UFID: SA+A H portf ol i o Uni vers ity of F lorida Marc h 17, 2014
G RA 2208C F all 2 0 1 3 Pack ag ing 3.5" x 3 . 5 " x . 5 "
A rebranding of the Goode Chocolate Company. I used a sophisticated Art Deco design to suggest a quality, upscale product with old-fashioned goodness. I chose eye-catching colors and shapes that show the design of the time period. The subtle design details and the square shape set these chocolates apart from others.
G O O D E C H OC O L AT E c o n t i n u e d
D IG 2131C F all 2 0 1 3 D igital p r int 8. 5 " x 1 1 "
Symmetry in nature has always interested me. The term “hexacorallia� refers to symmetry in nature with any multiple of six, as this piece does. The image is made from one pie-shaped section of a sunset, inverted, copied, and joined multiple times to create a new, symmetrical pattern with the naturally beautiful colors.
D IG 2282C Sp r i n g 2 0 1 4 S t op mot ion v i d e o Lin k t o f ull v id e o ( 1 : 0 4 )
Everyone has certain activities they do when they procrastinate. This video, featuring 1200 frames, is my way of showing my procrastination techniques and habits to others. It highlights these actions, that are so common that they are often not recognized as a procrastination strategy. The images flash at a speed much quicker than the events would actually happen in real time, highlighting how fast time seems to go by when you are putting something off.
ALEXANDER GIRARD G RA 2208C F all 2 0 1 3 Po st er 11" x 1 7 " C olo r ing b ook 5 " x 7 "
Using Girard’s popular folk art and textile designs, I incorporated his famous wooden dolls into this grand opening poster for Girard’s Emporium. I used these dolls because they are an eye-catching representation of the store. I made simplified, black and white versions of his designs in the 16 page coloring book. I chose these designs because they were visually appealing, even without color.
A LEXA ND ER G I R A R D c o n t i n u e d
GRA2111C Sp ri n g 2 0 1 2 Flyer 4" x 9" Adm is s ion b ut to n s 1 "
The new logo, used on the double sided flyer and on the admission buttons, features a scientific theme on each letter of the acronym. Bright colors and the simple shapes are eye-catching, modern and appealing for all ages. The simple layout makes it easy to glance at and see all of the information.
ART2 401C Sp r i n g 2 0 1 4 CM Y K w ood cut p r i n t 1 4 " x 2 6 "
Using five passes of color through the press, I focused on the distorted female beauty standards in America. I transformed the iconic Statue of Liberty to look how society and the media suggest every woman should look: long legged, voluptuous, and wearing a revealing bikini instead of her typical robe.
S prin g 2014 In d e p e n d e n t S t u d y C olla b or at ion w i t h C o l l i n C i e l l B r and ing and M a r k e t i n g
In collaboration with visiting ceramicist Michael Strand, a group of artists created hundreds of “elbow pots,” with the intention of benefiting society. We came up with Bro Bowls - bowls that could be passed among men that otherwise struggle showing affection. Shown is the flyer distributed to promote the project, featuring a large “#BROBOWLS” in order to start a conversation about the project on social media. The back of the flyer gives a description of the meaning of Bro Bowls.
S prin g 2014 Ind e p e n d e n t S t u d y A pplicat ion De v e l o p m e n t C olla b or at ion w i t h C o l l i n C i e l l
Each Bro Bowl comes with a unique tracking ID so that those involved can see where their bowl has been. Through the app, users can learn more about the project, use the tracking service, and upload photos and descriptions of their exchange. These features are important to the Bro Bowl experience so that the effect of this project can be seen as it develops. A simple layout makes the features easy to use and makes users more likely to contribute their information.
ART1 803C F all 2 0 1 2 Packag ing 4" x 4 " x 2 " Br ac elet s 3" x 2 " x 2 "
The Identity bracelets are made of recycled copper, bronze, and silver, and feature the wearer’s individual fingerprint inserted in the front square. The finger print and recycled metal highlight the individuality of the piece and, therfore, the wearer. The thumb print feature carries over to the logo, featured on the bracelet’s packaging.
IDE NTI T Y co n t in u e d
PGY2102 F all 2 0 1 3 Digit al p hot ogr a p h y 1 1 " x 1 4 "
A series of forty photographs of Main Streets across North Central Florida in the local towns of Williston, Trenton, Waldo, and Lake Butler. These streets used to be the hub of each town, but are now being left behind for a contemporary and urban way of life. These photos simultaneously capture the spirit of what these buildings once were and what they have become.
GRA2208C F all 2 0 1 3 Digit al illus t r ati o n 1 1 " x 1 7 "
Redesigned poster for Alfred Hitchcock’s film, Rear Window. The main character uses his camera lens as a way to see into another apartment building when he witnesses a murder. This is reflected in the illustration, inspired by Saul Bass. This was one of six designs chosen from the class to be featured in ArtBash 2013.