8th and 9th Grade Arts at North Country School

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Arts at North Country School • 7th, 8th and

Design and Build

Hummingbird Robotics

Drawing and Painting

Digital Photography

Open Woodshop

Mode of Study

Hands on engineering project development

Students are introduced to robotics through the use of programming and creating.

Students explore the various techniques using hands-on exploration and color theory.

Students learn about the technical aspects of digital cameras and computer editing.

Students follow all aspects of a project from planning to completion in open woodshop.

Special Units

Objectives and Skills

-Select the structural system that best fits the project -Apply the engineering problem solving process to solve basic engineering design and analysis problems -Be able to identify necessary known and unknown information towards a solution and the process to be followed to arrive at a solution -Work effectively in small groups and be able to organize the group to optimize performance and results -Learn good craftsmanship through careful construction and design

-Expose students to the challenges of building and analyzing robotic mechanisms -Design robotics for specific activities and scenarios -Learn to use Scratch X programming to develop Hummingbird projects -Make robots, kinetic sculptures, and animatronics built out of a combination of kit parts and crafting materials. -Use authentic design-build-test process that simulates real-world engineering and incorporates elements of teamwork

-Develop a working concept of what it means to be an artist and create paintings and drawings with a variety of techniques and mediums -Understand the basic concepts of a well formed composition -Understand/demonstrate a knowledge of the process of critique -Develop new ways of thinking, seeing, and creating -Synthesize the use of drawing, twodimensional design, and color -Progress toward developing a consistent, personal direction and style

-Utilize different forms of technology in regards to the digital image -Learn the basics of the camera and editing program -Form a basic understanding for critiquing one’s own work and the work of others in relation to digital photography -Understand technical and aesthetic differences between traditional and digital photography -Make informed choices about appropriate technologies for use in a variety of photographic assignments -Demonstrate proper camera and digital processing techniques in production of works of art

-Learn good craftsmanship through careful construction and design -Understand and apply proper safety practices as they pertain to the woodworking shop -Care for and safely use non-powered and powered woodworking tools -Given simple plans, accurately measure, mark, cut and assemble various projects using hand and power tools -Work independently to develop and execute woodshop projects

Advanced Ceramics

Costume Creation

SCRATCH Programming


Metal Fabrication

Mode of Study

A self-directed approach to making artwork, developing work that is historically informed, aesthetically considered and expertly crafted

Students develop the look of each actor in a performance to portray individual characteristics.

Students program their own interactive stories, games, and animations and share those creations with others.

Students are introduced to the art of playwriting through the writing of student plays.

Metal fabrication introduces students to creating useful items with steel.

Special Units

•  Video game programming •  Scratch X programming •  Team work approach

•  Metal formation •  Cutting techniques • Welding

Objectives and Skills

-Develop individual approaches to glazing and firing that are appropriate for their work -Concentrate on a specific area (i.e., throwing, hand building, installation) to achieve excellence -Develop wheel throwing technique -Make use of a variety of clay mediums in the creation of utilitarian and sculptural form as a means of artistic personal expression -Understand/demonstrate a knowledge of the process of critique

-Write instructions which a computer follows to enable it to store knowledge, process knowledge, and communicate knowledge with the SCRATCH application -Use knowledge of how computers process information to design and execute projects -Use logical thinking skills to problem solve in collaborative teams -Use problem based learning opportunities to develop critical thinking and problem solving skills

-Create an original story with believable characters and dialogue by writing and revising an original scene -Show an ability to recognize and apply dramatic tension, dialogue, and characterization to their writing -Demonstrate an understanding of how literature can be communicated and experienced through language, non-verbals and movement

9th Grades

• 7th, 8th and 9th Grades

•  Bridge replacement project • Demolition •  3-D modeling software • Presentation • Execution

•  Electric wheel throwing •  Making sets •  Glaze techniques •  Multiple types of clay

• “Junkbots” •  Duo platform programming •  Hummingbird robots •  Scratch X programming

•  Character analysis •  Costume design •  Sewing, measuring, cutting • Patterning

-Design costumes based upon analysis and research -Analyze scripts and details to develop costume designs that are appropriate to the production vision -Learn various methodologies of costume design and construction -Build and present costume designs -Work in teams to develop and execute designs

• Batik •  Reduction cut printing •  Color study •  Independent study • Critique

•  Aesthetic composition • Portraiture •  Landscape imagery •  Computer editing •  Graphic design

• Storylines • Characters • Backstories •  Plot development •  Young playwright festival submissions

•  Hand tools •  Measuring, cutting, joining •  Portable electric tools •  Lathe turning •  Finish work

-Have a basic understanding of fabrication in steel. -Learn how to safely use welding equipment, machines, and power tools through demonstration -Learn principles, concepts, and applications of various metal fabrication methods encountered in a metalworking fabrication environment

• 7th, 8th and

Musical Performance


EV3 Robotics

Darkroom Photography

Fiber Arts

Mode of Study

The students in Musical Performance create an entirely original musical production.

The guitar course explores harmonic and melodic development on the guitar.

Students develop programming for EV3 Lego Mindstorm robots.

This course examines the photographic process from capture to printing.

Art is created using natural or synthetic fibers with traditional techniques.

Special Units

•  Narrative development • Songwriting •  Character development •  Plot development and conflict resolution

•  “Green City” Challenge •  EV3 platform •  Mindstorms programming environment •  Problem solving

Objectives and Skills

-Be introduced to the basic tenets of songwriting and some possible approaches for doing so -Perform original and non original songs for their peers which may include lyrics, rhythm patterns, improvisation, duets, etc. Pursue active music-making, both vocally and instrumentally -Be functionally literate in the language of music-reading, writing, speaking and listening -Become informed audience members (intelligent listeners and evaluators) of music and musical performances -Recognize the importance of steady practice routines and teamwork

-Gain a working knowledge of guitar basics -Learn to identify the parts of the guitar and their uses - Apply tuning techniques using the relationships between the strings, note intervals, and chords -Perform exercises such as playing through scales, chord charts, strumming patterns and rhythms -Read basic music for the guitar

-Nurture and cultivate the students’ interest in robotics by having students extend what they have learned in the classroom - Hone their understanding of mechanisms, their general Lego building skills, and their ability to solve openended design challenges -Gather authentic design-build-test experience that simulates real-world engineering and incorporates elements of teamwork -Construct a robot that can be programmed to follow simple motion instructions

-Explore photographic and darkroom/ lab processes using key concepts learned through the study and practice of traditional darkroom photography -Gain a basic understanding of the technical aspects of black and white photography involving camera operation,exposure control, film processing, print enlarging and finishing -Become familiar with photographic materials, as well as artistic composition and design

-Apply art elements and design principles in the creation of original works of art using fiber arts materials - Create a body of work that displays breadth in use of materials and techniques -Create original works of art that reflect personal expression and the intentional use of materials -Refine processes and techniques


Vocal Performance

Improv Theatre


Musical History

Mode of Study

Students direct chosen scenes from a published play.

Students are introduced to voice as an artistic medium.

Students practice live theatre scenes set in the moment.

Students choose and memorize a monologue, then work to bring it to a performance level.

The history of musical theatre is explored through the lenses of gender and race.

Special Units

Objectives and Skills

-Develop the basic skills and knowledge necessary to work with actors and to bring a piece to production -Explore the challenges of directing sequences involving action and movement for both drama and comedy -Develop an understanding of how actor placement and other tools allow action to speak to the audience -Develop the ability to communicate with actors to build and adjust their actors’ performances -Analyze dialogue and performance material -Explore the basic techniques of blocking and staging

9th Grades

• 7th, 8th and 9th Grades

•  Scene selection •  Stage picture •  Body language • Performance

•  Multiple chord forms • Scales •  Guitar fingerboard • Songwriting •  Hand strength and agility

•  Group performance •  Individual performance •  Theatrical quality •  Musical production

-Vocalize part using accurate pitch -Perform alone and in small and large ensembles with good posture and good singing position -Improvise simple rhythmic variations and simple melodic embellishments on familiar melodies -Express critical judgments about their own performance of the music being studied. -Demonstrate a positive attitude toward music, self-development and group cooperation

•  Improv games •  Character development •  Flexible thinking •  Improv troupe performance

-Create and evaluate storytelling using the body, voice, and/or basic props. -Demonstrate an understanding of improvisation techniques and theories for dance and theatre -Create a theatrical characterization which is credible and appropriate to the genre and style of the action -Take risks and creatively express themselves through the use of improvisation -Recognize the role of creativity, research and analysis, and discipline in developing a quality performance

•  Darkroom chemicals •  Burn/dodge technique •  Print exposure and development •  Black and white photography

•  Lucid Body acting •  “Sense memory” •  Character creations •  Flexible acting exercising

-Gain experience in the creative process of preparing a theatrical work for performance before a live audience -Create performances dedicated towards warm-up preparation, vocalization, staging techniques and performance methods -Evaluate monologue performances including self and peer assessment -Analyze the physicality of a character through explanation of the character’s motivations -Learn how to communicate effectively the author’s intent through performance -Create a theatrical characterization which is credible and appropriate to the genre and style of the play from which a scene is taken

•  Inkle loom weaving •  Floor or table looms •  Basket weaving •  Spinning or Weaving • Felting

• Showboat • Oklahoma • Hairspray • Rent •  In the Heights

-Explore the diversity of theatre and its intersection with community, culture, and society -Connect the function of dance and the varying performing styles with the historical periods of its stylistic development -Connect the modern international mega-musical to the cultural and financial influences that encouraged them

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