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Hi, my name is Rommel. I am 1 year old and owner of two hooooman servants Jennie & Paul. I also have two dog sisters Kora and Twiglet, as well as 4 chickens to play with.

So it was my birthday on the 23rd July, I am a whole year old. So Hooman servant Jennie says she can no longer call me a kitten. I think she can as I am still very, very cheeky. I plays ‘hide and attack’ on my hoomans and on the dogs. I hide then I leap out and catch the hoomans’ feet!

My favourite is doing it to my doggie sister Twiglet. I love Twiglet she’s a rescue Podenco who is very funny and playful with me. Sometimes when I am hiding I get the wrong dog and leap onto Kora’s back and not Twiglet. If I realise in time I do a funny flip, like you’d see in a cartoon, so I do NOT land on Kora as she doesn’t like it very much. Twiglet however loves it and we plays chase around the garden and house. I also like to sleep next to or on Twiglet, I adore cleaning her giant bat ears. Another little thing I sometimes do is to catch birds. I do not kill them. I just

bring them through my special door and let them go in the kitchen. Servant Jennie had come home from work last week, she had just sat down and something caught her eye. It was my gift to her, a little bird friend that I had brought home to help celebrate my 1st Birthday.

Mum then quickly and quietly picked up my new friend. She checked it over, to see if it was ok and I hadn’t hurt it, which I hadn’t. I was very careful. Then she let it fly away, my new friend gone just like that! Now every time, hoomans come home they check the house out for my flying friends.

Servant Jennie says the best bit is discovering bird poop on things! I like to keep my servants on their toes and busy. One thing servants are not too happy about is my scratching the wall paper. I do have a lovely cat tree which has scratch posts on, but I

prefer the wall paper in the hallway upstairs and downstairs. I mean my scratch post is in the front room so if I want to sharpen my claws and I am upstairs, what am I supposed to do.

Walk all the way down stairs to the front room, or I can just scratch the wall paper where I am. Makes perfect sense to me! When I first did it I was quite little so the rips were low down. Hooman Jennie put my cat house bed in front of the damage trying to stop me doing it.

To my delight this meant I could climb up on the cat bed roof and reach the untouched fresh bit of paper higher up the wall. Servant Jennie is now going to have to remove all the paper from the hallway upstairs and down and do some painting. I think that sounds like fun, I think I’d like to help with the paintings. My tail is like a huge brush, so I am sure I can be a greats helps to get paint everywhere!

For my birthday I was made a star in one the companies special videos. I think I am going to have to get an agent now! I was very good in it and will have lots of work offers coming my way. Anyway I am off out my special door to enjoy the garden and try to meet some new friends. LOL Meow for now x

Rommel’s ramblings column is typed by his hoooman servant Jennie Westcott of The Animal Health Company www.animal-health.co.uk

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