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Naturalising bulbs

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JUB specialister

JUB specialister

Chionodoxa grows in all welldrained soils in sunny or semishaded places. It is therefore very suitable for use under deciduous trees, shrubs and hedges.


The real spring bell. It flowers in April/ May and can be used well in moist soil and is therefore excellent for use in clay or loamy soil.

The yellow wood anemone feels at home in a shady and moist place. This ground cover should be planted immediately upon receipt.

The eastern anemone feels at home in a semishaded place. For best results, this ground cover should be soaked in water for a few hours before planting.

Very early flowering scilla. Plant them in a sunny to semi-shaded position in welldrained soil. The scilla multiplies rapidly by means of the bulb and by seed.

These scillas attract many bees. Plant them in a sunny to semishaded place in well-drained soil. Scillas propagate quickly through bulblets as well as seeds.

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