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Creative Concept A & B + Naming Proposals Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Development / p.v1 / 08, April 2019


Concept AB

Stage 1

8, April 2019


Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Concept AB

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

Creative Concept A & B + Naming Proposals Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Development / p.v1 / 03, April 2019

� Prelude General Overview / Process details————————————— p4 � Brand Strategy Your companion in the cheerful surprise of experimentation —————————————————————————————— p14 � Concept A Experiencing ritualism & origins through fusion——— p18 � Concept B Exploring exercises of freedom————————————— p28 � Name Proposal A Filtered concept stream / Long list / Short list / Top 5 recommendation ————————————————————————————— p38 � Name Proposal B Long list / Short list / Top 5 recommendation — p42 � Apendix Naming details: Long list A & B—————————————— p49 3

Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.



Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

� Prelude General Overview / Process details————————————— p4


Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.



Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019


Prelude - From conversations to evocations - General Overview Procedimiento Naming Creative Concept Brand Strategy

Concept A





Concept B Part I Interview 1 Interview 2 - Visit Briefing Counter Briefing

Part II V-B-A Personality Statement

Brand DNA

Name Proposals A

Part III General Research i & ii

Name Proposals B Part IV Creatives axes Brainstorming Vetting


Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.



Stage 1

8, April 2019

ÂŽ 2019

�I-II Model

Prelude - Brand Strategy Process - Overview Procedimiento


Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Part II V-B-A Personality Statement

Brand DNA


Part I Interview 1 Interview 2 - Visit Briefing Counter Briefing



Stage 1

8, April 2019

ÂŽ 2019

ďż˝-I Brief

Prelude - Brand Strategy Process - Part I (Discover)


Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.



Stage 1

8, April 2019

ÂŽ 2019

ďż˝-II Model

Prelude - Brand Strategy Process - Part II (Definition) Procedimiento


Can be of a rational or emotional nature. They are in the mind of the consumer.

Are abstract, universal, poWEWsitive and desirable. They are in the brand.


Are tangibles, measurable and objectives. They are in the product.



Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.



Stage 1

8, April 2019

ÂŽ 2019

Prelude - Brand Strategy Process - Part II (Definition) Procedimiento ďż˝-II Model

Values The guiding principles and behavior of the brand.

DNA: Idea of brand The essence: The shortest and simplest expression of what a brand represents. The central thought that governs all actions and expressions of the brand.


Core: Personality

Written statement able to describe and synthesize the spirit of the idea of the brand.

Features that help the interpretation and development of brand DNA, in words, images, style and attitude.


Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.



Stage 1

8, April 2019

ÂŽ 2019

ďż˝-II Example

Prelude - Brand Strategy Process - Part II (Definition) Procedimiento


Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.



Stage 1

8, April 2019

ÂŽ 2019


Prelude - Creative Concept Process - Overview Procedimiento Concept A



Concept B Part II V-B-A Personality Statement

Brand DNA

Part III General Research i & ii


Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.



Stage 1

8, April 2019

ÂŽ 2019


Prelude - Naming Process - Overview Procedimiento

Concept A




Concept B Part II V-B-A Personality Statement

Brand DNA

Name Proposals A

Part III General Research i & ii

Name Proposals B Part IV Creatives axes Brainstorming Vetting


Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.



Stage 1

8, April 2019

ÂŽ 2019

� Brand Strategy Your companion in the cheerful surprise of experimentation —————————————————————————————— p14


Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.



Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

ďż˝ Creative Brief

Brand Strategy - Diving - Part I (Discover) Procedimiento


Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Brand Strategy

Stage 1

8, April 2019

ÂŽ 2019

ďż˝ Creative Brief

Brand Strategy - Diving - Part I (Discover) Procedimiento


Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Brand Strategy

Stage 1

8, April 2019

ÂŽ 2019


Brand Strategy - Diving - Part II (Definition) Procedimiento The benefits can be of a rational or emotional nature. They are in the mind of the consumer.

The values are abstract, universal, positive and desirable. They are in the brand.





++ aromatic (coffee) ++ flavour bitter (coffee) ++ temperature hot / cold (coffee & beverages) ++ paper coffee cup ++ plastic coffee cup ++ fresh ingredients (sandwiches & plates) ++ ready made & fresh (sfoliates) ++ plastic / paper bags ++ strait store ++ take away

++ wake up (coffee) ++ quick satisfaction (hunger) ++ feel social gathering ++ comfort / relaxation ++ intelligent solution ++ feel appreciated ++ have personalized treatment ++ feel polite ++ feel at home ++ happy surprise ++ amazed at the quality ++ rejoice in the good treatment ++ be surprised by the innovation

++ satisfaction ++ sociability + ++ innovation ++ equality + ++ generosity + ++ versatility ++ team work + ++ quickness + ++ perfection ++ optimism ++ ++ amiable ++ ++ originality + ++ youth ++ modesty / pride + ++ experimentation ++ memorability +

++ custom service ++ ++ social ++ quick + ++ innovative + ++ cozy +++ ++ generous + ++ equality + ++ modern ++ ++ modest / proud ++ ++ amiable +++ ++ professional ++ jovial ++ ++ staggering +++ ++ cool + ++ authentic ++ ++ trendly ++ ++ experimental + ++ memorable +++ ++ optimistic ++ ++ original ++ ++ young ÂŽ 2019


Brand Strategy

Stage 1


Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.

The attributes are tangible. measurable and objectives. They are in the product and service.

8, April 2019

++ generous + ++ equality + ++ modern ++ ++ memorable +++ ++ optimistic ++ ++ staggering +++ ++ cool +


++ amiable +++ ++ jovial ++

++ custom service ++ ++ quick +


Brand Strategy - Diving - Part II (Definition) Procedimiento

DNA: Idea of brand

Values ++ sociability + ++ equality + ++ generosity + ++ team work + ++ quickness + ++ optimism ++ ++ amiable ++ ++ originality + ++ modesty / pride + ++ memorability +

++ innovative + ++ cozy +++ ++ modest / proud ++ ++ original ++ ++ authentic ++ ++ trendly ++ ++ experimental + Core: Personality


Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Brand Strategy

Stage 1

8, April 2019

ÂŽ 2019


Brand Strategy - Diving - Part II (Definition) Procedimiento Statement


X is the name of the coffee shop, beverages & snacks (sfoliates, sandwitchs, crepes & plates) most often sold by delivery and take away, mostly through orders (phone or efood). It is characterized by its exotic home treatment, its kindness and especially to make you feel like one of us, which makes it an amazing and memorable experience. X is the coffee shop that accompanies you (travels), cares and gives a personalized treatment in the immediate way, anywhere and for any place.

Statement Brand DNA

Core: Personality


Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Brand Strategy

Stage 1

8, April 2019

ÂŽ 2019


Brand Strategy - Diving - Part II (Definition) Procedimiento Statement


X is the name of the coffee shop, beverages & snacks (sfoliates, sandwitchs, crepes & plates) most often sold by delivery and take away, mostly through orders (phone or efood). It is characterized by its exotic home treatment, its kindness and especially to make you feel like one of us, which makes it an amazing and memorable experience. X is the coffee shop that accompanies you (travels), cares and gives a personalized treatment in the immediate way, anywhere and for any place. Brand DNA Your companion in the cheerful surprise of experimentation

Statement Brand DNA

Core: Personality


Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Brand Strategy

Stage 1

8, April 2019

ÂŽ 2019


Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Concept AB

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

� Concept A Experiencing ritualism & origins through fusion——— p18


Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Concept A

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

Concept A Experiencing ritualism & origins through fusion DNA―Your companion in the cheerful surprise of experimentation

Many artistic works have set out to intervene in these strange habits (primitive art); what is at issue, then, is not whether painting or sculpture is beautiful in our opinion, but whether it works, that is to say whether it can perform the magic required. In addition, the artist works for people of his own tribe, who know exactly what each form and each color are intended to mean. They are not expected to invent or change elements of their medium, but only to apply all their skill and knowledge in the execution of their work. E. H. Gombrich, History of Art


Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Concept A

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

Concept A Experiencing ritualism & origins through fusion DNA―Your companion in the cheerful surprise of experimentation Core/Personality: ++cozy — — — — — — — — — — — — experiences like ex-home to your home ++amiable— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — sharing & experimenting ++staggering——————————————————————————discovery ++memorable — — — — — — — — — — — — new horizons and experiences

++warm — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — chromatic palette ++international — — — — — — — — — — — — — — coffee origins / aesthetic ++carefree — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — fusion design ++modern — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — communication trends ++organic — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — origins/forms ++equal — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — cultural inclusion / esthetics 23

Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Concept A

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

Concept A Experiencing ritualism & origins through fusion DNA―Your companion in the cheerful surprise of experimentation Coffee fusion: Greece + Origins It is proposed to create a visual identity with two basic elements, one representing the tradition of coffee in Greece (stable element) and the other representing the origins of coffee (variable element), such as Ethiopia, Yemen, Arabia, South America, etc ....


Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Concept A

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

Concept A Experiencing ritualism & origins through fusion DNA―Your companion in the cheerful surprise of experimentation Coffee fusion: Greece + Origins

Greece Ethiopia variable element (origins)

stable element

Greece Brazil 25

Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Concept A

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

Concept A Experiencing ritualism & origins through fusion DNA―Your companion in the cheerful surprise of experimentation

Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Concept A

Stage 1

8, April 2019

ÂŽ 2019


#jonacthan Fusion reference, example

Concept A Experiencing ritualism & origins through fusion DNA―Your companion in the cheerful surprise of experimentation Coffee fusion: Greece + Origins Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4: Session 5: ...

Greece + Ethiopia Greece + Yemen Greece + Arabia Greece + Brazil Greece + Peru


Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Concept A

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

Concept A Experiencing ritualism & origins through fusion DNA―Your companion in the cheerful surprise of experimentation Coffee fusion: Greece Rituals and origins in the culture of coffee ++Orthodox traditions during the period of the Ottoman Empire ++Fusion between orthodox and islamic traditions ++Traditions of the Byzantine Empire up to the resistance of otomanization ++European alchemy, which has origins in Greek philosophy, Hellenistic Egypt, and Christian mythology


Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Concept A

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

Concept A Experiencing ritualism & origins through fusion DNA―Your companion in the cheerful surprise of experimentation Coffee fusion: Greece Rituals and origins in the culture of coffee ++Orthodox traditions during the period of the Ottoman Empire ++Fusion between orthodox and islamic traditions ++Traditions of the Byzantine Empire up to the resistance of otomanization ++European alchemy, which has origins in Greek philosophy, Hellenistic Egypt, and Christian mythology


Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Concept A

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

Concept A Experiencing ritualism & origins through fusion DNA―Your companion in the cheerful surprise of experimentation Coffee fusion: Ethiopia (Origins → S1) Rituals and origins in the culture of coffee ++The coffee tree comes from the north of Ethiopia (before called Abyssinia). Cafeto is probably originally from the province of Kaffa, Etiopía. ++The ceremony is Ethiopia’s homage to coffee as proclaimed by the ancient proverb, Buna dabo naw, “Coffee is our bread” ++The Ethiopian ancestors of today's Oromo tribe, were the first to have recognized the energizing effect of the native coffee plant. Waqa god. 30

Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Concept A

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

Concept A Experiencing ritualism & origins through fusion DNA―Your companion in the cheerful surprise of experimentation Coffee fusion: Ethiopia (Origins → S1) Rituals and origins in the culture of coffee Sini Ethiopian Coffee Cup

Rékébot Ethiopian/Eritrean Coffee Tray

Jebena Pot Container used to brew coffee

Woven Straw Fans-Plates


Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Concept A

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

Concept A Experiencing ritualism & origins through fusion DNA―Your companion in the cheerful surprise of experimentation Coffee fusion: Ethiopia (Origins → S1) Purpose of the Coffee Ceremony Throughout the country, the coffee ceremony serves to bring people together, primarily women, to discuss their daily lives, their families, to gossip; nonetheless, it is always a social gathering. It is a time to relax and to take a break from the stresses of daily life. Done on a daily basis, it forges a strong bond between neighbours as it conveys a sense of ritualism and hospitality since it is performed in a particular fashion that needs to be satisfied each time.1

The Comforts of Coffee: The Role of the Coffee Ceremony in Ethiopians' Efforts to Cope with Social Upheaval during the Derg Regime (1974-1991), Dahay Daniel, p80



Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Concept A

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

Concept A Experiencing ritualism & origins through fusion DNA―Your companion in the cheerful surprise of experimentation Coffee fusion: Ethiopia (Origins → S1) The Therapeutic Effects of the Coffee Ceremony "The trauma that Ethiopians experienced throughout the regime could not be remedied by any formal counseling or psychiatric services since there were limited facilities available at the time. Having coffee, then, was in itself a form of therapy as it allowed for family, friends, and neighbours to share their problems."2


The Comforts of Coffee: The Role of the Coffee Ceremony in Ethiopians' Efforts to Cope with Social Upheaval during the Derg Regime (1974-1991), Dahay Daniel, p89


Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Concept A

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019


Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Concept A

Stage 1

8, April 2019

ÂŽ 2019


Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Concept AB

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

� Concept B Exploring exercises of freedom————————————— p27


Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Concept B

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

Concept B Exploring exercises of freedom DNA―Your companion in the cheerful surprise of experimentation

In the background, all pleasure of the spirit; there lies that inexhaustible source, flowing in the form of desire that no satisfaction would know how to satisfy. E. Jünger, Approaches


Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Concept B

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

Concept B Exploring exercises of freedom DNA―Your companion in the cheerful surprise of experimentation Core/Personality: ++cozy— game with "get out of the comfort zone" and "come back." ++amiable— —companion who encourages liberation, or reflection ++staggering—————————discover reality (or reality itentions) ++memorable — — — — — — — experience of leaving the cave, sharing

++warm — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —sun / looking for warmth ++international — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —universality (liberation) ++carefree — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — attitude and courage ++modern — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — communication trends* ++organic — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —origins/forms* ++equal — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — cultural inclusion / esthetics* 38

*aesthetics of graphic language Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Concept B

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

Concept B Exploring exercises of freedom DNA―Your companion in the cheerful surprise of experimentation Allegory of the Cave

Plato, Republic (514a–520a) The situation of men chained from birth to a cave where all they see are the shadows reflected on the wall of the cave and some outside noises that create reality from what they feel. One of the prisoners finally gets rid of the chains and goes out into the outside world learning and knowing about 'reality'. When the free man returns to the cave to free his prisoner friends, nobody listens to him, accuses him of being a liar and condemns him to death. 39

Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Concept B

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

Concept B Exploring exercises of freedom DNA―Your companion in the cheerful surprise of experimentation

exploring the outskirts of the cave


sharing with the consumer the temporary experience of



Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Concept B

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

Concept B Exploring exercises of freedom DNA―Your companion in the cheerful surprise of experimentation

exploring not corrupt ways of


sharing with the consumer the temporary experience of



Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Concept B

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

Concept B Exploring exercises of freedom DNA―Your companion in the cheerful surprise of experimentation

exploring not corrupt ways of



Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Concept B

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

Concept B Exploring exercises of freedom DNA―Your companion in the cheerful surprise of experimentation

exploring not corrupt ways of



Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Concept B

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019


Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Concept B

Stage 1

8, April 2019

ÂŽ 2019

Concept B Exploring exercises of freedom DNA―Your companion in the cheerful surprise of experimentation



The management professor Peter Drucker credits Kafka with developing the first civilian hard hat while employed at the Worker's Accident Insurance Institute, but this is not supported by any document from his employer.His father often referred to his son's job as an insurance officer as a Brotberuf ,literally "bread job", a job done only to

Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Illustration Concept B

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019



Concept B Exploring exercises of freedom DNA―Your companion in the cheerful surprise of experimentation �

Exercises of freedom: Drawing, subjective selfexpression / share these exercises with customers a. Exploration/Illustration with collaborators: Co-Design:


Sentiment/emotion Maria, cashier What is most important to you when you work? 07/04/2019 Make customers happy, brighten

→ ( T* ) →



Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Concept B


T*: Translator/guide ++ Workshop with Art Therapist ++ Workshop with Studio Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

Concept B Exploring exercises of freedom DNA―Your companion in the cheerful surprise of experimentation Exercises of freedom: Drawing, subjective selfexpression / share these exercises with customers a. Exploration/Illustration with collaborators: Co-Design b. Exploration/Illustration with objects (subjectivity) of collaborators c. Exploration/Illustration with abstractionist artist with works in freedom and exploration


Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Concept B

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019


Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Concept B

Stage 1

8, April 2019

ÂŽ 2019


Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Concept AB

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

a e i t h e r í t h a l p o r t h á l p s i é n t e f x i e i r . f ý s i t h e l k t í é v m i k t o a g i s t ý a t r o p o a m o t h a r d o i k e í o ó t h o m a k e d n ó e f t o p o h o i p o l l o a n t o c h é t a i r e í e t a i r o o p a o s y n i v o a d a i t r o x e n i o Lainas, Coffee n Store eKostas u o o Visual Identity Develop.

s í s s i s r s s s i o s i s s i í a s n s s s s

e u o p o s f i l i o o f i l o f i l o s a l e g i z o a n a k l i s i s c a f e t h e r i a t o ' o m c o & f f e e f f e e & c o c o - s p a c e c o & m e c u l t o f c o f f e e c c o o f f e e f e e l & c o c a f e t h e r i a c o f f e r c o m p a n e r o c o m r a d e c o f f e i n e e t h e r l y c o b e e n c a f e t h e r m e t a b e a n c a f e n i a Pm e t aConceptcAB u p

k a f e t h e b u z z c u p s i t a k o c o f f e e u n i o k a f e n n o i a r e s t o a l é t h é r o p a r a i f a s i p r o t e l i o a t ý z a l a l a e i e s t e k v o l i o k s y p n e n i e f o d i o e u o d i o d a i o k e l l e u i l i o a l e g i z e i s o p s i a u t o a g a t h o aStage 1 r y s8, April 2019 t i

r p s n a s i s i s o a ó n ō a s a s a s o s n s

f a u s i f o t a g o g i d i i l i o e i l i l i o s t e r i a i o r i s i k i n i m p r o s k a i r o a f n a f n i d i o d i a k y m a i n b w v 2 1 p i c a n d e c o p e r n i c camaraetheri c o r t a z a c o m p a s b l a c h i g h c a f f e i n b l c k b l c b l c j a k c o f f e e i f o r e v e r y o n c o f f e e c ®u2019 l t c

s a o i s s a s o s o 1 r o a r s k e k k o s e o

� Name Proposals A Filtered concept stream / Long list / Short list / Top recommendation ——————————————————————————— p38 Experiencing ritualism & origins through fusion


Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Name Proposal A

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

� Filtered concept stream A&B proskairos afno afnidios diakymaino BWV211 211 Picander copernico camara etheria Cortazar compass black highcaffeine blckblck blck jako aeitherís thalporí thálpsis éntefxis eiri .fýsis thelktír évmiktos agistýs atropos

amothi ardo oikeíos óthomai kednós eftopos hoi polloi antochí étaireía etairos opaon synivos adaitros xenios eunoos euopos filioo filofilos alegizo anaklisis cafetheria to'om co&ffee ffee&co co-space co&me

Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Stage 1

Name Proposal A&B

Cult of Coffee ccooffee feel&co coffer companero comrade coffeine etherly cobeen cafether metabean cafenia metacup kafether buzzcup psitakos coffeeunion kafennoia arestos coffee is for everyone Coffee Cult Co Coffee&Co cife cc ccc 8, April 2019


aléi théros paraifasii protelios atýzo alala aeiestó ekvolion ksypnō enia efodios euodia odaios kella euilios alegizo eisopsis autoagatho arystis fausis fotagogia diilioo eili iliosteris aiorisis kinima

® 2019

ďż˝(Filtered concept stream A&B)

name proposal

descriptor blck coffee store Coffee Cult Company


name proposal


Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Name Proposal A&B

Stage 1

8, April 2019

ÂŽ 2019

�A - Long List - Experiencing ritualism & origins through fusion opaon synivos adaitros xenios eunoos euopos filioo filofilos alegizo anaklisis cafetheria to'om co&ffee ffee&co co-space co&me Cult of Coffee ccooffee feel&co coffer

Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Name Proposal A&B

companero comrade coffeine etherly cobeen cafether metabean cafenia metacup kafether buzzcup psitakos coffeeunion kafennoia arestos coffee is for everyone Coffee Cult Co Coffee&Co


aeitherís thalporí thálpsis éntefxis eiri .fýsis thelktír évmiktos agistýs atropos amothi ardo oikeíos óthomai kednós eftopos hoi polloi antochí étaireía etairos

cife - CCC - CC Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

�A - Short List - Experiencing ritualism & origins through fusion

Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.

co&me co-space Cult of Coffee Coffee Cult Co ccooffee companero etherly metabean cafenia buzzcup co&ffee P-

Name Proposal A

Stage 1

8, April 2019



.fýsis atropos ardo oikeíos eftopos hoi polloi étaireía xenios filioo cafetheria to'om

® 2019

�A - Top 5 recommendations - Experiencing ritualism & origins through fusion / Your companion in the cheerful surprise of experimentation


Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Name Proposal A

Stage 1

8, April 2019

ÂŽ 2019

�A - Top 5 (1) - Experiencing ritualism & origins through fusion

.fýsis 57

Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Name Proposal A

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

�A - Top 5 (1) - Experiencing ritualism & origins through fusion

companion of origin, where everything be-


Descriptive - Evocative /φύσις/ origin,

.fýsis coffee place [εfýsi:z]


DNA: Your companion in the cheerful surprise of experimentation Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Name Proposal A

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

�A - Top 5 (1) - Experiencing ritualism & origins through fusion

.fýsis coffee place www.fysis.coffee www.fysiscoffee.com #fysiscoffee 59

Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Name Proposal A

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

�A - Top 5 (2) - Experiencing ritualism & origins through fusion

to'om 60

Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Name Proposal A

Stage 1

8, April 2019

ÂŽ 2019

�A - Top 5 (2) - Experiencing ritualism & origins through fusion

if you don't tell them that coffee is very good

and very nice...they will keep doing it, all day"

Abstract - Descriptive tasty in Tigrinya "

to'om coffee place [to om]

Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Name Proposal A

Stage 1

8, April 2019


DNA: Your companion in the cheerful surprise of experimentation ÂŽ 2019

�A - Top 5 (2) - Experiencing ritualism & origins through fusion

to'om coffee place www.to-om.com www.to-om.coffee #toomcoffee 62

Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Name Proposal A

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

�A - Top 5 (3) - Experiencing ritualism & origins through fusion

cafetheria 63

Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Name Proposal A

Stage 1

8, April 2019

ÂŽ 2019

�A - Top 5 (3) - Experiencing ritualism & origins through fusion

καφετέρια. Alchemy in coffee, liquid as the


Descriptive - Evocative cafe+ether,

cafetheria [kə'feiθəriə]


DNA: Your companion in the cheerful surprise of experimentation Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Name Proposal A

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

�A - Top 5 (3) - Experiencing ritualism & origins through fusion

cafetheria www.cafetheria.com www.cafetheria.space #cafetheria 65

Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Name Proposal A

Stage 1

8, April 2019

ÂŽ 2019

�A - Top 5 (4) - Experiencing ritualism & origins through fusion

companero 66

Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Name Proposal A

Stage 1

8, April 2019

ÂŽ 2019

Evocative companion (spanish, latin),

co - companion, coffee. be the partner of.

�A - Top 5 (4) - Experiencing ritualism & origins through fusion

companero coffee eng[kαmpən'jεrou], esp[compañ'Irou]


DNA: Your companion in the cheerful surprise of experimentation Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Name Proposal A

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

�A - Top 5 (4) - Experiencing ritualism & origins through fusion

companero coffee www.companero.coffee www.companerocoffee.com #coffeecompanero 68

Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Name Proposal A

Stage 1

8, April 2019

ÂŽ 2019

�A - Top 5 (5) - Experiencing ritualism & origins through fusion

etherly 69

Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Name Proposal A

Stage 1

8, April 2019

ÂŽ 2019

�A - Top 5 (5) - Experiencing ritualism & origins through fusion

nify) cup of the day, clear sky. Alchemy and


Evocative ether (coffee) + early, first (mag-

etherly coffee place ['iθərli]


DNA: Your companion in the cheerful surprise of experimentation Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Name Proposal A

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

�A - Top 5 (5) - Experiencing ritualism & origins through fusion

etherly coffee place www.etherly.coffee www.etherlydosis.com #etherlycoffee 71

Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Name Proposal A

Stage 1

8, April 2019

ÂŽ 2019

� Name Proposal B Long list / Short list / Top recommendation — p41 Exploring exercises of freedom


Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Name Proposal B

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

�B - Long List - Exploring exercises of freedom

Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Name Proposal B

Stage 1

afnidios diakymaino BWV211 211 Picander copernico camara etheria Cortazar compass black highcaffeine blckblck blck jako 8, April 2019

® 2019


euilios alegizo eisopsis autoagatho arystis fausis fotagogia diilioo eili iliosteris aiorisis kinima proskairos afno

aléi théros paraifasii protelios atýzo alala aeiestó ekvolion ksypnō enia efodio euodia odaios kella

�B - Short List - Exploring exercises of freedom

Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Name Proposal B

Stage 1

8, April 2019


alala eili ilioster kinima 211 copernico camara etheria compass high caffeine blck

aléi aeiestó ksypnō enia efodio euodia kella arystis fotagogia diilioo

® 2019

�B - Top 5 recommendations - Exploring exercises of freedom / Your companion in the cheerful surprise of experimentation


Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Name Proposal B

Stage 1

8, April 2019

ÂŽ 2019

�B - Top 5 (1) - Exploring exercises of freedom

aléi 76

Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Name Proposal B

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

�B - Top 5 (1) - Exploring exercises of freedom

motive that incites to leave the cave, to

explore, life.

Evocative /ἀλέη/ warm sunshine, that

aléi coffee place [aléI]


DNA: Your companion in the cheerful surprise of experimentation Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Name Proposal B

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

�B - Top 5 (1) - Exploring exercises of freedom

aléi coffee place www.alei.coffee www.alei.gr #aleicoffee 78

Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Name Proposal B

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

�B - Top 5 (2) - Exploring exercises of freedom

ksypnō 79

Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Name Proposal B

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

�B - Top 5 (2) - Exploring exercises of freedom

to explore new boundaries. reason to leave

the cave.

Evocative /ξυπνῶ/ wake up. action needed

ksypnō coffee place [ksypnó]


DNA: Your companion in the cheerful surprise of experimentation Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Name Proposal B

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

�B - Top 5 (2) - Exploring exercises of freedom

ksypnō coffee place www.ksypno.com www.ksypno.coffee #ksypnocoffee 81

Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Name Proposal B

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

�B - Top 5 (3) - Exploring exercises of freedom

kinima 82

Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Name Proposal B

Stage 1

8, April 2019

ÂŽ 2019

�B - Top 5 (3) - Exploring exercises of freedom

necessary to explore new limits. descrip-

tor that incites the liberation of being.

Evocative /κίνημα/ movement. action

kinima coffee place [kinima]


DNA: Your companion in the cheerful surprise of experimentation Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Name Proposal B

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

�B - Top 5 (3) - Exploring exercises of freedom

kinima coffee place www.kinima.coffee www.kinima.space #coffeekinima 84

Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Name Proposal B

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

�B - Top 5 (4) - Exploring exercises of freedom

camara etheria 85

Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Name Proposal B

Stage 1

8, April 2019

ÂŽ 2019

�B - Top 5 (4) - Exploring exercises of freedom

ber, eher, alchemy and quintessence. place

of change, liberation.

Descriptive - Evocative camera, cham-

camara etheria coffee [kα'mαrə etheria]


DNA: Your companion in the cheerful surprise of experimentation Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Name Proposal B

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

�B - Top 5 (4) - Exploring exercises of freedom

camara etheria coffee www.camaraetheria.com www.camaraetheria.coffee #camaraetheria 87

Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Name Proposal B

Stage 1

8, April 2019

ÂŽ 2019

�B - Top 5 (5) - Exploring exercises of freedom

blck 88

Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Name Proposal B

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

�B - Top 5 (5) - Exploring exercises of freedom

coffee, simbolism. mysticism, association

with the darkness of the product and our being that seeks liberation.

Descriptive - Evocative - Abstract black

blck coffee [blæk 'kαfi]


DNA: Your companion in the cheerful surprise of experimentation Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Name Proposal B

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

�B - Top 5 (5) - Exploring exercises of freedom

blck coffee www.blck.gr www.blckcoffee.co #blckcoffee 90

Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Name Proposal B

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

� Apendix Naming details: Long list A & B—————————————— p9


Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.



Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

�A - Long List - Experiencing ritualism & origins through fusion

Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.



Stage 1

8, April 2019


/ἀειθερής/ always warming /ἀμφιθάλπω/ warm on both sides, cherish /θάλψις/ warming, fomenting /ἔντευξις/ lighting upon, meeting with /εἴρη/ a place of assembly / rainbow /φύσις/ origin /θελκτήρ/ soother, charmer /εὔμικτος/ social /ἁγιστύς/ ceremony /ἄτροπος/ not to be turned, unchangeable, eternal /ἁμόθι/ together, in common /ἄρδω/ water /οικειος/ friend /οθομαι/ I take care of someone /κεδνός/ careful, diligent, trusty /ευτοπος/ good place /οι πολλοί/ the many /ἀντοχή/ adhesion /ἑταιρεία/ association, brotherhood /ἑταῖρος/ comrade, companion


aeitherís thalporí thálpsis éntefxis eiri .fýsis thelktír évmiktos agistýs atropos amothi ardo oikeíos óthomai kednós eftopos hoi polloi antochí étaireía etairos

® 2019

�A - Long List - Experiencing ritualism & origins through fusion

Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.



Stage 1

8, April 2019


/ὀπάων/ comrade /σύνηβος/ young comrade /ἄδαιτρος/ undivided /ξένιος/ belonging to friendship,hospitality /εὔνοος/ well-disposed, kindly, friendly /εὐωπός/ friendly /φιλιόω/ make a friend of /φιλόφιλος/ loving one's friends /ἀλεγίζω/ trouble oneself about /ἀνάκλησις/ calling on, invocation, cafe+ether, καφετέρια to om, tasty in Tigrinya coffee, companion, companion & coffee, coffee & feel coffee, feel & companion, amiable coffee space, company space come, coffee & company, coffee & me, company & me ritualism, company ritualism, repetition feeling & coffee, feeling & company company, coffee + offer, offering, offering, test


opaon synivos adaitros xenios eunoos euopos filioo filofilos alegizo anaklisis cafetheria to'om co&ffee ffee&co co-space co&me Cult of Coffee ccooffee feel&co coffer

® 2019

�A - Long List - Experiencing ritualism & origins through fusion appendix

companero companion (spanish, latin), co - companion, coffee comrade companion, friend, contemporary coffee coffeine caffeine, coffee, /ένια/ the meaning etherly ether (coffee) + early, first (magnify) cup of the day, clear sky cobeen companion, coffee + been (be), bean of coffee cafether cafe+ether metabean /μετά/ after-over + bean, coffee metaphysics cafenia cafe + /ένια/ the meaning metacup /μετά/ after-over + cup (of coffee) kafether cafe+ether buzzcup sound of coffee, glup psitakos parrot coffeeunion coffee + company, synergy kafennoia cafe + /ένια/ the meaning arestos tasty coffee is for everyone equality, companionship, cife - coffee cife Coffee Cult Co - CCC ritualism, company, repetition, CCC beans, cup of coffee Coffee&Co - CC coffee & companion, coffee & coffee, CC beans, cup of coffee


Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.



Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

�B - Long List - Exploring exercises of freedom

Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.



/ἀλέη/ warm sunshine /θέρος/ summer /παραιφασίη/ comfort /προτέλειος/ before a ceremony of initiation /ἀτύζω/ to be distraught from fear, mazed, bewildared /ἀλαλά/ wild cry /ἀειεστώ/ eternal being /ἐκβόλιον/ drug /ξυπνῶ/ wake up /ένια/ the meaning /ἐφόδιος/ for a journey /εὐοδία/ a good journey /ὁδαῖος/ that for which a merchant travels, merchandise /κέλλα/ cella, room, chamber


aléi théros paraifasii protelios atýzo alala aeiestó ekvolion ksypnō enia efodio euodia odaios kella


Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

�B - Long List - Exploring exercises of freedom /εὐήλιος/ sunny, genial /ἀλεγίζω/ trouble oneself about |/εἴσοψις/ spectacle /αὐτοαγαθόν/ the ideal good, the form of good /ἄρυστις/ bumper /φαῦσις/ lighting, illumination /φωταγωγία/ magical process of drawing down supernatural illumination /διηλιόω/ expose to the sun's heat /εἵλη/ the sun's heat /ἡλιοστερής/ depriving of sun /αἰώρησις/ oscillatory movement /κίνημα/ movement /πρόσκαιρος/ occasional, extraordinary /ἄφνω/ unawares, of a sudden

Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.



euilios alegizo eisopsis autoagatho arystis fausis fotagogia diilioo eili iliosteris aiorisis kinima proskairos afno



Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

�B - Long List - Exploring exercises of freedom appendix

afnidios /ἀφνίδιος/ unforeseen, sudden diakymaino /διακυμαίνω/ raise into waves BWV211 coffee cantata, Johann Sebastian Bach 211 coffee cantata, Johann Sebastian Bach Picander bwv211, "If I couldn't, three times a day, be allowed to drink my little cup of coffee, in my anguish I will turn into a shriveled-up roast goat" copernico Nicolaus Copernicus, companion, coffee, co +perni+ co camara etheria camera, chamber, eher, alchemy Cortazar corteza (outside part of the stem, tree), co - coffee, companion, Julio Cortazar - magical realism compass get, achieve, obtain, gain, co - coffee, companion black characteristic of coffee, simobolism, elegance highcaffeine courage, positive description blckblck black coffee, simbolism, repetition, ritualism, descriptive blck black coffee, simbolism, descriptive jako -


Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.



Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019



Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.



Stage 1

8, April 2019

ÂŽ 2019


Kostas Lainas, Coffee Store Visual Identity Develop.


Concept AB

Stage 1

8, April 2019

® 2019

Any questions please do not hesitate to contact us TheRedGrass Team info@redgrass.gr

TheRedGrass Design Studio ÂŽ2019 0030 210 577 2643 / 0030 694 824 4080 209 Ag. Basileiou 121 37, Peristeri, Greece P-

Concept AB

Stage 1

8, April 2019

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