Jubilee environmental brochure

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s e ic rv e s s s e in s u b h it w u P ro v id in g y o r u o y g in c u d re t s il h w , ts c u a n d p ro d e n v ir o n m e n ta l im p a c t



fr o m Y o u c a n E x pe c t M o re c a re J ub ile e .. . B e c a us e we

ro a ch … pp a l ta n e m n ro vi n e ur o m o fr re E xp e ct M o We focus on providing customers the best service whilst considering the social and environmental aspects and impacts of its business. We are committed to: • Working together with our customers to build a sustainable future • Reducing the impact we all have on the environment • Striving to continuously increase our contribution to corporate and social responsibility At Jubilee, we do this by providing our customers with exciting, innovative environmental initiatives and recycling schemes, sustainable products and measurable environmental savings.

O u r k e y e n v ir o n m e n ta l o b je c ti v e s • To work with our customers to reduce their environmental impact by providing environmental initiatives and recycling services that are simple to set up and manage • To create and supply a diverse environmental range of products to suit your business needs • To provide our customers with the best possible service, whilst considering the social and environmental impacts of our activities • To provide our customers with meaningful and concise environmental reporting

D if fe re n t fr o m th e re st At Jubilee, everything we talk about and offer to our customers, we practice ourselves through our own internal initiatives.

energy Reduced our b y 10 % c o n s u m p ti o n

With a dedicated team of Environmental & Sustainability Ambassadors across each of the Regional Distribution Centres, it means we can make a real difference in reducing our environmental impact. To help achieve our key environmental goals we have set clear targets and commitments over the last few years which have delivered sustainable results leading to direct environmental savings.


tonnes of waste paper saved from going to landfill through our Close the Loop service.

Reduced our CO2 emissions by tonnes within our 260 delivery fleet.

That’s the weight of pigs!


Last year we saved cardboard 1,014,750 boxes from going to landfill.

or f r e h ig h ts e g r S e tt in g o u r ta


• Increase the internal use of paper recycling by 100% • Increase the use of recycled, reusable bags in our delivery service by 50% • Reduce business mileage by 10% • Reduce CO2 emissions by


E n v ir o n m e n ta l a c h ie v e m e n ts a n d p a r tn e r s h ip s ISO 14001 Awarded in 2008, this certifies our logistics partner regularly monitor and improve its environmental performance through its environmental management system. This ensures the company sets environmental objectives, monitors its environmental performance and constantly strives to better itself.

c ts u d o r P l ta n e m n o O u r E n v ir

At Jubilee, we produce our own range of environmentally friendly office supplies branded EcoTeam. These items are a great first step in making a change to your business that will lead to a big environmental impact in the future. Made from a minimum of 50% post consumer waste that has been carefully recycled, EcoTeam products help extend the life cycle of what would usually go to landfill into new and exciting products for the future.

For 2013 we extended our product range to include even more environmentally friendly office supplies like: • Wrist rests

• Rulers

• Lever arch files

• Pencils

• Copier paper

• Pads

• Drywipe markers

• Suspension files

• Flipchart markers

• Highlighters

Using returned stock internally

Reducing plastic waste

Jubilee reuse any returned / damaged products from customers which cannot go back into stock.

Jubilee has introduced filtered mains drinking water systems into many offices.

Company cars

Packaging waste

Enhancing our energy efficiency

All company cars are less than 5 years old – lowering our carbon emissions. Our staff are encouraged to complete the environmental driving course on Risk Master. We encourage the selection of Hybrid vehicles as staff company cars.

Jubilee ensure all internal orders use minimal packaging and supplier pallets are reused in all warehouses.

Jubilee aim to reduce the amount of energy used in our offices by encouraging all staff to turn off lights and electrical equipment overnight, activate hibernation settings on all computers and only print documents when necessary. All I.T. equipment is disposed of correctly in accordance with the W.E.E.E. directive. Parts are recycled for future use wherever possible. We can dispose of your waste I.T. equipment too!

O ur lo g is tic s Their unique infrastructure of local stocking points ensure an excellent, personal service and help to minimise the effect your business has on the environment. We are happy to advise on delivery schedules, which will further reduce carbon emissions. Our logistics use intelligent route analysis to keep van mileage and emissions to a minimum. All Drivers complete a Riskmaster course to encourage economic fuel consumption.

T h ro ug h a n o ve rh a ul o f o ur lo g is ti c s o pe ra ti o n , we ’v e re d uc e d o ur C O 2 e m is si o n s b y 510 to n n e s. str y to in tro du ce du in r ou in st fir e th re we cs sti Ou r lo gi el ec tri c va n ch Ea . et fle y er liv de r ou to in el ec tri c va ns to nn er pe r ye ar ! 5 by ns io iss em on rb ca r ou s re du ce

A d e li v e r y f le e t w it h a s m a ll e r c a r b o n f o o tp r in t Jubilee is dedicated to reducing its carbon footprint. We have introduced a number of electric vans into our delivery fleet in major cities in addition to a logistics fleet comprising of over 200 Euro IV compliant and Euro V low emissions, energy efficient vehicles. By doing this, we reduced our carbon emissions by tonnes of CO2.


That’s enough energy to heat your house for years!


All our delivery vehicles are serviced and maintained in accordance with manufacturers recommendations in order to reduce pollution. As new automotive technology develops to help reduce carbon emissions, we will look to introduce them into our fleet. Currently we strive to use alternative ‘green’ fuels like electricity, LPG and Bio-fuels. Many of our vans are already fitted with carbon busting stop/start technology!

S u s ta in a b le P r o d u c ts

Extensive range of environmentally friendly products Jubilee’s environmental product range includes products in the categories of - recycled content, bio-degradable, non-toxic, remanufactured, post consumer waste, rechargeable and produced from material which is sustainable or less harmful to the environment. These products are labelled within our catalogue with a green leaf.

Products to help your business recycle internally: • Internal recycling bins and sacks • Desktop recycling • Battery recycling containers

Pr ov id in g yo ur bu sin es s wit h gr ee n al te rn at ive s fo r yo ur co re pr od uc t lis t.

Green approved products - over and above our EcoTeam range Jubilee has partnered with key brands to provide customers with over 200 branded environmental products. All products have been selected as having a manufacturing process that provides the least ecological impact on the environment and guaranteed by our suppliers as containing a high amount of recycled content.

Ec oT ea m Pro duc ts Close the Loop with our products EcoTeam is our range of sustainable products. All products within the EcoTeam range are produced from a minimum of 50% post consumer waste. By purchasing EcoTeam products you will be reducing the consumption of precious primary materials by turning material which would usually go to landfill into NEW and exciting products for the future.

Where do EcoTeam products come from? Our recycled paper products including EcoTeam paper are produced through our paper recycling initiative Close the Loop.

By simply switching to EcoTeam paper look at the difference you could make: Tonnes of Number of paper waste employees saved 250






London bus weight equivalent

w il l b e u o y ts c u d ro p m a B y u s in g E c o T e le ti n g th e p m o c d n a p o lo c lo s in g th e c li n g c ir c le . y c re e th f o e g f in a l s ta

s E n v ir o n m e n ta l S e r v ic e Creating a brighter future with your business waste Jubilee lead the market by bringing NEW environmental initiatives to our customers. We offer the complete recycling solution for all of your office requirements, from one source, eliminating the need for a separate recycling service and minimising your carbon emissions.

We ha ve sig ni fic an tly re du ce d ou r im pa ct on th e en vir on me nt – le t us he lp yo u to re du ce yo ur s.

All of our environmental initiatives and recycling schemes are easy to set up and convenient to use, collecting your waste items at the same time as delivering your office supplies. By using our range of environmental initiatives and recycling schemes, Jubilee can provide your business with quantifiable environmental savings.

o f yo ur Si n g le su pp lie r fo r a ll us in e ss o ff ic e pr o d uc ts a n d b se rv ic e s n e e d s.

Recycling initiatives • • • • • •

Paper recycling Toner cartridge collection Furniture collection and recycling Batteries collection W.E.E.E. collection and destruction Document services and confidential paper recycling

Stock management systems minimising obsolete waste and reducing your storage commitment

Local stocking points and a delivery

Environmental management reports

Sustainable products

Environmental appraisals

fleet with a smaller carbon footprint

Sustainable packaging

Su st a in a bl e Pa ck a g in g Delivering your products in sustainable packaging Jubilee are dedicated to reducing the packaging waste we use in our delivery service. Therefore, instead of supplying products to your business in cardboard boxes, which create waste and cannot be reused easily, we will where possible deliver supplies in Jubilee Bags.

Our Delivery Bags are: • 100% recycled • 100% recyclable Since introducing our bags into our delivery process, the amount of cardboard waste Jubilee has diverted from going to landfill is That’s the equivalent weight of cows!



tonnes . British

This year, we aim to increase the use of Packaging Back bags within our delivery service by 50%. This will reduce waste to landfill by additional tonnes.


A pa pe r re cy cl in g se rv ic e wi th a d if fe re n ce Close the Loop, Jubilee’s paper recycling service is a closed loop system which recycles customers paper waste and converts it back into new EcoTeam 100% recycled paper. By producing pulp from waste paper, we eliminate the need to cut down trees for the manufacturing of our EcoTeam paper.

Made from 100% post consumer waste (in fact it’s your waste!) our EcoTeam paper helps extend the life of paper fibre and reduces the wastage of precious resources and landfill.

Eliminating the need for a separate supplier By collecting your paper waste in our vehicles that deliver to you, we will be using our resources more productively and removing the need for a separate paper recycling company, therefore minimising your carbon emissions. We also provide secure paper collection and destruction.

So far Jubilee customers have saved 629 tonnes of paper waste from going to landfill.

R e cy cl e yo ur fu rn itu re wi th Ju bi le e Jubilee can provide a sustainable option for all your used office furniture. Through our furniture recycling service, in partnership with our principal furniture manufacturer, we will manage the disposal and recycling of all of your used furniture, when you purchase new furniture from us.

Eliminating the need for a separate supplier We take away your old furniture at the same time as delivering your new furniture, ensuring a seamless transfer and minimum office downtime.

Recycling into furniture for the future Once collected, the used furniture will be taken to our nearest depot, where it will be either donated to local charities or broken down for recycling into furniture for the future. Waste furniture is broken down into its component parts and segregated by material type. Many positive post consumer waste streams have been established for such materials as seating cloth, foam and polystyrene.

rt ri d g e s W e us e wa st e to n e r c a fo r th e to m a n uf a c tu re to n e rs fu tu re .

se rv ic e g in cl cy re d n a n io ct lle co e g d T o n e r ca rt ri

We are a licensed waste carrier and can provide you with a copy of the relevant documentation including a Waste Carrier License and annual Waste Transfer Note.

Collecting your toners at the same time as delivering to you We will collect your empty toner cartridges for recycling, at the same time as delivering your office supplies, providing you with a convenient waste solution whilst reducing your carbon footprint.

tte ri e s C o lle ct in g a n d re cy cl in g yo ur ba Jubilee provides a convenient battery recycling service, collecting your batteries at the same time as delivering to you. Our battery provider then collects the used batteries for recycling from our warehouses when delivering to us.

W .E .E .E . d e st ru ct io n As a business you are required under the 2007 W.E.E.E. Regulations to dispose of your electrical equipment correctly, it cannot be disposed of in general office waste. Jubilee can collect and dispose of your equipment, thus ensuring all equipment is either disposed of or recycled fully and responsibly.

O n lin e O rd e ri n g To help decrease the amount of paper used by Jubilee and our customers, we encourage the use of our online ordering facility, Jubilee Online. The system is completely web based, with no software to install, guaranteeing you the latest products and prices. The system offers high levels of management and purchasing information plus the authorisation infrastructure you would expect from an advanced procurement system. We work with you to set up a catalogue of your standard products with an agreed pricing structure. The rest is easy, all you have to do is log on and place your order.

b based e w le ib x le f H ig h ly h e lp s k e e p h ic h w , m te s sy l. y o u in c o n tr o

E n vi ro n m e n ta l Ap pr a is a ls By using Jubilee as a supplier we can implement small changes to your organisation that will have a big impact on the environment. Just by looking at your current ordering patterns, the products you order and methods you use to order them, the number of suppliers you deal with and how you place your orders with each supplier, Jubilee can help your business to work more efficiently and deliver all your products in one delivery reducing CO2 emissions. The foundation of our environmental appraisal is to look at your orders and provide you with environmental solutions where possible. At the same time we will also look to increase your bottom line by improving your day to day efficiencies accordingly.

R e p o r ts t n e m e g a n a M l ta n e m E n v ir o n Providing your business with quantifiable environmental savings and reports Jubilee’s quarterly environmental management reports provide your business with the opportunity to view and report back to colleagues and customers the contribution your business is making towards reducing your impact on the environment. Within the report Jubilee will analyse your buying behaviour, delivery frequency, order volumes, method of invoicing, paperwork and use of packaging for deliveries. Together with providing quantifiable data of the paper and toners your business has diverted from going to landfill through using our recycling initiatives.

Ongoing environmental performance reviews From the results obtained within the environmental management report, Jubilee will work with you to help identify future opportunities to improve your environmental performance and set targets for the next quarter, which Jubilee will support.

J u b il e e g in s u f o s it f e n e b e Th a s a s in g le s u p p li e r By using Jubilee as a single supplier for all your office services and products, we can reduce the amount of unnecessary administration, time and costs associated with raising separate orders and invoices. Whilst also benefiting from getting all you need delivered at the same time from a single supplier. Our unique delivery infrastructure ensures that we are local and on your doorstep, minimising the effect your business has on the environment. Our infrastructure is particularly suited for multi-site businesses.

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Key tips on reducing your businesses carbon footprint Close the Loop Recycle your paper waste through our paper recycling service

1. 2.



ent before Turn off all lights and electrical equipm leaving the office (where feasible) ection tubs

Recycle your batteries with Jubilee coll

ard, paper, plastics

Reduce landfill by segregating cardbo and glass


frequently, such Consider ordering your stationery less ase speak to your as twice weekly, rather than daily. Ple available Account Manager about the options


products Purchase EcoTeam sustainable office t consumer produced from a minimum of 50% pos waste


Complete an environmental audit of




your premises

Toner collection and recycling se the Loop

Recycle your Jubilee Bags in your Clo scheme

uments. Please Use double sided printing for all doc uss all of the speak to your Account Manager to disc printers that we offer with this facility

Pa ss io n a te D e d ic a te d Pr o fe ss io n a l R e lia b le E x pe rt Po si ti ve

Contact us on 03 33 700 7777 or for more informa tion visit www.jubileeoffic esupplies.co.uk O ur b ra n d va lu e s a re e m b e d d e d in to o ur e ve ry d a y b us in e ss a c ti vi ty , sh o wi n g o ur c o m m it m e n t to pr o vi d in g c us to m e rs wi th e x c e lle n t va lu e a n d se rv ic e in th e m o st e n vi ro n m e n ta lly fr ie n d ly and su st a in a b le wa y. We have only printed a limited number of brochures. Please ensure you recycle or return this brochure. Printed in 2014.

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