JT’s Sustainability Report 2021 The 10-year strategy www.jtglobal.com/sustainability
JT Group Limited
Chairman & CEO's Foreword
Our Ambitions & Goals
Transparent Reporting & Governance
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Welcome to JT’s Sustainability Report This report outlines JT’s 10-year sustainability strategy and our progress to date. It’s purpose is to navigate you through our journey, commitment and ambitions to a more sustainable future and the priorities and focus that will get us there.
Our Ambitions & Goals Page 6
Planet Page 7
Phil Male Chairman Graeme Millar CEO
Tom Noel Director of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability
Chairman & CEO's Foreword
Page 3
Page 11
Transparent Reporting & Governance
Page 4
Page 15
Thank you
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JT’s Sustainability Report 2021 - The 10-year strategy
Chairman & CEO's Foreword
Chairman & CEO’s Foreword
Our Ambitions & Goals
Transparent Reporting & Governance
2020 a year like no other
Digital Connectivity
2020 was a year I am sure most of us want to forget. The COVID-19 pandemic brought with it severe hardship for small and large businesses alike, an increased financial strain on individuals world-wide and challenges to the mental-health and wellbeing of ourselves, family and loved ones.
10-years ago Jersey had the foresight to invest in fibre technology for our islands. It wasn’t easy and we faced some tough hurdles, but today we’re so proud of our role as the enabler of keeping our customers connected and bringing people together, on what is today, the 2nd fastest network in the world. Our focus on our customers and the decision we made to invest in our fibre network, ensured that we were able to offer our customers a level of connectivity and support through-out the pandemic, which was unrivalled by many other telco’s worldwide.
However, whilst across the globe we spent a large proportion of the year in various forms of lockdown, our natural planet thrived as air pollution significantly reduced and our hours of exercise became a vital source of wellbeing. Being apart, strangely brought us closer together. We took the time to check in on our friends and family regularly. The difference a zoom, FaceTime or house-party could make to people on a personal level was enormous – all possible, thanks to digital connectivity.
The visible improvement in air pollution in São Paulo, Brazil
Despite the digital reliance and challenges of operating during COVID-19, we remained hugely committed to developing a full sustainability strategy during 2020 which was signed off by our Board of Directors in February 2021. This report outlines that strategy and builds on work already taking place across our business, whilst adopting a level of ambition and focus that match many of the larger global players. As the trend for home working and less travel continues, we remain at the forefront of technological advancements and will continue to use our network and expertise to drive a more sustainable future for us all.
Phil Male Chairman
JT’s Sustainability Report 2021 - The 10-year strategy
2021 and beyond Our Sustainable Future It goes without saying that we continue to operate in a time of unprecedented change, however, our investments over the past 10 years have enabled us to focus on connecting our islands and our customers to their sustainable future for the next 10 years. Our commitment, as outlined in this report, covers two main areas of focus. We will strive to be a force for good in the communities in which we serve, and as a business we will be Carbon Neutral by 2030, and in doing so will also help our stakeholders to reduce their own carbon footprint. Our connectivity plays a big part in for example, encouraging all off-island business travel to be on an essential basis only, and allows us to reduce our carbon footprint significantly, but outside of this, our strategy also focuses on the areas noted in Fig 1.
Thank you
Fig 1
• On-island travel and how we shift to more sustainable modes of transport for commuting and leisure
• We’ve audited our own use of energy and have put plans in place to transition to renewable sources
• We’ve looked at our JT stores and reduced literature and plastic, but we’re also looking at how we can reuse and re-purpose old stock and devices
• We support local charities and provide support for our vulnerable islanders, championing digital inclusivity for all
• Diversity and Inclusion forms a big part of
our future at JT, and we’re ensuring it’s deeply embedded into our culture so everyone can be their self and reach their potential
• We’re providing our customers with the online security tools they need to keep them safe online The past year has shown us that our network and business model is critical for building social inclusion and enabling the economic success of our islands in a post-pandemic world. But it has also widened our commitment and focus, for a much more sustainable future. Every small step we take, is a step further on our journey and this report covers both the progress we have made in 2020 and our overarching 10-year sustainability strategy, which sits at the very heart of our business.
Graeme Millar CEO
Chairman & CEO's Foreword
COVID-19: Supporting our Islanders through the new normal
Our Ambitions & Goals
During the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020, we; • Increased speeds to fibre customers from 500Mb to 1Gb free of charge – these remain in place today • Suspended all home broadband overage charges
In March 2020, Jersey, like many other jurisdictions, went into lockdown in a bid to slow the spread of coronavirus.
• Paused late payment fees
As a business JT had to act quickly and make significant operational changes, to allow us to support our islands businesses and communities. Overnight we transitioned our own teams and systems to work from home, so we could help our customers with their same challenges.
• Provided 6 months free broadband for vulnerable customers
• Provided all local fixed line calls free of charge
• Ensured disadvantaged children were provided with free connectivity for home schooling We also provided all of the telecoms infrastructure for Jersey's Nightingale Hospital free of charge.
Transparent Reporting & Governance
2020 saw an increase in data and channel use Website
53% 284%
increase in website visits i ncrease in visitors to our online help pages
Calls and data Usage
17% 28% 57% 14%
increase in fixed line calls i ncrease in mobile calls (by minutes) i ncrease in broadband data usage i ncrease in mobile data usage
Digital customer care
A fast and resilient network Our teams and networks responded very well to the challenge and we introduced some measures to support islanders with some financial support and their significant increase in digital demand. We wanted to act quickly to support those in the greatest need and whilst usage during 2020 has increased significantly, during the peak of lockdown our networks performed to a level that has been compared to Christmas Day, every day. We’ve got one of the fastest networks in the world and we wanted to make sure that all of those who are now working from home have the same access and experience as they would if they were in the office.
93% 114% 203%
i ncrease in emails requesting support and advice increase in livechats with our teams i ncrease in JT My Account app users
Customer compliments
i ncrease in customer compliments received by our Contact Centre team
Thank you
The environmental impact of world-class connectivity Outside of the business and social benefits of keeping in touch with each other digitally during the pandemic, we were all starkly reminded of the additional environmental benefits that followed. The total number of people travelling off-island in 2020 was around 79% lower than the previous three-year annual average, that’s a significant decrease in carbon emissions and pollutions. On-island travel reduced in the same vein, as having the digital connectivity to power home-working and schooling island-wide, reduced the need to commute and our roads became cleaner and safer. Whilst the pandemic and Government restrictions forced these immediate changes in many ways, we hope that our network capabilities, encourage people and businesses to think differently about their travel habits knowing that they have the connectivity to connect and collaborate. There will always be a need for travel, but we hope that by providing a reliable and trusted network, we are offering an alternative option for unnecessary travel, for the well-being of our island.
Daragh McDermott Managing Director – Channel Islands All JT statistics provided are for the period of March-Dec 2020, and any comparisons are for the same period the previous year (2019) unless otherwise stated.
JT’s Sustainability Report 2021 - The 10-year strategy
Chairman & CEO's Foreword
Introduction Introduction
Our Ambitions & Goals
Transparent Reporting & Governance
Thank you
In March 2020, we set up JT’s Sustainability Committee
2020 was the year JT shifted from delivering separate strands of activity on sustainability, to a more robust and formal ambitious 10-year strategy; addressing the increasing environmental pressures and social issues of our time and most notably where JT can really make a difference. Creating this strategy has been an inclusive and highly motivating process for our business. We’ve created a diverse sustainability committee, with a Young Leaders group and asked people from all across our business to contribute to our ambitions. Organisationally, sustainability has captured the hearts and minds of our people and as we embrace this, we continue to embed sustainability into our company’s DNA.
JT’s Sustainability Report 2021 - The 10-year strategy
We’ve worked closely with several local stakeholders, including the Government of Jersey, The Institute of Directors and Team Jersey, to do what’s right for our community and we've also worked with the Carbon Trust to benchmark and baseline our organisation’s carbon emissions. All of which helped us to create an overall blueprint for our Sustainability Strategy which provides a framework for the future.
Tom Noel Director of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability
The resulting 10-year strategy benchmarks well against some of the world's leading companies in both our own and other sectors and will ensure we are future-ready as we play a continued role in supporting our Islands and communities.
The Carbon Trust are world leading experts on carbon reduction and clean technology, who advise governments (including the Government of Jersey in their Carbon Neutral Strategy) and leading companies around the world, reinvesting profits into its low carbon mission.
Chairman & CEO's Foreword
Our Our Ambitions Ambitions & & Goals Goals
Transparent Reporting & Governance
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Our Ambitions & Goals OUR AMBITIONS
At a high level, the Strategy can be described under two main ambitions, centred around “Planet” and “People” underpinned by Transparent Reporting and Governance. These 10-year ambitions are shown to the right alongside our long-term goals for our organisation, our islands and beyond.
Focusing on the next 5-years A great deal can change in 10-years and so it’s important that we stay flexible and that underneath our ambitions and goals, we created meaningful and focused short to medium term targets. This not only allows our business and people to drive immediate tangible improvements towards our ultimate ambitions, but also ensures we can efficiently provide our stakeholders with an annual report on progress, allowing us the flexibility to better adapt to future environmental and social changes. The rest of this report, therefore focuses on a series of <5 year targets. These fall into 6 main pillars, each supporting our central ambitions.
Planet Power Consumption & Energy Efficiencies Travel – to work and at work Circular Business Model
JT will be neutral in its own carbon emissions and will help our stakeholders to dramatically reduce their own carbon footprint by 2030.
Through our responsible approach, we will ensure our business and our products are a force for good in the communities in which we serve.
2 Channel Islands
3 World
Carbon neutral (Scopes 1 & 2) by 2030
Be an exemplar of Diversity, Belonging and Inclusion in a company people love to work in and focus on growing the skills of tomorrow
Work closely with Government and Industry to accelerate wider Sustainability goals
Establish JT Together framework to infuse our everyday actions in the Channel Islands with social goals ensuring every member of our community can access and benefit from the world class connectivity that we provide
Halve our supply chain carbon emissions by 2030
Create Engagement Principles to work with like-minded suppliers and partners, who share the same sustainability ethos and positive social and environmental actions
People Community Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging Safety & Security
JT’s Sustainability Report 2021 - The 10-year strategy
Transparent Reporting & Governance
Chairman & CEO's Foreword
Our Ambitions & Goals
Planet Planet
Transparent Reporting & Governance
Thank you
Planet “JT will be neutral in its own carbon emissions and will help our stakeholders to dramatically reduce their own carbon footprint by 2030”.
SUB MENU 1. Power Consumption & Energy Efficiencies >
JT’s Sustainability Report 2021 - The 10-year strategy
2. Travel – to work and at work
3. Circular Business Model
Chairman & CEO's Foreword
Our Ambitions & Goals
Planet Planet
Transparent Reporting & Governance
Thank you
Power Consumption & Energy Efficiencies
Darren Bray Access Network Manager
Use sustainably sourced energy Transition 50% of energy consumption to renewable sources by 2025 across the Channel Islands Working with our suppliers to change their source of energy to a sustainable, renewable source and locally generated where achievable. We will complete the proof of concept to power all JT Mobile RAN Technology on the island of Sark, via renewable and sustainable energy sources. Learning from which will be applied to JT Channel Islands future business.
Electricity usage and cooling refrigerants are the primary drivers of Scope 1 and 2 Carbon emissions and are a key focus for reduction for JT within our 10-year strategy. Power consumption and energy efficiencies cover everything we do, from our high-tech Data Centres, Fixed and Mobile Networks to our various office buildings across the Bailiwicks. We have reviewed our portfolio and set some
A reduction (or repurposing) of our property estate
Exit one property per year over the next 5 years Reduce and repurpose our footprint, through a review of our property portfolio that is based on our long-term future needs.
JT’s Sustainability Report 2021 - The 10-year strategy
very ambitious targets centered around a reduction of property, increasing our use of renewable energy and enabling our customers to consume less power. Ambitions of this scale will not be achieved overnight but plans are in place for significant reductions with some shortterm commitments that will contribute to real meaningful change going forward.
Reduce the impact of refrigerants
Reduce air-conditioning refrigerant impact by 50% over the next 5 years Use technology to enable the smart use of energy, to reduce our cooling requirements and in turn the use of refrigerants which are harmful to the environment.
What we’ve done so far...
Installed PIR (passive infra-red) sensors in our main office buildings to ensure lights are not left on
Placed solar film on the windows in our office buildings which in turn reduces the running of the Air Conditioning units
Installed time clocks on all water boilers to manage running times and reduces energy waste
Decommissioned all copper broadband equipment in Jersey
Chairman & CEO's Foreword
Our Ambitions & Goals
Planet Planet
Transparent Reporting & Governance
Thank you
Travel – to work and at work
Derren Le Breton-Glover Head of Property Portfolio Office & Health and Safety
Reduce carbon impact from on Island business travel Reduce JT’s overall fleet size from 100 to 80 and replace all remaining vehicles with more sustainable modes of transport by 2025 J T C U R R E N T LY H A S 2 0 % OF ITS FLEET ELECTRIC
During 2021 we aim to reduce the pan-island fleet number by a further 20% and continue with our introduction of electric vehicles.
What we’ve done so far...
The reduction of travel is one of the most obvious commitments to make. In 2020, COVID-19 halted local, national and international travel for most of the world's population making us re-think how to structure our working ways. Technology became the main enabler of collaboration and our planet thrived with the reduction in air pollution as a result. People everywhere found a new passion in cycling and walking
as life slowed down in many ways. As the vaccination programme begins to roll-out, our challenge is to remind each other of the benefits of sustainable travel. At JT we have launched a cycle subsidy scheme to do just that. From a business perspective we intend to reduce all travel to that of essential business only and have already begun the transition of converting our fleet to electricity.
Improve employee travel to and from work
Eliminate non-essential business travel
Educate and support our employees on using cleaner modes of transport to get to and from their places of work to reduce pollution
Introduce on-line systems that help monitor and approve essential travel only requests to reduce the environmental impact of International travel
In 2020 we launched our Cycle Back to Work subsidy scheme and in 2021 we will be engaging with local public transport suppliers to offer discounted rates for our employees.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, JT ensured all employees were able to work from home, providing IT and leading video conference systems to ensure everyone could stay connected.
Wherever possible we will use remote servicing for our customers, to reduce our engineers travel on island.
All essential travel is offset through a “Gold standard verified” carbon offset scheme “Rwanda Borehole Clean Drinking Water”.
JT’s Sustainability Report 2021 - The 10-year strategy
Cycle Back to Work scheme launched In 2020, we launched a subsidy for our people to help towards the cost and use of a bicycle.
JT Supporting the Green Transport Revolution A fleet of environmentally sustainable e-bikes and e-vehicles are being kept on the road thanks to the award-winning mobile network and technology developed by JT.
JT vehicles go electric In 2020 we purchased our first 14 second hand electric vehicles and installed 4 duel charging stations.
Chairman & CEO's Foreword
Our Ambitions & Goals
Planet Planet
Transparent Reporting & Governance
Thank you
Circular Business Model
Tamara O’Brien Group Head of Customer Experience
The importance and benefit of a circular business model is evident. It encourages consumers around the world to reuse, repair, recycle - but in order for habits to change, then businesses must allow and champion the change. The ethos is to keep waste to a minimum and by doing so, increasing the life cycle of the products we sell. That it why we offer all our
What we’ve done so far... devices over a three year payment plan, which encourages our customers to keep their devices for longer than the status quo. Our commitment to a circular economy is far broader and greater than this, as we’re also committed to a single-use plastic free future, supplier recycled packaging and the repurpose of our larger product portfolio, including PBX systems.
Refurbished phones to our people Selling refurbished phones to our people acts as employee benefit whilst promoting a circular economy.
Launch of Zero1
Paper bags in store Our retail stores are using 100% new bio-degradable paper bags.
Reduce plastic in our stores
Stock handsets which support eco-friendly packaging
Repurpose legacy electrical products
To eliminate the use of single use plastic in our retail stores by 100%
To ensure 80% of our retail accessories are recyclable packaging by 2022 and 100% by 2030
We will put a process in place to re-purpose decommissioned electric items
Currently over 60% of the products we stock support recyclable packaging.
We’ve recently launched a process to look at ways we can encourage customers to on-gift their legacy products to charities who could still benefit from their use and our JT engineers are reinstalling these items for free.
At the end of 2020 we changed our bag supplier, our shop bags are now made from recycled paper and we no longer pre-produce customer instore brochures.
JT’s Sustainability Report 2021 - The 10-year strategy
Provided recycling bins in all JT premises
Included additional battery recycling facilities in all buildings
Removed all plastic cups from our offices
Les Quennevais School and Beresford Street kitchen reusing Avaya equipment
Chairman & CEO's Foreword
Our Ambitions & Goals
People People
Transparent Reporting & Governance
Thank you
People “Through our responsible approach, we will ensure our business and our products are a force for good in the communities in which we serve”.
JT’s Sustainability Report 2021 - The 10-year strategy
1. Community
2. Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging
3. Security & Safety
Chairman & CEO's Foreword
Our Ambitions & Goals
People People
Transparent Reporting & Governance
Thank you
Gill Knights JT Group General Counsel
JT have been at the heart of island life for over 130 years. Our journey began with the goal of connecting people of the Channel Islands to each other, bringing people together to create conversations, relationships and to achieve great things. It is our communities and the people within them that make our islands an amazing place to live, work and play. Today we can say with pride, that thanks to our fibre network we are truly one of the most connected places on earth.
Our network, throughout the COVID-19 pandemic has been a lifeline for many and showed the positive effect a video call could have on our mental health, during times of lockdown. As the world keeps evolving, we at JT believe that we have a responsibility to our people and our communities, to give back to the less fortunate, educate and champion digital inclusivity and to make sure that no one is left behind.
Create “JT Together” Framework
Support vulnerable groups and communities
Social Infrastructure Services
Raise awareness and support of Mental Health
In 2021 we will support a Cancer charity in each of our jurisdictions, with the aim of raising over £30,000
We will champion and provide low-cost technology; product offers and world-class support to ensure the most vulnerable groups within our communities are able to connect with each other and bridge the digital divide
We will continue to work together with our community partners and other service providers on essential community projects such as the Nightingale Hospital, smart metering, Telecare, technical education for all and a Computer Emergency Response Team (”CERT”) where together, we can make a big difference for our digital future
JT currently have 26 trained Mental Heath First Aiders the largest corporate cohort in the Channel Islands. By 2023 we’d like to increase this to 75, allowing our employees to support both their colleagues and wider community
We will ensure that we support our local communities through charitable acts.
JT’s Sustainability Report 2021 - The 10-year strategy
What we’ve done so far... Charity support for Macmillan Jersey In 2020 our people helped to raise nearly £30,000 for Macmillan Jersey and we provided the charity with lifeline digital equipment to continue supporting vulnerable islanders.
Phones for the vulnerable initiative We’ve offered all vulnerable islanders who do not have a mobile phone, a free handset and SIM card, for use in emergencies.
JT supports National Trust Conservation Members of JT’s Sustainability committee supported The National Trust for Jersey, with Habitat restoration and enhancement of local bird hides.
Mental health first aiders support and focus on well-being At JT we believe in the importance of looking after our people. Which is why we’ve supported 26 of our people to become fully accredited Mental Health First Aiders.
Chairman & CEO's Foreword
Our Ambitions & Goals
People People
Transparent Reporting & Governance
What we’ve done so far...
Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging JT is striving to create an inclusive workplace where everyone feels valued and respected, and every employee can be themselves and reach their potential.
Laura Belo Head of Talent Acquisition
We want JT to be innovative and productive so we can deliver the best products and services to our customers and diversity will help us achieve this. Our Vision is to be an organisation where everybody is free to be the best they can be,
to grow and innovate in a respectful and supportive workplace that enables us to attract and retain a diverse talented workforce. JT are a member of the Employees Network for Equality & Inclusion (ENEI) and as such closely monitor our own progress as part of the Talent, Inclusion and Diversity evaluation (TIDE). We are committed to our journey in each area and we aim to increase our score to 60% by 2025.
Workforce diversity
Workplace inclusion
Recruit from a diverse, qualified group of candidates to increase diversity of thinking and perspective
Foster a culture that encourages collaboration, flexibility and fairness to enable all employees to contribute to their potential and increase retention
We will encourage talent across all sectors of society, regardless of diversity, to view all career opportunities within JT to be achievable
Carry out benchmarking to inform our initiatives.
Through the launch of our remote working programme we will make it easier to grow our diverse workforce, regardless of location.
We are also committed to the regular monitoring and auditing of diversity within our supply chain, allowing us to identify any Modern Slavery or unethical pay practices.
JT’s Sustainability Report 2021 - The 10-year strategy
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Social inclusion
We will engage with local education authorities to promote technology as a career choice for all.
Sustainability and accountability
JT celebrated International Women’s Day 2020 Women have been building a career in technology for decades. Telecoms and technology may not be an industry instantly thought of for attracting women, however the women within JT have built strong reputations based on their expertise in their field and are inspiring others, regardless of gender.
Neurodiversity awareness training
We will identify and breakdown internal systemic barriers to full inclusion by embedding diversity and inclusion in our policies and practices and equipping leaders with the ability to manage diversity and be accountable for the results
In 2020 we conducted Neurodiversity awareness training for all our employees globally.
We continue to build out and accelerate management and leadership training in these areas.
JT was Jersey’s first large-scale commercial organisation to become a Living Wage Employer, ensuring that all its employees in the Channel Islands and around the globe are paid a fair wage for their work.
Living Wage
Chairman & CEO's Foreword
Our Ambitions & Goals
People People
Transparent Reporting & Governance
What we’ve done so far...
Security & Safety
Peter Lescop Network Information Systems Security Officer
Thank you
The digitally connected lives we are all living creates both risks and opportunities. As the provider of that connectivity, JT takes our responsibility seriously for making sure our systems and services are reliable, and we support our customers to protect themselves from
new and ever increasingly sophisticated cybersecurity risks. We know that the same connectivity is critical in providing confidence as we go about our daily physical lives and we are always looking at ways to enhance this, keeping our islands safe, together.
Network & Cybersecurity
Personal Safety
Privacy & Data protection
We will invest in world-class network and cybersecurity products and services, including; CISO as a Service, Digital Risk Protection, Managed Firewalls, Home network security and Advanced Parental Controls
We will work closely with the JHA (Justice & Home Affairs Department) to create a code of practice for the 999 call handling service, ensuring platform and service reliability and resilience
We will continue to follow best practice, ensuring our policies and procedures are reviewed regularly
We will provide free business cybersecurity assessments for our customers’. We will continue to improve our internal Security controls to the future Telecoms Security Requirements & eliminate all High Risk Vendors by 2027.
We will work with partners to further enhance the 999 call handling service, through solutions that further exploit the new digital capabilities of smart phones, which are able to pass additional data to responders, supporting a faster and smarter emergency response.
We will work with customers and local partners to ensure we can provide network resilience and carrier diversity requirements.
We will enhance the alarm lines service offered to our most vulnerable and offer free mobile devices as extra security and back-up in an emergency.
JT’s Sustainability Report 2021 - The 10-year strategy
We will deliver mandatory annual privacy and data protection training to all staff across all jurisdictions.
Launch of JT Total Wi-Fi - provides protection from security threats both inside and outside the home as well as parental controls to allow management of content filters and websites.
Conducted a series of FREE Cybersecurity Assessments for our customers and will continue to do so.
Provide Managed Firewalls and DDoS Mitigation products for our business customers.
Chairman & CEO's Foreword
Our Ambitions & Goals
Transparent Reporting & Governance
Thank you
Transparent Reporting & Governance “Maximising shareholder return underpins everything we do at JT and we believe that this is essential for the long-term sustainable growth and performance of the business”.
JT’s Sustainability Report 2021 - The 10-year strategy
Chairman & CEO's Foreword
Our Ambitions & Goals
Transparent Reporting & Governance
Transparent Reporting & Governance
Jennifer Chatfield Head of Accounting, Tax & Treasury
JT commits to providing transparent reporting on our progress over the next 10 years and will introduce internal governance and processes to ensure every decision we make is aligned to supporting a long-term sustainable delivery and return for our shareholders.
Thank you
What we’ve done so far...
Sustainability is now an important feature in corporate governance, and our 10-year strategy is supported by a number of accreditations, budget monitoring and reporting mechanisms to ensure longevity, collaboration and success in all we do.
Launched JT’s Sustainability Committee
Carbon Trust
Governance driving Long-term Shareholder Value
Reporting and Stakeholder engagement
Ensuring transparent Tax principles that we will follow in all communities that we serve
All business decisions will now have sustainability measures built into our criteria for approval. This will actively include a review of how the investment will generate long-term shareholder value and positively impact our planet and our people
We are committed to internal and external transparent reporting, creating a suite of KPI's and science-based targets to ensure sustainability is deeply embedded into everything we do
JT will pay its fair share of taxes in the communities where we create value
We will provide all our stakeholders with an annual update on JT's progress against our ambitions and goals ensuring that we remain flexible to address emerging sustainability priorities and continually learning from best practice
JT’s Sustainability Report 2021 - The 10-year strategy
JT will only use business structures that are driven by commercial considerations, are aligned with business activity and which have genuine substance JT will develop cooperative relationships with tax authorities, based on mutual respect, transparency and trust
Worked with the Carbon Trust to calculate and baseline our Scope 1, 2 and 3 emission footprints, using data from across our jurisdictions.
Our Board decision making Processes are in compliance with S.172(1)(a) to (f) of the Companies Act 2006, which states that a director must consider, amongst other factors, the impact a decision will have on the community and environment. By creating a 10-year strategy we have both a vision and framework to operate against and a way to monitor progress.
Chairman & CEO's Foreword
Our Ambitions & Goals
Transparent Reporting & Governance
Thank Thankyou you
Thank you I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you – our customers, our suppliers and our islanders for your on-going support. There is a reason we have served the Channel Islands for over 130 years, and we hope we can do you proud for many more years to come. By sharing our 10-year strategy, we hope that together we can reach our goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2030 – in turn making the islands and jurisdictions where we do business, better places to live, work and play. I look forward to building a better future, together.
Tom Noel Director of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability
For more information visit: www.jtglobal.com/sustainability
JT’s Sustainability Report 2021 - The 10-year strategy
For more information visit: www.jtglobal.com/sustainability JT Group Limited JT_Business
Information and content correct as at February 2021