Ecological Magazine 6A 2015-2016

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Ecological Articles 6thA 2015-2016

Green roofs in your house! by Celia de Andrés, Juan Tejedor and Álvaro Manso.

Natural in your house.

and sustainable?

Do you know what Green roofs are?

In this paragraph we are going to talk

Green roofs are houses that are houses

about efficient and sustainable.Each

that bring nature to your house. It’s

green roofs needs a periodically review

having a garden in your roof! Do you like

to not take diseases, so is not sustainable

to know more about green roofs?

because they cost a lot of many for the

How do the green

reviews. Also they are efficient because

roofs work?


they are very good because they provide

In order for a building to incorporate

Pros and Cons?

green roofs.

In this paragraphs we are going to talk about the pros and the cons to have a green roofs.It has a high cost. Also it’s natural. And help the humans for don’t have diseases. And

The green roofs are roofs that have flora and plants in place of roofs tiles. All the

they are very good because provide oxygen.

green roofs have an impermeable layer to avoid that when it rain doesn’t leasehold.

How are they efficient

How do they improve

cities? In this paragraph we are going to learn about how they improve cities: each green roofs they are very good because they provide oxygen,also there are very good because miss the pollution,besides if we cultivate fruits,vegetables and flower to get better air conditioning systems and is very good because it reduces the risk of flooding.

Conclusion As a conclusion, green roofs are roofs that have flora in place of roofs of tiles.Also each green roof need a periodicall review to not take diseases.Besides it has a high cost and it’s natural and it's very good because health is better of humans because they provide oxygen.

GREYWATER, THE BEGINNING OF A NEW AGE By Christian Bernardo and Mario Gutiérrez

Are you tired of paying the water bill and the been used these water. Don’t be the only one heater? Why don’t you build a greywater system, that doesn’t have a greywater system. in your house? Grey water is washwater having

Pros and cons PROS ·Conservation of water used. ·Brings extra nutrients to plants through the collection of certain “wastes”. ·Reduces amount of fertilizer needed. ·Environmental benefits. ·Reduce water costs. ·Can ensure water demands. ·Plant growth. ·Grow water recharges. ·Less energy and chemical used. ·Highly effective purification. CONS ·Can't store grey water for more than 24 hours.

·Greywater may contain fats, oils, grease, hair,

period of time when greywater is used for

lint, soaps, cleansers, fabric softeners, and other irrigation. ·Most cleaning agents contain sodium harmful chemicals. ·Even biodegradable soaps

salts which can create an alkaline condition and

and detergents can present a problem over a

damage the soil structure.

How are they efficient and sustainble? Through "integrated site design," a Sustainable Sites Initiative, irrigation of comprehensive approach to sustainable building unsustainable residential landscapes accounts for and site design, sustainable residential landscape more than a third of residential water use—more architecture practices can not only decrease than seven billion gallons of potable water per energy usage, but also improve water efficiency. day in the U.S. Due to recurring drought conditions worldwide, And people have to wait for rain that recharges using potable (drinkable) water for landscapes is lakes, rivers, seas and oceans. increasing. People often wastefully irrigate their lawns with water than should be reserved for human consumption. According to the

How do they improve cities?

complete substitute for a very costly, overengineered system. Graywater use greatly extends the useful life and capacity of septic systems, for municipal treatment systems.

Reducing the consump of water by person and day, so we can have more water when needed really. Graywater can replace fresh water in many sinstances and saving money. For sites with slow soil percolation or other

How do they work? problems, a graywater system can be a partial or The process consists in four parts:

and sand filter.

1º-Grey water sources (shower).

3º-Pump-it over-fllow.

2º-Pre-treatment: consits on the Septic tank

4º-The dispersión of the clean water.

What did you learned? A greywater system make an enourmus save in money and make the cities cleaner.

Composting toilets, the saving toilets! By Laura Máiquez Pérez, Pelayo González Álvarez and Adrián García Maya.

Tired of spending a lot of money?

manure,with the manure you can manure plants.

Are you tired of spending a lot of money? Do you want to save money? Try composting toilets, the saving toilets. Composting toilets reduce at a 50% the consumption of water in a house and you can make manure with that. It isn’t a joke! If you want more information read this article, it’s so interesting! Remember, composting toilets, the saving toilets!

How composting toilets work. Composting toilets use a similar thing to

How are they efficient and sustainable?

the natural use of decomposing animal

Composting toilets, are very efficient,

waste. Moreover, the mechanism of

because using a less of money than with

composting toilets is the

the normal toilets and we can use the save

following:Human waste gets down to a

money to buy different things. And they

tube and then it mixes with a chemical

are very sustainable, the poop is good to

product.When this mixes the result is

the plants, because it decompose very well.

How do they improve cities? This improve the cities,we have less pipes that can destroy, and cost a lot of money that can use to other things.

Conclusion Pros and cons Composting toilets reduce a 50% the consumption of water in a house, also you can make manure with them and it produces less unsavory smell than the normal toilets. But some people thinks that is a little bit unsanitary, and you need a very big system. It also costs from $1500 to $8000.

As conclusion, composting toilets have a good mechanism, because the money that you use to pay manure, you can use to another things. The mechanism of the composting toilets is the following: The human waste get’s down to a tube and then mixes to a chemical product, when this mixes the result is manure. A problem of the composting toilets is the price, composting toilets price is from $1500 to $8000.

PASSIVE SOLAR DESIGN? WHY NOT? By: Gonzalo Fernández,Miguel Trueba & María Barrio.

The design of our

need a charge controller to prevent


power but we need an inverter to

Are you tired of paying light & energy bills? Do you want to save money? Solar design is a type of house construction that allows to use more renewable energy. Germany already uses some solar houses and….They work! Read this article if you want to learn about the design of our future.

How do they work?

battery over charged. It converts in DC convert it in AC power which is more efficiently. The other way iscalled

system, the sun give energy to the hydronic panels, the heat generated from the sun can be stored in tanks of water , then, the heat is transferred to a heat exchanger to heat the domestic hot water and pumped under a floor or radiated through a furnace to heat the

Solar design is a type of house


construction that allows to use more

How are they

renewable energy. It have two ways of work. One of them is to power our homes and the other works to obtain heat or cold, that you want. The first way is called photovoltaic (pv) system, pv panels normally located on houses roofs obtain energy from the sun, the sun don’t shine every day so we need a bank of batteries, however, we


improve?�Solar design is sustainable and efficient for a few reasons. Solar solar design is sustainable because

the sun is a renewable renewable energy. It is also important the landscape architecture practices can not only

improve the environment, but also

temperature range in the home.

increase energy efficiency. Apart from a

Orientation is also very important, the

broader integrated site design,

site in which your house is placed can

sustainable residential landscape

take advantages from the sun and

architecture can dramatically reduce

cooling breezes. Insulation can act as a

energy costs over the long term while

barrier to heat keeping your house warm

aerating a healthy residential

in winter.

environment. It is efficiency in

What do you learn

commercial buildings is 10 percent.

Pros and cons?The pros of

about passive solar

passive solar design you have a very


good local company because the sun energy it’s renewable energy but when you use this energy to much every day it change and is non- renewable energy.

How we can improve in

In the solar design windows, walls and floors are made to collect, store and distribute in the winter and reject solar heat in the summer. One of the main purposes is that a house won't need to


use many light bulbs, not much heater or

The world could improve modern cities

summer and hot in winter.

by putting gall windows. Adequate your house design to the climate comfortable

air conditioned, the house will be cool in

EARTHSHIP:FUTURE HOUSE By: Isabel Aragoneses, Sofia Marques and Rodrigo Sevillano.

The best brillant idea

Reynolds because this person to tire and


economical. It invented in 14/08/14.

invented this house a lot more

Do you want to know how to save the environment? Do you want to find “greenhouses”? Do you want to have a cheap house? Earthship is a form of building that save the environment,Do not think more!!, in this magazine you will have this benefits , cost, materials. If you want to have the best house for environment don´t think any more read this magazine and find your greener side. Green Peace

What is it?

The best efficient machine. Earthship is efficient and sostenibility because they are made from recycled material such as: wheels boards that have not been used. And other many more materials natural, in addition to that aid has that is less pollution is

An earthship is a human building mainly

efficient because in those houses are

made of natural materials, is maximizes

normally used for planting. H´s good for

natural resources directly from the

the green environment because use

environment.Eathship is built al most in

natural materials for example the wood

all parts of the planet.In different parts

for the walls the cob of the house and

of the climate and oriented to the sun

more… Use energy renewable because

play whith aspecial paper for desing to

use the solar energy in all the the house

improve the agiven location.

and use the

They were an invent created by Michael

parable energy

and the active energy.

It´s could make all them FACTORIES very remote to the city so the air and move the air polluted and so solue it more

It´s totally perfect ? Earthship has PROS like they are ENERGY EFFICIENCY that have geothermal solar energy .Also have SELF SUSTAINABLE reuse water,smaller impact … Also It´s EASE CONSTRUCTION: you can with earthship RECYCLING : Materials that are used; Also in earthship have NATURAL LIGHT : It´s very abundance. But

possible the pollution of a city, also REATRANS and bicycleit access to certain areas to motorized vehicles, thus prioritizing space for pedestris Also, BUILD NEW infracture from traffic, pedestrian parks and squeares, or increasing the facities for bike parking Also,Getting PERMISION to use the public streets.

Earthship have CONS: Earthship it´s DOESN´T exactly NATURAL ; Also have THE BUILDS that are concrete 10 % of the world greeen house ; Also IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS:The maintainment cost you $150 for a half hour ouch , also in a DRY ENVIRONMENT: no supported the house AND MANY MORE


Opinions In conclusion I think that are ugly but we prefer live in an ugly house to living in anugly world.Another of our many opinions is totally efficient and sustainability are better to the rendiment, the contamination to reduce the use of machines.

Strawbale the house of the future Laura Sanz, Iratxe Otero and Jesús García

The houses of future: Can you imagine living in a straw bale houses? We can use the bale like bricks to build a straw house.We can also say that it’s a renewable source and very easy to build. The straw must to be dry because if it is wet it broken.

They can last up to 100 years.

Pros and cons: The pros are: Cost: it can have a lot of cost but few than in other houses easy

How do they work? Straw bales are ecological because easy buy,so you reduce transportation cost and give good insulation for the cold, the hot and air, They also insulate the noises


How are they efficient and sustainable? This houses efficient because it uses a

material (straw) that is a good a insulating and it is easy to build and it's cheap. You only need to build a house: wood, straw, plaster, cement and transpirable paint. This houses also have a very low environmental impact,if we compared this with houses built with brick it has saving of the 80% in energy.

to build:it`s too easy and speed to build energy efficiency: it is to efficient and does not need a lot of money also you can say that there are ecology: it´s too much ecology because it doesn´t need to exploit a natural medium to do that. The cons are: humidity and insects other potential concerns with straw bale walls are infestation of rodents or insects, so the skin of the straw should resist these creatures and we can also say that there is a lot of humidity because if rain it get into the bale fire: if occurs a storm it can produce fire resectability permit: it’s to difficult to have a permise of a city to do that building with straw bales has dominant in United States.

How do they improve in cities? They are buildings with low environmental impact already that are made of a natural material and respect environment. Self-sufficient buildings are strongly and low consumption. They contribute to the reduction of C02 even a 72%. It is a gaseous pollutant to diminishing environmental pollution. With these buildings contribute wing reduction of climate change and to damage the human being performing on the


As a consequence we now that... It is better to have a house made of straw-bale while you have some drawbacks such as moisture and insects. But there are some that use techniques to solve this kind of problem.Two of the good things is that they are efficient and sustainable. Which means that do not harm the environment and it is a method that can continue using while out of moderation.

What is Adobe? By Lucía Gómez, Darío Palomo and Daniel Alvaro

How help the world

efficient and

with Adobe?


You want pollute the world?

Adobe is efficient because you don't pay

If you doesn't pollute the world use

the material because is a natural

Adobe. Adobe is a natural material that

material. Adobe is sustainable because it

you can use to built a house.. Save the

doesn’t pollute.

world with… Adobe!!

Also Adobe with it decomposed is good

How can you use Adobe?... Read the

for the world so Adobe is efficient and

magazine and discover the

sustainable with you and with the world.

characteristics of Adobe.

Pros and cons?

How they work?

Adobe has lot of pros. For example, it

Adobe is a natural material of building

acts as a filter to improve the quality of

that you can make a house or a oder

the air in the interior of the building and

think with the form that you prefer. This

it doesn’t need a foundation. Also, the

material is made of rests of food and

bricks are made more quickly and very

mud, is a very sustainable and pretty

easily and also last longer than 10


thousand years. Also the price is low and

If you like a rustic houses make a rustic

allows perform soft and rounded shapes.

house with Adobe and if you life a

Is easy modify in future reforms and do

modern houses make a modern house

not enter the external noise. On the

with Adobe.

other hand, adobe has a lot of cons. For

This material it does not mean that

example, the bricks are sensitive to

Adobe smell bad.

humidity, it is necessary to dry the bricks

How are Adobe

and doesn’t serves as structural wall.

NATURAL BUILDINGS? IS POSSIBLE. by Nuria Campillo, Marcos Valdenebro and MarĂ­a Miguelsanz.

Beautiful houses with How are they efficient natural materials.

and sustainable?

Do you want to decorate your house

Cob is a basic mix of clay and sand and

with natural materials?Why don't you

also we can mold it. Cordwood






materials are called: cob, cordwood and




Bamboo also is a natural resource.

bamboo.There are demonstrations of buildings






PROS AND CONS? The pros of cordwood are: the cost, the

How do they work?

energy efficiency, the ecology friendly,

Cob is a basic mix of clay and

fire resistance, however the cons are:


the time consuming, the resellability,




also is easy to build,the pride and the of

construction of houses and buildings

the building permits and it's addicting.

that make a greater energy efficiency,

The pros of the bamboo are: bamboo

and also less air infiltration.Bamboo

grows in long bars. However the pros of

works remarkably fast in a wide range

the cob are: create uniform blocks to

of climates.






function to the adobe, but the cons are: resellability,




financing and durability( it depends).

Conclusion In conclusion, the ecological house is best for the environment because it is sustainable and efficient and is made of natural materials, for example: cob,

How do they improve

cordwood and bamboo. Cob, is a

in cities?

decoration of buildings or houses and

The contamination in cities can be low with these houses and do they more beautiful. With these houses that are made of cob, cordwood and bamboo the buildings can be more efficient and sustainable and don't use so much energy and don't pollute like the normal buildings.







we can make uniforms blocks for construction. Cordwood, is a material that is used to build houses that consist of laying whole or split wood. Bamboo, is a material that grows in long bars and is the food of panda bears.These houses can improve in cities because don't pollute like normal houses.

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