The Blue Banner issue 9

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Volume 50, Issue 9




Thursday, April 9, 2009

University of North Carolina Asheville

Students stage walk out Students demonstrate in opposition of a North Carolina bill that would bar immigranrts from community colleges.

page photo by Ian Shannon

com t s e f H C T HA to Asheville

Trade festival mentors, educates and recognizes the next generation of creative innovators.

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Women’s tennis on a roll Women’s tennis team wins 7-0 against NC Central, continuing a 3 game winning streak.





Blue laws page 17 reconsidered

Education: right or privilege? Thursday, April 9, 2009

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Students walk out in protest of possible legislation By Lorin Mallorie Staff Writer

In response to recent state legislation proposing barring undocumented students from community colleges, concerned citizens and noncitizens alike protested at a state-wide walkout last week. “It is depressing and degrading that hundreds and hundreds of students will not have the opportunity to keep working toward their dreams,” said Laura Padilla, an Asheville High School student whose speech at the Walk Out for College Access brought some spectators to tears. It’s unfair, she said, that people do not care about this new generation, the future and all the hard work they completed in high school. “Most unfair is not being treated as a human being,” Padilla said. On Feb. 11, Rockingham Senator Philip Berger introduced a bill in the North Carolina Senate entitled SB 155: Community Colleges Can’t Admit Illegal Aliens, according to the Coalition for College Access. The participant-staged, state-wide walkout against this proposed legislation was on the birthday of Ceasar Chavez, Mexican-American civil rights activist. On the Quad, UNC Asheville students, faculty and community members and Warren Wilson students, demanded open college access. “The goal is for students to be judged by their work ethic and intelligence, not by where their parents were born or by some piece of paper that we may or may not have,” said Nick Ladd, former student body president. UNCA’s Spanish club, HO.A, Students for a Democratic Society and the CCA were all represented at the event. Gabriela Lemus, HOLA president and CCA activist, said the rally took one month and much support to organize. At the walkout, participants recited bilingual protest chants, carried pro-education signs and even sang happy birthday

to Chavez in English and Spanish. Ultimately, she said, the debate is about “Knowledge speaks and wisdom lis- the systematic creation of an underclass. tens, but action – action, damn it — is “Laws and legislations must accompawhat makes decisions!” said speaker Da- ny social reality and social changes. By mian Rodriguez, poet and active HOLA the year 2015, these young people will member. constitute 30 percent of the U.S.,” she North Carolina’s undocumented youth said. pay out-of-state tuition rates at community North Carolina cannot politically, socolleges and four-year public universities cially or financially afford to eliminate and are not eligible for financial aid, ac- community college access for undocucording to the CCA. Therefore, officials mented students, according to Rosenbaunsaid, these students actually subsidize Bodie. public universities because they pay more Having access to education, she said, than the costs of their translates into beteducations. ter jobs, improved Ladd encouraged “This is my home, and health, more sothe crowd to continue cial mobility and fighting until the rest this is the community that economic stabilof North Carolina re- I helped to create. I don’t ity. In the end, alizes this legislation means better see why it should be any this will ultimately harm neighborhoods different with a different set for everyone. the state. While college ac- of imaginary lines. Being Lemus said cess is important, the H.O.L.A. memfight is really against born on this planet means bers fight yeara larger issue of racial that you can live anywhere round for Latino discrimination and ineducation, holdyour feet will take you.” justice, said Cortland ing an annual - Robert Waskom, Mercer, UNCA stucampus festival dent body president. and salsa nights UNCA alunus “Look around your for the creation of classrooms, your a private Latino neighborhoods and scholarship which your residence halls. Ask yourself, why will directly benefit a Buncombe County do I see so many white faces? Is it by student. chance, or is it by design?” Mercer said. “To the documented people here — Last year almost 90 percent of the you have been lied to. You have been told UNCA student body was Caucasian, ac- that you deserve something that your siscording to UNCA. ters and brothers do not. You have been “History proves that organized, com- told that you are better than someone else, passionate individuals striving toward and this is wrong,” said UNCA alumnus a common goal of equality can right the Robert Waskom. wrongs of generations of oppression,” Some people tell us the things which Mercer said. “What we are part of today define us are also the things which divide is a broader movement in human rights. us from others, he said of the bill’s propoOur compassion is not our weakness, but nents. That “us” is something inherently our greatest strength.” opposed to “them,” he said. Speaker Maria L. Rosenbaun-Bodie Waskom said he rejected that mentalemphasized the righteousness of the ity. Originally from New England, he walkout. said moving to North Carolina was not his

choice originally. “This is my home, and this is the community that I helped to create,” he said. “I don’t see why it should be any different with a different set of imaginary lines. Being born on this planet means that you can live anywhere your feet will take you.” Immigrants make a difficult decision bringing their children to this country, Waskom said. He said, though U.S. citizens may not agree with their decision to migrate, this doesn’t excuse punishing the children who did not choose where to be born. UNCA political science professor Dolly Jenkins-Mullen said she seriously believes no one can survive in this century without an education. “Look, I’m old,” Mullen said with a laugh. “I did what you’re doing now 30 or 40 years ago — and we changed some things.” Politics always has a purpose, Mullen said, and this legislation is no exception. In the political world, she said, nothing happens accidently. “My people also have been, and remain, victims of oppression,” said Mullen, one of 13 black professors at UNCA, who emphasized the importance of holding elected representatives accountable for their actions. As for Padilla, she said ESL tutoring last year not only helped her English, but inspired her as well. Now, she said, many students don’t even know about the legislation. She encouraged the audience to motivate their peers into action. “We should not stop our dreams. We should be stronger,” she said to those undocumented in the crowd. “And even when the whole world seems to be against us, we should teach our society that we are capable of knowledge and strength.” Immigrant students, Padilla said, should not give up just because a bill says they cannot go on. “Not all the doors are closed for us,” she said. “And if they are, we are going to open them.”

Thursday, April 9, 2009

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Ian Shannon - Staff Photographer

Clockwise from top left, Ninh Nguyen, right, holds a sign, translated to “hear our voices,� at the rally. Maria Pedro, right, Shoua Lor and Tiffany Xiong raise their hands and listen to Viviana Moreno and Oskor Santana speak at the rally. An attendee from another school holds a sign in protest of the proposed bill. Students rally against denying undocumented immigrants education. Janet Vega, left, and Paty Tomas rev up the crowd at the walkout.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

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Wellness Center funding rumors prove false Healthy Kids By Heide Penner Staff Writer

The rumor that a private donation from UNC Chapel Hill head basketball coach Roy Williams for the center is false, according to Janet Cone, UNC Asheville director of athletics, and program coordinator of the center. “No money has been transferred. No contract has been signed,” she said. The stipulation of the supposed donation centered on the Carolina Tarheels playing the first game against the Bulldogs in Kimmel Arena. “To my knowledge, there is no stipulation, no deal made in relation to the opening game,” said Eddie Biedenbach, head basketball coach at UNCA. Williams did make a donation to the center in UNCA veteran basketball coach Jerry Green’s name, he said. “Janet and Chancellor Ponder, unbeknown to me, went down and met with Roy Williams and asked him to donate money for the new center, which he did, evidently, for the new basketball offices,” Biedenbach said. The Tar Heels playing the first game in the arena depends upon completion of the Susan Terry - Staff Photographer center, whose exact opening date remains Construction workers makes room for the Center for Health & Wellness. unknown. “Construction is way on schedule,” Cone said. “We anticipate an early finish. “Obviously, when you get a new arena you want someone No real contracts have been made because the finish date is unsure. We’ll know more like North Carolina to open your arena so you’ll have a in a couple of months.” packed house. That will make it a prestigious game. I would One of the reasons the Tar Heels may play the opening game stems from Wil- be flattered and happy if North Carolina opened the arena for us.” liams’s Asheville roots. “Chancellor Ponder’s mom taught him - Eddie Biedenbach, head basketball coach English in high school,” Cone said. “He has great love for our university. He used to shoot hoops in the Justice Center.” denbach said. in and they see the walls, they see out of Having a big school like UNC lead the The idea of a larger arena entices the bounds. Being crammed in there with season will generate excitement about the basketball team and their coach. all those people is kind of fun,” he said. opening, Cone said. “It already has affected our basket- “We’ll have to make this new arena, as “Obviously, when you get a new arena ball team. With the sketches and pictures far as game day, an advantage by filling you want someone like North Carolina to and the bulldozers knocking trees down, it up.” open your arena so you’ll have a packed you’re saying, ‘Oh, wow,” Biedenbach Students say while construction looks house,” Biedenbach said. “That will make said. “Our players love to play in the Jus- dismal, the upcoming center seems excitit a prestigious game. I would be flattered tice Center, but the anticipation of playing ing. and happy if North Carolina opened the in a bigger and newer building gives us “While the lack of trees is a bit dearena for us.” another important point in asking some- pressing, I do believe the university comConstruction efforts look promising one to come to school here.” munity will greatly benefit from the new because the university has all of the monKimmel Arena presents a slight advan- center,” said Sara Holland, senior art hisey needed, he said. tage in recruiting, but the real advantage tory major and member of the women’s “With most university systems, schools will show itself on game day. soccer team. “The design concepts look during these times don’t build anything “I think it’s been a great advantage to very cool. I’m glad there will be solar until the money’s all in one place,” Bie- play in that little gym, where people come panels.”

Day strives to fight childhood obesity

By Michelle Peck Staff Writer

As the nation’s childhood obesity rate continues to increase, students step in and volunteer during the nation’s largest health day for children and families. The YMCA of Western North Carolina and UNC Asheville hosts YMCA Healthy Kids Day from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 18 on campus. It will feature fun, engaging and creative activities to promote wellness and healthy living. “I am interested in participating because I’m a member of the YMCA. I used to work as a camp counselor at the Beaverdam YMCA. And also attended Beaverdam when I was a child,” said Lael Wadopian, a psychology student with a teaching licensure. “It is a camp for children who sometimes can’t afford to go to the most expensive day camps.” Events are on the main stage at the Karl Strauss Track and at other locations across campus. The event is free and open to the public. “I went to the camp for several years and it provided me with entertainment and outdoor activities,” Wadopian said. “As a counselor, I loved being around those children and it really truly was an awesome summer.” About 57 percent of all North Carolinians are either overweight or obese, up 82 percent from 1990 to 2002. Further, 26 percent of youth 12-18 and 20 percent of children 5-11 are overweight or obese. Each of these North Carolina statistics is significantly above the national average, according to the Center for Disease Control. “It is a good thing for UNCA students to focus on because obesity has increased dramatically especially among young kids, which is very unhealthy,” business major Kristie Hyatt said. “This will be a fun way to educate families and perhaps better en-


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Thursday, April 9, 2009

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MANNA Food Bank fills bellies with healthy food By David Milton Staff Writer

MANNA Food Bank, a local nonprofit organization, continues to combat an increased need to feed the hungry in Western North Carolina amid a dire economic climate. “MANNA serves over 340 different nonprofit agencies in Western North Carolina, and you hear the stories about the unemployment, about the general increase in need,” said Beth Stahl, education and youth services director at MANNA. The organization offers indirect aid by providing food to organizations that offer direct aid. But MANNApacks, a growing program run by the food bank, is a form of more direct aid that aims to feed hungry children and families on the weekend, Stahl said. MANNApacks serves children in elementary, middle and high schools in Western North Carolina. MANNA provides bags of fresh fruit and vegetables and supplemental items weighing five to seven pounds, and distributes them to counselors and administrators, Stahl said. “Basically, the premise is that counselors within the school systems in each food bank service area identify kids that are at risk for hunger on weekends and holidays,” Stahl said. The MANNApacks program developed from a program started in Arkansas in 1999, Stahl said. That program became

MANNA looks to collect food for children who wouldn’t have it other wise.

national through Feeding America, the nation’s largest hunger-relief organization, according to MANNA. MANNApacks opened in 2005. “We started out in 2005 serving about 60 children in one pilot school,” Stahl said. “Then we were distributing fresh produce to them only.” The program grew, and currently serves approximately 2,685 children in 14 different counties in Western North Carolina. In this school year alone, MANNApacks distributed over 165,000 pounds of food as of Jan. 27, according to MANNA. MANNA sees and feels the effects of the recession, Stahl said. The unemployment rate in Buncombe County in February was 9.1 percent, according to the Employment Security Commission of North Carolina. In February 2008, it was 4.4 percent.

In the worst situations, some children and families, mainly immigrants, dropped out of the program and moved because the cost of living in the area was too great, Stahl said. “Specifically for MANNApacks right now is the issue that many of the children in the elementary schools across Western North Carolina have immigrant status, and their families are not able to make it here,” Stahl said. “They’re actually leaving the area.” MANNApacks provides services mainly to elementary school children, but middle schools and high schools now account for about 20 percent of MANNApacks output. There are problems with helping older children, Stahl said. “It had its intentions with the smaller kids because of confidentiality issues,” Stahl said. “The younger the child, the less

stigma and peer pressure were attached.” MANNApacks works with three middle schools and three high schools, along with the elementary schools in Western North Carolina, Stahl said. The effort to feed the children is not solely in the hands of MANNA. The schools play their part, especially in the recession when need is growing, Stahl said. “But with economic times the way they are, there are some really great counselors that are very confidential in getting kids in the teenage group help,” Stahl said. The counselors volunteer their time and energy working with MANNA to ensure the food reaches the kids who need it. MANNA’s entire operation, including MANNApacks, relies on volunteer work, Stahl said. “We entirely operate on volunteers,” Stahl said. “We welcome volunteers all the time. We appreciate and need them in all of our daily operations.” Volunteer work keeps MANNA running, and without volunteer work, MANNA would not be possible, said Joshua Stack, 33, communications and marketing coordinator at MANNA. “Volunteer work keeps our overhead extremely low, which allows the donations that come in to be used strictly for the mission to involve, engage and educate people in the work of ending hunger in Western North Carolina,” Stack said.

See MANNA Page 7

UNCA’s re-vamped Web site prototype launches Monday By Aaron Dahlstrom Editor-in-Chief

Intense competition among higher education institutions caused many colleges and universities to re-envision the role of a Web site as a communication tool. Now, UNC Asheville plans a complete redesign of its Web site. “Today, unlike even five years ago, the Web site is the front door,” said Bill Massey, vice chancellor of Alumni and Development. “It is the portal through which many of our key stakeholders will come to know about the university.” A complete redesign of the UNCA site is long overdue, Massey said. The current site serves more like a bulletin board than an interactive medium, he said. “The new Web site will be highly inter-

active, employing many of the tools that make for a dynamic, robust site that is multilayered in one’s ability to find information,” Massey said. The university enlisted Debbie Griffith as associate vice chancellor of communications and marketing to assist with the transition. Griffith worked previously at N.C. State University, where she led their site redesign project. “Universities in general are making use of the Internet in better ways,” Griffith said. “We need to be in the game too. It just offers us so many better opportunities to communicate with all our audiences, not just to recruit students.” The university’s Web site began in the IT department as a simple way to share information on campus, according to Griffith. Since the university had no full-time

Web staff, the site grew too large for IT to maintain. The administration budgeted $150,000 to the project spread across two years. They said they hope to have a beta site launched by December. An advisory board comprised of students, faculty, staff and alumni met earlier in the semester and received a charge from Chancellor Anne Ponder calling for advice from all areas of the campus community. “Me and my friends used to joke and say our whole Web site was just a jpeg image. If they got that one jpeg image they would have our whole Web site,” said Drew Ratliff, a multimedia arts and sciences student and one of six students on the advisory board. “It definitely needed to be redesigned.” University Web sites need to take ad-

vantage of the best and latest technology, Ratliff said, because of the crucial role they play when students select schools. “If you look at the competition with other colleges, our Web site was just sub-par,” he said. “When you are searching for colleges you go around to different Web sites and that is how you judge where you want to go. I don’t know how it was done in the olden days, but that is the way I did it and the way the kids are doing it now.” Some students said functionality and navigation should not be replaced with flashy graphics. “If there is something I need, I can find it in under a minute,” said Eric Saltz, a senior music technology student. “It is not all about flash for a Web site. I want quality


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UNCA reduces weight by adopting reusable to-go boxes Thursday, April 9, 2009

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By Rhys Baker Staff Writer

The energy saving practices the Dining Service Department employ are flying smoothly, according to Danny Dawkins, senior director of chartwells dining services. The eco-clam shell replaced disposable cardboard carryout containers in the cafeteria last year to reduce waste on campus. “We’re saving 10,000 pounds of disposables every year,” said Dawkins. “That’s 10,000 pounds every year that we’re saving that isn’t going into the landfill.” That’s also 10,000 pounds that isn’t going into dumpsters. The eco-clam shell helped dining services get rid of one of two dumpsters at the dining hall, according to Dawkins. To get an eco-clam shell, students pay a $5 deposit from munch money, cash or credit, according to Dawkins. “Once they’ve used the box they’ll take it back to the cashier, they’ll get a fresh new one, or if they aren’t going to use it, they’ll get a card. That card will allow them to get an eco-clam shell next time they come in for takeout,” said Dawkins. According to Dawkins, it is important for students to understand that there is no cost to the student for the eco-friendly takeout container because they get their $5 back. “I like it a lot better than the disposable ones we used to have. I think it’s really cool,” said freshman Andriana Perrachon. Perrachon only used it a few times. She isn’t sure if she’s going to collect the deposit and give the takeout container back at the end of the year. “I might keep it because my brother has been looking for something like it, so I’ll just give it to him,” said Perrachon. She sees it having value outside of the campus cafeteria experience. For example, when a restaurant hands out a Styrofoam takeout container, the eco-friendly takeout container is a perfect alternative, according to Perrachon. “So far we’ve purchased about 1,600 of them, and of those there are 800 people that have paid a deposit, and then there are people who’ve brought more than one box,” Dawkins said. Campus dining services were introduced to the eco-clamshell by a vendor, and according to Dawkins, the possibilities were obviously positive. “We found the eco-clam shell in September. It took us a while to actually get

Ian Shannon - Staff Photographer

Paige McNeal and Chris Amann fill up their eco-clamshells at the cafeteria.

“(Using the eco-clamshell) saves 70,000 gallons of water per year and reduces the amount of student waste by about 250 pounds per week.” - Danny Dawkins, senior director of dining services it incorporated and do some voting. We started it in November but didn’t make it mandatory until this semester,” Dawkins said. Campus kitchens use many other sustainability practices, according to Dawkins. The trayless initiative was designed to reduce student waste by deterring students from taking a tray into the cafeteria and taking more food than they can eat. “This practice saves 70,000 gallons of water per year and reduces the amount of student waste by about 250 pounds per week,” Dawkins said. Dining services also purchased a new dish return system that runs on grey, or recycled, water using 7 to 8 gallons of water

per hour compared to the constant flow of water the last dish return system used, according to Dawkins. “All of our shell eggs are cage free,” Dawkins said. “We partner with Madison County farms during the growing season to help local farmers and reduce our carbon footprint.” Dawkins also talked about the composting initiative, which currently only allows the school to compost preconsumer products. “We are constantly going after postconsumer composting because that is where you save the most energy,” Dawkins said. He also talked about Project Greenthumb, in which students buy a refillable mug that they can get discounts on

fountain drinks with. Project Greenthumb gives students an alternative to using the dining service’s disposable cups, and he talked about the water filtration system installed in the Highsmith Student Union that was designed to reduce waste from water bottles. Lena Eastes, member of Students for Conscious Consumption, Food not Bombs and Active Students for a Healthy Environment, said that she likes the new ecofriendly takeout containers because they reduce waste. Students for Conscious Consumption’s goals are all in the name, according to Eastes. One of the issues they deal with is food sustainability. “Food sustainability would be having food grown and consumed in a way that isn’t detrimental to the earth, to your own body and to other people,” Eastes said. Food sustainability is important because food is a major part of our culture, so it is one major way we can affect cultural change. We can make change through our diet, what we choose to put into our bodies and being aware of where that comes from, how it was grown and what practices went into it, according to Eastes. “Students for Conscious Consumption tries to make the dining services on campus make decisions that work for people who work for Chartwells, people who eat there and for the earth,” said Eastes. Eastes said she is impressed with what dining services does for sustainability, but has her own suggestions for improving dining facilities. “I think a huge one is to buy more local food. We grow a lot of food here in North Carolina and it is ridiculous that we get our food from so far away. Why are we getting our apples from Washington?” Eastes said. Students for Conscious Consumption said they also want food to be labeled with the state or country it was grown in so that students can consciously choose food they want dining facilities to continue to compost. They want to see a focus group, which Dawkins is creating, that allows the dining facilities workers a say in their working environment, according to Eastes. “The focus group will be a group of dining service staff who get together and talk about their wants and needs, just to have an autonomous group so their voices can really be heard. I think that’s sustainable in terms of keeping people who work here happy, healthy and heard,” said Eastes.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

MANNA Continued


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Last fall, the effects of the economic crisis and the resulting growing amount of need in Western North Carolina even left the volunteers out of work, Stack said. “I remember last year there was a period of time during the fall where we didn’t have enough food,” Stack said. “There wasn’t food on the shelves, and there wasn’t enough coming in.” Generally, food banks’ biggest donators are grocery chains. However, unlike areas like Charlotte, which has more than a half dozen grocery chains, Western North Carolina only has Ingles, Stack said. Increased efficiency in grocery chains reduces surpluses, and also reduces the amount of food that reaches food banks, he said. “As efficiency has increased, the amount of donations has dramatically declined,” Stack said. “So we have had to turn to the community for more assistance.”

UNC Asheville Career Center Presents

Web Site Continued


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versus flash.” Massey, Griffith and Ratliff all said UNCA has a unique mission within the UNC system. That difference should be reflected in the new site, they said. “It needs to be different from Chapel Hill’s site,” Ratliff said. “One of the biggest things about UNCA is Asheville. Obviously, we want to showcase that.” Earlier in the year the university sent out a request for proposals to leading design firms across the country and received 17 responses, according to Massey. They selected Raleighbased Capstrat for the project. Capstrat worked on redesigns for Duke University Alumni Association, the Duke Law School, Blue Cross Blue Shield of NC and currently assists UNC Chapel Hill with their redesign. The big challenge in choosing the firm was not just selecting the lowest bidder, but finnding the best fit for the university. “It was not, ‘did they hit a magic number.’ But, ‘did the cost that they projected indicate that they understood the scope and scale of our project,’” Massey said. An interim homepage launches Monday. It features enhanced functionality, content and appearance, according to Griffith. The purpose of the interim page is to gain input from students and the campus community. Despite the heavy investment, Ratliff said he knows the site will need redesigning in the future. “That is the nature of technology,” Ratliff said. “That is why we really need to hit this hard now, so when it does need to be redone it is 15 years down the line. We need to make this good and last for a long time.” The administration scheduled a series of listen sessions on April 16 where students can share their opinions about the new homepage and the overall project.

Finding a Job “WeEconomic can’tTimes be our best in Tough if we don’t feel our best.” Tuesday, April 14 4 - 6 p.m. Alumni Hall (HU 159)

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Kid’s day courage them to participate in a healthier lifestyle.” Between 5 to 25 percent of children and teenagers in the United States are currently obese, according to the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. “It is a good thing for students to focus on because it promotes a healthy lifestyle and offers a fun twist on different activities,” freshman Leigh Casper said. This year, activities include health screenings, educational demonstrations, Internet safety tips and disaster preparedness information. Family games and activities include a bike safety rodeo, yoga, zumba, Hula-Hoop classes, face painting, martial arts, kayak demonstrations and healthy snacks. “I always have remembered my childhood days at the YMCA fondly. Not only did they provide us with fun summers, but also with tons of exercise. Leading a healthy lifestyle is extremely important to me, especially when it comes to children. I wanted to volunteer because it was a way to be involved on UNCA’s campus and to help out with a cause that I believe in,” Casper said. Other students, like sophomore art history student Allison Gulick, said they enjoyed experiencing camp activities when they were children. “As a child, I participated in church camps, which I found very fun,” Gulick said. Many students, like Wadopian and Casper, said they have a lot of previous experience volunteering with many orga-

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nizations. Hyatt said she volunteers with Autistic Children and Honor the Elders in Cherokee, as well. “I also have participated in World Camp For Kids Organization where I spent a summer abroad in Malawi, Africa, teaching about HIV/AIDS education and environmental awareness to children.” Local sponsors who will host activities throughout the day long event include Greenlife Grocery and Earth Fare markets, as well as dozens of Western North Carolina organizations and businesses. “I volunteered at the V.A. Medical Center in Salisbury, N.C., working with rehabilitation patients,” Casper said. “I helped them complete different daily exercises and monitored their progress.” Registration will begin at 9 a.m. on the lawn in front of the Justice Center and will continue throughout the day. “In general, the physical health of the nation’s youth has deteriorated in the past few years, and it’s important for kids to know some things that they can do to stay active that they may also enjoy,” sophomore Kevin Palmer said. YMCA Healthy Kids Day will happen at more than 1,700 YMCA locations across the country. Last year, more than 900 people participated in local events, while 700,000 participated in YMCA Healthy Kids Day events nationwide. “It is a great idea to get the campus community and the general Asheville community involved in this type of thing where people can learn and play together,” Gulick said.

Weekend Weather Thursday High: 69




Low: 50 10 percent chance of precipitation

High: 64 Low: 43 30 percent chance of precipitation

High: 62 Low: 52 70 percent chance of precipitation

High: 64 Low: 46 20 percent chance of precipitation

Arts & Features

SGA inauguration welcomes new faces Thursday, April 9, 2009

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Sulkiro Song - Staff Photographer

Former SGA president Nick Ladd swears in newly elected SGA president Cortland Mercer at the SGA inauguration dinner. Newly elected SGA president Cortland Mercer and vice president Asha Purohit cut the cake at the SGA inauguration dinner. Vice president Andrew Johnson speaks during the event.

Newly elected student government look to engage Asheville community with UNCA campus By Alyssa Spencer Staff Writer

New blood represents UNC Asheville’s student body and campus. The SGA inaugural ball inducted new members into the organization March 31 in Highsmith University Union “In general, for whatever reason, students don’t have an understanding of what is going on at this school and of how things are run,” said SGA commuter senator Lorca Lechuga-Haessler. “We get the broad picture of it, but I think in order to really tackle the problems at this school you have to really understand the

inner workings of it. The only way to make a difference is by being in student government because I’ll get all the extra details — the facts and figures.” 
A major issue regarding student welfare for many of the inductees is a current lack of student involvement at UNCA. 
 “Two-thirds of our campus population live off campus, and there are not enough ways for these students to interact with campus life,” said Cortland Mercer, student body president. “One example of my commitment to this issue is disc golf. I’ve been strongly advocating for and will continue to push for having a disc golf course on campus. To me this is a

healthy way for students to have recreational activity while enjoying our beautiful campus.” 
 Trying to establish better communication between the city of Asheville and the UNCA campus is another concern for student government.
 “One of my main issues with UNCA is that it is extremely isolated from the rest of the Asheville community,” Lechuga-Haessler said. “If you are a freshman, you are completely isolated within UNCA and you don’t get to experience the culture in Asheville. The Asheville community could really benefit from the events that UNCA has to offer.”

Although SGA urges students to take an active role as Asheville residents and voice their opinions, SGA members realize that conflicting voices sometimes pose challenges. 
“Everyone has a voice and it’s important to get information out to students and let them know what’s going on,” said SGA executive of public relations Steven Quinn. 
“Conflicting thought processes and conflicting ideologies have been a challenge. Each president is different, and each administration is different. I think it’s natural to


Ready, set, get to know each other Thursday, April 9, 2009

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Comedian draws record attendance to Highsmith Page 9

By Nick Robinson Staff Writer

Susan Terry - Staff Photographer

Left, Asheville Speed Dating owner and UNCA alumnus Michael Gelman speaks to Ann Weber’s psychology class. Junior psychology student, Nola Jackson met her boyfriend through Gelman’s speed dating service.

Former psychology student starts speed dating service By Erin McWhorter & David Milton

Staff Writers &

About 25 students gathered Monday to participate in an Asheville Speed Dating simulation hosted by the UNCA psychology department. “I hope the Speed Dating demonstration will give class members some insights into the essentials of first impressions, expectations and other social cognitions involved in dating,” said psychology professor Ann Weber, who coordinated the event. The last time Weber taught the course, a student volunteered to report on the experience. The student enjoyed it so much she continued to attend speed-dating events and eventually married someone met through the service. “Speed dating is really a simulation of real-life dating. It speeds up the contact to reduce the pressure on the participants,” Weber said. “When you only have a few minutes to make an impression on someone and get an impression in return, you don’t really have time to be anxious or self-conscious.” Junior psychology student Nola Jackson said she volunteered to participate in an earlier speed dating session for an ex-

tra credit assignment, where she met her current boyfriend. “The greater number of people you go through, the more likely you are to meet someone,” she said. UNCA alumnus Michael Gelman, 47, owns and operates Asheville Speed Dating. Part of the appeal of his service is lessening the five common anxieties associated with dating, such as fear of strangers, rejection and uncomfortable situations, according to Gelman. “(Mike Gelman) is a friend and a former student of mine,” Weber said. “I have taught a course on the psychology of close relationships for more than 25 years, and we have had many conversations about the variables affecting whether people become attracted to or find each other.” One of four innovations of his content, Gelman offers an on-site computer for data analysis of clients at the events, which yields results before the events end. He also operates the events based on three simple courtesy rules. “There’s the process of speed dating, which is the simplest thing,” Gelman said. “A little bit more complicated is the process of my speed dating dinners, which is one of my innovations to speed dating.” A typical speed date lasts between four and eight minutes, depending on the

overall number of participants. Gelman truly believes that his service through Asheville Speed Dating is the least scary way to meet people. “Many UNCA classes emphasize student participation and activity rather than passive absorption of textbook lessons,” Weber said. “This class simulation is only a brief demonstration.” Weber specializes in social psychology and began teaching for the psychology department in 1978. “My interest in relationships originally began with a desire to understand breakups and to cope effectively with relationship loss,” she said. “It turns out that the qualities and causes of a breakup all depend on the relationship that led up to that ending, and so I undertook to understand and teach about the entire life cycle of relationships.” The downside of hosting such events in the classroom is the amount of time put into their coordination. An advantage is finding undergraduates from the UNCA community willing to aid in the organization and management of events, according to Weber. “Simulations are much more memorable than text paragraphs or professors’ one-liners,” Weber said. “Some of the

See DATING Page 12

Comedian and YouTube celebrity Bo Burnham drew one of the largest crowd’s in Underdog Productions’ history to the Highsmith Union Grotto last Thursday but remains modest about his ability. “I’m a hack. I have, like, seven chords, and I rearrange them. I wish I didn’t, I don’t know. I like The Beatles. I like Lil’ Wayne. I like musicals. But I wouldn’t even know how to be influenced by that music,” Burnham said. “Stephen Lynch says he’s a musician first, a comedian second. I’m a comedian first, a musician eighth.” Burnham, an 18-year-old with videos receiving a combined total of more than 37 million views, expressed surprise at his popularity. “I don’t think it really has come about,” Burnham said. “My audience (for the videos) was my brother. I posted it so my brother could see it. I had no pipe dreams like ‘This is my ticket out of this town!’” Burnham’s popularity also impressed Aaron Edwards, music committee chair for U.P. “I was expecting 150 people, max,” Edwards said. “For it to be double what I thought, which is still six times the size of a good showing most of the time, was awesome.” Anna Bottcher, a freshman and one of the only audience members younger than Burnham, reflected that sentiment. “There are never this many people here. Not even Kal Penn got this many people,” she said. Burnham rose to popularity through the spread of his YouTube videos, which showed him performing fast-paced and pun-heavy songs on keyboard or guitar. Despite the heavy musical component of his comedy, Burnham claimed his actual musical skill is minimal.

See COMEDY Page 12

Asheville and HATCHfest make a perfect match Thursday, April 9, 2009

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Photo Courtesy of HATCH Asheville

Asheville HATCHfest features industry professionals from fashion, architecture, journalism, photography, film making and many other creative fields.

Multidisciplinary festival provides mentorship for aspiring local artists By Taliaferro Pollock Staff Writer

Asheville’s installment of HATCHfest offers artists in the fields of music, film, architecture, technology, design, journalism, photography and fashion to improve their skills and become known. “I am entering a short film into the festival that personally means a lot to me,” said Garret Kilgore, a 2007 UNC Asheville graduate. “I am very excited simply to be participating, getting the experience and having the chance to get my work out there. I feel like this festival could be a great opportunity.”

According to many HATCHfest sponsors, not only will local artists and participants benefit from the festival, but HATCHfest will also benefit from the city of Asheville. “I feel that Asheville is going to allow HATCHfest to grow in many aspects,” said Greg Lucas, member of the board of directors for Asheville HATCHfest and sponsor through Music Allies. “Not only will it open up many doors for local art ists, but it will also introduce outsiders to what Asheville has to offer.” The festival, taking place April 15-19, also attracts current students in Asheville seeking to further develop their artistic

abilities. “Although I know that my pieces have potential, I realize that some of the final products could use some buffing-up,” said Rachel Poe, a sophomore visual arts student. “Therefore, I feel that going to HATCHfest and interacting on the scene could really help the growth of my work. Plus, it’s free, so why not?” The festival is open to the public free of charge, although tickets may need to be secured in advance due to high demand, Lucas said. “I went ahead and got my tickets a few

See HATCH Page 11

“Over the years I have watched Asheville’s art (industry) evolve, and just when I think it can’t impress me more, I am proved wrong. With HATCHfest in Asheville, the sky’s the limit.” —Garret Kilgore

Thursday, April 9, 2009

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Campus Events Movie Night

Sulkiro Song - Staff Photographer

SGA’s Supreme Court Justice, Kyle Rodal enjoys dinner while listening to current SGA vice president, Andrew Johnson deliver a speech to the newly elected student government in Highsmith.

Inauguration always want to go back to the past, but we can’t. So we always have to move forward with forward thinking and new opportunities.” 
Lechuga-Haessler participated in the protesting of the Chartwell’s employee firing last month and said UNCA can and should become more environmentally conscious with the help of SGA. 
“I would like to see UNCA become a more sustainable campus, which I realize is really difficult since we have a corporation running our dining services here,” Lechuga-Haessler said. “As far as sustainability, I feel like there is a lot of room for improvement in the dorms. I think organizations such as ASHE and the environmental center have done a



great job in making some changes, but I think that SGA needs to stand behind them and push it forward more.” 
 Mercer said he is eager to advocate for students’ needs and take on all challenges the role student body president will present him.
 “In SGA we are putting in a lot of work and doing a lot of great things, but we do a poor job of communicating that to the student population,” Mercer said. “The greatest challenge is walking the fine line between being responsive to students and understanding some of the legitimate big-picture concerns of administrators.” 
 The inaugural ball included a complimentary dinner and cake for all attend-


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ees and a dance in Alumni Hall shortly afterward. In addition to the new inductees, guests at the ceremony included administrators, former SGA presidents and inductees’ parents. 
 “It was a great idea to bring past and current student administrations together, as well as campus representatives,” said ceremony attendee Jenny Bowen, who served as UNCA student body president in 2002-03. “While I believe students should work hard at their campus roles, SGA does not have to be a serious and stuffy organization. There always needs to be humor in order to enjoy the task of bringing diverse people together for the purpose of assembling ideas, issues and opportunities,” she said.



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weeks ago,” said Katie Barr, a junior at A-B Tech. “While I am not an artist myself, art is what I live for. I am really interested to see what HATCH brings to Asheville. I’m sure I won’t be disappointed. To tell you the truth, the art scene is a big part of what brought me to Asheville to begin with.” Asheville consistently captivates the essence of what is known as original art throughout its community, and many wonder what new products and ideas HATCHfest will introduce to the city’s industry, Poe said. “Over the years I have watched Asheville’s art (industry) evolve, and just when I think Photo Courtesy of HATCH that it can’t impress me more, I am proved HATCHfest originated in Bozeman, Mont. and seeks to spearhead the future of creative, interactive and artistic expression on a national level. wrong,” Kilgore said.

Soul Men Highsmith 104 Friday, 7 & 9:30 p.m. Saturday, 7 & 9:30 p.m.

Afro Cuban Dance Highsmith 224 Monday, 10 a.m.

Open Mic Night

Open mic/ Karaoke (last one!) Highsmith Grotto Wednesday, 8 p.m.

Faulkner and Gesture Lecture by Donald Kartiganer KH 139 (Laurel Forum) Tuesday, 2 p.m.

Skill Share Workshop Highsmith 104 Tuesday, 5 p.m.

Student Open Hours with the Chancellor Highsmith 238 April 16, 12:30 p.m.

For more campus activities, visit: barker/

Thursday, April 9, 2009


most powerful lessons I learned in college came from class exercises and experiments that were very daring and even risky, but which were more acceptable in urban settings in the early 1970s.” Asheville Speed Dating attracts a variety of customers, according to Gelman. His customers include people looking for both recreational activity and relationships. “I have all different kinds of customers,” Gelman said. “Some people just realize that being in a relationship is an important thing to them and they do this as a way to meet someone.” The company doesn’t offer a similar ser-

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vice for people looking for same-sex relationships, Gelman said. Business is steady but suffering because of the poor economy, according to Gelman. Gelman held the first Speed Dating event in October 2007. He hosted at a variety of locations including The New French Bar, The Z Lounge and Riverside Family Grill. “Some of the people are very, very timid and then other people are just the oppoSusan Terry - Staff Photographer site,” Gelman said. “There are some peoSenior psychology students Mike ple who I never really have as customers Bandala and Kelly Bowers simulate a because they’re too scared.” speed date.

Comedy Burnham’s style is aggressive and at times taboo. He doesn’t hesitate to bring up subjects such as slavery, pedophilia and rape whistles if they better serve the comedy. “His humor is very politically incorrect,” said Will Hartis, a freshman who showed up early to the show. At one point, Hartis landed in Burnham’s crosshairs for talking during the set. “What the f--- is your problem, Danny Phantom?” Burnham joked from the stage. “You look like a metro Harry Potter.” “That’s one of the things in the contract. A lot of comedians make sure that they have free reign, or that they can say whatever they want,” said Edwards, who was in charge of putting together the show. “Luckily, here, not too many people get offended.” “The show was spectacularly offensive, but I didn’t have a problem with it,” said freshman Drew Glover. Burnham’s offstage personality differs vastly from his portrayals during performances. After the show, he came down from the stage and signed posters and albums for fans, and graciously thanked everyone who spoke with him for coming to the show. “It’s obviously a character I’m doing on YouTube,” Burnham said. “My character on YouTube is much more naïve than I. My character onstage is much more arrogant and brash. I would never call someone out or make fun of them offstage.” Burnham’s said his comedy works in part because of the unwarranted cockiness

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he presents onstage. “The whole point is that I’m arrogant even though I don’t have the capabilities. I’m arrogant about all these things even though I don’t back it up with any real substance,” he said. Edwards also appreciated those aspects. “Bo did a great job. I was expecting him to just go up and play some of his songs, which still would’ve been awesome, but he did the stand-up, he did the improv and I was excited when I saw that,” he said. Burnham always intended to go into comedy as a career, but never expected it to turn out precisely the way it did. “I wanted to be a stand-up comedian, but I never expected it to be from YouTube, and never musically,” he said. Gaining popularity almost entirely through homemade YouTube videos resulted in a much more personal relationship with the audience. “You feel like you’re inside my bedroom, you feel like you’re getting a glimpse of my life. There’s something intimate. I try to keep it very vulnerable, so I feel like I’m sharing secrets,” Burnham said of watching his videos. His YouTube career began in 2006, when he was a 16-year-old junior in high school. Those original videos are still on the site, with the first one holding nearly 3.5 million views. Edwards said he worked with UP since the beginning of the school year in 2008 to secure Burnham as a performer. “Getting acts like Bo is kind of a long,


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tedious process,” he said. “We’ve been in some form of contact with their agency since the start of the year. In the past two weeks I’ve sent and received maybe 100 e-mails on contracting.” U.P. used the high-turnout event as a springboard to reveal a previously secret detail of their end-of-the-year annual event, the Lawn Party. Dave Coulier, best known as Joey on the ‘90s ABC sitcom Full House, will be the comedian performing at the party this year. “It’s our biggest event of the year. We spend about a quarter of our budget on it,” Edwards said. “Normally comedians do well here. Most comedians you can just go to and pick up that they’re going to say something funny. For free, it’s not bad.” As for the future of Burnham’s comedy, he sees a strong connection between his age and his delivery. “For me, the awkwardness comes from that I kind of look like someone who’s not supposed to be on stage. Somebody that just came out of his bedroom and sort of stumbled onstage,” Burnham said. “I wanted to seem out of place, because I think that works now. When I hit 20 it won’t, but as an 18-year-old, I really am out of place.” He plans on altering his onstage character over the course of his career. “My persona will change on stage. I’m getting sort of bored with the awkward kid who sings dirty songs, so I’m going to change it,” Burnham said. For more information visit,

Sports Thursday,

April 9, 2009

UNCA slammed by Radford page 14

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Bulldogs continue strong season, crush N.C. Central By Randi Kitts

“We have great chemistry as a team and every match we win is because of our effort as a whole.”

Staff Writer

The UNC Asheville women’s tennis team advanced to 10-6 with a 7-0 victory against North Carolina Central Saturday afternoon at the Asheville School. “Everyone gave 110 percent, and the win against N.C. Central was a genuine team effort,” said freshman Devon Cavanaugh. “We are very positive and hardworking, and that is our biggest strength as a team. We’re united and fierce competitors.” The Bulldogs swept the singles portion of the match with strong victories from every player. “We played well, especially at the top of the lineup where there were some challenging matches,” said junior Louise Bottomley. “Leslie Smith pulled off a great win against a good player at number one.” Smith’s match against NCCU’s Kateryna Chorna proved to be the toughest singles match of the day. Smith won the first set 7-5, then dropped the second set 5-7. Smith battled back in the third and final set to win 10-4. After Smith and Chorna’s match, UNCA coasted through the remainder of the match. The Bulldogs highlighted their strong showing with three shutouts, two from sophomore Nicole Schon. UNCA only surrendered a combined 10 points out of

– Tania Mateva

every match we win is because of our effort as a whole,” Cavanaugh said. Bottomley said the Bulldogs team chemistry, as well as their talent, have created one of UNCA’s better tennis teams. “The team has a lot of strengths, and it’s Photo courtesy of UNC Asheville definitely the best team I’ve played on in Junior Leslie Smith played three difficult sets to claim UNCA’s first singles win. my three years here,” she said. “The spirit their remaining five matches. and Maritsann Sinclair. and the way everyone gets along is great, UNCA collected the doubles point with Mateva said the team’s chemistry plays and we are so lucky to have the coaches a sweep in all three doubles matches. a key role in their impressive performance we do.” Smith and sophomore Stephanie Schon this season. The team’s high spirits and strong play paired together to grab an 8-2 victory over “The team’s recent success is due to have the players confident about the upNCCU’s Chorna and Ashley Rogers. us being so close and helping each other coming Big South Conference TournaThe last two doubles matches were through tough matches,” she said. “It ment. highlighted by shutouts from UNCA. makes such a difference when we support “If everyone goes in with a positive atBottomley and Cavanaugh worked to- each other out there, and the other team titude, we really have a great chance to fingether to claim an 8-0 shutout against Tati- can sense that, too, which helps.” ish on top in the conference tournament,” ana Velasquez and Maria Medina. UNCA’s victories in all of their matches Cavanaugh said. “We’re a talented team, Nicole Schon and junior Tania Mateva is evidence of the strong team chemistry and we all have confidence, so that gives followed suit with an 8-0 shutout of their the Bulldogs hold this season. us an advantage over the other teams in the own against Central’s Antionette Spain “We have great chemistry as a team and Big South.”

Pearson highlights Duke Invitational with another strong performance By Dan Weller Staff Writer

The UNC Asheville track and field team put up impressive results this week against tough competition at the Duke Invitational. “This was probably the toughest competition we’ve faced up to this point in the year,” Head Coach Jesse Norman said. “Overall it went pretty well. We had some people improve their marks and set personal records.”

Along with the Big South Conference schools, UNC Chapel Hill, West Virginia University, UNC Charlotte and Marshall University also attended Junior Natalie Pearson highlighted the day for the Bulldogs once again, finishing second in the 100 meters and third in the 200 meters. Finishing with times of 11.93 and 24.49, respectively, Pearson came close to breaking her PR and the school record. UNCA’s team performance pleased

Norman as well, noting just about all of them and their results. “Dane Corriher did pretty good and has been steady for us all year. Simon Haake had a big throw in the jav as well,” he said. “We got some good marks, and we hope to build on that.” Sophomore Simon Haake finished eighth in the javelin, throwing a personal best 51.83 meters. Senior Adam Matthews set a PR in the steeplechase with a time of 9:39, and

freshman Kent Rankin finished 20th in the 5000 with a time of 16:03. Sophomore Will Beasley finished 17th in the long jump with a distance of 6.41, while junior Corrie Trotter finished at 3.98 in the same event. Senior Daniel Corriher finished second in his group but 18th overall in the shot put. The Bulldogs travel to Lenoir-Rhyne this weekend before heading to the Big South Conference Meet in Radford, Va April 16-18.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

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Bulldogs struggle through difficult season defined by youth, injuries Commentary By Ryan Burtner Staff Writer

Coming off a 0-3 series loss to Radford University this past weekend, the UNC Asheville baseball team find themselves in a tough situation. With only 21 games remaining, the Bulldogs (5-26, 3-11 BSC) are experiencing one of their worst seasons in recent memory. You don’t have to look at the scoreboard and the dejected faces of the baseball players to understand how the season is going. The stands at home games stay pretty much empty. Although the team has experienced their fair share of blowouts, they’ve also experienced a few of those close, singledigit losses. In a season like this, it’s not the former that hurts the most, but the latter. “No one enjoys losing like this,” said Head Coach Willie Stewart. “It’s killing the guys, just like it’s killing me.” It’s hard to understand just where the problem lies in how the Bulldogs’ season has turned out. You could blame it on youth, since over half of the team’s 26-man roster is comprised of freshmen and sophomores. Or you could blame it on injuries.

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Photos by Sulkiro Song - Staff Photographer

Ryan Dull took his sixth loss of the season against Radford. Mike Vaughn strikes out during during the loss to Radford, left.

“A lot of times, we’ve found ourselves going out there trying not to fail when we need to go out to play to win.” – Head Coach Willie Stewart According to Stewart, both are factors, but not the sole reason for the way their season is going. “It definitely seems like we’ve had injuries every time we turn around with a couple of key guys here and there,” Stewart said. “At the same time, we had

a couple of bad breaks early on. A lot of times, we’ve found ourselves going out there trying not to fail when we need to go out to play to win. It’s a lot easier to say it than to do it, but the guys are working hard at it every day.” While the team may be down, don’t

count these Bulldogs out just yet. “We’re still going to keep chipping away, get this thing turned around for this year and start winning some games,” Stewart said. “My first year here, we won 11 games. The next year the team came back and really made an adjustment and finished sixth place in the conference, eventually won the conference tournament and went to the schools first ever regional.” With eight home games left, the team could use all the support they can get. So dust off your favorite baseball cap and come watch an inning or two.

Comics, Etc... Thursday, April 9, 2009

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What Killed the Dinosaurs by Sandy Igel

Melvin & Mah

By Thomas Sawyer

Thursday, April 9, 2009

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The rules to play Sudoku are quite simple. Fill in the blanks so that each row, each column, and each of the nine 3x3 grids contain one instance of each of the numbers 1 through 9.

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section online at

Puzzle answers published in the

Comics, Etc

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Campus Voice Thursday, April 9, 2009

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Legislators consider repealing outdated liquor laws Orange Peel’s Hang out in front of a liquor store in Asheville on a Saturday night and watch the mad rush of people, because they know they won’t get anything at an ABC store on Sunday. At the end of March, lawmakers finally put forth legislation about letting ABC stores open on Sunday, according to the North Carolina General Assembly. This bill would give ABC stores the option of selling liquor on Sunday. Blue laws stretch all the way back to the beginning of the country, and these laws restricted activities on Sunday, according to Jonathan Gruber of MIT and the National Bureau of Economic Research, as well as Daniel M. Hungerman of Notre Dame. Not only did these laws restrict alcohol sales, but retail activities as well. Around the middle of the 20th century and onward, many state governments repealed blue laws because of a Supreme Court ruling, and by 2005 only eight states had blue laws restricting retail activity on Sunday, according to Gruber and Hungerman. In N.C., the state government still carries blue laws regulating when alcohol may be sold. ABC stores remain closed for the usual holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving, but also stay closed on Sunday, according to current state law. People can purchase beer and wine, but only after 12 p.m. “We do not feel that there would be a significant increase in sales. Most consumers shop for their spirituous liquor before Sunday, and I do not see those patterns changing,” said Curtis Canty, chief executive officer of the Asheville ABC Board. But in the 21st century, we must recognize the antiquity of the blue laws for the state. What purpose do they serve in this day and time? Sure, people might not want others to buy liquor on a Sunday, but it’s a bit ironic. It’s ironic because people wanting to buy liquor on a Sunday might not care about religious observances. Some might, but if people cared more about religious services than buying liquor, this would be a non-issue. “It varies across the state with some in favor, but most do not want the law to change,” Canty said. In their research, Gruber and Hunger-

within normal business hours. And some places might come up with totally differBy Tom McLean ent ideas on how to handle alcohol sales. Staff Writer “Each system in N.C. would set their own hours if they choose to open,” Canty said. If we let the local ABCs set up the hours for liquor sales, then we see a more direct representation of the community. man set up experimental models to find With more input from the people the laws out what would happen if states repealed will affect, lawmakers can understand the blue laws. They found increased drug use community’s values easier while also adand drinking among religious individuals dressing issues that matter. after the repeal of blue laws when comBecause tourism makes up a big chunk pared against other people. Some might of Asheville’s economy, the city could argue such findings warrant us to keep profit from increased sales on Sunday. blue laws, but it brings up another probBut to be fair to blue laws, they do more lem. than keep people from buying liquor. We can’t forget about the separation Sunday remains a day of rest across between church and state. Lawmakers most of the country. should consider repealing Many retail businesses blue laws because they open later and close show favoritism toward If the state sooner and the day religion, specifically brings the end of the repeals the blue Christianity. Since no In any comlaws, they don’t weekend. blue laws exist for Saturmunity where people day, which other religions force anybody recognize this rest, we keep for their Sabbath, can be sure they will put to buy alcohol. current blue laws clearly reasonable restrictions tie one specific religion to They simply on alcohol. law, which is unconstituAnd although Gruber give people the tional. and Hungerman note it’s choice. In recognizing the ripossible for people to diculousness of blue laws, choose work and leisure we can’t blame Christianover religious activiity or lawmakers. We must understand the ties after the repeal of blue laws, people time in which these people lived and what shouldn’t use this as firepower to keep the they valued. Of course, values change law alive, either. over time. Because people can already buy beer If the state repeals the blue laws, they and wine on Sunday, the inclusion of lidon’t force anybody to buy alcohol. They quor won’t necessarily drive people from simply give people the choice. And peo- church. Also, most retail businesses and ple wanting to observe the Sabbath can restaurants operate on Sunday, which continue to do so as well. Choice in any- means people pursue these things already. thing almost always wins over not being So what’s the problem with letting ABC allowed to choose. stores open on Sunday? So saying the repeal of blue laws Perhaps ABC stores, like stores that makes religious people drink more really sell beer and wine, could open at noon but strips away that person’s ability to choose close at five or six. This reinforces the day for themselves. Sure they drink more, but of rest, but also allows people to buy lididn’t they choose it? quor. Moderation remains the key. “The current bill before the legislature As with any kind of law, society needs leaves the decision as a ‘local option,’ a balance. One of the best balances comes meaning a system could decide to not be from letting people choose. When people open on Sunday,” Canty said. choose what they want over laws telling Some communities throughout the state them what to do, they find their own modmay wish to continue the blue laws in their eration, which only brings out the best in area. Others might want to sell alcohol communities.

reputation deserves second look By Wilson Daily Contributing Writer

I began the March 26 article “Smaller Music Venues Struggle in Tough Economy” expecting to read a piece on how some of the small venues in town are holding up against the economic downturn. Instead, I read an article which would have been more aptly titled, “You shouldn’t go see shows at the Orange Peel, and this is why.” I moved to Asheville four years ago from New York City and have seen countless shows at the Orange Peel and all the other venues mentioned in the article. I really have no reason to single one out as superior to any other. Each establishment has its own qualities and provides a different experience and environment. Mr. Hunt, however, suggests the Orange Peel is successful and is therefore somehow less worthy of attendance than other venues in town. I was immediately struck by Mr. Hunt’s statement, “Yet the corporate nature of The Orange Peel distracts its patrons from the music, whether concert-goers realize it or not. Some people may not care about the plethora of stern-faced staff in orange ‘Krewe’ attire, but their presence disturbs the venue’s atmosphere, which is otherwise easy-going.” I heard people say, “The Orange Peel is ‘too corporate,’ and it always confused me. So I began wondering what exactly it is that makes the Orange Peel feel “corporate.” Is it the fact that the staff wear a uniform? For me, that seems to be a great way to identify and locate a staff member should an emergency or problem arise. Is it because the Orange Peel does not allow illegal drugs inside the venue? For me, that is more of a positive aspect rather than a negative one. “Extensive drug searches often occur at the doors, security guards bully people...” While no one enjoys being searched, it seems a reasonable approach to intercept those who feel compelled to break the law inside the club. It’s a concert; people are going to get stoned, but I don’t need that activity intruding on my experience. I have no desire to watch the

See PEEL Page 19

Thursday, April 9, 2009

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President hits world stage, wife hits runway Media gives undue coverage to First Lady’s attire

In case the rock you live under doesn’t have a television, you probably knew that Michelle Obama is now back on U.S. soil after her eight-day, five-country fashion show across Europe. Oh, and President Obama maybe did some stuff while he was there, too. Apparently there was some big meeting with leaders of 20 of the biggest industrial nations in the world, something called the G-20. The press coverage of Obama’s first trip to Europe as president lacked a little bit of something, though it’s hard to say what, exactly. Perhaps it was details and context and whether anything he did was of any importance. You probably heard about the “showdown” between the fashionable first ladies, Michelle Obama and Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, wife of Nicolas Sarkozy, president of France. In their first meeting, Michelle Obama wore Thakoon Panichgul coat featuring a fuchsia poppy print over a pink dress, and Bruni-Sarkozy modeled a rather understated Christian Dior gray suede trench coat over a matching gray dress. At some point during the fashion show, the G-20 countries agreed, in principle, to provide up to or more than $1 trillion to the global economy through the International Monetary Fund. But did you see those shoes on Bruni-Sarkozy? Wow. On Saturday, Michelle Obama wore

but the majority of leaders told the president “no.” But did anyone else notice the big bow By Patrick Zarcone Staff Writer Michelle Obama wore on the front of her shirt? Bows might be “in.” Early Sunday morning, North Korea launched a missile in direct violation of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1718, which bans the nation from simple black pants and a black jacket over obtaining any missiles or similarly powera white floral print shirt, while Carla Bruful weaponry. ni-Sarkozy went with her patented color, While North Korea’s violation of the purple. Bruni-Sarkozy wore a purple camU.N. Security Resolution forced an emerel trench coat, a black pantsuit with a scarf gency meeting of the U.N., the big news belt and carried her favorite purple Chanel was the fashion statement Michelle Obama purse. made. Once again, the first lady went with Anti-capitalist and anti-war protestors a big bow on the rioted in the streets of front of her white Strasbourg on Saturday, shirt, this time in throwing Molotov cockIt’s certainly not the Prague, Czech tails and burning cars, Republic. Bethus forcing Michelle first lady’s fault that she sides the bow, doesn’t walk around she wore a black Obama, Bruni-Sarkozy and the rest of the G-20 dressed like a pilgrim, cardigan, black leaders’ wives (and one pants, a belt and husband) to cancel their but it is the media’s job kitten heels, to focus on things that her plans to visit a cancer whatever those research center. matter. are. In the same city, It’s great the more than 25 NATO U.S. has a leader countries met to discuss other countries what to do about Afghanistan. Obama can respect and who won’t make a fool urged leaders to send more troops to Afof himself at any given time. It’s certainly ghanistan to help with the U.S.-led surge, nice to have a first lady who knows how

Peel show through a haze of pot smoke or to get accidentally punched by some out-of-control person who has been snorting cocaine in the bathroom all night. I have been to dozens of music venues all over the country and I have never seen anything like that happen. In fact, in my experience, it is quite rare to see the security personnel of a music venue open a door for you, smile and thank you for your patienc. It’s a courtesy I have received on numerous occasions upon entering the Peel. Other passages in the article left me simply perplexed. For example, what about the Asheville music scene is “overall disappointing” and what makes the Orange Peel “indicative” of this dissatisfaction? I consider Asheville as having a healthy

to dress like a model, but the focus should probably be more on the former and less on the latter. Searching around on the Internet and even while watching television news shows, it sometimes seemed more like Michelle Obama’s fashion show and less like her husband’s first trip to Europe as president and his first meeting with the G-20. It’s certainly not the first lady’s fault that she doesn’t walk around dressed like a pilgrim, but it is the media’s job to focus on things that matter. Apparently, the media failed to notice that the entire world is mired in an economic downturn, North Korea just launched a missile over Japan. Wars continue in Iraq and Afghanistan and, over the course of two days last week, 13 immigrants and three police officers were murdered in Binghamton, N.Y. and Pittsburgh, respectively. Yet the media felt the most important issues to cover were Michelle Obama’s dress, Bruni-Sarkozy’s flats and the gift of an iPod from the Obamas to Queen Elizabeth II. Who cares, and why isn’t anyone doing their job? The news media is supposed to be different from the tabloids. If E! wants to talk about Michelle Obama’s arms, they can go right ahead. But when CNN and ABC News start talking about it, it becomes a problem.


Mr. Hunt suggests the Orange Peel is successful and is therefore somehow less worthy of attendance than other venues in town. and diverse music scene that is continually growing and I would, without hesitation, attribute the existence and success of the Orange Peel as one of the major reasons for its growth. That is not to say, however, that I would attend a show at any of the other venues in town and not enjoy myself just as much. What is confusing about the article is the author suggests that people should

“frequent other music clubs that host local talent to comfortable audience sizes and accommodate the community with a loose vibe” and they should avoid attending concerts at the Orange Peel. The reality is that, as described by the student interviewed in the article, it is all about the artist in the end. If the band I like is playing somewhere, that is where I will go to see them. I would not choose to see


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a different show simply because it is being hosted by a bigger or more successful venue. The Orange Peel is a private, locallyowned business that books shows people want to see. Theirs is far superior to any other club in town (sorry, but it’s true), and with the price of one minor inconveniencea pat down at the door- it provides a safe and enjoyable environment for a concert. The Grey Eagle and the Rocket Club are equally wonderful and unique places to see a show. However, I feel that this article is less focused on the struggles of these smaller venues and more concerned with perpetuating an idea that the Orange Peel is an un-hip, stiff and “corporate” place to see live music, which I have and will continue to disagree with completely.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

{The Blue Banner}

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A Word From Student Government

New SGA administration works to implement ambitious agenda 0010110110100101111010010010101

Reader comments from Comprehensive sex ed a must for do) while not holding the rest of us--as taxpayers -- liable for the results of that N.C. schools While I have no problem with parents “opting out” of comprehensive sex education classes for their minor children, I think such a choice should also come with a pledge or legally binding agreement by those same parents that any unintended pregnancy or STD their children may end up with (you know, in case, miraculously, they don’t manage to stay abstinent until marriage) would be their (the parents’) financial responsibility. Too often people make decisions and then are not held accountable for them. This simple pledge would allow parents to continue to influence their minor childrens’ lives (as they have every right to


influence. I’m not sure legally how this would work or even if it would stand up to any potential challenges, but I would love to see people put their money where there beliefs are. Maybe this idea could spread to other areas. How great would it be if every idiot protesting the right to choose at family planning centers would FIRST have to agree to adopt a child (they, apparently, have a lot of spare time in which to tell others how to live, so why not use some of that time to help raise the abundance of “unwanted” children that are already taxing the foster care/welfare system?). — Posted by Tom Zarcone, April 2

Blue Banner Editorial Board

Karpen Hall 019 (828) 251-6586 Aaron Dahlstrom, Editor-in-Chief

Emily Gray, Business Manager

Jonathan Walczak, Managing Editor

Cassidy Culbertson, Photo Editor

Pam Stringer, News Editor

Cassady Sharp, Assistant News Editor

Dylan Schepps, Arts&Features Editor Sam Hunt, Assistant Arts&Features Editor Greg Hicks, Sports Editor

Matt Starkey, Assistant Web Editor

Jason Herring, Design&Web Editor

Michael Gouge, Faculty Adviser

The Blue Banner is UNC Asheville’s student newspaper. We publish each Thursday except during summer sessions, finals week and holiday breaks. Our office is located in Karpen Hall 019. The Blue Banner is a designated forum for free speech and welcomes letters to the editor, considering them on basis of interest, space and timeliness. Letters and articles should be e-mailed to They should be signed with the writer’s name, followed by year in school, major or other relationship to UNCA. Include a telephone number to aid in verification. All articles are subject to editing.

It’s been an exciting couple weeks for SGA. We’ve held elections and an inauguration, and are feverishly transitioning administrations into your new representative government. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who voted. Without your participation in the election SGA would not be your voice on campus. Though we as student government must work harder to guarantee we do justice in representing you, I would like to acknowledge all the long hours put in by the previous administration. Now is an appropriate time to reflect on the past year and to thank Nick Ladd and Andrew Johnson for all their efforts in making it successful. That said, SGA is moving forward to forge an even stronger organization on campus. I am currently looking for students to work in my executive cabinet in the areas of sustainability, multicultural affairs, community affairs, campus affairs, public relations, and a chief of staff. Detailed descriptions of these jobs can be found on the career center Web site, and applications can be found in the SGA office. Vice President Asha Purohit and I are working hard to have a smooth transition and are looking for more ways to engage the student body. Even though it is our responsibility to stay in contact with you, please feel free to come by the office in Highsmith 249 anytime to voice concerns, ask questions or study between classes. Send us e-mails or Facebook messages! Your input is critical to our mission as an organization. In the coming year I have a lot on my agenda to make our university better. A major priority, beyond communication, is alleviating the disconnect commuter students too often feel from our campus. There are not enough alternatives for twothirds of our campus population to engage and interact with our campus community. Though there needs to be more outlets on campus for broader participation, it is important to look at the administrative barriers, as well. My freshman year on campus, just two years ago, no security systems barred entry to the residence halls through the main entrances. While I am a proponent of the card access system for its obvious safety benefits, I strongly believe the restrictions repress both residential and non-residential students alike. Residential students should have access to other residential halls until 2 a.m. (as opposed to the current 10 p.m. deadline). Also, commuter

By Cortland Mercer Sga President

students should be able to enter residence halls via card access Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. A collaborative learning environment means students should be able to interact and work on group projects in the residence halls. The technology is in place to allow this, so we must look to our Dean of Students and housing operations to meet us in the middle regarding how this useful technology is grounded in administrative policy. I will also vigorously pursue issues of diversity on campus, not only in our population, but in the curriculum of our classrooms. Diversity is a broad term and we should celebrate what we as a university do well in some aspects, but cannot lose sight of the systemic problems that our campus faces. I applaud the efforts of the Diversity Action Council and the opening of the Intercultural Center, but we have a long way to go. To provide a true liberal arts education, we as an institution must provide broader perspectives in the classroom, which stem in part from how people identify. According to the UNC-Asheville 2008-09 fact book, we list “295 minority” students out of a “total enrollment of 3,461.” In my book, we are failing miserably in at least one aspect of diversity. Though as a university we have taken many proactive steps regarding sustainability, there is plenty of room for improvement. Last week on the campus green tour (brought to you by SGA through Greenfest), Stephen Baxley, the associate vice chancellor for campus operations, noted that while many call us leaders on the issue of sustainability, nothing we are doing is rocket science. Our facilities department is full of many capable people who are doing a lot, but that is not to imply that there isn’t a need for more “green” initiatives. When talking about sustainability it is important to remember Mr. Baxley’s thought that energy efficiency and sustainability are two sides of the same coin. I believe the issue is not just about being environmentally friendly. It boils down to us being fiscally responsible as an institution, something that is especially important in

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