pach in the German M&A market.”

164 GlobalAwards 2012

Germany - Mid-Market M&A Law Firm of the Year

Raupach at a Glance Raupach is your partner in national and international business law: • Awarded as “Mid Market M&A Law Firm of the Year in Germany” three years in a row by Corporate INTL • 100 lawyers in seven offices throughout Germany • Global legal network totaling more than 2,000 lawyers worldwide • German affiliated law firm of Deloitte • Project tailored legal specialist teams • Multidisciplinary advice, severe responsiveness, cost efficiency

Raupach & Wollert-Elmendorff – Perspectives in Business Law

Germany - International Full Service Law Firm of the Year

Rödl & Partner Dr Oliver Schmitt, D.E.A. (Rennes I) Partner Tel: +49 89 928780 311

Rödl & Partner enjoys an outstanding reputation among its clientele for

firm’s Munich office.

domestic and cross-border matters.

from some of the world’s leading experts. Every professional at

The firm offers a global network of offices that has grown organically. All

Rödl & Partner has the opportunity to become a leader in one

of its 87 branches across Europe, Asia, the US and Latin America are

of the firm’s rapidly expanding areas of service, or in one of the

truly integrated.

many emerging markets that the firm continues to explore.

delivering high level, multi-disciplinary yet cost-effective advice on both

Rödl & Partner go far beyond excellent professional training

Individuals are at the centre of Rödl & Partner’s values, strateTo name just one important development in recent years, the firm

gies and policies. Because the firm’s success is based on a

is proud to say that the practice’s clients trust the firm for its powerful le-

profound understanding of legal and cultural boundaries, diver-

gal and tax consulting capacity in the fields of solar power, wind energy

sity has naturally been a core value from the beginning. The fruit

and geothermics. Recent years saw the firm’s lawyers being consulted

of the firm’s philosophy is a global community that offers clients

in a number of solar park sales and international bidding processes.

multi-disciplinary, international, professional teams working in

The main practice areas of Rödl & Partner Munich include national and international mergers & acquisitions, strategic restructurings,

unrivalled cohesion. The global positioning allows and requires entrepreneurial

corporate governance, private equity and venture capital transactions,

spirit among the Rödl community. Dr Schmitt noted: “We see

equity/debt financing including mezzanine financing, capital markets

ourselves as entrepreneurs advising entrepreneurs. Obviously,

law, as well as securities offerings including IPOs and project finance.

it is a great pleasure to shape innovative ventures hand in hand

Dr Oliver Schmitt, partner, discussed the firm’s longstanding relationships with its clients as well as highlighting Rödl & Partner’s recent activity: “We really value the long-established client relationships that we

with our clients.” With a global staff of 3,200, Rödl & Partner remains a leading professional services auditing, legal and tax advisory firm. The firm’s

have. Naturally, it was a big success to keep a steady deal flow of

widespread network of offices allows for a thorough understanding

national clients, at the same time maintaining a continuous increase of

of a particular local environment. The firm maintains a large team

international clients that invest in the German market. Rödl & Partner

of lawyers, accountants and tax advisers, who have particular

Munich recently expanded its activities significantly in the fields of capi-

strengths in corporate and tax law and transactions in the manufac-

tal market law – where the team gave advice and support to its clients

turing and industry related services sector. Further, Rödl & Partner

in issuing bonds and capital increases on the German stock market.”

continues to expand into up-and-coming markets in line with its

After being trained in both France and Germany, Dr Schmitt was admitted to the German Bar twelve years ago, and has practised as

clients’ ongoing tendency to develop overseas markets. Rödl & Partner was established in Nuremberg in 1977. Com-

a corporate lawyer ever since. As a member of the international M&A

mencing in the late 1980s, the company has been pushing for-

practice group at Rödl & Partner, he advises on all corporate and trans-

ward its profound internationalisation for long. In Germany alone,

actional matters. His legal advisory experience comprises numerous

Rödl & Partner comprises 143 admitted lawyers. Since the firm’s

cross-border M&A and capital markets law deals. Meanwhile, he regu-

Munich-based legal transaction advisory team was established a

larly advises German and foreign clients on both outbound and inbound

decade ago, it has established itself as market-leading law firm

activities. As a partner at Rödl & Partner, he successfully heads up the

with national visibility.

166 GlobalAwards 2012

Gibraltar - International Tax and Banking & Finance Advisory Law Firm of the Year Perez / Rodriguez & the Gibro Group Stuart Rodriguez, LLB MA Managing Director of the Gibro Group, Barrister-at-Law Tel: +350 200 76222

The Gibro Group and Perez / Rodriguez are the first organisations in Gibraltar offering international corporate, trusts and legal services to be awarded the ISO 9001 international accreditation for business standards. Through its membership with HLB International, the Gibro Group is able to offer its client base exclusive access to professional financial services through one of the largest business networks in the world and as a member of the Forum of Firms. Many of the group’s clients are professional intermediaries, banks, licensed financial services providers and high net-worth individuals. Gibro Corporate Management Ltd advises on the implementation of corporate structures for various business or personal transactions, providing ready-made companies in all major jurisdictions. Tax-exempt, low tax companies, offshore bank accounts and tax-free trusts are available as structures in achieving efficient tax planning. These services are offered by the Group from wholly-owned offices in Gibraltar, Spain, Portugal and the UK. Managing Director of the Gibro Group and barrister-at-law, Stuart Rodriguez, explained the principles of the Gibro Group and its code: “The group aspires to be an ethical organisation delivering integrated legal, corporate, trusts, insurance and financial solutions within an ever evolv-

ing legal and commercial marketplace. The mechanisms of our Integrated ISO 9001 Quality Management System ensures that every member of the Client Service Team is committed to establishing objectives for key aspects of service delivery. In this endeavour, we will always strive to comply with legislative and client requirements. This Policy Statement is published and communicated to team practitioners, interested parties and the public. At each management review, our performance in conforming to specified targets will be measured. Further, strategy to promote continual improvement in all aspects of the business, for example prevention of wasting natural resources arising from our processes, will be evaluated from implementation.” Mr Rodriguez became the Managing Director of the Gibro Group in 2003 having previously been a Director since 1999. He read law in Liverpool John Moores University where he obtained his law degree. After successfully completing his Bar Finals he was called to the Supreme Court of England and Wales and is a member of the Honourable Society of the Middle Temple. He then obtained a Masters Degree in European Law at the University of Leeds and was called to the Bar in Gibraltar in 1998. He specialises in advising international clients on international tax structuring, trusts, residency, banking and private client work. Mr Rodriguez is currently Chairman of the Gibraltar Federation of Small Businesses after serving on the Board for over 10 years and sits on numerous Government Appointed Boards. The group continues to give advice on tax, legal, trusts and financial planning. As a progressive organisation, in the pursuit of supplying a Quality Assured output, the Gibro Group will be vigilant to observe ethical health & safety and environmental best practice solutions appropriate to the activities of its business and its clients’ expectations.

Greece - Corporate Finance Accountancy Firm of the Year KPMG Advisors A.E. Thanos Tsotsoros Director, Head of Corporate Finance Tel: +30 210 6062100

In Greece, KPMG Corporate Finance stands proud in the marketplace, providing objective unbiased advice on a range of corporate finance and financial transaction services, targeting corporations, financial institutions and governments worldwide. KPMG in Greece’s corporate financiers are fluent and insightful across an array of services in today’s increasingly complex global financial markets environment. KPMG advises a wide range of clients in their decision making and strategy implementation, offering expert independent advice on areas such as valuation of corporate entities or assets, acquisitions, mergers, divestitures, equity/debt capital raising, privatisation of state owned assets, project financing, debt restructuring and fairness opinions for internal or regulatory purposes. Thanos Tsotsoros, Director and Head of Corporate Finance, explained what sets KPMG apart from the competition: “Our professionals’ advice is supported by a true understanding of the issues and challenges faced by our clients. We have global execution capability, connectivity with the financial markets, deep sector and industry knowledge as well as negotiation prowess.” Mr Tsotsoros joined KPMG in February 2012. He has more than 19 years’ experience in corporate finance and investment banking, and has attained considerable corporate finance experience, having led a sizeable number of transactions relating to M&A, capital raising, valuations, fairness opinions, etc. He continued: “In our role as advisor, our key focus is to create value for our clients

in a turbulent environment were market valuations are at historically low levels, there is shortage of liquidity and investors are hesitant to take the risks associated with macro-economic challenges. Our corporate finance practice has extensive experience on equity and debt transactions and project planning undertaken in the world’s key markets for clients operating in every sector.” KPMG’s Corporate Finance team has achieved a number of successes in recent times. These include, among others: Working on complex privatisation and large scale infrastructure projects advising both public and private sector clients; Assisting large corporate clients in structuring & negotiating M&A transactions; Offering independent expert advice on the valuation of corporations in a wide range of sectors; Assisting a number of clients in their strategic decisions and options in view of deleveraging from their non-core assets or seeking to raise capital and identifying target companies to acquire; Advising clients on their refinancing options and negotiating terms with financial institutions. KPMG firms are the world’s leading providers of audit, tax & advisory services, operating in 152 countries & having 145,000 people around the world. Similarly, its International Corporate Finance team is comprised of more than 2,300 professionals , including former investment bankers and senior government officials, along with lawyers, economists, business analysts and accountants – working collaboratively from 105 offices in 60 countries across the globe. This gives KPMG a distinct advantage when working on crossborder transactions or when sourcing international expertise. In recent years, KPMG Corporate Finance has been acknowledged as the world’s leading M&A advisor for medium-sized enterprises in terms of number of completed transactions. Mr Tsotsoros concluded: “We wish that key sector clients continue to acknowledge us as the preferred Transactions & Restructuring advisory team, while we continue to play a critical role in the transforming banking and financial services industry.” 2012 GlobalAwards 167

Greece - Family Law Firm of the Year H. Constandinidou – K. Stavropoulos – I.N. Stavropoulou and Associates Haroula Constandinidou Senior Partner Tel: +30-210 3636567, 3631901

The H. Constandinidou – K. Stavropoulos – I.N. Stavropoulou & Associates Law Firm was established in 1977, by Haroula Constandinidou, as a one person practice. The firm has now grown to become the leading international law firm in Greece in international family law and Greek family law. The firm is also one of the leading law firms in international private law and litigation. It provides legal services not only in Greece but also abroad, mainly in Europe, the United States of America, Australia and Canada. The firm operates with a network of lawyers worldwide having expertise in the same areas of practice. The law firm’s long experience in working with foreign clients and foreign lawyers enables its attorneys to meet the high standards required in the international legal practice while providing assistance to foreign clients at every stage of their cases in the Greek jurisdiction. The H. Constandinidou – K. Stavropoulos – I.N. Stavropoulou & Associates Law Firm is well known for the effective handling of international family law cases and specialises in prestigious divorce, alimony, division of assets cases with an international element. The firm also acts

in complicated international cases involving children relating to The Hague Convention, child abduction cases, child support, recognition and others. The founder and senior partner, Haroula Constandinidou, is a fellow and former president of the European Chapter of the International Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (IAML), a worldwide association of family lawyers who are recognised as experts in family law, in their respective countries. Membership of the IAML is by invitation only. The process is a rigorous one, designed to ensure that the very high level of expertise within the academy is maintained. Ms Constandinidou is also a member of the Athens Bar Association, the International Bar Association, the International Society of Family Law, Honorary Member of the Association of Private International Law, Member of the Reunite International Child Abduction Centre and the International Social Service. Ms Haroula Constandinidou is an author of numerous scientific articles on family law and is a steady lecturer in various international conferences. The partners and associates are also participants in international family law conferences and have made contributions as co-authors on articles and chapters on various International Family law issues. The spoken and working languages by the partners and associates of the law firm are Greek, English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.

Greece - International Tax Advisory Firm of the Year Deloitte Greece Thomas Leventis Tax Principal Tel: +30 210 6781 100

In Greece, Deloitte operates a fully staffed office in Athens and Thessaloniki, providing integrated tax, audit, financial advisory and consultancy services. Deloitte’s local expert tax team of over 100 skilled professionals, located in a fully functional premises technologically linked to its worldwide network, ensures that the full range of Deloitte’s services are directly available to all companies. As a result of close collaboration and teamwork, the knowledge transfer to the client becomes easier and more efficient. In support of Deloitte’s commitment to “be the standard of excellence”, the firm’s approach is supplemented by a strong focus on region-specific needs, opportunities and subsequently, solutions.

168 GlobalAwards 2012

The firm’s experience and knowledge of the regional market’s needs and characteristics are key strengths that are put behind every client. During its operations, the tax department of Deloitte Greece has provided services to some of Greece’s most prominent companies, having gained extensive insight into the local market conditions and expertise. Mr Thomas Leventis, head of international tax with Deloitte Greece, commented on how the firm can assist companies in the changing financial landscape of modern Greece: “As the financial markets continue to evolve, enterprises are working to grow and maintain profits while adjusting to everchanging regulations and the downturn’s effects on profitability and performance. Successful enterprises will need to reassess their operating models and address the effects of regulatory reform, competitive dynamics, evolving markets and increased expectations from stakeholders. Deloitte offers a wide array of services that are specifically designed to protect and promote growth. In addition to attest and tax, we offer services in areas such as risk management, regulatory compliance, and technology solutions.” The firm’s staff has a number of qualifications that cover a comprehensive range of industry sectors. Deloitte continues to offer clients a broad range of fully integrated tax services. Having one of the best teams in international tax, transfer pricing and indirect tax, its approach combines insight and innovation to help the clients’ companies excel globally.

Greece - IP Litigation Firm of the Year Dr Helen Papaconstantinou, John Filias & Associates Dr Helen Papaconstantinou Senior Partner Tel: +30 210 362 5757

Dr Helen Papaconstantinou, John Filias & Associates, is one of the largest specialist IP Firms in Greece. Along with its affiliate branch, the Law Office of Dr P.D. Theodorides – Dr H.G. Papacostantinou (originally established in 1920 by Dr Theodorides), the firm offers a broad range of top quality IP Law services at highly competitive prices. The firm’s area of expertise spans over all aspects of IP Law, including the portfolio management of patents, trademarks, domain names, designs, SPCs, etc. We also undertake all contentious and non contentious legal work in the above areas as well as in the following areas: copyright, anti-trust, anti-piracy/anti-counterfeiting/customs procedures, Internet law, franchising & contract law, commercial law, trade regulation, competition law, consumer protection & advertising law and ADRP procedures. The firm’s teams of specialists also provide related detailed consultancy in the above areas. All our attorneys are members of the Greek Lawyers Association. Many of them have specialised in IP abroad and participate in the following organisations: EPI, AIPPI, ECTA, INTA, GRUR (German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property), UK Society of Legal Scholars.

Dr Helen Papaconstantinou is President of the FICPI and AIPPI Greek groups and Member of the Executive Committees of FICPI and AIPPI. She is also Council Member of EPI and ECTA as well as Member of INTA, CIPA, ITMA and UNION. During her prestigious career she has been the recipient of many awards and, merely by way of indication, has been selected as the leading practitioner for Patents in Greece (Expert Guide 2011), as well as the female leading practitioner for the previous year (2010). Throughout the firm’s numerous years of activity, we have succeeded in establishing long-standing, invaluable collaborations with hundreds of highly reputable firms around the world, enabling us to represent some of the most important companies internationally – either directly or through their legal agents. Our IP specialist teams not only have a very significant experience/ expertise, but also the flexibility and ability to adapt in the most efficient manner to new demands that arise in both the traditional (e.g. trademarks, patents, copyright) as well as in the modern sectors (e.g. anti-counterfeiting, domain names & ADRP’s) of the IP field. Our firm’s attorneys, being familiar with the intricacies of the Greek legal and business environment, are not only accomplished legal “technicians”, but are committed to helping the clients by making every effort to understand their needs and business and by providing them with individual, personalised attention. Speed and accuracy of response have always been a priority in our communication with clients. In this time of economic turmoil, we have also adopted a sensible approach to cost effectiveness and do our best to control costs, without, in any way, compromising high quality service and personal attention. Finally, the firm has been the first Greek firm to receive ISO 9001/2008 Certification in the IP Law Field.

Hungary - Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Firm of the Year resolution by settlement. We are one of the leading international commercial arbitration law firms in Hungary. Our arbitration team, led by Dr András Szecskay and Laurent NidDr András Szecskay dam, handles local and international cases in institutional and ad-hoc arbitraFounding Partner tions, including cases under bilateral investment treaties in matters involving Tel: +36 (1) 472-3000 the protection of foreign investors. Dr András Szecskay is a listed arbitrator and is generally involved in 8 12 arbitration cases per year, either as the party-appointed arbitrator or as Laurent A. Niddam, Esq umpire. He takes these roles in a number of both international and domestic Head of Arbitration arbitration cases. He is on the Roll of Arbitrators and is frequently invited Tel: +36 (1) 472-3000 and appointed to act as an arbitrator with the Permanent Court of tion attached to the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Energy Arbitration Court, as well as the ad hoc arbitration panels supported by the Budapest Bar Association. He was also recently appointed as a listed arbitrator for the newly-formed energy-related arbitration court in Hungary. Other attorneys from the firm are regularly appointed to act as arbitrators in domestic and international matters. Representing high profile international clients, we recognise that timely and Szecskay Attorneys at Law is a progressive business law firm, recognised as effective dispute resolution is imperative for foreign investors and domesone of the top legal advisers in Hungary. The Firm was founded in 1992 by Dr András Szecskay who had a well-established practice with over twenty years of tic businesses alike. To that end, arbitration team member and partner Dr Orsolya Görgényi is trained in business mediation utilising the techniques of experience in the legal profession at that time. supervision, as is Dr András Dániel László. Although we successfully prepare, litigate and defend cases for our clients We provide innovative solutions to a diverse multinational and local client base, typically large and medium-sized businesses from Hungary and abroad, before domestic courts and in arbitration, we are strong proponents of disrepresenting a full spectrum of industry, trade, and services. Our clients include pute resolution by settlement and recourse, when appropriate, to ADR. We also have a leading litigation/arbitration practice and appear before major companies in the fields of energy, distribution, production of consumer Hungarian courts in various commercial, civil, and administrative cases. In products, financial and investment services, real estate, manufacturing, printaddition, we successfully represent clients bringing and facing unfair coming, packaging, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and automotive. petition claims. Our arbitration services include representation, counselling We are highly regarded in dispute resolution (including alternative and assistance in legal disputes including among others the representation dispute resolution) and are consistently top-ranked in legal publications before Hungarian and international arbitration proceedings. for our work in this field. We are tough in fights and yet promote dispute

Szecskay Attorneys at Law

2012 GlobalAwards 169

Greece - Trusts & Estates Law Firm of the Year

A. S. Papadimitriou & Partners Law Firm Anthony S. Papadimitriou Managing Partner Tel: +30 - 210 – 9409 960

The legal notion of the “Trust” is non-existent in the Greek legal

system, which follows continental law and does have many differences to common law legal systems. For this reason wills drafted by a common law lawyer but applying to a “Greek” estate can be implemented with difficulty. In such cases heirs usually confront

significant delays before tax and other state authorities. There may be even problems with prospective buyers of real estate, who are not used to buy property from a “Trust”.

and international inheritance law enables it to provide its prominent Greek and foreign clients with tax efficient, yet practical solutions with respect to their Greek estate planning. The firm’s in-depth knowledge of the substantive law, as well as of the procedures applicable to probate and trust disputes in Greece and major foreign jurisdiction has made the firm the number one choice in many significant disputes involving trusts and estates. Such litigation is usually international in scope, involving concurrent actions in several countries. It also requires good knowledge

“Our law firm has been involved in litigation cases where a trust

of international banking practices, corporate forms of various

was established for estate planning purposes but such trust was

off-shore jurisdictions and forensic work to locate assets.

challenged before the Greek Courts,” commented Anthony S.

“We have enjoyed excellent cooperation in these matters with

Papadimitriou, managing partner of A. S. Papadimitriou & Partners

prominent UK and International law firms such as Withers and

Law Firm.

Bird & Bird,” said Dr. A. Papadimitriou.

He continued: “There is a strong argument that, if Greek law is

The firm represents Greek and foreign heirs, trustees, benefi-

held to be the applicable law on an estate, then a trust may be

ciaries, foundations and other interested parties in a wide variety

found invalid under it, in particular if the settlor meant to limit the

of disputes regarding will and trust contests, administration,

forced heirship portion of some of his heirs. Other entities, such

claims against other heirs, etc.

as foundations, may be a better option in such cases. In the event the main purpose of the establishment of a trust or a foundation is

Some of the firm’s most noteworthy successes for its clients

tax planning, the same considerations will apply. In other words if


Greek law is applicable, one needs to carefully choose what is the

• Representing and handling international litigation for the re-

most appropriate structure, taking into account the nationality and tax residence of the real settlor as well as the locus of the assets to be settled.” Dr. A. Papadimitriou is a member of: Piraeus Bar Association, Honorary Member of the Bench of the Middle Temple, President to the Board of Directors, Alexander S. Onassis Foundation. Member

covery of the estate of a wealthy Greek expatriate on separate occasions; • Representing the heirs of a Greek shipowner in relation to international litigation concerning a Cayman Islands Trust; • Representing the heirs of a shipowner with respect to the implementation of a will under Monaco law;

of the Board of Directors of Global Finance S.A., Greek Association

• Representing the widow of a wealthy Greek expatriate with

of Maritime Law, Greek Association of Civil Law, European Lawyers

respect to the annulment of his Greek and American wills.

Association and the International Bar Association. His personal practice areas include: company law, commercial

The law firm has also provided legal opinions and advice in rela-

law, investments, mergers and acquisitions, private international law,

tion to many trust and estate litigation matters pending before foreign

real estate, commercial litigation, civil litigation, estates, succes-

courts. In 2008 the firm successfully co-organised one of the first

sions, wills, maritime law, ship sales and purchase and ship finance.

international seminars in Greece relating to international succession

The firm’s significant experience and specialisation both in Greek

170 GlobalAwards 2012

under the title “International Succession: The Global Challenge”.

Hungary - M&A Law Firm of the Year bpv | JÁDI NÉMETH Attorneys at Law Dr. Péter Garancsi Head of M&A Group +36 1 428 4000

bpv | JÁDI NÉMETH Attorneys at Law is founding member of bpv | LEGAL alliance as a network of independent law firms which offer cross border legal advisory services from key locations in Central and Eastern Europe: Bucharest, Budapest, Prague, Bratislava, Vienna, Baden and Mödling with a European Law Competence Centre in Brussels. bpv | JÁDI NÉMETH - initially formed in 2000 - through legal counselling contributes to clients’ success, helps to minimize economic and regulatory exposure and delivers thorough, business minded approach and tailor made, innovative legal solutions. The guiding principles of bpv | JÁDI NÉMETH is local know-how of its highly educated team of lawyers, its international approach and up-to-date market knowledge. bpv | JÁDI NÉMETH’s experienced attorneys handle legal matters in areas of law such as: Banking and Finance; Competition / Anti-trust; Corporate and Commercial; Dispute Resolution (including Litigation and Arbitration); Employment; Energy; Environment; IP / IT; Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A); Project Finance; Real Estate; Restructuring and Insolvency (R&I); Tax and Telecommunications. One of the core practice areas of bpv | JÁDI NÉMETH is M&A. We are constantly involved in all types of complex national and international M&A

transactions in various industries, some of which are generally considered to be amongst the largest and most sophisticated transactions to have taken place in Hungary to date. bpv | JÁDI NÉMETH’s M&A specialists have extensive experience in advising both public and private, medium and large size companies regarding: • mergers of public and private companies; • purchase of stock and/or assets; • divestitures and “spin-offs” of assets; • tender offers; • hostile takeovers; • leveraged buyouts; • joint ventures; • privatisations; • controlled auctions; • acquisition of strategic interests; and • start-up “greenfield” investment operations. M&A practice group of bpv | JÁDI NÉMETH of 9 lawyers has a long term working relations and joint trainings with bpv | LEGAL’s M&A practitioners which allows them efficient handling of transactions throughout the CEE region. Whoever bpv | JÁDI NÉMETH’s client, the law firm is capable to provide personalized, highly professional support to optimize operation, minimize legal risks and achieve business goals by most adequate solutions in a timely manner at an attractive market price. bpv | JÁDI NÉMETH strives to offer innovative and proactive advice to add real, tangible value.

Hungary - Relocation Expert Firm of the Year ARC Relocation Klára Fóti Managing Director Tel: +36 1 453 0491

ARC Relocation is a registered liability company in Hungary that was founded in 1990. From the very start the firm has developed a highly qualified team of multilingual professionals, all of which were introduced to the firm duringa massive in-house training initiative. Over the last twenty years, the firm has built up relations with international relocation providers in Europe and the United States, and has since become the contracted destination service provider to the most important global relocation agencies. Following on from this, ARC Relocation has become a service provider to a number of international and multinational companies. The firm is also a member of the employee relocation council and the European relocation association. The firm’s service areas are as follows: compliance, taxation, social security, cultural knowledge, property market, public utilities and providers, shopping, banking, public transportation, communication, orientation programs, residence finding, lease negotiations, immigration and visa arrangements, removal of household, move-in/move-out assistance, inventory management, settling-in schooling, technical assistance, and medical assistance and helpline services. Look at two out of the range of programs ARC is offering to its clients. Immigration program Under ARC Relocation’s immigration service, the firm will: • provide detailed information and explanations for the assignee on the compliance requirements in hungary

• collect sponsor’s documentation required for the process • collect sponsor signatures to application documents as required • collect all personal documents of the assignee and dependents required for the process • arrange for the certified translation and/or apostillation of application documents as applicable • arrange any permit as proxy, that doesn’t need assignee’s attendance • arrange appointment at the immigration office for submitting application with the assignee and family as applicable • arrange for duty fees as required • make sure that the application file is full and complete • follow the processing of the immigration file with the relevant authorities • regularly inform the company hr on the progress of the immigration process • keep records on the expiration of labour and immigration documents/permits and initiate extension as applicable Departure services Under ARC Relocation’s departure service, the firm will: • withdraw government permits (labour, residence, domicile) as applicable • send termination notice to landlord • set up check-out schedule with all parties • arrange moving-out, draw up check-out survey records • arrange for possible post-move-out repair works • arrange for post-move-out cleaning as applicable • arrange for reimbursement of security deposit as applicable • arrange cancellation of subscriptions • arrange utility meters to be transferred back to landlord’s name • arrange mail forwarding as required ARC Relocation obtained quality assurance certification in 2003 and introduced the practice of special research areas for all its counsellors in 2006. ARC Relocation has developed a knowledge base that is always upto-date and covers all fields of employee relocation. 2012 GlobalAwards 171

(Ireland-based multiple award winner) The Americas - Fund Administration Specialist of the Year / Europe - Fund Administration Specialist of the Year / Malta - Fund Administration Specialist of the Year / The Netherlands - Fund Administration Specialist of the Year / SE Asia - Fund Administration Specialist of the Year

Custom House Global Fund Services Limited Mark Hedderman CEO Tel: +353 1 878 0807

Custom House Global Fund Services (Custom House) is an independent fund administrator with more than two decades of experience. Custom House provides a tailored suite of services covering every aspect of the alternative investment sector, including: Fund Administration, Investor Services, Portfolio & Managed Account Services, Shadow Accounting, Fund Formation and Corporate Services. Combining innovative technology with global coverage, Custom House offers a cost-effective, customer focused, multi award-winning service. The fund administration industry, particularly in the US and Europe, is highly

help reduce the risks and simplify operations by providing accurate and timely valuations,” said Mr Hedderman. Moreover, the group supports its clients by: • Minimising risks – by partnering with a global administrator that has a proven track record in independently reporting accurate and timely valuations to investors. • Streamlining operations – Custom House integrates seamlessly with technology to capture, reconcile and report clean accurate data on demand. • Delivering expertise – Custom House specialises in back and middle office administration for alternative asset managers, providing a single point-of-contact. Custom House is a world leader in administration and maintains 220 global clients, representing $52 Billion AuA. It values 550 funds, reporting those valuations to thousands of investors. “To remain a leader in administration, we recognise that

competitive, and Custom House is continually improving and developing its

we must continue to invest in our infrastructure, which will

in demands being placed on administrators in the form of enhanced reporting

derman noted.

tions and, of course, price competitiveness. Custom House has expanded its

in technology, with our newly premiered TOUCH platform.

role of an administrator today is almost unrecognisable from even five years ago

producing real-time or T+1, advanced P&L and risk report-

ever seen. Custom House has successfully reorganised itself to adapt to this

integrated web-based platform expands between the breadth

services to investors and managers. There has been an exponential increase requirements, regulatory obligations, increased investor and manager expecta-

support us as demands and regulations change,” Mr Hed“Our most significant improvement in recent times has been

services to support these requirements and meet new expectation levels. The

This technology allows for data management solutions,

and all of this change has occurred in the backdrop of the greatest financial crisis

ing. From transaction capture to data reconciliation, our new

new economic reality and, at the same time, offer a more comprehensive and

of our services, providing middle office services, while also

competitive service.

supporting and enhancing back office operations.”

Performance and asset generation

Supporting small and start up firms

Mark Hedderman, Custom House CEO, noted that the Custom House group helps

Custom House provides enhanced ‘from initial thought to

alternative asset managers succeed by allowing them to focus on performance

launch’ services, meaning that the group will assist and

and asset generation. “Our accounting, investor and corporate services expertise

‘hold the hand’ of any start-up manager looking to launch a

172 GlobalAwards 2012

fund vehicle. The group can support and offer advice regarding such

T+1 reporting. We are also increasing our investment in Fix Protocol

considerations as global fund structuring, due diligence and regula-

Technology applications, along with our online reporting, as part

tory queries, as well as other service providers that may be a good fit

of our drive to deliver a virtually real-time portfolio report, indepen-

for the specific manager.

dently reconciled and priced by us, as it evolves during the trading

Mr Hedderman elaborated: “It can be a daunting experience to

day. Our ultimate goal is a mirror reflection of the trading activity

set up and launch an alternative investment fund whilst, often at the

that has been independently verified by Custom House, and which

same time, focusing on securing seed capital or fine-tuning invest-

is as close to the point of execution and confirmation as possible.”

ment techniques. Further, Custom House recognises that one of the

Custom House currently services approximately 200 daily

reasons for the failure of a fund is not from a poor investment perfor-

portfolios and managed account entities, utilising a combination of

mance, but from mistakes made during initial set up.”

technology and global operational coverage. Clients receive a fully

As such, Custom House has its own turn-key solution to assist with each step, from incorporating the fund, right through to its launch. This ‘project management’ style solution offers comfort that all admin-

independent valuation, with fees appropriately calculated, along with supporting accounting reports on T+1. In addition, the group offers the ability to avail of further quantita-

istrative, corporate and legal work necessary to launch the fund is

tive reporting through its partnerships with specialist providers.

carried out by the group’s specialist team. The team has, over many

As demands in transparency and timeliness increase, the Custom

years, handled the launch of thousands of funds as part of Custom

House service model, which focuses on technology combined with

House’s commitment to allow the manager to focus on developing his

a global coverage, is perfectly positioned to adapt and meet the

or her new venture successfully.

needs of clients and investors.

“We maintain professional relationships with lawyers in all of the main global jurisdictions, and offer a truly hands-on service to

Shadow services

customise your fund to the structure required,” said Mr Hedderman.

As managers look to strengthen their back office operations without

“Crucially, we assist in developing relationships with other service

replacing them, they have seen the benefit of partnering with admin-

providers, such as brokers, banks, custodians, auditors and direc-

istrators who already have this specialist expertise in trade capture,

tors, leaving you perfectly positioned to build your fund and focus on

reconciliation and pricing. Because of this, shadow accounting

the strengths that have allowed you to get to the point of setting up

services have evolved, as investment managers offer their clients the

your own fund. Our solution caters for the brand new start-up man-

comfort of an outside agency verifying their portfolio reporting.

ager, right through to assisting our established clients launch new products in a trusted, cost-effective and timely manner.”

Custom House has developed a specific solution – Shadow Accounting – to allow managers to utilise its capability to capture, reconcile and price portfolios, so as to ‘shadow’ their own back

Managed accounting platforms

office reporting, thereby offering an important independent check

An additional strength of Custom House’s operating model it its abil-

to investors. Responsibility for accurate valuation reporting remains

ity to capture and process trade information as soon as it becomes

with the manager, but the addition of this ‘shadow’ role when per-

available. In the case of portfolio and managed accounts, where

formed by Custom House provides greater substance and comfort.

the focus is on the timely valuation of the positions and how this is presented and analysed, this information becomes available. “The ability to capture and process data as efficiently as possible

Mr Hedderman provided comment: “The Custom House shadow accounting service, which was originally developed by Custom House’s US office in Chicago, is an efficient and cost-effective solution for

is a key strategic objective of Custom House,” said Mr Hedderman.

managers looking to complement their back office, without the cost

“We deliver this through our 24-hour operational capability to provide

and unnecessary risk of changing a trusted in-house capability.

2012 GlobalAwards 173

“Timing for delivery of the reports can be customised to suit both

ing on which fund structure meets their requirements, however,”

manager and investor alike. Taking full advantage of Custom House’s

he added. “The large European investors seem to favour the more

global coverage technical capabilities, managers will receive a

established, regulated EU centres, such as Luxembourg and Ireland.

‘shadow’ version of their portfolio directly, while investors can be

These established locations offer the experience levels and depth of

advised via Custom House Accessible Reporting In Open Technology

service providers that one would expect; meanwhile, the strength of

(CHARIOT), or by the manager’s own reporting tool.”

the regulatory oversight in both locations is another appealing factor.

According to Mr Hedderman, as the concept of shadow accounting

In recent years, there has been an emergence of other jurisdictions

for self-administered funds has developed, both the larger managers of

to compete with these established centres, and one of the success

independently administered funds and institutional investors have used

stories has been Malta.

independent shadow accounts to verify the valuations, managed portfolios and/or managed account platform in which they have invested.

“Backed by a progressive regulator and quality professionals at a competitive cost, Malta offers a viable alternative to the more established and expensive locations. Malta, a member of the EU,

A global reach

is emerging as a competitor to both Dublin and Luxembourg, whilst

Custom House’s global reach enables the group to service clients

offering an alternative to traditional offshore locations such as Cay-

who require a point of contact in multiple jurisdictions. Custom House

man and the BVI. These traditional centres remain as strong as ever,

has the ability, if necessary, to designate different aspects of its

along with Delaware for US LLPs, for example, and, as a global ad-

service model – ie fund accounting, portfolio accounting, investor

ministrator, it is important to have established capabilities to service

services, etc – within its various jurisdictions.

all of them – something that Custom House offers. It is critical, as a

“Due to this, we are deeply experienced in partnering with clients

global administrator, to be in a position to service the full range of

that have complex needs, or where high frequency reporting is a

jurisdictions that are available to investors, as their own perception of

necessity,” said Mr Hedderman. “An example of this would be where,

what each location offers, relative to their requirements, is what will

say, a US-based investment manager has a majority of investors lo-

drive their decision.”

cated in Asia. In this scenario, Custom House can service their needs with our Singapore office being responsible for shareholder services,

Success stories of recent years / future horizons

while our Chicago office will perform all duties necessary to calculate

Custom House has seen numerous significant successes during the

the valuation of the fund.

last twelve months, such as the attainment of the TYPE II ISAE3402

“Meanwhile, from a growth standpoint, the investment funds indus-

and SSAE16 – a means of safeguarding data in accordance with au-

try in the US has been somewhat flat, as performance and a lack of

diting industry standards – covering all of its offices. Custom House

inflow to emerging managers have reduced. Inflows from the larger,

has also attained an extension of its service capabilities through the

more established managers are still prevalent. Having said that,

introduction of TOUCH, the group’s middle office solution.

emerging managers have traditionally been more successful in terms

All of this has been conducted in an environment of increased

of performance and, in 2012, the US market has seen many manag-

pressure on costs, as the nature of the services that an administrator

ers moving from the ‘larger shops’ in order to establish their own

is expected to offer dramatically broadens.

investment firm. The Custom House service model supports this, as

Mr Hedderman provided comment: “As we reorganised our opera-

we are committed to taking a customised approach to servicing our

tional platform, we also had to contend with the increase in regulatory

clients – therefore building a framework of services around the needs

reporting requirements and increased competition from our competi-

of alternative investment managers.”

tors as the number of new funds launching contracted. During this

Mr Hedderman added that the Americas is still the largest com-

time we have managed to increase our ‘new’ revenue – that is revenue

munity of fund managers globally, and this is expected to continue as

from new clients – by 40% from 2011. We believe that Custom House

the economic crisis eases during the tail end of 2012, and beyond.

is emerging as a stronger administrator with a more sophisticated product, which is meeting the requirements of our clients, their inves-

National legislation / regulation

tors and the various regulatory bodies within our industry.”

The high profile industry scandals of recent years, such as the Madoff

Looking to the coming twelve months, Mr Hedderman noted that

scandal, have shaken the confidence of the institutional investor com-

Custom House has undertaken major operational restructuring in the

munity. “Politicians and government bodies had to be seen to act on

last year, as well as obtaining the aforementioned TYPE II ISAE3402

this in the form of introducing new industry regulations, even though

and SSAE16, the launch of TOUCH and a new PERE expertise.

what lay at the bottom of most scandals was often, quite simply, fraud,” said Mr Hedderman. As a direct consequence, the industry is now preparing itself for

“We are moving forward with our goal to be recognised as an industry leader in the capture, reconciliation and reporting of data to clients and investors,” he said. “It is our belief that administrators

an avalanche of regulation, such as the Dodd-Frank Act, AIFMD and

must offer a fully flexible data management capability that allows us

FACTA. It remains to be seen what impact all of this will have on in-

to adjust to the constantly changing nature of what is expected from

vestor confidence. The recent increase in the popularity of the UCITS

us. We will continue to invest in technology by pushing ahead with

structure, which is deemed highly regulated, would suggest that

TOUCH, while also staying true to our core belief in servicing our

investors are attracted to products that offer a perceived increase in

clients, as evidenced by our repeated success in winning the five

regulatory oversight. The challenge for service providers is to offer

INTL awards and other prestigious client service awards.

these products without letting the increased cost of servicing them impact their competitiveness.

“We never forget that business is about people, and we are expanding our relationship management and business development

When asked what differentiates any one of Custom House’s fund

personnel in the main markets to ensure that our clients always have

jurisdictions from another as regards fund administration, Mr Hedder-

the ability to talk to us and tell us what their expectations and require-

man noted that, as a global administrator, the group operates out of

ments are. Our objectives are centred on improving our product and

all of the main fund jurisdictions.

servicing our clients and, if we succeed in these areas, then the other

“There are various factors that influence investors when decid-

174 GlobalAwards 2012

benchmarks – such as market share and profitability – will follow.”

Custom House – Winner of Corporate INTL’s 2012 Global Awards for: The Americas - Fund Administration Specialist of the Year / Europe -

money managers, whose customised funds start out quite small. Our philosophy is to grow with those managers and their funds,

Fund Administration Specialist of the Year / Malta - Fund Administration

demonstrating our long-term dedication to our clients.

of the Year / SE Asia - Fund Administration Specialist of the Year

Fund Administration Service

Specialist of the Year / The Netherlands - Fund Administration Specialist This is the second year that Custom House Group has won a Corpo-

Custom House offers a full range of fund administration services

rate INTL magazine Award, including Fund Administration Specialist,

to every aspect of the alternative investment fund sector. This

following the firm’s success in 2010 when Custom House Group was

ranges from single stand-alone funds, to multi-manager man-

selected as the Best Fund Services Firm of the Year for Ireland.

aged account platforms, to the traditional offshore or onshore/

Mark Hedderman, Chief Executive Office Custom House Group, commenting on the firm’s success, said: “For over 20 years, Custom House has promoted itself as “The Spe-

offshore master feeder structure. Any alternative investment fund from fund of funds to the domestic LPs, right through to tax reporting preparation, are catered for and all strategies across

cialist Fund Specialist”. It is, therefore, very satisfying to achieve five

the investment spectrum are represented. Along with calculating

Corporate INTL Global Awards, as the “Fund Administration Specialist

the NAV of the fund and handling all investor transactions and

of the Year” (2012) for The Americas, Europe and South East Asia, as

communication, Custom House will prepare the financial state-

well as Malta and the Netherlands.”

ments of the fund and arrange the audit and any appropriate

Dermot Butler, Chairman of the Custom House Group, said: “These awards are a remarkable testament to the dedication of Custom House’s staff across the globe. For Custom House, which prides itself

filings. Custom House maintains the share register of the fund and provides unaudited financials as requested. Applying industry best practices, Custom House will value the

on providing first class client services, these five awards are a sign of

fund in line with the Offering Memorandum and Pricing Policy

service and product excellence in a very competitive market.”

using agreed third party price sources, whilst at all times, remain an independent valuation agent and service provider. Custom House has a dedicated fund transition team to assist with the on-boarding of new clients, along with the transfer of existing

Custom House: Our Business

funds from other administrators.

Custom House specialises in alternative investment funds. Indeed,

volume nor complexity sensitive, Custom House structures the

we describe ourselves as “The Specialist Fund Specialist”. As such,

servicing of the fund in the most time-efficient, client-friendly

we do not generally act for traditional or ‘vanilla’ funds, rather con-

fashion. This often means a T+1 delivery for daily funds and an

centrating on the ubiquitous alternative investment arena (including

extra-efficient delivery of all weekly and monthly valuations. Cus-

private equity, real estate and venture capital) and hedge funds,

tom House prides itself on being one of the market leaders in

which include many varied investment strategies. Our full 24/5

fund data capture and reconciliation and has created a platform

“round the world”, “round the clock” service covers all aspects of

that maximises the benefits of FIX Protocol technology along

day to day operations.

with the use of FTP sites to interface with managers and brokers/

Utilising its 24 hour global operational model, which is neither

We pride ourselves on a personal and innovative service. We will tai-

banks and custodians. This forms part of the Custom House

lor the structure of each fund to meet the client’s needs, providing them

strategy to deliver a 24-hour accessible service to our fund

with practical solutions to such problems as valuations for daily dealing

clients, their investors and the managers (collectively “our fund

hedge funds and pricing hard to value OTC and other illiquid assets.

clients”), offering real-time access to their investment informa-

Custom House uses the state of the art, fully integrated, fund administration system, PFS-PAXUS. Reporting and dealing is effected through

tion with our CHARIOT web reporting platform. In conjunction with our global 24-hour presence, this intelligent

CHARIOT, Custom House’s secure password protected web-reporting

use of technology allows us to position ourselves to best meet

platform for managers and investors.

the needs of our fund administration clients and offer them both

We serve over 500 funds for some 220 investment management clients, ranging from funds of a few million US dollars at launch to

everyday and tailored specific information when they need it and not only on traditional reporting cycles.

several billion US dollars. This reflects our commitment to working not only with institutions, but also with emerging or newly independent

For more information please visit

2012 GlobalAwards 175

(Ireland-based multiple award winner) The Americas - Fund Administration Specialist of the Year / Europe - Fund Administration Specialist of the Year / Malta - Fund Administration Specialist of the Year / The Netherlands - Fund Administration Specialist of the Year / SE Asia - Fund Administration Specialist of the Year

Our clients come first Our business depends on our people Our knowledge is powerful Our reputation is everything PHILOSOPHY Custom House is committed to working, not only with institutions, but also with emerging, or newly independent money managers, whose customised funds, inevitably, start out quite small. The Custom House philosophy and objective is that Custom House should grow with those managers, and their funds, thus demonstrating its long-term commitment to its clients. GLOBAL FOOTPRINT Custom House has offices in Dublin, Chicago, Singapore, Malta, Luxembourg, The Netherlands and Guernsey. The Custom House week effectively starts at midnight Sunday GMT, when Singapore opens on their Monday morning and closes at midnight Friday GMT, when Chicago goes home at the end of their working week. This gives the company a truly global footprint with the ability to offer a 24/5 service for clients needing the facility.

The Americas T +1 312 280 0330

Europe & MENA T +353 1 878 0807

Asia Pacific T +65 6808 1500

Ireland - Sports Law Firm of the Year SWEENEY McGANN Shane O’Neill Partner – Head of Sports Law Tel: +353 (0)61 317 533

From L – R: Paul O’Connell (British & Irish Lions, Muster & Ireland Rugby Player), Kevin Downes (Limerick Hurler), Shane O’Neill (Partner and Head of Sports Law at Sweeney McGann)

Sweeney McGann provides one of the finest sports law services in the country, and the only specialist Sports Law Department in the region. The department works with sporting bodies, clubs and organisations across all sporting codes, providing access to an in-depth resource for all legal matters on and off the field. The Sports Law department was formally established last year to coincide with Limerick’s status as European City of Sport 2011. The firm’s managing partner, Gearóid McGann, outlined the delight of the firm at the announcement of Sports Law Firm of the Year in Ireland 2012. He said: “It is great recognition for all the team across the various departments who have worked hard to establish their areas among the top ranked in their respective fields. The creation of a dedicated Sports Law department in 2011 was a significant development as Limerick was

selected as European City of Sport at this time. This award adds further to Limerick’s reputation as a centre for the business and development of sport, with so many leading national sports administrators and regional sports offices located in the city.” Shane O’Neill, partner with Sweeney McGann and head of Sport Law in the firm, said the award was a strong endorsement for the work put into developing the Sports Law department. He explained: “We have had a long term involvement with many clubs and organisations such as Limerick GAA, and created the sports specific department to cater for the growing legal requirements of all entities involved in sports. We have been requested to speak at many national and regional sports conferences on topics such as sports club trustees, social media in sports, child protection, sports employment law and commercial advice for large professional sports bodies.” This year, Sweeney McGann has been involved in Sports Law events involving the Irish Institute of Sport, Irish Sports Council, Local Sports Partnerships and the inaugural European City of Sport Conference on Sport. The firm provides expert legal services in all aspects of private client, business and corporate law. It is a vibrant, modern and progressive law firm based in Limerick, Ireland. Its reputation is founded on the depth of experience and high level of business expertise provided to clients both locally and at national level. Sweeney McGann prides itself on its fresh innovative approach, adopting state-of-the-art IT systems and knowledge resources. It has been awarded the LQ Advanced, quality mark for Legal Services in recognition of the systems implemented. The firm was also awarded Licensing Law, Firm of the Year in Ireland 2012.

Italy - Cross Border Law Firm of the Year Castaldi Mourre & Partners Enrico Castaldi Senior Partner Steven Sprague Partner Nicola Romano Partner Marco Bianchi Senior Of Counsel Tel: +39 (0) 2 8940 9927

Castaldi Mourre & Partners has a long standing experience in assisting foreign investors in France. With more than 100 Franco-Italian investment operations, the firm in particular has a deep knowledge not only of the legal context of such operations but also of the economic, social and cultural context of Franco-Italian relations. Castaldi Mourre & Partners’ Italian professionals successfully advise clients in regards to their cross border activities. The multi-lingual staff has assisted clients who have desired to operate in French speaking countries or any country that the firm has been active in, including locations such as China and Russia.

In the years that have passed since the creation of the firm, Castaldi Mourre & Partners has helped many businesses of different nationalities, sectors of activity and size, to fully develop and make the most of their commercial potential. Enrico Castaldi founded Castaldi Mourre & Partners with Alexis Mourre in 1996. He is a member of the French and Italian Bars and The London Law Society. He has a well-established practice in France and Italy in the field of international investments, industrial and commercial partnership agreements, mergers, acquisitions and reorganisation of companies. He is a member of several boards of directors. Solicitor of the Senior Courts of England and Wales, Steven Sprague is a well-known international specialist in the field of energy and natural resources. He regularly acts as counsel in projects relating to electricity, petrol, gas and other precious materials. As a former Deputy Head of Office at Denton Hall in Moscow, he has developed a profound knowledge of Russia and the countries of the ex-Soviet Union. Besides energy, Steven Sprague has considerable experience in international joint ventures and mergers and acquisitions. Steven Sprague co-heads the firm’s M&A practice. Nicola Romano is an Italian lawyer with previous professional experience with major Italian and US law firms. He is a well-known specialist in commercial law, labour law, international litigation and arbitration. Marco Bianchi is an Italian lawyer who has, over time, developed significant experience of contract law and the legal aspects of the internationalisation of businesses. He has experience of negotiating and drafting international joint venture agreements as well as other investment and commercial agreements. The firm’s experts have held significant positions in, and worked with, some of the biggest companies in the world. This makes the firm well equipped to represent large companies from places like Britain and America. A notable example of this is Marco Bianchi’s experience with Iveco and Fiat Group Purchasing, where he served as general counsel. Thanks to the firm’s ability to combine interdisciplinary teams, Castaldi Mourre & Partners is able to bring together a wealth of experience gained over many years in different economic, commercial and cultural environments. The firm’s primary objective is to provide legal advice in a way that creates added value for its clients. 2012 GlobalAwards 177

Italy - International Commercial Litigation Advisory Firm of the Year

Studio Legale Sutti Avv. Stefano Sutti Partner Tel: +39 02 762041

Studio Legale Sutti offers a full range of legal services to companies and investors. These services can relate to and include: trade, corporate deals, intellectual property, distribution, dispute resolution, banking, employment and tax, with an emphasis on complex international matters, crisis management and multilingual, time-sensitive services. Besides operating three representation offices in London, New York and Tokyo, Studio Legale Sutti has local offices in Milan, Rome, Genoa, Monza, Bergamo, the region of Brescia (Trescore Balneario), that of Pavia-Vigevano (Abbiategrasso), Sofia, Belgrade, Bucharest and Zagreb. The firm employs lawyers admitted in ten different jurisdictions, patent attorneys and tax advisers. In 1980, Stefano Sutti started working as paralegal for Studio Legale one of the largest independent Italian law firms, with a strong focus on contentious and para-contentious work. He became partner in 1989, then managing partner in 1992. He then promoted the establishment of the firm’s offices in London, Tokyo and Sofia. In 2003, he was appointed as Professor of Strategy and Comparative Procedural Law at the master’s course in inter-

national litigation organised by the University of Padua, the second-oldest law school in the world. While his speciality is in complex corporate cases and international disputes, in recent years Mr Sutti has been requested to assist and to participate, in Italian, English and French courts, in all kinds of litigation, arbitration and mediation matters. Stefano Sutti, partner of the firm, commented on the changing face of the firm: “Besides its continuing involvement in the civil and commercial branches of the law, our firm has progressively implemented a more interdisciplinary and interprofessional practice, which is now structured into four specialised departments. This includes business-related administrative law consultation and litigation as well as white collar criminal defence, while private client services, albeit still occasionally provided, have been progressively de-emphasised.” Mr Sutti is a member of AIJA, UAE, IBA and IPBA and is the author of numerous articles and essays. He plays an active role in Studio Legale Sutti’s continuing education programs aimed at developing the litigation and advocacy skills of its members. Rhetoric, neurolinguistic programming, morphopsychology, game theory, risk-free analysis, elocution and presentation techniques are part of these programs. Mr Sutti and his legal team are consistently mentioned in the latest issues of the PLC Which Lawyer Yearbook (formerly ‘Global Counsel 3000’), ‘The Legal 500 EMEA’, and ‘IFLR 1000’, and are the official italian contributors to the ‘International Law Office Arbitration Newsletter’. A number of the high-profile matters dealt with by Stefano Sutti have obtained vast media coverage and have involved the hi-tech sector. Studio Legale Sutti’s mission is to provide a full range of legal services to businesses, investors, and foreign colleagues with similar practices, relying primarily on the excellence of the firm’s human resources, a customer-driven organisational culture and cutting-edge information technology solutions.

Italy - M&A Accountancy Firm of the Year BDO Italy Paolo Scelsi International Liaison Partner & Managing Partner Tel: +39 02 29062098

BDO Italy is the 5th audit and accounting and business advisory firm in Italy that provides its services to both local and international clients BDO in Italy was constituted in 1965 as an auditing and accounting services firm and now carries out its multiservice activities through 34 offices with approximately 470 professionals. The audit firm is enrolled on the Consob Special Register and is registered with U.S. P.C.A.O.B. (Public Company Accounting Oversight Board) and the U.S. SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission). It is also in possession of the System Quality Certification in accordance with ISO 90001:2008 provision. BDO Italy is a Partner of Equity Markets of Borsa Italiana-London Stock Exchange Group. The organization is part of BDO International operating in the five continents which is present in over 135 countries with 1,117 offices through an organic and consolidated network with a structure that today includes approximately 49,000 people with total revenues of approximately $5,67 billion. This is why 178 GlobalAwards 2012

BDO can count on a treasury of information and experience that they are determined to place at the disposition of their clients. One of BDO Italy’s practice areas is M&A. The firm has been assisting medium and small-size companies in their M&A activities for many years. The Italian audit firm, BDO S.p.A., provides audit services, including accounting organization, as well as forensic and transaction services. BDO Italy service lines comprise the tax consulting services provided by Studio Sala e Associati, the corporate finance services provided by Kon S.p.A., and is expanding its consulting capabilities in the fields of ICT consulting practice with NTT-AGIC and HR & Payroll practice with TC HR Services. Professional development is pursued with particular attention. Training courses in Italy and abroad supplement the formation of BDO professionals, integrating on-the-job experience with the study of international accounting principles and auditing standards. BDO Italy can offer the services of a group of persons with different specializations to cover the exigencies of their clients, confronting the technical aspects of which they are competent. Clients can always talk to the same professionals, meeting them regularly. The result will be the creation of a fiduciary relationship between clients and BDO from which they will obtain relevant benefits. BDO Italy is a complete organization and thanks to experience achieved they know what are the specific exigencies of their clients, in the sectors in which they operate. They try to furnish their clients with the professional personnel that can best interrelate with them. This is a key aspect for constructing and maintaining serious and durable relationships. Austerity may now be affecting the masses, but not so Italy’s strong accounting profession – not yet at least. Aside from consolidation, the driving force of growth has been a focus on countercyclical services and the ability to resize opportunities brought about by the crisis.

Luxembourg - Administrative Law Firm of the Year DSM

Di Stefano Moyse Avocats à la Cour François Moyse Partner Tel: +352 262562 1

Since the beginning of his career, François Moyse has made administrative law one of his primary areas of expertise. Public law is thus a field in which he excels, including constitutional law. In 1998, François won the first case to go before the Constitutional Court. As counsellor to the President of the Union Internationale des Avocats, he was asked to participate and moderate in Luxembourg’s administrative law commission. The complexities of litigation, whether international or local, have drawn members of the DSM team to the forefront of public policy developments in Luxembourg. The firm’s in-depth understanding of European and Luxembourg jurisprudence places DSM in a strong position to provide advice and representation in cases involving multiple claims and parties. The firm has wide experience in representing clients before Luxembourg and European courts at all levels; meanwhile, the firm’s track record

includes complex cross-border litigation involving major corporations and financial institutions. DSM’s reputation as experts in Luxembourg constitutional and administrative matters was both confirmed and reinforced by being chosen by key members of the international media to provide a legal opinion. “The DSM law firm is renowned among its industry peers for its excellence in administrative law,” noted partner François Moyse. “Clients know that any issue of administrative law will be dealt with in the highest of professionalism. This includes comparative review of the laws of neighbouring countries such as Belgium and France, and research in rare public law books.” When asked what issues require special consideration in Luxembourg’s administrative law sector at present, Mr Moyse added: “Currently, a trade union of civil servants uses our expertise to help the leaders to negotiate several issues pertaining to the professions of their members. Our legal services encompass the analysis of specialised legislation on civil servants and powers of government.” He concluded by noting: “DSM’s track record in sophisticated international transactions, combined with its active involvement in international networks, foster both the development of its know-how and its recognition within the international legal community. The partners are supported by a multinational and multilingual team that is highly experienced in dealing with issues involving all kinds of aspects of international and European law. “This year alone, we were successful in winning several cases in the administrative courts in direct taxation matters – where the judges found that the tax administration made an erroneous application of the law.”

2012 GlobalAwards 179

Luxembourg - Copyright Law Firm of the Year / Luxembourg - Mid-Market Patents Law Firm of the Year / Luxembourg - Patents Law Firm of the Year / Luxembourg - Trademark Law Firm of the Year

OFFICE FREYLINGER SA Olivier Laidebeur Head of Trademark Department Tel: +352 313 830-1

Office Freylinger is an IP law firm of European Patent and Trademark at-

torneys based in Luxembourg, practising before the EPO, OHIM, WIPO and also active in major European countries such as Germany, France, the UK, Belgium, Austria and Ireland.

A multicultural team Taking advantage of its central location in Europe – between the two main European Patent Office sites (Munich and The Hague) – Freylinger has build up a multicultural team fluent in English, German and French.

With its team of some 40 IP professionals, the firm advises on all IP matters,

Mr Laidebeur said: “Our knowledge of European patents and

particularly those concerning patents, trademarks and designs at European/

IP laws of neighbouring countries allows us to offer coordinated

EU and national levels, as well as copyrights, domain names, IP conflicts, IP

solutions via a one-stop shop. We are able to propose a single

strategy and IP audit and financial valuation. Through its network of foreign

entry point for various cases in several countries and, before

associates, Freylinger helps clients to secure and enforce their IP rights

this, to build up a strategy encompassing the various national

around the world.

legislations as well as the operational needs of our clients.”

According to Olivier Laidebeur, head of Freylinger’s Trademark Department,

He added that Freylinger’s customers appreciate the firm’s patent law in Luxembourg is harmonised with European patent law. The fees for mid-sized structure, in that it allows its experts to maintain patent applications filed in Luxembourg are relatively low. Moreover, the search a customer-focused service, taking into account individual fee is low, although a quality search report is drawn up by the EPO on behalf of

specificities. “The firm is sufficiently diversified, and its team

the Luxembourg Patent Office. “This makes Luxembourg an interesting place

of patent attorneys, with their various technical backgrounds,

for first filings, especially since the application may be filed in German, French

can handle patent applications in all technical fields, includ-

or English,” noted Mr Laidebeur.

ing: mechanics and electricity, semiconductors, metallurgy and steelmaking, plasma processing, sensors, data process-

Achieving clients’ goals

ing, telecommunications, medical devices, pharmaceuticals,

Today, Freylinger advises major European public bodies and companies as

chemistry, biotechnology, aerospace, automobile, nanotech-

well as local entrepreneurs on copyright, particularly relating to software. The

nologies, photovoltaics, fuel cells, nuclear technologies,

firm’s approach is to consider copyright – as well as all other IP rights – as

among others.”

commercial and marketing tools and to use said tools, or rights, for achieving its clients’ commercial, as well as practical, goals. Business-minded and business-orientated, the firm often utilises non-conventional solutions to protect and/or expand its clients’ activities. “Every company owns at least one trademark,” said Mr Laidebeur.

Innovative solutions Mr Laidebeur concluded by noting that Freylinger’s multicultural and multi-lingual team is home to people with deep knowledge on other jurisdictions. This ensures that the .firm

“Therefore, obtaining protection against third parties is crucial – and this

remains cutting-edge, and can propose alternative and in-

is particularly important for Luxembourg companies as, due to the limited

novative solutions.

size of the country, almost all such companies are exporting and providing services abroad.” Mr Laidebeur added that in order to ensure market access, and to avoid

He said: “Regarding our recent case work, we won a large contract with the European Commission concerning the management of the IP Rights of the EU Commission after a public call for

being summoned or prevented from using their trademarks, Luxembourg

tender. This contract runs over four years. Meanwhile, we pubcompanies are therefore more active than others in filing trademarks – as indi- lished a book, ‘Intellectual Property in Luxembourg’, together with cated by OHIM and Benelux statistics. Deloitte Luxembourg. This handbook gives practical guidelines A key advantage granted to Luxembourg-based companies is an 80% tax exemption on the net IP revenues derived from use of an IP right by another

pertaining to intellectual property rights and tax issues. “We have also successfully advised companies in applying

company, or from sale of the IP right to another company. This tax exemption

the IP tax exemption – the aforementioned 80% exemption on

provides a clear incentive for Luxembourg companies to register trademarks

net IP revenues – regarding trademarks, patents and software

and other IP rights, explained Mr Laidebeur.

matters. For software matters in particular, specificities relating

“Nonetheless, some small companies and start-ups are not fully aware about

to having software distributed by a company other than the IP

the advantages of IP and trademark protection”, he said. “As such, we regularly

owner were taken into account, in order to set up a clear and

participate in seminars and conferences, in order to raise awareness in this area.”

efficient legal and IP structure.”

180 GlobalAwards 2012

Luxembourg - Corporate Tax Accountancy Firm of the Year


Turning Complexity into Opportunity

© 2012 KPMG Luxembourg S.à r.l., a Luxembourg private limited company, is a subsidiary of KPMG Europe LLP and a member of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

Corporate Tax, Accountancy Firm of the Year in Luxembourg

KPMG Luxembourg 9, Allée Scheffer L-2520 Luxembourg

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Luxembourg - Full Service Law Firm of the Year

Winner: Full Service Law Firm of the Year in Luxembourg - Corporate INTL Global Awards 2012

Bernard Beerens Partner Avocat à la Cour 37A, AVENUE J.F. KENNEDY L-1855 LUXEMBOURG T +352 26 26 79 1 D +352 26 26 79 80 F +352 26 26 79 89 M +352 691 166 100 BBEERENS@OBER.LU WWW.OBER.LU

Luxembourg - Investment Funds Law Firm of the Year LEXFIELD Jonathan Burger Investment Management Partner Tel: +352 260 082 50

LEXFIELD is a Luxembourg business law firm focused on investment management, corporate, tax and finance laws, capable of handling sophisticated legal matters with a high level of tailor-made services. The firm was created with the ambition of setting new benchmarks in the Luxembourg legal market to provide the highest quality in a creative and dynamic environment. Luxembourg is the Europe’s number 1 investment fund centre and the world’s leading hub for global fund distribution. The continuing development of the Grand-Duchy as a centre of financial and investment fund services has led to a unique concentration of specialist service providers. This unparalleled blend of expertise in the areas of fund administration, management and distribution enables Luxembourg to offer fund promoters and investors an extraordinarily wide range of investment products. Since its inception, LEXFIELD developed an extensive and growing investment management practice and serves the whole investment management value chain. The firm specialises in a wide range of regulated investment funds with a focus on Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) and Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs), 182 GlobalAwards 2012

including a specific expertise on private equity and real estate investments. Jonathan BURGER is the partner having founding the investment management practice of LEXFIELD. He has a strong expertise in the structuring, creation and organisation of UCITS and Specialised Investment Funds (SIFs), advising domestic and international fund promoters, distributors, investment bankers, asset managers, depositary banks, central administrations and other agents providing fund-related services. Before joining LEXFIELD, Jonathan was working in international law firms established in Luxembourg, including one of the “Magic Circle” law firms. Jonathan is actively involved in the field of the new UCITS IV requirements, in particular on substance-related questions concerning UCITS and their management companies as well as on the implementation of a key investor information document. His expertise emcompasses also the so-called “alternative UCITS”, which are making use of highly sophisticated instruments such as structured financial instruments and derivatives whose investment strategies are similar to those of a hedge fund. Over the last years he frequently advised fund promoters and asset managers on the launching of Alternative Investment Funds structures such as SIFs platforms with a wide range of alternative investment strategies, including amongst others long-short equity, long only, contrarian, real estate, renewable energies, physical gold, forestry assets, etc. His recent handling matters include: * Launching of a sophisticated UCITS for a Swiss asset manager (2012), * Acting as legal advisor to a Luxembourg fund promotor in relation with the new UCITS IV rules and substance-related matters of domestic management companies (2012), * Launching of several stand-alone SIFs structures for a large Swiss asset manager (2012), * Launching of several umbrella SIFs for a Luxembourg fund promotor (2011 and 2010).

Luxembourg - Mid-Market Labour & Employment Law Firm of the Year

ADAM & BLESER Romain ADAM Partner Tel: +352 47 24 24

ADAM & BLESER is a midsize firm with a strong focus on Labour and Employment Law. Seven lawyers in the firm, out of eleven lawyers in total, are mainly specialised and working in Labour and Employment Law. ADAM & BLESER has deliberately decided to work for employees and employers, which is not what many, especially larger firms in Luxembourg, do. We believe that our assistance on both sides gives our team of lawyers much more experience and reputation, which are highly valuable when assisting our clients, whether in out-of-court settlements, court proceedings or when advising them.

ADAM & BLESER represents employers in the financial and commercial industry as well as in the educational and medical area. Through working for employers and employees, ADAM & BLESER has acquired a huge reputation for representing high-end individuals in employment law cases, whether in negotiation, arbitration or court proceedings. We have also obtained significant results in the past in so called “class actions” for civil servants in administrative law and are assisting on a regular basis EU agents, in front of the European courts of Justice. We believe that the relative small size of our firm, allows a direct contact between our specialised employment lawyers and our clients, giving us a competitive advantage compared to larger firms. In an international context like the Luxembourg labour and employment market, we regularly assist employees from multinational companies who very often have complex structured contractual engagements in different countries. We are convinced that our memberships in TAGLaw, one of the most prominent worldwide alliance of independent lawfirms, and EUROLEGAL, a very well connected european network, give us the possibility to advise our clients with the assistance of specialised local lawyers in various other jurisdictions, with whom we have privileged connections. Our firm, which is also active in corporate law and commercial litigation, continues to develop by growing slowly with the clear aim of giving our clients valuable services in those fields for a reasonable fee.

Malta - Intellectual Property Law Firm of the Year GVTH Advocates Michael Grech Partner Tel: +356 2122 8888

Being a member of the EU, as well as a signatory to a number of international conventions, Malta has transposed all applicable norms to safeguard IP rights locally, including those relating to cross-border protection of IP rights. Accordingly, ad hoc legislation is in place to register and protect trademarks and designs, patents as well as copyright. Additionally, in terms of the relative provisions of the Maltese Commercial Code, one may seek protection from unlawful competition, which provides protection even in cases when there are no registered rights, on the basis of prior use. GVTH Advocates is a market leader in IP practice in Malta and the firm has considerable depth of expertise that covers the full spectrum of IP related services. “Our strength lies in the fact that the team is comprised of specialised practitioners, who are experts in the field, are extremely dedicated and offer immediate response to client needs as and when they arise,”

commented Dr Michael Grech, Head of the IP Department. He added: “We are in a position to assist businesses to maintain the registration and status of their IP here in Malta and are involved in such matters, on a day to day basis. Indeed, we continue to act for a number of multinational companies, in the enforcement of their rights, particularly in anti-counterfeiting measures, in the first place by procuring national registrations of their rights with Malta Customs Authorities.” Dr Grech noted that in recent times his firm was involved in a great number of seizures for various multinational clients in respect of counterfeit goods in transshipment and almost bringing to close negotiations with the Government of Malta to approve major amendments to the Maltese Patents Act. GVTH Advocates has also almost completed negotiation with the government on setting up a Patents Tribunal, which is anticipated to come into effect by the middle of 2013. “We feel that this will result in numerous cases being filed for revocation of existing dubious, patents registered under Maltese law,” said Dr Grech. “Having been involved in the negotiations on the matter from the word go, we feel we are fully geared to assist clients on this very complex and challenging new regime.” Establishing and enforcing IP rights on an international level can cause numerous complexities. As Dr Grech explained, an IP rights owner is the registered proprietor of a national right in Malta. The provisions of the local IP rights cross-border legislation would provide the possibility of such an IP right owner to seize suspect counterfeit goods in transit, notwithstanding the fact that the consignment in question may not be destined for the EU. “We believe that this legislation clearly constitutes an efficacious manner to provide IP rights owners a means to overcome challenges on a cross-border scale,” concluded Dr Grech. 2012 GlobalAwards 183

Monaco - Litigation Firm of the Year Etude Mullot Avocat

peers for its promptness and effectiveness pertaining to legal assistance and judicial proceedings.

Maître Richard Mullot Partner Tel: (+377) 99 99 62 62 Fax: (+377) 99 99 62 63

International correspondence Moreover, the international activities of Etude Mullot Avocat rely, in particular, on a relationship and trust with its network of affiliate firms at the forefront in Europe and the US. Accordingly, the firm frequently collaborates with its network of affiliated firms, and refers cases where appropriate – also receiving referrals itself. Areas of expertise:

Etude Mullot Avocat is a leading independent law firm, present in the Principality of Monaco since 1994.

• Commercial Law

• Company Law

• Contract Law

• Business Law

Under the guidance of Maître Richard Mullot, Barrister (Avocat Défenseur) at the Bar in Monaco since 1994, various lawyers and legal assistants staff are available to promptly answer and cater to customer expectations in several languages where required. Etude Mullot Avocat has recently expanded its facilities in the heart of Monte Carlo, in order to provide its clients with the best support available in legal and judicial matters. The firm serves a comprehensive clientele based locally and internationally; meanwhile, its partners are dedicated to high quality services to clients prioritising competency-based quality, trust and confidentiality, availability, enthusiasm and dynamism. The firm is noted among its

• Insurance Law

• Intellectual property law

• Real Estate Law

• Construction Law

• Family Law

• Private Law

• Public Law

• Banking and Financial Law

• Right of Succession

• Transportation Law

• Criminal Law

Netherlands - Tax Planning Advisory Firm of the Year Neve Tax Consultants Leo Neve Managing Partner Tel: +31 (0) 180 644 422

Established in 1991, Neve Tax Consultants focuses primarily on the provision of international tax advice for private family businesses and high net worth individuals. The firm’s advisory services include the following focus points: • • • • •

International planning structures Estate planning options International corporate tax questions Inbound investment in the Netherlands International flows of funds relating to interest capital and royalties

Neve Tax Consultants consists of a team of experienced professional advisors, who are subject to established standards of professional conduct. The team is dedicated to providing tailor made advice to its clientele based on education and experience. Unlike most of its colleagues, the firm does not concentrate so much on compliance issues, but more on proactive planning 184 GlobalAwards 2012

and prevention of tax liability. Mr Leo Neve, managing partner, is widely respected in the legal industry and is often invited to contribute to articles relating to global tax. One such example is the matter of how current tax information exchange agreements (TIEAs) do not recognise the importance of data protection as a fundamental right. As an expert in this field, Mr Neve commented: “The rules that relate to informing the data subject are in conflict with EU data protection rules. Firstly, an exchange is possible, if it is necessary for a given purpose. Secondly the data should be proportionate with the purpose, which precludes automatic and spontaneous exchange. Further, data can only be exchanged with third countries, if that third country has a data protection law, which is adequate and at level with the European system. Unless there is a decision of the European Commission to that effect, cross border exchange of information is forbidden. So, European member states can receive information from outside the EU, but cannot provide information outside the EU, unless there are compatible systems.” He continued: “A TIEA will establish a legal basis for a specific transfer of personal data, but it will not constitute a legal framework for data protection. Such must be found in the domestic law of both the supplying and the receiving country. Missing that framework will prevent the exchange of information. There is no guarantee that individuals’ rights are actually respected. It is a right of every citizen to decide on the disclosure and use of his or her personal data.” Working with a small team like Neve Tax Consultants ensures strong lines of communication. The firm considers communication one of the most important aspects of working together as a team, but also as consultants towards its clients. When working with the firm, clients will find that it aims to optimise communication between all parties involved in order to provide clients with the best and most thorough advice possible.

Norway - Financial Services Advisory Firm of the Year PwC Advokatfirma AS Dag Saltnes Partner Tel: +47 9526 0632

PwC Advokatfirma AS has nearly 200 professionals within Tax and Legal services. The firm has a group focusing on Financial Services headed by Dag Saltnes. The FS group provides tax, legal and regulatory services to all segments within Financial Services. The tax services includes domestic and international tax issues such as corporate income tax, branch taxation, specific taxation for FS entities, VAT, product taxation, transfer pricing, tax reporting etc. Legal and regulatory services include corporate law, labour law, industry and product specific law and regulatory requirements. New or amended regulatory requirements are very common and we offer services for implementing changes and often connected to restructuring projects. We also assist in due diligence work, negotiations, drafting agreements and handling regulatory issues in transactions within the FS industry.

PwC has the capacity to provide a wide range of tax and legal services with one point of contact with the client. PwC Tax and Legal Services co-operates with closely and efficient with PwC’s Assurance, Deals and Consulting Services. PwC global network is also available and we offer high quality services where ever the need exists. All relevant issues can be solved in an efficient and holistic way without overlaps and gaps. The changing environment due to commercial and regulatory reasons is demanding and creates complex and important challenges. Our clients are domestic, Nordic and international banks, insurance companies, pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, fund and asset management companies, brokers etc. Through the EEA treaty with EU Norway is for most practical issues an integrated part of EU’s internal market with the fundamental principles such as free movement of capital. The European regulatory changes (Basel III, Solvency II, Alternative Investment Fund Manager Directive etc.) must be implemented in Norway as well. This also means that the Norwegian market is available and creates opportunities for the European FS industry. We have noted an increasing interest to approach the Norwegian market. Among our recent engagements are restructuring projects and assistance regarding asset management/investment structuring. Reclaiming of Norwegian withholding tax on dividends is also an area with success. Going forward we assume that the need for restructuring will continue. A proposal to change the taxation of assets for life insurance companies will probably be adopted during 2012. FATCA (the USA’s Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act) is also a reality for the Norwegian FS industry. Increased globalisation will also have an important impact on the Norwegian and Nordic market.

Poland - Insolvency Law Firm of the Year Beiten Burkhardt P. Daszkowski Sp.k. Peter Daszkowski Managing Partner Tel: +48 22 378 89 00 Paweł Kuglarz Attorney at Law – Partner Tel:+48 22 378 89 00

Beiten Burkhardt P. Daszkowski Sp.k. is one of the leading law firms in Poland. The firm first emerged on the Polish market since 1995. Almost 35 lawyers and tax advisors provide services and implement projects and transactions in English, Polish, German and French. We render legal and tax advice to mid-sized companies, large corporations and corporate groups on every aspect of their business. Key focuses of our practice are mergers & acquisitions, privatisations, infrastructure projects, corporate rescues and restructurings, structured finance and restitution issues. We also have extensive experience with banking and capital markets law, labour and tax law as well as litigation and the establishment of trusts. We offer complex legal services with regard to the prevention of restructuring and insolvency, but also when it comes to a financial crisis or insolvency of the company. Our clients can rely on our extensive legal expertise and our in-depth understanding of the economic background. This unique combination

enables us to develop and introduce effective solutions at short notice. In the scope of insolvency & restructuring issues we assist our clients: • In dealing with counterparties at risk of insolvency; • In dealing with corporate and revenue law aspects of restructuring; • In avoiding liability in times of crisis; • In insolvency proceedings, and • In restructuring and its impact on balance sheets. We have broad experience in providing advisory services to foreign and global companies operating in various industries, which allows us to understand the specificities of international business. With a recent economic slowdown our clients face new challenges on the market. In this context, we provide legal assistance with regard to unusual problems, for example international insolvency proceedings within and outside the European Union, in cooperation with Beiten Burkhardt’s offices in Russia and Ukraine as well as with our close partners in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, the Baltic countries, Hungary and Austria. With our comprehensive experience in advising on international taxation, we offer tax optimisation in any critical situation as well as providing comprehensive solutions combining corporate, revenue, accounting and tax law aspects, all to achieve the best results for our clients. Our restructuring team is well-versed in all upcoming queries regarding insolvency and recovery, coordinating all legal areas involved. If necessary, we utilise our established resources from a network of auditors, tax advisors and business consultants. Our recent practice includes advising international banks and other creditors in recovery of their claims towards the debtors who have submitted applications for declaring insolvency. We also participate in the proceedings regarding declaration of bankruptcy of one of Polish major raw materials supplier involved in roads and highways construction on the side of the creditor. 2012 GlobalAwards 185

Poland - Business Law Firm of the Year Derra, Meyer & Partners, Warsaw Dr Robert Lewandowski Head of the Warsaw branch Tel: +48 22 10 10 740

The Warsaw branch of Derra, Meyer & Partners is a well known and established legal firm in the heart of Warsaw offering a comprehensive range of services and legal advice fully tailored to the firm’s Polish and international clients’ demands and expectations. The firm specialises in assisting foreign clients who wish to enter the Polish market and offers a full range of services regarding the setting up and acquisition of subsidiaries, representing foreign clients in litigation cases before Polish state and arbitration courts and enforcing (cross-border) judgements. The firm’s multilingual staff provides services in Polish, English, German and Russian and the firm is one of the very few legal firms based in Poland to provide legal advice in Italian. Dr Robert Lewandowski, head, reviewed the firm’s achievements from recent months: “Throughout 2012 we have been successfully involved in a number of cases

with an international flavour. We have advised a Chinese construction giant to set up a Polish subsidiary and assisted them to enter the lucrative Polish market of road building, sport stadiums and shopping mall investment. Additionally, we have represented Warsaw City Council during negotiations with UEFA regarding the staging of the 2012 European Football Championship in Poland and Ukraine. Furthermore, we have advised international volleyball stars from Germany, Italy, Spain and Slovakia during negotiations with their clubs in contractual dispute settlements.” The Warsaw office is headed by Dr Robert Lewandowski, a fully qualified Polish and German attorney at law who has previously worked for major legal firms in Warsaw and London. Dr Lewandowski studied mathematics and German philology at the University of Warsaw (Poland) and later law at the University of Mainz (Germany). In 2004 he was registered in the list of foreign lawyers at the district bar association Okregowa Izba Radców Prawnych in Warsaw. He was registered in the year 2009 on the list of attorneys kept by the district bar association (Okregowa Izba Radców Prawnych) of Warsaw, Poland. He practises law in the languages of Polish, German and English. His specialist areas include: corporate law, real estate law, information technology and telecommunication law, European Union law, energy law, German-Polish juridical relations, international law, trademark and design law, competition law and M&A. The firm is very proud to announce that it has undertaken an alliance with the auditing company IC & Partners Warsaw sp. z o.o. ( As a result of this alliance, the firm is now able to provide full comprehensive advice including tax consulting for entrepreneurs operating their businesses in international markets. Derra, Meyer Poland is also a member of DIRO ( and of International REFERRAL (

Poland - Company Law Firm of the Year Derra, Meyer & Partners, Warsaw Dr Robert Lewandowski Head of the Warsaw branch Tel: +48 22 10 10 740

The Warsaw branch of Derra, Meyer & Partners is a well known and established legal firm in the heart of Warsaw offering a comprehensive range of services and legal advice fully tailored to the firm’s Polish and international clients’ demands and expectations. The firm specialises in assisting foreign clients who wish to enter the Polish market and offers a full range of services regarding the setting up and acquisition of subsidiaries, representing foreign clients in litigation cases before Polish state and arbitration courts and enforcing (cross-border) judgements. The firm’s multilingual staff provides services in Polish, English, German and Russian and the firm is one of the very few legal firms based in Poland to provide legal advice in Italian. Robert Lewandowski has been advising clients on corporate and business law for more than 14 years, is a member of the Polish and German Bar

186 GlobalAwards 2012

Associations and has written 10 legal books, including commentaries on Polish business/corporate law. In addition, he has had 70 articles published in legal magazines, and also wrote the first legal book on Polish commercial law in the English language. Dr Lewandowski noted: “We are a unique legal firm because we are able to provide legal advice in Polish, German, Italian and English language through our branches in Poland, Italy and Germany; meanwhile, we also co-operate with UK legal firms through the DIROnetwork. “My typical clients are international companies entering and operating on the up-and-coming Polish market, and whom Derra, Meyer & Partners assist by making use of its partners’ extensive cross-border experience and connections.” The firm’s objective for the remainder of 2012 is to expand its network and open a new Polish branch in the city of Wrocław located in the West of Poland close to the German and Czech Republic borders. “I would like to mention that we have also been working on behalf of a German Jewish organisation to help them obtain legal family documents from Polish archives dating back to the beginning of the 20th century,” Dr Lewandowski added. Meanwhile, the firm is very proud to announce that it has undertaken an alliance with the auditing company IC & Partners Warsaw sp. z o.o. ( As a result of this alliance, the firm is now able to provide full comprehensive advice including tax consulting for entrepreneurs operating their businesses in international markets. Derra, Meyer Poland is also a member of DIRO ( and of International REFERRAL (

Poland - Economic Criminal Law Firm of the Year RGW Rocławski Graczyk i Wspólnicy Piotr R. Graczyk Advocate Tel: +48 22 883 62 50 Fax: +48 22 658 45 82 Slawomir Tomalczyk Advocate Tel: +48 22 883 62 50 Fax: +48 22 658 45 82

Since 2007, the Law Office RGW has been building a stable and recognisable brand in the market of legal and tax consultancy. RGW has succeeded in widening its circle of clients with entities who, in addition to traditional corporate consultancy, can be provided with proceedings consultancy in respect of penal and economic proceedings. The firm’s provision of comprehensive legal consultancy is possible thanks to an adopted policy of cooperation and civil and commercial penal departments. These complement each other and help develop a consistent program of claiming for damages resulting from different acts of law, such as unfair competition. This consistent program is constantly developed to address the needs of any given client. It also contains solutions relating to proceedings before the relevant authorities of the EU. The practice of economic criminal law is conducted in RGW by two main advocates, Mr Piotr R. Graczyk and Mr Slawomir Tomalczyk. Advocate Piotr R. Graczyk commented on the firm’s recent activity:

“During the past twelve months, the Law Office RGW undertook representation of a lawsuit involving anti-trust proceedings before the European Commission. The pending proceedings combine elements of economic criminal law and commercial law. The Law Office RGW has become a leading attorney of entrepreneurs of the chemical industry, and is constantly providing advice on a joinder of claims resulting from the law of a given member state and the European law.” Piotr R. Graczyk is a general founder partner in the Law Office RGW. He has a longstanding experience in legal consultancy for corporate clients. The professional experience of Mr Graczyk is focused mainly on issues connected with broadly understood economic law, primarily economic criminal law. Mr Graczyk represents highly specialised companies in penal proceedings involving combat against unfair competition. Moreover, Mr Graczyk provides legal aid at the stage of preparatory and court proceedings to companies harmed by white collar crimes. Advocate Slawomir Tomalczyk added: “Within the period previously mentioned, the Law Office RGW carried out an extensive due diligence of a reputable technology entrepreneur, and was the main legal adviser to an entrepreneur of the construction market in both civil law and economic penal cases.” Mr Tomalczyk is an advocate with more than 25 years’ experience in the legal profession. After graduation from university, he has for many years practised the profession of a public prosecutor. Mr Tomalczyk’s interest remains focused on the penal law with respect to commercial transactions, penal revenue law, customs and indemnification law. He has been a recognised defence lawyer inter alia in criminal proceedings against the ‘Łódz octopus’ and other well-known penal and penal revenue proceedings. In 2012, the Law Office RGW was also joined by RGW Finance, combining the RGW Group. RGW Finance became a tax consultancy platform to clients of the RGW – and this fact was greeted with appreciation by clients of RGW Group.

Poland - Life Sciences Law Firm of the Year Czyżewscy Law Firm Currently the legal team of Czyžewscy kancelaria adwokacka comprises 11 professionals, all of them well educated and experienced in law and practice pertaining to the life sciences, intellectual property, media or advertising sectors. The Firm is headed by two advocates, Katarzyna Czyžewska and Krzysztof Czyžewski, each of them supervising one of the two main areas of practice. The life sciences practice group of Czyžewscy Law Firm is led by advocate Katarzyna Czyžewska, who has many years’ experience in providing advice to entities operating in the broadly understood life sciences sector, including, in particular, pharmaceutical companies. Before the Law Firm was formed, Katarzyna Czyžewska headed the pharmaceutical and medical law department of a renowned Polish law firm for The Law Firm Czyżewscy was established in 2010, based on many years of its several years; thereafter – as an advocate – she joined the Pharmaceutical Law founders’ experience in rendering legal assistance to entities operating in the Team at a large international law firm. At present she specialises in regulatory life sciences sector on the one hand, and in the intellectual property, media and issues related to marketing, manufacturing and distribution of drugs, as well advertising sector on the other, as a response to growing market demands for as in reimbursement and healthcare; she also deals with clinical trials and highly specialised legal services. At its formation, Czyżewscy adopted a unique pharmacovigilance, advertising and media. model of a boutique law firm with a view to providing clients with bespoke legal Currently Katarzyna Czyžewska is commonly recognised on the Polish services, taking into account not only legal regulations applicable to a given pharmaceutical market as one of the leading lawyers in this field. industry, but the specific nature of their activity. Although recently formed, Czyyžewscy Law Firm has already become well known for its highly specialised legal advice and modern business model. Its The Law Firm relies on specialists enjoying a well-recognised market reputation, reputation of a young team of brilliant specialists offering client-tailored legal who are supported by ambitious and very well-educated young lawyers. The services has recently been confirmed by the Law Firm’s recognition in the Firm’s lawyers boast vast professional experience, as well as a number of press reputed international Law Firm’s ranking “Chambers and Partners” for Europe publications and speeches delivered at several conferences and seminars. in 2011 and 2012. Czyžewscy Law Firm has been chosen as the winner of the The main areas of the Law Firm’s life sciences practice are: Pharmaceutical Global Law Experts “2011 Polish - Life Sciences Law Firm of the Year Award”; law and pharmaceutical market; Clinical trials; Healthcare and reimbursement; the same award was granted to the Law Firm in 2012. In 2011 Katarzyna Cosmetics and food; Medical devices; Protection of personal data; AdvertisCzyžewska won the “Life Sciences Lawyer of the Year in Poland” award of the ing law, with special focus on pharmaceutical advertising; Unfair competition; Corporate INTL Magazine. Industrial property law; Criminal law; Tax law; Public procurement law; and Czyžewscy Law Firm renders legal services in Polish, English, French and corporate legal assistance in general. Spanish. Katarzyna Czyžewska Partner Tel: +48 22 407 21 01

2012 GlobalAwards 187

Poland - International Tax Advisory Firm of the Year Ernst & Young, Poland Andrzej Broda Partner Head of International Tax Services Tel: +48 22 557 7290

Ernst & Young’s Tax Advisory team in Poland consists of experienced professionals, of whom more than 80 are licensed tax consultants,

focus and experience. The team closely works with its international team delivering the standard of quality that is expected by

specialising in minimising the burdens of public levies and in compli-

multinational companies.

companies, international corporations and multinational groups with

via temporary transfers to Ernst & Young’s offices in London or

ance. The majority of the firm’s clients are some of the largest Polish operations or transactions in Poland.

The ITS team members are often posted for one or a few years New York to gain the international experience needed to build the leading international tax team. The professionals are well rec-

Andrzej Broda, partner and head of the International Tax Services team, commented on the firm’s ability to operate and succeed on an international playing field, due to Ernst & Young’s extensive global experience: “By working closely together with our international teams in other

ognised on the market and marked high in prestigious rankings. The ITS team has had a number of successes over the past twelve months which have improved its market position. One key example is the team’s involvement as a key tax advisor, in a spectacular acquisition of a company that leads the

Ernst &Young offices we deliver quality which is crucial for multina-

market in terms of revenue and ranks second in terms of current

tionals. Obviously in the area of international taxation this is the key

customer numbers in the telecommunications provision market.

advantage and allows us to benefit from the vast experience of Ernst

The ITS team was also responsible for the design and imple-

& Young in other countries, particularly those with more sophisticated

mentation of an acquisition transaction regarding a leading

and advanced tax systems.”

Polish operator of a terrestrial radio and television broadcasting

Andrzej Broda leads the dedicated ITS team. He is one of the

infrastructure. The ITS team worked on the tax matters of this

most experienced and recognised advisors to foreign capital groups

transaction. The purchaser was one of the leading private equity

investing in Poland. Before taking on the leadership of the ITS Team

funds in Europe and this transaction is now regarded as one of

in Poland, he established the Polish tax division in London, which

the most important transactions on this market, in 2011. The proj-

he managed for three successive years. He actively participates in international tax think tanks organised for businesses from various

ect was managed by Andrzej Broda and encompassed, among . others, the development of the tax side and the implementation

geographical regions. Mr Broda personifies the trend, where the

of the international ownership structure, as well as other financial

person responsible for international taxes in the advisory firm should

solutions enabling such an investment. Mr Broda and the group

have several years of authentic experience in working for an interna-

he managed were the purchaser’s tax advisors in this transaction

tional tax team outside of their own country.

in Poland. Furthermore, Mr Broda supervised and coordinated

Mr Broda continued: “Some of the issues inherent in our area are similar to those in

the preparation of advice in the other jurisdictions involved. Recently Ernst & Young’s Tax Advisors has been bestowed

other countries in regards to international taxation, like the permanent

with awards in prestigious Polish newspapers which emphasise

establishment and application of double tax treaties. Obviously there

the stand out qualities of Ernst & Young’s Tax Advisors. Gazeta

are also issues specific to the Polish tax system and practice. We can

Prawna Tax Advisors Ranking awarded the team the title of the

provide advice and support in both areas.”

Most Effective Tax Advisory Firm in 2011 in Poland and seven

Mr Broda and his team remain highly active on the market, con-

individual prizes. Andrzej Broda is listed within the top three Tax

stantly delivering new solutions which are successfully implemented.

Advisors in the International Tax Law category. Rzeczpospolita

ITS accomplishes a strategy for the development of international tax

Tax Advisors Ranking distinguished Ernst & Young’s Tax Advisory

services by utilising a dedicated group of individuals with appropriate

as being number one in revenues increase in 2011.

188 GlobalAwards 2012

Poland - Transfer Pricing Advisory Firm of the Year Ernst & Young, Poland Aneta Blazejewska-Gaczynska Partner Head of Transfer Pricing Tel: +48 22 557 8996

Since 1995, Ernst & Young has surveyed multinational enterprises (MNEs) on a range of international tax matters, with special emphasis on what continues to be the number one international tax issue of interest to them – transfer pricing. In Poland, transfer pricing is not just an issue of large multinationals. Transfer pricing rules also apply to the same extent to domestic transactions and, in practice, Polish tax authorities challenge even smaller transactions and transfer pricing arrangements. Transfer pricing concerns the allocation of profits within multinationals according to their strategic goals. Aneta Blazejewska-Gaczynska, partner and head of Transfer Pricing at Ernst & Young in Poland, noted: “A key proviso of transfer pricing is that these strategic goals are to be achieved in a fair way, which means that international and local tax law cannot be infringed. “My 13-year practical experience shows that both can be easily achieved; however, any multinational business needs to be planned with the transfer pricing perspective taken into account, while tax administrations cannot ignore the business perspective and deny the rationale of the business to strive for efficiency.” According to Ms Blazejewska-Gaczynska, business efficiency is not only a reduction of manufacturing costs, wages or overheads, it is also about efficiency in the area of paying taxes. Transfer pricing is an effective tool for planning efficiency in respect of business and tax simultaneously. Examples include business restructuring projects which are designed to centralise key strategic business functions and risks, implement limited risk structures and outsource back-office process. Those types of projects are aimed at achieving strategic business goals such as improving efficiency and reducing costs, and can also result in global tax efficiencies. Both goals can be achieved in a reasonable and safe way – provided that global and local perspectives are taken into account. A relevant topic Transfer pricing is a relevant topic in any multi-divisional enterprise, and transactions taking place between divisions of any one firm are unique. A key challenge inherent when conducting transferring pricing is valuation of intangible flows. Ms Blazejewska-Gaczynska noted: “This is not because they are specific to related party transactions, but because intangibles are a very difficult topic, even on a free market.” However, when a company performs a valuation of a trademark for sale on the market, the final sales price is set up as a result of negotiations between the third party seller and the buyer. “In the case of an intra-group sale of intangibles, there is no real negotiation, so all the assumptions for the price calculation need to be proved to be arm’s length – even if the valuation is prepared by an independent valuer and based on the valuation techniques used on the free market, such as DCF, the discounted free cash flow method, which is a generally-accepted method for valuing the shares of a company,” said Blazejewska-Gaczynska.

Regulatory pressure Most countries have already implemented transfer pricing documentation requirements. At the same time, tax authorities are encouraging taxpayers to benefit from the APA (advance pricing agreements) legislation existing in many tax jurisdictions. Ms Blazejewska-Gaczynska said: “What can be viewed as a pressure in respect of cross-border transfer pricing is a more and more coordinated approach of tax authorities in Europe for a mutual exchange of information about cross border transactions conducted by multinationals. “For example, it can really happen that a tax office in one country can provide information on audit findings to another tax office without being requested to do so. This can enhance corresponding transfer pricing audits. In addition, coordinated transfer pricing audits conducted simultaneously in many countries may shortly become a future standard practice in the area of transfer pricing.” In summary, any tax planning which may generate a risk of transfer pricing abuse should be closely examined from the business perspective and rationale (the arm’s length test is critical). Taking this into account at the feasibility stage of any tax planning and properly documenting the decision- making process are necessary to improve taxpayers’ position and prevent their approach from being interpreted as tax avoidance. The road ahead Ms Blazejewska-Gaczynska said: “Our key focus in the last year was to develop and promote new transfer pricing products and increase taxpayers’ transfer pricing awareness on the Polish market, which is becoming more and more competitive, and is characterised by smaller advisory firms or taxpayers being able to prepare standard products themselves.” E&Y Poland’s Transfer Pricing partners develop new practices and ideas for clients in order to help them address various transfer pricing problems that have not attracted attention of the tax authorities thus far, but which are the subject of discussions on an international level and are gradually becoming an issue in Poland. To conclude, Ms Blazejewska-Gaczynska noted: “New and innovative solutions that we have provided to our clients over the last 12 months include valuation of intercompany guarantees using different methodologies, including the yield approach, the probability of default and the CUP method; as well as transfer pricing solutions for the new pharmaceutical law in Poland, effective as of 2012, which puts restrictions on the pricing of reimbursable drugs and resale margins. “Our key achievements last year relate to intercompany financial transactions, including loans, bonds and guarantees. For various reasons they were not considered a very important aspect of the transfer pricing policies in the past. Meanwhile, our strategy going forward is to continuously provide our clients with in-depth know-how and expertise in the area of transfer pricing – improving technical expertise on the one hand, and ensuring specificity of industries and sectors on the other.”

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Poland - Intellectual Property Law Firm of the Year

Patents Utility Models Designs TradeMarks Geographical Indications Domain Names Copyright Law Unfair Competition Law NEW Plant Varieties Know-how LiCENSING Searches Litigation AnTI-COUNTERFEITING ACTIONS POLSERVICE PATENT AND TRADEMARK ATTORNEYS OFFICE 73 BluszczaĆ’ska Street, 00-712 Warsaw, Poland Phone: (+48) 22 44 74 600, Fax: (+48) 22 44 74 646 Postal Address: P.O. Box 335, 00-950 Warsaw, Poland e-mail:


190 GlobalAwards 2012

Portugal - Domestic IP Law Firm of the Year

Protecting your innovations

Patent and trademark attOrneys Intellectual PrOPerty

Portugal | European Union | Macao | Angola | Mozambique | S.Tomé e Príncipe | Cape Verde

trademarks | Patents | designs | searches | domain names

We work every day to protect innovations, ensuring the success of our clients businesses. In Portugal and across Portuguese speaking countries or territories, your company can count on our full range of services in all matters of Industrial and Intellectual Property. Our flexibility and availability marks the difference, so your IP can mark the world. Lisboa R. Castilho, 167, 2º, 1070-050 Lisboa Tel. (+351) 21 780 1963 • Fax: (+351) 21 797 5813 E-mail:

PUB_prop-nova_3_210x150mm_horizontal-ok.indd 1

PoRto Praça Gen. Humberto Delgado, 267, 5º, s.9, 4000-288 Porto Tel. (+351) 22 201 2603 • Fax: (+351) 22 201 2605 E-mail:

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Portugal - Energy Law Firm of the Year

Portugal - Environment Law Firm of the Year JPAB – José Pedro Aguiar-Branco & Associados, R.L. Ivone Rocha Lawyer, Partner and Coordinator of Energy Law and Energy Department Tel: + 351 213 300 510 Fax: + 351 300 529

Ivone Rocha is graduated in Law since 1989 from Coimbra University Law School; she has a master’s in “Public Law” at the Faculty of Law, Portuguese Catholic University (2008); and a postgraduate degree in “The New Administrative Litigation” by the Faculty of Law, Portuguese Catholic University (2005). Ivone Rocha is often invited to several international conferences as a lecturer and a speaker and writes for diverse Portuguese newspapers. JPAB – José Pedro Aguiar-Branco & Associados, R.L. spreads its activity nationwide with offices in Lisbon, Oporto and Coimbra. Most of the lawyers at the firm have a large experience in law practice. The defense of the clients’ interests at JPAB is the main motivation. In order to accomplish it, JPAB is organized by departments to reinsure quality response, speed in the treatment of entrusted issues, and permanent innovation in the

solutions and the balancing of values in discussion and analysis. The Environmental Law and Energy Department, led by Ivone Rocha, is based on a multidisciplinary team which is able to provide quality assistance to its clients’ activities. The team is specially qualified on certain issues, such as legal supports to companies included in the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme, project finance, public contracts, development of energy projects, and environmental liability. The department has experience pertaining to due diligence projects, environmental liability, environmental licenses, energy projects, turnkey projects, energy efficiency, and opinion on the framework of various projects in environmental legislation. JPAB has among its client base companies from different areas, particularly in the banking sector, insurance, distribution, cork and textiles industries, footwear, telecommunications and new technologies, trade food, provision of health services, energy and environment, marketing and advertising, transportation, construction, real estate and urban renewal, among others. JPAB has been distinguished with two important international prizes. These are specifically the “Environmental Law Firm of the Year in Portugal”, given by the juridical publication “Corporate INTL”, in recognition of the excellence of JPAB’s performance in 2011; and the “Environmental Law Firm of the Year in Portugal”, given by the same publication, for the year 2010. The next year will be very important for the most part for Portuguese companies, specifically in the environment and energy areas – renewable sources, sustained development, green economy… The international scenario of economic crisis demands more and more attention to new opportunities inside and outside national borders and JPAB – José Pedro Aguiar-Branco & Associados is strengthening its commitment in supporting new investments and reaching new frontiers.

Portugal - Intellectual Property Law Firm of the Year pbbr César Bessa Monteiro Partner Tel: +(351) 21 326 47 47

pbbr is a law firm recognised in the Portuguese and international markets as having experience and expertise in providing services related to Intellectual Property, Information Technology, Marketing, Media and Telecommunications. pbbr is a member of GALA – Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance. The five members team has been consistently recognised as the stand-alone market leaders in the area of Intellectual Property Law in Portugal. pbbr is now the Portuguese member of CIB (Counterfeiting Intelligence Bureau) of the International Chamber of Commerce and of GALA (Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance). César Bessa Monteiro is the representative in Portugal of ItechLaw Association and is also the President of the Portuguese Association of Intellectual Property Consultants. On the other hand, César Bessa Monteiro is Arbitrator of the Arbitration Court of Prague dealing with the conflicts relating domain names .eu. César Bessa Monteiro is member of the Council of the EPI (Institute of Professionals Representatives before the European Patent Office) and member of the Professional Conduct Committee of same Institute. César Bessa Monteiro, jr is member of the General Meeting board of the Portuguese Group of AIPPI and member of ECTA and ItechLaw 192 GlobalAwards 2012

Association. Ricardo Henriques is member of AIPPI and an arbitrator at ARBITRARE, Portugal’s specialist IP arbitration centre. The team is specialised in the following IP / IT sub-disciplines: industrial property (trademarks, patents, models and insignia), including dealing with the INPI (National Industrial Property Institute), OHIM, WIPO and courts; copyright, publishing rights and licensing, entertainment; agency, franchising and distribution; unfair competition; media, advertising, marketing, image rights and communication; data protection; consumer protection and labelling; software, information technologies, e-commerce and new technologies; telecommunications; preparation and review of service level agreements, contracts for the development of e-commerce platforms, outsourcing contracts, contracts for the supply of computer hardware and software and associated services, contracts for the provision of network contents; registration and protection of domain names. Just a few examples of significant work undertaken in the last year include: * Advising SECIL on patent issues; * Acting for Mustang Bekleidungswerde GmbH. & Co. KG on a trademark infringement case; * Acting for Julius Sämann Ltd / CAR-FRESHNER Corporation on trademark infringement cases; * Representing Hewlett Packard (HP), Vodafone, Cisco, Calvin Klein and ASICS before customs authorities in respect of trademark infringements; * Advising Sony Music on all IP and Entertainment matters; * Advising Oracle on all IP matters; * Advising Chupa Chups on distribution and marketing matters; * Advising Fender on distribution matters; * Trademark prosecutions for Visa International, Boehringer Ingelheim, Advanced Micro Devices, Alcon, Federal Express, Fujitsu, Lloyds Bank, Martifer, Sacoor and Estée Lauder.

Portugal - Projects Law Firm of the Year Esquível Advogados José Luís Esquível Partner Tel: +351 21 384 53 10

Esquível Advogados is a boutique law firm founded by José Luís Esquível, that provides tailor-made services for high-profile international and national companies, banks and public entities in projects, public procurement and regulation. In recent years the firm has been actively involved in the developments and rulings of the Portuguese Audit Court on PPPs. “A number of recent decisions by the Portuguese Audit Court (Tribunal de Contas – TdC) have had a significant impact on concession holders’ and award bid winners’ ability to renegotiate or revisit the terms of the contracts entered into with the Portuguese State. The result is that new factors need to be considered by those bidding for Portuguese concessions or public works projects,” commented José Luís Esquível, the founding partner of the adminsitrative and public law firm, Esquível Advogados. He continued: “In the last trimester of 2009 the Portuguese TdC analysed a number of public–private partnership (PPP) agreements related to several subconcessions entered into by EP – Estradas de Portugal, SA (EP). These agree-

ments set out the terms defining the awarded bids regarding the design, construction, widening (including increase in the number of lanes), financing, operation and maintenance of several stretches of road across different parts of Portugal. Such analysis occurred under the fiscalização prévia legal control mechanism assumed by the Portuguese TdC.” In a recent article with, Mr Esquível expressed his beliefs that at the end of the day, the Portuguese TdC must now be considered a part of the initial risk matrix applicable to PPP structures, while project bids and tenders must be considered. Mr Esquível monitors the economic situation carefully and in a recent article he commented: “Portugal and the Eurozone are, in general, in a position of survival, with the region showing no signs of escaping the crisis anytime soon, ‘internationalisation’ has become the word du jour.” According to the OECD, Portugal has started down a long road of economic adjustment to boost growth and correct an excessive reliance on debt. The government is resolutely implementing the EU-IMF financial assistance programme of fiscal adjustment and reform. Accordingly, significant legislation has been passed, with broad political support, to improve the performance of the labour and product markets. In addition, many OECD recommendations of the last survey have been adopted. The authorities should ensure effective implementation of these ambitious reforms. Returning to a sustainable fiscal position is a pre-condition for restoring confidence, investment and growth. The authorities should therefore aim to meet the headline deficit targets in the EU IMF programme. Esquível Advogados continues to pride itself on being the one stop private boutique for projects, public procurement and regulation.

Romania - White Collar Crime Law Firm of the Year Şerban & Asociaţii George Serban Managing Partner Tel: (+40) 318.05.92.89/90/91

Serban & Associates Law Firm was established in 2007 by Mr George Serban, one of the pioneers and promoters of the business law craft in Romania, especially in matters related to criminal law. In time, what was initially a law office grew to what Serban & Associates is today, an important law firm which, through its more than 30 lawyers and off-counsels, offers the best industry standards for building successful legally-proofed business strategies, providing legal service that is the core of valuable management decisions, no matter the domain of interest (criminal law, dispute resolution, commercial & corporate, competition or labour law, energy or insolvency). One of the main areas of activity of Serban & Associates, and which has distinguished us on the Romanian legal market, is our extensive practice in business criminal law. In an ever-growing and developing society, companies (or their representatives) have often fallen victims of “white collar”

criminality or have had more and more need of professional legal advice in this matter, in order to avoid or solve this type of situations, be it criminal investigations or trials. Indeed, the Criminal Law Department and its experienced practitioners, 10 at the moment, have made Serban & Associates one of the best law firms in this area and top of the list of legal advisers for very important companies but also individuals, not only from Romania but from all over the world, in relation to Romanian criminal legislation and procedures. We offer legal advice and represent multinationals (or their directors, agents or representatives) from key areas such as banking and finance, oil and gas industry, e-commerce, communications, heavy industry, civil & industrial constructions or customer services. The very sensitive nature of criminal cases has always proven a tough challenge for law practitioners from Romania, as this legal domain has, aside the inherent difficulties of the field, certain specificities in this country (both from a legal perspective and considering the different procedures or institutions involved, such as the distinct National Anticorruption Directorate or the Directorate for Combating Organized Crime and Terrorism). Nonetheless, our years of high level legal practice have proven, in each case handled for our clients, as a key asset, which has made it possible to avoid or recover losses of extremely important amounts of money or even personal freedom. Meanwhile, our professional excellence has led to being granted the award White Collar Law Firm of the Year in Romania for the year 2010, which, followed by the same distinction for a second year in a row, is more than self-explanatory of the quality of our services and activity in this area. Further, our team and activity is in a continuous expansion – because it is a well-known fact that “crime never sleeps”.

2012 GlobalAwards 193

Russia - Accountancy Advisory Firm of the Year RSM Top-Audit ACG Alexey Demenkov Head of Department of Legal and Tax Consultancy Tel: +7 (495) 363 2848 (ext.320)

Tax legislation in the Russian Federation is one of the most dynamically developing legislations. This is connected with a relatively young age of the RF tax legislation, on the one hand, and with the necessity to meet the needs of continuously developing and dynamically changing Russian economy, on the other hand. The correct tax planning (based on legal requirements and the existing law enforcement and tax practices) at the stage of preparation for entering into transaction or a number of transactions, taking account of potential tax risks, allows to correctly calculate the financial result of transaction and minimise or manage tax risks. In tax planning one should consider the Russian legal crackdown on tax optimisation which is aimed exclusively at tax burden relief. Such optimisation is recognised as being ‘outside the law’ with all the ensuing consequences. Taxation in the area of foreign investments and other business transactions with foreign entities and individuals deserve to be mentioned separately. Confirmation of the right to refund the export VAT, avoidance of double taxation with respect to income of individuals and legal entities, withholding of taxes by tax agents, etc, were and remain the issues of concern of any foreign counterparty operating in the Russian market.

Those who do business in Russia everywhere encounter the tax authorities, with whom the dealings start as soon as a legal entity is set up and sometimes continue even after its liquidation. It is important for the taxpayer to observe the statutory procedures of interacting with tax authorities, otherwise the taxpayer will be held liable even for the slight violation of deadline for providing information (documentation). The main difficulty faced by those who do business in Russia are potential differences in interpretation of tax law by tax authorities, thus causing the ongoing necessity to protect businessmen’s interests at the courts of arbitration. Apart from the specifics of tax law, the foreigners have to be aware of specifics of migration and labour laws related, primarily, to the necessity of obtaining a permit to work in the Russian Federation. The resolution of such problems can be assisted by the specialists of RSM Top-Audit Audit and Consultancy Group (ACG). RSM Top-Audit ACG has successfully operated from 1992. It is a leader of the Russian market of auditing and consultancy services – and is a member of RSM International (RSM), represented in more than 80 countries worldwide. RSM Top-Audit Group has many years’ experience with large joint-stock companies and state-owned enterprises in vital sectors (fuel and energy, communications and telecommunications, metallurgy, chemistry and petrochemistry, construction, commerce, transport, etc), including some of the top 200 companies in Russia. In addition to tax consultancy advice, RSM Top-Audit Group is ready to provide the whole range of legal services too (structuring of transactions, due diligence projects, representation before courts and government agencies, etc). “Since the clients’ problems often have a comprehensive nature, i.e. requiring a simultaneous engagement of lawyers, financiers and management consultancy specialists, we have experience of creating a multi-disciplinary team, capable of coping with such challenges,” added partner Alexey Demenkov.

Russia - Commercial Law Firm of the Year Laseta Partners LLC Serguey Baev Partner Tel: +7 (495) 783 16 41 Tatiana Kachalina Partner Tel: +7 (495) 783 16 41

Laseta Partners is a national Russian legal consultancy with substantial cross-border practice and clientele from all over the world. Initially founded as a boutique law firm with the major focus on capital markets, corporate and M&A, Laseta Partners is expanding its practice areas. Currently, besides the historical traditions of practice, the firm also advises on commercial law, project finance and IT regulation. Laseta Partners permanently monitors changes in the laws and their practical application and strives to offer their customers the most efficient solutions implementable in a long term perspective. Serguey Baev, partner, noted: “The firm is comprised of a team of professionals with a very impressive track record of projects, whose practical knowledge was verified in numerous milestone transactions. The unique database of know-hows, transactional precedents and forms of documents elaborated by our partners and attorneys allows us to ensure legal assistance in the most timely and cost-efficient manner. Besides, transparent billing procedure, 194 GlobalAwards 2012

competitive fees and special opportunities for the long-standing clients make Laseta Partners a recommendable Russian law adviser.” Partners of the firm, Serguey Baev and Tatiana Kachalina, are Russian law experts recognised by clients and international legal directories for professionals. Serguey Baev, Ph.D., is a co-founder and partner of the firm, and an author of numerous publications on key legal issues. Serguey specialises in commercial law, corporate law, securities regulation public and private equity, as well as corporate restructuring. The firm’s recent experience in the commercial law area includes counselling a large US-based investment fund in connection with the operations of its Russian subsidiary and the provision of advice to a Russian retail chain with an international background. Laseta Partners is also providing ongoing legal assistance on commercial law matters to a leading Russian wholesale pharmacy distributor. Ms Kachalina added: “The firm considers its real success to be the substantial increase of its client base within the last year – and we hope that all of our new clients will turn into long-standing ones.” Tatiana Kachalina, co-founder and partner, is known not only by her extensive experience as a practising lawyer, but she also contributed to the drafting and elaboration of laws and enactments pertaining to the securitisation field, corporate law, as well as the securities area, etc. In addition to her work with securitisation, Ms Kachalina focuses mainly on corporate law, commercial law, privatisation, M&A deals and capital markets transactions, as well as areas of project finance and corporate restructuring. Laseta Partners maintains a local and foreign clientele mainly in the areas of IT, nano-technologies, natural resources, pharmacy and financial services. What is unique about Laseta Partners’ policy is that it is prepared to render assistance to large, medium-sized and small or newly established companies and entities, treating each case individually with a client-orientated approach.

Russia - Company Law Firm of the Year Ligerion Group Andrey Shakhovnin Partner Tel: +7 495 210 3123

The Ligerion Group is a consulting, trading and investment group residing in Moscow, which focuses on the legal representation of foreign clients in Russia and the CIS. The Group is comprised of three divisions, operating in the key business areas of legal support, business development and investments. In the firm’s corporate and company practice, the Ligerion Group advises and provides transactional assistance and management in all areas of the corporate legal area. The firm’s experience is comprised of advisory and transactional work in the following core areas: business structuring, finance structuring, capital formation and shareholders arrangement, mergers and acquisitions, assets protection, corporate legal representation, trust management of assets, and corporate business transactions and agreements. Andrey Shakhovnin, partner of the firm, commented: “We help clients to establish business structures such as joint ventures, start-up ventures, private equity funds for taxable and tax-exempt investors and offshore funds to achieve tax efficiency. We also consult foreign clients in M&A in Russia: acquisition of assets or business in Russia, from the beginning – by developing an acquisition strategy, to the final stage – manage-

ment of business and legal protection of shareholders’ interests and/or sell of Russian asset, business share or Russian company as a whole. From our clients’ point of view, Ligerion offers full corporate legal and management service for an efficient representation of a foreign business in Russia.” Mr Shakhovnin’s experience includes arbitrazh practice, where Mr Shakhovnin was representing the interests of clients in arbitrazh courts in bankruptcy cases, shareholders’ disputes, debts restructuring and security enforcement. Mr Shakhovnin has a strong background in cooperation with law enforcement authorities in Russia. His practice includes representing clients under criminal investigation or those who are under arrest. The trust management of assets in Russia is one of the Group’s profiles. In trust management Ligerion relies on a deep knowledge of Russian legislation, administrative and fiduciary systems as well on the track of long standing relations with its foreign clients conducting business in Russia. The Russian legislation on corporate regulations changed in 2009. The new legislation introduced changes, inter alia, in the area of corporate law. The new law provides for the new terms and form of documentation for setting up companies in the Russian Federation. Furthermore, the law allows for the provision of basic principles of introducing a shareholders agreement to bylaws of Russian companies. The firm believes that this is a new opportunity for structuring of joint ventures and other shareholders arrangements in Russia. Mr Shakhovnin commented: “These legislative amendments open new approaches to corporate structuring and business formations in Russia. The Ligerion Group’s experience in this area enables its clients to enhance their positions in business operations, corporate structure, asset management and other vital issues in doing business in Russia and the CIS.” The corporate law in Russia is constantly evolving. The Ligerion Group will always monitor all the developments to see where the clients’ interests can be protected or where business can benefit.

Russia - Mediation Advisory Firm of the Year Ligerion Group Andrey Shakhovnin Partner Tel: +7 495 210 3123

The Ligerion Group is a consulting, trading and investment group residing in Moscow, which focuses on the legal representation of foreign clients in Russia and the CIS. The Group is comprised of three divisions, operating in the key business areas of legal support, business development and investments. Asset protection, debt recovery, and the suppression or prevention of “raiders’” activity in Russian business is the firm’s premium level of expertise. The firm is quite successful in enforcing debt instruments of any kind and security in Russia. However, the Ligerion Group is often chosen to act as mediator in out-of-court negotiations in the disputes where the firm’s support in the negotiating of alternative dispute resolution can make practical sense for a client. The firm’s experience in mediation practice based in the Russian market is extremely efficient. The Ligerion Group works in disputes relating to all business vital areas of law, including debt recovery, security enforcement, asset protection, disputes with trade suppliers and customers, post-merger and acquisition disputes.

“The arbitration process in Russia is usually seen as quite a complicated and unpredictable process, especially for foreign investors and companies. Our foreign client focus has helped us to achieve our main objective of providing the maximum comfort in the representation of clients’ interests in Russia – with a view to advise on which solution is feasible in the framework of the Russian arbitral system and Russian market,” explained Andrey Shakhovnin, partner of the firm. Mr Shakhovnin’s experience includes arbitrazh practice, where Mr Shakhovnin was representing the interests of clients in arbitrazh courts in bankruptcy cases, shareholders’ disputes, debts restructuring and security enforcement. Mr Shakhovnin has a strong background in cooperation with law enforcement authorities in Russia. His practice includes representing clients under criminal investigation or those who are under arrest. Before joining the Ligerion Group, Mr Shakhovnin was a member of the leading litigation department of the Moscow Bureau of Political Jurisprudence. At this time the legal team was representing political parties, governors, and political authorities holding offices in the Government of the Russian Federation. When describing the difficulties a foreign client faces when participating in Russian business, the Ligerion Group usually outlines a significant level of corruption, especially in the judicial and law enforcement sector – as well as bureaucracy and cultural differences in business matters. The firm believes these issues can be well managed if paying due attention to them from the outset. Mr Shakhovnin concluded: “Our clients have the advantage of having a local legal and management team enforcing their business tasks and protecting their interests in Russia and the CIS region.” 2012 GlobalAwards 195

Slovakia - Full Service Law Firm of the Year

Integrity, both individually and institutionally, in dealings with the firm's clients, the firm's adversaries, and their colleagues.

Peter Víglaský Partner Hamala Kluch Víglaský

Independence which does not detract from Hamala Kluch Víglaský's dedication to the interests of its clients but which always enables them to determine and to advise on what is in the best interests of its clients.

+421 2 5441 0160

SLOVAKIA – FULL SERVICE LAW FIRM OF THE YEAR 2012 Hamala Kluch Víglaský puts the firm's years of legal experience and innovation to work for clients today. As one of Slovakia's most prominent banking and finance, M&A, corporate and real estate law firms, Hamala Kluch Víglaský has longstanding client relationships with premier financial institutions, Slovak Top Ten companies and other leading corporations, government entities and individual private clients. The firm has earned a reputation for crafting innovative business and financial solutions and developing precedent-setting legal strategies to achieve their clients' goals. Throughout their professional careers, the firm's attorneys have been consistently recognised by international law firm rating organisations (Chambers & Partners, ILFR 1000, Chambers Global, PLC Which Lawyer, Legal 500) as top Slovak attorneys recommended in almost all major fields of law, including banking and finance, capital markets, construction and real estate matters, commercial and corporate law, mergers and acquisitions, and greenfield projects.

Personal accountability for every decision, judgment, and action on behalf of the firm's clients or the firm. Competence which is marked by creativity and judgment that add distinction to the quality and value of the firm's services. Excellence in every aspect of the professional lives of each member of the firm, aiming to deliver quality, innovation and consistency in all aspects of the firm's service. Teamwork that joins effectiveness with cohesion and collegiality throughout the firm. Commitment to all clients' interests, with an intensity of effort that distinguishes the firm's lawyers from others in the profession and rival firms.

The firm is convinced that their pursuit of the following core values is fundamental to why clients have come to rely on the firm's services, year after year:

The client portfolio of Hamala Kluch Víglaský includes names such as Citibank, UniCredit Bank, Erste Bank, Tatra banka, VÚB Bank, KBC Bank, ABN Amro, Enel, Slovenské elektrárne, Saferoad, GTC Group, Slovak government, Slovnaft, US Steel, General Electric, Scania, Electricité de France, Kardan Group and Penta Investments.

Peter Víglaský, a partner of the firm, manages Hamala Kluch Víglaský's banking, finance and securities practices. Peter has more than twelve years´ experience as an advocate in the area of banking and finance thanks to previous positions at leading international financial institutions and law firms. He specializes in corporate, project and real estate financing, energy sector, mergers & acquisitions, real estate, capital markets and derivatives, and private equity under Slovak and Czech law.

Roman Hamala, a partner of the firm, has more than sixteen years' practice in the real estate, mergers and acquisitions, foreign direct investment projects and banking finance areas. He is greatly experienced in advising foreign investors in acquisition projects and the Slovak government in privatization projects. He holds an LL.M. degree from the University of Virginia and previously practiced eight years at a leading international law firm in Prague, Bratislava and New York. Martin Kluch, a partner of the firm, manages Hamala Kluch Víglaský's real estate, corporate and employment practice. With twelve years´ experience as an advocate he participated on some of the most important Slovak real estate transactions, structured key mergers & acquisitions and provided advice to many important Slovak and international institutions. Martin is also active in intellectual property and energy law.

Switzerland - Boutique Banking Law Firm of the Year DGE Attorneys at law Didier de Montmollin Partner Tel: +41(0)22 761 66 66 Fax: +41(0)22 761 66 67

DGE Attorneys at law was founded in January 2011 by Didier de Montmollin, André Gruber, Philippe Eigenheer and Niels Schindler on the basis of a common goal: to create a firm where each client would feel that his legal and commercial queries are being addressed by dedicated, responsive and dynamic attorneys. The firm thrives on three principles: knowledge, proactiveness and cost-efficiency, and aims to deliver high-quality and solution-driven advice and to build long-standing relationships with its clients. DGE Attorneys’ main areas of practice include: corporate transactions, mergers and acquisitions, joint-ventures, restructurings, banking law, financial regulations, anti money-laundering, mutual funds, structured products, local and international litigation and arbitration, international judicial assistance, white-collar crime, employment law, data protection, immigration, real estate, private clients, trusts & estates, family law and succession planning, insurance and legal affairs management. Didier de Montmollin graduated from Neuchâtel University in 1981 and was admitted to the Neuchâtel Bar in 1983 and to the Geneva Bar in 1986. After gaining legal experience in Dallas, Texas, he was legal counsel at the Swiss Bankers Association, the major trade association of the Swiss bank196 GlobalAwards 2012

ing industry, from 1983 to 1986. He then joined an internationally-oriented commercial law firm with offices in Geneva, London and Moscow first as an associate, and, as of 1992, as a partner. Within the context of the split of the above firm, he decided, as from January 2011, to continue his career and to further take care of his clients in the renewed and dynamic environment of DGE Attorneys at law. Didier de Montmollin is recognised as an expert on Swiss banking law. In 1998, he became a member of the Executive Committee of the Swiss Bar Association’s Anti-Money Laundering Regulatory Authority. Since 1989, Didier has been one of the four counsel appointed by the Swiss Bankers Association for investigations of violations by member banks of the agreement on the Swiss bank’s Code of Conduct regarding the exercise of due diligence. Didier’s practice is focused on advising banks and other financial intermediaries directly or indirectly subject to the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA, and their clients. He is also active in administrative and international judicial assistance, in international and national arbitration, as sole arbitrator, chairman, party-appointed arbitrator and counsel, and in certain complex commercial / banking litigations. He regularly advises on contractual and corporate law. He has been a member of the Arbitration Committee of the Geneva Chamber of Commerce and Industry and of the National Arbitration Committee (Swiss Rules of International Arbitration). Since 2003, he has been lecturer within the framework of the executive education program on Compliance Management of the University of Geneva. Since 2008, Didier has been a member of the Delegation of the Swiss Bar Association to the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) and a member of the Consultative Committee of Finance Summit. Didier de Montmollin is fluent in French and English, with a very good working knowledge of German.

Sweden - Corporate Tax Accountancy Firm of the Year

It’s not so much the world has become smaller. It’s just our view has become bigger.

When you’re expanding into new markets, the world may seem to shrink, as challenges seem to grow. At Ernst & Young, we see the bigger picture, as well as the important details. Find out how we can help you turn global challenges into opportunities.

© 2012 Ernst & Young AB. All Rights Reserved.

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Switzerland - Tax Law Firm of the Year Poledna Boss Kurer AG Walter H. Boss Partner Tel: +41 44 220 12 12

Poledna Boss Kurer AG is a full-service interdisciplinary business law firm that was founded by four well-established practitioners and has grown to more than twenty professionals. The firm offers a full range of services, namely corporate, contractual, tax and labour law advice. Poledna Boss Kurer AG helps its clients create contractual and organisational structures that give them control over the relevant processes. The firm participates in shaping clients’ business activities which involves establishing corporate, legal and tax related structures that are in line with the clients’ goals. “Even if there is a smaller amount of formalities to comply with in Switzerland compared to certain foreign jurisdictions, there is an increased tendency to tighter regulation. In particular, Swiss corporate and accounting regulations have been recently amended. In order to overcome these challenges, PBK endeavours to gain a clear understanding of the client’s objectives and business,” explained Walter H. Boss, senior partner at Poledna Boss Kurer AG.

He continued: “This allows us to properly structure, negotiate and implement the transaction at issue and to pursue a project management approach which includes the legal and documentation process through all phases of the transaction. Depending on the specifics of the case, we work in an integrated team of specialists in areas such as taxes, government regulations, environment, etc.” Mr Boss is a graduate of the University of Berne and of the New York University School of Law, where he obtained an LLM (Tax) degree. He was admitted to the bar in 1980. Until 1984 he served in the Swiss Federal Tax Administration (International Tax Law Division) as legal counsel. He was also a delegate to the OECD Committee of Fiscal Affairs. Mr Boss was then an attorney with major firms in Lugano and Zurich and in 1986 joined Ernst & Young. In 1988, he became a partner at Ernst & Young’s International Services Office in New York. Upon his return to Switzerland in 1991, Mr Boss joined a major law firm in Zurich, and prior to co-founding Poledna Boss Kurer AG he was a partner at another well-known law firm in Zurich. His areas of concentration are national and international tax law, mergers and acquisitions, private equity and corporate restructurings. Mr Boss also advises private clients and is a co-author of the commentary to the SwissUS income tax treaty and a commentary on the Swiss Code of Obligations (corporate law). He is a member of the Zurich Bar Association, the Swiss Bar Association, the American Bar Association, the International Bar Association and the International Fiscal Association. Mr Boss serves as the chairman of the Tax Chapter Board of the Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce Mr Boss concluded: “Our firm’s unique selling point from a corporate tax law standpoint certainly is the long-standing experience of our tax lawyers and their awareness of current developments as well as the administrative practice in the field of tax which allows us to give concise and well founded advice.”

UK - Asset Based Lender of the Year Leumi ABL Limited Phil Woodward Managing Director Tel: +44 (0)1273 716200

Leumi ABL is very proud to have been chosen once again as the winner of the Corporate INTL 2012 Global Award for ‘Asset Based Lender of the Year in the UK’. This is the second year running that Leumi ABL has won this award and their focus remains on providing the highly personal and flexible service for which they are known, whether completing straightforward invoice finance deals or structuring complex ABL facilities. Leumi ABL is the specialist asset based lending subsidiary of Bank Leumi (UK) plc, an international bank that this year celebrated its 110th anniversary. Providing funding from £1m to £25m, Leumi ABL provides a full range of asset based lending facilities, including stock finance and plant and machinery finance – real differentiators in today’s market. This is supported by trade finance and property finance facilities via Bank Leumi (UK). During the past twelve months, Leumi ABL has seen an increase in

198 GlobalAwards 2012

requests for the financing of M&A activity, pointing to greater confidence in the business community, as well as continued refinancing activity as businesses struggle to obtain the levels of financing and flexibility they need from existing banking arrangements. Leumi ABL is able to offer greater flexibility than bank owned invoice discounters, and their bespoke approach to funding mid-market businesses is winning recognition everywhere. Leumi ABL put together an asset based lending package as part of a £130m syndicated facility for Celsa Steel (UK) Limited. Leumi ABL provided a £20m invoice discounting facility with stock finance. Leumi ABL also supported 229 year old business, Brintons Carpets Limited, with a multi-asset ABL package totalling more than £11m, comprising debtor, stock and plant and machinery facilities. Brintons is one of the world’s leading premium brand carpet manufacturers, producing primarily Axminster and Wilton carpets for the commercial and residential markets. Today, the company’s manufacturing facilities in the UK, India and Portugal are among the most advanced in the world and under new ownership, there has been a substantial programme of operational restructuring providing greater efficiency. The new flexible funding package from Leumi ABL will help to strengthen the business for the future. Increasing numbers of opportunities are benefiting from Leumi ABL’s ability to put in place a jointly structured funding facility with Bank Leumi (UK). One such deal was Lambson Building Products Limited, where a total funding facility of £9.44m was provided. As M&A picks up and refinancing continues to come out of high street clearers, Leumi ABL is well placed to offer the consistency and stability that is so highly valued as the market recovery gets underway.

Sweden - Transfer Pricing Advisory Firm of the Year

Ernst & Young, Sweden Mikael Hall Tax Partner, Transfer Pricing Tel: +46 8 520 590 00

Ernst & Young’s transfer pricing team helps clients implement, manage and defend their transfer pricing policies and processes, while aligning them with the appropriate business strategy. Ernst & Young’s talented

people work with clients to build the proactive, pragmatic and integrated strategies that address the tax risks of today’s market and help businesses to achieve their potential.

OECD’s Working Party No 6. At the Ministry he dealt with advance pricing agreements and mutual agreements with treaty partners. Mr Hall earned an LLM at the University of Stockholm. He has lectured on and authored several articles on transfer pricing and international tax issues. Transfer pricing and tax effective supply chain management

Mikael Hall is a tax partner and leader of Ernst & Young’s Swedish and

Ernst & Young brings clients a global perspective based on its

Nordic transfer pricing practices. He has extensive experience in help-

long-standing experience of what really works in transfer pricing

ing clients with supply chain restructurings, the design and implemen-

and tax effective supply chain management (TESCM).

tation of transfer pricing structures, the preparation of transfer pricing

The firm believes that setting tax-efficient intra-company pricing

documentation, litigation and negotiating with competent authorities.

that complies with the law is essential in today’s global economy.

His team’s clients include many of Sweden’s large companies as well

The Ernst & Young team has extensive experience in helping its

as other significant global companies.

clients find the right solutions across industries, products and

Mikael Hall, partner, commented:

borders. “Our multi-disciplinary TESCM teams work with our

“We also team with other Ernst & Young colleagues to deliver

clients on supply chain design, business restructuring, systems

integrated services in areas ranging from supply chain optimisation

implications, transfer pricing, direct and indirect tax, customs

and process improvement to post-merger integration with our M&A

and accounting. We can: help our clients build and implement

colleagues. We offer leadership in all tax disciplines, including transfer

the structure that makes sense for their business, improve their

pricing, business tax, indirect tax, international tax, transactional

processes and manage the cost of trade,” explained Mr Hall.

tax and tax-related issues associated with human capital. We place

In Sweden, Ernst & Young continues to assist customers in the

particular emphasis on the most pressing issues facing companies

areas of transfer pricing planning, global documentation, global

worldwide today.”

transfer pricing controversy and risk management, tax effec-

Mr Hall has previously worked as a legal adviser at the Ministry of Finance, International Tax Division and has been a delegate to the

tive supply chain management and transfer pricing in financial services.

2012 GlobalAwards 199

UK & Ireland - Accountancy Association of the Year DFK UK & Ireland Suk Aulak Chairman Tel: +44 (0)121 454 4141

DFK International is an association of independent accounting firms and business advisers from around the world. The association has more than 200 offices worldwide, and collectively the turnover for member firms passed the US$ 1bn mark in 2010. This has placed DFK International as the seventh largest association in the world in terms of fee income. 2012 is the 50th anniversary of DFK International, and the association has a lot to celebrate. DFK International President Scott Hazy commented: “We started back in 1962 with three firms who got together to better serve clients. From there our association has grown to over 200 firms in 83 countries, and the collective intellect of 10,000 people that are employed in the firms around the world. It is a great achievement that gives us a very good reputation.” Suk Aulak, Chairman of DFK UK & Ireland, noted that the association includes independent accounting firms in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland as well as the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands. The UK & Ireland Association is made up of 18 independent practices and has recently held its annual conference in Paris to coincide with the International Association’s 50th Anniversary. Mike Tovey, former president of DFK International, commented that DFK UK & Ireland gives member firms national reach. He explained: “Independently, members are only able to serve their clients on a local level, but with our association they are provided with a national coverage within the UK & Ireland. That means that individual firms are capable of dealing with different clients, most of whom are bigger than those the firms would be able to work with in their local environment. “DFK UK & Ireland is a member of DFK International, and consequently each firm of DFK UK & Ireland has the opportunity to serve international clients, where previously, operating only as UK and Ireland, they could not do that.” Clients of DFK UK & Ireland benefit from the member firms’ shared philosophy and approach to working with clients, which puts in place: • Enthusiasm for fully understanding clients’ objectives and delivering effective service; • Dedication to providing personal and timely services through experienced advisers; and • Commitment to delivering consistent professional standards. Whether a client is seeking routine audit and tax compliance services, ongoing accounting assistance, or specialist advice in areas such as corporate finance, corporate transactions, insolvency or IT systems, DFK UK & Ireland have specialists who can deliver effective commercial advice.

200 GlobalAwards 2012

DFK UK & Ireland was established in 1996 and provides clients with access to substantial resources in 31 commercial centres throughout the UK and Ireland. With over 125 partners and more than 800 staff, the members have experts who can advise on most financial matters. Whether clients want access to widespread geographic resources or require advice on a complex technical matter, the members of DFK UK & Ireland will provide a responsive and cost effective service. Members of DFK UK & Ireland are able to offer their clients a wealth of services that reach beyond accounting, audit and tax. Members of the DFK International UK & Ireland association have experience in a wide range of sectors. Specialist areas include: agriculture, charities & not-for-profit organisations, clubs & associations, entertainment & leisure haulage / transport, healthcare, hotels & restaurants, manufacturing, engineering, media, printing, publishing, pension schemes, professional firms, property development, investment & construction, public sector, retailing, and travel. The group’s member firms provide technical expertise as well as a timely value added service. The members are in regular communication with each other and are used to working together to provide effective advice and assistance to clients. Through a forum of national and international events and conferences, these member firms exchange ideas and information in a non-competitive environment. This exchange of information extends DFK UK & Ireland’s reach as firms share their expertise, capabilities and experiences. Membership in DFK UK & Ireland enables independent accounting firms to use the scope of a national affiliation and capitalise on the benefits of a global presence. DFK UK & Ireland has a membership agreement with DFK International, an association of independent accounting firms throughout the world ( DFK UK & Ireland’s affiliation with DFK International provides additional resources and expands the world of opportunity for members and their clients. Apart from being able to support its members during times of growth and economic difficulty, DFK is always looking forward. “From the UK & Ireland, and also an international perspective, we move with the times as our clients do,” said Mr Aulak. He added: “The mission of DFK UK & Ireland is working together and creating value for clients, both on a local and national level. The association regularly promotes its philosophy of ‘national coverage, local knowledge’.”

Index (Award Winners)

A AAA Advogados


Abou Farhat Law Offices


Action Bahrain


Actuate IP


Acuña & Cia Abogados








Akugur Law Firm


Aliat Legal


Alliance Law Firm


Almeida Guzmán & Asociados


Amit, Pollak, Matalon & Co.


Anguilla, Financial Services Department


ARC Relocation


Astana Law Partners LLP


Attorneys at law Ratiolex Ltd


Avahlegal, S.C.


Awapatent A/S


Azhari Law Consultancy


Aziz Torbey Law Firm


B Balgobin Chambers


Baker Tilly Klitou


Baker Tilly MKM


Bank of America Business Capital,


Bank of America Merrill Lynch Bardy Rahikkala Law Office


Bargate Murray


BDO Advisory Services LTD


BDO Italy


Becerril, Coca & Becerril, S.C.


Beiten Burkhardt P. Daszkowski Sp.k.




Bhering Advogados


BLS Rechtsanwälte Attorneys at Law


Boden Law


Bolet & Terrero


BPV Jadi


2012 GlobalAwards 201

Index (Award Winners)

Braddell Brothers LLP


Cordero & Associates


Brandl & Talos Rechtsanwälte GmbH




Brito Anderson


Costa, Waisberg e Tavares Paes


Sociedade de Advogados Bufete Soni







Crowley Fleck


Custom House Global Fund Services Limited

172. - 176.

Czyzewscy Law Firm


C&L Attorneys, SC


CABINET KEBIR / Law Office Of Yamina Kebir


Cable Huston


Casseli Law Firm


Castaldi Mourre & Partners

154., 177.


46., 163.

CFAL (Colina Financial Advisors Ltd)


China Patent Agent (H.K.) Ltd.


China Sunbow Law Firm




Chr. P. Mitsides & Co LLC


Christos Patsalides L.L.C.



CMS Cameron McKenna LLP


Derra, Meyer & Partners, Warsaw


Consultores en Derecho Público S.A.


Desai & Diwanji


202 GlobalAwards 2012

D Davies Collison Cave


Davis Martindale Advisory Services Inc.


Dearson Winyard International Limited






Deloitte Greece


Deloitte Investment Services


Deloitte Tax, Brazil





Etude Mullot Avocat






DFK UK & Ireland


DGE Attorneys at law


Dib Lawyers


Devres Law Office

F Fahad Al Suwaiket and


Dineff Trademark Law Limited


Bader Al Busaies Attorneys at Law

Dr Helen Papaconstantinou,


Fichte & Co Legal Consultancy




Fontamillas, Donasco & Co., Ltd.


Formosa Transnational


Fourgoux and Partners


Fox Tucker Lawyers


Friedrich Graf von Westphalen


Frilot L.L.C.


John Filias & Associates Drakopoulos Law


DSM Di Stefano Moyse Avocats à la Cour


E Edelman Indonesia


Edward Hayes LLP Solicitors


Ehrlich & Fenster


EILC Egyptian International Legal Consultancy






Enyo Law LLP


Georgiev, Todorov & Co.


Ernst & Young


Gerard Forlin QC


Ernst & Young, Poland

188., 189.

Godoy & Hoyos


Ernst & Young, Sweden

197., 199.



Esquível Advogados


GVTH Advocates



2012 GlobalAwards 203

Index (Award Winners)




José Pedro Aguiar-Branco & Associados, R.L.

H. Constandinidou – K. Stavropoulos –


I.N. Stavropoulou and Associates HALIM & REKAN


Hamala Kluch Víglaský s.r.o.


Hambach & Hambach Law Firm


Hanol Law Offices

K Karaca Associates


Karanjawala & Company



Karma Design


Harry Elias Partnership LLP


Kerman & Co LLP


Hauser Partners Rechtsanwälte GmbH


Khoukhi At Qwedar Pllc


Hawkes Legal


King & Wood Mallesons


Hengtai Law Offices


Kinkead & Stilz, PLLC



Knowles Husain Lindsay Inc


Kolcuoglu Demirkan Attorneys at Law




KPMG, Luxembourg


KPMG Advisors A.E.


KPMG Al Fozan & Al Sadhan


KPMG Forensic Services


KPMG Siddharta Advisory

54., 55.

Kreston Dormers


Kunz Schima Wallentin Rechtsanwälte OG


Herbert Geer

I Ignatius Andy Law Offices




IMAP M&A Treuhand GmbH




204 GlobalAwards 2012





Marc Jacobson, P.C.


L. Papaphilippou & Co


Mary Walker


Ladas & Parry LLP




Laseta Partners LLC


Mohsin Tayebaly & Co.


Law Office Of NiaLena Caravasos, LLC


Mütze Korsch Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH


LCS & Partners


Lee and Li, Attorneys-at-Law


Leumi ABL Limited






Leydig, Voit & Mayer, Ltd.


Ligerion Group


Littleton Joyce


Loo & Partners LLP


O’Riordan Bethel Law Firm, LLP


Lopez Levi & Associates, P.A.


Ober & Beerens


Lubbad Advogados








N Neve Tax Consultants


Nexia TS (Nexia China)


Novagraaf Technologies & Novagraaf France




M S Mishra Associates


Maalouf Ashford & Talbot, LLP


Pacific Equity Partners

Mackrell Turner Garrett


Pamboridis LLC


Mahendra Bhavsar & Co.




2012 GlobalAwards 205

Index (Award Winners)

Parris Whittaker


Patton Boggs LLP




Pech de Laclause, Bathmanabane & Associés

R Rajinder Narain & Co/RNClegal



Ramos, Zuanon e Manassero Advogados


Pedro Miguel and Associated Attorneys


Randa Havel Legal


Peksung Intellectual Property Ltd


Raupach & Wollert-Elmendorff

164., 165.

Perez / Rodriguez & the Gibro Group


RBC Wealth Management, Barbados

88., 89.

Perini-Hegarty & Associates, P.C.


RGW Rocławski Graczyk i Wspólnicy


PHHV Rechtsanwälte




Poledna Boss Kurer AG


Rivera Gaxiola y Asociados, S.C.




Rödl & Partner


Portilla, Ruy-Díaz & Aguilar, S.C


Rodriguez Rivero y Cossío Locken Abogados






Premier Financial Services Limited


RSM Top-Audit ACG


Price Sierakowski




Procurement Law Office


ProMan Oy


PRW Rechtsanwälte


PwC Advokatfirma AS



206 GlobalAwards 2012

S S. Papadimitriou & Partners Law Firm


S.S. Rana & Co


Saxinger, Chalupsky & Partner Rechtsanwälte


GmbH (SCWP Schindhelm Austria) 104.

Serban & Associates


Shay & Partners


Sheikh Mohammed Abdullah Sons


Siano & Martins Advogados Associados


Siguion Reyna Montecillo & Ongsiako


Sim & McBurney


Simbolon & Partners


Simões, Garcia, Corte-Real & Associados


Squire Sanders (UK) LLP


Streamsowers & Köhn


Studio Legale Sutti


Suood Anwar & Co




Szecskay Attorneys at Law


T Tahoun Law Office (TLO)


Teleo Immigration


U Uchida & Samejima Law Firm


V V-Rooms






Vieira, Rezende, Barbosa e Guerreiro Advogados


W Walker & Peskind






Winterbotham Trust Company Limited


Woo, Kwan, Lee & Lo


Y Yehuda Raveh & Co.


Yoon & Yang


Zeenat Al Mansoori & Associates







2012 GlobalAwards 207


MASTER GA 2012 pt2.indd 208

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