Parai Nilam
This was part of the group collaboration project Parai Nilam 2022 summer, in which I worked on the design of the rainwater recycling system and the housing cluster.

*This diagram is made by other group members

Rain Water water storage tank (single family collection tank) Drink/Cook/Bath/Laundry fi ltration and boiling process 5-8 family cluster tank Grey Water Central tank 1st class treatment fiber and dye planting zones irrigation Bio remediation textile operations (dye, wash,..) Home garden irrigation Kitchen/Toilet Composting or Digester tank (Biogas/biomass) Cooking Biogass Fertilizer Biomass agriculture Surface Runo ff charcoal sand clay pot sand phytoremediation other water tanks for agriculture Composting or Digester tank (Biogas/biomass) individual home community level shared outside of residential area /agriculture and workshop area textile operation Animal waste Dye waste black water community gardens irrigation Fertilizer Biomass center kitchen center laundry water storage tank (community center collection tank) 2nd class treatment