Portfolio juan pablo battista

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portfolio. juan pablo battista.

graphic designer


my name_juan pablo battista. my passion_graphic design and illustration my goal_have fun doing what i love responsibly.



My inspiration comes from travelling, sharing life experiences with friends and new people, spending time on my own, surrounded by nature; but most of all it comes from opening my mind to changes and new ideas.

Sinap Gym Carricart Surfboards Expo Di Vino Coalteral RSE +Logos

Sinap Gym

Sinap Gym Sports Health & fitness Club - Argentina. Brand identity design.

The main concept “synapse�,as the experience to combine a healthy body with an active mind was used to create a relaxed dynamic esthetic which inspired confidence in customers. The first stage consisted of developing the brand identity through logo design, stationery, apparel, signage and architectural signage. Logo design was composed of the isotype, being two shapes that interact with each other representing body and mind and the logotype consisting of a special font created for this project that went well with the curvatures and thickness of the isotype. The second stage was the layout of print and web for the grand opening.












R.114 G. 113 B. 118 #717175

Carricart Surfboards

Carricart Surfboards Surfboard and SUP factory - Argentina. Brand and identity redesign.

Carricart excels in their production of personalized and standardized boards. In order to renew the brand, a contribution from the past and present was combined. The isotype was the outstanding element of the brand identity so it was barely modified, whereas the logotype was completely changed. A new special font was created by using the isotype angles with the aim of constituting the brand. As a result, brand identity was designed consisting of stationery, apparel, esthetics and illustrations for the new boards.

Artwork for new models of surfboards.







Isotypes for SUPboards as well as the board shaper and founder´s own logo were designed. SUPboards are a new product launched by the company which has already caused great impact on the idustry

Expo Di Vino

Expo Di Vino Wine exhibition - Argentina. Brand identity design.

Expo Di vino is an annual wine fair which offers the best commercial environment while innovating growing and satisfying visitors year after year. Firstly, the main goal was to create a logo which conveyed passion, art and wine as a cultural factor. As a result, a dynamic, pregnant and representative isotype was created complementing with a simple easy-to-read logotype. Secondly, layouts for graphic print and digital material were designed: signage for the event, posters, flyers, sales folder, press release, tickets, credentials, Facebook and mailing material, etc.


ABCDEFGHIJKLMNÑOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnñopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 .,;:! ¡ ¿ ? [ ] { } ( )““ & @ * $ % / \ - á é í ó ú CMYK -RGB

C.60 M.90 Y.45 K.50

C.40 M.95 Y.40 K.10

C.27 M.55 Y.0 K.0

R.71 G.38 B.60

R.132 G.53 B.91

R.176 G.134 B.179


photos by Isispetroni.com

Colateral RSE

Colateral RSE Corporate Social Responsibility Consulting Services, Argentina. Brand identity design

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the role that corporations play in order to promote sustainable development.In other words, it means the balance between economic growth, social welfare and the use of natural resources and environment. The main goal of Colateral RSE is to accompany corporations in this process. The main challenge was to create a brand that placed these values and, at the same time, it conveyed the meaning offun and beauty. Under this premise, isotype layouts consisted of symbol whose four pieces interacted with each other. These four elements were assigned a specific color to represent the different working areas of Colateral. As regards to the logotype, it was a simple font which was modified by rounding its endings. Once the isotype was defined, institutional stationery, esthetics, flyers, media kit, web and Facebook layouts were developed.


ABCDEFGHIJKLMNÑOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnñopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 .,;:!¡¿?[]{}()““&@*$%/\-áéíóú CMYK -RGB

M.90 Y.25


C.45 Y.85

M.25 Y.100

R.225 G.71 B.123

R.80 G.189 B.235

R.162 G.197 B.82

R.251 G.199

# 0467A

# 50BCEA

# A2C552

# FAC600


.Hey Bodyboard / Argentina

.Samsara Beach / Argentina

.Toia Tattoo / Argentina

.Pepa / Argentina

Armada Grosella / Argentina

.Ideas en Popa / Argentina

.Thessa / Argentina

.SCV / Argentina

Character Me cortaron las piernas Hey Bodyboard Tres Chanchitos Style is everything Carpintero


Character / Pictoplasma

Created to commemorate ten years of Pictoplasma, under the slogan of “Character selfies�. This illustration was selected and printed to be exhibited in Berlin and Mexico in 2014. Ink on paper digital color.

Character / Snow Season

Personal project conducted at Las Le単as Ski Resort, Argentina during winter season 2013. It portrayed life experiences and characters in that place and during that period of time. Ink on paper digital color

Character / Shape the Dream

Argentinería – DOS TINTAS contest Selected among the best nine illustrations, exhibited at Trimarchi DG. Digital illustration from sketch in graphite.

Hand-made drawing on a longboard deck.

Character / El Cazador

Group project The character represents a hunter in a fantasy world. Ink on paper digital color.

Character / Octopus Ride

Personal Project. Illustration based on Syd Barret´s song “Octopus Ride”. Digital Illustration from sketch in graphite.

Me cortaron las piernas

Me cortaron las piernas

Illustration for Purple Leaves t-shirt contest “Football x Fashion”. Published in the 10theditionof Decal Magazine. The design was inspired by the phrase“they´ve shot out my lights” (*)used by Diego Maradona after his positive doping test at 1994 World Cup. Digital illustration (*) The original phrase in Spanish is “Me cortaron las piernas”, literally “They´ve cut my legs”. For the project´s name, the designer used the literal version in a funny way.

Hey Bodyboard

Hey Bodyboard Sinap Gym es un centro de deporte, salud y bienestar premium; Ăşnico en Mar del Plata.

Project for bodyboard clothing brand, designs for t shirts which were inspired by people who enjoy the sea and practice watersports. Digital illustration.

Los Tres Chanchitos

Los Tres Chanchitos

Illustration for the Walt Disney Classic, published on chapter 7 in Fabu FantasĂ­as ilustradas Magazine. Digital illustration from sketch in graphite.

Style is everything

Style is everything

Personal project. The design comes from being a huge fan of this shoe brand. Digital illustration from sketch in graphite.



Personal project dedicated to all manual workers whose professions has been passed down through many generations. Digital illustration from sketch in graphite.

Sea Books Twins Clover Wolf

Sea Books

Sea Books

Project carried out for /La Brea/ annual exhibition. It consisted of a three volume sketchbookwhose main theme is “the ocean�. Aright angle shaped book with 120 pages of 220gsm paper ivory in color and a brown handmade illustrated eco-leatherhardcover. Binding style: Hardcover.



Project carried out for an artist couple with sea illustrations. Two square sketchbooks made up of 120 pages of 220gsm paper, ivory in color, with anolive green handmade illustrated eco leather hardcover. Binding style: Hardcover. A same style graphite pencil was also attached.



Project based on client´s request. Right angle shaped sketch book made up of 120gsm paper white in color and a canvas hardcover. Binding style: Hardcover.



Personal sketch book. Right angle shaped book made up of 160 pages of 120 gsm and a printed canvas hardcover. Binding style: Hardcover.

On a Whale

CD cover design for folk band On a Whale. The inspiration came from the concept “shipwreck�. The project aimed to narrate a story starting from the cover art, followed by the CD design and ending with the pop-up book. A sea related esthetics was used in black and white, playing with shades and giving more detail to illustrations.

Cover and disc design.

interior design.

The pop-up book consists of two sides, at the front it shows the “Whale Island� map.

At the back some illustrations that accompany the disc lyrics.



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