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Sustainability Update

JT publicly launched its 10-year Sustainability Strategy in 2021, focusing on two main ambitions centred around Planet and People - reducing our environmental impact and promoting key social priorities that bring our community together. We are also committed to the aim of achieving carbon neutrality for Scope 1+2 * emissions, halving supply chain emissions by 2030 (Scope 3) and managing all Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) risks as part of our overall Risk Management process.

In 2022, we have been focused on improving our data collection and reporting in order to meet that Strategy and prepare ourselves to move towards best practice sustainability reporting. We have set a Science Based Target* to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, enabling us to identify key areas of focus within the business.

Our Planet Commitments

JT’s Planet ambition currently sets out four key pillars of focus: Power Consumption & Energy Efficiencies, Travel to and at Work, Value Chain and an improved Circular Business Model. In 2022, we have seen an increase in our Scope 1 emissions due to higher levels of refrigerant gas leakages from the use and recovery of cooling equipment and testing activity on our diesel generators reverting to pre-covid levels. We have however, also seen a significant decrease in our Scope 3 emissions, resulting in a total footprint reduction of 38%. Our focus now continues to be on monitoring the data, highlighting efficiencies and developing our pathway to achieve further reductions.

Some of our key achievements in these areas include:

Power Consumption & Energy Efficiencies

The use of solar power has contributed to a reduction of 3 tC02e at our West Exchange and Little Sark sites.**

We’ve replaced a generator at West Exchange from diesel to HVO biofuel, as well as replacing some of our air conditioning units across our buildings.

Travel to and at Work

2022 saw a further 19 JT employees purchase bikes through the bike subsidy scheme (a total of 99 subsidies have been granted since the scheme was launched in 2020) and through our corporate partner scheme with EVie, we provided employee discounts for 276 bike hires. A commuting habits survey of employees was carried out by the JT Aspire team (an internal Leadership training scheme), who found that 61% of our employees would consider using an Electric Vehicle and 65% of respondents made meaningful suggestions for changing commuting habits. We have also reduced our JT van fleet by 8% in 2022, with electric vehicles now making up 34% of the remaining fleet.

Value Chain

Our value chain encompasses all our activities to bring our products and services from conception to end use and beyond. Further understanding and reducing environmental and social impacts created within our value chain is a core focus for 2023. We continue to engage with our suppliers to collaborate, share our climate ambitions, and improve on the quality of sustainability data that we collect from them. We recognise that impact in this area can only be achieved through strong collaboration and we have a lot more to do.

Circular Business Model

A number of the original ambitions in this pillar of the Strategy were delivered on throughout the year, including 100% recyclable packaging in all stores and introducing new eco lines. In October 2022, JT’s retail offering included a ‘like new’ range, promoting and selling refurbished devices alongside the Fairphone and solar headphones.

2022 Carbon Footprint

Scope 1+2

2022 saw an 12% increase in our Scope 1+2 verified footprint to 1,430 tCO2e, compared to 1,281 tCO2e in 2021 and 1,384 tC02e in 2020 (but a 51% reduction over 2 years since 2,923 tCO2e in 2019).

Key areas of reduction over the last 12 months specifically have been from reduced electricity consumption and company vehicle fuel usage, whilst the recovery of refrigerant gases from air conditioning units has caused the biggest increase.

Our People Commitments

JT’s People ambition also sets out two key pillars of focus: Community and Diversity Inclusion and Belonging. 2022 saw a number of key achievements:


• Launched JT Community Giving

• Launched JT £4£ Matching and Volunteer Day policies to all employees globally

• Helped to raise over £40,000 for chosen charities through the organising and sponsoring of fundraising events (see more on p20 JT in the Community page).

Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging (D&I)

• 100% employee completion of ESG and Inclusion e-learning certification

• Launched an Accelerate management development programme with unconscious bias and inclusion modules

• Delivered ‘I am, I can, I belong’ workshops

• Introduced pronouns and pronunciations on email signatures

• Increased ENEI score from 37% to 61% against a target of 44% (See our People page for more detail on p14.)

Scope 3

Our Scope 3 footprint has seen a 43% reduction with a total of 8,197 tC02e. This is due to improved granularity in data collection, and lower spend in some categories. The JT Sustainability Strategy is currently under review and will be re-evaluated to include a deeper focus on Scope 3 emissions in 2023 onwards to meet the challenge of halving our supply chain emissions by 2030. We will engage with JT suppliers to ensure their carbon footprint is reported on and we reduce our footprint together.

Carbon Emission Offsetting

Whilst we’re doing what we can to proactively reduce our carbon footprint year-on-year, we continue to offset the carbon we currently cannot avoid generating.

JT continues to offset its Scope 1+2 carbon emissions for 2022 at a cost of £39,996 via the Durrell Rewild Carbon offset scheme.

Sharing Best Practice Locally

We continue to drive sustainability to the top of all our agendas and make room for change. As well as the work we do internally, we also want to inspire and support other businesses and individuals in their sustainability journeys. In 2022, as a business, we have been involved with a number of ESG events. I personally gave a talk at LEAP 2022, was a panelist at the IOD “ESG – Measures that Matter” event, presented at Guernsey Chamber of Commerce Lunch and Learn to share JT’s sustainability journey so far, and also shared our story at the Counsel & Co session held by Carey Olsen. It is only by working together, that we will protect our Islands and planet for the many generations to come.

2023 – Looking Forward

Whilst we report transparently on our Sustainability progress and have a robust roadmap of reductions and activities taking us to 2030, we know we still have a way to go. 2023 will be focused on continuing to gather the data which will prepare us for future reporting requirements, increase our accountability and enhance transparency on our contribution to sustainable development, supporting the shared goals for our Island.

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