Jesuit Refugee Service/USA 2010 Annual Report

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Jesuit Refugee Service/USA 2010 Annual Report

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On the cover: JRS has worked since 2001 in Lobone, an area in Southern Sudan’s Eastern Equatoria state. JRS is the only international agency working in this community. Through grants provided by the U.S. State Department, JRS has improved access to primary education by building three primary schools and supporting seven schools in all.

A young girl at the Automeca camp for Haitians left homeless by the January earthquake. In solidarity with JRS Dominican Republic and the Jesuit community in Haiti, JRS/USA is advocating for an inclusive and comprehensive recovery strategy that is Haitian led, involving Haitian civil society organizations as well as Haitian government agencies, and that will be sustainable and protective of vulnerable people.

The mission of Jesuit Refugee Service/USA is to accompany, serve and defend the rights of refugees and other forcibly displaced persons. JRS/USA witnesses to God’s presence in vulnerable and often forgotten people driven from their homes by conflict, natural disaster, economic injustice, or violation of their human rights.

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From the National Director Dear Friends of Jesuit Refugee Service/USA – This Fall I conclude my term as National Director of Jesuit Refugee Service/USA. Naturally, fond memories of generous and dedicated benefactors, board members, fellow staff members and volunteers flood through my memory. I am filled with gratitude for the blessings Fr. Kenneth J. Gavin, S.J. that I have received during my seven years with JRS/USA. In addition to all the treasures of supportive friends and co-workers, at this moment my mind focuses on all the refugees and forcibly displaced people whom I have met and accompanied during the past seven years. Like many before me in JRS, my life has been transformed by them. In Sri Lanka, I have experienced the pain of women who have lost children and husbands during the indiscriminate military bombardment of civilian locations during the final weeks of that country’s brutal civil war in 2009. But, I have also been delighted by the songs and dances of lively pre-school Tamil children filled with life and hope despite the abject poverty that they and their families must endure. In war-torn Southern Sudan I have seen firsthand

the difficulties that refugees returning home face in a land that has been nearly destroyed by two decades of armed conflict. And yet, in that same country I have joined with local communities as they celebrated the opening of primary schools co-sponsored by JRS and the U.S. government. Now thousands of children growing up along Sudan’s southern border with Uganda find hope for the future in the schools that JRS has been able to build and staff with trained local teachers.

being deported to countries where they have never lived and you have a formula for true hopelessness. But, despite all the suffering in these centers, again and again I discovered a deep faith and a longing for God’s presence among these migrants.

I recall especially a Eucharist that I celebrated with a large group of migrants at an Arizona detention center where our JRS team members serve as chaplains and all the detained men arrived for Perhaps at no time durMass dressed in prisoning these years have I felt like blue or yellow jumpmyself closer to our JRS suits and accompanied mission of accompanyby guards. Throughout ing, serving and defendthe liturgy they sang the ing the rights of refugees hymns with devotion, and forcibly displaced happy to be praying in people than when I had Spanish. After Mass, as I Fr. Gavin speaks to detainees during a celebration of Mass at the the opportunity to visit blessed a number of men, detention center in Florence, Ariz. and celebrate Mass for the it was clear from their many Hispanic migrants detained in U.S. detention tears that they were deeply moved. One man, after centers throughout our country. As we proclaimed receiving the blessing, looked up at me and said, the good news of the Gospel surrounded by barbed “Padre, you are one of us!” I have seldom received a wire fences, I became more aware than ever of the more beautiful gift. presence of Jesus crucified in the faces of these detained men and women as they struggled with the In short, nothing has consoled me more during the trauma of separation from spouses and children, and past years than the closeness to refugees that is cenfaced the fear and anxiety of no longer being able to tral to our work here in JRS/USA. Again and again support their families. Add to this the possibility of we have advocated at local, national and international

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levels for the rights of refugees in places as distant from one another as Sri Lanka, Colombia and Nepal — always keeping the faces of refugees in our hearts and minds. We continue to offer spiritual solace and God’s peace to thousands of vulnerable undocumented migrants through the dedicated work of our chaplains in U.S. detention centers. We have partnered with the Jesuits of the California Province, the Catholic dioceses of Tucson and Hermosillo, and a group of Mexican sisters in establishing and supporting the Kino Border Initiative, which provides food and shelter for recently deported Mexican migrants while helping citizens on both sides of the border to understand the complex issues of migration through the lens of Catholic social teaching. With the help of funding from the U.S. government and private foundations, we have reached out to JRS teams throughout Africa, helping them to construct schools and sustainable, cost-effective educational systems in Southern Sudan, Chad and the Democratic Republic of Congo. In the past two years we have placed increased focus on expanding our on-line internet outreach. I believe that we are well on the way to becoming a

website of choice for people interested in the spiritual and physical needs of refugees. In October we inaugurated a new look for our website that in time will be extended to all ten regions of JRS worldwide in order give our visitors a clearer picture of the extent of JRS’s international ministry. Finally, during the past years we have tried to reach out to younger constituents — high school and college students — through our direct outreach programs and web-based educational programs. Our goal has been to create a new generation of students who are keenly aware of the needs of refugees and dedicated to finding solutions to the root causes of human displacement in our world. Although I will be leaving JRS/USA this Fall, I am not leaving JRS. I will be moving to our International Office in Rome this Spring where I will serve as the Assistant to Fr. Peter Balleis, S.J., the JRS International Director. I look forward to this new ministry as I continue to help JRS affirm that our God is present even in the most tragic events of human history. Fr. Michael A. Evans, S.J., my successor as National Director of JRS/USA, comes to this position with a great deal of experience in JRS and ministry in Africa. During the past 15 years he has served as

the JRS Eastern Africa Regional Director and as Treasurer of the Jesuit province of Eastern Africa. Father Evans’ experience and knowledge of JRS will serve him well and will ensure a smooth transition as he helps lead JRS/USA into a future of continued Fr. Michael A. Evans, S.J. accompaniment, service and defense of refugees in need. Thank you for joining with me over the past years in supporting the work of JRS/USA. I know that you will continue to help us care for refugees in need in the coming years. May our God, the friend of the poor, bless you and your families for all your care and kindness to the most vulnerable of refugees.

Fr. Ken Gavin, S.J.

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Southern Sudan In January 2011, Southern Sudan will hold a referendum to choose independence from or unity with the north. The outcome of the vote will determine the direction of Southern Sudan’s future and the prospect for sustained peace in the region. During this uncertain period, JRS continues to accompany the people of Southern Sudan with programs that make schools the heart of new and restored communities, focal points for hope for a better future and centers for peace building activities. Whatever the next year brings, we believe that the people of Southern Sudan will be better able to face the challenges ahead as a result of the support they have received through JRS education programs. In the early 1990s, JRS started providing basic education to Southern Sudanese refugees in camps in Uganda and Kenya. Throughout their years of exile, the refugees from Southern Sudan placed a high value on education. Indeed, JRS trained approximately 200 South Sudanese teachers when they were refugees in Adjumani, Uganda. Many of these teachers have returned to Southern Sudan and are playing a role in the revival of the education system there. When the refugees started to return home voluntarily in 2005 following a peace agreement, JRS expanded its educational ministry – which has always been a key aspect of the JRS mission to accompany, serve and defend the rights of refugees – as a way to encourage and support refugees during their return. JRS has worked since 2001 in Lobone, an area in Southern Sudan’s Eastern Equatoria state. JRS is the only international agency working in this community. Through grants provided by the U.S. State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees,

Palwar Primary School in Southern Sudan opened in April 2010. The Palwar school is one of three education projects implemented by Jesuit Refugee Service and funded by the U.S. State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration in Lobone Payam, Southern Sudan.

and Migration (PRM), JRS has improved access to primary education by building three primary schools and supporting seven schools in all. The schools in the Lobone area receive supplies, in-service training for untrained teachers, support for fifteen teachers to attend university, and encouragement of female education. Presently these projects directly benefit 2,200 students and 58 teachers, and also bring indirect benefits to thousands more in these communities. JRS has worked in Nimule since 1997, and in that

time has developed a deep level of trust with the local community. With a grant from PRM, JRS is building two new schools in the Nimule area and will provide support to twenty-five primary schools. In total this will directly benefit 15,000 children and 350 teachers. JRS will provide school supplies, fund scholarships for teachers attending college for formal teaching qualifications, provide in-service training to enhance the skills of local teachers, and encourage female education.

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Fr. Richard O´Dwyer, S.J. celebrates mass in Lobone, Southern Sudan.

In October JRS/USA enlisted the support of Catholic University of America, Catholic Relief Services, and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in sponsoring a roundtable entitled “Sudan’s Competing Visions – A Future of Peace, or a Return to the Past?” The roundtable brought together a select group of experts representing religious and secular organizations, universities, the United Nations and the U.S. government to engage in a conversation about the

challenges Sudan faces in the context of the upcoming referendum, which is likely to result in a vote for independence by the people of Southern Sudan. In the course of the discussions, participants identified initiatives that might be taken by different actors to address the potential for renewed conflict in this volatile region, and to respond to emerging humanitarian needs.

Because JRS has worked in Haiti since 1999, we were able to begin providing emergency aid to victims within hours of the January earthquake. This effort was soon supplemented by an outpouring of aid from our highly organized JRS office in the Dominican Republic, which quickly ferried food, water and medical supplies across the border for distribution to survivors. Thousands of other friends, associates and institutions also instantly responded to this crisis, providing both money and emergency medical teams. The outpouring of generosity from young schoolchildren, college students, parishioners, as well as Jesuit provinces and communities, was overwhelming. Within days of the earthquake, JRS/USA transferred $300,000 to Haiti for emergency efforts. Additionally, JRS/USA gave $50,000 to Sacre-Coeur Hospital in Milot. The money provided food to earthquake victims who had left Port-au-Prince with their families to seek medical care and support from their families in the north. Before the earthquake, SacreCoeur was a 64-bed hospital tending to about 56,000 patients every year; after the quake they expanded by borrowing 300 beds from a local school and setting up six tents to hold about 40 beds each. Altogether JRS and its Jesuit partners offered a wide range of emergency assistance to the people of Haiti in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake, including emergency food relief to more than 50,000 people throughout Port-au-Prince; medical treatment to more than 4,500 people injured by the earthquake; and camp management services and psychosocial

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JRS–Haiti’s Fr. Wismith Lazard, S.J., right, talks with a displaced Haitian now living in a camp known as Parc Calofer. JRS believes – and works to ensure – that women must be fully integrated into all camp leadership committees.

support to more than 23,000 people living in seven camps throughout Port-au-Prince. In partnership with the Jesuit Fe y Alegria school federation and volunteer engineers from the University of Detroit Mercy School of Architecture in the U.S. JRS also evaluated the structural integrity of 400 schools throughout the stricken area in the month after the earthquake. The Archdiocese of New Orleans provided $24,000 to support the work of a social worker assisting survivors in Haiti, and the J. Homer Butler Foundation has

provided a grant of $40,000 (as part of a three-year grant) to provide medical assistance for Haitians living in the Dominican Republic. About 160,000 of those Haitians displaced by the January earthquake traveled to the Dominican–Haitian border, significantly increasing the movement of migrants of Haitian origin in the Dominican Republic. In the chaos following the earthquake, the majority of these migrants and refugees crossed the border without the required documentation. As a result, many migrants and refugees must provide for their

medical needs themselves. However, the high cost of the medical care and the low income of this population make acquiring medical attention difficult. Thanks to the J. Homer Butler Foundation grant, the JRS Dominican Republic team has been able to continue providing and improving medical assistance to these most vulnerable persons. To date we have received more than $1.8 million for Haiti, which we are using to bring comfort and a stable future to the suffering in seven camps, to provide education to children, and to assure that the rights and needs of the most vulnerable in Haiti are not forgotten. Additionally, JRS is working to provide women’s livelihood training and more permanent shelter in place of tents. In solidarity with JRS Dominican Republic and the Jesuit community in Haiti, JRS/USA is advocating for an inclusive and comprehensive recovery strategy that is Haitian led, involving Haitian civil society organizations as well as Haitian government agencies, and that will be sustainable and protective of vulnerable people. JRS has built strong partnerships to help address problems that will not be solved overnight, and we are working on long-term solutions to make the most efficient and beneficial use of the generous donations we have received on behalf of the people of Haiti. Though many aid agencies will move on when the current crisis abates, JRS and the Jesuits will remain in Haiti to contribute to the reconstruction and rebirth of a new Haiti.

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Detention Chaplaincy Jesuit Refugee Service/USA provides direct service via the Detention Chaplaincy Program. The JRS/USA chaplaincy programs provide pastoral and religious assistance to meet the needs of non-citizens detained by the Department of Homeland Security. These programs enable people of all faiths to have access to pastoral care within their faith tradition. JRS/USA promotes courage, hope and peace for detainees in the ups and downs and day-to-day routines of their lives inside a detention facility. In addition to pastoral counseling, chaplains facilitate religious activities that include opportunities for worship, prayer, scripture services, and fellowship within the traditions of each person’s faith. JRS/USA’s chaplains and pastoral care workers give support to those who find themselves suffering and in crisis. They help individuals who are struggling to find purpose and meaning, value and direction, hope and love in their lives. Sr. Lynn Allvin has been the religious Services Program coordinator at the Florence Detention Center in Arizona for about six months. She was asked by a detainee to sit in on his hearing before a judge at the center. “It was the final court case of O,” Sr. Allvyn said. “His mother from Guadalajara, an uncle and his nine–year–old daughter had driven 10 hours from California to support him. It was heart wrenching to see little Maria speak so confidently and then break down in tears when she pleaded with the judge to let her daddy come home. The family’s anxiety over the prospect of deportation for O hung heavy in the air, and then suddenly after 2 ½ long hours, O was released to return to California! The judge said that he

Left, Fr. Gavin serves a meal to a deported migrant at the Kino Border Initiative’s feeding center in Nogales, Mexico. Right, volunteers sort through clothes donated to the KBI’s shelter for unaccompanied women in Nogales.

was a lucky man because he was given a second chance. As O was whisked down the hall to the processing area, he looked at me through eyes swollen with tears of gratitude and said, “No I’m not lucky, I’m blessed because God is with me!”’ An anonymous gift of $50,000 will fund the creation of an on-line chaplaincy resource to promote and multiply professional detention chaplaincy programs. This grant will be used to fund the cost of creating a web based resource and guidelines hosted at the JRS/USA website, as well as to plan and implement a workshop for on the job training at the Mira Loma Detention Center located in Los Angeles, Calif.

Other organizations will then be able to learn from the experience of JRS/USA and replicate the chaplaincy programs at other detention centers, bringing hope to many more detainees. Koch Foundation, Inc. donated $15,000 for the Mira Loma Chaplaincy Program. The program derives its strength from the collaborative partnership among JRS/USA, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and the California Province of the Society of Jesus. The ministry of accompaniment provides spiritual support to undocumented immigrants held at the detention center.

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Kino Border Initiative The Kino Border Initiative in Nogales, Mexico has expanded the pastoral care that we have provided undocumented non-citizens over the last 10 years in our chaplaincy program. We are now reaching out to men, women and children – most of whom are Mexican citizens – who were detained by the U.S. government and then deported. Two grants helped defray the costs of the Kino Border Initiative’s food program for migrants and the living facilities at the Nazareth House for Deported Women. These grants help to support programs that offer respite to deported women who have suffered pain, humiliation, sadness, loneliness, injury and loss. Their time at Casa Nazaret allows them a safe place following deportation at which to consider their next step, and allows them time to heal both physically and emotionally under the care of the Missionary Sisters of the Eucharist who staff the KBI facilities. At the same time, it protects them from human trafficking and other risks following deportation. The Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange gave $15,000 to help defray costs of both the Kino Border Initiative’s food program for migrants and the living facilities at the Nazareth House for Deported Women. The Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities provided a grant of $14,000 for facilities at the Nazareth House, in addition to other needs at KBI.

Immigration JRS/USA continues to work for immigration reform in partnership with the Jesuit Conference, Detention Watch Network, the Interfaith Immigration

Coalition, and Refugee Council USA. Our goals are to encourage more humane deportation procedures; to strengthen the protection of the religious, legal, and human rights of detainees; and to find alternatives to detention for asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors and other vulnerable individuals. In the last year the DHS announced its intention to overhaul and reform the detention system, and engaged the NGO community in a consultative process that included JRS/USA and other members of the faith community. During the Spring of 2010, the Administration worked closely with members of the advocacy community, including JRS/USA, to identify changes to the detention standards that would be more consistent with the advocacy community consensus recommendations, and which would protect the religious rights of those detained. Final changes should be announced before the end of the year.

Colombian Refugees Jesuit Refugee Service supports a negotiated resolution of the armed civil conflict in Colombia and advocates for policies that will lead to a just and sustainable peace in that country. Toward that end, JRS has successfully advocated to encourage U.S. policy makers to shift the focus of U.S. foreign aid to Colombia away from military support, and toward greater contributions to humanitarian aid and programs for sustainable development. JRS/USA’s advocacy on the needs of Colombian refugees in the Latin American region helped move $8 million from Plan Colombia (primarily a military program) to programs addressing Colombian refugee needs in Ecuador, Venezuela, and Panama. In cooperation with our

Internally displaced Colombian children in Buenaventura.

partners in Colombia, we work to protect the human rights and dignity of all Colombians, with particular attention to refugees and internally displaced persons, and to promote the participation of civil society organizations in Colombian politics. JRS used a grant from the U.S. State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) to fund a program assisting Colombian refugee women in Ecuador victimized by gender-based violence. More than 600 women were direct beneficiaries of the program.

JRS in Eastern Africa JRS/USA also secured a PRM grant for the Kakuma Social Services Program in Kenya. The program’s goal is to promote the psychosocial well being of the most vulnerable refugees in the Kakuma Refugee Camp through community-based counseling services, support to those with disabilities, and a safe haven for women and children survivors of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV). A major focus will be to increase counseling capacity within these refugee communities. JRS is unique in that it cares

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the quality of services offered and through a holistic approach to human life and illness. We hope to help beneficiaries see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. We help people to see that life is not ended when they contract AIDS; it is rather a new beginning in their life. This helps them have a reason to live, and hope in the future for themselves and for their children. Donations to Jesuit Refugee Service/USA enabled us to provide funds to help meet The Bujumbura AIDS clinic in Burundi is working to help beneficiaries see the basic needs of vulnerable Congolese that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. refugees living in camps in Rwanda. JRS is for women who are victims of domestic violence and working to ensure decent living conditions sponsors programs for severely handicapped children for these people, particularly in terms of access to the who otherwise might be hidden away by their famifundamental right to education and protection. lies with little or no access to social and educational Jesuit Refugee Service/USA provided for a projprograms. ect in Chad to help provide a ready source of water, Unbound Philanthropy granted $100,000 to support which is stored at schools. Previously, students at 15 the JRS Eastern Africa project on education in emerschools were forced to travel far from the school for gencies. JRS has long worked in the arena of educawater as the water table in the area had fallen. Jesuit tion with children from forcibly displaced families Refugee Service/USA also provided for teacher trainacross the world, and we have come to see that solid ing in the Ivory Coast. schooling not only helps children grow in knowledge Jesuit Refugee Service/USA secured a PRM grant and understanding, but also brings a profound sense for a refugee education project in Chad. The target of order and normalcy to communities that have group includes refugee children who successfully finexperienced the trauma of war and exile. ish their primary schooling (grade 8) and those who wish to continue their education (grade 9 to grade JRS in Central Africa 11). Previously many of these children were recruited by militia groups and Chadian Army units who were The J. Homer Butler Foundation provided $20,000 fighting within the eastern Chad/Darfur region. More for medical equipment at the Bujumbura AIDS clinic than 260 refugee children (22% of whom are female), in Burundi. The clinic aims to reduce the rate of as well as 63 primary school teachers, will benefit infection by half in the next ten years through both directly from this project.

Another grant from PRM allowed JRS to fund an education project in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Refugees are returning to the Katanga Province, DRC after years of exile in refugee camps in Zambia. In the camps, the children have had the opportunity for primary education and are now returning to areas without adequate school facilities. The goal of this project is to assist with the reintegration of refugee children returning to DRC.

JRS in Asia While more than 30,000 Bhutanese refugees have been resettled in the United States and other countries over the past three years, about 80,000 Bhutanese refugees continue to live in the seven UNHCR administrated camps in eastern Nepal. JRS and Caritas Nepal have been helping meet the needs of this refugee population in collaboration with UNHCR, the World Food Program, and the International Organization for Migration. Education, vocational training, training for people with disabilities, and youth development are some of the major interventions made by JRS Nepal. For the past several years, as a result of advocacy by JRS/USA, the U.S. government has continued to provide funding to allow Bhutanese refugee children to complete the last two years of high school. JRS/USA also provides direct funding support for other activities, including childcare and educational enrichment programs benefitting more than 3,000 pre-school age children and their families. The JRS education programs include teaching English, so that when the refugees are resettled in the U.S. or elsewhere they may more easily begin their

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locations who may be forced back despite serious uncertainty about the treatment they can expect to receive upon return. JRS/USA, in company with the Sri Lanka Working Group of InterAction, continues to meet regularly with U.S. government officials to bring our concerns to their attention, and to encourage a robust humanitarian engagement of A Sri Lanka family in Trincomalee waits to be let out of a camp for people who fled the fightthe United States in demining. The government of Sri Lanka delayed allowing people to return to their home areas for ing, rebuilding the war-torn fear that rebels had sought shelter among civilians. infrastructure of the north and eastern parts of the country, new lives. and promoting reconciliation efforts. We also continIn Afghanistan, JRS works among former refugees ue to raise our concerns about conditions within Sri who came back to Afghanistan from Iran. In Sohadat Lanka with UNHCR in order to encourage continued settlement, near Herat, JRS has constructed a school access to resettlement for those Sri Lankans who to provide education to the children of the returnee would be likely to face persecution upon return. families. With funds from JRS/USA, JRS opened a A donor from the U.S. sent money via JRS/ USA health clinic adjacent to the school because the lack to the Cambodia Wheelchair & Bicycle program in of health centers in the area meant people in the Siem Reap. The program is part of a larger program settlement did not have access to health care. in Siem Reap assisting people injured and maimed by Although the situation in Sri Lanka has improved landmines. The JRS Cambodia wheelchair program with the release of most of the displaced Tamil popu- builds more than 1000 wheelchairs each year speciallation that was held in camps following the end of the ly designed for Cambodia – the wheelchairs feature recent war, relations between the north and the south three wheels, an arrangement which is good for remain tense, and a residual population of alleged running on rougher terrain. The team that builds the rebels – including women and child soldiers – is still chairs is primarily composed of landmine survivors. being held by the military. There is also concern for the future of Sri Lankan refugees in India and other

Urban Refugees Since the release of the UNHCR urban refugee policy last year, JRS/USA has been engaged in a series of initiatives intended to encourage UNHCR to use the expertise of organizations like JRS to make the policy operational through the development of guidance to UNHCR field offices and the development of pilot projects with organizations such as JRS that have already developed extensive experience in meeting urban refugee needs. Urban refugees are of serious concern to JRS in South Africa. While the greatest numbers of asylum seekers to South Africa are men (85%), the most vulnerable are women and their children and unaccompanied minors. The Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities provided a grant of $25,000 to support an urban refugee program in South Africa. JRS hopes to assist approximately 700 refugees there to become self-reliant by matching refugees with job opportunities, by providing vocational training as well as training in starting and running small businesses and by providing grants to begin small businesses. The primary focus of the South Africa program is new arrivals and those who, through illness or other vulnerabilities, are not able to support themselves or their children. JRS seeks to increase self-sufficiency and capacity among asylum seekers and their children, leading to sustainable and holistic integration with the host community. In collaboration with other agencies, JRS advocates for maintenance of selfsufficiency for asylum seekers and refugees identified as vulnerable.

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Financial Report

Online ~ Education ~ Outreach Jesuit Refugee Service/USA launched a new website in October 2010. It is designed to present information in a clear way with easy navigation, while highlighting the accompaniment, service and advocacy JRS undertakes worldwide. Our website is The JRS/USA Refugee Curriculum for Secondary Schools is designed to acquaint high school students with the plight of refugees. It focuses largely on vulnerable and forgotten refugees served by JRS, and also addresses global issues of refugee protection and assistance. The curricular module is built on five important steps in the student’s learning cycle: Context, Experience, Reflection, Action and Evaluation. It is available on our website under the Education and Research button. JRS/USA believes that informing innovative young minds promotes the creation of durable solutions. Our Outreach Program supports this belief and provides high schools, colleges, parishes, and social justice groups with free guest speakers on refugee and vulnerable migrant issues, educational pieces, an online spiritual retreat for refugee contemplation, in addition to opportunities for refugee awareness and advocacy events. Â

Audited Statements 2009*

Revenues (Realized and unrealized gain in Jesuit-endowed investments totaling $310,216 are not included in the amounts listed here.)

U.S. Jesuit Assistancy Gifts Grants Contributed Services Investment Income Total

$289,996 $783,010 $1,453,098 $81,921 $258,336 $2,866,361

Expenses Management Development Advocacy & Communications Chaplaincy International Programs Total

$191,280 $158,038 $380,826 $599,481 $1,356,855 $2,686,480

*These figures do not include $1,887,989 million received for Haiti earthquake relief.

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Ways to Support the Mission of JRS/USA You can support the mission of Jesuit Refugee Service/USA by partnering with us through your gifts via cash, credit card or check. Your contributions help support JRS/USA activities in the United States, and JRS projects in countries such as South Sudan, Colombia, Panama, Haiti, the Dominican Republic and Zambia. All gifts to JRS/USA are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Gifts qualify you for one of the following recognition levels: 1. Arrupe Council 2. Xavier Council 3. Loyola Society 4. Gonzaga Society 5. JRS Sponsor 6. Friend of JRS

$10,000 or more annually $5,000 to $9,999 $1,000 to $4,999 $500 to $999 $100 to $499 up to $99

Other ways to give 1. Gifts of Securities – Gifts of appreciated stock may have significant tax benefits. Please call the development office or download instructions from our website. 2. Matching Gifts – Employers frequently match gifts to non-profit organizations like JRS/USA. Please check with your Employer’s Human resources office. If you work for a matching gift company, you may be able to double the size of your gift. 3. Memorial/Honor Gifts – These gifts serve to remember a loved one or to honor a special occasion in a loved one’s life, such as a birthday or wedding. 4. Estate Gifts – A gift to JRS/USA through your will, IRA account, insurance policy, or the creation of a trust is an excellent way to support JRS/USA and also reduce estate taxes. Staff in our development office will be happy to talk to you about a planned gift. 5. Recurring Donations – A little gift can go a long way when you make it every month. Live your faith in an extraordinary way by enrolling in our monthly gift program. Staff in our development office will be happy to assist you, or you can download a form on our website.

Your gift makes a huge impact in the lives of the refugees and displaced people we serve. · $25 to $40 per year will educate a primary grade student in Africa or Asia. · $45 per year pays registration fees for Bhutanese refugee students in a secondary school in Nepal. · $90 will buy a stretcher for one of our infirmaries in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. · $180 will purchase 50 blankets for our urban refugee project in Nairobi. · $700 per year will train a teacher in the Ivory Coast.

For where your treasure is, there also will be your heart. Matthew 6:21

These individuals have remembered Jesuit Refugee Service/USA through their will or estate plans: James and Dina Howell-Burke William C. Mathews, MD Rev. Dr. Joseph P. Oechsle Paula Perry Grace Kobbe Tevis

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Donors Donors who made gifts betwen Oct. 21, 2009 and Oct. 31, 2010. Philip and Madeline Lacovara

Peter and Betsy Forster

Patrick and Janet Wiesner

Loyola High School of Los Angeles

Global Impact CFC #0990

Xavier Cultural Center

Patrick D. McNelis

Robert P. and Janet B. Heaney

Elizabeth G. Ackerman

Most Holy Trinity Church, San Jose

Todd and Mary Helstand

Archdiocese of New Orleans

Rev. Paul E. Pollock, S.J.

William J. and Sue Higgins

Loyola Society



James and Dina Howell-Burke

Charles and Suellen Adcock

The Hon. MaryAnne Trump Barry

Maryland Province of the Society of Jesus

Robert Hunziker and Jenne Foo

Maureen Aggeler

Martin and Rita Bennett

The Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities

Immaculate Conception Church

Cecilia Arnold

Curtis and Judy Brand

Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange

Jesuit Community, Kentucky Jesuit Mission

Arrupe Jesuit High School

Stephen and Molly Cashin

Sisters of the Good Shepherd Province of

Jesuit Community, Loyola House, CA

The Association of Jesuit Colleges & Universities

Chicago/Detroit Province of the Society of Jesus

Jesuit Community, Sacred Heart Mission

Rev. Donald G. Bahlinger, S.J.

Church of St. Ignatius Loyola, New York

St. Anthony Church, Oceanside

Bellarmine Preparatory School

Creighton University

St. Francis Xavier Parish, Phoenix

Jesuit Community, St. Ignatius Loyola Parish, CA Robert and Abigail Benkeser

Benjamin J. Denihan, Jr.

St. Francis Xavier Roman Catholic Church,

Jesuit Community, St. Ignatius, OH

Stephen and Kim Bepler

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Jesuit Community, St. Joseph’s University

Mark Beyerly

Fordham University

St. Ignatius Church, San Francisco

Loyola School, New York City

Charles and Patricia Bidwill

Georgetown University

St. Ignatius of Loyola Church, Chestnut Hill

ExxonMobil Matching Gifts Program

Andrew Bilotta

Mary Ellen Mooney

Mary R. Blatner

Arrupe Council

Mid-North America

St. Louis

Geschke Foundation, a donor advised fund of Missouri Province of the Society of Jesus Silicon Valley Community Foundation

(Polish Jesuits)

The New York Community Trust

Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Global Impact Michael Bloom

Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Washington

Unbound Philanthropy

J. Homer Butler Foundation

Katherine Viragh

Parroquia El Buen Pastor

Richard and Denise Boyle

Jesuit Community, Manresa House of Retreats

Wisconsin Province of the Society of Jesus

Santa Clara University

Ronnie and Gwen Briggs Foundation

Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas

Scranton Preparatory School

Abraham and Leonore Briloff

Jesuit Community, Marquette University

William R. and Barbara A. Serpe

Ian and Alana Brock

Funding Trust, Inc.

Bernard and Antonia Bouillette

Jesuit Community, Santa Clara

Xavier Council

Luis E. Silva

Patrick J. Broderick Memorial Foundation

Jesuit High School, New Orleans

Robert W. Beiter

St. Alice Catholic Church

Brophy College Preparatory

Jesuit High School, Portland

Bellarmine College Preparatory, San Jose

St. Francis Xavier Church

Patricia Browne

Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, San Diego

Blessed Sacrament Church

St. Ignatius College Preparatory

John and Mary Buffington

Gesu Parish, Milwaukee

Boston College

St. John’s Jesuit High School and Academy

Elaine Burke

California Province of the Society of Jesus

Boston College Dining

St. Joseph’s Preparatory School

Michael F. Cachat

New England Province of the Society of Jesus

Catholic Vicariate of POHNPEI -KOSRAE

Edgar and Gail Ross Thrift

Jorge and Antonieta Caicedo

New York Province of the Society of Jesus

Jesus Lledo Climaco, M.D.

Regis University

Dawn and Tino Calabia

New Orleans Province of the Society of Jesus

Compania de Jesus en P.R., Inc.

University of San Francisco

Lance Callis

Koch Foundation, Inc.

Catherine and Hanley Dawson III

University of Scranton

Canisius High School

Fordham Preparatory School

James and Shirley Walker

Carmelite Communion, Inc.

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Jesuit Refugee Service/USA received more than $15,000 in memorial to Molly Hightower, a young woman from Port Orchard, Wash., who died in the Haiti earthquake. Molly was a graduate of Bellarmine Preparatory School and had been volunteering at an orphanage in Haiti when the building collapsed on January 12, 2010. At her memorial Mass, her uncle, Fr. Craig Hightower, S.J., spoke of Molly: “She poured out everything she had to these children,” he said. “She reflected purely God’s love.”

Randolph and Gloria Connolly

Cutberto and Yolanda Garza

Jesuit Community, Ferdinand Wheeler House

Kevin Craig

James and Eileen Gavin

Jesuit Community, Georgetown

Creighton Preparatory School

Rev. Kenneth J. Gavin, S.J.

Jesuit Community, Holy Trinity Parish

Crimmins Family Charitable Foundation

Gesu School, Inc.

Jesuit Community, Ignatius House (Novitiate)

Jerry and Diane Cunningham

GivingExpress Online

Jesuit Community, Ignatius House, MD

Daylesford Abbey

John W. Glaser

Jesuit Community, John Carroll University

Andre J. De Verneil

Jane H. Go

Jesuit Community, Loyola Hall

Gary and Sharon DeRosa

Goldentree Asset Management LP

Jesuit Community, Loyola Marymount University

David and Martha DeVolt

Gonzaga College High School

Jesuit Community, Loyola, LA

John Deas

Joan Gregory

Jesuit Community, Our Lady of Guadalupe

Marlene Debrey-Nowak

Caesar Grolemund

Jesuit Community, Phoenix

Angele Demand

Mary Hach

Jesuit Community, Regis University

Bill and Janet Dickey

Jim Haggerty and Jean Withrow

Jesuit Community, St. Louis University High

Diocese of Youngstown

Tim and Mary Healy

Jesuit Community, Scranton

Mary Dolan

George and Denise Heeg

Jesuit Community, St. Aloysius Gonzaga

Michael and Regina Dowd

Michael and Mary Kate Hermann

Jesuit Community, St. Ignatius Loyola

Dublin Fund, Inc.

Kenneth Hickman

Jesuit Community, St. Ignatius Parish

Joann M. Duff

John and Nancy Hopkins

Jesuit Community, St. Ignatius Residence

Kieran H. Duffy

William and Patricia Houghton

Jesuit Community, St. Louis University

Richard Dunn Family Foundation

James E. Hug, S.J.

Jesuit Community, St. Xavier High School

Frederick and Cynthia Eaton

Charles and Isabel Hughes

Jesuit Community, Vatican Observatory

Glenn Ellingson

Kenneth J. Hughes, Jr.

Jesuit Community, Western North Carolina

Fairfield Preparatory

Robert and Saran Hutchins

Jesuit Community, Xavier High School

George Carr

Roger and Mary Falge

John and Marie James

Jesuit Community, Xavier University

Centro Universitario Catolico

Kieran and Kathleen Fallon

College of the Holy Cross

Jesuit High School

Cheverus High School

Brian and Veronica Felix

Spring Hill College

John Carroll University

Cheverus Student Council

Henry and Aurora Ferrero

Jesuit Community, Arrupe House, PA

Stanley J. Johnsen Concrete Contractor, Inc.

Chevron Humankind Matching Gift Program

William O. and Amy F. Ferron

Jesuit Community, Arrupe House, WI

J. Grover Kelley

Anthony L. Chirchirillo

J. Robert Fitzgerald

Jesuit Community, Bellarmine

Mary S. Kelly

John Christensen

John K. Flaherty

Richard and Ginna Kelly

Louis J. Cissone

Brian Foley

Jesuit Community, Boston College

Edward and Janet Kenny

Charles and Gloria Clough

Mr. John Foust and Dr. Marilyn Jerome

Jesuit Community, Boston College High School

Donald M. Kerwin, Jr.

Michael F. Cocca

Susan Moon Frankel

Jesuit Community, Campion Residence

Grace Kessel

Susan M. Collopy

Joseph and Barbara Fredrick

Maureen L. Kleiderer

Congregation of Divine Providence, Inc.

Terri S. Gaffney

Jesuit Community, Canisius House

Steven and Jenise Kohnke

Richard L. Conlon

Carlota Garcia

Jesuit Community, Canisius, NY

Christopher P. Konrad

Jose M. Rodriguez Garrido

2010AnnualReport.indd 15

College Preparatory

and Renewal Center

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Stanley P. Kopacz

Kenneth O’Brien

Product Development Center,

Sills, Cummis & Gross P.C.

Ralf and Jeanne-Marie Kraemer

Maureen O’Connell

Jeremy B. Silverman

Bill and Pam Krehnbrink

Martin V. O’Connor

Emmet J. Purcell

Roy and Barbara Simms

Allyson M. Kuppens

Timothy O’Connor and Margaret Rafferty

Phillip M. Ramos

John and Patricia Simonds

Lake Sherwood Senior Living Center

Col. and Mrs. Joseph E. O’Leary

Rachelle Reeves

Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth

Le Moyne College

Michael J. O’Leary

Regis High School

Barbara N. Spafford

Ford Motor Company

Stephen J. Leonard Jose L. and Magdalena S. Lequerica Mary G. Loker, Esq. James C. Lopez, Esq. Loyola Marymount University Loyola Retreat House Loyola University Maryland John A. Mackay James and Helene Manning Marquette University Herbert and Betty Martin

St. Francis Xavier Parish

Kathryn Brisnehan had worked as a volunteer with resettled Bhutanese Refugees near her home in Colorado Springs, Colo. As her high school graduation approached, Kathryn had an idea – she wanted to do more to help Bhutanese refugees in Nepal and decided to request that her family make gifts in honor of her graduation to JRS/USA. The gifts in Kathryn’s honor support child play centers that provide care for over 3000 Bhutanese children, ages three to five, in refugee camps in Nepal.

Mater Dei School

St. Ignatius Church St. Ignatius College Prep St. Ignatius Loyola School St. John Vianney School St. John’s Parish St. Joseph’s Academy St. Louis University St. Louis University High School Stephen and Barbara St. Marie St. Patrick Church St. Peter’s Prep

William C. Mathews, MD

St. Procopius Church

James S. McGlone

William and Margaret O’Neill

Regis Jesuit High School

Scott and Lori Stimpson

Kathleen S. McGrath

John and Adeline O’Rourke

Andrew J. Remick

Stonefire Grill, Inc.

Brian McNamara

John and Charlene O’Shea

Marcel and Patricia Remson

Strake Jesuit College Preparatory

Edward T. McNamara

Joseph and Diana O’Sullivan

Amanda M. Roberts

Sts. Peter and Paul Church

McQuaid Jesuit High School

Rev. Dr. Joseph P. Oechsle

Bradley A. Robins

Student Leadership and Engagement,

Matthew V. Merola

Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church

Kola Romano

George L.N. Meyer Family Foundation

Parish Evaluation Project

John and Helen Rothermich

Alfredo Suarez, Jr.

Paul Mies

Pasha Family Fund

J. David and Diana Russell

Joseph H. Sweeney

Chris and Mary Minor

George W. Pasha, III

Rev. Jose C. Corral, S.J.

Patricia D. Szopiak

Khyati Mohamed

Janet M. Pasha

Sacred Heart Mission, Inc.

Frank J. Thomas and Nancy O’Keefe

Chris and Kathy Moroney

Gloria R. Pastush

Sacred Heart Nativity School

H. Stuart Thomas

James and Susan Mullaney

James and M. San Miguel Paulson

Rev. Frank J. Schmitt, S.J.

Robert and Lorette Tiernan

Peter Muller

PepsiCo Foundation Matching Gifts Program

St. Ignatius Parish School

Michael A. Tucci

Louis G. and Audrey A. Munin

Bruce and Kirstin Pickle

Mitzi I. Schroeder

Richard and Dolores Tunney

National Christian Life Community of USA

Pilgrimage for our Children’s Future

Seattle Preparatory School

U.S. Charitable Gift Trust

Jimmy Nguyen

Kent and Joann Porter

Seattle University, Campus Ministry

University of Detroit Mercy

Notre Dame School

James and Maureen Power

John J. Shay, Jr.

Ursuline Academy of Dallas

University of San Francisco

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Roy T. Van Brunt

Canisius College

Paul A. Frank

Linda M. Husson

Thomas and Elizabeth Vimont

Charles and Isabelle Carroll

Maris T. Fravel

John Imparato and Rita O’Brien

Charlotte W. Vlerick

Nicholas J. Carroll

John and Mary Ellen Gannon

Xavier and Francesca Izquierdo

Walsh Jesuit High School

Patricia Casey

Terence and Joanne Garvey

Frank G. Jacobs

Wheeling Jesuit University

Church of Our Lady of Fatima

Gary A. and Eileen V. Gatza

Jesuit Community, Colombiere Center

Cyrilla H. Wideman

Church of Our Lady of Sorrows

Peter and Nicole Gavin

Jesuit Community,

George and Sally Wilkins

CFC of Baltimore #0405

George and Catherine Moussally

Catherine Wright

Charles R. Conlon, M.D.

Gesu Catholic School

Jesuit Community, Fresno

Xavier High School

David B. Conner

Chase F. Gibson

Jesuit Community, Georgetown

Agnes Yu

Joseph P. Conroy

Judy E. Gillette


Donald E. Cooper

Goldman, Sachs & Company

Jesuit Community,

Kevin M. Corydon

Eitel Gomez

Sheila W. Creasy

Jim Grant

Jesuit Community, Jesuit High School, LA

John F. and Doreen Barry

Robert and Zorina Curnen

Vance T. Greene

Jesuit Community, Jesuits of Micronesia

Frederick and Eileen Ahearn

Jude and Elizabeth Curtis

Timothy and Courtney Griffin

Jesuit Community, Manresa Residence

Edwin and Sharyl Akwenuke

D’Amico Family

Frank and Anne Louise Grippo

Jesuit Community, Mount Manresa

John M. Antonius

Joseph L. Dahm

Donald Gross

Jesuit Community, Rockhurst

Robert and Barbara Atkins

George and Margaret Degnon

John E. Guignon, Jr.

Jesuit Community, Sacred Heart Retreat House

Barbara J. Braden

Mary M. Delsanto

William H. Hagen

Jesuit Community, St. Ignatius Jesuit Residence

Ted Beaullieu

Mary D. Devine

Philip Douglas Hale

Jesuit Community, St. Isaac Jogues

Vincent and Mary Jean Birbiglia

William and Carol Dollard

Thomas H. Hannigan, Jr.

Jesuit Community, St. Peter’s

Boston College School of Theology and Ministry

Richard E. Donahue, Jr.

Kirk O. Hanson

Jesuit Community, St. Peter’s Prep

Rev. James J. Bowes, S.J.

William J. Duffy

Josephine G. Hardin

Jesuit Community, St. Stephen’s Indian Mission

Brian Branda

William and Audrey Duster

Jack and Susan Harmon

Jesuit Community, University of Detroit Mercy

John T. Brennan

Theresa J. Eckerman

Candace M. Harrington

Jesuit Community, Wheeling

Mr. and Mrs. David Brisnehan

Sally B. Elliott

Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. X. Hart

Jesuit Community, White House Retreat

Brooklyn Jesuit Prep

Rev. Msgr. William E. Elliott

John and Kathleen Hayes

Jesuit Fathers of Holy Name of Jesus Church

Bruce Brown

Domini Marie Erz

Frances J. Haynes

Anthony and Beth Johnson

Charles F. Buckley

Escuela De Guadalupe

Peter and Carol Hearne

Richard and Donna Johnson

Joseph and Linda Buehler

Angelita Fan

Theresa L. Hemschoot

Jeff and Kim Jones

Paul and Mary Bulger

Steve Faughnan

Phil and Susan Henry

Just Give

Maureen T. Burke

John and Silvia Feenaghty

Michael Hirschhorn and Jimena P. Martinez

Frank and Joan Kane

Douglas Buxton

Ron and Pat Ferreri

Harvey and Cathy Homan

James and Mary Kearney

CFC of King County

Brigid M. Fitzgerald

David and Mary Anne Hoover

Kevin and Tracy Kissling

Alfred Campanella

John and Eileen Flynn

William F. Huber

Gerald Klauer

Karen N. Campbell

Monika R. Forndan

Christopher and Cindy Huerter

Dr. Harold P. Kreski

Gonzaga Society

Michael Frain

2010AnnualReport.indd 17

Demontreville Jesuit Retreat House

Preparatory School Immaculate Conception Parish, NM

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Mary E. Kreuzberger

Missionary Sisters Servants of the Holy Spirit

Seattle Catholic Downtown Ministry of

Rachel Vonnida

Thomas J. Kroetch

Mr. and Mrs. Levere C. Montgomery, Jr.

John Hien Vu

Michael Laing and Susannah Gavin-Laing

Most Reverend John Dooher

Adam P. Seitz

Michael Francis Walsh

Peter L. Larsen

Thomas and Janet Mug

Nicholas Senzamici and Elizabeth Fragola

Regina A. Walsh

Maria Leonard

Mary L. Myers

Steven and Nancy Skonberg

Peter T. Walsh

Marie Carella Leonardini

Kristen S. Natter

Howard I. Smith

Gerald and Jaculin Wankum

Sharon Levin

Norwood and Danell Nedom

Marilynn V. Snider

George and Kathleen Weisskopf

George and Mimi Limbach

Nancy Nielsen

St. Mary’s Church

West Coast Companeros, Inc.

James and Grace Link

Thomas M. Noone

St. Paul the Apostle School

Myles V. Whalen, Jr.

Joseph A. Linnehan

Thomas P. Noone

St. Peter’s College

Patircia M. Whitney

Maria Lombardo

Rob and Christy Notigan

Scott A. Stengel

Steven Lewis Williams

John and Anne Marie Loubinos

Thomas J. Nuckton

Amelia E. Stewart

Stuart Williams and Rita Beckman

Loyola Blakefield

Matthew and Denise O’Connell

Dr. and Mrs. Richard Stoebner

Dr. John and Mrs. Becky Williford

James and Donna Lutton

Arthur T. O’Connor

Bill and Mary Stoiber

Robert J. Willis

Charles B. Lynch

Kevin E. O’Connor

Dr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Stowe

Celia A. Wing

Margaret A. Lynch

Adrian T. O’Keefe

Rev. Daniel J. Sullivan, S.J.

Frances C. Winters

Patricia V. Lynch

John M. Odenbach, Jr.

Therese G. Sweeney

Miguel Yaksic

Cornelius J. Mack

Raquel Orbik

Barbara A. Sylvester

Dr. M. Kathleen Madigan

Our Lady’s School

Dr. Mousab and Mrs. Mary Tabbaa

JRS Sponsor

Michael and Helen Mangan

Frank Pasquale

George and Maire Thornton

Mary D. Abinante

Leonard Mangini

John P. Paxton

Eduardo Tarajano

Ackels & Ackels LLP

Clarence K. Mansell

Peace of Christ Parish

Thomas Tepe

George B. Adams

William C. Matthews

Prietto Cuetto Fund

The Catholic Foundation of the

Lela W. Adams

Kieran and Mary Frances Malone

Vincent D. Quinn

Maureen Adams

Sarah McCool

Eugene Rainis

The Pat and Neil O’Brien Family Foundation

Lauren Adamson

Terence W. McCormick

Stanley K. Rashid

Arthur and Mary Lou Thivierge

Thomas H. Adolph

Patrick W. McGovern

Charles B. Reeves, Jr.

Catherine Toye

Mary Ahland

John and Eileen McHugh

Thomas P. Reilly

Michael and Kathryn Trentacoste

Mary K. Ahler

John J. McNeill

Randy and Cindy Rice

Jason Trepanier

Timothy L. Ahles

Joan McSherry

Peter Ritka and Gisele Sarosy

United Audit Systems, Inc.

Colleen C. Akers

Nancy Mcleod

Mary Jo Rodeno

Urban Community School

Priscilla R. Alcocer

Michele Meany

James J. Ryan

Joseph and Margaret Utecht

Alexander Aledo

Memphis Area CFC

Sacred Heart Church

Vail Development Company

Myriam L. Aliste

Therese M. Mierswa

Sacred Heart Parish

Melvin and Diane Vail

John J. Allen

Crete Anne Miller

Robert Victor Scavullo

Yvette M. Van Dalsem


Mark Miskovsky and Kathleen Curtin

Christopher and Mary Schneider

Rev. Josef V. Venker, S.J.

Alpha Omega Epsilon

Plymouth Congregational Church

Archdiocese of New Orleans

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Anita Alvare-Gaynor

Joseph G. Antkowiak, M.D.

BJW, Inc.

Victor M. Becerra

Linda Amadeo

Frank Antonioli

Jeffrey and Rilla Baca

Richard L. Bechelli

Margaret A. Ames

Robert and Donna Arbelle

Joanne Baecher-DiSalvo

Michael and Ann Beck

Raymond Anderson

Katy Arbour

Christopher and Barbara Bagnall

Dorothy P. Becklenberg

Claire E. Andre

Maura Arcos

Misabel Kuan Bahamon

Vincent J. Beirne

Barbara Andrews

Mark Armbruster

Catherine Bain

Jeannette R. Bell

Jean P. Andrieu

Carl and Carol Armbruster

Louis F. Baird

Henry and Beverly Bellows

Nicholas and Barbara Androu

Margalynne Armstrong

Andrea Baker

Andrew J. Bellwoar Charles and Joan Baker

Ronald and Susan Beltramo

Louis S. Balady

Brendan and Julie Bentz

Bank of America Matching Gifts

Joseph C. Berendzen

Robert and Margaret Bannister

Leo and Joanne Bergin

L. Stewart Barbera, Jr.

Rita R. Bernard

Gary and Jody Barbin

Rev. Peter J. Bernardi, S.J.

Charles and Mary Barca

Joseph and Ann Berrigan

Ed Barkowitz

Richard and Kristi Berryessa

Mary Barnes

Eugene and Kathleen Besel

Robert Barnet and Carol Taylor

Kathleen E. Betz

Helen T. Barnett

Joe Bezousek

Frederick Barnhart

William M. Bichl

James K. Barnhouse

Sharleen Biever

Frances Baron

Janice Billingsley

John Barrett

Anne D. Blackford

Daniel Barrett

Jacqueline Blanchard

Robert T. and Maureen P. Barry

The Hon. and Mrs. Thomas J. Bliley, Jr.

Kenneth Bartos

Gene R. Block

Donna T. Basile

Joshua D. Blum

Men line up outside the Kino Border Initiative dining facility in Nogales, Mexico. KBI offers two meals a day to

Christopher and Lena Batt

Robert J. Boehm

recently deported migrants, and also offers a shelter for unaccompanied women.

Mary A. Baudouin

Allan and Judith Bogar

Paul J. Bauer

Diane R. Boll

Amy J. Angel

Steven Artiga

Robert W. Baugh

William J. Bollwerk

Joe and Antoinette Angel

Mark L. Asselin

D. Matthew Baugh, S.J.

James and Kathryn Bonner

Veronica R. Anner

Janis Attridge

Marguerite Bavaro

Michael and Kimberly Bonner

Phyllis C. Annett

Clement and Choi Au

William and Marjorie Beane

Alberto Borello


John Austin

David and Cathy Beathard

Lois D. Borroum

Robert J. Ansaldi

Rev. Dave J. Ayotte, S.J.

Dr. William P. Beatrous

Glen M. Boudreaux

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Rev. Michael G. Boughton, S.J.

Lourdes Buenaventura

Jack and Shirley Cammarata

Frank and Joann Cencula

Kenneth R. Bouley

Alan Warhaftig and Cynthia Buiza

Louis and Barbara Campagna

Central Valley/Sierra CFC

Craig Bouma

Micah N. Bump

Frank and Mary Ann Campbell

Col. Edward and Lucille Cercone

John E. Bourgeois

Lawrence and Barbara Bundy

Rev. Peter A. Campbell, S.J.

William R. Chambers and Cecilia M. Barrie

Robert and Pamela Bourne

Walt and Agnes Burdsall

Rev. Edwin McMahon, S.J.

Francis D. Champion

Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Bowden

Edward L. Burke

Mark Canales

Sherman Chan

Brian G. Boyland

William J. Burke

Brian Czawlytko

Suzanne E. Chang

Gail N. Boyle

Eileen C. Burke-Sullivan

Paul J. Cannataro

Jose and Michelle Chapa

James W. Bracken

Richard Burkhart

Joseph S. Cannon

Lena I. Chapin

Laura Bracken-Clough

Gary J. Burns

Kellie M. Cannon

Kathleen K. Charvet

Rev. John A. Brady, S.J.

Susan M. Burns

John and Jean Marie Cantrill

Yvette Chavarria

Adrienne Brandicourt

John Burtle

Anthony M. Capone

Normanda Chavez

Michael Braun

Marguerite Busch

Francis X. and Monika V. Caradonna

Gregory M. Cheshire

Rev. William F. Breault, S.J.

Anthony B. Bushman

Brian and Kathleen Carden

Magdalena Chicadegarzon

Rachel Brennan

John A. and Ann C. Bushnell

Carlos Eduardo Cardenas

Chicago Area CFC

Robert M. Brennan

Nagi Bustros, M.D.

Eileen M. Carissimi

Yosuke Chikamoto

Larry and Marjorie Brennan

Casey M. Butzberger

Kenneth Carlin

Stephen P. Chinoransky

David and Christine Brenner

Rev. Edward P. Buvens, S.J.

Kelly Carlson

Rev. Gerald J. Chojnacki, S.J.

David M. Bridges

George D. Byrne

Carl and Frances Carlson

Rev. Peter Chu-Quang-Minh, S.J.

Gary and Linda Brierley

Donna L. Byrnes

Diane L. Carlson

Elizabeth Chudy

Kathryn Brisnehan

CFC-San Diego

Harold A. Carlson

Emad Ghith and Linda Ciaccia

Patrick and Linda Brisnehan

Northern Lights-CFC

Robert W. Carney, Jr.

Cincinnati Metro Area CFC #0682

Michael and Shirley Brisnehan

Gulf Coast CFC

Albert and Bonnie Carpenter

John R. Cindric

Earl and Maureen Britt

CFC Overseas

Noreen Carrocci and Bob Benson

Dominic Cingoranelli

Ian and Elaine Brock

CFC of Greater Wisconsin

Margaret Carroll

Stephanie Clancy

John C. Brooks

Middle Georgia Area CFC #0217

Julie Carver

Robert S. Clark

Matthew J. Brophy

CFC-Action for Boston

James M. Casey

Janice K. Clifford

Alan G. Brower

Kevin P. Casey

Sue Ann K. Clifford

Deborah L. Brown


Jack and Anne Caslin

Anne T. Coats

Wallace and Sheila Brown

CFC-United Way for The

James T. Cassidy

John W. Coffey

Christina E. Brugman

Robert and Esther Cassidy

Michael Coffey and Maggie Broeren

Thomas and Lisa Brzozowski

CFC/PCFO-Fondos Unidos de Puerto Rico

William Castillo and Lydia Cortez

Juan B. Colas

Michael and Janet Buck

Christina Cahalan

Claire Castro

Elisa T. Colas

Charles Buck

Antonio F. Calaf, Jr.

Joseph and Anastasia Cates-Carney

Catherine E. Cole

John L. Buckley

Dennis and Carol Callaghan

Brian Cattie

Paul and Jane Colford

John Budzinski

John Callaway

John V. Caulfield

College of Health Sciences

Community Development, Inc.

Greater New Orleans Area

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George E. Collins Leonard R. Collins Peter M. Collins, Esq. Jeff Collmann Joan M. Collopy CFC, Portland Maryann Comiskey Theresa Conefrey

Melissa B. DiLeonardo

Patrick McNelis was preparing to downsize and debated what to do with a lifetime of artwork he had collected. He decided to designate JRS/USA as the beneficiary of his collection.

Grant A. Dibert Jr.

JRS/USA consigned the items at Opportunity Shop and Patrick’s gift amounted to nearly $10,000 after the sale.

Donna R. Dinardo

Ann S. Dickson Paul and Martha Diehl Steven M. Dillon Lisa Dinoto John and Pamela Dister

Thomas F. and Carolyn G. Conlan

Carl M. Dixson, Jr.

Karyn L. Connell

Michael Doane

Diane P. Connell

Marie L. Crawford

Patrick J. Dauterive

Colm J. Dobbyn

Mary A. Conners

David and Dorothy Crean

Earl S. Davenport

Marilyn C. A. Dodd

Kathleen Connor

Jere J. Crean

Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP

Christopher Dodson and Rebecca Elias

Francis J. Conroy

Basil and Peggy Ann Crimaldi

Renee A. Davis

Thomas and Margaret Doerr

Kristi D. Conroy

Peter H. Crippen

Rudolph V. De George, II

Adrian W. Doherty

Edwin H. Convey, S.J.

Anthony and Dorothy Crispino

David DeCosse

Bryan and Stephanie Doherty

P. Michael Conway

Kathleen Cronin

Thomas G. DeFranco

Michael Doherty and Kathleen Kane

Kevin P. Cooney

Sr. Gliceria Cruz

Lawrence DeMarco

Fidelma T. Dolan

Neill and Carole Cooney

Cristina Cuellar-Villanueva

Elizabeth Dawn DeSelms

Diane E. Dombeck

Daniel A. Cooreman

Kevin and Meredith Cullen

Samuel and Marissa Deitch

Chris Donahue

Joseph Cordes

Kevin L. Cullen

Edmund and Linda Del Guercio

Eugene L. Donahue

John J. Corrou

Chaplain Rose Marie Cummins

Matthew S. DelNero

Steven Donald

Noreen Cosgrove

Joanne F. Cunneen

Barbara A. Delaney

Genevieve Donlon Roche

Margaret M. Costa

Mary Cunningham

Edward and Ann Delaney

Mary Ann Donnelly

Rev. Joseph Costantino, S.J.

Pierce and Roberta Cunningham

Robin and Suzanne Delcambre

John and Myrna Donodeo

John and Barbara Costantino

Cecilia L. Curbelo

Linda Della-Badia

Kevin and Joan Donohue

Francis J. Costello

Anne M. Currie

Joseph Demaro and Judith Golden

Kieran and Erika Donohue

Thomas A. Costello

Henry and Christine Curtis

Karen Demasi

Andrew Donovan

Sandra Council

Jack and Nancy Cushman

Margaret M. Dennis

Robert R. Dorin, S.J.

Mark Covey

John and Carol Cyphers

Mitchell Derenzo

Alice C. Dougherty

Maureen Cowles

Kerian F. Czarkowski

Carol Ann Desantis

Julia Anne Dowd

Michael P. Coyne and Victoria S. Merlo

D&M Parker, Inc.

Andy and Rosalyn Detesco

Joan M. Dowdle

Stephen A. Craine

John R. D’Angelo

Al and Mary Deutsch

Daniel P. Dowling

Robert E. Crane, II

Bill Daley

John and Laura Devlin

Patrick and Joanne Downes

Arlene and Paul J. Crane

Julia Dang

Patrick and Valerie Devoe

Virginia Downey

A. Paul Cravedi

Daughters of the Holy Spirit

John and Patricia Devron

Dominic Doyle

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Mary O. Doyle

Dr. and Mrs. Erwin Engert, Jr.

Troy and Julie Finney

Raymond F. Frost

Robert and Sandra Doyle

Donald and Nancy Engle

Peter and Madelyn Fiore

Kathleen W. Frye

Thomas R. and Mary Beth Doyle

John and Jean Entwistle

Thomas and Maureen Fischer

Christian P. Fuchs

Timothy Dragila and Joan Miller

Carolyn Eriksson-Ey

Rev. Robert Fitts, S.J.

Mark and Geri Fucile

John and Christine Draz

James R. Erler, Sr.

Christopher Fitzgerald

Jon D. Fuller

Albert W. Dreisbach

Timothy Ernst

Rev. Paul Fitzgerald, S.J.

Anne Fullerton

Andrea Dripps

Shirley Esenther

Roseann Fitzgerald

Carl and Mariann Funch

Annette Driscoll

Edward and Colleen Evert

Patricia J. Fitzmyer

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Furman, Jr.

Mary Driscoll

Paul D. Ewald

Rev. Joseph A. Fitzmyer

GE Foundation Matching Gifts

Richard A. Drozd

Marian M. Extejt

Ben G. Fitzpatrick

John and Christine Gaffney

Margarita Dubocq

Josepha M. Eyre

Kathryn M. Fitzpatrick

Mary W. Gale

Robert and Judith Du Brul


Dennis M. Flannery

Teresa Gallagherbell

Charles and Nancy Duck

Nicholas J. Fagnant

Joseph F. Fleischman

Eileen M. Gambon

Michael and Jennifer Duddy

Gloria R. Fahy

Caldwell Fletcher and Claire Cassidy

Michael William Gambone

Brian Dudley and Sandra Glynn

M. Patricia Fallon

Kristin Florence

Rickard Gannon

John and Diana Duffey

Peter and Diane Fanelli

Thomas and Brenda Florio

George and Evelina Gara

Edmund C. Duffy

John J. Farley

Thomas and Dolores Floyd

Jose Manuel Garcia

Rev. Joseph P. Duffy, S.J.

J. Michael Farrell, Esq.

Timothy and Diane Fogerty

Mario T. Garcia and Ellen McCracken

Thomas Dunigan

Jeremy Fauber and Ann Hemmerle Fauber

Joseph Foley and Jeanne Bovill

Omar Garcia and Amy Johnson Garcia

Anthony Dunleavy

John and Deborah Faust

Robert M. Foley

Rene and Maria G. Garcia

Donna Jo Dunlop

Barbara Fay

Timothy D. Foley

Carrie B. Gardner

Clare M. Dunsford

Astrid Federkiel

Follett Higher Education Group

Edward T. Garrity

T. Ryan Durkan

Cathy and Hugh Feehan

Scott Folse

John Garrity and Patricia Woodrum

Carl A. Dutto

Joan M. Felling

Maire B. Ford

Thomas and Mary Garrity

Robert J. Edmondson

Mildred Feloney

Thomas D. Forrester

Byron F. Gartland

Kelsey Elder

Susan Felter

Merren B. Forsgren

Michael and Deborah Garvey

Jose M. Eleazar

Terry and Janice Felton

Fort Campbell Area CFC

Gina Garvin

Roslyn M. Elfer

Chi S. Fenequito

Steven D. Fought

Travers and Jessica Garvin

Michael H. Eliot

William and Ramona Ferrando

Rift Fournier

Gateway CFC 0528

Martin Elizondo

Robert F. Ferrara

Mary A. Fox

Richard Gauthier

John and Barbara Elliott

Eugene J. Ferrari, Jr.

Paul P. Franklin

Michael R. Gauthier

Cathy Ellis

Sandra L. Ferraro

Dr. Barbara M. Fraser

Wilson T. Gautreaux

Helder and Regiane Eloy

Ellen M. Ferrick

Barbara L. French

John and Susan Gavin

Tim and Sharon Elstad

Beau S. Ferry

William W. and Cathleen L. Frett

Adam and Maureen Gavin

Patrick and Sarah Emmett

John M. Fetscher

Peggy Friedman

Loretta Gavin

John J. Engelhardt

Karen M. Fillice

Kathleen Friel

Robert and Deb Gavin

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Thomas J. Gavin and

Jim Handy and Mary Pope-Handy

Daniel E. Hanf

Cara Crosby

Herbert and Marjorie Gebhart

Penny Kosick Hanks

Geraldine Geckle

Kevin and Susan Hanley

Keith Gee

John B. Hanlon

Marika Geoghegan

Marianne Hanna

Rev. William Francis Gerut, S.J.

James A. Hansen

William B. Gibbens

Robert P. Hansen

Sheila Gibbons

John and Denise Harder

Terry Gibbs

Paul Haring

David Gibson

Lynnette Harms

Wesley Gibson

Charles M. Harris, Jr.

Ben and Kathleen Gill

Gerard Hart and Annamarie Camoratto

Frederick Philips Gilliam

Robert and Patricia Hasenstab

George Gilmore

William E. Hatfield

John and Denise Girardi

Phyllis A. Hause

Richard and Donna Glass

Hawaii- Pacific Area CFC

GlaxoSmithKline Foundation

Monica Hayden

Jane M. Gleason Linda G. Gleeson

John F. Hayes Displaced by years of war, these Sri Lankan children now live in a camp in Trincomalee.

Sally Ann Glenn

Sheila Hayes Anna M. Hayes

John and Ann Glennon

Daniel M. Grant

Domingo J. Guerra

Stanford W. Hays

John and Irene Glynn

Joyce O. Grattan

Davis A. Gueymard

John and Candace Healy

Michael and Mary Glynn

Robert S. Graves

Lucy A. Gussoni

Heart of Midlands CFC

Jane E. Godfrey

Greater NC Area CFC

Frank Gutierrez

Heartland CFC

Jeanne Godfrey

Jonathan Greene

Michael T. Gyves

Eugene A. Hebert

John J. Godfrey

Michael and Eileen Greene

HSBC Community and Philanthropic Services

Kathryn Hein

James S. Godsey

William Gregory and Angela Zurenda

Gerald C. Haake

Lindsey Held

Robert F. Goldman

Patricia A. Griffith

Joan C. Hadden

Francis J. Hendricks

Jeffrey Goldsmith and Lana Turner

Mary Grilli

James Edward Haine

Christian Hennemeyer

Ryan Gootee

Frank Grimminger

David W. Haines

Richard and Paulette Henry

Diego and Claudia Gordillo

John Groarke

Mark Hall and Vicki Fritz

Rev. John Hergenrother

Grace G. Gorman

John P. Groch

Irene S. Hallam

Joyce Herleth

Kathleen P. Gormley

Thomas Grossman and Sarah Saltzer

Barbara J. Haller

Michael and Mary Herman

Denise Gorss

Denny and Marilyn Grote

Cornelia and Robert Hallinan

Wayne and Carolyn Hermes

Joan Grant

Peter F. Guenther

James F. Halpin

Graham Hettlinger

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Nicholas Hevron

Gregory J. Hohm

Victoria Howard

George and Pat Irwin

Lise Hewitt

William and Judy Hollier

Jennifer Elaine Howe

Dolly M. Ito

Rev. Kenneth J. Hezel, S.J.

Thomas J. Holubeck

Theodore Hughes

Jonathan E. Iwaskow Thomas and Audrey Jacob Maureen M. Jacobs Vola Jacobs Peter Jacques Lori Lynn Jain Margarita G. Jannasch Christine R. Japlit Ronald M. Jarret Valerie Poux Jarvie Maria Jasin John M. Jaworski Thomas J. Jenkins, Jr. Robert and Joyce Ann Jensen Garry and Nancy Jerome Jesuit Community, Blessed Sacrament Parish Jesuit Community, Ciszek Hall Jesuit Community, Colombiere House

A teacher training program in Djabal, Chad. Jesuit Refugee Service operates several educational programs for refugees and internally displaced

Jesuit Community, De Lubac House

people in Chad.

Jesuit Community, Fairfield University Jesuit Community, Gonzaga

John F. Hickey

Lawrence Holzen

Gail V. Hughley

Kent and Theresa Hickey

Paul Homan

Clinton Hull

Jesuit Community, Jesuit Martyrs Shrine

Kathleen M. Hicks

Anthony Hooper

Thomas E. Hullihan

Jesuit Community, Jesuit Residence, NY

Theodore and Paula Hiebert

John S. Horan II

Susan Humphrey

Jesuit Community, Jesuit Spirituality Center

Mary K. Higgins

Edward C. Horbett, Jr.

Paul W. Humphreys

Jesuit Community, Kino at St. Francis

E. Wayne and Kay Hill

Audrey A. Horbett

Mark D. Hunt

Jesuit Community, McQuaid

J.D. and Laura Hill

Joseph Horton

Christine Huston

Jesuit Community, Montserrat Retreat House

Deborah L. Hirsch

Rev. Theodore Hottinger, S.J.

James and Joanne Huston

Jesuit Community, Most Holy Trinity

Robert Hobble

Francis and Helen Houghton

Rev. Jeong-yeon Hwang, S.J.

Jesuit Community, Murray Residence

James E. Hoffman

Anne M. Houlihan

Glenn P. and Monique J. Hymel

Jesuit Community, St. Aloysius Parish

Jerome D. Hoffman

Constance X. Hourihan

Christine M. Illich

Jesuit Community, St. Michael’s Parish

Rob Hoffman and Marilyn Kotylak

Robert A. Howard

John J. Imhoff

Jesuit Community, St. Peter’s College

Patrick Hogan

Dr. and Mrs. James H. Howard

Christopher Impey

Jesuit Community, Walsh

22 2010AnnualReport.indd 24

Eastern Point Retreat House

Jesuit Community, Woodlawn Jesuit Residence

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Jesuit Community, Woodstock

Elizabeth J. Keegan

Jonathan and Kathryn Koch

Joseph Peter Larocca

Jesuit Community, Xavier Jesuit Center

William T. Keller

Steve and Terrie Kocisak

Neal Laurance

Jesuit International Missions

Mary C. Keller

Robert and Sandra Konerman

Paul J. Lauritzen

Jesuit Retreat House

James W. Kelley

Barbara K. Kopp

Joseph Lavelle

Jesuit School of Theology at

Nita J. Kellum

Carol S. Koster

Richard J. Lavelle

Ainsley E. Kelly

Cynthia Kovacevic

Monica Lavia

Jesuitas Barro Obrero

James J. Kelly

Michael and Debbi Kovacs

Mary Jo Lavin

Sarah A. Jewell

Timothy Kelly and Maureen Longo

Terry and Maureen Kowalsky

Jason and Joyce Laviscount

Lucia Jezior

John J. and Sally A. Kelly

Charles and Nancy Krambuhl

Amie Lay

John XXIII Christian Life Community

Loretta Kelly

Elizabeth M. Kramer

Sandra J. Layton

Roger S. Johnsen

Meghan Kelly

Jonathan R. Kraus

Leonard and Janice Le Blanc

Beth K. Johnson

Robert Kelly and Sarah Ramsey

James L. Kreinbring

Terrence P. LeFevour

Charles and Jane Johnson

Terence and Jan Kelly

Otto and Ann Marie Kreuzer

Frank Leaden

Gregory Johnson

William and Ann Marie Kelly

Sharon R. Krieg

Michael and Harriet Leahy

Judith A. Johnson

Bridget Kennedy

David G. Krill

Gary Leak

Patricia J. Johnson

Thomas and Lydia Kennedy

Lon B. Krock

Patricia C. Leavy

William R. Johnson

Mary Jo Ketchum

Edward and Margaret Kruse

Edward and Nancy Lee

Homer and Mary Jolley

Frederick and Rose Marie Kettinger

Anthony and Martha Kuchan

Linda J. Lee

Albert R. Jonsen

Carol Ann Kiburan

Bernard and Dorothy Kueny

Michael E. Lee

Sarah G. Joseph

R. Brian Kidney

Patric Kuh

Robert and Beatrice Lee

Thomas and Elaine Joyce

B. Melvin Kiernan

Jae Kwak

James L. Leet

Leland and Victoria Jurgensmeier

Michael and Teresa Killion

Ky Thompson and Margaret Melun

Robert and Jean Lefebvre

Just the Right Attitude Inc.

Mary E. Kindel

Christian P. LaBletta

Joyce Legaz

Tracey Kahan

Mary L. King

David LaGuardia and Lisa Mencini

William and Ellen Leibold

Michael Kahrer

Joseph and Dawn Kinsella

Bruce A. Labno

Wael Hibri and Luz Lenis

Rose A. Kalland

Dorothy A. Kirk

John P. Laborde

John and Rose Ann Leonard

William N. Kammer

Maureen G. Kirk

Philip and Jane Lacovara

Robert and Kathryn Leonard

Dennis Kana

Gloria M. Kittel

Helene Lafrance

Marijo Letizia

John F. Kane

Janice L. Klassovity

Michael J. Lagas

Maureen Lewis

Paul Q. and Laura Kane

Patricia M. Kleiderer

Walter P. Woodward and Ana Laguarda

Wen Li

Janet Marie Kappus

Karl F. Kleiderer

Vern and Eileen Lahart

Martin J. and Eileen M. Lilly

Susan M. Karpovich

Michael and Patricia Kleinman

Audrey L. Lam

Leonor Farias Limarzi

Keith Kasper

Helen K. Klenklen

Carl C. Landegger

Rev. Michael D. Linden, S.J.

Albert and Amelie Keane

Emily Kline

Alex & Gloria Landi

Kristen N. Lionetti

Peter and Colleen Kearney

Tony Klink

Anne Lang

John and Jean Lively

Kathleen Kearns

Bradley T. Kloza

Vincent A. Lapomarda

Mireya A. Llaurado

Kristen C. Keating

Stephen E. Knoerr

Santa Clara University

2010AnnualReport.indd 25

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Pamela J. Lockyear

William and Mary Maffei

Ellen McBride

Rev. Anthony McGuire

Logan Amusement Company, Inc.

Rebecca J. Magee

Megan McCabe

Tom and Cleann McGuire

Louise M. Lonabocker

Russell M. Magnaghi

Robert and Eileen McCaffery-Lent

Donna J. McKane

Deirdre Long

Joseph P. Mahon

Lisa McCaffrey

Mary Ann McKeirnan

William and Mildred Long

Edward L. Mahoney

Michael and Barbara McCann

Mary A. McKendry

Claire P. Longeway

Kathryn E. Mahoney

Mark D. McCarthy

Edwin and Joan McKeon

Katheryn Longley-Leahy

Kathleen A. Makoid

Molly McCarthy

Rebecca S. McKillop

Gregory Lontok

Douglas W. Mallenby

Robert and Alma McChesney

John L. McKnight, II

Richardo R. Lopes

Mark Seefeld and Mary Malley

David E. McClave

Richard and Nancy McLane

George E. Lopez and Diane Caldwell

James D. Maloney

Kelly McClellan Munsell

Harry and Suzanne McLaughlin

Sr. Josefa Lopez

Mary Frances Maloney

Willson and Louise McClelland

Joseph A. McLaughlin and Yolanda Cuomo

John P. Loughlin and Darlene Jeris

Nora Maloy

William and Mary Ann McConnell

Hugh S. McManus

Tony Louie and Anna Gavin

Sarah U. Mammen

Megan McCormick

Theresa A. McMinn

James K. Low

Moises and Aida Mandapat

Nick McCoy

Susan U. McMonigal

Robert and Monique Lowd

Joseph A. Mannino

Michael J. McCrystle

Darla D. McNamara

Loyola House of Retreats

Dolores Mannion

Edward P. McDonagh

Michael W. McNamara

Fernando A. Lozano

Matt Marino

Kathleen A. McDonald

Anna Mae McNichol

Mark C. Ludwig

Carla J. Maroun

McDyer Insurance Agency, Inc.

Robert J. McShea, Jr.

Nicholas Lugansky

Michael and Kimberly Marsh

Douglas David McFerran

Vincent P. McTighe

Timothy J. Lukes

Elizabeth T. Marshall

Patricia Marie McGarry

Scott McWilliams

Nancy C. Lund

James F. Martin

John and Catharine McGeever

Kieran B. Meagher

V.J. and Karen Luszcz

David and Wendy Martin

Caroline A. McGhan

Herbert A. Medina

Donald Lynch and Kimberly Burnett

Helen and Peggy Martin

Jenny McGinnis

Carolyn Meehan

Michael and Erika Lynch

Magda Martinelli-Torres

Gayla McGlamery

Carolyn C. Meeks

Matthew O. MacDonald

Edwin and Susan Martinez

Kevin and Mary McGoffin

Jignesh Mehta

Joan M. MacDonnell

Francisco and Elizabeth Martorell

John G. McGoldrick

Rev. Timothy J. Meier, S.J.

Robert and Suzanne Macavoy

Thomas F. Marx

Michael and Mary McGoldrick

Peter and Kathleen Meler

Lorraine Macchello

MasterCard Matching Gift Program

Brenda G. McGowan

Arthur and Jennifer Mellen

Frank and Theresa Mack

Cary S. Matthews

Sean M. McGowan

Matthew B. Mellon

James J. Mack

Rev. John J. Mattimore, S.J.

Chris McGrath

Simone Mercer

Rev. Paul B. Macke, S.J.

Elizabeth F. Mattingly

James McGrath

Wayne J. Merritt

John A. and Leticia M. Macleod

Susie Matts and Sena Weller Rohs Williams

John McGrath and Karen Donato

William and Elaine Mestrezat

Paul J. Macuga

Donald and Marla Maurer

Susan McGraugh

Metropolitan Atlanta CFC

George and Anne Madaus

Oscar and Jill Mayorga

Austin J. McGreal, Esquire

John P. Meyer

Dolores J. Mauk

Leo and Elizabeth McAloon

Dennis B. McGroarty

Joseph Michalik

Janet Madrazo

Donald McAuliffe, M.D.

Rev. William K. McGroarty, S.J.

Elana Michenzi

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The National Cathedral in Port au Prince was destroyed by the earthquake of January 12, 2010.

Donald and Lynda Middleton

Charles F. Miller

George Mills

James R. Mitchell

Gregory and Eva Milko

Lauren L. Miller

Mind Expansion Community Services, Inc.

Paul M. Molinelli

Anne Boardman Miller

Brad Mills

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Mitchel

Michael Molyneux and Lisa Matthews

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James H. Monahan

James W. and Susan O. Murray

Mairead T. Nolan

Fred and Margaret Ogden

Edward J. Mooney

James and Carole Murray

Kevin Noonan

Mary T. Ogles

Heather Moore

Dorothy M. Musco

Michael B. Noone, Jr.

Pamela Oguagha

Raymond M. Moore

Adam D. Musser

North Country CFC

Joseph Olah

Robert Moorman

Sharon Mussomeli

Northern Utah CFC

Erica Olson

Rev. J. Gordon Moreland, S.J.

Archie Nash and Margaret B. Strub

John F. Norton

John and Catherine Olson

David A. Moreland

Charles and Margaret Nastro

Laura Notestine

Lloyd E. Opoka

Maureen A. Morello

Nativity Mission Center

Martin A. Noufer

Pamela Balls Organista

Judith Moresco-Waggoner

Rev. Joe B. Naylor, S.J.

P. Andrew and Karen Nousen

Antal P. Oroszlany

Dennis and Ann Marie Morgan

Levon and Vera Nazarian

Walter and Karen Novak

Eric C. Osberg

Eslin L. Mornay

Joan Nazario

Patrick Nugent

Robert F. Osterland

Richard and Anne Morris

Joan F. Neal

John T. Nugent

Casey H. Oswald

John Morris

Roger E. Neetz

Mary Nugent

Jeffrey Otto

William and Margaret Morris

Jean M. Neil

Joseph and Eileen Nunney

Allen Ou

Marianne Morrisey

Michael B. Neill

David and Christine Nutt

Christopher T. Owen

Ginger Morrone

Thomas J. Nemia

Dr. Francis J. O’Brien

Jeffrey and Diana Owen

Rev. Brian Morrow


R. Christoper O’Brien

Paul E. Owens

John L. Moseley

Theresa Neuroth

Maureen H. O’Connell

John A. and Nancy H. Paar

Dr. John Moser

New Melleray Abbey

John and Mary Ann O’Connell

Wynne Paasch

Theresa B. Moser

New York City CFC #0626

Benjamin O’Connor

Elaine C. Pachon

Marc F. Mouton

Leon Jay Newman

Joseph and Lenore O’Connor

Ray and Sharon Padilla

Prudence A. Moylan

Tho Anh Nguyen and Conganh Pham

Kerri M. O’Donnell

Lisa M. Paikowski

Krista Mueller

Hoa Thi Nguyen

C. Kevin O’Donoghue

Jung M. Pak

Patricia Ann Mullaney

Hoa and Kim Nguyen

James D. O’Hanlon

Anthony and Kathleen Palmieri

Ross M. Muller

Van H. Nguyen

Robert A. O’Hare, Jr.

Herman D. Papa

James E. Mulligan

James and Kathleen Nicholl

Bernard and Patricia O’Kane

Darrel J. Papillion

Eric W. Multanen

James Nicholson

Edgar and Phyllis O’Meara

Jeong Ho Park

Manjot Multani

Sal and Dinah Nicoletta

Edward and Frances O’Neill

Virginia M. Parker

Godfrey Mungal

True M. Nicolson

Mary T. O’Rourke

C. Richard Parkins

Margarita C. Murguia

G. Michael Nidiffer, M.D.

Timothy and Marianne O’Shaughnessy

Karen R. Parks

Anne Murphy

Miranda Niemoth

Mark and MaryEllen O’Shea

Frederick Parrella

Don J. Murphy

Nicolas C. Nieto

John and Patricia O’Sullivan

Robert S. Parsley

James and Rosemary Murphy

Niki A. Nieuwenboer

Mary O’Sullivan

John and Rose Marie Pastizzo

Joseph M. Murphy

Halina Niewolik

Oak Knoll School of the Holy Child

Barbara A. Patocka

Kathleen K. Murphy

Harry Noel

Dr. and Mrs. Curtis A. Obery

Peter and Margaret Patterson

David and Mihyung Murray

Edward and Anne Nolan

Edmond Oconnell

John R. Payne

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Lawrence and Judith Pazourek

Lawrence and Ellen Playford

Terry and Susan Porter

Kevin Purcell

Catherine W. Pedersen

Marisa Plevak

Daniel R. Porterfield

Carmen C. Quazada

Paul and Sally Pederson

Laura M. Pliska

Potomac CFC 0898

Virginia Quick

Carlo A. Pedrioli

Arthur Quintana

Joseph G. Pellegrino

Michael and Terese Rachal

Christopher and Kathleen Pelley

John and Carol Radomski

Michael Peppard

Amresh Raina and Reena Ganju

Anthony W. Pereira

Ramos House

Jacqueline Perez, MD

Donald R. Ramsey

John and Antoinette Pergolin

Gloria Rasmussen

Patricia Foster Perkins

Madlen L. Rassam

Mark Perlite

Alex and Susan Ravnik

Robert and Sally Pernecky

Richard G. Rayburn

Giuseppe Perricone

Janet Rayfield

David S. Peterman

Linda M. Ream

Christel Petermann

Lisa Joan Reardon

Roger W. Peters

Andrew J. and Elizabeth Reck

Brian J. Peterson

Brenda M. Redfield

Walter Petri

Charles and Joy Reed

William and Roseanne Pevec

Philip and Anneliese Reed

Theodore J. Pfister, Jr.

Anna M. Regan

Pfizer Foundation

T. Regulinski

Mary Beth Reiling

Matching Gifts Program

Hoang and Phuangchi Pham

Richard J. Reilley

Philadelphia Area CFC

Richard J. Reilly

Samuel L. Phillips

Internally displaced families in Colombia. According to the United Nations, the Colombian refugee crisis is the third largest in

Ann M. Reisel

Denise W. Phillips

the world, tied with Sudan, after Afghanistan and Iraq.

Lisa R. Reiter

Joe and Anne Piazza Maurice J. Picheloup

Kevin Plunkett

Ms. Kathleen M. Potts

Our Lady of the Oaks Retreat House

Louis and Mari Pichini

Francis and Noel Poche

John and Mary Powell

James J. Reuter, Jr.

William and Dorothy Pickett

John Polanin, Jr.

Drs. Charles Powers and Barbara Ley Toffler

Mary E. Reynolds

Timothy and Alice Pidgeon

Alice M. Poltorick

Susan P. Powers

Bernard and Lorie Rice

John and Regina Pierce

Mary Lou Pontius

Frank and Lucrezia Prentice

Michael and Mary Ring

Courtney Pinto

Joseph and Terri Pooler

Vincent L. Prietto

Peter J. Riordan

Elizabeth Pirman

Port Building Trust

Susanne L. Principato

Diane E. Ripton

Rory Platt and Ellen Petra

James B. Porter, Jr.

Marjorie A. Probala

Edward S. Riquelmy

Pamela E. Porter

2010AnnualReport.indd 29

Alfonso and Ellie Rivellino

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Virginia Rivera Rev. Anastacio S. Rivera, S.J. Martin and Nancy Robb David Roberts Mary F. Roberts Lane and Kathleen Robertson David K. Robinson Howard Robinson Carmen Robles Luis and Elidia Robles Jacqueline R. Rocci Rockefeller Matching Gifts Program Vic Rodriguez, Margaret and Emery Gould Joseph and Carol Jo Roeder James L. Rogers Richard F. Rogers Jeffrey L. Roitman Rev. John M. Roll, S.J. Alaina Romaniello Ann Romero Janice Rooks Marvin A. Rose Daniel A. Rosenthal and Patricia Santoro Patricia C. Rosinski Harry Rossi Linda Rossi Dr. Marlon and Mrs. Charlene Rovira

A woman and her child find safe haven in an area of Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya set up by JRS for vulnerable refugees.

Christine P. Rozance Joseph A. Rubert

Barbara Ryan

Susan Sadowski

Meredith Sangster

Martin and Julie Rubio

Dr. J. Michael Ryan

Mario A. Salgado

Cheryl Lee Sansone

Paul A. and Dyane Rude

Thomas S. Ryscavage

Anthony and Suzanne Salvatore

Barry and Darina Sargeant

Kimberly Ruggero

Richard J. Saab, M.D.

San Miguel Catholic High School

Carole Sargent

Sarah Rundell

Joseph E. Saar

Gary Sander

Thomas R and Linda A. Sarmo

Douglas A. Rush

Daniel Sabet

Thomas and Alison Sandler

Anthony P. Sauer, S.J.

Mary K. Rutherford

Antonia R. Sacchetti

William O. Sandquist

James and Jo-Ann Saville

Luke H. Ryan

Sacred Heart Jesuit Retreat House

Adaline H. Sanford

Robert C. Sberna

28 2010AnnualReport.indd 30

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Robert J. Schaad

James Hogan Sealey

Joseph J. Simpson, Jr.

George T. Spera, Jr. and Jane Ginsburg

Bernard and Margherite Schaeffer

John Sealey

Lisa A. Simpson

Kenneth M. Spilker

M.J. Schaeffer

Shirley Seaton

Martha B. Simpson

Robert J. Spitzer

Rebecca Schapp

Seattle University, Department of Fine Arts

Kathryn S. Singer

Michael D. Spivack

Marianne Scharf

George Seeber

Sukhmander Singh

St. Aloysius Gonzaga Parish

Susan L. Scharoun, Ph.D

Gerard Seissiger

Suzanne Molino Singleton

St. Charles Borromeo Parish

Arthur Scheer

Mary Ann Seiwerath

Linda L. Sinsar

St. Charles Parish at St. Francis Mission

Stephen and Mary Schell

William Selde

June A. Sisson

St. Ignatius Parish School

William and Mary Beth Scher

Daniel and Ann Selmi

Sisters of Mercy, New Orleans

St. Ignatius School

Daniel Schlegel

Albert Senger

The Sisters of St. Francis (Mount St. Francis)

St. Louis University Museums and Galleries

Benjamin J. Schmid

Michael J. Senko

Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace Generalate, Inc.

Thomas and Marilyn St. Marie

Arthur Schmidt

John P. and Alice C. Senko

Sisters of the Divine Savior

St. Paul’s Mission

David G. Schmidt

Herbert and Barbara Seres

Patricia Small

St. Rita Church

Joan E. Schmitz

Tom Service

Robert E. Small

St. Therese Catholic Church

Sarah Schneider

Diane M. Serzen

Robert S. Smith

Catherine S. Stack

Michael Schoeffel

Shawn and Deborah Shannon

Stephen and Sarah Smith

John Stack and Maria Perry

Sarah A. Schoellkopf

James Sharp

Colleen S. Smith

Brian and Jeanne Stafford

Sue A. Schoenfelder

James Shaw

Gerald and Catherine Smith

Jim and Deb Stanford

David E. Schof, Jr.

Michael J. Shawver

Mario Smith, Jr.

Bob and Denise Stanley

School Sisters of Notre Dame

Pat Shea-Bischoff

Mary Jane Smith

Leticia Stassi

Gregory and Julie Schreader

Richard and Madeleine Sheehy

Mary Aloyse Smith

Marguerite B. Stathes

Jeanne Schroeder

Margaret Maureen Sheridan

Melani Smith

Edward and Beverly Statter

Veronica Schroeder

Maureen S. Sheridan

Michael G. Smith

Zachary L. Stauber

Victoria R. Schultz

Michael and Barbara Sheridan

Raymond and Mary Smith

James and Lisa Steele

Dorothy A. Schultz

Edward and Mary Pat Sherry

Robert Smith

Eugene M. Stefacek

Patricia Jean Schulz

Harry J. Shimko

Maureen Smithberg

Patrick J. Steiner

Schwab Charitable Fund

Katherine Shoebotham

Jesuit Conference

Charlene Stender

Rev. John A. Schwantes, S.J.

Arleen C. Shrader

Mary A. Sonnenschein

Ariel Stenek

Stephen Schwarzbek

Paulette L. Shuffler

Aurora Sordelli

G. Robert Stewart

Mary Katherine Schweihs

Clifford Shultz, Ph.D.

Franco Sotomayor, Jr.

Lynn Stewart

Brigid M. Scott

Walter Shumway

Armand and Janice Soucy

Rev. Jim Stickney

Jo Ann Scott

James C. Shy, Esq.

South Hampton Roads CFC

Kevin Stolz

Ralph and Elizabeth Scozzafava

Margaret Shafer Siegel

Joseph and Anna M. Southern

James and Jane Strenski

Marianne Scully

Carolyn W. Silberman

Brian Spadora

Diana Stuart

Robert Scully

Tania Silva

Charles and Barbara B. Spaulding

Gregory and Stephanie Stubbs

Dorothy Sealey

Jerome F. Simpson

John and Claudia Spencer

Elizabeth R. Stuckart

29 2010AnnualReport.indd 31

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Robert F. Stuckstede

Brendan and Sandra Thomson

Matthew Uy

Patrick S. Walsh

Alison M. Sulentic

Nate and Marci Thurmond

Robert and Mary Vacek

John F. Wanek

Eugene and Mary Anne Sullivan, Jr.

James Tiehen

Larry and Lucy Vagnoni

Catherine Ward

Beverly Sullivan

Matt and Jen Tilghman-Havens

Anthony J. Van Dyke

Leon and Ana Ward

Garry and Paulette Sullivan

David and Mary Tilly

Patricia L. Van Dyke

Lyle and Jeanne Ward

John R. and Betty Sullivan

Timothy and Michelle Barrett

Maurice and Patricia Vanderpot

Brad Wareham

Michael Sullivan

Angelina Tonarelli

Cathryn Vanderzicht

William M. Watson

William T. Sumner

William E. Toner

Joann E. Vanek

James and Susan Watson

Sutliff Candy & Promotions Co., Inc

Cindy Torsney

Francis and Jane Vardy

Alice C. Weiner

Richard Suver

Paul Totah

Josephine R. Varni

Derrick J. Weingartner, S.J.

Carol Svolos

Michael and Maureen Touhey

Denver G. Velasquez

Gilbert and Margaret Weiser

John August Swanson

Bruce and Susan Tourigny

Joseph Vellanikaren

Christy Weiss

Carol M. Sweeney

James and Elaine Tourtelotte

Joseph and Teramarie Ventresca

John and Elizabeth Weiss

Joseph J. Sweeney

Sara J. Tower

Stan VerNooy

Gary and Martha Wells

Jason A. Swiecki

Dzung Huu Tran and Mary Diem Nguyen

Joseph J. Vilcan

Jacqueline B. Wender

Julia B. Sykes

Nguyet Loan Tran

Francisco A. Villaronga

Eric H. Werts

Bernadine M. Szydlik

Raimundo J. Travieso

Frank Villaume

William F. Werwaiss

Wendy Jo Taba

Neil and Marjorie Trefzger

Thomas A. Vinton

Maureen Wesolowski

James J. Taggart

Wilfred J. Tremblay

Laura T. Virgadamo

David H. Wessel

Anthony J. and Joan Tambasco

Van Trieu

Virginia Keenan

Dan C. White

David P. Tanner

Glen and Stephanie Tripp

Lisa Visintainer

James Whitesell

Tony and Judith Taylor

Frederick A. Tromans

Lillian S. Voll

Amy L. Whitlatch

John G. Terino

Duc C. Truong

Vincent F. Volpe

Anne E. Whitlock

Mary Jane A. Terrell

John Samuel Tucci

Rachael Von Nida

Fredel M. Wiant

Shannon M. Terwedo

Sharon Tufaro

Erika M. Voss

Gaya N. Wickremsinhe

John and Joan Thayer

Linda Tull

Dinh M. Vu

Carmel Widner

The Army Distaff Foundation/Knollwood Chapel Patricia and John Tweedy

Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Wagner

Eugene and Marjorie Wiemels

The Lake County Illnois CFC

Gail Tyson

Martha D. Wagoner

Andrew Wilcox and Sarah Garitone

The Standard Employee Giving Campaign

Virginia M. Uber

Terrence S. Waitrovich and Mary F. Faupel

Leon Wilczynski

The Stevens Group, Inc.

David Uhl

Dr. Anne Parker Wake

Judith E. Williams

Michael P. Thomas

Richard and Gretchen Uhl

James and Maureen Waldron

Dr. Frank M. Wilson, Jr.

Camila Thompson

Richard and Barbara Umbdenstock

Rev. Gregory S. Waldrop, S.J.

Daniel J. Wilson

Michael Thompson and Mary Harms

United Way of South Mississippi

Laurelie M. Wallace

Ruth E. Wilson

James E. Thompson

United Way of the Black Hills,

Ronald and Mary Ann Wallace

S.T. Wilson

Nancy L. Thompson

Betti Walrod

Susan A. Wilson

Patricia R. Thompson

Sisters of St. Ursula

Joan M. Walsh

Jean E. Winings

CFC Western South Dakota

30 2010AnnualReport.indd 32

11/10/10 11:17 AM

Richard and Dawn Zierdt James and Bethany Wiser

M. Kathleen Yadrick

Robert and Martha Zimmer

Christopher Anderson

John and Andrea Withers

Sonia Yam

Dorothy A. Zirkle

Gerald and Margaret Anderson

Robert and Ursula Withrow

Thomas L. Yancey

John A. Zullo

Gwendolyn W. Anderson

Joseph and Sheryl Wolff

Clifford M. Yeary

Robert and Elizabeth Zurchmiede

Robert B. Anderson

Kathryn Wolff

Richard Yien and Helena Park

Maria da Costa

Sanaa F. Anderson

James E. Wottowa

James and Jean Young

John and Laura de Boisblanc

Subhi Andrews

Evelyn G. Wright

Maureen R. Zack

Laura and Ellen de Booy

Joanna Andrusko Oladipo and Rachel Anjorin

Friend of JRS

Maria Luisa Antonio Joseph A. Apicella

Michael Abdollahzadeh

John D. Arbuckle

Michelle Abola

David and Ruth Ard

Francis P. Accardo

Eric and Melanie Ardoin

Julie Guest Adam

Robert J. Armbruster

Jodi Ader

Cowanetta Armstrong

Mekdelawit Admassu

Steven A. Armstrong

Robert and Irene Adolph

Gesina L. Arnold

Kevin Ahern

John A. Arriaga

Raymond and Mary Albrecht

Diana L. Asai

Dr. Alvaro B. Alcazar

Henry and Marcella J. Aschenbrenner

Tara Lynn Aleardi

Patricia O. Ashe

Paul Alexander

Assurant Foundation

Nicole Alipio

A. Jane Aucoin

Carol Kirkpatrick Allen

Thane G. Aucoin

Mary Frances Allen

Leonard and Cheryl Aunes

Thomas S. Allen

Joan V. Authenrieth

Eric Allison

Clarissa V. Avendano

Kathleen I. Alonso

Jesus A. Ayo

For the past several years, as a result of advocacy by JRS/USA, the U.S. government has continued to fund the

Ashley Altruda

Sami and Mary T. Azzu

education of Bhutanese refugee children in Nepal through the last two years of high school.

Jeorge Alvarado

Faith Baden

James and Michelle Alvare

John Baesch and Evelyn Herzog

Josefa Alvarez

Gioconda Bagnariol

Linda Wuestehube

Zambia Catholic University

Elizabeth L. Amato

Velia R. Bagnasco

Melinda J. Wynne

Richard and Marilyn Zande

Anthony A. Ancheta

Clifford and Cynthia Bailey

Gerard Wyrsch

James W. Zielinski

Aswan and Henrietta Anders

Jettie Bailey

Joseph Yacovone

Rita Zielinski

Thomas and Kathryn Anderson

Almetta L. Bain

31 2010AnnualReport.indd 33

11/10/10 11:17 AM

Tracey Ballard

Orin G. Berge

M. Jean Boston

Richard J. Browne

Nina J. Bamberg

Joan M. Bergman

Toni M. Bostwick

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Buckley

Susan B. Bannon

Diane Bernard

Martha S. Boucher

Harold and Barbara Buell

Patricia Baptiste

Charles and Ellen Bernardi

Ayja Culley Bounous

Stephen Bullock and Mary Hanley Bowles

Harry and Julianne Baram

Kathleen K. Bernardi

Ellen M. Bourbon

Salustiano and Victoria Bunye

Michael D. Barber

Thomas and Kathy Bernock

Thomas L. Bouvier

Bridget Buoniconti

Barbara Barboza

Frank M. Bernt

Brendan P. Bovaird

Edward and Dawn Burdsall

Anna May Barclay and Patricia Korkosz

Gary Bertuccelli

Lane Bove

Brice S. Burgess

Joseph A. Barreca

Michael J. Bestul

Jerome and Rena Boyer

John and Susan Burke

Vanessa J. Barriga

Nina K. Bette

Diane M. Boyle

Diana Burns

David and Donna Barringer

Jack and Dolores Bettencourt

Daniel P. Boyle

Michael J. Burns

Elizabeth M. Barros

Maurice Betts

John B. Boyle

Paul and Kim Burrichter

Kaitlin Barry

Carole L. Bialczak

John J. Boyle

Alice Burriss

Megan A. Barry

David Binder

Sara Brabec

Joanne O. Burrows

Sheryl A. Bartlett

Janet M. Birgenheier

Louise A. Bradley

Carolyn M. Buscarino

Esther Louise Barton

Larry and Jeanette Black

Lara Brandstetter

Suzanne J. Busch

Geraldine Bastaich

Stephen and Karen Black

Teresa Breidenthal

Richards E. Bushnell

Richard L. Batterberry

Amy C. Blackley

William J. Brennan

Cynthia L. Butler

Matthew and Teresa Battin

Larry and Helene Blackman

Thomas B. Brennan

JoAnn D. Buttaro

Janet K. Battiste

Jamie and Jennifer Blakeley

Elizabeth G. Brennan

Amb. and Mrs. Thomas R. Byrne

Peter A. Battisto

Lynne Bock-Willmes

Richard J. Brennan, III

CFC Fort Hood

Scotty and Maggie Baudoin

Kevin and Maria D. Boden

Monica Amalia Brent

CFC of Pikes Peak Region

Robert W. Bauman

Thomas E. Bogen

John E. Breslin

CFC San Antonio

Thomas and Bernadine Bausch

Carolyn Jones Bohannan

Michael J. Briggs

CFC-Richmond, VA

John W. Beales

Joan M. Bolger

Dorothy Brinker

Kettianne Cadet

Theresa Beaty

Andrew and Jill Bollwerk

Mark and Janice Brisnehan

Nicholas A. Calamusa

Aurora Became

John S. Bomalaski

Karen Brouillette

Jennifer L. Caley

Luis and Irma Becerra

Louis and Maria Bonaiuto

Rose A. Brown

Shawn P. Calhoun

Donald and Sherry Beckerle

Marie Bonenfant

George F. Brown, Jr.

Patrick O. Callaghan

Patrick Begley

Steven M. Bonneau

Bob and Bonny Brown

Jeffrey Callaghan

Carol A. Behring

Michael and Elizabeth Bono

Christine Brown

Kevin and Kerry Callaghan

Judith G. Bell

Antoinette H. Booth

Edward Brown

Robert and Helen Callaghan

Mark Bell

Thomas Booth and Denise Szabo

Geraldine Brown

Christy Callinan

Anne Bellows

Debra Boppre

Kevin D. Brown

Adrienne M. Calotta

Elizabeth T. Bennett

Holly Borowski

Starla Brown

Cambridge Captial Corp.

Mary Diane Bennett

William and Ruth Bossenmaier

Diana Browne

John and Luanne Cameron

32 2010AnnualReport.indd 34

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Dominic Campanelli

Valerie Anne Ceva

Jessica R. Cole

Jim J. Crean

John and Kathleen Campbell

Tracy Chambers

Maura C. Colleary

William E. Creed

Laura Campos-Vasquez

Anna Marie M. Chamblee

Jocelyn Collen

Michael S. Creedon

Peter M. Candler

Julie Chan

Gerard and Grace Collins

Phillip and Nancy Crewe

Al and Marie Cannata

Francis T. Chardo

Agnes W. Collison

Stephen D. Crosby

Mona Cannon

Ewa Chartynowicz

Raymond F. Colliton

John and Marie Cross

Lyla T. Cannon

Gayle D. Chase

Nicholas Collura

Joanne Crouch

Robert F. Capalbo

Jenna M. Cheese

Columbus/Ft. Benning Regional CFC

Ricardo Cruz

Capital Region CFC #0620

Scott Chessare

Robert and Barbara Colyar

Benjamin and Zenaida Cueva

Ken Capozzi

Lisa M. Chessare

Aaron and Dawn Combe

Patricia Cueva

Nancy L. Cappelloni

Michiko F. Chikahisa

Kathy and Ignatius Comella

Timothy Cuff

Valerie J. Cappozzo

Brandy L. Childress

Carol Comfort

Jeff and Lori Culley

Barbara and Eugene Caprio

Elias Chirino

Katheryn Conde

John and Alyce Cunningham

Jonathan Carandang

Kirsten Chmielewski

Catherine G. Condon

Craig Cuqro and Jennifer Scott

John Carfora

Carole Christie

Kara Connally

Patrick Curran, Jr.

Anne M. Carlo

Kevin and Erika Christopher

Mary Ann Beis Conners

Erin D. Curtin-Telesca

Judith Carlson

Chris P. Christou

Donald and Linda Conroy

Joseph Cussen

Mary L. Carlson

Mildred T. Chubbuck

Victor and Olga Contreras

Peter D’Arienzo

Margarita C. Carnayer

Mary L. Ciecierski

C. R. Conway

Michael and Angela Dagostino

Rose Ann Carpenter

Gary and Mary Ann Ciesla

Joselyn Coogler

Robert M. Daly

Mary Beth Carrigg

Sandra Cihal

Mary E. Cook

Maresa R. Danielsen

Pepper S. Caruso

Rodger and Melissa Cilley

Rev. Michael L. Cook, S.J.

Jean Danko

E. Kane Casani

Anthony and Vicki Cirillo

Thomas H.J. Cook

Alan H. Dant

Jasef Casas

Ronald Cisneros

William J. Cooney

Mary S. Darlow

Edward Casey

Catherine Clark

Jorge A. Corado

Karen Davis

Patrick D. Casey

Gerald Clark

Lenli S. Corbett

Patricia A. Davis

Samuel and Alejandra Cashiola

Paul and Dorothy Clark

Anthony and Lillian Cordova

Robert M. Davis

Patricia Cassidy

Jane Cleary

Charles and Marie Corliss

Susan C. Davison

Rolando Castro and Cecile Ehrmann

Anthony Clericuzio

Elisa Corr

Janet L. De Mayo

Michael and Elizabeth Cavanaugh

Stephen and Shannon Clifford

Dennis and Janet Cotter

David De Pastina

Giulio Cefaloni

Patricia S. Clock

Michael A. Craig

Edward and Harriet DeBroeck

Adam Cellurale

Matthew and Celina Clymer

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cramton

Jennifer DeDonato

Attilio Ceraldi

Daniel and Patti Cmarik

Brandi L. Crawford

Joseph and Denise DeMarshall

Nickell Ceraldi

Daniel Cocks

Rose M. Crawford

Russell J. DePaula

Robert and Mary Cermignano

William Michael Cody, IV

Dan and Barbara Crawford

Vincent DeVito

Rev. Richard J. Cerpich

Maryrose C. Coiner

Sue E. Crawford

Eileen M. Deacetis

33 2010AnnualReport.indd 35

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Vincent Declementi

Lucretia Dovi Hilson

James English

Luanne Firestone

Wilfred F. Declercq

James and Mary Pat Dowd

Vasos Eracleous

John E. Firth

Mark and Kathryn Delaney

Joseph P. Downey

Robert and Michelle Eramo

Brian T. Fischenich

Joseph and Melissa Dellaposta

Brian Doyle

Charles Ernst

Thomas and Maribeth Fischer

Richard and Patricia Delli Veneri

Michael J. Doyle

Mary Anne Ernst

Lewis J. Fisher, Jr.

Robert and Leslie Dellosa

Patricia Doyle

Cheryl Eschevarria-Leary

Julie Fissinger

Falen Demsas

Thomas E. Doyle

Veronica Escobar

William Fitzgerald

Sr. Susan Dentz, OSF

Daniel J. Drew

Denise and John Esmerado

Eileen G. Fitzgerald

Donald L. Deschenes, Jr.

Ira Brent Driggers

Anthony and Lucille Esposito

James and Alice Fitzgerald

Rosemary A. Deveer

Amy Corinne Driskell

Ralph M. Esposito

Mary C. Fitzgerald

Dorothea E. Di Giovanni

Reynold and Nadine Dsouza

Carminda Estrada

John R. Fitzpatrick

Frederick and Carmen DiPasquale

Andrea L. Duda

Humbelina H. Estrada

Brian C. Fitzpatrick

Luz Marina Diaz

Marilou T. Duke

Pedro Euzarraga Jr.

Carolyn Fitzpatrick

Thomas J. Diethert

Kathleen Dunn

Kenneth and Seelawathie Evans

Kathryn V. Fitzsimmons

Margaret Mary Dietz

Christina Duran

Br. Leonard Stoffel, FSC

Joseph H. Flannery

Suzanne C. Dillard

James and Regina Durant

Lana Faber

Brian and Katherine Flinn

Judith Dillman

Raul and Alice Duron

Ann R. Failla

Joyce B. Flora

Stan and Elizabeth Dirvin

Patrick E. Dwyer, III

Thomas and Kelli Fallbach

Dennis and Karen Florance

Hoang N. Do

Andrew and Janet Ingraham Dwyer

Christopher Fallin

Mary C. Floyd

Patricia A. Doerr

William and Regina Dykan

Thomas and Carmen Fast

James Flynn

Barbara Doetsch

Art and Kelly Dykhuis

Joanne Faulkner

Norma I. Foerderer

Edward and Ingrid Doherty

Adelaide H. Ealy

Thomas and Margaret Fay

Gregory J. Fontenot

John P. and Janet C. Dolan

Elizabeth Early

Matthew F. Febles

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Fontenot

Daniel L. Dombroski, M.D.

Paula M. Eazor

Viktor and Lydia Fedulow

Mary E. Ford

Hermelinda Dominguez

Carol Eberhardt

Andrew and Christine Fedynsky

Peter J. Ford

Dorothy C. Donahue

Beth Y. Edwards

Francis and Anne Feild

Javier Foronda

John R. Donahue

Timothy J. Ehling

Henry A. Feldman

Kenneth J. Forton

Joseph and Helen Donahue

Joseph and Carolina Ehrenreich

Frank and Barbara Felice

Lawrence F. Foster

Patricia L. Donelan

Molly Ekerdt

Jason Fernandes

Rita E. Foster

Francis and Nancy Donnelly

Eva M. Eldridge

Rev. Eduardo C. Fernandez, S.J.

Alethea J. Fournier

Michael P. Donnelly

Gregory C. Elliott

Sarah Fetterhoff

David Fox

Sr. Margaret Donohue, RSM

C. Richard Ellis

Francis J. and Anne S. Field

Barry and Eileen Fox-Quamme

Michael and Susan Donze

Richard A. Ellison

Rev. Bernard G. Filmyer, S.J.

Patricia Fox-Riley

Jennifer L. Doolittle

Kathleen M. Endlein

Kathy A. Finn

Rosemary Fracolli

Dennis and Nancy Dougan

Ronald and Barbara Endo

Terrence Finneran

Ashley Francisque

Celeste V. Dougherty

James F. Engelking

Robert and Victoria Finucane

James and Katherine Franek

34 2010AnnualReport.indd 36

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Gregory and Melanie Frank

Fernando and Adela Garcia

Kerry Franklin

Gabriel and Rosa Garcia

Thomas A. Franko

Rosario D. Garibay

Eleanor M. Franzese

Kathleen A. Garity

Renee Frederick

Joseph and Mary Garofola

Paul Freeman

Christopher Garr

Joseph and Bethany Freeman

John Garty

Ann Freitas

Nancy J. Garza

Craig Friday

Devon Gastor

Rev. Gerhard R. Frohlich, S.J.

David and Jennifer Gaudioso

Francis P. and Mary L. Frost

Victoria Lerene Francese

Brenda L. Frye

Lori Fuchiwaki

Helen Gavin

Donald L. Fuchs

Patricia A. Gavin

Carmen Fuentes

Susan E. Geisler

Delma Fuentes

Raymond and

Stanley J. Fulton

Sherrill Geisman

John A. Gagliardi

Eliabeth Genovese

Gina M. Gailis

Salvatore Gentle and

Linus Galang

Dominic Galante


Beverly Lafferty

JRS school buildings have been constructed on the terraced hillside of Gihembe Camp in Rwanda. Steven W. Glenn

Robert and Michelle Gowan

William and Judith George

Joseph and Eileen Glica

Guillermo Gower

Victor and Mirtha Galeana

Margaret D. Gerba

Margaret S. Goggin

Cathy P. Grace

John and Carol Galgani

Frank and Marsha Geremia

Mary Goicochea

Willie C. Grace

Joan E. Gallagher

Fred and Donna Gerstner

Gus and Margaret Goldau

Barbara H. Gradala

Charles F. Gallagher, III

Armen and Margaret Ghazarian

Alexander and Tamara Goldin

Frank and Regina Grandizio

Laina Gallagher

Nino and Brenda Giarratano

Walter and Marguerite Goldschmidt

Danielle Granieri

Michael V. Gallo

Michael J. Gibbons

Paul and Cecilia Gomez

Thomas and Velita Grant

Patricia A. Gallogly

Thomas J. Gibbons

Henry Gonzales

Dennis M. and Arlene M. Grapo

Kevin M. Galvin

James and Patricia Gilbert

Alma L. Gonzalez

Thomas M. and Mary Grassi

Virginia A. Galvin

John T. Gill

Mark and Beverly Goodrich

Greater Douglas CFC

Anjan K. Ganguly

William P. Gillen

Google Gift Matching Program

Greater Los Angeles Area CFC

Amelie R. Gannon

Geraldine Gillio

Robert and Marianne Gorgone

Vincent A. Greco

Carlo and Sue Bray Garbagnati

Robert and Jane Gilsinger

Gene Gorman

John D. Green

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Garcia

Emily A. Giorgio

Ronald and Beverly Gorshe

William and Amanda Green, Jr.

Paloma Garcia

Diane M. Giova

Carol M. Goss

Robert and Deborah Greubel

David and Yvonne Garcia

Edward W. Gleason

Camille Goudeseune

Linda M. Grevera

35 2010AnnualReport.indd 37

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Nicholas L. Grimaldi

Jeanette Hein

Eugene and Margaret

Daniel D. Grippo

Mark and Mary Heisohn


Edward and Pat Groarke

Mary M. Heller

Mary Lou Holmes

Mary M. Guenther

Matthew P. Hendricks

Mary D. Holte

Javier and Maria Guerrero

Daniel S. Hendrickson

Erik D. Homme

John and Amy Guignon

Michelle M. Henn

Joshua N. Hooker

Francisco Gutierrez

John and Patricia Hennessy

Philip and Carol Hoover

Fabiola C. Gutierrez

Eric Henningsen

J. Michael Horgan

Victor Haburchak

Marissa Ann Herrera

Rev. Paul L. Horgan, S.J.

Evans Hadden

Quincy M. Herron

Catherine Hoselton

Christopher Hadley

Margaret and Willibald Herzog

Sharon Marie Houlahan

Patrick and Christine Hagerty

Edward and Rita Heussler

James and Paula Houston

William E. Haggerty

Thomas Hickey and Patrizia Gemperle

Arthur and Sally Hovater

Leon and Tracy Halbert

Ashley N. Hicks

Maureen Hovenkotter

Brandon T. Hale

Alfredo M. Hidalgo

Deanna I. Howes

Carol C. Hall

Janet B. Higgins

Esther Hrabrick

Christopher Hampson

Kevin R. and Margaret K. Higgins

Ann Marie Hricko

Margaret C. Hannigan

Michael J. Higgins

Joan Huber

Keith and Sandra Hansen

Annaliese Hill

Tanguy F. Hubert

Linda J. Hansen

Barbara E. Hilliard

Gregory and

Robert L. and Kathy Hansen

David and Karen Hinchen

Emily Hanson

Catharine Hinen

Linda Huff Morton

Timothy F. Harden

Kenneth E. Hitch

Walter C. Hughes

Stefanie Hardy

Lois M. Hluhan

Justin Hummer

Cory and Jayme Harper

Jeffrey C. Ho

Richard and

Candice D. Harris

Diana Hoang

Henrietta Harrison

Julienne Hoang

Mary E. Hunt

Kathleen Hart

William Hobbs

Judy Hurley

Leigh M. Hartley

Rachael M. Hoffman

Barbara F. Hurley

Boys carry water from a communal tap – open only at specified times –

Harold and Jean Hartman

James and Natalie Hoffman

William and Sandra

back to their family tent at Parc Colofer in Haiti. The area was a soccer

Davis and Jane Hartwell

John and Mary Hofstetter

field until it was turned into a camp for displaced Haitians after the

Eileen M. Hatala

Edward and Maryanne Hogan

Mark and Dana Hynson

Donald P. Hauber

Kerry N. Hogan

Integrated Financial

Thomas and Catherine Hayek

Mary E. Hogan

Sandra L. Hayes

Charles and Patricia Holland

Nicholas Inzeo

Rosalee O. Isaly

Kerry Healy Goodson

Robert and Marsha Holm

Sheila R. Irmiter

Akira Ishii

Susanne Huelsing

Constance Hunsaker


Strategies, LTD.

earthquake in January 2010. Nancee P. Irwin

36 2010AnnualReport.indd 38

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David and Maria Ivanov

Michael Kaplan

Aloys and Elizabeth Kissel

Deborah Lackowitz

Maria R. Jacinto

Maroun and Sabine Karam

Sarah Kissko Hersh

Michael J. Lacroix

Art and Susan Jacobson

John and Kathleen Karkheck

Hilda Klauer

Eugene R. Laczniak

Thomas and Darcy Jakopchek

Helen M. Katz

John and Kelly Kleiderer

Jean-Pierre Lafouge

Robert and Joan James

Teresa Kawamata

Kristin M. Kleiderer

Christopher and Irene Lahart

Joanne Janiak

Kayne Anderson Capital Advisors

Jacqueline Klepic

Patricia M. Laing

Paul A. Janowiak

Thomas Kearney

Rev. John P. Koeplin, S.J.

John and Jeanne Lally

Margaret L. Jansen, LLC

Kathleen Kearns

Joseph P. Koestner

Lauretta Lambrecht

Ronald P. Jansey

Eileen F. Kearns

Stephen Chris Kogos, Jr.

Brian and Margaret Landgraf

Derek Jarvis

Elisabeth M. Keeley-Cain

Reinhard and Ciris Kohler

Judith A. Lang

Scott and Dina Jaskowiak

John P. Keker

Stanley and Donna Kolodziejczak

James and Irene Langan

Jason Rogers Hale Caterers, Inc.

R. Conroy Keller

Martin and Barbara Kondrath

Jim and Karen Langford

Gayle Ware Jayne

John Kelley

Lindsey R. Konkel

Elizabeth R. Langran

Kenneth G. Jeffers

Bernard O. Kelly

Albert P. Koppes

William J. Lannes III

Deborah M. Jeffery

Hugh and Betty Kelly

Keith Kosich

Rev. Donald Larkin, S.J.

Charles and Lisa Jellinek

James and Maureen Kelly

Don Kossar

Kenneth and Ellen Larsen

Thomas and Thelma Jennewein

Jim and Laura Kelly

Carol Krajicek

Dale G. Larson

Jesuit Community, College of the Holy Cross

Linda and Alisa Kelly

Eric E. Krakowski

Frances Larue

Francisco Jimenez

Michael Kelly

Rita Krause

Evangeline Lata

Timothy and Patricia Johnson

Alice Abel Kemp

Holley A. Krawlec

Victoria Laudenbach

David and Beth Johnson

Robert and Eileen Kennedy

Jerome and Kathleen Kreger

Wendell J. Laurent

Carla M. Johnson

Patrick W. Kenney

Mary B. Kremer

Christopher J. Laver

James and Louise Johnson

Madelene J. Kenny

John and Lorraine Krizel

Stephen Laveroni and Patricia O’Neill

Jeanne H. Johnson

Marie A. Connell Kenyon

Jack M. Krouse

Katherine M. Leach

Peter and Eileen Johnston

Anne Kilbourn Caretto

Rosemary E. Krsak

Michael and Mary Leary

Richard and Mary Ann Johnston

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kiley

Kenneth C. Kruly

James and Marianne Lebair

Mary Jones

Ruadhan Killeen

Edward and Margaret Kuehner

Mary Frances Lebamoff

Diane E. Jorgensen

Yongok Kim

Kenneth R. and Christine Kuhlman

Dr. and Mrs. J.V. Leblanc

John B. Joseph

Mary Kinahan-Ockay

Jane S. Kuhnmuench

Kristine Kromrei Lee

Shirley A. Jost

Fred and Sara King

Tom and Mary Ann Kunnecke

Rees and Marjorie Lee

Stefanie E. Juell

Mary J. King

Franz G. Kuo

Robert Lee, Jr.

Michael and Paula Jung

Barbara J. Kingsbury

Robert and Patricia Kusky

Haris Lefteri

Paul and Anne Kaldrovics

Karen A. Kipp

Katherine C. Kypriotis

Rosalinda M. Lehto

Frank and Ernestine Kamp

John and Artemis Kirk

L.A. Area CFC

Ken and Connie Leinauer

Kevin and Jane Kane

Martin and Lynne Kirner

James and Mary B. LaBelle

Kendra M. Leingang

Kevin and Anne Kane

Marilyn Kirvin

Neil and Mary Lachant

Thomas B. Leininger

37 2010AnnualReport.indd 39

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Richard and Mary Leiweke

Hilda A. Lopez

Monica Manriquez

Kelly P. McDonald

Martin Lelinski

Linda R. Lorden

Rita Marano

Tom and Marjorie McDonald

Sheila A. Lemieux

Consuelo Lorenzo

David Margules and Nancy R. Walsh

Mary E. McDonnell

David and Deborah Lemire

Brendan Loud

Robert Markovic

Charles and Alice McEnery

David F. Lenihan

Marjorie C. Low

Loretta Marquard

Kevin and Nancy McEnery

Leona L. Leo

Lowcountry CFC

Elizabeth E. Martin

Charles and Donna McGlynn

Harry and Teresa Leonard

Benjamin Lowndes

Joseph P. Martin

Terrie McGraw

Karen Leonard

Loyola Press

Kerrine Karnell Martin

John McGregory

Dr. Jordan and Mrs. Josephine Leondopoulos

William and Janet Lucas

Rev. George G. Martinson, S.J.

John and Anne McGrorty

Anne M. Lepore

Yolanda C. Lucas

Blake A. Marvin

Mary C. McGuire

Sowaya Joyce Lerebour

Dennis and Pam Lucey

Mary Theresa Lopez

James McHugh

Erica Lesperance

Brian Ludden

Gerald M. Masar

Sheila G. McInerney

Hildegard M. Letbetter

Marie and Robert Lueders

Linda T. Massari

Kevin McKeever

Richard and Celeste Leuck

Robert D. Lurie

Jonathan and Ruth Matt

Rev. Gerard R. McKeon, S.J.

Martha L. Leven

Joseph and Geraldine Lynch

Alan and Colleen Mattioni

Betty McLeod-Dansbury

Thomas and Suzanne Levy

Gregory and Erika Lynch

James and Lisa Mayfield

Daniel and Mary McMahon

Annie P. Lewis

Heather Lynch

Patrick McAleer

Helen M. McMahon

Deborah M. Lewis

Emily Mabley

Leonard McBirney

Brian and Elizabeth McMearty

Vernia L. Lewis

Joseph MacDougall

Keally D. McBride

Glenna McNally

Robert and Gina Leyba

Nathan J. Macedo

Catherine McCabe

Erin P. McNichol

Louis E. Libbey

Gregory and Lisa Mackey

Charles D. McCall, III

Margaret K. McRaith

Louis J. Liberatore

Rose Ann F. Magnan

Brenna L. McCallick

Nancy L. Meacham

Paul and Jennifer Liebnitz

Anna M. Magnowski

Melissa J. McCann

John Alden Meade

Andre Francis Lijoi

Kieran and Blair Mahan

Mary E. McCarrick

William and Joanne Mealia

Carole F. Lindner

Robert D. Maher, Jr.

Edward McCartan

Gino and Kristi Mecoli

Bryan C. Lindsey

Paula Maier

Katherine McCarthy

Paul and Mary Meiners

Dorothy L. Lindsey

Robert J. Mailey

Mary C. McCarty

Sal and Elaine Mele

Renee P. Lindsey

John F. Makowski

Rev. George McCauley, S.J.

Patricia Mooney Melvin

Jeffrey A. Ling

Barbara H. Maliszewski

Martin J. McCauley

Rev. Gerard E. Menard, S.J.

Martha S. LoMonaco

Diane Malley

Marty McCormick

Elizabeth Mendenhall

Robert Jose Lobo

Michael Malone

Dennis P. McCrossen

Br. Jerome P. Menkhaus, S.J.

John and Maureen Logue

Joseph and Bridget Mancano

Patricia A. McCulloch

Arnold K. Mensah-Brown

Maureen A. Lomas

Patricia O. Maniscalco

Lana McCullough

Laura J. Merrell

Bernadette Longino

Eugene and Marcy Mann

Patricia A. McDevitt

Craig and Paula Merritt

Maurice and Ernesta Lonsway, Jr.

Geraldine Mann

Michael and Julie McDonagh

Kevin and Judithe Messmer

John and Kathleen Looney

Shaghne Manning

Brent and Katherine McDonald

Metropolitan Denver Area CFC

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Amy B. Metzel

Robert J. Moulin

Laura Ann Nichols

Lisa O’Mara

Marcella R. Meyer

Tom and Susan Mountin

Anthony and Sharon Joseph Nicola

James C. and Ann H. O’Neil

Anthony J. Meyer

Jacob Moy

Nancy Z. Nielsen

Elizabeth C. O’Neill

Thomas E. Meyer

Edward Mullaney

Roger and Luanne Nilsen

Marla J.F. O’Neill

Anne Michalzak

John and Susan Mullen

Sheila B. Nitta

Daniel F. O’Reilly

Jamie Beth Mihaich

Robert and Eileen Mullins

John and Patricia Nobis

William and Nancy O’Shea

Eduardo Mihura and Iraida Carrasco

John Mulreany

John and Claire Noone

Robert and Catherine O’Sullivan

Paul A. Milakovich

David and Patricia Mulvey

Michael G. Norton

Robert and Mary O’Reilly

Lawrence P. Milford

Marta Murchison

Mary Ann Novak

Vincent and Mary Frances Obradovich

Frank Millar

Mary Ellen Murphy

Gregory and Denise Nowak

Estifanos Z. Ogbamichael

Margaret M. Millard

Rev. John V. Murphy, S.J.

Grace I. Nuber

Jane Ogbodo

Kim Miller

Paul Murphy and Charlene Baron

Donald Nugent

Matthew M. Oishi

Patsy J. Mills

Donald and Anne Murray

Bridget E. O’Brien

Hilda M. Okeeffe

Rene and Elizabeth Miramontes

John Patrick Murray

Edward J. O’Brien

William and Anne Olcott

Peter Miron-Conk

John M. Murray, DMD

Christopher O’Brien and Karen Howard

Gina R. Olinghouse

Anne M. Mironchik

Mary Jo Muscarello

James and Joan O’Brien

Chris and Yvonne Oliveira

Beryl F. Mitchell

Andrew and Suzanne Musetto

Jane C. O’Brien

James C. Olsen

Victoria Lynn Mitchell

Scott and Lourdes Myslinski

Kathleen O’Brien

Frank Olszewski

Uzoma Nkem Mmekam

Rev. Sess Julien N’Guessan, S.J.

Kevin J. O’Brien

Ruth L. Opeil

Dolores Molina


William T. O’Connell

Rev. Frank M. Oppenheim, S.J.

Greta A. Molyneux

Troy Nakamura

Francis O’Connor

Orange-San Bernadino Counties CFC

James T. Monahan

Deepti Nalavade

Ethel O’Connor

Daniel F. Oreilly

Mary J. Mondello

Maureen Nalezny

Kathleen O’Connor

Paula M. Orgen

Mary E. Monnens

Janina Nalis

Kimberly J. O’Connor

Jenny B. Orr

Bridget N. Monohan

Dr. Anthony and Mrs. Diane Napoli

Paul O’Connor, S.J.

Emilio A. Ortega

Michael Monteleone

Randall and Jane Nass

Thomas O’Connor

Lorgia Ortega

Billy and Alma Montelongo

Mary Naughton

Maureen A. O’Dea

Carlos A. Ortez

Laura Montemayor

George and Grace Nedy

Bernard and Patricia O’Donnell

Roger Osborne

Brian Moore and Karen C. Adkins

Nina S. Nell

Terrence R. O’Donnell

Bryant Ospino

Stephen M. Moore

Greg Nelson

Clark and Marilyn O’Donoghue

Freida A. Ossi

Patricia A. Moorehead

Robert and Mary Nespeco

James and Nell O’Gorman

Rev. Bernard J. Owens, S.J.

James and Janet Morgan

Network for Good

Karen B. O’Hara

Jennifer C. Owens

Michael Morgan

Amy E. Newlon

John and Diane O’Keefe

August Italo Pacetti

Christine Morrissey

Joseph and Patricia Neyer

Michael and Susan O’Leary

Jeannette T. Pacheco

M. Theresa Moser

Judy Nguyen

William J. O’Leary

Jill Packo

David M. Mouldon

Anne T. Nicastro

Ellen Elcock O’Malley

Eugene S. Pagano

39 2010AnnualReport.indd 41

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Susan M. Pagano

Betty J. Priddy

Victoria Pagnucci

Jami L. Prince

Edward R. Paige

Susan Proctor

Kyong Ah K. Paik

William and Carol Proksch

Susan Paik

Julia M. Pryce

Ana Palma

Todd and Kerri Pryor

Steven and Ellen Palmer

Nancy M. Puffe

John M. Palumbo

John and Dolores Pullen

Panagiotis P. Panagiotou

Thomas Pyburn

Maureen D. Pansky

Avelonia V. Quarrie

Stanley and Adele Pantelakis

Robert and Rosemary Queathem

Justo and Stella Pardo

Henri Eplhege Leon Quenum

Arthur J. Parham, Jr.

Ronald and Wendi Quick

Jeffrey Paris and Deanna Tibbs

Sheila Quigley

Tommie and Bertha Paris

Kevin and Dorothy Quinn

William L. Parish, IV

Matt Quinn

Jennifer Parker

Tracy Quinn

Kenneth and Karen Parker

Phyllis A. Quintois

Laurence and Dorthea Parrish Jack Parsons

Joann Rush Primary school at Kaoze under construction in Moba, Democratic Republic of the Congo.

George and Martha Pascual

R.U.S.A. Matching Gift Program Sarah M. Rafferty

Christian and Kristin Patragnoni-Sauter

Kathleen R. Peterson

Howard and Jeanne Place

Sean Rahamut-Ali

Rebecca A. Pawlik

Richard C. Pfaff

Plantes Company

Christopher R. Raines

Fernando M. Payerpaj

John and Mary Beth Phillips

Chet C. Platt

Ralston and Miriam Deffenbaugh

Susan M. Payne

Robert and Harriet Phillips

Jack and Leslie Anne Plecque

Mark Ralston

Deborah J. Pazderka

Stephen P. Phillips

James Pokrywczynski

Mohan Rao

Alan J. Pecora

John and Shawn Pierce

Robert and Joan Poli

Christopher and Donna Rapisardo

John Paul Pederson

Margaret Pierce-Trottnow

John Porteiro

Andrew Ratchford

Linda Pellegrini

Richard and Sally Pierotti

John R. Porter

James and Karen Raterman

Dr. Christopher K. Pellino

John E. Piletz

Kathleen D. Potter

David M. Rave

Lydia M. Pena

John and Dolores Pilla

Zhanna Povaliaev

Thos and Alice Rayer

Beverly Penberthy

Pierre C. Pingitore

Joseph and Margaret Powers

Mary Rebagliati

Anna R. Pennington

Margaret and Mary Pirman

Jose S. Prado

Pura Recalde

Kurt Peot

Dr. and Mrs. Karl S. Pister

David and Gisele Prados

Katy Reckdahl

Janelle M. Peregoy

Linda L. Pittman

Andrea Preate-Regni

Ron and Carol Recker

Michelle Pernini

Susan Pixley, O.P.

Michael and Katherine Price

R. Phillip Reed

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Robert Murphy and Donna Reed

Raymond Rogers

Sally V. Sancho

Kristin V. Schwartz

Brian M. Reedy

Mary Roloff

Katie T. Sangster

Matthew and Patricia Sciuto

Rev. Francis X. Reese, S.J.

Michael Ross Romero


John E. Scola, III

Rev. Thomas J. Regan, S.J.

Michael and Linda Rooney

Rev. Alexander M. Santora

Arden Scott

David and Kathleen Reid

Oren and Barbara Root

Andrea Santoriello

Gordon V. Scott

Peter and Jennifer Reid

Aida J. Rosa

Sovutta Sar

Christopher and Robin Scurto

Robert P. Reilly

Joaquin and Myrna Rose

Kimon Sargeant

Paul and Mindy Secunda

Rev. William J. Reilly

Tim R. Rose

Rose Sattler

Annie Selak

Mary Reinhardt

Richard E. Ross

Dalia R. Saulys

Ann Seletski

Susan Reinschreiber

William N. Rotas

Amanda Savasky

Paul Seliga

Ida M. Remigi

Carita C. Rothing

Janice Savidge

Carol A. Sellers

Jeffrey Resetarits

Kirk and Laura Rothrock

Holly Saylor

Susan C. Senn

Carmen Reyes

Robert C. Rourke

Teresa J. Scalard

Peter and Phyllis Sequeira

Laurenmarie Reyes

Sylvia A. Rousseve

John and Jane Scallan

Shefali Shah

Thomas and Maricruz Reyes

Gail Roussey

Vera M. Scanlon

Nima Shahidinia

Thomas and Madeline Reynolds

John and Mary Ann Routledge

Gary and Barbara Scharff

Anne Shaknis

Lisa M. Rhode

Justin T. Rowan

Jill A. Schaub

Sharon Jo Shelton

Joseph J. Ricci

John and Barbara Rowder

Carol L. Scheidenhelm

William and Cynthia Sharp

Robert F. Richards

Margaret A. Rubinas

Philip and Mary Schenkenberg

Robert G. Shaw

Steven and Denise Rick

Mara V. Rubio

Robert and Leicha Schepers

Vincent Shay

Autumn Ridenour

Kathryn Russell

Chris and Michelle Scherer

Brigid Shea

Larry and Olga Rillera

Donovan W. Russell

Brian Schilling

William and Cynthia Sheehan

Valerie A. Ritchie

Sam and Patricia Russo

George and Mary Schmidt

Frank and Geraldine Shelley

Paul M. Rivard, Sr.

Margaret and Maureen Ryan

Christopher and Veronica Schmitt

Jeanne E. Sherburne

Edwin R. Rivas

William F. Ryan, Jr.

Dorthea R. Schmitt

Daylin M. Short

Jose and Virginia N. Rivera

Laura Rzepecki

Gerald and Rosemary Schmitt

Mary C. Sikora

William D. Rizer

Rev. Charles F. Kelley, S.J.

Edgar R. Schneider

Susan F. Silvestre

David and Marcia Robbins

Rev. Kurt M. Denk, S.J.

Conrad and Molly Schray

Bill J. Simmonds

Robin Jones and Emma Wilson

Roseann Saah

David and Daly Schreck

Catherine M. Simoneaux

Erin M. Robinson

Katherine Safford-Ramus

Clarence E. and Judith Schuett

Wanda Simoni

Rev. Randall H. Roche, S.J.

Cheryl Salas

Paige L. Schulte

Dr. Joseph and Mrs. Christine Sincavage

Joseph and Mona Rochelle

Jose and Lorena Salazar

Timothy Martin Schultz

Andrew Sing

Rockhurst University

Thomas and Colleen Salmon

Nathan and Deborah Schuster

Sisters of St. Ursula, Providence

Kathryn A. Rodgers

Ann Saltalamacchio

Lisa D. Schwab

James Siwicki

M.G. Rodriguez

Ernest and Susan Sampias

Roxanne Y. Schwab

Paul T.L. Sizemore

Amy Rogers

San Angelo Area CFC #0851

James and Virginia Schwartz

Michelle Skaff

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Jerome and Linda Skoritowski

Michael and Kimberly John and Catherine Thielmann

Kathy O. Sloss

Jamie Smeland

Neil J. Sullivan

Pamela L. Thomas

Rev. Simon Smith, S.J.

Peter Sullivan

Paul M. Thomas

Carl and Catherine Smith

Robert and Catherine Thomas Thornhill

Lealand and Mollie Smith

Maureen Smith

Timothy J. Sullivan

Kevin and Julia Thorpe

Thomas Smith

Eleanor Sundaram

Reginald Thorpe

Wayne Smith and Susan Cahill

Edward Sunshine and

Norman E. Tierney

Geri Smolich

Hon. V. Paul Timko

Very Rev. Thomas H. Smolich, S.J.

Richard R. Super

Anthony and Phyllis Tocco

Dorothy Smyntek

Susan Seeby

Gregory and Diane Tomezsko

David and Colleen Snyder

Mary T. Sweat

Alejandra Tonarely



Ann Connor

Theodore and Fran Thoma

Stephen and Sarah Thorpe

Kathleen J. Sogan

Children of Mwange School in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Daniel B. Sweeney

George Torpey

Christopher Soh

carry a blackboard to their classroom.

Linda J. Sweeney

George and Jensen Toth

James and Darlene Sweet

Michelle Towers

Nancy Solis Dean Somes

Elizabeth Ann Stammler-Almon

Walter and Mary Sweetman

Joseph C. Towle

Ashley L. Sonson

Laura Starr

Gay Sweningsen and Phyllis Barnett

Elizabeth Tracy

Patrick S. Soper

Joanne Steenveld

Brian and Colleen Swift

Thach Tran

Richard H. Sorgea, Jr.

John Stefaniak

William J. Switaj

Theresa T. Tran

Jay Anthony Sorgi

Cynthia Stehle

Helen Mary Szablya

Roy and Lynne Tresaugue

Southeastern Michigan Area CFC

Susan Steinhart

George and Judy Taffet

James and Marie Trowbridge

Southern Alaska Area-CFC

John E. Stevens

Susan M. Tagliere

E.J. and Janelle Troxclair

Patrice Morin Spatz

Charles and Maggie Stimming

Judith Talvacchia

Alicia Trued

Martha Speciale

James and Allison Stinger

Dulcy R. Tamarin

David and Stephanie Tryba

Maria L. Spencer

Rosemary Stinson

Cristina Tapia

Roberta Jo Tucker

Lauren R. Spittler

Pamela Stites

Kristin Y. Tate

William W. Tucker

Frank and Judith Splitt

Megan Bridget Stockhausen

Norman and Shirley Tauzin

Stanley and Dolores Tulkoff

Lawrence and Cornelia Spoerl

Jeanne Stojkovic

Colleen A. Taylor

Joseph W. Tursi

Donna Spoto

John and Mary H. Strandquist

Patrick and Mary Taylor

Paul and Diane Tvede

Lori L. Sprague

Sr. Grace F. Strauber, SFP

Philip and Leslie Tedeschi

Brady and Doreen Twohy

Joanne M. Springer

John and Laura Strys

Pete and Alicia Ten Eyck

Michael and Leona Ullery

St. Agnes Church

Rev. Francis A. Sullivan, S.J.

Alice A. Teneyck

United eWay

St. Bridget’s Church

John and Barbara Sullivan

Viguen Terminassian

United Way of Ventura County

Gregory J. Stahl

Kathleen P. Sullivan

The Glenmede Trust Company

United Way PCFO

John and Margaret Stakem

Leonard J. Sullivan, S.J.

Paul Thelen

Southern Arizona CFC

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United Way of Central New York

Thomas G. Volpicella

Frances Wessley

Jacqueline R. Woods

James M. Uomini

Diana Lee Vriend

West Point- Orange- Rockland- Sullivan CFC

Oscar and Mary Woods

Sofia Uretta-Wood

Barbara E. Wacker

William and Catherine Whealen

Paul and Chris Anne Woods

Mark David Uy

Janet Wagner

Fredric and Kristin Wheeler

Claudia Woodward

Daniel J. Vaccaro

Sara A. Wagner

Frances Whetstone

Daniel and Mary Woody

Consuelo Valdez

Joseph F. Wakelee-Lynch

Ann P. White

John Michael Work

Rene Valle

David and Cristina Walden

Daniel and Claire White

Helen Wu

Caroline R. Valvardi

Amy M. Walker

Dave White and Lauren Sullivan

Sasha Yagi

Patricia L. Van Dyke

Mindy L. Walker

Helen M. White

Rose Yampolsky

Joan L. Van Hise

Dolores A. Wallace

Diane O. Whitlow

Mary H. Yanish

Elizabeth VanKleeck

Eileen Walsh

Kathleen A. Wiers

Col. William G. Yarborough, Jr.

Scott Vanderveer

John and Eulalia Walsh

Barbara J. Wilcox

John Yatsko and Jeanne Cove

John H. Vanier

Daniel and Marie Walsh

Joseph and Cathleen Wildt

Stephen T. Yavorsky

Bonnie S. Vanni

Joan Dunn Walsh

John R. and Eugenia Wilhelm

Engin Edwin Yaz

Natividad R. Vasquez

Carolina Walsh

Teresa M. Wille

Eugenia A. Yesthal

Vanessa Vega

John and Dina Walsh

Kathleen Williams

Seghel M. Yohannes

Rogelio and Maria Vela

Rev. Matthew S. Walsh, S.J.

Anne D. Williams

Gordon A. Young

Clarence and Sharon Venables

Marc and Carol Walters

Eunice Williams

Mee Yin Mary Yuen

Joann Vera

Celeta C. Walther

Olga J. Williams

Bruce Zaharevitz

Jennifer M. Verive

Robert and Rosemary Ward

Thomas and Deborah Williams

Mark M. Zangrando

Mary M. Verso

Thomas J. Ward

Shawn and Rita Willis

John S. Zapanta

Sr. Peggy Ann Verstege, RSM

Joclynn Ware

George B. Wilson

Robert and Debra Zeiss

Very Oddfellows, LLC

Diane M. Warner

Joan O. Wilson

David A. Zelaya

Thomas L. Vetter

Sr. Mary Warner, SSND

Thomas and Pamela Win

Frank and Wendy Zeuli

Kathleen Vick

Joanna Wasilewska

Timothy and Mary Windler

Ruth Ziccardi

Anna Viggiano

Leighton and Yvonne Wassilak

Peter D. Winfrey

John C. Ziegler

Francis and Patricia Villani

Reed Watson

Eileen Wirth

Michael C. Ziegler

Gabriel and Alejandra Villarreal

Scott Watson

Martin M. Witchger

Rose Zimbardo

Gabriel and Rosa Villarreal

Carol Weatherall

Elizabeth Witte

Robert and Jo Zinselmeyer

Robert and Catherine Vining

Nicolette Webb Angieri

David and Bridget Wolfe

Manuela Zuniga

Marie J. Viola

Ann Marie Weber

Janice Wolff

Constance de la Vega

James and Mary Vlazny

Steven and Deborah Weber

Margaret Wollen-Olson

Warren von Eschenbach

Rev. Karl J. Voelker, S.J.

William and Jeanne Weber

Darleen Won

Diane M. Voeller

John R. Weir

Caroline Wong

Deniece Volker

George Weller

Nancy L. Wood

Stephen and Jane Volker

Connie Wentz

Colleen E. Woodley

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Staff Kenneth J. Gavin, S.J.
 National Director
(through Oct. 15, 2010) Michael A. Evans, S.J. National Director (as of Oct. 15, 2010) Shaina Aber Associate Advocacy Director
 Armando Borja Program Director Christian Fuchs Communications Director Paris Jones Administrative Coordinator

Board of Directors Herbert Martin
 Crowell & Mooring LLP (ret.)
 Chair of Board Richard Kelly
 Bridgeford Group
 Vice Chair of Board Frederick Ahearn, Jr.
 Catholic University of America Jennifer Bailey Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project Rita Bennett Aperian Global (ret.)

Stephen Cashin
 Pan African Capital

Timothy Kelly
 Catholic Charities of Baltimore

Michael A. Evans, S.J. Jesuit Refugee Service/USA (ex officio)

Donald Kerwin, Jr.
 Migration Policy Institute

Henry Ferrero
 Deloitte & Touche (ret.) Kenneth J. Gavin, S.J.
 Jesuit Refugee Service/USA (ex officio through Oct. 15, 2010) Margaret Green-Rauenhorst New York, New York Thomas Greene, S.J. U.S. Jesuit Conference

Kim Miller Outreach Coordinator

Michael Bloom
 Now You Know Media

Cindy Rice Development Director

Michele Burke Bowe
 Chevy Chase, Maryland

James Haggerty
 Catholic Legal Immigration Network (ret.)

Mitzi Schroeder Director for Policy

Curtis Brand
 Exxon-Mobil Oil (ret.)

Marilyn Jerome
 Foxhall OB/GYN Associates

Timothy Kesicki, S.J.
 Chicago and Detroit Jesuit Provinces Madeline Lacovara
 Diocese of Bridgeport Michael Linden, S.J.
 New England Province Joan Neal
 Cabrini College Daniel Porterfield
 Georgetown University Thomas Smolich, S.J.
 U.S. Jesuit Conference Joanne Whitaker, RSM Former Regional Director, JRS Southern Africa

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Above: A boy studies on a desk set up outdoors while classrooms are cleaned at Lerwa Primary School in Southern Sudan. The school was built by JRS, and is the first permanent structure in the village. JRS continues to accompany the people of Southern Sudan with programs that make schools the heart of new and restored communities, as focal points for hope for a better future and centers for peace building activities. Back cover: From left, JRS/USA National Director Fr. Ken Gavin S.J., JRS Latin America and Caribbean Director Fr. Alfredo Infante, S.J., JRS International Director Fr. Peter Balleis, S.J. and JRS Haiti’s Fr. Wismith Lazard, S.J. confer with residents of the Automeca camp for Haitians left homeless by the earthquake.

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Jesuit Refugee Service/USA 1016 16th St NW Suite 500 Washington, D.C. 20036

2010AnnualReport.indd 48

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11/10/10 11:17 AM

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