Rate a look Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing el it, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna al iqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut al i quip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate vel it esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt moll it anim id est laborum.
21 w w w. m e nsfashi onm agaz i ne .co.u k
SCENTS We all know the importance of smell ing good in the summer. It’s important to find good protection for your armpits to avoid body odour, but at the same time you want a statement scent which attracts attention. The most important factor to consider when choosing the right scent is how much you apply. If the scent is strong, keep it minimal. You don’t want to overpower with aftershave, walking into a room and blasting people with a strong scent is a huge turn off. When it comes to application, less is more. You want to opt for a lighter fragrance that features fruitier or citrus scent. The leaders in aftershaves tend to always produce a summer range, focusing on lighter fragrances and right on the money with the scent. Here’s some of our top picks for 2012.
23 w w w. me nsfashionm agaz i ne .co.u k
24 J u l y
2 0 1 3
The Quiff
New year, new you?
Styling The Quiff
The qui ff was originally made pop-
The b est way to describ e the cut in
ular in the 50’s and was an absolute
order to get exactly what you want
staple for every ‘Teddy boy’. However
i s to ask for the sides and back very
it raise d its head once again during
short, r ight almost up to the crown of
the 80’s and now is currently back
your hair with an extreme undercut
and doesn’t seem to be moving an-
around by your temples. Keep a lot
ywhere as we progress into 2013. So
of length in front but fade i t back to
who’s currently rocking it? Well the
the crown.
‘Beckham Qui ff’ has taken off mas-
Rub a me dium amount of product
sively and has become an easy yet
into your hands (preferably something
effect ive style to maintain. However
not to greasy) and run i t through your
in order to get it right and know how
hair so the fringe falls back into a
to style it, here’s a few t ips.
qui ff. It really i s that simple.
25 w w w. m e nsfashi onm agaz i ne .co.u k
26 July . 2013