The HCOS Weekly: Vol. 2, Ed. 13

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The HCOS Weekly Vol. 2 Edition 13 Answers to the World's Most Pressing Question: Exploring the Science behind Everday Occurrences & Events An Article By Genevieve Ward

ach growling is "borborygmus", which comes from a word which the Ancient Greeks invented to describe the sound, and which is also Welcome back, wonderful readers, quite possibly the greatest examto the fascinating world of science ple of onomatopoeia ever in the & the world around us; before history of the world. starting on today's science-y explanation, I feel it is necessary to clari- In order to explain how and why fy that this article is not in any way borborygmus occurs, it is necesendorsed by your parents and/or sary for (most) readers to take a teachers, however likely that may trip down memory lane; back a seem. couple of years, perhaps more With that disclaimer out of the way, let us get right to it: coming off of the Good Friday/Resurrection Sunday weekend, I hope that your stomachs are all as full as I'm expecting mine to be: stuffed with hot cross buns, fancy family dinners, and a heinously large amount of chocolate. (By the way, is it official yet that every consumerist holiday is just an excuse to buy more chocolate? Can we get a signed form stating this?) However, should that for any reason not be the case, you may very well experience a common biological process: stomach growling (actually, I'm going to retract about half of that statement at some point, but we'll let it stand for now). And for those of you who may be curious about how/why this process occurs, I'm about to explain it.

than a couple for a few of us elderly folk, to the thrilling world of Grade 5 Science: the study of the human body. During that undeniably informative year most of us learned about the various systems of the body, including the one which causes borborygmus: the digestive system. For those of you who don't remember, the digestive system is essentially a long tube going from your mouth to your posterior. Food passes through this tube, and along the way a whole bunch of other important things happen to it involving various orFirst off, I think it's necessary to let gans and fun stuff like that (for a you all know that the official scien- more in-depth description of the tific title for the process of stom- digestive system, please see your

nearest Grade 5 science student). The movement of food through your digestive system is actually what causes borborygmus: in a process called peristalsis, muscle contractions churn food, liquids, and various digestive juices together, making a substance known as chyme. Peristalsis also pushes the chyme downwards, along with various gasses and air. As the chyme is getting pushed around, the pockets of gas and air are also moved around and squeezed, causing that distinctive sound which we know as a "stomach growl/rumble/gurgle/etc" (aka borborygmus). At this point, some of you are probably wondering why borborygmus (no I will not stop using that word, it is my favorite word right now and you'll have to accept that) always seems to occur when you're hungry; ater, all isn't it caused by the movement of gasses and air, and by extension, food, through your digestive system? Good question, you smart student, you! And there is an explanation for it which I'll be diving into for the next article, along with a retraction for that half a sentence I mentioned earlier (double points to you, inevitable eagle-eyed reader who saw that and is wondering where the retraction is). Until then, wait with bated breath and anticipation (or look it up on Google, whatever works for you.)


The HCOS Weekly

Happy Monday! Sources: human-body/systems/digestive/ stomach-growling1.htm 648621/why-does-the-stomachgrowl-or


Easter: In the Garden An Article By Deanna Burmatoff

- Jesus and His disciples have just had the Last Supper together and He revealed that one of them will betray Him.

Taken and adapted from the Easter discussion from the Fellowship of - Jesus predicts Peter's denial. Followers Bible Study on Skype and NING. Now Jesus is in the Garden of Gethsemane with His disciples. As many of you may know, Easter was Sunday, April 5th, and Good Matthew 26:36-46 (NLT) Friday was April 3rd. Easter is such 36 Then Jesus went with them to a wonderful time of year, because the olive grove called Gethsemane, it reminds us of the great sacrifice and he said, "Sit here while I go over Jesus made for us. It is just so there to pray." 37 He took Peter and amazing that the Son of God Zebedee's two sons, James and would come down to earth to be John, and he became anguished just like us, and even more amaz- and distressed. 38 He told them, ing that He would actually take our "My soul is crushed with grief to the place on the cross, that He would point of death. Stay here and keep die for our sins, so that we can watch with me." have the chance to be with Him in heaven! It's just inexpressible. I Jesus would have known what was just… I don't even know what else about to happen to Him. That to say. Thank You so, so, so much, would explain why His soul was Jesus! "crushed with grief to the point of death". Peter, James, John, and In this article we will be focussing the other disciples didn't underon Jesus in the Garden of Gethse- stand what was going to happen, mane. even though Jesus had explained to them several times what would Some previous events leading up happen. to this: - Jesus has already entered Jerusalem, riding on a donkey (Palm Sunday).


- The Pharisees and religious leaders were plotting a way to kill Jesus. - A woman had anointed Jesus' feet with costly perfume. - Judas had agreed to betray Jesus to the Pharisees and was looking 39He went on a little farther and for the right opportunity. bowed with his face to the ground,

The HCOS Weekly

praying, "My Father! If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine." Even though Jesus knew the great pain and suffering He had to endure as a man, He still wanted God's will to be done, not His own. He could see past the suffering and knew that in the end the reward would be worth it. We can take this example and apply it to when we have trials. Though we can't see what the future holds, we can trust that God will lead us out of the dark times and into prosperity. We can trust that the reward will be worth the struggle. 40Then he returned to the disciples and found them asleep. He said to Peter, "Couldn't you watch with me even one hour? 41 Keep watch and pray, so that you will not give in to temptation. For the spirit is willing, but the body is weak!" 42Then Jesus let them a second time and prayed, "My Father! If this cup cannot be taken away[f]unless I drink it, your will be done." 43 When he returned to them again, he found them sleeping, for they couldn't keep their eyes open. 44So he went to pray a third time, saying the same things again. 45 Then he came to the disciples and said, "Go ahead and sleep. Have your rest. But look-the time has come. The Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners. 46 Up, let's be going. Look, my betrayer is here!" It's my theory that while praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus experienced all the grief, pain, sadness, sickness, disease, suffering, trials, depression, etc. that everyone has gone through or will go


through. I believe this is the time when Jesus felt all the burdens that everyone has to carry at some point in their life. By doing this, I think this enables Jesus to feel and know what we all have gone through, and to be able to say that He too knows the pain and suffering and that He will give us the strength He knows we need to endure through it. Jesus, while He was here on Earth as a man, experienced all the hardships people have to go through. He knows first-hand. He knows how difficult it is for us to keep going at times. He knows that we lack physical or emotional or spiritual strength to get past these obstacles. He wants to give us the strength we need so that we can get past, so that we can make it, so that we can succeed. And being God, Jesus has all the power in the world, in the universe, and in all of creation, to give us the exact strength we need! So next time you're going through trials and you think to yourself, "There's no one who understands what I'm going through," remember Jesus knows and will help you the second you ask. Let's say a quick prayer. "Jesus, thank You so much that You came down to Earth, to be a man, to experience everything that we have gone through, to be able to say that You understand. Our sufferings are nowhere as great as Yours was, yet You care about each and every one of our problems. You love us so much, Lord. I pray that You would give us that same love for You. Remind us to lean on You when we are struggling, because You have all the power to help us. Thank You so much, Jesus. In Your name I pray, amen."

Yearbook 2015 A Special Announcement By Jennica Wlodarczyk Last year was the first time students from HCOS got together and created a virtual, online yearbook. Even though it was released late, the project was well-appreciated by multiple HCOS families. Students from grades 8-12 had the opportunity to be featured in the yearbook, and there were pages dedicated to field trips, the Comparative Civilizations 12 group, the Forum Moderation Team, and CHEC. This year, Mrs. Pippa Davies is searching for high school students and their families to help out with the 2015 yearbook. She is looking for dedicated people with pictures and stories, fun facts, and the dedication to make the 2015 yearbook a success! If you are interested in helping out with this year's yearbook, please email Pippa Davies at Thank you!

NING Contests An Announcement By Jennica Wlodarczyk The HCOS NING is full of fun contests and opportunities to meet other students. The biggest contest right now is the Poetry and Writing Competition. Not only is this contest a way to connect with other HCOS students, but it is a chance for students to build their English skills. If you don't yet have a NING account, please send a request email to


The HCOS Weekly

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Photo taken by Deanna Burmato, Grade 11

The HCOS Weekly

Photo taken by Eva Umana, Grade 10

Photo taken by Deanna Burmato, Grade 11



Photo taken by Eva Umana, Grade 10

Photo taken by Eva Umana, Grade 10

The HCOS Weekly

The HCOS Weekly


Weekly LOL Compiled by Jesse Ongkili

Super Comics

"On Your Let" by Joshua Wlodarczyk

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