Juats and Learn (December 2012)

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Yanyan/Juats Amarillo’s personal newsletter

Juats and Learn “My Journey as a Servant-Leader and as a Medical Ambassador for Christ…” OCTOBER— OCTOBER—DECEMBER 2012


Current Ministry and Missions Involvement:

Grow Intimately, Work Excellently “Nursing Towards Global Transformation: Equipping Leaders for Excellence.”

Journal on NCF National Conference ‘12


“Reconciling man to God through Christ, Preparing all the nations for Christ”

My photo taken @ Tagaytay Mission Camp during the NCF National Conference 2012


His year has been a great year for me with the Lord - filled with many surprises, challenges and successes. With some uncertainties and tough times along the way, I praise and thank God for what He has done in me and through me. I am blessed to be a blessing. In every situation that I came to encounter, He always brought me closer to Him and taught me to worship and take pleasure in Him for indeed, “God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him” (John Piper).

t was a great blessing for me to attend this year’s NCF National Conference. I’ve learned so many things during the event and they were so practical, encouraging, empowering and Biblical. I was reminded that everything is all about God and none of me. Insights such as the following brought great impact in my life:

• “Prayer requires intimacy with God, intimacy requires prayer.” • “Prayer brings forth intimacy , intimacy brings forth prayer.”

God must be number One when it comes to my priority; God must be in most (if not all) of the things I do when it comes to percentage; and He should permeate in every aspect of my life in order for me to say that I love

Him with all of my heart, my mind, my soul and my strength. I’ve also learned the new model of leadership that was presented to us and it is basically leading one-self. To be a powerful change agent, I must first be a changed agent. I should walk my talk. A life of excellence speaks louder than words and brings glory to God. The Lord deserves excellence in everything that we do.

♦ Primary Health Care - Community Organization / Development, Community Health Nursing as a MAP staff nurse/ field nurse ♦ Nurses Christian Fellowship (NCF) Philippines as a volunteer member ♦ Missions Mobilization through KAIROS Course (4th edition) as a facilitator ♦ Spiritual Care (Evangelism, Discipleship, Regular Missions)

Upcoming events you can partner with: ♦ MMI - MAP Medical Mission, Ifugao (February 11-15, 2013) ♦ iMMERGENCE 2013, The Palawan Loop (April 1-30, 2013) ♦ Operation Samaria 2013, Lubang Island (May 16-28, 2013)

“If not excellence, what? If not excellence now, when? Excellence… Always.”

Excellence is costly. It is a choice. We, as the people of God, should pursue excellence in all areas of our lives. We must, therefore, pray unceasingly and practice intimacy with God for us to proclaim His supremacy.

Journal on Jabez Expedition 2012


abez Expedition 2012 made me realize (firsthand experience) the challenges faced by frontier

Net Fishing in one of the rivers of Kampong Thom, Cambodia

frontier missionaries and even by OFWs in crossing language and cultural barriers. Being a foreigner in a distant land reminded me that heaven is our home and we are commissioned to be ambassadors - reconciling

man to God through Christ. For me, it was a postKAIROS exposure and

God’s heart for missions was reaffirmed that truly all nations will hear the gospel and bow down before Him. We, therefore, fervently pray to the Lord of the harvest to send forth workers into His harvest field so that one day there will be no more missions, everything will be worship.

To learn more, visit my webpage @ www.yanjuats.webs.com or

Inter-active Bible Storying with Khmer Interpreter @ Solid Rock Baptist Church, Bileg Community, Kampong Thom, Cambodia

Aw khun ch'ran to those who have journeyed with us through this short-term missions trip! You've been a blessing to other nations. Lord abundantly bless you!

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