Vol. I Issue III

Page 12

Not so Fast: What you need to know about 'intermittent fasting' before embarking on the journey

Without modern inventions such as

will result in losing weight, and

a mockery to everything that is

agriculture, markets, taverns,

many other potential health

spiritual and religious!

restaurants, vending machines, or

benefits. However, fasting also

Postmates - just to name a few - our

instills discipline and other forms

Okay... so, maybe it's not that deep.

ancestors did not have nearly as

of self-control, as it is (or at least it

But having a comprehensive

much access to food as we do today.

should be) accompanied by

understanding of something as

Not only this, but they typically had


meaningful as fasting is important.

Photograph by Robert Nelson

to work harder to even get their

It’s amazing that fasting has reached a

food. Once upon a time, and even

This is why intermittent fasting is

wider audience. However, before

still today in certain parts of the

such a success and has become so

starving yourself in vain, remember

world, people hunt their food; kill it;


that intention is key to achieving

clean / butcher it; and then prepare it, all by themselves.

This alone would make many of us think twice about the things we ate, and how often we ate them.

Your diet is arguably the single most important thing to your

desired results.

"The idea is to become a more holistic, and better version of yourself"

physical existence; it’s how you fuel

In our interview with Tonya Gonzalez (page 18), she mentions that we tend to focus on the outer experience, while neglecting our inner experience - especially when it comes to the discipline and intentional thinking it takes to accomplish goals. Many “experts” and companies that sell

your body. Therefore, it is only

weight loss as the major benefit of

natural to know and understand

Through this experience,

intermittent fasting are nurturing this

your diet in terms of spirituality.

individuals are not only losing

problematic thinking. In fact, a recent

weight, they are giving their bodies

article published by Harvard’s School

Fasting, or intermittent fasting as

a chance to purge toxins - in more

of Public Health concluded that

culture vultures would say, has long

ways than one. Additionally,

research does not consistently show

been apart of human existence.

purging yourself of toxins (or

that intermittent fasting is superior to

Fasting is the act of abstaining from

fasting) isn’t only about food. You

continuous low calorie diets for

certain foods (or food all together)

can also fast from social media,

weight loss efficiency. Furthermore,

for an extended period of time, and

sex, drugs, etc. The idea is to

many nutritionist argue that fasting

is usually associated with religious

become a more holistic, and better

isn’t necessarily good for losing

practices of self-discovery and / or

version of yourself. So the fact that

weight, as losing weight is only a

penitence. Of course reducing the

fasting has been simplified to just

result of fasting, not the ultimate goal.

amount of calories you consume

another diet craze is insulting, and

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