7th Grade Academic Classes at North Country School

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Academic Classes at North Country School 7th Grade


Social Studies

Language Arts and Literature


Edible Schoolyard

Mode of Study

Middle School Math, Course 2, Scott Foresman and Addison Wesley

History Alive! The United States, Bert Bower

Reading and Writing Workshop Model using select texts

Scientific journals, videos, documentaries and nonfiction texts

Students make use of campus features such as the children’s garden, the forest garden, the sugarbush, the greenhouse, and the farm.

Special Units

• Re-enactment activities • Mixed media presentations •  Map work

•  Literary circle discussions •  Reading response journals •  Memoir study •  Novel study •  Documentary analysis and discussion

•  Food storage techniques •  Thanksgiving dinner •  Local farm visits

-Gain a critical understanding of the history, geography, economic, political, and social institutions, traditions, and values of the United States as expressed in both their unity and diversity -Apply terms relevant to the content appropriately and accurately -Interpret timelines of key historical events, people, and periods -Locate significant historical places and events on maps -Utilize research strategies, methods, and sources to obtain, organize, and interpret historical data -Analyze how the past influences the lives of individuals and the development of societies

Reading Objectives -Read and comprehend gradelevel literature, including stories, dramas, articles, and poems, with scaffolding as needed -Apply word analysis and vocabulary skills to comprehend selections -Comprehend a broad range of reading materials using reading strategies to improve understanding and fluency -Speak effectively using language appropriate to the situation and audience Writing Objectives -Write to communicate for a variety of purposes -Compose well-organized and coherent writing for specific purposes and audiences -Apply acquired information, concepts, and ideas to communicate

-Design, analyze, and carry out simple investigations and formulate appropriate conclusions based on data obtained or provided -Develop explanations that explicitly link data from investigations conducted, selected readings and, when appropriate, contributions from historical discoveries -Recognize and describe how environmental changes can have local, regional, and global consequences -Seek to clarify, to assess critically, and to reconcile with their own thinking the ideas presented by others, including peers, teachers, authors, and scientists

•  Scientific notation •  Algebraic methods •  In depth geometry study •  Linear equations • Factorization

Objectives -Use data to communicate with and Skills graphs, diagrams, and data analysis -Use the language of algebra to problem solve multistep problems using formulas, expressions, and equations -Develop number sense using decimals and fraction concepts (divisibility, prime factorization, equivalency, comparing, and converting) -Study geometric figures using formulas including the Pythagorean Theorem, and area of both regular and irregular polygons -Use ratios, rates, proportions, scale, and similarity to solve equations -Use equations and proportions to solve percent problems -Add, subtract, multiply and divide integers -Use symmetry to perform geometric transformations

•  Rocketry design experiment •  Chemical reactions •  Circuitry and electricity •  Public service video project

-Learn healthy food practices and how to make sustainable choices when selecting food items -Learn how to make various foods and dishes from scratch -Learn how to plant, harvest, and identify healthy foods -Develop an understanding of how to care for and support the growth of young animals

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