LONDON BERLIN Innovation & creativity
PARIS Cross-cultural management
The World’s First Business School (est. 1819)
Als weltweit fĂźhrendes Technologieunternehmen mit Schwerpunkten in der Blechbearbeitung, Lasertechnik und Elektronik glauben wir daran, dass man Gutes immer noch besser machen kann. Nicht nur, wenn es um unsere Produkte geht, sondern auch im Hinblick auf Unternehmenskultur, MitarbeiterfĂśrderung und gesellschaftliches Engagement. FĂźr ein Umfeld, in dem neben Innovationen vor allem eines wachsen kann: Begeisterung.
Hey Talents!
79, avenue de la République
Here is your new linking talents guide for 2015 /16! The ESCP Europe careers teams have put together this guide to help you with your job search. Find out about the Linking Talents Germany network, and ESCP Europe career events, where you can meet top companies personally, and explore great global career opportunities at our campuses in Paris,
75 543 Paris Cedex 11 France T: +33 1 49 23 20 00 F: +33 1 43 55 99 63
London, Berlin, Madrid, and Torino. During the Linking Talents Germany events in Berlin, Paris and London, you can gather personal contacts that will help you to open the
doors to your favourite employer. The Berlin Campus Team
527 Finchley Road
welcomes all of you to the ‘Recruiting Days’ (12 th/13th Nov.)
in Berlin, where you can meet 40 top companies in a very
London NW3 7BG
personal way (check p. 12 /13 for application details). For
United Kingdom
preparation, participating companies provide their company
T: +44 20 7443 8800
profiles in this guide – read them to learn more about
F: +44 20 7443 8801
interesting career opportunities.
With this guide, we also aim to give you an extra edge when applying for jobs and internships. For writing cutting-edge CVs and outstanding covering letters, you can refer to the insights the ESCP Europe careers teams have put together, gathered from our own experience, and from previous ESCP Europe students. Learn also about how to do CVs in professional networks, and how to stand out in video interviews. We would also like to thank our sponsors and company partners for contributing their employer-view input.
BERLIN Heubnerweg 8–10 14059 Berlin Deutschland T: +49 30 32 00 70 F: +49 30 32 00 71 11
We wish you the best of luck and are looking forward to seeing you in Paris, London, Berlin, Madrid, and Torino! MADRID Your Careers Team at ESCP Europe
Arroyofresno 1 28 035 Madrid España T: +34 91 386 25 11 F: +34 91 373 92 29
IMPRINT Editor ESCP Europe Heubnerweg 8 –10 14059 Berlin T: +49 30 320 07 -149 Editorial Directors Jan Ehlers Dr. Michaela Wieandt Seda Aritürk Alexander Pflüger Realisation Salzkommunikation Berlin GmbH Oranienburger Str. 26 10117 Berlin
Project Management Sandra Reck
Design & Typesetting Christian Marks Philipp Schwarzbauer Only the respective clients are responsible for the content of the ads and the advertorials. The contributions don’t necessarily represent the opinion of the editor. ESCP Europe hold the copyright on all pictures published in this brochure.
TORINO Corso Unione Sovietica, 218 bis 10134 Torino Italia T: +39 011 670 58 94 F: +39 011 670 58 04
Adaptive thinkers BearingPoint consultants understand that the world of business changes constantly and that the resulting complexities demand intelligent and adaptive solutions. Our clients in commerce, finance and government enjoy real results when they work with us. We offer industry-based management skills, functional expertise and the ability to adapt strategic insights to individual challenges. These qualities have led to long-standing relationships with many of the world’s leading commercial organisations. Why not join us?
Please apply online:
Take 3 steps to find out during the
ESCP Europe Career Week! On what to work, where to work, with whom? What are your talents? In this week, you can learn about what you really want to do and how to get there in several special orientation trainings, exercises, and discussion rounds with experts and alumni. It will take place in parallel on all five campus.
th of 3 1 – 11 th
016 2 y r a Janu us!
Day 3: Going to Market Industry secrets and real insights into passing the recruitment processes.
amp c l l a n o
Day 2: Branding Hints and tips on how to brand yourself to potential employers.
Day 1: Reflection
Understand more about your talent and the opportunities that match them.
For more information regarding the programme, please ask the career service team on your campus.
EUROPEAN CAREERS CALENDAR Careers Fairs & Events @ ESCP Europe Alongside company presentations and skill sessions throughout the year, we are delighted to organise exclusive careers fairs for ESCP Europe students. Each event allows you to network with a range of potential employers and gain an insight into the current job market.
2015/ 2016
Careers Fair in London: 6th October
Career Events in Paris:
An all-day event which offers the opportunity to meet
Germany in Paris, pre-register here:
companies from the investment banking, marketing, and
consultancy industries. Further presentations, round tables, and skill sessions by companies will run throughout the term. ›› Questions? Contact Enrico Cocchi from London Career Service Office. ›› In the evening: Linking Talents Germany career workshop. Pre-register here to be up-to-date:
1st /2nd Oct. 2015: Linking Talents
13th Oct. 2015: Investment Banking & Corporate Finance Forum, 13:00–18:30 h 14th Oct. 2015: Forum Audit & Conseil, 13:00–18:30 h 15th Oct. 2015: Digital Careers, 13:00–18:30 h 5th Nov. 2015: Graduate Programme Day, 13:00–18:00 h 22nd Jan. 2016: Forum Entreprises at the Palais des Congrès in Paris, 9:30–18:00 h
Linking Talents Germany Recruiting Days in Berlin: 12th/13th November
The Company Days in Madrid: 10th /11th November at Anfi De la Dehesa
The overall aim of ESCP Europe is to prepare you for your
different sectors: banking, consulting, IT, FMCG, tourism,
global career. Besides our excellent study programme, we
industry, etc. We organise corporate presentations and
also provide you with first-class contacts to top companies.
meetings with HR and line managers.
The highlight of the term in Berlin are the Recruiting Days, which are open for all ESCP Europe students. ›› Fair ›› Round table discussions and Company Speed-Dating
A two-day event with large multinational firms from
›› Companies that have participated in previous editions: Apple, Amadeus, BBVA, Deloitte, Google, Heineken, Inditex, L‘Oréal, McKinsey, P&G, etc. ›› Dress code: Smart business
›› Interviews We also will be offering a range of workshops and company visits. More details will be sent to you later in the semester. Pre-register here:
Career Days in Torino: 25th /26th February 2016 A two-day event in February every year, entirely devoted to job hunting for students and alumni of the Master
The ESCP Europe Digital SPREE: February 2016 ›› Impressions of the Digital SPREE 2015: ›› Stay up-to-date:
programmes. 51 companies took part in the last edition. ›› Questions? Contact Francesco Polacchi of the Torino Campus Career Service ›› More information: ›› Video impressions:
EUROPEAN CAREERS CALENDAR European Events on all campus Entrepreneurship Festival: 21st / 22nd October 2015 Paris: Two-day Entrepreneurship Festival on the whole campus Madrid: An event organised by the students of OptionE related to food, education, sharing economy, and creative industries. Berlin: Entrepreneurial Night – one night to solve a case
London & Torino: TBA, follow their event calendar
ESCP Europe Career Week – on all campus from
for news & updates.
11th –13th January 2016 for preparing your career!
Join a world of exciting challenges with inhouse consulting inhouse consulting is the international strategy and management consultancy of deutsche Post dhl group, the no.1 international logistics group. we support the top management of all deutsche Post dhl group and their clients in developing future business worldwide. we develop high-impact strategies for the company’s key current and future activities. Business consulting and its successful business transformation as well as supply chain consulting are our top priorities. as our successful growth continues we are constantly seeking talented people who come up with fresh ideas. Join us as a:
ManageMent consultant (M/f) Your work involves developing new strategies and concepts, defining innovative business models, helping turn around unprofitable businesses and optimizing existing structures. You will take on responsibilities quickly, with full exposure to the top management. You will profit from our strong focus on teamwork and diversity, our great career perspectives, the strong network of deutsche Post dhl, as well as the fast-changing environment we work in. You, as a successful candidate, offer outstanding academic records. fluency in english is essential, along with first professional experience gained in the international arena. excellent analytical and problem-solving skills, team spirit and an open mind are attributes necessary to your success. Please send your application in english or german language through our online application system at if you have any questions please contact our recruiting team: deutsche Post dhl – inhouse consulting, recruiting team, fritz-erler-str. 5, 53113 Bonn, germany Phone: +49 228 182 22828, email:
LINKING TALENTS GERMANY Linking Talents Germany – The Career Network for Germany and German companies Linking Talents Germany is the inter-campus network for ESCP Europe students with a strong focus on starting a career in Germany or with German companies. All students from Paris, London, Berlin, Madrid and Torino are invited to join.
This year’s Linking Talents Teams at the Berlin Campus ( starting in September ): ›› The Recruiting Days Organisation Team: Students for Buddies ›› Recruiting Days Party Team ›› Team to organise the ESCP Europe Digital SPREE on a European scale
Meet Linking Talents Germany in Paris and London: Paris: 1st / 2 nd October, lecture about careers in Germany, company workshop, and CV check meetings – more information will be provided via email. Register here: u
London: 6th / 7th October, stand on the fair, career event ( 6th ), and CV check meetings ( 7th ) – Register here: u
Team Linking Talents Germany
Companies interested in working with Linking Talents
The services offered by the network include:
Germany, please contact Alexander Pflüger ( apflueger@ ) from the Berlin Campus.
›› Exclusive networking events ›› Coaching ( Berlin Campus Career Service ) ›› Newsletter for ESCP Europe students and alumni ( you may subscribe here: ) ›› Current vacancies, trainee positions and job entrance possibilities – follow our job board on https://escpeurope. and the Linking Talents Facebook Group ›› The dos and don’ts for application procedures in Germany ›› Expand your network: meet alumni and companies ›› Take responsibility and develop the cross campus network of Linking Talents Germany with students and companies. Join our Linking Talents Teams! ›› Benefit from strong ties to our partner companies (for an overview see employers and alumni Register via the Berlin campus website linktal and register for the Linking Talents Facebook Group ( w ). We will soon provide information also via the school’s intranet ( Berlin Campus Career Service ).
Linking Talents in London & Pisa
L’Oréal Germany & ESCP Europe celebrate 5 years of partnership For more than five years, L’Oréal Germany is working with us on new experiences and innovative events to challenge ESCP Europe’s students. Beyond career workshops and company presentations, L’Oréal contributes to students’ practical experience and helps to build the ESCP Europe community. Controlling Cup winner team with L‘Oréal Germany Director Talent Acquisition Eva Szreder and CFO Jörn Morgenroth (from right).
success of marketing and sales activities are measured and expressed by key performance indicators. Controlling is the basis of all managerial decision making. Therefore, the role of a controller is very strategic and relevant. In order to give students a decent picture of entry positions in controlling, ESCP Europe and L’Oréal Germany designed the Controlling Cup – a yearly business competition for the Brandstorm Winning Team “En l‘air” from ESCP Europe: Florentine Urbansky, Alexander Geisinger and Viola Krutwage (from left).
Business competitions for practical experience in teaching: Brandstorm In case study competitions, students encounter real-life challenges and can suggest innovative and open-minded solutions. Already more than 20 years ago, L‘Oréal launched the global marketing competition called “L‘Oréal Brandstorm” with meanwhile student teams from all over the world. At ESCP Europe Berlin, the brandstorm case is part of the international marketing course. At the end
school’s German speakers taking place in autumn. Student teams from all ESCP Europe campus work on the case for four weeks – experiencing controlling in a large, international company. “The Controlling Cup gave me the opportunity to gain real insights into L’Oréal. The final presentation at the headquarters in Dusseldorf was accompanied by the CFO himself. This was great feedback!” says Karolina Rosina, winning team of 2014. Her teammate Peter Voss adds: “The L’Oreal Controlling cup is not only about crunching numbers, it is also about strategic skills and creative thinking.” Natalie Janotta, Talent Acquisition L’Oréal comments: “For us, the ‘Controlling Cup’ is a great
of the lecture, students have to present their solutions to the professor and to L’Oréal Germany. The best teams are invited to the national finals in Düsseldorf. “I love the combination of rigorous analyses that can lead to unconventional and implementable solutions. The brandstorm case is an excellent illustration of how our teaching contents translate into marketing practice,” says Professor Wilken who teaches the course. All country winners pitch their projects during the international finals in the headquarters in Paris in front of the L’Oréal CEO and his management committee. This year, the ESCP Europe team “En l’air” convinced the jury with their ideas for Lancôme and the travel retail market and won the national finals! Business competitions for discovering new job
Controlling Cup 2015 Application period: 14.09.–06.10. Working period: 07.10.–04.11. Controlling Cup: 16.11.
opportunity to get to know students aiming for a career in this field. We are happy to inspire students for this very important function and to provide a great practice experience”. As CFO Jörn Morgenroth said: “I hope we can establish a long lasting tradition with the Controlling Cup.” – we hope that, too!
In 2015, the best ‘Controlling Cup’ team will win tickets for the ESCP Europe Regatta, taking place in spring in Italy each year ( see p. 19 ). For participation, please contact the Berlin career service team.
opportunities: The Controlling Cup
Watch the trailer for Controlling Cup 2015:
As a leading beauty company, L’Oréal is very strong in
marketing careers. However, within an international company like L’Oréal, controlling plays at least the same importance: Every marketing activity is to be budgeted,
Check out the winning teams on our Facebook pages: u u
CAREERS & NETWORKS WITH LINKING TALENTS How to benefit from career networks – Interview with Career Expert Dr. Michaela Wieandt As the World’s First Business School (est. 1819),
student’s individual career goals are, we work together on job applications, perfecting their CV, and preparing for interviews. If a student knows exactly which industry they wish to go into, we also start to build a plan regarding which recruiters or alumni to contact for job prospects.
ESCP Europe has a huge network of companies and alumni to which students both benefit
Do you have any agreements with recruiters?
from and contribute to. We spoke to Michaela
We have various arrangements with our partner companies.
Wieandt, Careers Advisor at the Berlin
With some we have agreed to forward interesting CVs or set
campus, about getting the most from
up contacts to candidates; others prefer if students use their
internships and successful networking.
online platforms. Sometimes it’s good to apply online and then to let me know so I can pass this information on to the
Michaela Wieandt Linking Talents Germany coordinator, ESCP Europe Berlin Campus
Michaela, what does the ESCP Europe
recruiters with whom we have close relationships.
careers service offer to students? The careers team at all five of our
And after having initiated the recruitment process?
campuses have close relationships with
In a lot of cases, I advise students throughout the
recruiters and companies. In Berlin, we
recruitment process, coaching them for their interviews or
have an excellent partner network with recruiters and
assessment centre days. It’s important to keep me informed
alumni, allowing us to accelerate application processes
along the way – if the process seems to stop, I can follow
through direct CV forwarding, and obtain information about
up with the recruiters.
open positions or recruitment processes. What should students be careful about? How does ‘placement’ work?
Network ties are easily destroyed and difficult to repair –
I first get to know each student on a personal level either
every student should have in mind that they represent not
through my training and information sessions, or through
only themselves, but ESCP Europe, too. Just be reliable,
one-on-one meetings during careers service hours, email or
react quickly, and write thank you emails to follow up after
Skype conversations. Once we have established what a
phone calls.
The benefits of a worldwide network and a professional organisation
Wieandt. Together, they offer a service to support you both
Every graduate from ESCP Europe is part of a network established almost 150 years ago. Founded to support one another, the Association represents anyone who has studied with us or one of the institutions which has merged with us. In 2015, we are proud to have more than 45,000 ESCP Europe alumni. The main objective of the organisation is to maintain the links between its members and to support them at every stage of their careers. The Association has professional staff based at the Paris, London and Berlin campuses, divided into two specialisations: networking and careers. Networking is facilitated through regular meetings, lunches, keynote speeches, and the official elections and board meetings; members of the Association also benefit from diverse career opportunities offered through the network. Based in Berlin, Florian Hornig is the regional representative of the Association for Germany, Austria and Switzerland, and works closely alongside Michaela
during your studies through Linking Talents Germany and far beyond. Once you join the Association, you will be given initial networking advice and help getting in touch with senior alumni. One-to-one coaching sessions are offered to help you establish your strengths, and how to make a personal pitch based upon the approach of individual companies. This specialised AC training may be as important to you as personal interview training, and as such the Association has built a strong
Florian Hornig Career Service Consultant DACH, ESCP Europe Alumni
network of local coaches. Career workshops and webinars are also an option, sharing tips on how to find your first job, motivation-based leadership, communication, and influence without authority to name just a few. We hope to see you soon at one of our events!
BERLIN IS CALLING: LINKING TALENTS RECRUITING DAYS @ BERLIN CAMPUS Students from all campuses who want a job / an internship in Germany – Book your flight now! For this year, about 40 top companies already registered.
THU. 12th NOV.
FRI. 13th NOV.
The Recruiting Days are THE opportunity to find your
How can I participate and how can I apply? You have to
internships and/or job. Besides the fair, you can apply for
create your CV in the Online Yearbook for being able to
interviews and round tables. Moreover, you have various
apply to events during the Recruiting Days. If you want to
occasions to network informally – during the fair time in
come without participating in interviews and round tables
the coffee lounge or during the party on Friday. Who can participate? All students of ESCP Europe – no matter, at which campus you currently study. “Having attended the Recruiting Days in Berlin twice, I can recommend the careers fair to anyone looking for an internship, a full-time position or networking opportunities with company representatives and alumni. With more than 35 renowned companies from various industries present every year, everyone has the opportunity to meet their future employer at the Recruiting Days in Berlin.” Caroline Reich , MIM Alumna 2014
– just write an e-mail to Alexander from the Linking Talents-Team ( All companies have online profiles on the Stellenticket platform. Here you find information about the positions they offer and their activities during the Recruiting Days. “The Recruiting Days in Berlin are the first impor tant step towards building your personal network. Ranging from workshops, inter views, round table discussions or just quick chats on the go – it allows you to connect to a broad range of companies and to get in contact with current employees and recruiters.” Tamara Altmeyer, MEB Alumna 2015
How you get to the Recruiting Days:
21st SEP.
1st AUG.
Online Yearbook on Stellenticket open for creating your CV
Application deadline – you cannot apply anymore after 11th October
Application period – Apply for interviews and round table discussions on
12th –23rd OCT.
11th OCT.
12th /13th NOV.
Acceptance & Rejection – you receive your schedule for the Recruiting Days 2015 from the Berlin Campus Candidate screening by companies
Recruiting Days
Go to Stellenticket and register with your ESCP Europe email address to receive the code for unlocking your profile. u
Create your personal Online Yearbook CV. For tips concerning your CV check pp. 31–35.
Check the company profiles on Stellenticket and apply
for round table discussions and interviews. WATCH THE DEADLINES – the application period is between 21st September and 11th October.
Carefully read the company profiles and the requirements for applying: Some companies…
STELLENTICKET: cr uiting Days n tool for the Re ›› Your applicatio d during the year ›› Your job bo ar partner s and tern ships at our ›› Find jobs & in other companies scpeurope.stellen u https://e
…require cover letters …structure the process via their own webpages ( e.g. Google or Procter & Gamble ) – follow the links given on Stellenticket …require online tests ( e.g. Shell, Procter & Gamble ) – make sure to do them within the application deadline,
For more information and impressions, please visit:
as companies need the results for the selection Video of Recruiting Days 2013: u
Follow our instructions given to you via email.
Companies @ Recruiting Days: u
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04.05.15 14:47
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Jetzt bewerben
THE ESCP EUROPE DIGITAL SPREE – TALENTS GO 4 DIGITAL BUSINESS Exploring the digital future in Berlin’s startup scene Ongoing digitalisation and rapid technological development affect everyday life and challenge conventional forms of work and business in all areas of the economy. As a hot spot for start-ups, Berlin is actively involved in digitalisation and is therefore the perfect place to connect to Germany’s central actors who push development forward when it comes to new business ideas and innovative ways of working together. So, we invite all students to come with us on our ESCP Europe Digital SPREE (Students‘ & Professionals‘ Rally in the Entrepreneurial Environment of Berlin) to gain a deep insight into the digital future, when
Of course, for students the SPREE is an opportunity to discover
we check out Berlin’s vibrant eBusiness scene.
new work places and spaces. But also for companies, the SPREE was the perfect opportunity not only to show their
The ESCP Europe Digital SPREE is an event organised by
place to the students, and present their latest projects, they
ESCP Europe students in Berlin. The idea is to visit several
could benefit from the students’ input in the discussions as
companies during one day – to exchange, to learn, to
explore the newest trends of digitalisation, and to reflect on business needs and education with company experts. In
Having started in 2015 with ten participating companies
2015, each route was composed of a corporate company, a
and three routes through the city of Berlin, the SPREE is
startup accelerator, and a venture capitalist. Students
expected to grow in 2016. We want to expand it on a
learned a lot and had great fun. ESCP Europe student Gaia
European scale, inviting students from business schools
Alessi totally recommended the event: “It was not like a
and universities all over Europe in order to provide a truly
usual seminar. We were invited to the companies, could
European event with an intercultural and diverse dimension.
meet the people and see how they work there, which was great!”
u w w w.storif /digital-spree u
EINE KARTE – VIELE CHANCEN 15 Jahre jung, über 26 Millionen Kunden und über 650 Partner allein in Deutschland. Erfolgreich auch am Markt in Polen, Indien, Mexiko, Italien und seit Mai 2015 unter dem Namen „Plenti“ in den USA. Das ist PAYBACK. Und wer bist Du? Wir suchen:
Neue Kollegen mit außergewöhnlichen Qualitäten, fachlich und menschlich.
Wir bieten:
Ein dynamisches, innovatives und internationales Arbeitsumfeld sowie eine Unternehmenskultur, die Freiräume bietet und Verantwortung überträgt.
Wir sind:
Mit Abstand das beliebteste Bonusprogramm in Deutschland. Und mit weltweit 75 Millionen Kunden das international führende Multipartner-Loyaltyprogramm und gleichzeitig eine der größten und leistungsfähigsten Multichannel-MarketingPlattformen. PAYBACK wird weitere Länder erobern, weiter wachsen und Partnern wie Kunden neue Services anbieten. Um unsere Marktposition noch weiter auszubauen, wünschen wir uns kreative Köpfe, die Spaß an der Arbeit mit einem faszinierenden Produkt haben.
k lieb
t dich
PAYBACK is part of the American Express group
GO ENTREPRENEURIAL WITH ESCP EUROPE Empowering entrepreneurial talents @ ESCP Europe
In Berlin, the Entrepreneurial Night was a challenge to more than 70 international ESCP Europe students from the Master
Being the world’s first Business School, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial spirit has always been part of ESCP Europe’s DNA. Today, the ESCP Europe Chair of Entrepreneurship ( ChaireEEE ) empowers, inspires and accompanies tomorrow´s entrepreneurs. It relies on an innovative and experiential pedagogy, a programme of incubation, research and a strong community of several thousand people across dozens of events in Europe. One of the highlights of these events is the Entrepreneurship Festival
in Management (MIM) and the Master in European Business (MEB) programmes who worked in intercultural teams on ten project cases from companies like Zalando, Universal, and Yello Strom throughout the whole night. Experiencing and working with design thinking methods provided an excellent opportunity to test their knowledge and inspiration, as well as to build excellent solutions in great teams. In the morning, they presented their results in front of a jury with experts from the school’s partner companies Hitfox and EY.
in October, taking place at several campuses in parallel. In 2014, various activities at three of the five ESCP Europe campuses gave students the opportunity to get in touch with entrepreneurs and to challenge their entrepreneurial ideas and spirits: In Paris, the ChaireEEE invited a diversity of actors of entrepreneurship such as start-ups, accelerators, facilitators and organisers of events, whose activity is related to the festival theme of community networking, open education, street food, respectful entrepreneurship, collaborative economy, data analysis, new technologies, and new media as well as creative industries. To make the festival happen, 50 students organised 15 events for more than 2,000 participants. In Madrid, the EntrepreneurSHIP Festival was a five hour exploration into the New World of Entrepreneurship by discovering new ways of learning, teaching, consuming, making, and eating. The festival was organised by 40 young entrepreneurs of OptionE.
EURIAL JOIN THE ENTRESTPRENND O C T. 2015 COMMUNIT Y: 21 / 22 ole campus. Festival on the wh hip rs eu en pr tre y En ›› Paris: Two-da OptionE related by the students of ed nis ga or t . en eative industries ›› Madrid: An ev economy, and cr ing ar sh , ion at to food, educ to solve a case. Night – one night l ria eu en pr tre ›› Berlin: En news & updates. event calendar for eir th low fol A, o: TB ›› London & Torin mpus teams! n, contac t your ca For participatio
ESCP Europe’s entrepreneurial activities › › Executive
›› For information, please contact Julie Guth, Programme
Entrepreneurial Leadership, to start in April 2016 in
Manager Entrepreneurship at the Berlin campus:
›› Chair of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Berlin ( set up in 2015, as part of the ChaireEEE ) ›› OptionE: a MIM programme elective of four-months taking place in Paris and Madrid. It is offered by the ChaireEEE and comprises the creation of a start-up, a consulting project and an international immersion. ›› UNTERNEHMERSCHULE – an executive education programme for entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs and family business leaders to develop their professional
Executive Master: u
ChaireEEE: u
projects in an inspiring environment, taking place in
Entrepreneurial Night:
Berlin and Paris. The next class will start in April 2016.
When Communication Matters. P U B LI C A F FA I R S
It’s your future. How far will you take it? Deloitte provides audit, tax, consulting and financial advisory services to public and private clients spanning multiple industries; legal advisory services in Germany are provided by Deloitte Legal. With a globally connected network of member firms in more than 150 countries and territories. Deloitte makes an impact that matters. Every day we challenge ourselves to do what matters most – for clients, for our people, and for society. We serve clients distinctively, bringing innovative insights, solving complex challenges and unlocking sustainable growth. Great career opportunities You hold a Bachelor or Master degree and are ready to take your career to the next level in a challenging international environment, focusing on continuous learning, dynamic teamwork in Germany or Luxembourg? Then you’re ready for Deloitte! We offer you the opportunity to apply for interviews or round table discussions. We’re looking forward to meeting you on 13rd November at the ESCP Recruiting Days! and
Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee (“DTTL”), its network of member firms, and their related entities. DTTL and each of its member firms are legally separate and independent entities. DTTL (also referred to as “Deloitte Global”) does not provide services to clients. Please see for a more detailed description of DTTL and its member firms. © 2015 Deloitte & Touche GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
LINKING TALENTS @ ESCP EUROPE REGATTA Establishing Strong Ties There are various options of building a network. One unique opportunity is the ESCP Europe Regatta – an annual, high-level sailing event organised by fellow students. Linking Talents Germany uses the Regatta to strengthen existing network ties and establish new ones with students, alumni and company partners. Over time, the ESCP Europe Regatta has become THE student event of the year – with more than 50 boats and
The Hitfox boat crew
around 500 participants in 2015. It offers the perfect setting for students, alumni and company partners to meet,
Hitfox CEO Jan Becker:
exchange and brainstorm new ideas in a relaxed
“Fighting the waves and winds on a rough
atmosphere. This is the perfect setting for students to
sea is similar to launching a company.
discover companies whom they would
Without a strong team and a clear direction,
otherwise never have taken into account.
you’ll never make the winner’s podium. Therefore, we are proud that our Hitfox boat
One of the Regatta’s highlights is the
took one of the trophies back to Berlin.”
Linking Talents Germany challenge
Team Linking Talents Germany
with students and company partners
Moreover, Hitfox – an important sponsor of the Regatta in
– a sports tournament where teams
2015 – connected networking and recruitment with active
composed of company representatives
team building. Besides participating in the Linking Talents
and students compete in soccer,
Challenge, they chartered boats for their own team. In
volleyball, and other disciplines. The
order to connect with students discovering new talents,
focus of this event is to meet informally
intensifying relations, and networking in their own company.
and exchange; but even more important is to
Christopher Oster from Hitfox even found an intern during
have fun and build a team together. “I strongly
these days: “We recruited one of the first Clark employees,
believe in the ESCP Europe Regatta’s values
which is a testament to the strength of our concept. Clark
and mission of strengthening the ESCP
wasn’t founded at this point, and we were competing against
Europe Community of Students, Alumni and partner
many great companies and well-known corporations.”
companies in an unconventional environment. The Linking Talents Challenge is the perfect frame for this during the Regatta.” says Federico Momigliano, Management Trainee at Bombardier Transportation. The winners are awarded amazing prizes, which in 2015 were provided by Zalando. Juliane Krueger, Employer Branding Manager at Zalando, explains: “The relaxed atmosphere suits us and we love doing sports, not only in our spare time. Our colleagues want to reach their goals – so why not reward them? We want to encourage the young talents of tomorrow.” Valuing the Regatta as a great networking event, L’Oréal Germany has made Regatta tickets the prize of their business competition at ESCP Europe, ‘Controlling Cup’,
Winning team with ESCP Europe Torino campus dean Francesco Rattalino (right)
taking place in autumn ( see p. 10 ). “The Regatta tickets are
If you are a company wishing to take part in our 2016 event,
a wonderful prize, with which to thank the best team for
please contact Alexander Pflüger, one of the Linking
its participation, commitment and performance. It also
Talents Germany representatives at the Berlin campus for
matches perfectly to L’Oréal. Why? Sailing is an adventure,
more information ( ).
and so is a career at L’Oréal. Furthermore, the Controlling Cup might turn out to be the first step in a big, long-term
For more information and registration:
L’Oréal adventure.” says Natalie Janotta, Talent Acquisition
Manager at L’Oréal Germany.
ALUMNI @ OUR PARTNER COMPANIES ESCP Europe Alumni at Procter & Gamble – the world‘s largest consumer products company Jaana Mattwig, with P&G ~ 2.5 years Master in European Business 2012
Nikolai Rizzo, with P&G ~ 8 years Master in Management 2007 Positions ›› Finance Manager Contract Manufacturing Europe, India, Middle East, Africa
Positions ›› Assistant Brand Manager Londa Professional DACH ›› Assistant Brand Manager Wella Professionals DACH ›› Assistant Brand Manager Always DACH
›› Financial Analysis Manager Gillette Central Eastern Europe, Middle East, Africa ›› Forecast Manager Wella Professionals DACH ›› Financial Analyst Gillette Plant
Locations: Schwalbach / Frankfurt Locations: Berlin, Darmstadt, Geneva “At P&G, you work for one of the largest FMCG companies, truly learning how brand building works in real life. A great
“A fantastic learning experience – and given the regular
place to start your career!”
assignment changes the logical next step after ESCP Europe.”
Eiki So – Master in European Business 2014, working at Shell Why did you apply for Shell?
What do you like in particular about Shell?
An old university friend of mine from the
Shell has a very open culture. Across all levels and
bachelor study started at Shell two years
business areas, there are many opportunities to learn
before me. Through his stories, I was
from each other as long as your interest and drive is
interested in the refinery business and
there. Shell offers the opportunity to shape your own
how Shell contributes to the energy
career with the help of well-established training courses,
industry in the European market.
as well as structured feedback discussions between you and your manager.
How does your day look like at Shell? As a crude oil scheduler for the Rhineland Refinery, I start my day by checking how the refinery ran during the previous evening and compare that to the plan I’ve created the day before. I reconcile my scheduling tool accordingly to best simulate the reality on my desktop. Afterwards, the actual work of scheduling begins. Any issues within the refinery, along with monthly production plans, will be taken into account.
Annabelle Eckstein, 26 – Master in European Business 2013/14, now with mfi/unibail-rodamco
Of the various opportunities within either core or supporting business functions, such as Leasing, Operating Management, Development, Marketing and Shopping
Since graduating from the MEB programme at ESCP Berlin
Centre Management, my first mission
and London campuses in Janary 2015, everything has gone
started with Asset Management. In one
pretty fast. I joined the European Graduate Program (EGP) at
sentence, the main job is coordinating all
mfi /Unibail-Rodamco shortly after in February, at the age of 25.
internal players to create value, not for
The first time I heard of mfi was in connection to our ESCP Berlin Recruiting Days in Fall 2014. Thanks to my fascination with consumer goods and retail, I immediately felt attracted by the company‘s profile and their core business: real estate projects – mainly shopping centres – all over continental Europe with HQs in Paris, France.
owned assets, but for investors of 3rd party assets. Starting on day one, I was assigned to manage processes for three assets in Berlin and Munich. That has meant a lot of travelling and also receiving a high level of responsibility and autonomy from the beginning – exactly what I was looking for.
I then directly applied and received notification for the
After four months now, I completed the first stage of the
next recruitment stage in the very same week. I was
program. It has been a unique experience, working in a
invited to a six fold interview-round completed within one
dynamic and growing company, together with at least
day. After having learned all the details about the EGP
40 young and highly talented fellow EGPs and analysts
program – 1 year, 2 countries, 3 missions – and getting to
coming from diverse nationalities and backgrounds.
know the majority of the surprisingly young management board, I’ve been completely convinced of the job.
And there is more to come … next mission: Group Organisation, HQs, Paris. #JoinThe(Unexpected)Experience
Maximilian Strauch – Master in European Business 2013 and BCG Consultant in the Munich Office since January 2013 What did you experience in your first 100 days at BCG?
Looking back three months later, I‘m
My BCG story has more than one beginning: After an
amazed how much we accomplished.
exhilarating ride as a Visiting Associate in the fall of
Together with the client, our team –
2012, January 2013 saw me back at BCG, picking up my
composed of a Partner, a Project Lea-
equipment and shortly thereafter flying to international
der and four Consultants – analysed
and national trainings. I got to know my new colleagues
the company‘s market and portfolio,
and their diverse backgrounds, and as we tackled our first
assignments together, we forged a team – all the while
simulated their financial effects. We
enjoying every minute of it, with lots of shared laughs.
just made our presentation to the board a few hours ago,
When it was time to go, I decided on my first project.
and our recommendation for the company‘s future path
was well received. Now, as I think back on my intense That‘s how, one week later, I found myself on the way to
discussions with the client‘s head of controlling (and the
the airport early on a Monday morning (a bit earlier than in
beers we enjoyed together afterwards); on the warehouse
my college days!). But I was wide awake with anticipation,
the size of a football field at the plant; and the evenings
since I had recently learned that I would be spending the
and meals I shared with the rest of the team. But wait –
coming weeks developing a portfolio strategy for a traditional
my phone is ringing, and it‘s time to move on to the next
brewery – both the topic and the industry sounded promi-
project: On Monday, I‘ll be transferring from beer to the
financial sector.
Willkommen in der Coke Familie: als Trainee bei der CCE AG Jenan Mouhamed Ali ›› aktuelle Position: Referentin Nachhaltigkeit ›› seit Oktober 2013 bei der CCE AG
durch Mentoring und Coachings begleitet und schaffen die besten Voraussetzungen
›› Alter: 29
zum Netzwerkaufbau. Das vielfältige
Teil der Coke Familie zu sein, bedeutet
nisation macht für mich persönlich den
mit Leidenschaft und Freude gemeinsam
besonderen Reiz aus und ermöglicht
Aufgabenspektrum der Verkaufsorga-
Ziele zu verwirklichen. Das Traineeprogramm war ein ideales Karrieresprungbrett nach meinem Studium und bietet einem die Chance, Projekte eigenverantwortlich umzu-
somit auch zukünftig stets Chancen zur Weiterentwicklung. Den Abschluss des Programms bildet ein internationaler Projekteinsatz, in meinem Fall geht es zur Geburtsstätte
setzen, ganzheitliche Unternehmensprozesse kennen-
von Coca-Cola, dem Headquarter in Atlanta. Für mich
zulernen und sich cross-funktional aufzustellen. Die
war die CCE AG die richtige Entscheidung: Ich habe nicht
wechselnden Einsatzstationen im Verkauf und Marke-
nur fachlich hinzu gelernt, sondern durch das Trainee-
ting sowie den angrenzenden Schnittstellen werden
programm auch viele Freunde gewonnen.
“GESPÜR FÜR MODE UND ZAHLEN” Der Alltag eines Retail Buyers bei der Peek & Cloppenburg KG, Düsseldorf Elsa Rüther hat nach erfolgreichem Abschluss ihres Traineeprogramms eine leitende Funktion bei P&C im Weltstadthaus in Frankfurt übernommen. Sie ist Retail Buyer für den Bereich Damen-Premium – somit verantwortet sie den Einkauf und die Bewirtschaftung des Sortiments, das Personalmanagement sowie den Warenaufbau im Verkauf. Wie sieht der Arbeitsalltag eines Retail Buyers aus? Elsa Rüther gewährt Einblicke: Montagmorgen, 9 Uhr: Eine neue abwechslungsreiche Woche liegt vor mir. Nach einem kurzen Meeting mit meinem Verkaufsteam, in dem ich die Aufgaben für die Woche festlege, analysiere ich die aktuellen Verkaufszahlen und bereite sie auf. Für 12 Uhr ist eine Videokonferenz mit der Unternehmensleitung in der Zentrale in DüsKollektionen. Die Key-Looks der Marke
seldorf angesetzt. Danach geht es zurück auf die Verkaufsfläche. Es ist neue Ware
werden uns von Models präsentiert.
eingetroffen, das heißt im nächsten
Nun müssen alle Artikeldaten detailliert erfasst werden, was mehrere Stunden
Schritt berate ich mich mit meinen Mit-
in Anspruch nimmt. Um 17 Uhr sind alle
arbeitern über den optimalen Warenauf-
Artikel aufgenommen und verschlüsselt.
bau und unterstütze dann bei der Umsetzung. Um 17 Uhr bereite ich die Ordertermine für die nächsten Tage vor. Die Anreise und die Unterkunft sind schon gebucht, jetzt muss ich zur Vorbereitung noch die betriebswirtschaftlichen Kennzahlen der vergangenen Saison
Elsa Rüther, Retail Buyer bei Peek & Cloppenburg seit Oktober 2011
Jetzt folgt die Einteilung der Größen und Stückzahlen pro Artikel. Jeder Retail Buyer berücksichtigt hierbei die individuellen Bedürfnisse seines Standortes. Zwei Stunden später, um 19 Uhr, ist der Ordertermin abgeschlossen. Ich checke nochmals meine
aufbereiten – neben meinem Modegespür und dem Einfühlungsvermögen für Kundenbedürfnisse
E-Mails: Mein Verkaufsteam hat noch einige Fragen,
bilden die Kennzahlen für mich die wichtigste Grundlage
daher rufe ich im Haus an und lasse mir ein Update zum
bei der Erstellung der Sortimente. Um 19 Uhr neigt sich der
Tagesverlauf geben.
Verkaufstag dem Ende zu. Da ich in den nächsten Tagen auf Reisen bin, bespreche ich mit meinem Verkaufsteam
Am Mittwoch und Donnerstag finden weitere Ordertermine
die Personalplanung für die Woche.
statt. Ich entscheide mich dafür, zwei neue Marken in mein
Dienstagmorgen, 8 Uhr: Ich sitze im ICE auf dem Weg
die neuen Eyecatcher auf der Verkaufsfläche. Am Freitag
Sortiment aufzunehmen und freue mich schon jetzt auf nach Düsseldorf. In den nächsten Wochen werde ich
bin ich zurück im Frankfurter P&C-Weltstadthaus und
gemeinsam mit meinem Einkaufsteam aus der Unter-
unterstütze mein Team im Verkauf – für mich die beste
Möglichkeit, mich mit meiner Ware auseinanderzusetzen
Lieferanten sichten und das Sortiment für die kommende
und Feedback von meinen Mitarbeitern und Kunden zu
Wintersaison festlegen. Nach der Begrüßung besprechen
bekommen. Die im Verkauf gewonnenen Informationen
wir die vergangene Saison mit dem Lieferanten. Was
helfen mir wiederum bei der Gestaltung zukünftiger
sind die wichtigsten Produktgruppen und was waren
Sortimente – hier schließt sich der Kreis zwischen Einkauf
die Renner und Penner der Saison? Welche Schlüsse
und Verkauf.
können wir aus den Ergebnissen ziehen und wie können wir die zukünftige Zusammenarbeit optimieren? Es folgt die Besprechung der Budgets, die für die aktuelle Order geplant wurden. Danach beginnt die Sichtung der neuen
How international is project work at A.T. Kearney? Our 60 offices in 40 countries across the world offer an array of opportunities to gain international experience.
ESCP Europe Alumna Dorothee Günther, Senior Consultant at A.T. Kearney answers FAQ on Management Consulting Careers.
There are consultants of 14 different nationalities working
How does A.T. Kearney differ from other consulting firms?
What programs does A.T. Kearney offer to enable
Management consulting offers the opportunity to
consultants to manage their career and private life?
work with exceptionally smart people, across a diverse
A.T. Kearney recognises that the ingredients for
set of organisations, solving interesting and important
success are different for everyone—and may change over
client problems. While most leading management
the course of a career. There is no one-size-fits-all
consultants can offer you these opportunities, A.T.
career path, and we work with our people on tailored
Kearney does so in a uniquely collegial way. We place a
career solutions that allow them to follow their passions.
high value on collaboration and work together to provide
A.T. Kearney’s approach is evolving with the changing
every colleague with full and ready access to the
needs of our people. We encourage flexibility, including
best of our firm. We pride ourselves on being authentic,
part-time work, hybrid roles, extended leaves, reduced
providing candid, honest, and creative approaches
hours, secondments, and new positions and career
that work. And we see ourselves as forward-thinking,
paths to help our consultants achieve their aspirations.
in Switzerland, Germany, and Austria. Dealing with international cultures is therefore very much part of our daily routine.
practically applying market foresight to produce immediate results and lasting, transformational advantage for our clients.
More infos at /about-us.
Bloomberg’s global mission is to help individuals, enterprises and governments make smarter, faster, more profitable decisions — first. In order to get there, we need constant ideas, energy, innovation; which is where you come in. At Bloomberg, you will have the opportunity to go above and beyond and take risks. Be a part of an organisation that is entering new markets, launching new ventures and pushing the boundaries.
Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie Die Bank bietet sehr viele unterschiedliche Angebote, wie z. B. eine bankeigene Kindertagesstätte und einen
Erfolgreiche Frauenförderung bei der UniCredit, Valentina Stadler Deputy Head of Financials Credit Research – tätig im Corporate & Investment Banking.
Familien-Service, bei dem man Hilfestellungen zu allen familienrelevanten Themen erhält. Ich bin Mutter von drei Kindern im Alter von 5–12 Jahren und erwarte das vierte Kind. Was mir persönlich immer sehr geholfen hat, war die Unterstützung meiner Führungskräfte, die es mir ermöglichen sehr flexibel zu arbeiten und gleichzeitig eine
Wie sieht Ihr beruflicher Werdegang aus?
führende Position auszuführen. Ich bin in der glücklichen
1997 habe ich mein Studium der VWL an der London
Situation, dass mich mein privates Netzwerk sehr unterstützt.
School of Economics abgeschlossen und war danach in
Somit kann ich Beruf und Familie optimal vereinbaren.
unterschiedlichen Unternehmen tätig, u.a. in Research Instituten in London und Brüssel, sowie bei einem
Wie stehen Sie zur Frauenquote?
Internet Start-Up.
Ich bin der Meinung, dass weibliche Mitarbeiter langfristig gefördert werden müssen. Es ist wichtig, dass in
2001 habe ich mich wieder auf meine ‚Wurzeln‘ besonnen
Deutschland ein Umdenken auf allen Hierarchie-
und bin als Volkswirtin bei der UniCredit eingestiegen. Es
ebenen stattfindet und hierzu trägt die Frauenquote
war mir wichtig, dass ich meine Schwerpunkte aus dem
maßgeblich bei. Gleichzeitig birgt die Frauenquote auch
Studium auch in der Praxis anwenden kann. Seit 2005 bin
Gefahren für die Frauen, da sie manchmal zu schnell
ich im Bereich Credit Research tätig und seit 3 Jahren bin
gepusht und nicht entsprechend auf eine Führungsrolle
ich stellvertretende Leiterin Financials Credit Research.
vorbereitet werden.
Analyse yourself
An important point of research is to read company career and homepages in advance. Beiersdorf says “It is important to show real interest; to inform yourself about the company and entry positions on the company webpage, and to apply for an interview at the fair.”
What do you want in your work life? What would be interesting areas to work in or subjects / products to work
Peek & Cloppenburg, a famous German fashion retailer,
with? How about company structure and size? Large
recommends asking questions that help you to gain “an
companies often have hierarchies and formal structures,
authentic image of the company – as it is important to see
whereas small companies don’t. What are your specific
whether the company fits you.”
strengths and weaknesses? What are the skills and competencies you want to develop while working? Knowing
For the banking sector, it is important to look at the web
all this will help you to offer companies a focused and
pages but also to look beyond: study comments in financial
interesting profile, as well as help you to sell your CV.
media and research. UniCredit suggests being proactive: “Pose critical questions, define your target company and find out about career opportunities in advance in order to ask the right questions.”
CAREER EVENTS & FAIRS – MAKING THE MOST OUT OF IT! For example: ›› I noticed that you are opening offices in Dubai. Are there any graduate programmes there? ›› What do they look for in employees applying for positions in [department/division/etc.]? ›› I read on your website that you need x for x role. Is there anything I can highlight in my CV to demonstrate this? ›› Did you have the opportunity to work on the latest deal I read about? Companies will have various representatives at the events, from recent graduates to HR and senior managers. Think of relevant questions for the appropriate person.
Be focused
Follow up If you are given a business card be sure to follow up with a
Have specific questions ready and use your research to
polite email the next day. Do not ask for their help to push
ask the employers informed questions. Show that you are
your CV forward. Instead, thank them for the conversation
focused and have prepared for the event.
and perhaps ask a clarifying question.
Make use of the networking opportunities career fairs offer
Stand out! Société Générale summarises:
Do not dismiss companies just because you think they
How to stand out among other applicants?
are not for you at first glance. Research them a little
Our bank’s values, which are professionalism, innovation
further and be sure you know what opportunities they
and team spirit, should be highlighted throughout your
offer – there’s always a chance you’ll discover something
education and your experiences.
new and exciting! Professionalism: Provide a good CV and application form. Show your knowledge
Be authentic
of the company’s activities and available career opportunities.
A lot of companies – especially industry, media and startups – want you to be authentic. They want to discover whether you as a person are a good fit for the company. Personal talk is therefore key for them. For example, mfi Immobilien /Unibail Rodamco wants to know why you are interested in their company. Otis gives an important tip: “Be as flexible as possible, since it might happen that you get an interview straight away.”
Team spirit: Give examples of how you inspire team spirit in others. Tell us how you have worked with other people to achieve a shared goal. Underline your innovation and risk awareness: Describe how innovative thinking plays a part in your decision-making. Show us that you can challenge conventional ideas to solve problems.
“We’re interested in what is
“Share with us your CV, goals, and
important for you and what
visions and ideas about the company.”
interested in taking on an internship
or in joining our entry programmes.
towards your employer. What do you
“We’re happy to meet anyone who is
Let us know about your experiences
like about the Nivea brand and why
“Inform yourself in advance about the
you want to work with Beiersdorf?
participating companies (website, press
What kind of experience do you have
releases, etc.), ask specific questions
as a business.”
from your internships? In what area
(company, industry, career opportunities,
education, and how we are perceived
you want to work in and how is you
range of tasks), authenticity (show your
career plan? In talking to students, we
personality), emphasise your “USP” for
want to find out whether we fit
the task / the company”
only, students don‘t need to bring any
together and what the next steps
CNC Communications & Network
CVs. They should know what we do
could be.”
Consulting AG
“As our application process is online
and why they want to join us. We are especially looking for talents that
“We are always happy when graduates
have a passion for transportation,
“We especially want to experience your
bring creative ideas concerning our
innovation, and the environment.” Bombardier
vision for your professional life and
events, commercials or business
expertise-related interests of our
model to the table. We like to talk about
applicants, as well as insights on up-
e-commerce, marketing and Zalando’s
to-date developments or future trends
own success story. However, in the
in our market segments.”
foreground there is you, and we are
looking forward to meeting you.” Zalando
CAREER EVENTS & FAIRS – MAKING THE MOST OUT OF IT! Be unprofessional Although questions about the work / life balance and salary are perfectly valid, if you ask them to potential employers too early they can appear to be your main motivation for the role. They want to see that you are motivated for the profession and company first. Do not
Be too general
interrupt other students when they are asking questions,
Being too general is a sign of bad or insufficient preparation for most companies. Therefore, do not ask
even when it is very crowded. Wait patiently and listen to the answers – as they may help you, too.
questions that you can find the answers to on their website. Avoid very vague questions such as “So tell me about your company?” You should already know this
Be too confident
before you engage with them on a professional level, and
Being confident to the point of arrogance is perceived as
asking obvious questions shows a lack of preparation
a bad trait, especially in the banking and consulting
and real interest. You may be interested in an internship
industries. No one wants to work with an egomaniac!
first in order to get a feel for a certain industry. It’s fine
You should instead be open, curious and friendly.
to discuss this option with the companies, but
UniCredit highlights having too much confidence and
approaching them with zero knowledge of the field or
a presumptuous attitude as turn-offs when searching
company creates a bad impression.
for new employees.
Google is coming on campus! We’re holding on campus interviews and roundtable discussions, as part of the Recruiting Days. When: Nov. 12th 2015 Where: ESCP Berlin Register here: Application deadline: Oct. 29th 2015
We’ll also have a stand at the fair, so please stop by and say hi!
Approach the UK, Italian and German fairs in the same way In the UK, fairs and presentations are a way for companies to get to know future graduates and inform them of recruitment programmes. It is rare to be interviewed directly by companies on the day and very few accept CVs directly – they will instead refer you to their website. However, it is still useful to have a few CVs with you on that day so you can show them your experience. While it is not common to bring your CV in the UK, a lot of companies attending the Berlin fair (such as Deutsche Post DHL Inhouse Consulting) appreciate it if you do. UniCredit wants you to have a “one-page Anglo-American CV in English; reports, folders or covering letters are not
stating that they prefer online applications. “The easiest
necessary.” Similarly, Beiersdorf ask you to have your
thing to do prior to the fair is to have a look at the company’s
CV and contact details on hand.
website,” says UniCredit. “If you can't find answers to your questions there, bring them with you; we prefer not to receive
But be careful – some companies don’t want to see your CV
a copy of your CV at the booth. It is easier – and safer – for
and instead prefer you to present it verbally. If they are
you to complete the application electronically after meeting
interested, they will then ask you to apply online. UniCredit
us at the fair.” They also prefer not to be asked for a CV check
recruiters also have no interest in seeing CVs on the day,
at the booth.
Your career starts here Marketing & Sales Digital Marketing & E-Commerce Finance & Controlling Operations Management Human Resources
Your opportunities are Internships Graduate Trainee Program Direct Entry Positions
CAREER EVENTS & FAIRS – MAKING THE MOST OUT OF IT! Companies attending the Torino Career Fair will accept CVs directly and have a few interviews with the candidates; some of them will also organise an assessment centre the day after. For this reason, it is very important to be informed about the activities they do and prepare some interesting questions to ask to the HR. Of course, Italian companies appreciate you having visited their website as well as seen the offers and uploaded your CV before meeting them at the fair.
Dress down Many students will not turn up to careers fairs in the UK in business attire. However, at ESCP Europe’s London campus we expect students to attend this event in smart business clothes. It is a different situation in Berlin, and your choice of a business suit or casual dress depends on the industry you are interested in. Banks prefer business suits and ties, and UniCredit recruiter Kristin Richartz says candidates in suits definitely stand out. Many consultancies follow the same – BearingPoint otis33263-140701-01 thinking 02.07.2014 10:57 Seite find 1 casual wear unprofessional.
Beruflich aufwärts mit der Nummer 1
Manche wissen schon sehr früh, wo sie hinwollen
Sie waren schon immer von Technik fasziniert, und der einzige Weg führt für Sie stets nach oben? Wer seine Ziele so fest im Blick hat, sollte sie nur mit dem besten Partner realisieren. Bei OTIS finden Sie die idealen Voraussetzungen. Durch gezielte Förderung, ein persönliches und motivierendes Arbeitsklima und flache Hierarchien bieten wir unseren Mitarbeitern optimale Entwicklungschancen in einem international geprägten Arbeitsumfeld. Denn beim Weltmarktführer OTIS arbeiten nur die Besten – und das seit über 160 Jahren. Wagen Sie den Aufstieg. Bewerben Sie sich noch heute bei OTIS, und fahren Sie mit uns nach oben.
IMPROVING YOUR CV Your CV is your personal marketing brochure. It needs to give a potential employer an insight into what separates you from other applicants. Should you be uncertain about that, start with a self-analysis ( y ou may contact your career service office for support ). Regarding structure, we have prepared a list of tips to help make your CV stand out from the crowd.
General Tips Structure Your CV should contain the following sections: ›› Education School and university, starting with your most recent education or Abitur. Don’t mention schools you attended before. ›› Work experience ( internships, side jobs, work relating to students activities, employment in the family business, etc. ) ›› Languages ›› IT skills ›› Extracurricular activities ( voluntary work is a plus for most companies ) ›› Interests ›› You may also add a section on scholarships or successes, e.g. if you received scholarships and won prizes. Putting forward your work experience indicates that you are a young professional. As you have just graduated or will graduate in the near future, you should start with the education section.
Personal Data: In the UK we have fair selection based on equal opportunity laws. This often means that UK CVs do not have personal data, including: nationality, age ( DOB ), place of birth, marital status. There is also no photo required and including a picture can often look strange to UK companies. In Germany, Spain and Italy most employers prefer a photo on a CV. This should be a professionally shot application photo with you in business dress looking reliable, trustworthy, and smiling – essentially, employable. Don’t take your self-made Facebook photo, serious passport photos or photos from private contexts. The personal data section in German CVs has reduced in size in recent years. You should place it beside your photo and include your name, contact address and date of birth. A good thing to mention is your availability. The same holds for Spanish and Italian CVs. CVs without gaps: Especially, German employers want to know your work life in detail. Therefore, you should be sure to add the month and year to every point of your
education and work experience ( e.g. 6/2013–9/2013
Task led, quantified and achievement-based bullet points
avoid leaving gaps – if you took a time out for half a year to
are the key to a successful CV.
travel, no problem. This kind of information should go in your
L’Oréal, Marketing department, internship ). You should
extracurricular activities and it will present a nice topic of Task Led: Show what you did and how you did it.
conversation at fairs or in interviews. Ask your careers team for advice if you are not sure how to address gaps properly.
Quantified: Be specific and precise. All points should provide evidence and examples to show the scale of the task e.g. ‘50 sales calls a day’ or ‘improved a new process currently being used by the IT department’. Achievement: Being able to show that you did something above and beyond what was expected of you is a good way to separate you from other candidates. What extra projects /tasks did you do? What improvements did you make? Did you get promoted?
Other things to consider ›› One page in English for investment banking ›› Two pages maximum for all other roles ›› References can be removed. A company will ask for these when they are required and can you save you space. ›› Most CVs are written in the third person.
IMPROVING YOUR CV ›› For applying in non-English speaking countries, have CVs in the local language ready ( only if you know the language ).
an interest, as this is expected from you anyway. The same applies for “I am interested in economics and politics.”
›› In case you send an unsolicited application, you definitely should follow up on the phone. ›› In Germany, the term ‘complete documents’ relates to the following: covering letter, CV, grade transcripts from university and Abitur / A-levels, plus references and recommendation letters. If you are making an application via email, pay attention to file size and ensure they are not too large.
Finally… The more information you can provide, the better! Companies will use everything to understand what you actually did and what you achieved. Have three to four bullet points under your most recent employment experiences and be prepared to change them according to the job you are applying for.
Be consistent ›› Keep your formatting consistent throughout i.e. font, text size, etc. ›› List your education and employment in a standardised way, i.e. if you list your university name first and then your degree, list your company name and then your position. Language skills – don’t exaggerate: Be realistic with the level of your language skills. You don’t know how relevant the language skills will be and they may test you during the interviews by inviting a multilingual colleague along! If you
›› Make sure all sections are in chronological order. Put the most recent information first. ›› Make sure that your CV is also consistent to your CV in professional networks.
did some basic language courses years ago, leave it out. You should always include your native language as well.
Be relevant
Extracurricular activities: This section is a chance to
›› Choose the best examples from each experience that
show that you are driven and motivated outside of your studies. Employers look to this section to get a sense of your character and see if you have demonstrated signs of perseverance and leadership. Good examples of extracurricular activities include association memberships, charity work, projects, or roles in a sports association. Interests – open to interpretation: Most employers
best matches the job. ›› Think of the technical aspects of your experience that may be useful. ›› Use technical terminology of the industry/organisational area you’re applying to, e.g. marketing or banking. ›› Tailor your CV to each application.
consider it important to share your interests. Mention
›› Consider adding a ‚Summary‘ section in which you tailor
sports and musical activities here. Again, be task led,
for each role, especially if you have diverse experience.
quantified and show achievement, i.e. mention how many
It needs to be precise and focused, demonstrating two/
years you have been doing that activity, your role in your
three key facts that make you suitable for the role.
sports team, and your participation in competitions and tournaments.
Keep it simple
Some say you should pick interests carefully though. For
Most companies prefer a clear, simple structure and clearly
instance, if you say you like fencing, employers may see you
defined sections. Overly complicated graphics or borders make
as an aggressive person. You shouldn’t mention reading as
it hard for the employer to find the information they need.
›› …just describe the skills you used in past employment.
›› …use words like ‘dynamic’ or ‘interpersonal’ in your
Doing so does not give any evidence to your experience.
description. These are overused and do not tell the
It is hard for employers to understand what you actually
employer anything about you.
did in a role. Instead, use action-orientated sentences to describe what you did to highlight your skills to the employer e.g. Co-ordinated with the sales team on a daily basis by leading the morning meeting.
›› …be vague. ›› …leave out key information. ›› …leave off academic grades – companies will ask for these.
›› …use buzz words.
Interview with Claire Basso – HR Business Partner France/Recruitment Manager Europe, UNIQLO
with the company? Why she/he’s attracted to
Claire, as a recruiter, why do application
authenticity. These are all important
documents matter?
indicators to assess whether it makes
The CV as well as the cover letter are important documents
sense to invite the candidate for an interview.
this specific role? I also don’t expect the candidate to repeat what is presented on the website: I want to feel GENUINE interest and
for a recruiter to assess a candidate. It’s not only to see whether a person has the right skill set for the offered role
Uniqlo is looking for international talents
but also to learn about her/his motivation. CV and cover
in fashion retail, as the company is heavily
letter needs to be customized depending on the company/
expanding globally, and more especially in
role you apply to.
Europe – which skills should candidates put in the front of their applications?
How do you assess motivation by reading a CV?
Things move quickly at Uniqlo. That means we
First of all, the overall impression, layout, the font used,
try to hire great people, regardless of the job. We look for
the structure of the paragraphs, shows whether a candidate
people who aspire to be true global business managers. We’re
is able to take his addressee’s view, this means to have the
looking for people who have a variety of strengths as well as
recruiter’s needs in mind: does the CV clearly state the
the experience and the background that will set them up for
candidate’s objectives, is easy to understand, to follow or
success in a specific role. Those people are passionate about
do I have some puzzled information? Also, the number of
what they do. They also have high ambitions, an entrepreneur
spelling mistakes shows how carefully somebody does the
mindset, and a clear sense of mission. They love to work with
documents. A good CV is concise, entails the information
people from diverse background, and have an ability to build
that is most important for the company you apply to and is
teams. They are innovators, and thrive on constantly
clearly structured.
challenging themselves and the way they do things to make a significant contribution to their business and more broadly, to
What about the covering letter?
the world. At Uniqlo, we do things differently from other
The covering letter is even more significant. Through this, a
retailers: we do not believe that the head office is superior to
candidate can show his/ her company/industry knowledge,
the stores. We believe that store managers and the people
and demonstrate why he’s the ideal candidate for the role,
working at head office are equal. This means that career
why the company is the right fit for him. An impactful cover
trajectories in FR can follow a number of different paths, with
letter shouldn’t be a repetition of the CV. Reading a cover
some people advancing to positions as store managers and
letter, I should understand: Does the candidate know about
others transferring to head office. We strive to be the kind of
our business and what the company is doing? Why does he/
company in which every employee can grow and take pride in
she want to work with us? What values does he/she share
their achievements.
“Increase the informative value of your CV by adding descriptions of your internships and studies. Do a spell check and have a consistent chronology ( i deally reverse chronological order ).” UniCredit “Besides excellent academic results, international experience and insightful internships, we look for outstanding talents that also have interesting hobbies and personal interests beyond the world of business.“ BCG “The recruiter should be able to recognise your potential at first glance while screening your CV. Therefore: Be detailed on relevant aspects like your studies: Include information about your major, the topic of your
thesis and your GPA. The same accounts for work experience: Present some bullet points that allow the recruiter to get a feeling of which responsibilities you had during your internships. However, the size of your family, your parents’ profession and your babysitting job during high school are not relevant hiring criteria . List your activities in reverse chronological order. Your Master’s degree is of much more importance than your high school degree. Show your personality! Mention your most recent backpacking tour, your sports successes and anything that shows what kind of person you are.” Coca-Cola
analytical abilities and ideally with some practical experience. In addition, we are looking for interpersonal skills, the ability to work as part of a team, and flexibility. It is not a problem at all if someone repeated a year in 10th grade, decided to change majors after two semesters or chose to travel the world after graduating high school. It is important that the candidate pursued his or her path with dedication and enthusiasm and is authentic with it.” EY “Clean formatting. Of course, it can be creative, but it should be logical. We should find your contact details at a glance. One pager!” Hitfox
“In general, we are looking for people who want to push the envelope. Talents with good academic performance,
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CVS IN SOCIAL NETWORKS Online CVs are becoming increasingly important not
to help them assess your motivation, you may also use the
only due to social networking, but also because of the
Industry Preferences section – here it is important to be
Stellenticket Online Yearbook, as used by our partner
selective ( choose four or five at the most ) and consistent,
companies. So how can you make an impact with your
otherwise recruiters will be confused about your motivation.
online CV on sites such as LinkedIn and within online Interests and Engagement: The same rules apply here as
for paper CVs: use these sections to stand out, both in the Keep descriptions short and concise! After having
case of LinkedIn and Stellenticket.
previously squeezed all your experience on to one page, it is a relief to have seemingly unlimited space on your online
Endorsements on LinkedIn: In the endorsements section,
profile – but stop: your online CV or yearbook entry should be
you can list individual skills and have your network confirm
as concise and precise as your paper / PDF CV. Keep it focused
these by endorsing you. But don’t exaggerate!
on your performance and achievements. Links to companies with which you have worked or projects posted online are really useful and help to build an interactive picture. Using Highlights, Industries and Working Languages on Stellenticket: The Stellenticket platform offers three great opportunities to stand out. With the Highlights section, employers can view your experience and education at a glance. Stating your Working Languages helps recruiters to sort out whether you are eligible to work in certain countries. In order
Create your CV on the Stellenticket platform: u
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Have you studied economics, business information systems, industrial engineering or computer science? Do you have a Master’s degree? Have you already gained work experience in the form of internships? Are you goal-oriented and full of innovative ideas? Are you a lateral thinker? Do you speak both German and English? Then we really should get to know each other!
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MAKING AN IMPACT WITH YOUR COVERING LETTER ›› About the job – Why does it appeal to you? What do you understand about it? ›› About the company – What attracts you to them? Why are they succeeding as a business and why is that appealing?
Be original Covering letters should explain your motivation to work in a certain job for a specific company and your qualifications for this job. If you can replace the name of the company for any other and your covering letter remains totally relevant, you have not tailored it enough and will be unlikely to succeed. Do some research and find something about the position or company that you can relate to directly in your letter.
Be precise ›› Give examples to quantify your skills, e.g. “I developed excellent communication skills by working directly with clients on a daily basis to analyse their financial statements.” ›› Show achievement, e.g. “I created a report for my manager and he implemented the new recommendations.” ›› Show leadership through your extracurricular activity,
Include a clear structure The letter should cover the following three parts: ›› About you – What you offer and examples of achievements to demonstrate your credentials
Raum für
Fascinating People
e.g. captain of football team, managed a team of four on a humanitarian expedition, etc. ›› Tailor your letter to highlight skills they ask for in their job description.
›› Do not write a covering letter that is longer than one page. You can consider this a rule! ›› Proofread your covering letter to ensure there are no spelling mistakes. Once you have proofread it, proofread it again! ›› Check that you are sending the letter to the right company!
Show insight Be sure to show an understanding of the industry, e.g. “I want to work in strategic marketing after my internship at Sony. While there, I enjoyed taking a step back and researching competitors, and then formulating a plan to help the promotion to a target audience.” something that you can show in your CV. This is vital for all Say why a particular job or industry is important to you e.g.
companies – you must show you understand their market
“I want to work in a consultancy because I want to use
and motivation for applying. Extracurricular examples, as
my experience in the pharmaceutical industry and be able
well as work experience and internships, are welcomed
to apply this knowledge to solving client problems.”
by employers. As with your CV, they want to see that you have achieved beyond what was expected of you. The beginning: Dear Sir /Madam The end: If you know the person’s name or you have met them = ‘Yours sincerely’
Be bland Avoid writing generic sentences that could apply to any company, e.g. “I want to be a Consultant because it will help give me a diverse career”.
If you do not know the person = ‘Yours faithfully’
Writing a covering letter for the German and Spanish market Covering letters are viewed the same way in Germany and
Talk too much
Spain as they are in the UK: as a way to improve your
Be detailed, but not to the point where you lose relevancy.
motivation. It should explain why you want to work with
A simple introduction and closing allows more room for the
this company and in this specific position. It should also
details of your letter. You want to use the space to tell them
give some idea about your future career plans and how
about you and to bring your CV to life.
this position fits in.
Writing a covering letter for the UK market In the UK, a covering letter is a way of improving your application and selling your experience. It should not be generic – you need to spend time tailoring your letter, as it demonstrates to the company your desire to work for them. By adding some research on the company, you can also demonstrate your commercial awareness, which is not
application and to give employers insight on your
The beginning: Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ( or name the contact in question ) The end: “Mit freundlichen Grüßen” or “Freundliche Grüße”. If you have talked to them before, e.g. at a fair or in a casual atmosphere, you may also write “Herzliche Grüße”.
MAKING AN IMPACT WITH YOUR COVERING LETTER Structure ›› Introduction: Who am I, what do I want? ( s tudent of
Writing a Covering Letter for the Italian market
ESCP Europe interested in internship or direct entry ).
In Italy, a cover letter is not very common, so precisely for
When can I start?
this reason it’s a way to be recognised and appreciated.
›› Why am I applying for this position in this company? It is important to find the balance between glorifying and being too factual. This block should reflect your motivation and it should be related to business subjects
For content and structure, just orientate upon the tips given for the UK and Germany. We generally open with “Gentile dott./dott.ssa”, even if we do not know the title of the person reading, we never use sig/sig.ra.
( not to the wonderful employee benefits, corporate social responsibility actions, or the possibility of having a good work-life balance ). Tailor your letter exactly to the company and the job requirements (to mentioned tasks, not so much to qualifications) and show motivation and qualification. ›› What you bring: describe your skills and experiences using examples. First, work experience ( most important point – use the space ), then education and soft skills ( very short ). ›› Closing: Summarise your motivation for the job and then write something like „Über eine Einladung zu einem persönlichen Gespräch würde ich mich sehr freuen.“
Jetzt durchstarten und mi
t uns den führenden digita
len Verlag gestalten.
“What makes a successful covering letter? Making people curious about you! Keep it short and crisp - one page is enough. Be sure to check your spelling and grammar. Write authentically – don’t hide behind ‘flowery’ expressions. Build bridges between your motivation and experience and use examples. Be sure to avoid both understatement and exaggeration.” Beiersdorf “The covering letter answers all the WHY questions: WHY this position and WHY this company. Don’t repeat your CV in the covering letter, but do connect your CV to the position.” UniCredit “Address your letter to the correct person and do not write anything longer than one page.” Deutsche Post DHL Inhouse Consulting
“Tell us what motivates you to apply to us. We are looking forward to carefully designed applications. Be precise and describe what you are looking for, when you are available and what kind of ideas you have. Avoid naming the wrong company in the covering letter, but other spelling mistakes are overlooked with a smile – you as a person are the focus.” Zalando “Add additional information about gaps or not so easy to understand stages in your CV. You did all your internships in one industry but now applying for a job in a totally different industry? Tell about your motivation and why you didn’t work in their industry before.“ Bayer Business Consulting “Use the covering letter to express your interest in joining our company and to convince us that we should meet in person. The letter should be authentic and must not contain any spelling mistakes.” Inverto
“Restate your interest in the position and demonstrate how your unique qualifications fit the position. Keep to the point, i.e. what makes you the candidate of choice. Show your understanding, or your passion, of the company/industry.” Payback “You can impress P&G with a CV that underlines your achievements and how you have contributed to obtain a specific objective (we also like to get to know your extra-curricular activities!). P&G puts high emphasis on leadership and how you fit to the purpose, values and principles of the company. On top of that, please make sure to hand in all your relevant diplomas and certificates incl. grades. A cover letter is not a must.” Procter & Gamble
PREPARING FOR INTERVIEWS Learn the STAR approach to help you formulate your answers to examplebased questions. Situation:
Background ( just a few sentences )
A specific problem you had to solve ( just a few sentences )
Result: Both telephone and face-to-face interviews require a lot of preparation – there are no short cuts. Even if you are eventually lucky enough to just have an informal chat with an employer, you will feel more confident walking into the room if you have prepared. Preparation should start at the application stage, so that you are ready if you are invited
What you did to resolve the problem ( the majority of your answer ). How you did it. Your thought processes and rationale. The positive outcome ( just a few sentences )
Your answer should last 3–4 minutes. Avoid using academic experiences. Instead choose from internships, societies /associations, sports, charity work, music etc. Expect follow up questions: what would you do differently? What did you learn?
to an interview at the last minute.
articles online
visits per month
packages per month
Expect different types of interview questions CV: These are questions based around your experience. It’s the story behind your CV. Keep it short, relevant and catchy, and leave room for questions. Practise this before you attend the interview. Competency: Competency-based questions are based on the skills required for the role. They revolve around your past experiences and the evidence you give at the interview. Most will require you to give an example of how you have solved a problem in the workplace, for instance. Motivation: Why do you want the role? You need to show
Have examples ready: Think of five or six examples that
an understanding of what the job entails. Read the job
highlight difficult situations you have overcome. These can
description and ask previous interns. Why do you want to
be projects, team, research, influencing, communication,
work for that company in particular? Why does it differ
planning and analytical challenges you have faced.
from its competitors? Learn about the company’s past ( h eritage, important mergers, etc. ), present ( c urrent share price, areas of expertise, culture, recent deals, etc. ) , and future ( W hat are its plans? Any new launches, offices, markets? ) What skills will you bring to the position? Never simply list skills – show where you gained them and give examples of how you have used them. Stick to the skills relevant to the role.
Over rehearse Have answers prepared but don‘t just learn the answers.
Technical & Market Knowledge: You need to show at an
You need to be flexible and tailor your answer according to
interview that you are motivated for the role and industry.
each question.
That will impress a potential employer. ›› Investment Banking – Corporate finance, current market conditions ( exchange rates, share prices etc. ), recent trends ›› Accountancy – any formulas ( costing, P&Ls, etc. ) ›› Consultancy – industry knowledge, market trends ›› Marketing – know your SWOT and PEST. Have an idea of
Ignore your interviewer Interviews are not usually about tricking the candidate. They are there to get the best from you and learn about your experiences. Therefore, you need to listen to the questions and the pointers the interviewer gives you throughout the interview.
what you would like to bring to the role, budget ideas and think of recent campaigns you liked / disliked.
Ask inappropriate questions
Brainteasers: These can be logical questions asking you
Don’t ask about salary or ask personal questions. Ask
to solve a cryptic problem or market sizing estimate.
questions about the job, and specifically questions
Learn demographics and measurements to help you
related something you have researched about which you
with the guestimates. There is no right or wrong, just how
want to know more. Here is your chance to show your
you get there. For both types, always share your logic
motivation. One or two questions at the end of the
with the interviewer.
interview are enough.
PREPARING FOR VIDEO INTERVIEWS Making a good impression in video interviews A lot of companies have started using video interviews in the recruitment process, and you should be prepared for this. Candidates are generally asked questions and expected to pre-record their answers with their laptops at home within a certain time frame. Being the first step in the recruitment process, these interviews are very important. Tips for performing well in video interviews: ›› Dress as smartly as you would for a face-to-face interview. ›› Create a silent environment – lock the door and mute your mobile phone. ›› Be well-rested and train your voice a little bit in advance ( e.g. with singing ). ›› Be well prepared – if you are nervous, make notes in advance to keep yourself focused. ›› Try not to stutter or use a lot of “ehs” or “mmhs” ( a good way of knowing if you do this is to record yourself first as a test run and listen back ).
›› Be aware of your environment – make sure the light is adequate and you don’t have any inappropriate posters on the wall behind you. ›› Expect the unexpected. Video interviews sometimes have more unusual questions e.g. Who is your business hero? What brand best describes you? What song lyric describes you? If asked these questions, look calm and take a few seconds to think of the best answer. Try and be original, be true to yourself and most importantly show that you are happy to take on the challenging question.
›› Give yourself plenty of time. Don’t wait until two hours before the deadline! Companies can be flexible with the
Practice before you take the interview. You can do this in
deadlines if you have an exam pending, for example, so
front of the mirror or film yourself before the real test so
ask first before rushing.
you can see how you are coming across.
Some of the favourite questions asked by our guest companies
What makes a good candidate at interviews?
“Tell me about a situation where you had to deal with a big
“Prepare questions, talk through your CV in a structured
challenge. How did you manage and would you deal with it
format, be open and keep eye contact. Be confident, but not
the same way a second time?”
too calm. Don’t come unprepared.”
mfi Immobilien / Unibail Rodamco
“Why should we hire you?” Otis
“Do not try to play a role.” Beiersdorf
“What does “Building a better working world” mean to you?
“The candidate should arrive on time and be adequately
It is always fascinating to see how different our global
attired in business dress. He / she should have prepared for
ambition is perceived by candidates and how they see their
the interview, specifically having facts on hand about the
contribution in filling it with life.”
company and the department. Moreover, he / she should
pose questions to the interviewers because this signals that he / she has a serious interest in getting the job.”
“What was your main failure and what did you learn from it?” Bombardier “What is your best failure?” Hitfox
Accenture ist ein weltweit
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Accenture Recruiting-Team
mit seinen Kunden ein. Accenture erwirtschaftete im
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vergangenen Fiskaljahr ( zum 31. August 2014 ) einen
T: +800 450 450 (kostenfrei)
Nettoumsatz von 30 Mrd. US-Dollar. Die Internetadresse
Accenture bietet Mitarbeitern jeden Tag vielfältige Herausforderungen – fachlich und persönlich. Dazu kommen individuelle Karrierechancen für Sie in großartigen
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COMPANY PROFILES A.T. Kearney zählt zu
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A.T. Kearney nimmt am 13. November 2015 an den
und öffentliche Institutionen. A.T. Kearney wurde 1926 in
Recruiting Days der ESCP Europe Berlin teil. Kommen Sie
Chicago gegründet und beschäftigt heute rund 3.500
mit uns ins Gespräch und stellen Sie Ihre persönlichen
Mitarbeiter in 40 Ländern der Welt.
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Als StudentIn mit hervorragenden Noten, 1–2 Praktika und
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Audi steht für
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Audi Nachwuchsprogrammen erhalten Interessierte unter
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Bei den ESCP Europe Recruiting Days am 12. November
Technik”. Die hohe Innovationskraft stellt einen wesent-
2015 können sich die Studierenden darüber hinaus am Audi
lichen Erfolgsfaktor des Unternehmens dar. So hat Audi mit
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Karrieremöglichkeiten informieren.
Automobilgeschichte geschrieben. Dabei sind die Mitarbeiter das Fundament dieser Entwicklung. Allein an den deut-
schen Standorten Ingolstadt und Neckarsulm beschäftigt
Audi Karriere
das Unternehmen über 55.000 Menschen, weltweit hat Audi
T: +49 8418 931 364
sogar über 80.000 Mitarbeiter.
Das Unternehmen bietet attraktive Einstiegs- und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten und sucht ständig kreative und teamfähige Pioniere, die den Anspruch an Sportlichkeit, Progressivität und Hochwertigkeit teilen. Dabei zählt der Gesamteindruck: Denn fachliche Qualifikationen sind ebenso wichtig wie soziale Kompetenzen, unternehmerisches Denken und die Begeisterung für die Marke sowie die Modelle.
Hamburg, im Jahr 1946:
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Start-up-Stimmung im
sich deswegen heute mehr denn je mit der gegenwärtigen
Lagerraum über einem
Gründergeneration: digitalen Start-ups. Zusammen mit
Tee- und Gewürzkontor. Hier legte Axel Springer mit den
der Transformation der etablierten starken Medienmarken,
ersten Redakteuren auf geliehenen Schreibmaschinen den
eigenen Online-Neuentwicklungen und strategisch
Grundstein für die Axel Springer SE, die heute nicht nur
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diese Vernetzung einer der Bausteine der internationalen
über 40 Ländern aktiv ist und deren digitale Medienkanäle
Digitalisierungsstrategie: Die Axel Springer SE will der
knapp drei Viertel zu den Proforma-Konzernerlösen bei-
führende digitale Verlag werden.
tragen. Dabei soll es jedoch nicht bleiben. Deshalb suchen wir Menschen, die sich trauen, an Ihre Axel Springer will der führende digitale Verlag werden.
Ideen zu glauben, die bereit sind, über sich und gewöhnliche
Jetzt geht es darum, die Digitalisierung noch schneller und
Jobprofile hinauszuwachsen. Wir suchen die Mitgestalter
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unserer multimedialen Zukunft.
Für Axel Springer ist informativer und unterhaltsamer
Da geht noch mehr. Mit Menschen, die über sich und
Journalismus auch zukünftig im Netz ein tragfähiges
gewöhnliche Jobprofile hinauswachsen.
Geschäftsmodell, zusammen mit Vermarktung und Rubrikenanzeigen, den beiden anderen Geschäftsfeldern,
Du findest uns auf den ESCP Recruiting Days am 12.
auf denen das Unternehmen traditionell stark ist.
November 2015. Komm gerne vorbei!
In der Tradition ihres Gründers, der zu seiner Zeit
journalistische und technologische Innovationen voran-
trieb, geht die Axel Springer SE neue Wege. Das Unternehmen
verfolgt konsequent das Ziel, ein wachstums- und
Bayer: Science For A Better Life
Bayer Business Consulting conducts consulting projects in
Bayer is a global enterprise with core
the areas of research & development, technical operations,
competencies in the fields of health care,
supply chain, marketing & sales as well as business
transformation and change management. Moreover, this
materials. As an innovation company, it
area offers external consulting and management talents
sets trends in research-intensive areas. Bayer’s products
optimal entry-level and career opportunities and thus
and services are designed to benefit people and improve
attractive perspectives in an internationally active company.
their quality of life. At the same time, the group aims to create value through innovation, growth and high earning
We offer internships and entry positions during the whole
power. Bayer is committed to the principles of sustainable
year. Meet us at the ESCP Recruiting Days in Berlin on
development and to its social and ethical responsibilities
November 13th, 2015 during our round table discussion,
as a corporate citizen.
interviews or at our booth!
Bayer Business Consulting:
Bayer Business Consulting is a leading inhouse consultancy
For more information on BC and our vacancies visit us on
and partner of choice for Bayer in providing management
consulting for the Bayer Group companies around the globe.
u or
With seven offices worldwide – Leverkusen and Berlin (Germany), Pittsburgh and Morristown (USA), Shanghai and
For more information about interesting and challenging
Beijing (China) and São Paulo (Brazil) – and more than 160
entry and career opportunities at Bayer please visit
employees Bayer Business Consulting resolves strategic,
organizational and operative issues for the Bayer Group companies around the globe and thus actively participates in shaping the future of Bayer.
COMPANY PROFILES The Boston Consulting Group
lichen Senioritätsstufen. Zusätzlich zu den Festeinstellun-
( BCG ) ist die weltweit führende
gen bieten wir mehr als 100 Visiting Associates (Praktikanten)
die Möglichkeit, unsere Fallarbeit über einen Zeitraum von
unseren Kunden entwickeln und implementieren wir innovative
acht bis zwölf Wochen zu begleiten – und zwar vor Ort beim Kunden.
Wettbewerbsvorteile schaffen und das Unternehmens-
ergebnis nachhaltig verbessern. 1963 in den USA ge-
Als Beraterin oder Berater bei BCG bearbeiten Sie
gründet, unterhält BCG heute weltweit über 80 Büros,
wechselnde strategische Fragestellungen auf Augen-
davon 8 in Deutschland und Österreich. Weltweit
höhe mit dem Topmanagement des Kunden. Sie lernen
erzielte BCG im Jahr 2014 mit insgesamt 10.500 Mitarbeitern
verschiedene Branchen kennen und übernehmen vom ers-
einen Umsatz von 4,55 Milliarden US-Dollar. Wir beraten
ten Tag an Verantwortung für einzelne Teilprojekte – mit
Unternehmen aus allen Branchen und Märkten.
zunehmender Erfahrung auch für den Ablauf eines gesamten Projekts. Regelmäßiges Feedback und Coaching durch
Die strategische Perspektive zieht sich wie ein roter Faden
erfahrene Kollegen beschleunigen Ihre berufliche und
durch unsere Beratungstätigkeit, ob es nun um Wachs-
persönliche Weiterentwicklung. Das ständige Wachsen an
tumsthemen, Effizienzsteigerung, Wertmanagement,
immer neuen Herausforderungen, aber auch die gezielte
Organisationsentwicklung, Prozess- und Strukturoptimie-
Förderung durch bis zu 20 Trainingstage im Jahr ermög-
rung, Mergers & Acquisitions oder Markenführung geht.
lichen Ihnen eine steile Lernkurve.
Einstieg bei BCG
BCG Deutschland und Österreich plant in diesem Jahr bis
zu 400 Neueinstellungen in allen Geschäftsbereichen, davon alleine über 200 Beraterinnen und Berater auf unterschied-
BearingPoint ist eine
Karriere in der Unternehmensberatung zu starten. Sie
unabhängige, partner-
können bei uns als Berufseinsteiger starten, wenn Sie
geführte Unternehmens-
einen sehr guten Studienabschluss ( Diplom /Master )
beratung, die Management- und Technologiekompetenz
besitzen. Zusätzliche qualifizierte praktische Erfahrungen
vereint. Unsere Kunden sind namhafte, weltweit agierende
im Rahmen von Praktika, Werkstudententätigkeiten, einer
Unternehmen, Finanzinstitutionen und Organisationen der
Berufsausbildung oder spezifischer Berufserfahrung
öffentlichen Hand. Wir bieten Beratungsleistungen im
sind uns besonders wichtig. Gern gesehen sind bei uns
Bereich Business Consulting: Für unsere Kunden erzielen
interkulturelle Fähigkeiten sowie sehr gute Fremdsprachen-
wir einen messbaren Geschäftserfolg, indem wir Prozesse,
kenntnisse. Business Englisch sowie hohe Reisebereit-
IT und Organisationsmodelle optimieren.
schaft sind Grundvoraussetzung.
Rund 150 Partner tragen die persönliche Verantwortung für
Gerne informieren wir Sie im Rahmen der Recruiting Days am
unser Beratungsgeschäft. Wir betreuen ca. 1.100 Kunden und
13. November 2015 über Ihre persönlichen Karrieremög-
beschäftigen 3.500 Mitarbeiter an 32 Standorten in 20 Ländern.
lichkeiten bei BearingPoint. Besuchen Sie uns an unserem
2014 wurde ein Umsatz von 558 Millionen Euro erwirtschaftet.
Messestand, wir freuen uns darauf, Sie kennenzulernen!
Ob als Praktikant oder Werkstudent – bereits während des
BearingPoint GmbH, Recruiting Office
Studiums bieten wir spannende Einblicke in die Berater-
Schanzenstr. 23, 51063 Köln
branche. Sie sammeln auf diese Weise erste Projekt- und
T: +49 221 95490 900
Beratungserfahrungen und lernen BearingPoint kennen.
E: u
Für den Direkteinstieg suchen wir engagierte, unter-
nehmerisch denkende und lösungsorientiert handelnde
Twitter: @consultingjobs
Kolleginnen und Kollegen, deren klares Ziel es ist, ihre
Facebook: BearingPointGlobal
Beiersdorf is known for its
leading international skin
Beiersdorf’s international graduate trainee program
BEYOND BORDERS is our 18-month graduate trainee
NIVEA, Eucerin, Labello and Hansaplast. To foster our
program, which offers you a perfect stepping stone into
growth we offer broad responsibilities and challenging
an international career. Start your career by engaging in
tasks, enabling our people to raise the bar in all fields of
one of the following BEYOND BORDERS programs:
our business – every day right from the start. ›› Marketing & Sales Career starts with Care:
›› Digital Marketing & eCommerce
Are you in the middle of your degree program and want to
›› Finance & Controlling
get some practical experience? Then come learn about the
›› Operations Management /Supply Chain
world of skin care as an intern. Are you in the process of
›› Human Resources
finishing your studies or have recently graduated? Then start your career with one of the international graduate
programs. Or, do you want to jump right in? Take a look at
our current job vacancies.
u u
Internship: Discover the World of Skin Care.
Gain first-hand, on-the-job experience of exactly how our international skin care business works, discover how global top brands are managed and enjoy plenty of opportunities to test yourself in a professional working environment. Internships generally last about three months. At our German headquarters, internships are available in almost all divisions of the company. You can apply directly online.
What Bloomberg does –
Here at Bloomberg, you will have the opportunity and
and how you can make
freedom to take risks, develop key skills and learn about
your mark here:
business operations on a global scale – your ambitions will
Bloomberg delivers critical information in a world where
be matched by ours. Be a part of an organisation that is
information matters. We give influential decision makers
entering new markets, launching new ventures and pushing
in business, finance and government a competitive edge
the boundaries. How will you make your mark?
by connecting them to a dynamic network of news, people and ideas. To do that, we need a constant flow of ideas,
Meet us on 13th November at the Recruiting Days – you may
energy and innovation – which is where you come in.
apply for interviews or round table discussions or visit our stand. We‘re looking forward to meeting you!
At Bloomberg, you will have the opportunity to go above and beyond and to take risks. Be a part of an organisation that is entering new markets, launching new ventures and pushing boundaries. Our ever-expanding array of technology, data, news and media services fosters innovation and empowers clients – and offers nearly limitless opportunities for career growth. It is the people and their ideas that contribute to the success and growth of Bloomberg. And among them our graduates, who are vital to the development of Bloomberg as they provide the organisation with innovative ideas and fresh perspectives on business operations; both internally and externally.
Locations: London
porate & Institutional Banking ( CIB )
Vacancies: Global Markets, Corporate Finance, IT, Coverage
is a leading European investment bank with global leadership in many of our businesses. We are part of the BNP Paribas
Internships or work experience: Summer internship,
Group, a financial institution with solid foundations and a
Graduate Programme, Long Term Internships
proven ability to adapt to change. BNP Paribas CIB, with nearly 28,000 employees in over 50 countries, can offer you
Recruitment criteria: Bachelor, Masters or PhD level
an exciting and truly global start to your career, a career where you, your ideas and your development matter.
Training: one to three weeks of induction training depending on the role and regular training upgrades during the year.
We work continuously on behalf of our clients, helping them to realize their projects around the world. Our success
Application process: online application and testing,
is built on doing things differently, serving our clients
assessment centres, interviews
and society responsibly, encouraging new ideas and giving our people the room to grow and innovate. If you are
analytical, numerate and entrepreneurial, if you can,
quickly understand complex financial concepts, if you
speak good business English and are ready to learn, we want to hear from you.
Bombardier Transportation,
provide students a real learning experience we recommend
a global leader in rail
internships for minimum three months with us. In addition,
technology, offers the
we offer the possibility to write your Master thesis.
broadest portfolio in the rail industry and delivers innovative products and services that set new standards in
For graduate of the MIM and MEB programs we are offering
sustainable mobility. BOMBARDIER ECO4 technologies –
a graduate program with several tracks to pursue either a
built on the four cornerstones of energy, efficiency,
management or an expert career.
economy and ecology – conserve energy, protect the environment and help to improve total train performance.
For more information on your entry opportunities and
Bombardier Transportation is headquartered in Berlin,
application process please visit our website:
Germany and has a very diverse customer base with products or services in more than 60 countries. It has an
u w w w.c areer s .bombar /tr anspor tation /
installed base of over 100,000 vehicles worldwide.
The motto of Bombardier is “The Evolution of Mobility”
For your questions please contact
since we are offering to our customers complete
transportation solution for the future. Being in the global leadership position we continuously looking for the best
Excellent career opportunities in a multi-national work
young talent which we find in particular at ESCP Europe.
environment with a global industry leader are waiting for you when joining Bombardier Transportation!
We are offering for students challenging internships at different sites and business fields to gain valuable work experience. Since we are a complex organisation and
A word about us
to support a range of clients in wide-reaching and interesting
Capco – Forming the Future of Finance
projects and environments. You will develop market changing
Capco is a distinctly and positively
solutions and tackle complex business issues to deliver
different place to work. Much more than
innovative solutions and strategies for our global customers.
consultants, we are active participants in the global financial services industry. Our passionate business
At Capco an intensive training programme is provided,
and technology professionals enjoy a unique environment
covering the global financial services landscape, risk and
where they are actively encouraged to apply intellect,
regulation, foundations of consulting and project delivery.
innovation, experience and teamwork. We are dedicated to
Develop, strengthen and expand your skills through
fully supporting our world class clients as they respond to
collaborative training in an environment where your experi-
challenges and opportunities in: Banking, Capital Markets,
ences and contributions are valued and encouraged.
Finance Risk & Compliance, Insurance and Wealth and Investment Management. Experience Capco for yourself at
We look for:
›› Minimum 2.1 degree (in any subject - with quantitative
Let’s get down to business
›› 320+ UCAS points desirable
The key role of an Associate Consultant is to deliver a range
›› The aptitude to ably demonstrate:
backgrounds preferred) or equivalent experience
of challenging projects within banking.
Strong analytical skills Strong verbal and written communication skills
The Capco Associate Talent Programme provides top talent
Microsoft Word skills.
with the skills and experience required to become the financial consulting leaders of tomorrow.
It’s the entry point into consulting with Capco. From day one
as an Associate Consultant, you will be given the opportunity
CNC – Communications &
A career at CNC offers:
Network Consulting is an
›› An inspiring work atmosphere, working on complex
experienced international strategic communications consultancy. We have an outstanding track record of helping organisations address their most important business challenges with communications. When
communications mandates. ›› Cooperation within an international and dynamic team of people from a range of disciplines. ›› The chance to be part of a consultancy with a unique potential for development.
communication matters, our clients use our experience and expertise to advise on issues affecting decisions,
CNC appreciates the strategic-analytical approach, applied
valuation, change and reputation.
learning activities and the international orientation of ESCP, which has proven to be a great preparation for
With around 140 employees in 11 cities and as part of
working at CNC. ESCP Alumni have worked as associates
the MSLGROUP / Publicis Groupe, CNC is one of the
and interns in our international teams and continue to
world‘s leading international strategic communications
deliver a valuable contribution to our consulting projects.
consultancies. Our success is built upon the quality and creativity of our team, a large number of whom have
If you are interested in a consultancy position with CNC,
significant operational experience in industry, finance,
please meet us at our fair stand at the ESCP Recruiting
politics and the media. We use this expertise and
Days in Berlin on Thursday, 12 th November, 2015.
our long-standing networks to deliver results-driven consultancy to management teams and their advisers.
COMPANY PROFILES Jetzt einsteigen
Sie in 18 Monaten kennenlernen. Die Einsätze erfolgen an
zum Aufsteigen!
unterschiedlichen Standorten. Auch Einsätze im Ausland
Mit einer Karriere bei Deutschlands größtem Getränkeun-
sind möglich. Wir erwarten von Ihnen Engagement, Leiden-
ternehmen! Als Konzessionär der „The Coca-Cola Com-
schaft und Leistungswillen. In unseren Teams wird mit
pany“ ( Atlanta ) in Deutschland ist das Unternehmen hier
Tatkraft daran gearbeitet, Herausforderungen immer
für die Abfüllung und den Vertrieb von über 80 Coca-Cola
offensiv und lösungsorientiert anzugehen. Und wir
Markenprodukten verantwortlich. Täglich beliefert un-
schätzen Ihren Ehrgeiz, wenn Sie sich stetig weiter-
sere Verkaufsmannschaft rund 400.000 Handels- und
entwickeln wollen.
Gastronomiekunden über ein großes Produktions- und Vertriebsnetz.
Seien Sie auch dabei, und nutzen Sie Ihre Chance. Gestalten Sie Ihre Karriere. Werden Sie ein Teil der Coca-Cola Familie.
Haben Sie das Zeug zur Führungskraft? Qualifizierte Führungskräfte fallen nicht vom Himmel.
Deshalb bilden wir Sie aus: Mit unserem Traineeprogramm
bereiten wir unsere Nachwuchskräfte in den Bereichen
Verkauf, Marketing, Supply Chain, Finanzen, Personal und Business Solutions (IT) darauf vor, in Zukunft eine tragende Rolle bei der CCE AG zu spielen. Im Traineeprogramm erwartet Sie ein individuell auf Sie zugeschnittenes Programm. Von Anfang an übernehmen Sie verantwortungsvolle und spannende Aufgaben im Tagesgeschäft und in der Projektarbeit. Ihren Schwerpunktbereich und dessen Schnittstellen werden
million private customers, as well as one million business
is a leading
and corporate clients. The bank, which was founded in
international commercial bank with branches and offices in
1870, is represented at all the world’s major stock
more than 50 countries. The core markets of Commerz-
exchanges. In 2014, it generated gross revenues of almost
bank are Germany and Poland.
€9 billion with approximately 52,000 employees on average.
With the business areas Private Customers, Mittel-
standsbank, Corporates & Markets and Central & Eastern
Europe, its private customers and corporate clients, as well
T: + 44 (0) 20 747 51855
as institutional investors, profit from a comprehensive portfolio of banking and capital market services. With some 1,100 branches and approximately 90 advisory centres for business customers Commerzbank has one of the densest branch networks among German private banks. In total, Commerzbank boasts approximately 15
Deloitte provides audit, tax,
If you are someone who approaches their career with
commitment and a long-term view, you will want to know
advisory services to public
today where you stand tomorrow, and the day after that.
and private clients spanning multiple industries; legal
Our career model gives you the direction that you need.
advisory services in Germany are provided by Deloitte
We will support you at every stage of your personal
Legal. With a globally connected network of member firms
development. Our motto is that those who have the will
in more than 150 countries and territories, Deloitte brings
can go far. We have a unique and innovative approach to
world-class capabilities and high-quality service to
supporting our employees’ professional development. We
clients, delivering the insights they need to address their
use a curriculum that is tailored to you individually to
most complex business challenges. Deloitte’s more than
ensure that you have the skills and qualifications in order
210,000 professionals are committed to making an
to develop the best solutions for our clients.
impact that matters. Interested in meeting us? We invite you to meet our The Deloitte member firms form a large international
professionals on 13 th November at the Recruiting Days.
community. Our common values are the foundation upon
We offer you the opportunity to apply for interviews or
which every member of this network decides and acts.
round table discussions. Our firm representatives will
They define the rules for our conduct in business and with
welcome you on our stand all the afternoon.
one another. Our values are: integrity, outstanding value to markets and clients, commitment to each other and
strength from cultural diversity.
…is the international strategy
Join Inhouse Consulting!
and management consultancy
You will be rapidly integrated into a project team comprising
of Deutsche Post DHL Group,
individuals with diverse professional and personal
No. 1 international
backgrounds. You’ll be expected to take on responsibility
logistics group. We support the top management of all
within the project and express your opinions. We recognise
Deutsche Post DHL Group and their clients in developing
that there are no standard solutions that each project
future business worldwide.
requires a unique approach, and we believe in the right ideas wherever they come from.
We develop high-impact strategies for the company’s key current and future activities. Business consulting and its
Would you like to learn more about our exciting projects
successful business transformation as well as supply chain
and challenging tasks?
consulting are our top priorities. Visit our website: What really sets Inhouse Consulting apart from the rest is our team. Individuals from different cultural and intellectual
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact our
backgrounds create an inspiring, open-minded atmosphere.
recruiting specialist.
Alongside their educational achievements, we always look at people as a whole: assessing their talents, passion,
opinions and personality. We know that we demand the best
Deutsche Post DHL – Inhouse Consulting
but in return, we provide a highly professional, supportive
Sina Ruderman, Fritz-Erler-Str. 5, 53113 Bonn
and exciting work environment.
T: +49 228 182 22825 E:
COMPANY PROFILES Über die dgroup dgroup größten,
vereint? Dann sind wir das richtige Unternehmen um
Deine Karriere zu starten.
Beratungen für digitale
Während Deines Studiums kannst Du bei uns – ob als
Transformation in Europa
Werkstudent oder Praktikant – bereits erste praktische
Erfahrungen sammeln und die dgroup kennen lernen.
Strategieberatung und Digitalagentur. Unter dem Credo „Creating Business in a digital world “ unterstützt die
Als Absolvent hast Du bei uns die Möglichkeit ein
dgroup führende Unternehmen dabei, ihre digitalen
gefragter Experte in der digitalen Branche zu werden.
Wachstumspotentiale zu heben und neue digitale
Uns ist es wichtig deine Weiterentwicklung durch
Geschäftsmodelle zu entwickeln. Das Leistungsspektrum
der dgroup reicht von Management Beratung für Digitale
Feedbackkultur zu fördern.
Geschäftseinheiten bis hin zur umsetzungsorientierten
Bei den ESCP Recruiting Days am 13. November 2015
Digitalagentur. Seit 2008 wurden mehr als 200 digitale
kannst du dich am dgroup Messestand über für dich
Projekte für führende Unternehmen verschiedenster
passende Praktikums- und Einstiegsmöglichkeiten
Branchen erfolgreich umgesetzt.
informieren. Wir freuen uns darauf, Dich kennenzulernen!
Werde Teil des Teams Du möchtest an diesem Ort arbeiten, der Deine Leidenschaft für innovative Ideen und digitale Trends
Die E.ON Inhouse Con-sulting
Know-how auf. Sie haben Ihr Masterstudium bereits
(ECON) ist die interne Man-
erfolgreich abgeschlossen? Dann steigen Sie bei uns als
agement Beratung des E.ON
Project Consultant ein. Vom ersten Tag an werden Sie beim
Konzerns. Mit rund 80 Mitarbeitern zählen wir zu den
führenden internen Management Beratungsgesellschaften
Verantwortungsbereich. Unsere ausgeprägte Feedback-
in Europa. Als 100%ige Tochtergesellschaft nimmt ECON
mit einem Marktanteil von 70% eine führende Position
Projektrotation bieten Ihnen eine steile Lernkurve.
erhalten sowie
innerhalb des E.ON Konzerns ein. Wen wir suchen Durch eine Vernetzung auf allen Ebenen ist ECON Strategie-
Wir suchen Studenten und Absolventen, die neben aus
und Umsetzungspartner für das E.ON Management. Unser
gezeichneten Studienleistungen, eine Leidenschaft für die
Anspruch ist hoch: Mit den besten als Maßstab erarbeitet
Energiebranche mitbringen. Bei ECON sind Sie richtig,
ECON Lösungen, um die strategischen und operativen
wenn Sie innovativ denken, Gewohntes hinterfragen und
Herausforderungen des globalen Energiemarktes zu
exzellente Lösungen finden. Wachsen Sie mit uns an echten
meistern. Dazu kombinieren wir breites energie-
Herausforderungen und entwickeln Sie sich fachlich und
wirtschaftliches Know-how, umfassende funktionale Ex-
persönlich weiter.
pertise mit einem tiefen Verständnis des E.ON Konzerns. Dabei bietet Ihnen ECON eine herausfordernde Lern-
Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier:
umgebung im Consulting, exzellente Karrierechancen sowie einen außergewöhnlichen Teamspirit.
Interessiert? Dann lernen Sie uns persönlich auf der Career Fair in
London und bei den Recruiting Days in Berlin kennen und
Als Praktikant bei uns erwartet Sie eine einzigartige
Erfahrung! Gewinnen Sie vielfältige Einblicke in die
Karrieremöglichkeiten bei der ECON. Wir freuen uns auf
Energiewirtschaft und bauen Sie zugleich Ihr Beratungs-
Die globale EY-Organisation
Was wir Ihnen versprechen? Keine Langeweile! Stattdessen
ist einer der Marktführer
das, was Sie am Anfang Ihrer Karriere brauchen:
in der Wirtschaftsprüfung,
eine umfassende Einarbeitung und intensives Training,
herausfordernde Projekte, hervorragende Kollegen und
tionsberatung und Manage-
faszinierende Kunden. Entdecken Sie gemeinsam mit
mentberatung. Mit unserer Erfahrung, unserem Wissen
uns die Vorteile für Ihre Karriere und profitieren Sie ein
und unseren Leistungen stärken wir weltweit das
Leben lang von den Erfahrungen, die Sie bei EY machen.
Vertrauen in die Wirtschaft und die Finanzmärkte. Dafür sind wir bestens gerüstet: mit hervorragend ausgebildeten
Es ist Ihre Zeit, machen Sie das Beste daraus!
Mitarbeitern, starken Teams, exzellenten Leistungen und einem sprichwörtlichen Kundenservice. Unser Ziel ist
es, Dinge voranzubringen und entscheidend besser zu
EY (Ernst & Young GmbH)
machen – für unsere Mitarbeiter, unsere Mandanten und
die Gesellschaft, in der wir leben. Dafür steht unser
Employer Branding & Recruitment / Human Resources
weltweiter Anspruch „Building a better working world“.
GSA (Germany, Switzerland, Austria) T: +49 (6196) 996 10005
Starten Sie Ihre Karriere nach Maß in einer der renom-
miertesten Prüfungs- und Beratungsgesellschaften der Welt. Entdecken Sie was es heißt, in einem Team von über
Themenbezogene Ansprechpartner finden Sie unter:
8.200 Mitarbeitern in Deutschland und 210.000 Kollegen
u (Studenten & Absolventen
weltweit zu arbeiten und ein gemeinsames Ziel zu verfolgen:
- Kontakt)
das Bestmögliche für unsere Mandanten zu erreichen. Dafür bieten wir unseren hoch motivierten und qualifizier-
Bewerbungen bitte über:
ten Mitarbeitern herausragende Aufgaben, an denen sie
wachsen können.
Google‘s mission is to organise
Account Management, Customer Support & Service, Sales
the world‘s information and
and Online Marketing Consultancy.
make it universally accessible and useful. The spirit of innovation that made our company
Google will be on campus as part of the Recruiting Days,
a success right from the start underpins the work we do
Thursday, 12 th November. If you are interested in meeting
every day, from pushing the boundaries of our products to
with us for one of the below activities please apply by
researching alternative energies or devising new ways to
visiting this link we promise it will only
interact with our clients.
take a minute!
Our employees, who have named themselves Googlers,
›› 2015 and 2016 graduates – Interviews for fulltime roles.
mean everything to us. Our strategy is simple: hire great people and support them in turning their aspirations into
View job descriptions by visiting ›› 2016 and 2017 graduates, Interviews for Google’s
reality. Googlers are bright, passionate people with diverse
Summer Intern Programme ( opportunities across a
backgrounds coming together to create a unique culture.
range of teams and locations )
One that fosters spontaneity and creativity, where
›› Round-Table Discussions
accomplishments are recognised, and where the open
›› Speed networking
exchange of ideas is encouraged, no matter what position you happen to hold.
Please apply by Thursday, 11th October. Ifyou aren’t selected, we apologise, we unfortunately only have a
Contrary to popular belief, we don’t just hire engineers.
limited number of spaces but we will have a stand at the
Whether it’s developing new business strategies,
career fair so please stop by and say hi!
enhancing customer happiness, managing advertiser accounts or helping them grow online, there are plenty
We look forward to seeing you on campus.
of opportunities for new graduates that don’t involve
algorithms! Most of our opportunities are in the fields of
COMPANY PROFILES HitFox is a global company
Along with our continuous growth, we are looking for 150+
builder focused on AdTech,
outstanding talents to join us until the end of 2015.
Big Data, and FinTech
Therefore HitFox is proud to partner with ESCP Europe, an
founded in 2011. Today over
institution also dedicated to growing talent. We are looking
400 professionals from 45 nationalities are shaping
for people with an entrepreneurial mind-set who share our
emerging digital industries from Berlin and the group’s
passion for achievement in a whole range of different fields
international offices. Initially a startup, today we have
and positions. Our ESCP Europe alumni and other
grown to provide a unique and fast-moving platform
colleagues will interact with you on occasions throughout
for entrepreneurship in the fields of Advertising, Big Data
the year. However if you act as fast-paced as we do, feel
and FinTech.
free to approach us directly. Join us on this unique shared adventure!
Our experienced founders and talented employees have built a strong foundation that allows us to quickly spot
and realise opportunities for building highly synergetic
companies. A part of the success of HitFox and its companies stems from assembling the best teams to drive us forward, and actively giving our people chances for fast individual advancement.
Mit dem Ziel, Unternehmen
Unseren Mitarbeitern bieten wir Verantwortung vom ersten
wettbewerbsfähiger zu ma-
Tag an, eine offene Unternehmenskultur und internationales
chen, wurde die INVERTO
Arbeiten an führenden Wirtschaftsstandorten weltweit.
AG im Juli 2000 gegründet. Wir sind als internationale
Lernen Sie uns am 12. November 2015 auf den Recruiting
Unternehmensberatung mit 130 Experten an zehn
Days kennen – bewerben Sie sich für Interviews oder Round
Standorten der führende Spezialist für strategischen
Table Diskussionen oder besuchen Sie uns an unserem
Einkauf und Supply Chain Management in Europa.
Stand. Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
Zu unseren Kunden zählen internationale Konzerne,
führende Mittelständler aus Industrie und Handel sowie
Mehr Informationen erhalten Sie unter
die weltweit größten Private Equity Gesellschaften.
Unser Leistungsangebot reicht von der Identifizierung und Bewertung von Potenzialen zur Kostensenkung und Leistungssteigerung über deren Umsetzung vor Ort bis zur Professionalisierung der Gesamtorganisation. Mit unserem unternehmerischen Ansatz sorgen wir für Transparenz, realisierte Verbesserungen und Messbarkeit. Wir liefern Ergebnisse. Das ist unser Versprechen.
Weltweit Marktführer im
Als strategischer Wachstumstreiber und viertgrößtes
Beauty Business, sind wir
Land in der L’Oréal-Gruppe brauchen wir bei L’Oréal
mit einem Umsatz von
Deutschland Mitarbeiter mit dem Mut und den Fähigkeiten
mehr als einer Milliarde Euro führend auf dem deutschen
dieses Ziel zu verwirklichen. Mitarbeiter, die im
Beauty Markt. 2.000 Mitarbeiter arbeiten täglich daran,
dynamischen und vielfältigen Beauty Business etwas
unsere Vision für L’Oréal Deutschland „Unser Leben
bewegen und Wachstum generieren wollen. Und dabei
schöner machen“ umzusetzen: das Leben der Mitarbeiter,
die Freiheit eines Start-Ups mit der Sicherheit eines
Kunden, Konsumenten sowie der Gesellschaft.
Konzerns verknüpfen möchten.
In den kommenden Jahren möchten wir weltweit eine
Daher suchen wir mutige Talente, die zu uns passen. Wir
Milliarde neuer Kunden gewinnen, indem wir Frauen und
suchen Pioniere. Vorausdenker. Macher mit Unterneh-
Männern genau die Produkte bieten, die ihren unter-
mergeist. Sind Sie mutig genug für dieses Abenteuer?
schiedlichen Wünschen und Bedürfnissen entsprechen. Unsere Teams sind von diesem ehrgeizigen Ziel motiviert.
Dann bewerben Sie sich auf
Es ist ein wirtschaftliches und menschliches Abenteuer.
Wir suchen Akademiker, die Verantwortung übernehmen
Company steht
und etwas bewegen möchten. Außerdem achten wir auf
seit 1926 als
exzellente Noten, sehr gute analytische und kommunika-
weltweit führende Topmanagement-Beratung seinen
tive Fähigkeiten sowie Englischkenntnisse. Ebenso sind
Klienten bei allen unternehmerischen Herausforderungen
Kreativität und Teamfähigkeit gefragt. Viele dieser
zur Seite. Zu unseren Klienten gehören nicht nur weltweit
Fähigkeiten werden an der ESCP Europe durch die inter-
mehr als 60 Prozent der Global-500-Unternehmen,
nationale Ausrichtung und den Fokus auf Teamarbeit
sondern auch der wachstumsstarke Mittelstand sowie
gefördert. Daher sind wir Kooperationspartner der ESCP
Regierungstellen, private und öffentliche Institutionen –
Europe und stellen jedes Jahr mehrere Absolventen ein.
auch z. B. aus dem sozialen Sektor. Um mehr über McKinsey, unseren Alltag und die UnterWir möchten außergewöhnliche Persönlichkeiten für uns
nehmenskultur zu erfahren, besuchen Sie uns an unserem
gewinnen, sie weiterentwickeln und nachhaltig begeistern.
Persönliche Betreuung, individuelles Coaching und vielfältige Trainings sorgen dafür, dass Consultants bei
McKinsey ihre Fähigkeiten optimal entwickeln können.
Einsteiger gehören vom ersten Tag an bei McKinsey einem Projektteam an, das im direkten Kontakt zum Topmanagement unserer Klienten arbeitet. Mit mehr als 100 Büros in über 50 Ländern können Berater Grenzen überschreiten – im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes. Der freie Austausch von Beratern und Know-how kommt unseren Klienten ebenso zugute wie unseren Consultants.
COMPANY PROFILES With 763 stores in 26 countries,
POTENTIALS. It is a two year trainee programme designed
METRO Cash & Carry is an
for our METRO Cash & Carry countries. It is divided into five
international leading player in
training blocks that are between three and six months long
self-service wholesale. Why?
based in your own country and abroad.
Because our product range and services are tailored exactly to the needs of our professional customers.
The programme fast-tracks ambitious master graduates to a management career in international wholesale. The
Hotels, restaurateurs, caterers and small-scale food
trainees benefit from ‘on-the-job’ training while also
retailers find everything they need to guarantee their
focusing on ‘knowledge & skills’ and ‘leadership behavior’.
business success. Our trademarks are top quality, huge choice and excellent value for money. METRO Cash & Carry
During every training block you will take responsibility for
has an international identity – and a true international
one or more projects which will contribute to the development
corporate culture to support it. This is a key for our swift
and progress of the business as well as yourself.
international expansion in Eastern Europe and Asia. Do you want to learn more? Please visit our career website. With more than 117,000 employees Metro Cash & Carry achieved a sales result of over 30 billion euros in 2013 / 2014.
Metro Cash & Carry is part of METRO Group, one of the
world’s leading retailing companies. We invite you to join our stand during the ESCP Europe Metro Potentials management trainee programme
Recruiting Days on the 12 th November. We also offer you
Are you in the process of finishing your master’s degree or
the opportunity to apply for Round Table discussions.
have recently graduated? Then start your career with our international management trainee programme – METRO
Looking forward to meeting you there!
1 Year, 2 Countries,
Die Schwerpunkte der viermonatigen Projekte liegen
3 Assignments:
in den Geschäftsfeldern
Mit dem European Graduate Programme von mfi /
›› Investment
Unibail-Rodamco bieten wir qualifizierten Absolventen
›› Development
aus den Bereichen Business, Economics und Finance
›› Operating Management
interessante Einstiegschancen in die europäische
›› Leasing
›› Marketing and Communication ›› Shopping Centre Management
Real-Estate- und Retail-Branche. Ziel des Programms ist es, die Bedürfnisse von Real Als Vorreiter in der Entwicklung einzigartiger Shopping-
Estate und Retail zu verstehen, um Orte für neue Shop-
erlebnisse sind wir daran interessiert, junge, dynamische
pingerlebnisse zu schaffen, Investments zu sichern sowie
Nachwuchstalente aktiv zu fördern und ihnen mit
nachhaltig an der Entwicklung von Städten mitzuwirken.
unserem European Graduate Programme (EGP) den Weg in künftige Führungspositionen zu ebnen.
Unibail-Rodamco ist Europas größter börsennotierter Immobilienkonzern mit Headquarter in Paris. Aktuell
Das Programm
betreibt mfi / Unibail-Rodamco in Deutschland 26 Shop-
Während des international ausgerichteten Fast Track
ping Center, davon sechs im eigenen Portfolio und vier
Management-Programms durchlaufen unsere Trainees drei
weitere in der Entwicklung.
viermonatige Missionen in unterschiedlichen Abteilungen. Dabei übernehmen sie vom ersten Tag an Verantwortung für
Am 13. November 2015 sind wir auf den ESCP Europe
verschiedenste Aufgaben – von der Budgetkalkulation bis hin
Recruiting Days in Berlin, um Sie persönlich kennenzu-
zur Managementfunktion. Durch die Arbeitseinsätze in mindes-
lernen und Ihnen das Programm im Detail vorzustellen.
tens zwei der zwölf europäischen Länder, in denen UnibailRodamco vertreten ist, knüpfen unsere Absolventen inter-
nationale Kontakte in Paris, Madrid, Stockholm und Düsseldorf.
Nomura is an Asia-based
excellence and our commitment to teamwork. We recruit
financial services group
graduates with a high level of academic and extra-
with an integrated global
curricular achievement, who will be able to withstand the
network spanning over 30 countries. By ‘Connecting
rigours of a rapidly changing, demanding but ultimately
Markets East & West’, Nomura services the needs of
rewarding environment. Fluency in English is essential and
individuals, institutions, corporates and governments
fluency in other languages is advantageous.
through its three business divisions: Retail, Asset Management, and Wholesale (Global Markets and
We assess candidates using a range of key competencies
Investment Banking). Founded in 1925, the firm is built on
which include; problem solving, analytical skills, team-
a tradition of disciplined entrepreneurship, serving clients
work, leadership, communication skills, professional
with creative solutions and considered thought leadership.
presence and initiative. All of these competencies are equally weighted and we look for evidence of these in your
We offer a range of graduate and internship programmes
CV, cover letter and throughout the interview process.
across three key areas; investment banking, global
We will also need to be convinced of your interest and
markets and corporate infrastructure.
commitment to the financial services industry and to Nomura in particular.
Internship opportunities can include a 10-week spring or summer internship in London or a 3–6 month internship
in one of our regional offices. Internships are the perfect
For further information about Nomura, please visit
preparation for a subsequent full time role. Nomura will
u /careers
extend full time offers to strong performers to return to the company the following year. At Nomura our goal is to attract and develop exceptionally talented people who share our passion for individual
OTIS ist Teil von UTC Building &
wissen, dass unsere Mitarbeiter der Schlüssel für unseren
Erfolg sind. Wir suchen talentierte, ideenreiche, tatkräftige
Geschäftseinheit der United
Menschen, die auch jederzeit kundenorientiert handeln.
Technologies Corp. (NYSE:UTX), und der weltweit führende und größte Hersteller von
Möchten Sie Herausforderungen annehmen und Teil eines
Aufzügen, Fahrtreppen und Fahrsteigen. Für Architekten,
innovativen Teams werden? Wir suchen motivierte und
Ingenieure, Entwickler und Gebäudebesitzer ist Otis in
dynamische Talente, die die Zukunft unseres Unter-
Sachen Personenbeförderung die Nummer Eins der Welt.
nehmens mitgestalten möchten.
Wir fertigen, installieren, modernisieren und warten unsere Produkte in mehr als 200 Ländern auf der Welt.
Wenn Sie Ihre Karriere direkt in der Praxis mit rascher
Weltweit sind ca. 2,5 Millionen Aufzüge und Fahrtreppen
Verantwortungsübernahme beginnen möchten, sich gern
von OTIS in Betrieb, die umgerechnet in 4 Tagen einmal die
Herausforderungen stellen und unternehmerisches Denken
gesamte Weltbevölkerung befördern. Wir beschäftigen
mitbringen, bieten wir Ihnen entsprechende Perspektiven
international rund 64.000 Mitarbeiter und erwirtschaften
und ein Umfeld, in dem Sie Ihre Potentiale entfalten können.
einen Umsatz von 13 Mrd. US-Dollar im Jahr. Global und lokal ist die wichtigste Aufgabe unseres Geschäfts das
Absolventen bieten wir schwerpunktmäßig den Direktein-
Lösen von Problemen. Ganz gleich, ob unser Kunde ein
stieg im Vertrieb an, gern können Sie auch vor Abschluss des
anspruchsvolles Aufzugssystem für das höchste Gebäude
Studiums in Form von Praktika die OTIS-Welt kennenlernen.
der Welt benötigt oder nur einen einfachen Lift für ein zweigeschossiges Wohnhaus. Stets sind wir bestrebt, die
Möchten Sie mehr erfahren? Gerne informieren wir Sie
sichersten und zuverlässigsten Lösungen anzubieten – uns
persönlich im Rahmen der Recruiting Days in Berlin an
das seit über 160 Jahren.
unserem Messestand. Wir freuen uns, Sie kennenzulernen!
Wir suchen Menschen, die mit Ihren Herausforderungen wachsen. Wir sind stolz darauf Weltmarktführer zu sein und
COMPANY PROFILES Starte Deine Karriere bei
Wir erwarten Überdurchschnittliches – und bieten es auch:
PAYBACK und lande ganz
›› Individuelle Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten in einem
weit vorn.
dynamischen Unternehmensumfeld
Lerne uns am 12. November 2015 auf den Recruiting Days in Berlin kennen.
›› Attraktive und leistungsgerechte Vergütung ›› Attraktive Zusatzleistungen (Fitness, Kantine, Fahrtkosten, etc.)
PAYBACK ist das international führende Multipartner-Lo-
›› Eine Unternehmenskultur, die Freiräume bietet,
yaltyprogramm und gleichzeitig eine der größten und leis-
Verantwortung überträgt und auf partnerschaftliches
Miteinander setzt
Hauptsitz in München. In Deutschland können Kunden mit PAYBACK bei über 650 im Alltag relevanten Unternehmen
Wen suchen wir:
Punkte sammeln und diese gegen Gutscheine, Prämien
›› Talentierte, ambitionierte und motivierte Mitarbeiter
oder Lufthansa-Meilen einlösen bzw. spenden. Als Mul-
›› Menschen mit Spaß an der Arbeit
tichannel-Marketingplattform und „Trialogue Company“
›› Engagierte Teamplayer mit einer eigenen Meinung
kommuniziert PAYBACK synchron über alle Kanäle und
›› Persönlichkeiten, die über den Tellerrand hinaus
verbindet dabei Reichweite optimal mit Personalisierung.
schauen und vernetzt denken ›› Menschen, die bereit sind, Verantwortung zu über-
Unseren außergewöhnlichen Erfolg als Deutschlands
größter Bonusprogrammanbieter verdanken wir der Motivation und Leistungskraft unserer 700 Mitarbeiter in
Auf unserem Karriereportal unter
Deutschland, Polen, Indien, Mexiko und Italien. Seit Mai
findest Du unsere offenen Stellen. Wir freuen uns über
2015 auch unter dem Namen „Plenti“ in den USA.
Deine Bewerbung und Deinen Besuch am Messestand in Berlin. Folge uns auf Facebook unter PAYBACKcareers.
Synonym für Vielfalt:
Kompetenz fördern:
die Peek & Cloppen-
Ausbildung und Karriere
burg KG, Düsseldorf
P&C bietet vielfältige Einstiegs- und Karrieremöglichkeiten –
P&C ist eine internationale Marke mit aktuell über 15.000
von Traineeprogrammen über Direkteinstiege für
Mitarbeitern und 115 Verkaufshäusern in ganz Europa,
Absolventen bis hin zu Praktika und einem spezifischen
gesteuert von Unternehmenszentralen in Düsseldorf und
Junior Trainee Programm für Studierende. Sowohl
Wien. Die Portfolios unserer Häuser umfassen bis zu
Praktikanten als auch Festangestellten bieten wir
500 Marken: exklusive Designerlabels, erfolgreiche
verschiedene Benefits. Dazu zählen vielfältige Kultur- und
Herstellermarken, trendige Fashionlabels sowie hoch-
Sportangebote, Firmenticket und Personalrabatt sowie
wertige Brands und Labels. P&C belegt damit eine
Elternzeit und eine Kinderkrippe.
Spitzenposition in Punkto flächendeckende Präsenz und Markenvielfalt – vielfach präsentiert in Maßstäbe
Erfahren Sie bei den Recruiting Days am 12. November 2015
setzender Weltstadthaus-Architektur und immer umgesetzt
in Berlin mehr über uns und Ihre Einstiegsmöglichkeiten.
auf Basis hoher Umwelt- und Ethik-Standards. Wir freuen uns auf Sie! Kreativ, international und schnell: International Brands Company (IB Company) Die International Brands Company ist ein Unternehmen der Unternehmensgruppe Peek & Cloppenburg und wurde 2014 gegründet. Das junge Unternehmen mit Sitz in Düsseldorf designt und vermarktet die Modelabels REVIEW, REVIEW Kids & Teens, Jake‘*s, HOLY, Montego, Joseph Janard, Paul Rosen, MCNEAL und Christian Berg. Die Zielgruppe reicht dabei von jungen Trendsettern bis hin zu stilbewussten, gesettleten Kunden.
Your career is just that; yours.
All routes offer you the same deal. The opportunity to grow
You choose it. You live it. You make it
as an individual, to meet new people, and build lasting
happen. To get the best from it, you
relationships that will stay with you for life. In return we
need the best opportunities. That’s
need people who are resilient, willing to work hard, are
why opportunities are at the heart
quick to learn, and who, above all, are passionate about
of a career with us. Opportunities to grow as an
going the extra mile to help our clients.
individual, to build lasting relationships and make an impact in a place where people, quality and value mean
Ways you can gain work experience
everything. And we’re proud, based on the opportunity we
No matter which year you’re in at university we have many
offer, that students have voted us the number one Graduate
ways you can learn, partly about us, but more importantly,
Employer in The Times Top 100 Graduate Employers
about yourself. You can learn where your skills, interests
survey for the last eleven years.
and career goals would best fit by spending as little as one day with us on a Career Open Day or if you’re looking
Our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important
to invest more time, you could apply to our summer
problems. We do this for our clients by helping them tackle
internship or perhaps one of our work placements.
complex business challenges, improve how they work and create the value they need.
Take the opportunity of a lifetime.
Where you could work
There are many areas of our business you can choose to join:
u u
›› Assurance
›› PwC Legal
›› Actuarial
›› Tax
›› Consulting
›› Technology
›› Deals
Procter & Gamble is one of the largest
We will be hosting a workshop on October 2nd at the Berlin
and most successful Consumer Goods
campus. During the workshop you will have the opportunity
Companies with annual sales of
to learn more about P&G, how we work together throughout
US$ 83,1 billion. We sell over 300
the different functions and about our career paths.
brands including Braun, Gillette and Wella in more than 160 countries and have 118,000
Of course, we will also be present at the ESCP Europe
employees worldwide.
Recruiting Days in Berlin on November 13 th where we offer you to complete the entire P&G recruiting process in
The P&G Recruiting Team has a strong collaboration with
just 24 hours.
the ESCP Europe with several alumni working in the team coming regularly to the campus to keep in touch with the school and get to know top talents interested in internships or entry-positions. P&G is very well known for its Marketing careers, but also offers great opportunities in our Finance & Accounting and Customer Business Development ( S ales ) functions. This includes a “promote from within” culture with strong coaching and training opportunities as well as our job rotation principle which allows to change assignments every 2 years. This gives you the opportunity to have business-responsibility from day one and to build a strong set of skills and experiences in a variety of business environments and locations.
We are looking forward to meeting you!
Andere faszinieren können wir nur, wenn wir selbst
Group gehört zu den
fasziniert sind. Deshalb sind unsere „Fascinating People“
führenden Medien-
unser wichtigstes Gut. Die ProSiebenSat.1 Group, das
unternehmen Euro-
ist eine Gemeinschaft außergewöhnlicher Menschen, mit
pas. Mit unseren Sendern SAT.1, ProSieben, kabel eins,
außergewöhnlichen Talenten und überragenden Leistungen
sixx und SAT.1 Gold und ProSieben MAXX faszinieren wir
in allen Bereichen unseres Unternehmens. Und da wir
täglich Millionen von Menschen. Zudem versorgt unsere
uns auf der Suche nach neuen Herausforderungen
globale Produktions- und Vertriebsgruppe, Red Arrow
ständig vor wärts bewegen, braucht unser Team
Entertainment Group, Sender in aller Welt mit einem
umfangreichen Programmportfolio. Wir freuen uns auf ein persönliches Gespräch bei uns am Außergewöhnliche TV-Unterhaltung ist aber nur ein Teil
Stand während der ESCP Europe Recruiting Days 2015.
unseres Erfolgskonzeptes. Im Vorstandsbereich Digital & Adjacent bündelt die ProSiebenSat.1 Group auf dem Weg zum digitalen „Entertainment and Commerce Powerhouse“ all jene Angebote, mit denen sie ihre starke TV-Welt generisch erweitern kann. Dazu gehören vornehmlich die Bereiche Online-Video, Online-Games, Music sowie Ventures & Commerce.
Roland Berger Strategy
We‘ll be at the Recruiting Days on Friday, November 13th,
Consultants, founded in
2015. To find out more about us, don‘t miss our part in the
1967, is one of the
roundtable discussions. Visit our stand and talk about your
world‘s leading strategy
career opportunities with us! If you‘re already sure you want
consultancies. With 2,400 employees working in 50
to be a consultant or you‘re interested in an internship,
offices in 36 countries worldwide, we have successful
apply for a first-round interview during the careers fair.
operations in all major international markets. If you like to have an interview with a company Roland Berger has collaborated with ESCP Europe for
representative at the Recruiting Day or you want to take
many years. Being a globally operating consultancy with
part in the round table discussion, we would be happy to
international engagements and clients, we especially value
receive your application via our company profile on the
the cosmopolitan mix of students at ESCP Europe and the
Stellenticket platform.
strategic and analytical content of their studies. CONTACT An internship is a great way to experience what it‘s like to
Magdalena Fath
work as a consultant – and half of our new hires at Roland
Human Resources
Berger were previously interns! Working as a „temporary
T: +49 89 9230 - 8514
consultant“ gives you insight into our firm and how we operate. If you have a Master‘s degree with top grades, you can start your career as a Junior Consultant and profit from a steep learning curve. Right from day one you will shoulder responsibility and work in a team solving our clients‘ strategic issues.
Shell ist eines der führenden Energie-
gesamtes Potenzial ausschöpfen können. Mit einem
unternehmen der Welt. Mit unserem
kaufmännischen Hintergrund können Sie Ihre Karriere zum
Know-how bei der Exploration und
Beispiel in den Bereichen Finance, Supply und Distribution
Förderung von Gas und Öl, der
oder Marketing beginnen. Zwei Wege führen Sie zum
Raffinierung und dem Verkauf von
Einstieg in unser Graduate Programm: Unser Shell
Mineralölprodukten und Petrochemikalien sowie Forschung
Recruitment Day oder das Assessed Internship während
und Entwicklung sind wir auf allen Stufen der Wert-
Ihres Studiums.
schöpfungskette tätig. Unsere 92.000 Mitarbeiter sind in mehr als 70 Ländern der Erde tätig.
Besuchen Sie uns während der ESCP Europe Recruiting Days an unserem Messestand und lernen Sie uns in einem
In Deutschland hat Shell eine mehr als hundertjährige
Interview näher kennen. Wir freuen uns auf interessante
Tradition. Heute sorgen mehr als 4.000 Mitarbeiter dafür,
dass Tag für Tag mehr als eine Million Autofahrer ihre Fahrzeuge an einer Shell Tankstelle in Deutschland
Weitere Informationen über unsere Karrieremöglichkeiten
auftanken können, Fluggesellschaften mit Luftkraftstoffen,
finden Sie auf unserer Website
Reedereien mit Schiffsschmierstoffen und Industriekunden
z. B. mit Petrochemikalien oder Erdgas beliefert werden. Durch den Einstieg in unser Shell Graduate Programm erhalten talentierte und motivierte Kandidaten die Möglichkeit, sich innerhalb von zwei bis fünf Jahren zu Fachkräften zu entwickeln. Es handelt sich hier um einen Direkteinstieg mit Training on the job, bei dem Sie vom ersten Tag an echte Verantwortung übertragen bekommen. Wir unterstützen Sie dabei mit strukturierten Trainings, so dass Sie Ihr
Siemens Management Consulting
Have we sparked your interest?
is the top management strategy
Then take the next step in building your career as a strategy
consultancy of Siemens.
consultant or intern at Siemens Management Consulting and apply for our on-campus interviews. We are looking
We support Siemens businesses
forward to meeting you at the Recruiting Days in Berlin.
worldwide in developing solutions to
centur y
Application details Please apply by sending us your application ( including grades ) until October 11, 2015 via https://escpeurope.stellen-
Based out of offices in Beijing, Mumbai and Munich, our
consultants develop trendsetting strategies in areas ranging from renewable energy to healthcare, pioneering
new business initiatives like digital factories, infrastructure
Claudia Steinbrich
solutions, and emerging market entries. Our consulting
services span the spectrum from strategy development and
T: + 49 896 36 63 1151
benchmarking through to growth and innovation projects.
u u
The mission of Siemens Management Consulting is twofold: To increase the competitiveness of Siemens in a sustainable fashion and to train future leaders for the company. At Siemens Management Consulting we offer you attractive career perspectives at one of the world‘s most innovative and globally active companies, a steep learning curve and a working environment that‘s shaped by the value: Nobody is perfect, but a team can be.
COMPANY PROFILES Sixt ist nicht nur eine Autover-
200 km / h mit neuen Ideen überraschen. Ob Ihr Einstieg bei
mietung. Sixt ist ein international
Sixt als Praktikant, Werkstudent, über eine Abschluss-
führender Anbieter hochwertiger
arbeit, als Direkteinstieg oder eines unserer sechs
Mobilitätsdienstleistungen für
spannenden Traineeprogramme erfolgt, bleibt dabei ganz
Geschäfts- und Firmenkunden sowie Privatreisende. Wir
Ihnen überlassen.
sind vor allem in den Geschäftsbereichen Autovermietung und Leasing tätig und bieten darüber hinaus mehrere
Kommen Sie uns am 12. November 2015 an unserem
ergänzende Mobilitätsmodelle. Innovative internet-basierte
Messestand besuchen und lernen Sie uns während der
und mobile Services unterstützen und erweitern unser
ESCP Europe Recruiting Days etwas näher kennen. Gerne
können Sie sich auch für Einzelgespräche mit unseren Kollegen vor Ort bewerben oder für einen spannenden Work-
Unser Erfolg und unser dynamisches Wachstum basieren
shop mit dem CEO unserer Tochtergesellschaft myDriver
auf dem Einsatz unserer mehr als 4.300 Mitarbeiter. Daher
und ESCP Europe Alumni, Dr. Carl Schuster! Nutzen Sie
finden Sie innerhalb unserer Unternehmensgruppe große
die Chance und starten auch Sie schon bald Ihre Karriere
Gestaltungsfreiheiten, internationale Perspektiven und
im Sixt Konzern! Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
attraktive Karrieremöglichkeiten. KONTAKT Vollgas zu geben ist nicht unser Ziel. Es ist unsere Basis.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie jederzeit unter u
Wir verstehen unsere Mitarbeiter nicht als Kostenfaktor
sondern als Erfolgsfaktor und sind daher stetig auf der Suche nach motivierten Talenten. Weil Verantwortung bei uns vom ersten Tag an eine große Rolle spielt, suchen wir in allen Fachbereichen des Konzerns unternehmerisch denkende und zielstrebige Macher, die uns auch bei Tempo
Societe Generale is one
or finance environment is an asset. Team spirit,
of the leading financial
professionalism, analytical thinking, good communication
services groups in Europe.
and interpersonal skills are all key qualities. Language
Based on a diversified universal banking model with three
skills and a taste for international mobility are appreciated.
core businesses: Our career opportunities include: ›› French Networks
›› Long-term and summer internships
›› International Retail Banking
›› General Inspection Graduate Programme
›› Corporate and Investment Banking
›› SG Corporate & Investment Banking Junior Programme
Our signature – „Building team spirit together“ – is more
›› French International assignments (VIE)
than a promise: it is a commitment to mobilise the expertise
›› Full-time positions
and energy of all our employees to ensure that we fully deserve our customers’ trust. This is reflected in all our
actions and within the diversity of our 148,300 employees
Our offers are updated on a regular basis on our website:
around the world, representing 121 nationalities. The Group
strives to enhance the value of its human capital and provide career guidance by encouraging the creativity and autonomy of each employee. Career opportunities We recruit in our locations worldwide, for positions ranging from commercial and sales roles and finance and risk management to cross-functional roles including audit, HR, and risk analysis a first internship experience in a banking
Sie gehen die
Wieso TALOS?
Sie suchen eine steile Lernkurve, persönliche Entwick-
für exzellente
lungsmöglichkeiten in einer unterstützenden, aber auch
Lösungen? Dann haben wir etwas gemeinsam…
fordernden Umgebung sowie ein potenziell rasches berufliches Weiterkommen? Falls Sie zusätzlich das
Unser Unternehmen
unternehmerische Umfeld eines dynamisch wachsenden,
TALOS Management Consultants ist eine aufstrebende
jungen Beratungsunternehmens reizt, dann freuen wir
Schweizer Management Beratungsboutique für die Finanz-
uns, Sie kennenzulernen.
dienstleistungsindustrie. Unser Angebot umfasst Kernthemen in den Bereichen Sales & Regulatory Management,
Supply Management, Technology Management und
Besuchen Sie uns an den Recruiting Days der
Organisation & Transformation.
ESCP Europe oder unter u
Unser Team TALOS ist anders und so auch unsere Berater. Für uns bedeutet anders sein vor allem ein authentisches Auftreten und ein pragmatischer Arbeitsstil. Wir übernehmen proaktiv Verantwortung für die Resultate unserer Arbeit und sind geschätzte Berater unserer Kunden – sowohl aufgrund unserer Denkweise als auch durch die Art unseres Einsatzes.
TRUMPF is a leading global high-
Our career opportunities:
technology company and produces
›› Long-term and summer internships
machine tools, lasers and electronics
›› Business Talent Program
for industrial applications. Products
›› Trainee Program in Finance
manufactured with the company‘s
›› Full-time positions
technology can be found in almost every sector of industry. TRUMPF is the world technological
Learn more about TRUMPF and our career opportunities
and market leader for machine tools used in flexible sheet
at the ESCP Europe Recruiting Days in Berlin on Thursday,
metal processing, and also for industrial lasers.
12 th November, and apply for the round table discussion, speed-dating or interviews.
In the last fiscal year the company – which has approximately 11,000 employees – achieved sales of
2.59 billion euros. With more than 60 subsidiaries, the
For more information about TRUMPF go to
TRUMPF Group is represented in almost all the countries
of Europe, North and South America, and Asia. It has production facilities in Austria, China, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Poland, Switzerland, and the USA. An essential key to success for our positive development worldwide is the contribution of success-oriented and motivated employees.
COMPANY PROFILES UBS draws on its over
Interested in Investment Banking or Asset Management?
150-year heritage to serve
Or how about Technology, Operations, Risk or HR (to name
a few)? At UBS, a world awaits. We offer talented individuals
corporate clients worldwide,
a wide range of programs; from first year Insights and
as well as retail clients in Switzerland. UBS is present in
Horizons, through to Summer Internships, Industrial
all major financial centres worldwide, employing around
Placements and Graduate opportunities. Not an economics
60,000 across more than 50 countries.
or business major? Don‘t worry – as long as you have drive and creativity there‘s a position here to inspire and challenge
At UBS, we aim for excellence in all we do, and this begins
you. We take pride in attracting a wealth of diverse
with our employees. It is fundamental to our continued
backgrounds into a world of career possibilities.
success that we hire highly talented individuals, support their ongoing development, and leverage their skills to
Where will your UBS career take you? Find out more at
meet our clients’ evolving needs.
Who are we looking for? People with intelligence, integrity and drive. People with experience, or who are eager to learn. People able to do good things for our clients, make a positive impact on our business, and help us as we continue to transform our firm.
UniCredit is a leading
We are looking forward to meeting you personally at ESCP
European Bank, combining
Europe Campus in Berlin and London!
an international mindset with strong local roots,
Curious to find out more about our internships as well as our
welcoming people who share a strong can-do spirit and
international graduate program in Corporate & Investment
attitude. We look for those who believe in team work and
feel responsible for generating value to our customers and communities we all live in. UniCredit people understand
themselves as a crucial factor for ensuring long-term
Visit our career website:
success as well as growth. They enjoy a unique network
culture based on a lively cross-border collaboration. As a universal bank UniCredit operates in the divisions Retail Banking (private clients), Commercial Banking (corporate and commercial clients), Corporate & Investment Banking, and Risk Management. Additionally a strong support from the competence lines such as CFO, Legal, Compliance, HR, etc. helps us fulfill our common goal.
UNIQLO is a modern Japanese
for experienced professionals and graduates, especially
company that inspires the world
for UNIQLO‘s graduate program ( U niqlo Manager
to dress casually. UNIQLO has
Candidate program ).
enjoyed strong growth by offering at
We want people who wish to become true business managers.
reasonable prices based on its SPA ( Specialty Store
We are seeking individuals who constantly try to improve
Retailer of Private Label Apparel ) business model, which
themselves. We strive to be the kind of company in which every
spans product design, manufacture, distribution and retail.
employee can grow and take pride in their achievements.
The first UNIQLO store opened in 1984. UNIQLO now has
We take great pleasure in helping our employees become
worldwide operations, including in the U.K., China, Hong
true business managers. We aspire to be a human resource
Kong, South Korea, the United States, France, Singapore,
development industry.
Russia, Taiwan, Malaysia, Australia and Germany. In 2012, we opened global flagship stores in Tokyo Ginza and San
Unlike other retailers, Fast Retailing does not believe that the
Francisco, as part of a plan to grow business worldwide. At
head office is superior to the stores. We believe that store
the end of February 2015, we had 811 stores in Japan and
managers and the people working at head office are equal.
710 stores in other markets.
This means that career trajectories in FR can follow a number of different paths, with some people advancing to positions as
Part of the Fast Retailing group, UNIQLO is truly determined to
store managers and others transferring to head office.
achieve the goals in the group‘s mission statement: “Changing clothes. Changing conventional wisdom. Change the world.”
and to become the #1 Retail Apparel Group in the world.
To find out more about our group and career opportunities, please visit:
We offer positions and internships in store and in our
headquarters all over the world. We are either looking
Produkte und Dienstleistungen
Discover Vodafone – der Name ist Programm.
aus einer Hand
Denn wir möchten Euch zu Eurer ganz persönlichen
Vodafone Deutschland bietet
Entdeckungstour durch das Vodafone-Netzwerk einladen.
Privat- und Geschäftskunden
Warum diese Zukunftschance Abenteuer pur verspricht?
Produkte und Dienstleistungen
Weil es sich um einen äußerst spannenden Weg handelt:
aus den Bereichen Mobilfunk,
exklusiv für Top-Absolventen, die Spaß daran haben,
Festnetz, Datendienste und Breitband-Internet aus einer
unbetretene Pfade einzuschlagen, Kontakte zu immer
Hand an. Der integrierte Kommunikationskonzern hat
neuen Menschen zu knüpfen und ihre Entwicklung
seinen Hauptsitz in Düsseldorf und beschäftigt 10.500
individuell und proaktiv voranzutreiben. Lasst Euch
Mitarbeiter. Das Unternehmen ist Teil der Vodafone Group,
zu immer neuen Ideen inspirieren. Ideen, die uns
einem der größten Mobilfunkkonzerne der Welt.
gemeinsam weiterbringen – in der schnellen Welt der Telekommunikation.
Von wegen Zukunftsmusik: Euer erster Step in Richtung Karriere.
Für unser Traineeprogramm suchen wir engagierte
Ihr sucht Inspiration für Eure berufliche Orientierung?
Vorausdenker, umsetzungsstarke Charaktere und
Dann findet schon während des Studiums Euren Weg in
überzeugte Netzwerker. Dazu gehör t auch, seine
unser Karriere-Netzwerk! Ob als Praktikant, studentische
Entwicklung in die eigene Hand zu nehmen. Nachwuchs-
Aushilfe oder im Rahmen Eurer Abschlussarbeit:
talenten mit Ambitionen stehen bei uns alle Türen offen.
Wir bieten Euch unbegrenzte Möglichkeiten, Vodafone für
Lerne uns am 12. November 2015 auf den Recruiting Days
Euch zu entdecken und zu zeigen, was in Euch steckt.
kennen - indem du dich für Interviews oder Round Table
Erweitert Eure Studieninhalte um vielfältige Praxisein-
Diskussionen bewirbst oder uns an unserem Stand
blicke, taucht ein in spannende Themen und Projekte rund
um Marketing, Vertrieb, Strategie, Customer Operations, Finanzen /Controlling, Personal oder Technik.
COMPANY PROFILES XING is the social network for
various other benefits…. You can read our XING Blog to
business contacts. XING has
gain an insight into our corporate culture, our values and
around 8.8 million users in its
core German-speaking market. XING is a platform where professionals from all kinds of
We’re looking for you!
different industries can meet up, find jobs, colleagues,
XING is growing all the time, and our team needs to grow
new assignments, cooperation partners, experts and
with the company. We’re always on the lookout for people to
generate business ideas. The platform is operated by
fill vacancies in our software development and product
XING AG, which was founded in 2003 and has been listed
management teams. We also have a number of vacancies in
on the TecDAX since September 2011. Visit
our marketing, sales, data analysis and controlling teams.
for further details. Our 18-month XING Fast Track Leadership Programme XING offers an inspiring environment located in the centre
offers you the opportunity to start your career in product
of Hamburg. As well as flexible working hours, you’ll have
management or general management. Interested?
an opportunity to unleash your skills and acquire new ones. We offer a wide range of training courses in addition to
We’re looking forward to meeting you at the ESCP Europe
German, English and Spanish lessons, regular team and
Recruiting Days on 12 November.
offsite events, and lots of fun. We also provide free drinks and organic fruit as well as a Proficard public transport
ticket, restaurant vouchers and travel insurance. Let’s
not forget the smartphone or iPad that you can use
privately. And our offices have table football tables. If you’re feeling really sporty, we also have great gym deals, and
We’ve grown from start-up
Based in Berlin, we operate the international business
to one of Europe’s biggest
from here, whereas our logistics centres are located all
eCommerce companies in
over Germany. A job at Zalando is always about being part
only a few short years – thanks to our team’s expertise and
of our success story but also of joining an outstanding team.
can-do spirit. CONTACT We operate in 15 countries by now and have people from
Juliane Krüger
over 50 countries in our team. One goal unites all of us:
to create the world’s best online fashion experience. Therefore, it is the core of our business to be cutting edge in each and every of our fundamental pillars: fashion, internet technology and logistics. The perfect shopping experience at Zalando is made out of the cooperation between these different business areas. Of course, there’s many more functions and departments that make us successful: marketing, business development, finance to name a few.
© 2015 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Be greater than. Bereichern Sie mit Ihrem Talent eines der weltweit führenden Unternehmen in den Bereichen Management, Technologie und Innovation. Arbeiten Sie mit erfahrenen Spezialisten und entwickeln Sie gemeinsam intelligente Lösungen für unsere internationalen Top-Kunden. Sie profitieren von individueller Förderung durch Training und Weiterbildung und starten eine außergewöhnliche Karriere. Entdecken Sie Ihre Fähigkeiten und wachsen Sie über sich hinaus.
LINKING TALENTS: A RECRUITMENT GUIDE PARIS 79, avenue de la République 75 543 Paris, Cedex 11, France T: +33 1 49 23 20 00 LONDON 527 Finchley Road London NW3 7BG, United Kingdom T: +44 20 7443 8800 BERLIN Heubnerweg 8–10 14059 Berlin, Deutschland T: +49 30 32 00 70 MADRID Arroyofresno 1 28 035 Madrid, España T: +34 91 386 25 11 TORINO Corso Unione Sovietica, 218 bis 10134 Torino, Italia T: +39 011 670 58 94
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