Ecological Articles 6thB 2015-2016
Greywater the new system! By : Carlos Montarelo, Elisa Vaquerizo and Salvador Pelayo Cueto
re you tired of paying so much for
water? Use greywater! Scientists say that this method saves water and takes care from our ground. Is the best! Use greywater! What are you waiting for?
Greywater the most efficient and sustainable.
reywater is sustainable and efficient
for a few reasons with the dirty water from shower, kitchen and laundry we irrigate the plants. Greywater is
Water from laundry,
sustainable and efficient for some
toilet and shower.
garden´s ground.
reywater is the water from laundry,
toilet and shower. This dirty water is recycled. It has a process: first we take this water and it has a pre-treatment, then this water goes to a soil-box planter, for example, also it can be used to evacuate toilets or to clean certain areas.
reasons this system takes care from our
Greywater improving
fresh water that we need, we are
saving thousands of liters of fresh water.
e can help cities as greywater
recycling. We recycle greywater and it´s a way to save. Greywater is an energy that makes us help cities recycle. Greywater is a way that avoid crisis in Spain.
Greywater pros and cons
he most important pros from
greywater are that we don’t use more
recycling dirty water and also we are The plants has less deformation and also they have an effective purification, so they recuperates nutrients and we have better plants. We use less chemical energy but it can not be used anywhere, greywater has bacteria also It is dangerous to health and sometimes pollutes the environment.
Adobe, the future material! By: Celia Sanz, Rodrigo Román and Andreas Rodríguez.
used in building. It’s made of water,
Are you angry to leave your city and
added to get strength and to dry in the
find contamination? It is time to
desired shape. Also you use Adobe to
prevent it, with materials such as
build houses or make bricks. And in
Adobe you will have a clean,
the made it forms in uniform blocks
uncontaminated town and you can
that can be stacked like bricks to make
spend less money to make your
walls or to make a structure.
homes. Adobe is a natural material
How are they
made of straw and clay used to make bricks and build houses. Adobe is the material of the future, is experienced by professional scientists and, I promise you, it works. I recommend
sand, chopped straws or other fibers
efficient and sustainable?
reading the printed article, in it you will learn many new things. You will not regret!
How does Adobe work? Adobe houses are efficient because it’s made of a lot of natural materials that improve all. Adobe is a good material to build, but it’s very fragile. Besides, you can make more things with adobe, like vases and other Adobe is one of the oldest materials
containers of water.
Pros and Cons?
Adobe improves cities because it doesn't pollute and contaminate. Moreover it´s more natural and its materials help Adobe to improve cities for example gray water is usable for washing. Besides Adobe is made of recyclable material and also recycle water.
The pros of buildy with adobe are for example, the price because is so low,
haves little investment in materials and
In my opinion the adobe is a good
you can get then so easy. Also the
material if you use in the correct
cons are that it isn't suitable for
conditions because the adobe the
building vertically or for very humid
adobe is a material that you can make
areas or frequent earthquakes and by
beautiful .
the thickness of its walls, it requires
It is a very good material to our live
having some space, so it is not
and future because if you use it you
suitable for housing construction in
improve cities and pay less money
areas of high density.
when we make our houses.
How does Adobe improve cities?
PASSIVE SOLAR HOUSE By Ignacio González, Henar Gómez and
Passive systems are simple, have few moving
Daniel Gómez.
parts, and require minimal maintenance and
require no mechanical systems.
Are you tired of smokestack pollution?
Pros and cons:
Don’t wait more, the passive solar houses
A pro is that they don't pollute however a
are too ecologic and recycles the material
con is that it is too expensive.
of construction the furniture... There are
A pro is that they help the planet but a con
many houses in the word and they are
is that there aren't many materials to build
avowed like green buildings and they uses a solar panel. the solar energy to produce electricity.
It has a lot of pros like: the recycling the waste of construction the furniture and the
How do they work? Passive conditioner air. solar design refers to the use of the sun’s energy for the heating and cooling of living
How they improve
spaces. In this approach, the 55 building itself or some element of it takes advantage of natural energy characteristics in materials and air created by exposure to the sun.
cities? Passive solar house are efficient because
they don't produce pollution and people
they uses less time and they uses less
mustn´t to breathe polluting air plus they
money because the non-renewable sources
don't produce waste of construction and
like oil are very expensive.
the people mustn´t be carefull looking at
The original furniture is manual
the construction.
manufactured and they don't spend money
In this buildings there are an ideal
in machines.
temperature and you can be enjoyed in your house in summer and in winter.
Conclusion The only problem that passive solar house
How are they efficient and sustainable? They are using the energy of the sun to keep the electricity, the light‌ It reduces the non-renewable energies to keep the pollute and the time, doing this
has is the money. The solar panel is too expensive plus the material to build this is expensive too, finally recycle the all the waste and furniture is expensive.
EARTHSHIP :THE ECOLOGY HOUSE BY:Sofía Serantes ,Javier García and David
Reynolds make the first Earthship with
aluminium cans and finished it with
natural adobe.
Do you want to save electricity?Are you
tired of saving heating? There’s a new
type of house that will do this and it’s
The Earthships improve
called Earthship.It has all the things that
cities with non-pollution
humans need such as: a bath,a living
and don't produce waste.
room, a bed… Earthship it’s a new type of
The Earthship have a
building but it can be built
system in the ceiling that
everywhere.They are made of strange
transport the water to a
material but do not worry about these
cistern with a complex
because all these materials can do the
machine and transform it
same as all the common materials.
in renewable energy plus the earthship
have solar panels in the most part of the
An earthship is a
sustainable and
efficient building.The
earthship has all that
An Earthship is
humans need like
sustainebleau and efficent
water, food, bed,
for a few reasons such as :
W.C, Kitchen ... Few
it reduces buildings
people have an earthship because it´s very
impacts on human health
expensive however they are very beautiful
and enviroment also it uses
and efficient.The earthship make their
renewable energy.It uses
own energy with solar panels.Michael
less water, energy and natural materials
such as:
sunlight and greywater is recycled too.An
Earthship only has basic carpentry,
omposting toilets,grey water
plumbing and electric skills.Most the
collections,recycling, green roofing and
materials of an Earthship are very easy to
passive solar desigm for be more efficent
get such as: bottles,tires, aluminum cans,
and sustainebleau. It reduces environment
adobe …
impact and human health impact .
Some of cons of an Earthship are: that the construction permits are very difficult to
get, the financing of an Earthship is very
Some of the pros of an Earthship are: the
complex or that reselling an Earthship
amount of
because it’s “different”.
mass that
From my point of view the Earthship is a
beautiful house that will save you a lot of
money, heating and electricity.If you want
has ,also
to have an Earthship you can get the
there are
materials easily .Maybe you can have
many problems but they are easy to
cisterns for
resolve, some of the problems are:
store rainwater and greywater,
construction permits, the financing of
that is recycled too.Plus these houses are
house or reselling the house.
built in rectangular shape to get more
INTRODUCTION Are you tired of buy fruits and breath the pollution of the air? Why don't you use green roofs ? It is roofs full of plants. Green roofs the garden of your house.
Green roofs are sustainable and
At home, you are not the only
efficient for a few reasons: First,
thing that works because the
because it absorbs heat and cold
green roofs do a lot of things. It
like an insulator and that helps
absorbs heat and cold like an
saving on heating and in air
insulator and that helps saving in
conditioning .Also you can use the
air conditioning and in
roof to cultivate fruits and
heating.The plants of the roof
vegetables so you must not buy
clean the air and reduce pollution
fruits and vegetables in the
and CO2 of the air, also you can
use the roof to cultivate fruits and vegetables.
THEY IMPROVE CITIES : Green roofs reduce pollution , they do not emit greenhouse gases and absorb rainwater and this helps not spending lake water.
PROS AND CONS : Some pros of the greenroof are:do
like an insulator and that they help saving energy, saving in heating and in air conditioning. They reduce the air contamination. They do not emit greenhouse gases. The green roofs absorb rain water and this helps to save lake water. Although green roofs have a lot of benefits, they also have some cons. They
add much weight to the roof, are
Green roofs are renewable
too expensive to maintain and
because absorb the heat and the
some buildings are not suitable
cold like insulator‌Green roofs
for building green roofs.
are efficient and sustainable for a few reasons first.Helps saving on heating and in air condition. It reduces pollution and absorbs rainwater and this helps not spending water.
Straw bale buildings save enough energy By María Santos, Alba Mei Rico & Daniel Montarelo.
INTRODUCTION Are you tired spending much money and energy? Why don’t you use straw bale buildings? The straw bale is a type of houses that save enough energy and enough money.Many people have tried
enough energy, compared to a one house in the city.
How are they efficient and sustainable?
and has much comfort, and is very
Straw bale building are efficient and
economical. Straw bale buildings, the
sustainable for a few reasons, builders use
houses of the future.
natural and organic materials for the
How do they work?
construction, also it is a renewable
They work in this case to make houses,
energy and you don’t waste
but in other case for food of animals…
energy.Besides it uses sunlight to
and save enough energy. Straw bales
illuminate in the house. However straw
work of a natural product. The natural
bale is covered with clay due to its
product is dry grass. The bales of straw
properties: is breathable and humidity
used for many things one of them is to
regulator, also it is covered with clay for
material. It saves heat, save enough
build houses or to feed animals, but there fire resistant. more things that you can used the bales of straw.The straw bale buildings besides saving energy, their practices safe, healthy, sustainable construction and energy saving. The straw bale buildings is efficient and sustainable, because save
PROS & CONS: PROS: They are architectonic, economic and you don’t waste energy, also you would not have to turn ON the light because are many windows,moreover they don’t have to use cement for the construction however they use natural and organic materials also you don’t need a lot of money to live in this.
Some cons are Dirty houses soon and you have to be cleaning all the time, also takes a long time to build it,however you must wait a lot of time to live in each houses. And houses are very economical and spacious.
How do they improve cities? They improve doing more straw bale buildings or straw bale houses, because it saves a lot of energy, so save energy, because they have natural products. The straw bale buildings last for a long time to construction , in some case last for years to construction, because the straw bale buildings use natural product, and the straw bale is very difficult to construction, and we started from scratch saving energy. Straw has been used as a building material for centuries. Straw bales were first used for building over a century ago. The material of the straw bale buildings are made of cellulose.
CONCLUSIÓN The straw bale buildings is very efficient and sustainable, because it uses natural and organic material. Also, it saves energy and money, because you dont turn off and turn on the light, because you use the windows.
Composting Toilets: Bad or Good? By Oscar Moreno, Daniel Marín & By Marta
What composting toilets use? Composting toilets use: the natural processes of decomposition and evaporation to recycle human waste. Waste entering the toilets is over 90% water, which is evaporated and carried back to the atmosphere through the vent system. The small amount of remaining solid material is converted into useful fertilizing soil by natural decomposition.”
What happens when you go to the toilet? Have you ever considered using that waste? Composting toilets are a type of toilets that reuse people’s waste and turn them into compost. Use compost toilets and your house will be the best.
How do they improve cities? I think that they improve cities making the city cleaner and pretty. The water for example is cleaner with a Composting Toilet.
What is the primary objective of composting toilets? “The primary objective of the composting toilet system: is to contain, immobilize or destroy organisms that cause human disease (pathogens), thereby reducing the risk of human infection to acceptable levels without contaminating the immediate or distant environment and harming its inhabitants.
Do you think that your waste isn’t useful? You’re wrong. You’re waste can be useful with a process and a Composting Toilet. That waste that you think that isn’t necessary. NOW it is!
Do you think that your waste isn’t useful? You’re wrong. You’re waste can be useful with a process and a Composting Toilet. That waste that you think that isn’t necessary. NOW it is!
DISCOVERING THE COB CORDWOOD AND BAMBOO HOUSES. By: Pepa Bustelo, Ángel James Herrero and Hannah López. INTRODUCTION: Would you imagine a house made of panda’s food? Some constructors are building houses with mostly natural materials. Would you like to live there? Would you like to know more information about this? How do they work? Cob, cordwood and bamboo houses work
. Which are pros and cons of cons? The cob has many differents pros and cons. Some advantages are energy efficiency
when the construction is completely
because provides amount of thermal mass.
finished. When you build this type of
Also is inexpensive because the materials
houses you need different materials: straw, clay and sand.The houses are natural
are natural and can find in the forest.
because the materials are natural, you can
However is buildability because is easy
get this materials in a forest, for example
build. And is fun because you can play with this mass. The disadvantages some are resellability because is difficult to sell. Also when you are building a cob house you need some building permits because you can have legal problems. However is
difficult to finance. And by last is durability because you need to be protected the
Cob, cordwood and bamboo improve cities
house it depends on where you put.
cleaner and safer this helps the urban environment and people can live better.Also people like clean places so tourists would come to visit so inhabitants make money.This would make people would use renewable
How are they efficient and sustainable?
energy and stop using non renewable energy so people wouldn't contaminate.
They are efficient because you don’t have to use a lot of money and they are also sustainable because you can “recycle” the materials you use. It also provides amount of thermal mass that is made up of “clay”, straw and sand.
Conclusion The conclusion of this activity is that we have learned new vocabulary, new information and another things. Also in the future these materials can be used to build houses. We learned that the materials that we work are natural and they don´t pollute and save energy. How do they improve cities?