Juan Álvaro +34 655.21.66.01 juanalvaropernia@gmail.com
C/ Núñez Morgado 9, 8º D dcha. 28036 Madrid
Drawing. Opening article in Cuadernos de Jazz magazine No. 117. March/April, 2010.
Juan Álvaro +34 655.21.66.01 juanalvaropernia@gmail.com
C/ Núñez Morgado 9, 8º D dcha. 28036 Madrid
Drawing for short story. Interviú magazine. Special Edition 1787 27. July, 27th, 2010.
Juan Álvaro +34 655.21.66.01 juanalvaropernia@gmail.com
C/ Núñez Morgado 9, 8º D dcha. 28036 Madrid
Drawing for article “Soluciones Emergentes” (Emerging Solutions) in Excelente magazine. February, 2012.
Juan Álvaro +34 655.21.66.01 juanalvaropernia@gmail.com
C/ Núñez Morgado 9, 8º D dcha. 28036 Madrid
Two-page spread of my illustrated book for children Por el bosque (In the Forest). Published by Diputación Provincial de Cuenca.
Juan Álvaro +34 655.21.66.01 juanalvaropernia@gmail.com
C/ Núñez Morgado 9, 8º D dcha. 28036 Madrid
Two-page spread of my illustrated book for children Por el bosque (In the Forest). Published by Diputación Provincial de Cuenca.
Juan Álvaro +34 655.21.66.01 juanalvaropernia@gmail.com
C/ Núñez Morgado 9, 8º D dcha. 28036 Madrid
Two-page spread of my illustrated book for children Por el bosque (In the Forest). Published by Diputación Provincial de Cuenca.
Juan Álvaro +34 655.21.66.01 juanalvaropernia@gmail.com
C/ Núñez Morgado 9, 8º D dcha. 28036 Madrid
Two-page spread of my illustrated book for children Por el bosque (In the Forest). Published by Diputación Provincial de Cuenca.
Juan Álvaro +34 655.21.66.01 juanalvaropernia@gmail.com
C/ Núñez Morgado 9, 8º D dcha. 28036 Madrid
Two-page spread of my illustrated book for children Por el bosque (In the Forest). Published by Diputación Provincial de Cuenca.
Juan Álvaro +34 655.21.66.01 juanalvaropernia@gmail.com
C/ Núñez Morgado 9, 8º D dcha. 28036 Madrid
Page of my illustrated book for children Por qué las señoritas no invitan a los superhéroes a tomar café (Why young ladies don’t ask superheroes for tea).
Juan Álvaro +34 655.21.66.01 juanalvaropernia@gmail.com
C/ Núñez Morgado 9, 8º D dcha. 28036 Madrid
Page of my illustrated book for children Por qué las señoritas no invitan a los superhéroes a tomar café (Why young ladies don’t ask superheroes for tea).
Juan Álvaro +34 655.21.66.01 juanalvaropernia@gmail.com
C/ Núñez Morgado 9, 8º D dcha. 28036 Madrid
Drawing. Personal project for children’s book.
Juan Álvaro +34 655.21.66.01 juanalvaropernia@gmail.com
C/ Núñez Morgado 9, 8º D dcha. 28036 Madrid
Drawing. Personal project for children’s book.
Juan Álvaro +34 655.21.66.01 juanalvaropernia@gmail.com
C/ Núñez Morgado 9, 8º D dcha. 28036 Madrid
Drawing. Personal project for children’s book.
Juan Álvaro +34 655.21.66.01 juanalvaropernia@gmail.com
C/ Núñez Morgado 9, 8º D dcha. 28036 Madrid
Two-page spread of my illustrated book for children Battle.
Juan Álvaro +34 655.21.66.01 juanalvaropernia@gmail.com
C/ Núñez Morgado 9, 8º D dcha. 28036 Madrid
JUAN ÁLVARO PERNÍA Madrid, Spain, 1968 Architect. Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. 1997. Grade: Good with distinction.
2009 Colvet Magazine
Drawing for front cover January issue. 2014
De Libros Magazine Illustration of front cover . Issues No. 113 & 114.
Letras Lacanianas
Claves de Razón Práctica Magazine Illustrations for No. 187 issue.
Contribution to January issue. 2007 2011 – Currently
El Mundo Newspaper
Guardia Civil Magazine Opening drawing for Chronicle supplement No. 187. Regular contributor. Short stories section. ILLUSTRATIONS FOR BOOKS
2011 – 2014
Excelente Iberia Magazine 2014
Diputación de Cuenca
Regular contributor. Finance section. Author and illustrator of children’s book Se dieron cuenta. 2010 – 2012
La Gaceta Newspaper 2013
Diputación de Cuenca
Weekly contributor for op-ed articles. Regular contributor. Author and illustrator of children’s book Por el bosque (In the Forest). 2012
Forever Magazine 2011
Unión Editorial
Contribution article on cuisine. 2010 – 2011
Illustrations for November 14th, 2010 issue, January 23rd, 2011 issue, and June 5th, 2011 issue. 2010 – 2011
Front cover and illustrations of book 2007-2009. Crónicas de la gran recesión. (Chronicles of the Great Recesion).
Época Magazine 2005
Lulu Self-published and co-authored book Libro casual. Diario de un chimpancé (A chimp’s Diary).
Fundación BBVA Illustrations for Annual Report 2009 and Bulletins 21 & 24. PAINTINGS
Interviú Magazine
Diputación de Cuenca
Illustrations for short story published on July 26th and August 2nd issues. Individual exhibition scheduled on September 2014. 2008 – 2011
Cuadernos de Jazz Magazine COMPUTER GRAPHICS Regular contributor to Second Line section and front covers. Illustration of banner for magazine’s 20th Anniversary.
2000 – Currently
Fenwick Iribarren Architects
Stadiums, sports complex, offices, commercial and leisure, master plan, housing.
ARCHITECTURE 2000 – 2007
Studio Juan Álvaro del Sur 2000 – Actualidad
Fenwick Iribarren Architects (Project Associate)
Detached housing, non residential, offices. Stadiums, sport complex, ofices, commercial and leisure, master plan, housing. 2004
Studio Alberto di Nuncio 1998 – 1999
Studio B/SV (Senior Architect)
Commercial and leisure. Refurbishment, expansion and remodelling, commercial and leisure, residential complex. 2002- 2003
Studio José Martínez Sarandeses y María Mena 1997 – 1998
EDIMARO S.A. (Assistant Project Director)
Offices, urban planning. Hotel complex, residential complex, golf club. 2002
Studio Francisco Longoria Sports complex, museum.
1996 – 1997
Studio Arturo Ordozgoiti (Junior Architect) Refurbishment and housing development.
Monitoring facilities. 1996 1997
Studio José Luis Mora (Internship)
Edimaro S.A.
Enlargement tender of Prado Museum in Madrid. Sports complex. 2000 – 2010
Fenwick Iribarren Architects 1986 – 2002 Stadiums, sports complex, offices, commercial and leisure, master plan, housing.
1986 - 2007
Studio Salvador Fudio - Juan Álvaro del Sur (Contributor) Administration, offices, housing, commercial and leisure, health.
Studio Juan Álvaro del Sur LANGUAGES Detached housing, non residential, bank offices.
Spanish, German, English 1998 – 1999
Studio B/SV TECHNICAL SKILLS Residential complex. 3D Studio Max, Vray, Photoshop, AutoCAD, Microstation, Premiere, Microsoft Office, Corel Draw, mockups, watercolor, pastel, acrylic, modelling.
PERSPECTIVES 2000 – 2010
Fenwick Iribarren Architects
EDUCATION BA in Architecture. Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid.
Stadiums, sports complex, offices, commercial and leisure, master plan, housing.
1986 - 2007
Studio Juan Álvaro del Sur Detached housing, non residential, bank offices
1998 – 1999
Studio B/SV Residential complex.