JUB Holland - Showbox Summer 2023

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of colour Royal supplier 2023 show boxes

We offer a collection of cardboard show boxes with loose flowerbulbs. All boxes have 5 varieties with colourful photos of each variety. A total of 40 different show boxes is available. The show boxes can be displayed on tables or in a special wooden showbox display rack with room for 4 boxes at 4 levels.Your customers can choose exactly the amount of bulbs they like. A nice addition to the prepacked bulb displays.

DU Schauboxen Wir bieten eine Kollektion von Boxen mit losen Blumenzwiebeln an. Alle Boxen haben 5 Blumenzwiebelsorten mit farbigen Fotos von jeder Sorte. Es stehen insgesamt 40 verschiedene Boxen zur Verfügung. Sie können auf Tischen oder in einem speziellen Display aus Holz mit Platz für 4 Boxen in 4 Ebenen angezeigt werden. Ihre Kunden können genau die Anzahl der Blumenzwiebeln wählen, die sie möchten. Eine schöne Ergänzung zu den abgepackten Blumenzwiebeln.

On propose une collection de présentoirs en carton avec des bulbes en vrac. Toutes les cartons ont 5 variétés de bulbes avec des photos colorées de chaque variété. Il y a 40 différents cartons disponibles. Les cartons peuvent être affichés sur des tables ou dans un présentoir en bois spécial avec une capacité de 4 cartons sur 4 niveaux. Vos clients peuvent choisir exactement la quantité de bulbs qu’ils souhaitent. Une belle addition aux présentoirs à bulbes préemballés.

FR Présentoirs au carton

Een collectie showdozen met losse bloembollen. Alle dozen bevatten 5 soorten met kleurrijke foto’s van elke variëteit. Er zijn in totaal 40 verschillende showdozen beschikbaar. Ze kunnen worden geplaatst op tafels of in een speciaal houten showboxdisplay met ruimte voor 4 dozen op 4 niveaus. Uw klanten kunnen precies kiezen hoeveel bollen zij willen hebben. Een mooie toevoeging aan de voorverpakte bloembollen-displays.

EN Show boxes

NL Showdozen

JUB Holland certificates & cooperations Visit the JUB garden, nr. 14, at Keukenhof. Season 2023: March 23 - May 14 Contact JUB LinkedIn:Instagram:Facebook:JUBwww.jubholland.nlinfo@jubholland.nltel.The2211RobijnslaanHolland43TGNoordwijkerhoutNetherlands+31(0)252373762TODAYjubhollandjub_hollandjub-holland 02

5 pictures per show box 5 Varieties of loose flower bulbs separated by cardboard dividers. Box dimensions: 80 x 36 x 9cm. (Height per box can, depending on the bulb size, vary from 9 to 21 cm.) Content per show box: Box Litres Boxes/pallet Wooden show box display 4 layer wooden display for 4 show boxes CBA Show boxes 03 173240 724230

749.700 75 Dahlia - AnemoneSize I, Box A Contents: 15 The Phantom 15 Take Off 15 Jive 15 Toto 15 Life Style 749.730 75 Dahlia - Cactus ASize I, Box A Contents: 151515KennemerlandGoldCrownPurpleGem15MyLove 15 Witteman’s Best 749.740 75 Dahlia - Cactus BSize I, Box A Contents: 15 Rebecca’s World 15 Veritable 1515PreferenceNuitd’Été 15 Hayley749.760Jane 75 Dahlia - Decorative ASize I, Box A Contents: 15 Glorie van Noordwijk 15 Arabian Night 15 Glory of Heemstede 15 Garden Wonder 15 White Onesta Dahlia Arabian Night Dahlia Glory of Heemstede Dahlia White OnestaDahlia Garden WonderDahlia Glorie van Noordwijk JUB_showbox_760 350 mm_749760_Dahlia Decorative A Dahlia Purple GemDahlia Kennemerland Dahlia Golden Crown Dahlia Witteman’s BestDahlia My Love JUB_showbox_760 x 350 mm_749730_Dahlia Cactus A Dahlia PréférenceDahlia Rebecca’s World Dahlia Veritable Dahlia Nuit d’Été Dahlia Hayley Jane JULY OCT.JULY OCT. JULY OCT. JULY OCT. JULY JUB_showbox_760 350 mm_749740_Dahlia Cactus B_New Dahlia Toto Dahlia Life StyleDahlia The Phantom Dahlia JiveDahlia Take Off JUB_showbox_760 350 mm_749700_Dahlia Anemone type_New 04 749.770 75 Dahlia - Decorative BSize I, Box A 1515Contents:Procyon15DuetCrazyLove 15 Grand Prix 15 Santa Claus Dahlia Santa ClausDahlia Duet Dahlia Crazy LoveDahlia Procyon Dahlia Grand Prix 90110 110 120 cm 100 cm JUB_showbox_760 x 350 mm_749770_Dahlia Decorative B

749.790 75 Dahlia - FimbriataSize I, Box A Contents: 15 Yellow Star 15 Sakura Fubuki 15 Tsuki Yori No Shisha 15 Alauna Clair Obscur 15 Star’s Favourite 749.850 75 Dahlia - PomponSize I, Box A Contents:15Nescio 15 Golden Scepter 15 Stolze von Berlin 15 Natal 15 Petra’s Wedding Dahlia Tsuki Yori No ShishaDahlia Yellow Star Dahlia Star’s FavouriteDahlia Sakura Fubuki Dahlia Alauna Clair Obscur JUB_showbox_760 350 mm_749790_Dahlia Fimbriata Dahlia NatalDahlia Nescio Dahlia Petra’s WeddingDahlia Golden Scepter Dahlia Stolze von Berlin JUB_showbox_760 350 mm_749850_Dahlia Pompon 05 Gladiolus Milka Gladiolus Priscilla Gladiolus Purple Flora Gladiolus Fiorentina Gladiolus Fidelio JUB_showbox_760 x 350 mm_750150 (750270) Gladiolus B 750.120 300 Gladiolus - ASize 14/+, Box B Contents:60Nori 60 Nova Lux 60 Peter Pears 60 Far West 60 Traderhorn750.150 300 Gladiolus - BSize 14/+, Box B 60Contents:60MilkaPriscilla 60 Purple Flora 6060FiorentinaFidelio 750.180 300 Gladiolus - CSize 14/+, Box B 6060Contents:SapporoPlumTart 60 White Prosperity 60 Rose Supreme 60 Back Star Gladiolus Far West Gladiolus TraderhornGladiolus Nori Gladiolus Peter PearsGladiolus Nova Lux JUB_showbox_760 350 mm_750120 (750240) Gladiolus A Gladiolus White Prosperity Gladiolus Back StarGladiolus Sapporo Gladiolus Rose SupremeGladiolus Plum tart JUB_showbox_760 x 350 mm_750180 (750300) Gladiolus

Gladiolus Amber Mistique Gladiolus Indian Summer Gladiolus Circus Color JULY AUG. JULY AUG. JULY AUG. Gladiolus Lumiere JULY AUG. Gladiolus Kio JULY AUG. JUB_showbox_760 350 mm_750210 (750330) Gladiolus D 750.210 300 Gladiolus - DSize 14/+, Box B Contents: 60 Amber Mistique 60 Indian Summer 60 60LumiereKio 60 Circus 750.240Color 400 Gladiolus - ASize 12/14, Box B Contents:80Nori 80 Nova Lux 80 Peter Pears 80 Far West 80 Traderhorn Gladiolus Far West Gladiolus TraderhornGladiolus Nori Gladiolus Peter PearsGladiolus Nova Lux JUB_showbox_760 350 mm_750120 (750240) Gladiolus A 06 Gladiolus Amber Mistique Gladiolus Indian Summer Gladiolus Circus ColorGladiolus Lumiere Gladiolus Kio JUB_showbox_760 350 mm_750210 (750330) Gladiolus D 750.270 400 Gladiolus - BSize 12/14 Box B 80Contents:80MilkaPriscilla 80 Purple Flora 8080FiorentinaFidelio 750.300 400 Gladiolus - CSize 12/14, Box B 8080Contents:SapporoPlumTart 80 White Prosperity 80 Rose Supreme 80 Back 750.330Star 400 Gladiolus - DSize 12/14, Box B Contents: 80 Amber Mistique 80 Indian Summer 80 80LumiereKio 80 Circus Color Gladiolus White Prosperity Gladiolus Back StarGladiolus Sapporo Gladiolus Rose SupremeGladiolus Plum tart JUB_showbox_760 350 mm_750180 (750300) Gladiolus

Gladiolus Tambov Gladiolus JakoetskGladiolus Petsjora Gladiolus BurgundyGladiolus Blitz JUB_showbox_760 350 mm_750356 Ruffeld B 750.356 400 Gladiolus - RuffledSize 12/14, Box B 8080Contents:Petsjora80BlitzBurgundy80Tambov80Jakoetsk 07 750.390 400 Gladiolus - ButterflySize 10/12, Box C 80Contents:80AlanaAphrodite80Maggie80Kitty 80 Mademoiselle de Paris Gladiolus KittyGladiolus AphroditeGladiolus Alana Gladiolus Maggie Gladiolus Mademioselle de Paris JULY AUG.JULY AUG. JULY AUG. JULY AUG. JULY AUG. JUB_showbox_760 x 350 mm_750390 Gladiolus Butterfly 750.450 100 Lilium - AsiaticSize 14/16, Box C 20Contents:Prunotto 20 Netty’s Pride 20 Rosella’s Dream 20 Easy Dance 20 Navona Lilium Mount Cook Lilium BrasiliaLilium Muscadet Lilium Mr. CasLilium Casa blanca JUB_showbox_760 x 350 mm_750510_Lilium oriental_New 750.480 100 Lilium - Asiatic PotSize 14/16, Box C Contents: 20 Butter Pixie 20 Elgrado 20 Foxtrot 20 Inuvik 20 Abbeville’s Pride 750.510 100 Lilium - OrientalSize 14/16, Box C 2020Contents:MuscadetCasaBlanca20Mr.Cas20MountCook20Brasilia®

08 Lilium Apricot Fudge Lilium AnastasiaLilium Robert Swanson Lilium Beverly DreamsLilium Passion Moon JUB_showbox_760 350 mm_750570_Lilium oriental trumpet Lilium Lotus BeautyLilium Flore PlenoLilium Kensington Lilium Elodie Lilium Red Twin JUB_showbox_760 350 mm_750540_Lilium double flowering_New 750.570 100 Lilium - OTSize 14/16, Box C Contents: 20 Robert Swanson 20 Passion Moon 20 Beverly Dreams 20 Apricot Fudge 20750.540Anastasia100 Lilium - Double asiaticSize 14/16, Box C 20Contents:Kensington 20 Flore Pleno® 20 Elodie 20 Lotus Beauty 20 Red 750.600Twin 150 Begonia - GrandifloraSize 5/6, Box C 30Contents:30Pink30WhiteOrange30Red 30 Yellow Begonia Grandiflora Red Begonia Grandiflora YellowBegonia Grandiflora Pink Begonia Grandiflora OrangeBegonia Grandiflora White JUNE OCT.JUNE OCT. JUNE OCT. JUNE OCT. JUNE OCT. JUB_showbox_760 x 350 mm_750600 Begonia Double flowering (Grandiflora) 750.660 150 Begonia - PendulaSize 5/6, Box C Contents: 30 Yellow 30 Red 3030OrangeWhite30Pink Begonia Pendula White Begonia Pendula PinkBegonia Pendula Yellow Begonia Pendula OrangeBegonia Pendula Red 2525 25 25 cm 25 cm JUB_showbox_760 x 350 mm_750660 Begonia Pendula 750.630 150 Begonia - FimbriataSize 5/6, Box C Contents: 30 Yellow 30 Red 30 Pink 30 White 30 Orange Begonia Fimbriata White Begonia Fimbriata OrangeBegonia Fimbriata Yellow Begonia Fimbriata PinkBegonia Fimbriata Red JUB_showbox_760 x 350 mm_750630 Begonia Fimbriata

09 750.750 750 Anemone - SingleSize 6/7, Box C 150Contents:Hollandia150Bride150Sylphide 150 Mr. Fokker 150 De Caen Mix Anemone Hollandia Anemone Mr. FokkerAnemone SylphideAnemone Bride Anemone De Caen JUB_showbox_760 x 350 mm_750750 Anemone single JUB_showbox_760 350 mm_750750 Anemone single.indd 750.721 150 Begonia - VariousSize 5/6, Box C Contents: 30 Bouton de Rose 30 Crispa marginata, yellow-red 30 Crispa marginata, white-red 30 Picotee, yellow-red 30 Picotee, white-red Begonia Picotee Yellow Begonia Picotee WhiteBegonia Bouton de Rose Begonia Crispa Marginata WhiteBegonia Crispa Marginata Yellow JUB_showbox_760 350 mm_750720 Begonias Various 750.840 75 Canna - LargeSize I, Box B Contents: 15 Richard Wallace 15 City of Portland 1515WyomingPicasso 15 Red Futurity 750.900 750 Freesia - DoubleSize 5/+, Box C Contents:150White150Red 150 Yellow 150 Pink 150 Blue Canna Red FuturityCanna Richard Wallace Canna PicassoCanna City of Portland Canna Wyoming 120 120 120 cm110 90 JUB_showbox_760 x 350 mm_750840 Canna large flowering 750.960 750 Ranunculus Size 6/7 Box C Contents: 150 Yellow 150 Red 150150OrangeWhite150PinkRanunculus OrangeRanunculus Yellow Ranunculus Red Ranunculus White Ranunculus Pink JUB_showbox_760 x 350 mm_750960 Ranunculus

Zantedeschia Morning SunZantedeschia Odessa Zantedeschia Captain Melrose Zantedeschia Accent Zantedeschia Summer Sun 60 60 60 cm60 45cm JUB_showbox_760 x 350 mm_751010 Zantedeschia Zantedeschia Royal ValentineZantedeschia Captain Ventura Zantedeschia Picasso Zantedeschia Orange AlertZantedeschia Zazu JUB_showbox_760 x 350 mm_750990 Zantedeschia A 10 750.990 100 Zantedeschia - ASize 14/16, Box C Contents: 20 Captain Ventura 20 Royal Valentine 20 Zazu 20 Picasso 20 Orange751.050Alert 100 Various bulbs - LargeSize 16/18, Box B Contents: 20 Eucomis bicolor 20 Hymenocallis festalis 20 Amarine belladiva 20 Ornithogalum saundersiae 20 Zantedeschia Durban Ornithogalum saundersiaeHymenocallis festalis Amarine BelladivaEucomis bicolor Zantedeschia Durban 80 75 100 cm40 60 JUB_showbox_760 350 mm_751050 Various Bulbs LARGE 751.010 100 Zantedeschia - BSize 14/16:, Box C 20Contents:Odessa 20 Captain Melrose 20 Accent 20 Summer Sun 20 Morning Sun 751.020 750 Various bulbs - smallSize see per variety, Box C Contents: 150 Freesia single mix, 5/+ 150 Gladiolus callianthus, 6/8 150 Ixia Mix, 5/+ 150 Oxalis deppei Iron Cross, 5/+ 150 Crocosmia Mix, 6/7 751.080 75 Hemerocallis - small flow.Size I, Box B 1515Contents:LittleMissyBrilliantCircle 15 Stella d’Oro 15 Pardon Me 15 Siloam French Doll Oxalis deppei Iron CrossGladiolus callianthus (Acidanthera) Ixia MixedFreesia Single Mixed Crocosmia Mixed JUB_showbox_760 x 350 mm_751020 Various Bulbs SMALL Hemerocallis Siloam French DollHemerocallis Brilliant CircleHemerocallis Little Missy Hemerocallis Pardon MeHemerocallis Stella d’Oro JUB_showbox_760 x 350 mm_751080 Hemerocallis Small flowering

11 751.170 75 Hosta Size I, Box B 15Contents:ColorGlory 15 Fried Bananas 15 Brim Cup 15 Moody Blues 15 Patriot Hosta Moody BluesHosta Fried Bananas Hosta Brim Cup Hosta PatriotHosta Color Glory JUB_showbox_760 x 350 mm_751170 Hosta 751.240 50 Paeonia Size 2/3, Box B Contents: 10 Bowl of Beauty 10 Primavera 10 Sarah Bernhardt 10 Karl Rosenfield 10 Duchesse de Nemours Paeonia Karl RosenfieldPaeonia Primavera Paeonia Sarah BernhardtPaeonia Bowl of Beauty Paeonia Duchesse de Nemours MAY JUNE MAY JUNE MAY JUNEMAY JUNE MAY JUNE JUB_showbox_760 350 mm_751053 Paeonia 751.200 75 Iris germanica Size I, Box B Contents: 15 Loop the Loop 15 Senlac 15 Rajah Brooke 15 White Knight 15 Night Owl Iris Loop the Loop Iris Rajah Brooke Iris Night OwlIris White KnightIris Senlac JUB_showbox_760 350 mm_751200 Iris germanica Lupine Blue Lupine Yellow Lupine Red Lupine Pink Lupine White 100 100 100100 100 JUB_showbox_760 x 350 mm_Lupine Alcea Chater’s Double RedAlcea Chater’s Double Blue Alcea Chater’s Double PinkAlcea Chater’s Double Yellow Alcea Chater’s Double Nigra (black) JUB_showbox_760 350 mm_751240 Alcea Rosea 751.230 75 Lupinus Size I, Box B Contents:15Blue 15 Yellow 15 Red 15 Pink 15751.053White75 Alcea rosea Size I, Box B Contents: 15 Chater’s Double Yellow 15 Chater’s Double Blue 15 Chater’s Double Pink 15 Chater’s Double Red 15 Chater’s Nigra (black)

Royal supplier of colour

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