and magazine - Winter 2016

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Hello. For 10 years, Jump Street has published and™ magazine, the regions only magazine written by teens for teens. High school interns write articles, collect and evalute submissions, and design the layout for each issue of the magazine. and™ magazine is looking for interns and submissions, including written and visual pieces.


To be considered for an internship or publication contact Jeff Copus, Art Education Director, Jump Street at 717.238.1887 or


SENIOR EDITORS Miranda Hallas, Kya Wanner


SENIOR EDITORS Miranda Hallas, Camp Hill Kya Wanner, Susquenita

CONTRIBUTORS Samantha Reedy, Jamie Camano, Natasha Garcia, Fabiola Garcia, Cameron Minor, Bryce Lightner, Keegan Nash, Madelyn Brodie, Olivia Albrittion, Madison Lane AND MAGAZINE MISSION STATEMENT 1. To provide opportunities to regional teens to participate in all phases of the magazine publishing process, from writing and editing to graphic design, photography and marketing. Area professionals will mentor the students, providing them with marketable and transferable skills. 2. To provide teens with a magazine that promotes healthy lifestyles and highlights the tremendous opportunities available to them in Central Pennsylvania as students and future employees. The views expressed by the contributors of and™ magazine are not necessarily those of and™ publisher or Jump Street staff. We feel that it is essential for teens to have a place to express their opinions about their world.

As Senior Editors, Kya Wanner and Miranda Hallas welcome you to and™. A magazine by teens for teens. As an arts and healthy lifestyles magazine, and™ informs students with positive entertaining articles promoting creativity on a day to day basis. We would like to thank all the students for their wonderful submissions that has made this edition of and™ magazine possible. Your work as students has inspired this magazine and shall continue to for many years to come. Enjoy this edition of and™ magazine!

JUMP STREET 100 North Cameron Street, 2nd Floor Harrisburg, PA 17101 1.717.238.1887 FOUNDER Robert C. Welsh


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Jump Street is a nonprofit community arts organization that is dedicated to developing education and economic opportunities in the arts for all ages. Jump Street uses the arts to provide valuable career education and transferable workforce development skills to young people. Additionally, Jump Street provides arts programs for youth and adults, arts-based community service programs, grants to artists, exhibitions, and technical assistance to artists and arts organizations.


table of contents

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teen night at the ballet by: miranda hallas

22 debunking the left vs right brain myth by miranda hallas // page 6 you’ll ruin your dinner by kya wanner // page 7 you matter by kya wanner // page 8 when my life changed by samantha reedy // page 10 half past seven interview by kya wanner // page 11


college breakdown by: miranda hallas

a dancer’s daily by miranda hallas // page 20 knock knock by natasha garcia // page 38 our forever and always by fabiola cervantes // page 39 the necklace by cameron minor // page 40 all hallows eve by bryce lightner // page 42

and magazine


horned owl by: madison lane

page 27 // take control of your day by kya wanner page 28 // the “i’m bored” jar by kya wanner page 29 // jobs for teens by kya wanner page 34 // evergreen by magdeline banks page 35 // night driving

trumping the competition by: miranda hallas


winter 2016

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page 13 // show off your stuff by kya wanner

table of contents table of contents

page 12 // dreams and goals by jamie camano



Miranda Hallas, Camp Hill High School

For those of you in the art’s or other creative fields, you probably have had someone refer to as being “rightbrained.” Let me assure you that you do not just

use your right hemisphere while neglecting your left. To function and perform daily tasks you must use the entirety of your brain. Being “right-brained” has become a type of colloquial terminology for a creative mind, and as a result, a misrepresentation of how humans function. Because this terminology has seemingly scientific appeal as an explanation for natural creativity, it has become incredibly popular in the world of arts. At the same time it gives those who do not have creative tendencies an excuse because well, “I’m just left brained.”

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Due to this phenomenon, I wish to encourage those left brainers to understand that they too have a fully operable right hemispheres. Creativity is not some allusive state for you. For the right-brainers out there, your creativity does not stem from your right hemisphere but rather it is simply a reflection of your personal expression and interests. However, it has been shown through split brain patient studies that each hemisphere performs different functions. Our two brains are connected by what is called the corpus callosum.


This bundle of nerve fibers sends signals back and forth between your two hemispheres allowing for communication on sensory input. Your right

hemisphere controls the left side of your body while your left hemisphere controls the right. Your left brain is primarily involved with language and the process of speaking and hearing. This part of the brain also deals with logic puzzles and hard mathematical computations. This is where the left brain and right brain division has been taken too seriously. Simply because someone is better at mathematics or logic puzzles than the other does not mean that their left brain is favored over their right. What is more likely is that they are simply more practiced in this skill set and/or enjoy it more. The same stands true for an individual’s right brain. Our right hemisphere primarily interprets emotional signals along with understanding spatial relations, but this understanding cannot occur without the help of our left brain. Your strengths and weakness as an individual cannot be linked to hemispheric dominance. Rather, your strengths in the hard sciences or performing arts is a representation of your interests and background. The entirety of your brain is used to perform day to day tasks allowing you to be a functional individual in society. Do not be trapped by the labeling of being a left or right brained individual. Understand that this is more of a metaphor and less of a fact.

YOU’LL RUIN YOUR DINNER Kya Wanner, Susquenita High school

thought my stomach was going to start eating itself at some points! I am here to give us teens a quick tip on how to not over-do our eating, but to make sure we can hold ourselves over for dinner so we don’t have to hear that same phrase one more time. For breakfast, make sure you drink a glass of orange juice or milk to give you energy. Fix yourself some eggs or pour a bowl of cereal. If you normally don’t eat breakfast at least grab a yogurt. In a few hours it will be lunch time. While eating lunch only get the amount you think you will eat. Do NOT force yourself to eat more than you are able. According to BetterHealthUSA, your lunch entree should be something that along the lines of a sandwich, veggie pizza, or just pizza with any of your favorite toppings. Don’t forget to add a drink to your meal. Now, after you have had your breakfast and lunch it’s snack time. Around 3 P.M. eat a small snack. Dietitians recommend eating something from the “healthy” part of the food pyramid like fruit. You don’t want to consume junk food on a daily basis, it will only make you feel worse about getting up and being active. So, with that being said, just pack a healthy snack. It doesn’t need to be more than a

drink and small ziploc bag with your easily accessible food ready to eat. Finally, it’s dinner time and usually you are being tormented by the pantry. After a few days with your new eating routine, you will be able to have a conversation with your parents without them reminding you that dinner’s almost ready. You will be able to concentrate on homework, a T.V. show you missed the other night, or even just enjoying your stomach not screaming outrageously at you to feed the darn thing. After dinner, around 7 P.M., grab one more snack before bed. Make sure you’re not drinking soda or anything with caffeine to ensure that you will have an amazing night’s rest. Try this technique and see how you are feeling after a couple days, and if you are feeling at least 70% more awake keep up the routine! It will save your health in the long run also. Feel free to check out any dietitian websites for more information and even go have a chat with your family doctor on how you can better your eating habits. portion_size.html

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More than once you’ve heard your parents say, “You’ll ruin your dinner,” if you go to reach for a snack. Believe me, I


YOU MATTER kya wanner, susquenita high school

“Approximately 20 percent of teens will experience depression before they reach adulthood. Between 10 to 15 percent of teenagers have some symptoms of depression at any one time. Depression increases a teen’s risk for attempting suicide by 12 times.” Researchers have studied and shared their information on Youth-suicide rates tripled (particularly among young men), while suicide rates for adults fell by 7 percent, and suicide rates for the elderly fell by 30 percent. This is based on research done by the National Bureau of Economic Research, in 1950 and 1990. In 2013, 41,149 people in the United States alone died by suicide; that’s one every 12.8 minutes. Depression is a world wide topic that has been discussed by different countries. Globally, on average, at least one person dies by suicide every 40 seconds. In one year, 365 days, over one million people die by suicide. Suicide rates have increased by 60% in the past 45 years, according to suicide. org.


Teenage depression is not always noticeable; they can cover it up and put on a smile to fool anyone. At times you are able to catch them off guard and see how they’re truly feeling. Depressed teens wait until they’re alone to finally feel every ounce of emotion they’ve been wanting to feel throughout the day. There are many different kinds of depression; here are some...


Major depression is prolonged for more than two weeks. Symptoms are extreme sadness, hopelessness, lack of energy, irritability, trouble concentrating, changes in sleep or eating habits,

feelings of guilt, physical pain, and thoughts of death or suicide. Medication usually responds well to treat this type of depression. Dysthymia is less severe than major depression but it’s still serious. It causes a low mood over a long period of time, sometimes a year or more. You are able to function normally but not up to your usual standards. Most symptoms include sadness, trouble concentrating, fatigue, changes in sleep habits and appetite. Talking to a therapist rather than taking medications is usually a better form of treatment. Seasonal Affective Disorder is also known as SAD. The symptoms include anxiety, increased irritability, daytime fatigue, and weight gain. This depression is usually related to the winter months. Bipolar Disorder is charachterized by periods where you are feeling extremely low and then next extremely high. It’s also called manic depressive disorder because symptoms can alternate between mania and depression. Symptoms of mania include high energy, excitement, racing thoughts, and poor judgment. Bipolar disorder is typically treated with drugs called mood stabilizers.

CRISIS TEXT LINE: text “Start” to 741-741. available 24/7

Chris Iliades, MD has given insight on most of these depressions and his article was medically reviewed by Pat F. Bass III MD, MPH. The more information you research on mental health problems the more knowledge you will have to support yourself and others. Either you will be able to point out when you are feeling down in the dumps, or you’ll be able to point out to a friend how they have been acting. Don’t be scared to get help for yourself, friends, or family. Everyone means something. If you or anyone you know ever needs help please contact the hotlines provided.

The Trevor Project (LGBT): 1-866-488-7386, available 24/7 Dating Violence Helpline for Teens: 866-331-9474 or text “lovels” to 22522 Suicide Hotline: 1-800-784-2433


Situational Depression only becomes worse if your symptoms of excessive sadness, worry, or nervousness don’t go away. This depression is when something happens and you are not able to bounce back to your normal self within a day or two. If the symptoms continue to escalate, you are most likely forming major depression and need to go see your family doctor.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255, available 24/7





This was something that I never expected to happen to me, I was always trying to take my life as is and nothing more. But gradually

everything had been getting worse, I was crying more often and usually there was not a reason. The only explanation that I could think of was that I was losing it, I was going insane. I refused to tell anyone, I didn’t want to be labeled as crazy; I wasn’t going to be that girl. I refused to be that girl. Now for a while the pain went away and it would come back, but it never stayed for very long. This was years ago, but now it was my junior year of high school, and I was only getting worse. I didn’t know it then but this would be the year that changed my life. It was sixth period, and I walked into Mrs. Ray’s room, the teacher who would change everything, the class was Advanced Placement Language and Composition. I was terrified, I couldn’t believe that I had not only signed up for an AP course but took the steps to actually follow through with the class. It wasn’t the class itself that had the largest impact on me it; it was the teacher. As I would later just come to call her Ray, she became like a second mother to me, but it would take some time.

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School was taking a toll on me, like it does every single year, but oddly enough there was


something different about this year. I was breaking piece by piece and before I knew it I had reached an all time low. I remember it all so well, we were having a club fair in the lobby during lunch, and I was a part of the Creative Writing Club. Across the lobby there was a resource group that I had no idea even existed, and of all the staff, Mrs. Ray was a part of the group, it turns out it was the Student Assistance Team. The Student Assistance Team is about helping students with things that most people would not like to talk about in public. I gathered about all the courage I could and walked over to find out more, the group was explained to me. By the end of the day I had filled out a referral about myself to give to anyone on the team. I trusted the referral to end up with Ray because she was the only teacher I had this year that I could somewhat trust with the information on the referral. On the referral I talked about how I have been feeling during the past several years on my life, how I was having anxiety, how I never really ate, and how I was having suicidal thoughts. Well it turns out red flags were raised, and before I knew, it I started on a journey that hasn’t quite ended yet. Well I thought nothing of handing the referral into Ray, and it just seemed that she would look over it. Well, before I knew it I

was sitting in eighth period and had received an email from Ray telling me that she was on her way to get me out of class. So by the time I read the email, she was in my history class and pulling me out and taking me to the guidance office. There, she sat with me as I had to talk to the guidance counselor; I was terrified and afraid something bad was going to happen, I cried turns out, I just cry a lot so that’s not new. But after that whole ordeal, Ray told me she had to have some meeting to decide if there was anything they could do for me, but she said I’ll be able to get the help I need. Well, after a while I would wind up seeing a therapist for everything that I’ve been struggling with, and at this point I can honestly say that everything has been getting better. I still have ups and downs, but I’m working on it. My anxiety and depression haven’t been as bad as they used to be. But I take each moment just a day at a time, and honestly, it has helped me get through so much. But as sad as it might be to say, at one point in my life I never pictured I would be here. I was able to find people like Mrs. Ray and my therapist, Kim, who actually care about me and they have helped give me strength to keep going. They have become so important to me, whether they realize it or not.

HALF PAST SEVEN Interview by Kya Wanner, Susquenita High school

do cover songs from classics to modern day styles. Styles such as Rock, Metal, Funk, Country, and Pop. They write their own music as well. Steve Lombardi and Nick Lombardi are brothers, and Tyler Kilby has been a close friend for years. Half Past Seven are a known around the greater Philadelphia area which gives YOU the opportunity to listen to a this new band. Kya: When exactly did you decide to start a band and why? Steve Lombardi: My younger brother and I both started playing music around the age of 6. Our father played the drums and started teaching us both. I eventually got an electric guitar for my eighth birthday and ended up switching to playing just guitar. So from that point on my brother and I were finally able to jam together. Once we were in middle school we did a few talent shows together, and by the time we were in high school we wanted to complete our band by adding a singer and a bass player. We had trouble finding a good bass player so my younger brother Nick decided he wanted to switch from drums to playing bass while letting close friend Tyler Kilby join the band to play drums. We had a former friend/singer, Scott French, join the band shortly after that and we began getting more serious right out of High School. We ended up playing the bar/club scene for a few years and from that point on we just knew that being a musician and performing was what we wanted to do. It’s what we are good at... and we have fun doing it. After a few more years of playing, Scott left the band and we were in search for a singer again. We had another guy we met online try out for a little while, but it didn’t work out. We eventually got tired of looking for a savior to come along so we just took over the vocals ourselves. My brother Nick Sings the main vocals and I take care of the

backups. So now it’s just back to the tree original members and ever since, it’s never been better. Kya: Is there any point in your childhood that you reflect upon to help you with your career in music? Steve Lombardi: I think because I started off on drums first I’ve always had a good sense of rhythm. Having good rhythm is so important. That’s what gives music that tight, catchy sound. Kya: Can you tell me your favorite song and explain why it is your favorite song. Steve Lombardi: I listen to a lot of different types of music so I really can’t pick a favorite song. It just depends on my mood. There is so much good music out there. Kya: Where are you three from and how did you guys meet? Steve Lombardi: We are all from Oxford, PA and we met when we were in elementary school. Kya: What would you like to say to young aspiring musicians? Steve Lombardi: Do what you love, have fun, dream big, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, work hard, and play A LOT of shows! lol. Half Past Seven has been performing in at Wesley’s Bar in Elkton, MD; Red Star Craft House in Exton, PA; Pickled Herring Pub in North East, MD; J&B Hotel in Quarryville, PA. You are able to find all these locations and dates on their website at www. More information on Half Past Seven can be found on their facebook page at Half Past Seven Musician/Band, or at videos.

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They are a band of three people who are very dedicated to their work. They


DREAMS AND GOALS by Jamie camano

Dreams and Goals are part of our daily life. Dreams and Goals are what motivates us to keep trying and never give up during good and bad times. Even when we think we will never make it, when there is no solution, and they are not going to come true, and we will not be able to accomplish them. Dreams and Goals are the objectives we set for our lives that we want to accomplish. Dreams are what we wish for. Goals are desires that a person plans and commits to achieve. Without dreams and goals there would be no ambition to chase. Dreams are what help us aim for bigger goals. Goals are what help us believe in ourselves. They help us keep track of how much progress we have made. Our dreams, our hopes, our aspirations, and our goals are what drive us to succeed: these are our ambitions in this life. We shall never give up on a dream or a goal just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. It is difficult but not impossible. Everything is possible in this life with effort, dedication, devotion, determination, and passion. Success is the sum of all of our efforts. Having courage to pursue your dreams and goals is a major part of the Dreams and Goals process, because they are the hope and ambition of achieving something. Hope is another characteristic that goes in hand with our dreams and goals. It is the feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. Hope is the expectation we expect from our Dreams and Goals. This is what Dreams and Goals are.


-GREG WERNER, JMU I, Jamie Camano, have dreams and goals just like everyone else. I will do whatever it takes to achieve them!

SHOW OFF YOUR STUFF by Kya Wanner, Susquenita High school

work with people of all ages, races, and religion. You are one person creating a work of art that hundreds or thousands of different humans.

What is your artistic side? What drives the spontaneous creativity in your brain? Is it painting? How about writing? There are many different ways people are able to make art, yet they have nowhere to show it. You always need an outlet, either it’s writing in a journal for nobody to see or maybe it’s painting a mural visible to the public. It saddens me when students are not able to express themselves because they feel they have no outlet. I will be glad to help you figure out where to show off your stuff! Personally, I have my own wattpad and I am in love with it. You can communicate with others all over the globe. You are able to interact with clubs and participate in contests. Upload your short stories or poems and watch the views and favorites escalate! If you hit over 1,000 views meaning readers, you are able to access a tab called “Demographics” which will allow you to see the locations where anyone has ever opened up your story! Bloggers, here is a website for you to address the way you feel by expressing your creative side through a paintbrush or words, whatever you prefer to use. It’s a lot like, which a lot of teenagers have accounts to. Check it out! Do you tweet outrageously? Here is a website that links to twitter and is able to give you more writing space to address how you’re feeling. Tweets have been expanded! Are you a photographer and not really a writer? A website like flickr is just what you need in your life. It gives you the opportunity to upload photos and always write a small comment if you wish; some

editing websites are and Facebook Notes: I recently found on facebook that you are able to create a NOTE on your account. The NOTE feature, allows you to write a blog instead of the old “writing a status” technique that we all have been using for years. It is located at the very top of your facebook news feed, on your desktop. SUBMIT YOUR WORK! Being published in the andTM Magazine is an awesome adventure, you will be able to hold and see your work online and in a magazine that will be shipped to schools all over central PA. Here at Jump Street, we love to see students submit their unique art! I hope you all visit these websites and make at least one of them a favorite. Everyone needs opportunities to have their work noticed and read. It could even lead to bigger things, an example is, The Cellar by Natasha Preston first on wattpad, now her book is published and selling!

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The internet is a fascinating thing, especially when your want to share your art with the public. You are able to share your



Miranda Hallas

It starts with a C and ends with an OLLEGE. Many of us have been hearing about higher

education before we were even in Middle School. Deciding what you want to do as an adult and picking a college to meet your needs is intimidating, requires a lot of research, and plenty of help. Often it is difficult to figure out where to even begin. If you are a student who wishes to pursue the visual arts here are some Universities to help you begin your search. Below are the colleges with consistently high rankings in each field of study. The rankings below were taken as averages from varying sites such as and The tuition and acceptance rates were gained through simple google searches. For example, Acceptance Rate of Insert University or Tuition of Insert University. Keep in mind that depending on what sites you look at there may be slight variations from the data given here. These colleges are not necessarily the best choice for you as an individual, and further research is encouraged.

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Graphic Design


In The United States

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Rhode Island School of Design Yale University Maryland Institute College of Art Carnegie Mellon University Virginia Commonwealth University

Acceptance Rate: 27.3% Tuition: $45,840 Acceptance Rate: 6.3% Tuition: $44,000 Acceptance Rate: 55% Tuition: $43,870 Acceptance Rate: 25% Tuition: $48,030 Acceptance Rate: 64% Tuition: $44,938

1. 2. 3. 4.

Carnegie Mellon University La Roche College Arcadia University West Chester University

Acceptance Rate: 25% Acceptance Rate: 46% Acceptance Rate: 54% Acceptance Rate: 52%

Tuition: $48,030 Tuition: $24,778 Tuition: $38,900 Tuition: $19,835

5. Clarion University

Acceptance Rate: 79%

Tuition: $6,820

In Pennsylvania

Architecture 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

In The United States

Harvard University Acceptance Rate: 5.9% Tuition: $60,659 Yale University Acceptance Rate: 6.3% Tuition: $44,000 Columbia University Acceptance Rate: 6.9% Tuition: $55,356 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Acceptance Rate: 7.9% Tuition : $43,720 Cornell University Acceptance Rate: 14% Tuition: $47,286 In Pennsylvania

University of Pennsylvania Temple University Carnegie Mellon University Drexel University Penn State

Acceptance Rate: 9.9% Tuition: $42,176 Acceptance Rate: 61.7% Tuition: $14,480 Acceptance Rate: 25% Tuition: $48,030 Acceptance Rate: 81.5% Tuition: $35,135 Acceptance Rate: 55.5% Tuition: $17,096

Art History Harvard University Princeton University Yale University Stanford University Columbia University

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

University of Pennsylvania Penn State Duquesne University Clarion University Temple University

In The United States

Acceptance Rate: 5.9% Acceptance Rate: 7.4% Acceptance Rate: 6.3% Acceptance Rate: 5.1% Acceptance Rate: 6.9%

Tuition: $60,659 Tuition: $40,170 Tuition: $44,000 Tuition: $45,729 Tuition: $55,356

In Pennsylvania

Acceptance Rate: 9.9% Tuition: $42,176 Acceptance Rate: 55.5% Tuition: $17,096 Acceptance Rate: 74.7% Tuition: $30,070 Acceptance Rate: 79% Tuition: $6.820 Acceptance Rate: 61.7% Tuition: $14,480

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Photography In The United States

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Yale University Rhode Island School of Design School of the Art Institute of Chicago Rochester Institute of Technology University of New Mexico

Acceptance Rate:6.3% Tuition: $44,000 Acceptance Rate: 27.3% Tuition: $45,840 Acceptance Rate: 78.3% Tuition: $43,140 Acceptance Rate: 60% Tuition: $35,256 Acceptance Rate: 45% Tuition: $21,304

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Carnegie Mellon University Acceptance Rate: 25% Tuition: $48,030 Temple University Acceptance Rate: 61.7% Tuition: $14,480 Drexel university Acceptance Rate: 81.5% Tuition: $43,135 The University of the Arts Acceptance Rate:: 67% Tuition: $39,908 Moore College of Art and Design Acceptance Rate: 67% Tuition: $33,000

In Pennsylvania

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In The United States

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Cornell University Syracuse University Rhode Island School of Design Temple University University of Oregon

Acceptance Rate: 14% Tuition: $47,286 Acceptance Rate: 49.5% Tuition: $57,724 Acceptance Rate: 27.3% Tuition: $45,840 Acceptance Rate: 61.7% Tuition: $14,480 Acceptance Rate: 75% Tuition: $8,280

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Temple University Acceptance Rate: 61.7% Tuition: $14,480 Philadelphia University Acceptance Rate: 71% Tuition: $35,620 Kutztown University Acceptance Rate: 68% Tuition: $17.050 Marywood University Acceptance Rate: 70% Tuition: $29,340 Moore College of Art and Design Acceptance Rate: 67% Tuition: $33,000

In Pennsylvania

Painting/Printmaking/Drawing 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

In The United States

Yale University School of the Art Institute of Chicago Maryland Institute College of Art Rhode Island School of Design Columbia University

Acceptance Rate: 6.3% Tuition: $44,000 Acceptance Rate: 78.3% Tuition: $43,140 Acceptance Rate: 55% Tuition: $43,870 Acceptance Rate: 27.3% Tuition: $45,840 Acceptance Rate: 6.9% Tuition: $55,356

In Pennsylvania

1. University of Pennsylvania Acceptance Rate: 9.9% Tuition: $42,176 2. Temple University Acceptance Rate: 61.7% Tuition: $14,480 3. Penn State Acceptance Rate: 55.5% Tuition: $17,096 4. Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts Acceptance Rate: 84% Tuition: $31,245 5. Carnegie Mellon University Acceptance Rate: 25% Tuition: $48,030


In The United States

1. Virginia Commonwealth University 2. Rhode Island School of Design 3. School of the Art Institute of Chicago 4. Yale University 5. Cranbrook Academy of Art

In Pennsylvania

Temple University Carnegie Mellon University Arcadia University The University of the Arts Pennsylvania Academy of Fine arts

Acceptance Rate: 61.7% Tuition: $14,480 Acceptance Rate: 25% Tuition: $48,030 Acceptance Rate: 54% Tuition: $38,900 Acceptance Rate: 67% Tuition: $39,908 Acceptance Rate: 84% Tuition: $31,245

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Acceptance Rate: 64% Tuition: $44,938 Acceptance Rate: 27.3% Tuition: $45,840 Acceptance Rate: 78.3% Tuition: $43,140 Acceptance Rate: 6.3% Tuition: $44,000 Acceptance Rate: 34% Tuition: $66,144



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Cameron gildea, Cumberland Valley High School


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Cameron gildea, Cumberland Valley High School


A DANCER’S DAILY Miranda Hallas, Camp Hill High School


Consider what comes to your mind when you read the word dance.


What motion or emotion do you think of? Often in our shared youth culture we are exposed to various forms of, dare I say, “popular” dance moves. We have been to school dances and concerts. We have watched movies and music videos. We have seen other people move rhythmically to a beat or tune, and many of us have done the same . . . even if it was merely in the comfort of our own homes. We are surrounded by fun, energising, radical, and even promiscuous dance in popular culture. It is easy to forget that dance is also an art form. It is beauty, it is movement, and it is strength. The Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet highlights this beauty and strength that resonates in our culture. I entered the Harrisburg Whitaker Center looking to take my seat to watch the dress rehearsal for CPYB’s latest production: Once Upon a Rhyme. This show surrounds the Nursery rhyme of Little Bo Peep who has inevitably lost her sheep. In the process of looking for these sheep many other nursery rhyme characters make appearances throughout the show. However, there are some unexpected twists in this show leading to a sense of rejuvenation of these old tales. As I entered the building, I found myself being greeted by Abby Jayne DeAngelo (a current CPYB dancer), and her mother Mrs. DeAngelo. I asked Abby Jayne about her experiences at this dance school. She explained to me how The Pennsylvania Youth Ballet is a full time

institution. Students at this dance school spend four to six hours of the day doing what they love: dance. When I asked Abby Jayne about the most challenging aspects of this particular show, she responded that the trick is keeping this show “alive and full of energy.” She explained how the technical dancing of this show was fairly simple. Keeping the audience engaged with this particular performance’s movement would be the challenge for these dancers. With the term “simple” in mind I took my place in the audience and waited for the curtain to open. However, immediately after Mrs. Goose (the school teacher) took the stage I began to question my definition of “simple” dance. I did not see simplicity. I saw beauty, and the concept of beauty in it’s own right is a complex subject. I became enthralled in the show. I forgot about that text I had just sent. I forgot about the latest twitter fight. I forgot about my homework, and my teachers, and even true awareness of where I was. I sat, intently watching as my childhood nursery rhymes gracefully swept across the stage. These iconic nursery figures from our childhood pranced, argued, searched, and played. This was theatrical storytelling through music and movement. It was engaging and delightfully nostalgic. The Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet will be performing Nutcracker December 12th and 13th at the Whitaker Center, and December 19th and 20th at the Hershey Theater. I encourage all to attend. Be brave and curious. Break your weekend routine, grab some friends, and spend a night watching this world of dance and performance.



The full theatre experience will be followed by a teen-only dessert and social media reception in the theatre lobby.


Please join us at CPYB’S Teen Night At The Ballet Part 2: The Theatre Experience! This event will be held on Thursday, June 16, 2016 at 7pm at The Whitaker Center Harrisburg. Tickets are available online at




Ballet: it’s not just for girls in pink tutus.

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Ballet and dance is something far more human, far more real. Take yourself away from your screen, and away from the drama of day to day existence. Too often as teenagers we become overwhelmed with unimportant, transient events. In a world of stimuli everything is yesterday’s news, yesterday’s thoughts, and yesterday’s feelings. On Friday, January 29th step away from the known and take a step towards Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet’s Teen Night at the Ballet program. Allow yourself to be inspired.


CPYB’s Teen Night at the Ballet program is an in-studio dance performance, but this performance is different. Each dance is crafted by student choreographers. These dancers along with the choreographers are our peers, and we are their audience. This is an entirely teen only event. These new and innovative dances are made and performed by our generation giving a new perspective on traditional ballet. These students are pushing boundaries and fighting for new meaning in our world. This unique performance

offers an up-close and personal look at dance. Witness and feel the emotional impact that stems from this performance. Be moved by movement and come see what our generation can do Friday, January 29th. However, the performances don’t end here. On June 16th at the Harrisburg Whitaker Center the Teen Night at the Ballet program comes alive on stage. The choreography for this production is the continuation of the initial 45 minute in-studio performance. This entire experience is teen lead. Not only are the dancers and choreographers teenagers, but the Harrisburg Symphony Youth Orchestra is a crucial collaborator for this program. News and media coverage will also be done by teenagers making this performance, and the program as a whole, an exclusively teen only event. Students in the theatre will be encouraged to participate in social media coverage of their own. Come and experience part one and part two of the Teen night at the Ballet program. This is our time and our world. Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of it.


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TRUMPING THE COMPETITION Opinion Piece by Miranda Hallas, Camp Hill High School

As young adults some of us will be able to vote in the next presidential election. The media has been paying attention to a particular individual: Donald Trump. What started as an entertaining pastime for most American viewers is gradually becoming an alarming reality. Exciting, outlandish, and blunt, it’s very easy to see his camera value. He provides a break from other politician’s carefully measured and often superfluous responses. It was initially a breath of fresh air for our nation to hear someone with hard opinions in politics.

Donald continues to lead in the Republican polls as more serious candidates fall to the wayside. They simply cannot compete with Trump’s entertainment value, and his inevitable media coverage. His debate tactics heavily rely on the use of ad hominem attacks, and unfortunately, not much else. Trump is neither a Democrat nor a Republican; he is an entertainer and a businessman. Although he enjoys pointing out faults in our nation he lacks concrete plans to fix these issues. Unfortunately you can only “build a wall” to solve some of our nation’s problems. He serves as a sort of instigator in this presidential election. As his antics escalate, other possible candidates do the same in order to gain media attention. Unfortunately because of our media’s attention to Trump we are only promoting this ridiculousness. The Republican Primaries are turning into a bickering reality T.V. show with Donald Trump starring as the lead antagonist. Living in a first world country we have plenty of ways to keep ourselves entertained. Choosing our next president of the United States should not be another amusing pastime.

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As a student myself, I encourage young potential voters (regardless of your party affiliations) to research candidates and pay attention to this coming election. To only watch Fox News, CNN, or MSNBC is simply not enough. Diversify your media outlets to create your own opinions on these candidates. Every page you read and every channel you watch comes equipped with it’s own sets of biases. Become an independent thinker and determine if your reasons for voting for a particular individual are greater than superficial attributes.


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TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR DAY BY: KYA WANNER, SUSQUENITA HIGH SCHOOL During your everyday routine, you might think that the weight of the world is slowly crushing you. Despite this sensation, I can promise that all 5,972,000,000,000,000,000,000

tons of it aren’t resting on your shoulders. You may wonder (and often worry) if you will ever have enough time between family engagements, your grades, your social life, and how the heck to respond to the ever present college questioning. All these things can become rather overwhelming resulting in unnecessary amounts of stress, and that simply isn’t good for anyone. Instead, here are some things to do when you’re becoming stressed and how to prevent this stress in the future.


Make a list of what needs to be done and when it needs to be done. Do not keep piling things on your list when you haven’t even finished the third one yet. Do not procrastinate on your list of things, it will only stress you out even more!

Work Out

Even if you have a lot going on, take a second to go on a jog around the block or hit the gym for 45 minutes. Once you step away from the work and return to it you’ll be able to concentrate and be more efficient with your project.

Warm Water

To relieve some stress or anxiety, go take a nice warm bath or shower to relax your muscles.

Keep Thinking

When you take a break from your work don’t turn off that noggin of yours, keep it thinking. This will make it easier to later return to your work. Pick up a book or magazine and read for a little until you believe you are able to revisit your task.

Call A Friend

If you feel like you haven’t had enough social time with friends because you’re so caught up in everything else, contact a friend. Most likely, they have had some stressful things occurring as well. Catch up on some things that’ve been happening!

Say No

If assignments or duties are still becoming too overwhelming for you, feel comfortable saying “no” to additional situations that are being thrown your way.


Assign specific living quarters to everything you own.

Date It

Create a master calendar and put it in plain sight. Put everything from events at work, that football game you have to go to, to that math exam on Tuesday that you’re totally going to study for.

Getting Dressed

Pick out your clothes the night before. This way you won’t trash your room 10 minutes before you have to leave looking for a shirt that doesn’t smell like feet.

The Agenda

Take these little tricks and be more flexible with your time. Don’t completely put off your work that needs to be done, but make sure you give yourself time to regenerate and get a good night sleep or actually eat dinner for once. Make sure you are taking care of yourself in the process of being a good student. Be more organized and less stressed with things that you want to accomplish.

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Dont underestimate the power of an agenda. Keep quick notes on the homework you have for the night so you don’t forget that one textbook for that one class in your locker again.



“ I’M BORED” JAR by kya wanner, susquenita high school

When you’re laying on your bed staring at the ceiling thinking, “Oh my gosh I’m

so bored. There’s nothing to do,” this is when it is time to start being creative. Taken from the internet, the “I’m Bored” jar provides creative activities when you are looking for something to do. So, here are some steps on how to make your very own “I’m Bored” jar to enlighten your thinking and increase your adventures. First, find any kind of container that can hold popsicle sticks, strips of paper, disks etc. Second, decorate the container, jar, or bucket to make it unique. Third, write on the popsicle sticks (or whatever you choose) different activities that you can do when you’re bored. Finally, stick everything into your container and pull the popsicle sticks out whenever you have absolutely no idea what to do. This isn’t just for being bored, it can also be used to replace negative activities with positive ones. Here’s a list of a few things that are positive that you can place on your popsicle sticks, strips of paper, or anything else you decided to use. • • • • •

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Letters Aren’t Extinct!: Write a note/call a friend that you haven’t talked to for a while. Upgrade Please: Go into a phone store, look at the sales person, hold out a banana and tell them you want to upgrade to an apple. Sweating Time: Do your choice of 100 situps, 50 jumping jacks, 30 squats, 10 pullups, or go for a run. Interior Designer for a Day: Rearrange your room in some new way and see if you like it. You’re a wizard Harry: Put a letter in some random person’s mailbox saying you are a wizard and have been chosen to go to Hogwarts school. Drawing About Draw: Draw a picture of the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “draw.” Word Adventure: Read a book that you’ve never heard of before or write a story. Get Your Art Pants On: Paint a picture, whether it be abstract or highly rendered. Recipe Roulette: Go to your nearest recipe book or site and pick a random recipe. Go ahead and try to make it.

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Your Jam: Listen to music from your favorite artist. Time Travel: Go up to a random person and ask what year it is. When they respond yell “It finally worked!” Then continue to run away. Those Graphics Though: Play video games from the 80’s online, or if you just have some laying around. That’s Older than Me: Watch a movie that looks like it’s older than you. Grab some friends and have an old movie movie night. Teehee: Search for funny cat compilation videos on youtube. I dare you to try and not laugh. Zero Calories: Go into a restaurant and ask for a diet water with a very serious face. A Breath of Fresh Air: Go to a park and get some fresh air. It will make you feel more awake and alive. Trunktastic: Make a collage from magazine photos to create a elephant in harem pants eating a icecream cone. Don’t be afraid to really have fun with this one. If it’s Yellow Let it Mellow: Ha! Gotcha ya didn’t I? Run a lemonade stand. We all did it when we were younger, why not do it now.

Once you have made your “I’m Bored” jar, and if it actually has helped you get out a time of despair, please let and magazine hear about your adventures. Feel free to try some of our suggestions or even make up your own and let us know how they work! Have fun and tell us all about it. You can e-mail us at editor.


about a part time job for now? A full time job is out of the question though because YOU’RE STILL IN SCHOOL! There are many opportunities available to you while still attending school so you can have some extra spending money. Applying for jobs may seem time consuming and stressful However, it feels rewarding once you are making money and don’t have to ask anyone for five dollars anymore. Once you’re of working age (16 in most cases), your parents might be drilling you to get a job. When my parents were talking to me about job hunting, I specifically told them, “I don’t want a part-time job where I am going to hate entering the building. Even though it’s not my dream career, I still want to be able to go to work and know I actually like being there.” It’s important to talk to your guardians about how you are feeling about working in the real world. From my view you can’t go to school for 7 hours a day, come home for 30 minutes to an hour, and then go to a job you despise. The way you manage your teenage years, especially when you get older, makes things a lot easier when you’re ready to move out. Now, let’s start talking about ideas for a job…

Are you interested in fashion? Suggestions: Retail/Sales T.J.Maxx, Kohls, Forever21, Marshalls, Plato’s Closet. Are you interested in art? Suggestions: Art/Design Michaels Arts and Crafts, Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft, A.C. Moore. Are you interested in hospitality? Suggestions: Food Service Waiter/Waitress, Host/Hostess, Server, Catering. For more information on where to start your adventure for job hunting there are some links below that may help you on the yellow brick road to success! Goodluck! Remember, do what interests YOU!

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Are you looking for a seasonal job? What


HORNED OWL Madison Lane, Camp Curtin Middle school

The grasslands are home to my family the Great Horned Owl. I perch on my branch as I get ready to prowl. With my keen hearing and large staring eyes. I can turn my whole head around to see what lies. Up at night, waiting for my prey. With my belly full I can’t help to sleep all day. The juices in my stomach dissolve the usable parts. Up comes the pellet with bones and fur that I discharge from the start. When you hear who-oo, who-oo as my song goes. If you listen to it, it might be pretty long. Since you have come into my territory to roam.

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You might have just now stumbled upon my humble home.


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Olivia Albrittion, CASA



Tishon Jones, CASA


by Magdalene Banks

The soft rain slowly hit your face, almost smoothing your sharp features. Your eyes looked sad, calmer than usual, I think it was the rains fault, disguising your usual roughness like waves crashing, with the pattering of rain on pavement. Small ripples in the waters, hues of green growing around the pond. You were an evergreen forest, so full of life. But the rain grew heavier, crueler than before. We ran under a tree, and just like the bark on it, your sharp features were present there once again. A table edge jaw,

calloused hands.

But your eyes, under this tree, in the heavy rain, were soft,

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a calm sea. And I too, became evergreen.


NIGHT DRIVING three months since we moved from the city. My parents wanted to be closer to their parents and closer to where they grew up. Driving is my stress reliever. It has been since I got my license last year. Back home I would go for a drive and not return home for hours. My parents used to complain that I was wasting gas money or putting unnecessary miles on my car, but they know how much the move has affected me so they don’t say much anymore. It was a bad week for me, so I decided the best thing for me would be to go for a drive in my beloved candy-apple red Volks Wagon beetle. I was walking out the door when my Mom shouted to me, “Be careful, and watch out for deer”. That was another thing I had to get used to when we moved. Pennsylvania is full of deer so you always have to keep an eye open for them when you’re driving; especially at night. Keeping this in mind I cautiously backed out of the driveway and headed for my favorite route. Waterway road was my favorite. All of the sharp turns reminded me of the roads back home. Driving alongside the creek is very comforting, but there was nothing comforting about it tonight. It was

a cold, damp evening and there was an abundance of fog. You could hardly see fifteen feet in front of you. I had already been driving for about an hour so I decided it was time to start heading home. I made a left onto Golden Ridge Road. I have never been on this road, but I knew it would take me home. I was on this road for about four miles when I saw something on the road ahead of me. I couldn’t quite make out what it was, but I knew it was not a deer. It did not appear to be moving so I didn’t hesitate and continued driving. By the time I realized the figure was a person, it was too late. I had already hit him. As I stepped out of my car I could feel myself start to shake. I walked to the front of my car, to check on the person. I was trembling uncontrollably by this point. I looked down at the front of my car to check on the person I had just hit, but there was no one there. I dialed 911, not knowing what else to do. When the police came and I reported what had happened I started hearing a voice in the distance. “Missed me, missed me” it kept saying. I asked the officers if they heard it, but they heard nothing. “Missed me, missed me” the voice said again. This is the night I started hearing the voices.

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I’m finally getting used to driving on these back roads. It’s been


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KNOCK KNOCK by Natasha Garcia Steelton Highspire High School

Knock knock

who’s.. But before she could say “Who’s there” It came rushing in, the blunt intruder, Unexpected… it intervened, Her family, hopes, and dreams it came in between. One foot in the door, it knocked her down. Trampled her and left her on the ground. Knock Knock it came again, Mercilessly, ruthlessly, unforgiving It came in cold and left her shivering. No chance to stand up, and forced to not give up. Because the ground didn’t want her, Her support, her brace, trembled beneath her. No longer assisting, Now it was dismissive. Knock Knock But it wasn’t from the door, It was from the floor. And it bared a message, Stand up, get up, shut up, and do it on your own. The ease in which she fell, it did not condone. It’s efforts to strengthen her, only made her weaker. It Tore her down, and left her feeble. Yet she still welcomed the strangers, It was not up to her to accept it. She can’t regret it, can’t forget it, and can’t bare it. In constant fear of its return, The thought of it makes her squirm. Yet she hides her fear, and shows a smile, It hasn’t been genuine for a while. Only in the silence is she herself, Away from the judgments of everyone else.

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She finally feels safe in her home, Yet the knock comes again… and I’m all alone.


OUR FOREVER AND ALWAYS by Fabiola Cervantes, Steelton Highspire High School

They asked me to tell them about you, I wanted to tell them about the things you did that made me so angry. I wanted to tell them about the way you gave up on me, but instead I told them that your eyes were the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen and about your hands, how tightly they hold onto me. Making all of me feel so safe. I told them about your laugh, the sound of a thousand angels rejoicing in your laugh. I told them about how you hated the way I lost my mind sometimes. I told them you were the best person I’ve ever had the chance to meet, though few people realized that. I told them you were the only thing I thought about when one shot had turned into too many. I told them about that time you said you loved me for the first and plenty of times. I told them that you made me feel pain in places I didn’t even know existed. I told them your hair was so soft and straight that when I ran my fingers through your hair it felt like running my fingers into the clouds. I told them your voice made me feel like a kid trying to go to sleep on Christmas Eve. I told them about the night you took me to homecoming and how we danced so slowly and so in love. I told them that I’m so thankful for the couple months you stayed

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and I love you forever and always.


THE NECKLACE This is the story

For whom it does not bode well About a young woman Named Madame Loiselle She was “one of those charming girls... Born as if by fate Into a family of clerks” Fame and glamor would have to wait! She had no hope of marrying a man Who was “famous and prosperous” Instead, she married a minor clerk How preposterous! She “grieved incessantly.. feeling that she had been born For all the luxuries of living” Instead, she was met with nothing but scorn If there was a God up there, He wasn’t giving She “grieved over the shabbiness of the apartment, The dinginess of the walls” She dreamed of being celebrated and gawked at In beautiful, golden halls One day, her husband came home Saying “Look, I have something for you.” Loiselle tore open the envelope, her body becoming a pressure dome It was an invitation to a partying venue! But instead of being excited As she ought to be She looked down on being invited And said, “What good is that to me!?” “But dear, you never have a chance to get out And this is a real affair! Without a doubt All the most important people will be there.”

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“But what is the point of going to a party God bless If I don’t even have an evening dress? They’ll think I’m a pauper They’ll laugh quite heartily I’d almost rather not go to the party.”


So her husband bought Loiselle a dress For 400 francs Which was quite a blow, to put it blank. For he wanted to use it to go hunting with his friends But instead he used it for his wife’s own ends

(Based on the short story by Guy de Maupassant) by Cameron Minor And then she wanted to have some jewelry Obviously to chew up the scenery So she went to her friend, Madame Forestier Who gave her a beautiful diamond necklace She looked more beautiful than she would appear Yes, she was quite reckless The day of the party arrived Lioselle was a sensation With her new peers, she thrived She could have been queen of the whole nation When they finally left at four o’ clock in the morning They made a horrible discovery The necklace had disappeared without warning! The situation had turned quite ugly They looked everywhere Retraced their steps But it was to be found nowhere They had every reason to fret The only thing to do was replace it Their bubble was about to burst They might as well embrace debt Though they were not prepared for the worst They found an exact replica in Palais Royal But the fee would make anyone throw a tantrum For this fee, they would have to stay loyal 36,000 francs- a king’s ransom! Monsieur and Madame Loiselle Worked pitifully from their fears They were not that well From working for 10 years After all this time She found Madame Forestier with her son The time they were having was sublime They were clearly one

The Necklace (in French, La Parure) is perhaps the most famous short story by French author Guy de Maupassant. It has been called Madame Bovary in miniature, and tells the tale of a dissatisfied middleclass woman whose dreams of wealth and glamour end in disaster. Maupassant first published it (in French) on February 17, 1884 in a daily newspaper called Le Gaulois, where he worked as an editor.

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Madam Loiselle finally decided to tell the truth About how the lost necklace’s debt stole her youth “You poor dear, you didn’t have to break the bank My necklace was only worth 500 francs!”



It is nearing midnight and my only companion is silence. As I lie here in my

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bed pondering what the outside is like during this time of the year, I hear the slow start of rain pitter and patter against the dark shingles atop the rooftop. I often imagine what it’s like to be one with the elements, to be free from the confinement of rules and laws. Mother says not to think of what cannot be. As of now, obeying my mother’s orders, I lie in my bed and watch the pitchblack walls. Mother says I must be asleep early, for tonight is All Hallow’s Eve. Although I have heard only stories of what might happen on nights like this, I cannot bring myself to look out the window to see what might lurk in the shadows. My hand slithers under the bed to reach the box of matches I have hidden. As I strike the match, an ominous amber light consumes the once darkened room, and heat flows into my fingertips. I lean over and light the candle by my bedside; then I quickly blow out the match. The flame violently dances around as it casts wicked shadows upon my bedroom walls, reminding me of the nightmares resting inside my mind. The night grew more ominous, as vigorous storms released various amounts of sleet upon the windows. Lightning cracks across the sky, and lights my entire room for mere seconds. Storms never seemed to frighten me; however, this storm was different. With every gust of wind, an image of wraiths and ghouls soared through my mind. I now lie in the fetal position, quivering, while clutching my blanket with a firm grip. My imagination is my biggest downfall, for I sometimes cannot distinguish the difference between reality and fantasy. Even before I uttered my first word, I somehow learned to project the figures of my imagination into reality itself. Though no one can see them, I can, and that’s what makes me thrive. The shadows upon the wall are lengthening, as the flame grows taller. Wax meanders down the candle, leaving a thin and wandering trail from the tip of the candle to the bottom. My grip on the blanket tightens,


by Bryce Lightner

as I hear three small thuds from the bottom

floor. Thud. Thud. Thud. The room directly below mine is the kitchen, perhaps it is mother fixing herself a glass of water... or perhaps it is

an intruder. Thud. Thud. Thud. The noise is growing closer now. With every second I wait, I could be increasing my risk of danger. However, I must obey mother’s orders.


Thud. Thud.

Was mother being truthful? Does evil really prowl during this time of night? Thud. Thud. Thud... I must identify what is producing that noise. The floorboards creak with every footstep I make. The noise has stopped now, yet there is an eerie feeling as I approach the first floor. The house was as dark as the night, despite the small area of moonlight glistening through the half-open window in the kitchen. Not even the creaking of floorboards was present at the time, only the bitter sound of nothingness. I drew near the area of moonlight, each inch reminding me of the danger of what could be.

Thud. Thud. A noise closed in upon me, as I swung around to meet the most horrific

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thing in which my eyes have ever laid upon. An enormous apparition stood before me, reaching nearly nine feet in height. It wears a black lace dress, revealing a mass of bones enclosed in the palest of all flesh. With each breath it exhales, the stench of rotting meat fills the air. Long, black, and withering hair reaches past its lifeless eyes and touches its exposed collar bones. I try to evade, yet some force inside of me will not let me move. I am astounded, and even dazed, by this lengthy creature that stands in front me. As mortified as I am, I am too fascinated to move. It does not move; it does not speak; it might not even exist. As realistic as it looks, it might just be a figure of my wretched imagination. The flame grows dull, and the night grows short. It feels as if I have been standing here for hours, lost in the creature’s morbid appearance. My eyes are becoming weary, and my legs are weak. It is almost time, time to give in to the unspeakable monstrosity that lies in front of me. The flame is but an ember now, yet still enough to reveal the stature of the creature. Once the flame dies, and I am consumed by the darkness, what shall greet me in the shadows? Could this creature be the face of death, or just a product of the mind? I fear these questions will drive me mad, as long as the anomaly faces me. My time is dwindling; it is nearly time to face reality. Blackness surrounds me, and the smell of smoke enters my nose. The heat is gone, although the creature is not.


MEET THE STAFF and magazine

Kya Wanner, Senior Editor

Age: 18 School: Susquenita High School Kya plays softball and writes stories. She’s been published twice with AND Magazine and has had a wonderful experience. She’s a social person and loves meeting new people. Kya thinks tattoos are amazing and thinks it’s important to be yourself!

Olivia DeSimone, Designer

Age: 17 School: Cedar Cliff High School Olivia is a senior at Cedar Cliff who plans to study for and pursue a career in Graphic Design. She loves cheese whiz, donuts, and her iPhone.

Miranda Hallas, Senior Editor

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Age: 18 School: Camp Hill High School Miranda is a senior art student at Camp Hill High School. In college she hopes to be pursue Architectural Design. She’s had a great time at and™ Magazine and encourages all to seek enjoyment and passion.


Artwork Submitted By:

Madison Lane, Camp Curtin Middle School Artwork Submitted By:

Olivia Albrittion, casa Artwork Submitted By:

Mike Nease, Central Dauphin Artwork Submitted By:

Keegan Nash, CAmp Hill Artwork Submitted By:

Cameron gildea, Cumberland Valley Artwork Submitted By:

Madelyn Brodie, CAmp Hill Artwork Submitted By:

Student Name, School Artwork Submitted By:


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olivia Albrittion, casa



Kyrell Humes

Central Dauphin East High School U.S. Army, Enlisted for 2 years Career: Engineering Stationed: Fort Braggs, North Carolina

Sabre Humes

Central Dauphin East High School U.S. Air Force, Recently enlisted Career: Security Forces

Henry Rivera


Central Dauphin East High School U.S. Marine Corps, Enlisted for 2 years Career: Air wing - ground training and flight operations. Stationed: Hawaii








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