How To Deal With Financial Money Issues In Relationships Love And Marriage With Kim Kiyosaki
Are you in a relationship or looking for one and want to learn how to deal with financial money issues in relationships, love, and marriage? Then these tips might just help you find your perfect partner while tossing aside what you don’t want.
Are there relationship issues with money and if so how do you deal with them? We know that over 50% of marriages end up in divorce.
What Do Women Want In Relationships And Money
If you ask a random person what do they look for in partner and a relationship they will probably tell you that they look for the eyes, humor, honesty, attractiveness, sex or loyalty‌
…but why is it that hardly anyone mentions anything about money and what they look for in relationships?
What’s Love Got To To With It?
Let’s hear what Kim Kiyosaki has to say on how to deal with financial money issues in relationships, love, and marriage for a happier fulfilling life..!