Catálogo libros en ingles

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Catalogue of books You can find in the library Jose Cornejo Franco of the high school 14 UdG

Title: A visiรณn of the University of Guadalajara for te new millennium Author: Universidad de Guadalajara Number of classification: 378.7235 UNI

Title: Inglés 1 Let´s Learn Author: Yolanda de los Ángeles Núñez García

Number of classification: 421 NUÑ

Title: Inglés 2 Let´s Learn Author: Yolanda de los Ángeles Núñez García

Number of classification: 421 NUÑ

Title: Oxford Practice Grammar Author: Norman Coe Number of classification: 425 COE

Title: Oxford Practce Grammar Author: John Eastwood Number of classification: 425 EAS 2008

Title: Grammar in Action 1 Author: Barbara H. Foley Number of classification: 425 FOL

Title: Grammar in Action 2 Author: Barbara H. Foley Number of classification: 425 FOL

Title: Grammar in Action 3 Author: Barbara H. Foley Number of classification: 425 FOL

Title: First English Grammar Author: C. Blissett Number of classification: 425.5 FIR

Title: Enhlish Grammar Author: Collins Cobuild Number of classification: 425.5 COL

Title: Teaching Young Language Learners Author: Annamaria Pinter Number of classification: 428 PIN

Title: Write ideas Author: Connie Shoemaker Number of classification: 428 SHO

Title: Try it Author: Luis Flores Number of classification: 428 TRY

Title: Smart choice 1st Author: Ken Wilson Number of classification: 428 WIL

Title: Smart Choice Author: Ken Wilson Number of classification: 428 WIL

Title: Tourism Author: Paul A. Davies Number of classification: 428.6 DAV 2008

Title: Commerce Author: Paul A. Davies Number of classification: 428.6 DAV

Title: Ghost in love Author: Michael Dean Number of classification: 428.6 DEA

Title: Voodoo Island Author: Michael Duckworth Number of classification: 428.6 DUC

Title: Goodbye Mr Hollywood Author: John Escott Number of classification: 428.6 ESC

Title: Englad Author: John Escott Number of classification: 428.6 ESC

Title: The cinema Author: John Escott Number of classification: 428.6 ESC

Title: True heroes of sport Author: Donatella Fitzgerald Number of classification: 428.6 FIT

Title: Football Author: Steve Flinders Number of classification: 428.6 FLI

Title: Forty years of pop Author: Steve Flinders Number of classification: 428.6 FLI

Title: The olympic games Author: Steve Flinders Number of classification: 428.6 FLI

Title: Five short plays Author: Martyn Ford Number of classification: 428.6 FOR

Title: The death of Karen Silkwood Author: Joyce Hannam Number of classification: 428.6 HAN

Title: The Turn of the Screw Author: Henry James Number of classification: 428.6 JAM

Title: Australia and New Zealand Author: Christine Lindop Number of classification: 428.6 LIN 1999

Title: Seasons and celebrations Author: Jackie Maguire Number of classification: 428.6 MAG

Title: Tales of mistery and imagination Author: Edgar Allan Poe Number of classification: 428.6 POE

Title: Tales of mistery and imagination Author: Edgar Allan Poe Number of classification: 428.6 POE

Title: Animals in danger Author: Joc Potter Number of classification: 428.6 POT

Title: Love story Author: Erich Segal Number of classification: 428.6 SEG

Title: Romeo and Juliet Author: William Shakespeare Number of classification: 428.6 SHA

Title: How english works Author: Michael Number of classification: 428.6 SWA

Title: The coldest place on earth Author: Tim Vicary Number of classification: 428.6 VIC 2000

Title: Ireland Author: Tim Vicary Number of classification: 428.6 VIC 1998

Title: English I Author: Paula Flores Kastanis Number of classification: 428.07 FLO

Title: English II Author: Paula Flores Kastanis Number of classification: 428.07 FLO

Title: English III Author: Paula Flores Kastanis Number of classification: 428.07 FLO

Title: English IV Author: Paula Flores Kastanis Number of classification: 428.07 FLO

Title: English 2 Author: Paula Flores Kastanis Number of classification: 428.07 FLO

Title: English 3 Author: Paula Flores Kastanis Number of classification: 428.07 FLO 2010

Title: The english hub 1A Author: H. Q. Mitchell Number of classification: 428.7 MIT

Title: The english hub 1B Author: H. Q. Mitchell Number of classification: 428.07 MIT

Title: The english hub 2A Author: H. Q. Mitchell Number of classification: 428.7 MIT

Title: The english hub 2B Author: H. Q. Mitchell Number of classification: 428.7 MIT

Title: The english hub 3A Author: H. Q. Mitchell Number of classification: 428.7 MIT

Title: The english hub 3B Author: H. Q. Mitchell Number of classification: 428.7 MIT

Title: Idioms at work Author: Vera McLay Number of classification: 428.8 MLC

Title: The phonology of english as an international lenguage Author: Jennifer Jekins Number of classification: 428.15 JEN

Title: The complete guide to the TOEFL test PBT edition Author: Bruce Rogers Number of classification: 428.0076 ROG

Title: The complete guide to the TOEFL test IBT edition Author: Bruce Rogers Number of classification: 428.0076 ROG

Title: Compresión de lectura en inglés II Author: Nelly Camacho iñiguez Number of classification: 428.246 CAM

Title: Compresión de lectura en inglés II Author: Nelly Camacho iñiguez Number of classification: 428.246 COM

Title: Gramática inglés Fácil Author: Francoise Larroche Number of classification: 428.2461 LAR

Title: Work Book 2 Author: Jim Nixon Number of classification: 428.2461 WOR

Title: Work Book 2 Author: Jim Nixon Number of classification: 428.2461 WOR

Title: World War Z Author: Max Brooks Number of classification: 813.6 BRO 2007

Title: The curious case of Benjamin Button Author: F. Scott Fitzgerald Number of classification: 813.6 FIT

Title: Carrie Author: Stephen King Number of classification: 813.54 KIN

Title: The prince of los cocuyos Author: Richard Blanco Number of classification: 818.6 BLA

Title: The picture of Dorian Gray Author: Oscar Wilde Number of classification: 822 WIL

Title: The picture of Dorian Gray Author: Oscar Wilde Number of classification: 822 WIL

Title: Tom Sawyer & Huckleberry Finn Author: Mark Twain Number of classification: 823 TWA 2011

Title: Dead poets society Author: N.H. Kleinbaum Number of classification: 823.5 KLE

Title: Sherlock Holmes and the sport of kings Author: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Number of classification: 823.9 DOY

Title: Sherlock Holmes short stories Author: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Number of classification: 823.9 DOY

Title: Frankenstein Author: Mary shelley Number of classification: 823.7 SHE

Title: The island of doctor moreau Author: H.G. Wells Number of classification: 823.9 WEL

Title: The inviseble man Author: H.G. Wells Number of classification: 823.9 WEL 2005

Title: The war of the worlds Author: H.G. Wells Number of classification: 823.9 WEL

Title: The lord of the rings the return of the King Author: J.R.R. Tolkien Number of classification: 823.912 TOL

Title: The lord of the rings the two towers Author: J.R.R. Tolkien Number of classification: 823.912 TOL

Title: The lord of the rings the fellowship of the ring Author: J.R.R. Tolkien Number of classification: 823.912 TOL

Title: The Sirmarillion Author: J.R.R Tolkien Number of classification: 823.912 TOL

Title: The hobbit Author: J.R.R Tolkien Number of classification: 823.9142 TOL

Title: Mulan Author: Janet Hardy Gould Number of classification: 972 CAS

Title: The alchemist Author: Paulo Coelho Number of classification: B869.6 COL

Title: The jungle book Author: Rudyard Kipling Number of classification: E823.914 KIP

Title: The Count of Monte Cristo Author: Alexandre Dumas

Number of classification: F843.7 DUM

Title: The Canterville ghost Author: Oscar Wilde Number of classification: I823.8 WIL

Title: Little women Author: Louisa May Alcott Number of classification: U813.3 ALC

Title:The adventures of Tom Sawyer Author: Mark Twain

Number of classification: U813.4 TWA

Title: Dead man`s island Author: John Escott Number of classification: U813.54 ESC

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