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RSPCA care
Larry was described as looking like a ‘pile of rags’ and had 1.7kg of fur shaved off
An elderly dog whose coat was so severely matted that he had difficulty walking is finally able to run and stretch his legs again after being transformed in RSPCA care.
Larry is thought to have suffered months of neglect after he was found straying - believed abandoned - in the Bradfield Road area of Crewe earlier this month.
The little poodle/Maltese type dogwho is thought to be around 13 years old - was in such a shocking state that at first it was hard to tell what breed he was. His heavily matted fur was caked in faeces and urine and had formed thick, hardened dreadlocks around his head, tail and feet, leaving his face almost completely obscured.
After having been taken initially to the RSPCA’s Stapeley Grange Wildlife Hospital & Cattery in Nantwich by the kind member of the public who found him, Larry was later transferred to the charity’s Greater Manchester Animal Hospital where vets sedated him and shaved off almost 2kg of stinking fur. He’s now receiving ongoing care and some much-needed TLC at the RSPCA’s Wirral & Chester branch animal home in Wallasey, where the pampered pooch, who wasn’t microchipped, has bonded with several canine companions.
Centre manager Kay Hawthorn, who is currently fostering Larry, said: “His transformation has been incredible. Under the huge matted clumps of fur, a sweet and gentle dog has emerged who’s been given a new lease of life. He was struggling to get around properly and it must have been so uncomfortable for him. Now he’s enjoying running around again - something he’s probably not been able to do for a long time - and given his advancing years, he’s surprisingly sprightly.
“He's still a little hand shy and winces if you suddenly get too close, but if you take it very slowly and go under his chin he really enjoys a good fuss. Even though his weight was fine, given the state he was in, I can’t see he’s had much affection in recent months, but he’s quite a sociable little character and gets on well with my other rescue dogs.
“Larry still needs some dental work done as his teeth are in a very poor state but for now he’s enjoying getting lots of attention from all the staff and volunteers here.”
The RSPCA is investigating Larry’s case and is appealing to anyone who recognises the dog to come forward.
RSPCA inspector Louise Showering said: “Larry was in an appalling condition, his coat looked like a pile of dirty old rags and it's likely he’d been neglected for a prolonged period of time. We think he was probably abandoned, or deliberately left to stray.
“His condition would have been of concern to anyone who saw him, and we’re very thankful to the member of the public who so kindly stopped and made sure he got the help he desperately needed."
We’d reiterate to anyone who may be struggling to look after their pets, especially in the current financial climate, to seek help, and we would urge people to contact their vets, local rescues and animal welfare charities.
“Please don’t wait and let it get to the point where your animal is suffering and has deteriorated to the shocking state in which poor Larry was found.” n Larry was found in Bradfield Road, Crewe, on 2 May. Anyone who recognises him or has information about him is urged to call the RSPCA’s appeals line on 0300 123 8018 quoting reference 1065689.
Cases of abandonment continue to rise. Last month (April) alone, the RSPCA received 1,508 reports to its emergency line about an animal being abandoned. That compares with 1,370 incidents for the same month last year, a rise of 9.6 per cent. The RSPCA is providing dedicated cost of living support for worried pet owners, with a recentlyopened telephone helpline on 0300 123 0650 and an online hub, which has lots of practical tips and advice, including details of pet food bank schemes.